HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 19-24Report to Council Report Number: CS 19-24 Date: June 24, 2024 From: Laura Gibbs Director, Community Services Subject: Remembrance Day Poppy Markers – Artist Selection - Commission of Public Art - File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse that the commission of public art on the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park in Pickering be awarded to Linfeng Zhou; 2. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of $32,004 to be funded by a transfer from the Public Art Reserve as approved in the 2024 Current Budget; 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Letter of Understanding, between Linfeng Zhou and the City of Pickering, set out in Attachment 1, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s endorsement for the commission of public art, installed on the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park in Pickering, to be awarded to Linfeng Zhou. As per section 09.10 of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010), Public Art Project purchases with costs that exceed $25,000 are subject to Council approval. Based on Resolution #392/24 from January 30, 2024, staff have consulted with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606 on the suitability, design, and material to be used for a poppy sidewalk marker which is to be funded from the Public Art Reserve. As per the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), this purchase of artwork is being recommended following a publicly promoted Call to Artists with pre-qualification of artists based on submitted artwork concepts. The proposal by artist Linfeng Zhou received the highest juried score and was recommended and endorsed by the Public Art Jury and Cultural Advisory Committee. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priorities of Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community; and Strengthen Existing & Build New Partnerships. CS 19-24 June 24, 2024 Subject: Remembrance Day Poppy Markers – Artist Selection Page 2 Financial Implications: The Remembrance Day Poppy Markers is reflected in the approved 2024 Current Budget (Cultural Services 10207) in the amount of $35,000.00. The net purchase cost is to be funded from the Public Art Reserve in the amount of $31,066.00. 1. Estimated Project Costing Summary Fees set out in the Letter of Understanding $31,450.00 HST (13%) 4,089.00 Total Gross Project Costs $35,589.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (3,535).00 Total Net Project Costs $32,004.00 2. Approved Source of Funds Approved Code Source of Funds Budget Funds Required 10207.502520.9710 Public Art Reserve $35,000.00 $32,004.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $2,996.00 The remaining funds of $2,996.00 will be used for signage, lighting, communications and an unveiling event. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s endorsement for the commission of public art, to be installed on the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park in Pickering, be awarded to artist Linfeng Zhou. As per section 09.10 of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010), Public Art purchases with costs that exceed $25,000.00 are subject to Council approval. Staff met with volunteers from Legion Branch 606 before the Call to Artists was issued. This included a site visit to Esplanade Park to determine an appropriate location for the public artwork. Based on feedback from the Legion Branch 606, poppy markers were not located on the sidewalk or in the gardens to prevent people stepping on the poppies. The light posts in Esplanade Park were identified as the most suitable location for the artwork. Input from Legion Branch 606 was incorporated into the Call to Artists. As per Section 10.01 of the Public Art Policy (CUL 130, “The Policy”), an Open Call to Artists was selected as the Method of Acquisition. A one-stage process was selected in which artists submitted detailed project proposals. A Call to Artists – Request for Proposals was issued on March 25, 2024 (Attachment 1 – Schedule E). The Call to Artists was advertised through the City of Pickering website as well as Akimbo, PineRidge Arts Council (PRAC) Newsletter, Community Services Distribution List, Creative Cities Network of Canada, DurhamRegion.com, and through social media. CS 19-24 June 24, 2024 Subject: Remembrance Day Poppy Markers – Artist Selection Page 3 As per Section 09.01 of the Policy, a Public Art Jury was formed. The Public Art Jury evaluates the artist proposals in accordance with the Selection Considerations in Section 11 of The Policy. In this case, a Public Art Jury was convened to judge the submissions based on criteria established in the Public Art Policy. The Public Art Jury included two members from Legion Branch 606, along with members of the Cultural Advisory Committee, City Staff and professional artists. Thirteen artists responded to the Call to Artists with a conceptual design proposal. The Public Art Jury met on April 30, 2024, to review the received concepts. Following scoring and discussion, the Jury recommended that Linfeng Zhou be awarded the commission of public art for the creation of the 11 Poppy Markers throughout Esplanade Park. The recommendation was endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee on May 21, 2024. The conceptual design proposal is set out in Schedule A of the Letter of Understanding. The Artist made the following statement: “The design proposal titled Crimson Inflorescence seeks to capture the multifaceted symbolism of the poppy in the context of remembrance. By integrating light posts as the stems, the installation evokes the natural elegance and rapid growth of these iconic flowers. As visitors traverse the pathway lined with light posts adorned with these crimson blooms, they encounter a powerful visual narrative. This solemn display is not merely visually striking but also emotionally resonant, prompting reflection on sacrifice, memory, and gratitude. The installation transforms Esplanade Park into an enchanted space that not only commemorates an aggregation of stories and memories but also fosters hope for peace and prosperity.” The initial concept submitted by the artist included poppy markers that spanned four feet in diameter. Staff identified some concerns related to the size of the artwork and impact of wind and weight of the artwork on the structural integrity of the light posts. The artist, Linfeng Zhou, has provided an updated concept requested by staff that reduces the size of the poppies to address these concerns. The design will be reviewed and approved by a structural engineer to the satisfaction of staff, prior to fabrication and installation of the artwork. Adjustments to the originally submitted artwork are included in the Letter of Understanding (Attachment 1, Schedule B). The Letter of Understanding defines the relationship and responsibilities between the City and the Artist. Staff are requesting Council to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Letter of Understanding with Linfeng Zhou. Subject to Council’s endorsement, the artist will begin fabrication with an estimated installation date of October 2024. Attachment: 1. Letter of Understanding (Agreement) CS 19-24 June 24, 2024 Subject: Remembrance Day Poppy Markers – Artist Selection Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Krystal Roberts Laura Gibbs MBA, MSc. Manager, Cultural Services Director, Community Services LG:kr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer This agreement made the Day/Month/Year BETWEEN: Linfeng Zhou (hereinafter called “the Artist”) AND THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (hereinafter called “the City) 1.Introduction This Letter of Understanding pertains to the artwork creation and installation of the artworks for the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park in Pickering. This document defines the relationship and responsibilities between the City and the Artist. The final artwork is to be unveiled October 2024. This Letter of Understanding conforms to the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) and the City Of Pickering Standard Quotation Terms & Conditions. 2.Background The Public Art Commission for Remembrance Day Poppy Markers public art project is operated and administered by the City. The City issued a call to artists for Request for Proposals dated March 25, 2024, with respect to the Public Art Commission for Remembrance Day Poppy Markers project. Applications were due April 15, 2024. Community Services received 13 submissions from Canadian artists. The collected submissions were reviewed and scored by the Public Art Jury based on the judging criteria outlined in the Call to Artists (Attachment 1). Following scoring and discussion, the Jury recommended that Linfeng Zhou be awarded the commission of public art for the artworks for the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park in Pickering. The recommendation was endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee on May 20, 2024. The Artist submitted a proposal dated 04, 13, 2024, (“the Proposal”), a copy of which is attached as Schedule “A” to this Agreement. Further, based on feedback from the Public Art Jury and City staff, the Artist provided a revised concept on 05, 30, 2024, ("the Revised Proposal"), a copy of which is attached as Schedule "B" to this Agreement. Prior execution of the Work, the Artist is to consult with a structural engineer. The Artist has been selected by the City to create, manufacture, install and deliver to the site, as required for the different components, the Artwork titled Crimson Inflorescence in accordance with the Conceptual Design, the Terms of Reference and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.Definitions Artwork - The “Artwork” means the final piece of artwork developed from the design, model, and specifications provided by the Artist and approved by the City, which Artwork is more particularly specified in Schedule “A” attached hereto. The Work - The “Work” means designing, producing and fabricating the Artwork as well as delivering and installing it at the Place of Installation. Attachment 1 to Report CS 19-24 Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Place of Installation - The “Place of Installation” is on the 11 light posts inside Esplanade Park, Pickering, more specifically located as shown on the attached drawing Schedule “C” attached hereto. 4.Artist Fee: Compensation and Payment Schedule a)The all-inclusive price to be paid by the City for the Artwork, completed and installed shall be $35,000.00 CAD, inclusive of all applicable federal and provincial taxes including HST.b)Each stage of the payment shall be accompanied by a detailed summary of work completed by the Artist to date that includes updated drawings and images that states that the Work has progressed and is proceeding according to schedule D and will be installed by the Delivery Date (as defined below). c)H.S.T. shall be enumerated as a separate item on each staged and scheduled payment pursuant to this Article. Payment shall be structured in a payment schedule to the Artist as follows: I.Phase 2: $16,666.66 including HST – after completion of Phase 2 which includes executing theLetter of Understanding, site visit, fabrication schedule and submission of an invoice from theArtist; II.Phase 4: $16,666.66 including HST – after completion of Phase 4 which includes the deliveryof final drawings of all art work components and submission of an invoice from the Artist; and III.Phase 6: $16,666.66 including HST – after completion of Phase 6 which includes installation of the artwork at the Place of Installation and upon submission of an invoice from the Artist. The City agrees: a)to pay the Artist all funds due and as provided for herein. 5.Payments of Sub-Contractors The Artist agrees: a)to ensure that payments will be made to all suppliers and subcontractors that may be engagedby the Artist in regard to the design, fabrication, storage, delivery and installation of the Artwork.At the City’s request, the Artist shall provide evidence of such payment. 6.Performance The Artist agrees: a)to provide all work and materials necessary to create the Artwork and to fulfill all its obligationsas set out in this Agreement;b)that the materials, methods and processes used to produce the Artwork shall be of first-classquality and expressive of the approved design as detailed in Schedule “A” attached hereto; c)to use firstclass skills, diligence and workmanship as are normally found in the artistic profession, and ensure that all materials incorporated into the Artwork are of the utmost quality and design in accordance with Schedule “A”; 7.Timelines and Completion of Deliverables The Artist agrees: a)to complete the installation of the Artwork to the satisfaction of the City no later than October 21, 2024 “the Delivery Date”) or such later date as may be agreed upon by the Artist and the City in writing. The installation will include a maintenance/conservation plan submitted by the Artist; b)during the design and production of the Artwork, to keep the City advised of the status of the production of the Artwork. If required by the City, the Artist shall allow representatives of the City to view the Artwork during its various stages of production or provide progress photographs; c)to submit a progress report and invoice, with supporting receipts and invoices from sub- contractors, in the form specified by the City, prior to each payment date set out in Schedule “D”.d)to provide a conservation and maintenance plan ; e)to provide to the City photographs of the Artwork during and after installation in accordance with Schedule “D”. The City agrees: a)to ensure that should the Artist require direction in any regard to the design, fabrication orinstallation of the Artwork, the City shall provide such direction in a prompt and timely fashion. 8. Detailed Design The Artist agrees: a)to evaluate all material and data relevant to the Artwork as provided by the City and shall facilitateproduction of the final design, working with the Cultural Services Unit and other City departmentsand design team members, as needed and, in order to finalize the detailed design and the exact location of the Artwork within the Installation Site, to the satisfaction of the City. 9.Specifications The Artist agrees: a)to provide detailed drawings and specifications to the satisfaction of the City and shall advisethe City, in writing, through the Curator, Public Art, of all factors relating to the Artwork’stheme, budget, critical path, location, size, materials, structural, mechanical and technologicalrequirements, installation methods, and future maintenance requirements, to be determined bythe Artist in consultation with the Curator, Public Art; b)Substantive changes to the Artwork may be undertaken by the Artist only upon receipt of priorwritten authorization by the Manager, Cultural Services provided however, that the City’s objection to any feature of the Artwork which is reasonably attributable to the exercise of theArtist’s aesthetic judgment during the progress of the development of the Artwork shall not beconsidered a substantive change and shall not be a basis for withholding acceptance or paymentfor the Artwork. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement 10. Permits and Engineers Stamp The Artist agrees: a) to obtain at the Artist's sole cost and expense, all permits necessary for the delivery and installation of the Artwork and prepare all materials, documents, reports, plans and drawings, required in order to obtain any Structural Engineers' stamps required in connection with the manufacture and installation of the Artwork at the Installation Site. 11. Delivery, Installation and Protective Measures The Artist agrees: a) to be solely responsible for all costs and supervision of the actual fabrication, production and installation of the Artwork including the cost of any site preparations or safety precautions that are required for the installation of the Artwork in its final location unless otherwise specified by the City. If protection during installation is required, then the Artist is to provide it. b) to deliver the Artwork to the specific site as set out in Place of Installation, free from all defects and in compliance with the specifications as outlined in Schedule “A” attached hereto; c) The Artist shall coordinate the installation of the Artwork with the Curator, Public Art and permit such inspections of the installation as the City may require. If any costs result from the Artist failing to coordinate the Artist's work with that of [City divisions and contractors], all such costs shall be borne by the Artist. d) upon installation of the Artwork, to clean the Artwork to ensure that all dirt, imperfections and extraneous materials are removed from the Artwork; e) that installation shall have been deemed to be complete when acceptance by the City or by its designated agent. The City agrees: a) to provide, at its expense, a permanent marker in keeping with the quality and type of the Artwork which will i dentify the name of the Artist, the name of the Artwork and the year of the Artwork. 12. Damage to Artwork and Artist’s Property The Artist agrees: a) that in the event of physical loss or damage to the Artwork prior to completion of installation and acceptance of the Artwork by the City, the Artist shall immediately take all necessary steps to rectify the loss or damage by repair, restoration, replacement or other appropriate means as soon as is reasonably possible at no additional expense to the City. Where necessary, the Artist may collect insurance proceeds before rectifying the loss or damage and shall rectify the loss or damage as soon as is reasonably possible after receipt of said funds. b) to be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever to any of the Artist's materials, goods, equipment or supplies and will maintain all-risk coverage as required by this Agreement and as any prudent owner of such materials, goods, supplies and equipment would maintain. The Artist shall have no claim against the City or the City’s insurers for any damage or loss to the Artist's property and shall require his insurers to waive any right of subrogation against the City. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement The City agrees: a) that following acceptance of the Artwork, the City will use its best efforts to maintain and repair any damage done to the Artwork by vandalism or other means substantially in accordance with the conservation and maintenance plan to be provided by the Artist. The City will make reasonable efforts to inform the Artist of such damage and to offer the Artist the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed repairs. 13. Warranty, Repair and Maintenance The Artist agrees: a) that upon receipt of the Artwork, should the City find any deficiencies in the Artwork, it will advise the Artist in writing and the Artist must rectify such deficiency within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice. Should it not be possible to complete rectifying the deficiencies within ten (10) days, the Artist shall provide a Schedule to the City that is acceptable to the City indicating when completion will oc cur. b) in the event that the Artwork shall require repairs subsequent to the date of completion arising from normal weathering and “wear and tear”; then in such event the City shall advise the Artist in writing as to the nature of such repair and offer the Artist first right of refusal to carry out such repair within times and consideration as mutually agreed upon by the City and the Artist. Should the Artist fail to advise the City within thirty (30) days of receipt by the Artist of the written offer, or should the Artist and the City fail to agree on times and consideration, then in any such event the City, or a third party hired by the City, shall be at liberty to carry out any and all repairs. In determining the time and consideration for such repairs, both parties agree to act reasonably. c) notwithstanding the foregoing and with the exclusion of the maintenance criteria set out in the conservation and maintenance plan submitted by the Artist, during the first three (3) years after installation and acceptance by the City, the Artist agrees to repair any defects or deficiencies (normal w eathering and “wear and tear” excepted) in the Artwork without any charge to the City. The City agrees: a) to keep the Artwork in a clean condition, free of debris or banners or signage which defaces the Artwork, all to the level which the City considers to be appropriate and in accordance with the conservation and maintenance plan to be approved by the City and that will be provided by the Artist. 14. Removal and Relocation of Artwork The City agrees: a) to endeavor to exhibit the Artwork in the original location and in its original and complete format subject to the City’s right to decommission or remove the Artwork or a particular piece thereof for reasons which may include, but are not limited to, the structural integrity of the Artwork, expiry of the expected lifespan of the Artwork, extensive or irreparable damage or vandalism or by reason of the necessity to accommodate the effective operation of the site. b) to consult, where possible, on the restoration or removal of public art, but shall retain the right to restore, relocate, or archive a work of public art without the artist's and/or donor's consent. 15. Insurance The Artist agrees: a) that upon request by the City, the Artist shall take out and keep in force a policy of liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 inclusive each occurrence (or such larger amount as may be required), and not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) automotive liability insurance coverage. Certificate(s) of insurance shall be provided upon request by the City. i. The policy shall include The Corporation of the City of Pickering, as additional named insured without subrogation in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company, a certificate of insurance shall be completed by the Company’s agent, broker or insurer. ii. The policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to expire or lapse, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. iii. If the City is not provided with a renewal of the policy at least thirty (30) days prior to its expiration date, then the City may arrange a public liability policy insuring the City in the amount of $2,000,000.00 and an automotive liability policy insuring the City in the amount of two million ($2,000,000) at the expense of the Company, which may be recovered from amounts owed to the Company or from any form of security still in the City's possession. 16. Indemnification The Artist agrees: a) to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents for any and all losses, claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, or costs which may arise from any physical deficiencies or deformities or structural failures of the Work which render the Artwork inconsistent with the approved design. The Artist agrees that this indemnity shall survive the period of time required to fulfill this contract and extend to the useful life of the Artwork and shall be binding upon the Artists’ personal representatives, administrators, executors and assigns. b) to indemnify the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents from and against all liens, all builders liens, claims, actions, costs and damages which may arise during installation of the Work on the Place of Installation. No finding of negligence, whether joint or several, as against the City in favour of any third party shall operate to relieve or shall be deemed to relieve the Artist in any manner from any liability to the City, whether such liability arises under this Agreement or otherwise. c) to warrant that the Artwork is original to the Artist and does not violate any copyright of any other person. The Artist shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents for any and all losses, claims, demands, suits, actions, judgements or costs that may arise from the allegation that the Artwork is not original to the Artist. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement 17. Occupational Health and Safety Act The Artist agrees: a) to conform to and enforce strict compliance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O., 1990 c.0.1 and all regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time (collectively the "OHSA"). b) that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as making the City the "employer" (as defined in the OHSA) of any workers employed or engaged by the Artist either instead of or jointly with the Artist. c) that it will ensure that all subcontractors engaged by it are qualified to perform the services and that the employees of the Artist and of all subcontractors are trained in the health and safety hazards expected to be encountered in the Services. 18. Workplace Safety & Insurance The Artist agrees: a) that all of the Company’s personnel must be covered by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board at the Company’s expense. The Company shall provide the City with a Clearance Certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board prior to the commencement of work, certifying that all assessments and liabilities payable to the Board have been paid, and that the bidder is in good standing with the Board. b) to provide the City with a Clearance Certificate prior to final pay ment certifying all pay ments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the City will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company’s completion of the project. c) That a Company deemed to be an Independent Operator by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board will provide a copy of such letter to the City containing the Independent Operator identification number issued by the Board. An Independent Operator must be covered by WSIB optional insurance and provide proof of this coverage upon request. 19. Delays The Artist and the City agree that: a) neither party shall be responsible for any failure to comply with or for any delay in performance of the terms of this Agreement including but not limited to delays in delivery, where such failure or delay is directly or indirectly caused by or results from events of force majeure beyond the control of the party sought to be charged. These events shall include, but not be limited to fire, earthquake, accident, civil disturbances, war, rationing, allocation of embargoes, strikes or labour problems or delays in transportation, inability to secure necessary materials, parts or components, delay or failure of performance of any supplier or subcontractor, acts of Nature or acts of Government. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement 20. Early Termination The Artist and the City agree that: a)notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the City may, at any time and withoutcause, prior to completion of the Artwork, terminate this Agreement by providing sixty (60) days' notice in writing to the Artist. In the event of such termination, the City shall not incur any liabilityto the Artist other than work completed to the date of termination in accordance with the payment schedule and reimburse the Artist for the demonstrable, reasonable actual costs to the Artistincurred in connection with the Artwork, to the date of termination, as well as any demonstrable, reasonable outstanding liability owed by the Artist to the Artist's contractors, subcontractors, oremployees incurred in connection with such termination;b)failure of the Artist to perform its obligations under the Agreement shall entitle the City toterminate the Agreement upon ten (10) calendar days’ written notice to the Artist if a breach which is remediable is not rectified by the Artist to the City's satisfaction and within the timeframeset out in the City's notice of breach. In the event of such termination, the City shall not incurany liability to the Artist other than work completed to the date of termination in accordance with the payment schedule and reimburse the Artist for the demonstrable, reasonable actual costs to the Artist incurred in connection with the Artwork, to the date of termination, as well as any demonstrable, reasonable outstanding liability owed by the Artist to the Artist's contractors,subcontractors, or employees incurred in connection with such termination;c)all rights and remedies of the City for any breach of the Artist's obligations under the Agreement shall be cumulative and not exclusive or mutually exclusive alternatives and may be exercised singularly, jointly or in combination and shall not be deemed to be in exclusion of any other rights or remedies available to the City under the Agreement or otherwise at law;d)no delay or omission by the City in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver ofthem or of any other right or remedy, and no single or partial exercise of a right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise of them or the exercise of any other right or remedy; ande)upon termination, all work and material of the Artist pertaining to the Artwork shall be deliveredto or retained by the City at no further cost or liability to the City. 21.Ownership The Artist and the City agree: a)ownership of the Artwork, the model/maquette and all documentation supplied to the City inconnection with the Artwork, will vest in the City upon final payment for same. 22.Copyright The Artist and the City agree that: a)copyright in the Artwork shall remain with the Artist. The Artist agrees: a)to hereby grant the sole, perpetual and royalty free license to exhibit the Artwork in public and to use photographs, drawings, film, video, and other mechanical reproductions of the Artworkthroughout the world to the City for publicity purposes only. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement b) to authorize the City to use the Artist’s name in connection with the Artwork and in the promotion and advertising of the City. c) not to replicate the Artwork for any other client or purchaser. d) to use best efforts to give credit to the City as the owner of the Artwork. The City agrees: a) to use its best efforts to have the Artist’s name associated with the Artwork in photographs, drawings or other reproductions of the Artwork except where the Artwork is not the primary subject of the said reproduction. 23. Death or Incapacity of Artist The Artist and the City agree that: a) in the event of a death or incapacity of the Artist before the complete installation of the Artwork, the City shall be vested with title to the unfinished Artwork upon paying the Artist, their personal representatives, administrators, executors or executrix a sum in the direct proportion of the percent of the Artwork completed to that date as determined by the City and shall be permitted to complete the Artwork in a manner generally consistent with the original design of the Artist. 24. Mediation The Artist and the City agree: a) that all disputes pertaining to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved first by good faith negotiation between the parties. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation between the parties, the parties agree to use the services of a mediator to attempt to resolve their differences and failing agreement on the procedure to be followed, it shall be conducted in accordance with the “Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Mediation” of the ADR Institute of Ontario. In the event that the mediation does not result in a settlement of the dispute, any unresolved issues may be taken to any other appropriate dispute resolution process agreed to by the parties, including arbitration or an appropriate court process. Should arbitration be chosen, it will be conducted in accordance with the “Rules of Procedures for the Conduct of Arbitration” of the ADR Institute of Ontario pursuant to the Arbitrations Act. Any claim or action brought pursuant to this Agreement shall only be brought in the courts of the Province of Ontario. This Agreement forms the entire agreement between parties and no other representations either oral or written shall form part of this Agreement. The rights and remedies of the City under this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to any rights and remedies provided by law or equity. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement To the City at: The City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering , Ontario The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement will be Laura Gibbs lgibbs@pickering.ca To the Artist at: Linfeng Zhou hello@lfzstudio.com lfzstudio.com Or to such other address or person as the parties may designate to each other in writing. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement It is deemed that notice is received five (5) days after the mailing of any notice or upon delivery, if personally delivered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have had t Linfeng Zhou Date Kevin Ashe, Mayor Date City of Pickering Susan Cassel, City Clerk Date City of Pickering his Letter of Understanding executed. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement GENERAL Schedule A: The Artwork (Artist’s Concept proposal document attached) Schedule B: Revised Artwork Concept Schedule C: Place of Installation Schedule D: Detailed Fabrication Schedule Schedule E: Terms of Reference (Call to Artists) Statement of Interest Linfeng Zhou 101-3353 Heather StVancouver, BC V5Z 3K6 Website: lfzstudio.com Phone: +1 403 400 0559 E-mail: hello@lfzstudio.com April 13, 2024 Dear Sir/Madam, I am thrilled about the prospect of creating a series of public artworks featuring Poppy markers throughout Esplanade Park in Pickering. As a Vancouver-based artist and designer with a background in architecture, my practice is deeply rooted in the principles of placemaking and the desire to enrich our interactions with the environments we inhabit. My career has been marked by a commitment to capture the unique qualities of each project’s setting, employing advanced technology to transport viewers into a realm of wonder. The past three years have seen me collaborate with numerous organizations to bring to life public art pieces suitable for a variety of landscapes, from the rural to the metropolitan. This journey has refined my project management abilities and broadened my technical repertoire, assuring the realization of artworks that are not only safe and durable but also profoundly resonant. My artistic endeavors are driven by a passion for creating pieces that resonate with their surroundings and engage meaningfully with our cultural heritage. For this project, I am particularly inspired by the symbolic significance and natural beauty of poppies. My ambition is to introduce artworks that harmonize with Esplanade Park’s existing landscape and infrastructure, while fostering a solemn atmosphere to honor the memory of the fallen and celebrate a cherished Canadian tradition. I am thankful for your consideration and look forward to the possibility of contributing to Pickering’s cultural and artistic landscape. Sincerely, Linfeng Zhou Linfeng Zhou Website: lfzstudio.comPhone: +1 403 400 0559 E-mail: hello@lfzstudio.com Introduction I am a Vancouver-based artist/designer with roots in Southwestern China, and educations in architecture and industrial design. I often wander across industries and cultures in search of new possibilities to expand the realm of wonder. I am interested in creating objects and spaces that exalt their original contexts and foster positive interactions among people, ultimately connecting us more deeply to our environments and the present moment. Educations & Certifications 2022 Certified Passive House Designer, Passive House Canada, Victoria, Canada 2015 - 2018 Master of Architecture, University of Calgary, Canada 2017 Study Abroad Program, Barcelona, Spain 2011 - 2015 B.Eng. Industrial Design, Taiyuan University of Technology, China Professional Experiences 2024 -Visual Artist, LFZ Studio, Vancouver, Canada 2019 - 2023 Architectural Designer, JYOM Architecture, Vancouver, Canada 2018 - 2019 Architectural Designer, Atelier Pacific Architecture, Burnaby, Canada 2017 - 2018 3D Visualization Artist, Adessa Visuals, Vancouver, Canada Exhibitions 2023 Waves in a Shell, Lumiere YVR, Vancouver, Canada Waves in a Shell, Vancouver Pride Week, Vancouver, Canada Waves in a Shell, Burn in the Forest, Merritt, Canada Waves in a Shell, Bass Coast Festival, Merritt, Canada 2022 Ondulations de la Mémoire, Matjoukann Festival, Saint-Pierre, Martinique, France Biennale Art Safiental, Group Exhibition, Safiental, Switzerland 2021 Little Choir in the Wild, Poldra Festival, Viseu, Portugal 2017 Drops, School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape, University of Calgary, Canada Awards, Grants & Residencies 2024 Art Project Grant, Métropole Rouen Normandie, France 2023 Artworks Exhibition Grant, Lumiere YVR, Vancouver, Canada Artist Exhibition Grant, Vancouver Pride Society, Vancouver, Canada Art Grant, Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society, Vancouver, Canada Art Grant, Bass Coast Festival, Canada Artwork Production Grant, TheEgg Arts Society, Vancouver, Canada 2022 Alps Art Academy Residency, Tenna, Switzerland 2021 Art Project Grant, Poldra Festival, Portugal 2017 Study Abroad Grant, University of Calgary, Canada 2015 Entrance Scholarship, University of Calgary, Canada Front Elevation Side Elevation LE MONDE DANS UN GLAND Year: 2024 (In Progress) Location: Rouen, France Commissioned by: Métropole Rouen Budget: $40,000 Dimensions: 340 x 430 x 420 cm Materials: Plywood Fabrication Technique: Digital Fabrication Le Monde dans un Gland is a meditation pod shaped like an enormous acorn in the midst of its germination. Te acorn’s shell gracefully fractures before the radicle emerges, creating an inviting entrance for visitors to step inside and embrace the perspective of an awakening tree. Te structure’s roof tiles are meticulously arranged in a Fibonacci sequence, echoing the intricate patterns found in plants. When viewed from within, these tiles evoke the radiance of Gothic architecture’s ocular windows, gently difusing natural light to cultivate a serene atmosphere. Most components of this installation are crafted using computer-controlled cutting tools, capable of carving plywood into complex forms. Tis precision enables the components to be efciently fat-packed for on-site assembly, creating a robust interlocking structure. For weather resistance, the installation is shielded with marine grade plywood and elevated on concrete blocks as its foundation. Tis installation aims to create an immersive experience that not only sparks curiosity but also nurtures a profound appreciation for the marvels of nature. WORK SAMPLE // PROJECT 1 Fabrication Diagram WAVES IN A SHELL Year: 2023 Location: Vancouver, British Columbia Commissioned by: Vancouver Pride Society Budget: $10,000 Dimensions: 270 x 340 x 280 cm Materials: Plywood, Translucent tubes, LED lights Fabrication Technique: Digital Fabrication Collaborator: Will Donaldson (LED Programming) Inspired by the organic form of a seashell, Waves In A Shell is a wooden structure adorned with undulating light tubes that capture the natural beauty of rolling ocean waves. By engaging with brass capacitive touch sensors on a small scale model, viewers can infuence the lighting patterns in real time, providing a mesmerizing interactive experience. To protect the lights from potential water damage, programmable LED strips are encased within translucent rubber tubes, which are strategically positioned within the pre-cut notches of the interlocking frame. Tis frame, comprised of precision CNC machine-cut components, allows for convenient fat packing for transportation purposes. Notably, this installation has been showcased at numerous festival venues across British Columbia, illumining the environment and delivering joy to the public. WORK SAMPLE // PROJECT 2 LITTLE CHOIR IN THE WILD Year: 2021 Location: Viseu, Portugal Commissioned by: Poldra Festival Budget: $7,500 Dimensions: 480 x 530 x 520 cm Materials: Steel tubes, Plywood Fabrication Technique: Welding Little Choir in the Wild is a musical sculpture devoted to celebrating the melodies of the forest. Birdhouses adorn the structure at varying heights, featuring diferent-sized openings tailored to accommodate musicians from a variety of bird species. Nestled within a forest renowned for its resident peacocks, the design pays homage to their magnifcent feathers. Tis peacock-inspired structure not only serves an a tribute but also ensures that the birdhouses are strategically spaced apart. Te metal cones at the base of the sculpture enable humans to tune into the captivating melodies produced by these feathered musicians. Situated in a historic park on the city’s outskirts, this installation acts as an unique interface between the avian world and human admirers. Irregular choral concerts take place here, delivering the harmonies of these soaring creatures to human ears. WORK SAMPLE // PROJECT 3 WORK SAMPLE // PROJECT 4 DROPS Drops is a window installation oriented to the south, located within a cozy classroom at the School of Architecture in Calgary. Tis space frequently Year: 2017 hosts project critiques, necessitating the use of cork panels for displaying Location: Calgary, Alberta architectural drawings. Commissioned by: University of Calgary Te installation features droplets suspended on steel cables, creating the Budget: $4,000 illusion of water drops caught in a moment of suspension. As daylight shifts, Dimensions: 30 x 520 x 200 cm so do the shadows cast by these droplets, ofering a dynamic visual experience Materials: Steel cable, MDF, Acrylic, Hardwood, Cork for both students and faculty members throughout the day. Fabrication Technique: Digital Fabrication SCHEDULE A CRIMSON INFLORESCENCE DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR POPPY MARKER INSTALLATIONS IN ESPLANADE PARK Dimensions: 260 x 175 x 3 cm (for each light post) Materials: Acrylic, Metal, Paints Fabrication Technique: Digital Fabrication In his poem “In Flanders Fields,” Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae refects on the remarkable resurgence of life in the war-devastated landscapes, symbolized profoundly by the emergence of red poppies. Tese fowers, with their vibrant red hue, not only signify the resilience and renewal of life but also serve as a profound tribute to the sacrifces of fallen soldiers. Te design proposal titled Crimson Inforescence seeks to capture the multifaceted symbolism of the poppy in the context of remembrance. By integrating light posts as the stems, the installation evokes the natural elegance and rapid growth of these iconic fowers. As visitors traverse the pathway lined with light posts adorned with these crimson blooms, they encounter a powerful visual narrative. Tis solemn display is not merely visually striking but also emotionally resonant, prompting refection on sacrifce, memory, and gratitude. Te installation transforms Esplanade Park into a enchanted space that not only commemorates an aggregation of stories and memories but also fosters hope for peace and prosperity. DESIGN PROPOSAL // PAGE 1 DAYTIME EXPERIENCE When bathed in sunlight, the fowers crafted from fuorescent acrylic panels project shadows of a deep red hue onto the ground, enhancing their enchanting aura. In shaded conditions, the acrylic captures ambient light and re-emits it, thanks to its unique material properties, casting a mesmerizing glow around the edges of the petals. Tis dynamic interplay of light ensures that visitors are treated to a captivating visual experience in any daylight setting. Top: Shadow of the installation DESIGN PROPOSAL // PAGE 2 Left: Installation in shade Right: Installation in direct sunlight NIGHTTIME PRESENCE At night, the edge glow of the acrylic panels becomes particularly pronounced against the dark backdrop. Collaborating with the light emitted from the posts, the installation perpetuates its enchanting ambiance, providing a captivating experience for visitors that transcends the boundaries of day and night. ABOUT THE MATERIAL Te edge glow efect of the fuorescent acrylic sheets results from their ability to absorb ambient light and re-emit it. Furthermore, their durability and safety for public art installations are well-demonstrated by their use as balcony cladding in numerous construction projects throughout Canada. DESIGN PROPOSAL // PAGE 3 SCALE & DIMENSIONS Te installation is securely fastened onto the light post through mechanical means, with its lowest point situated 8 feet above the ground, keeping it safely out of reach of passersby and clear of routine park maintenance. Each fower, measuring approximately 4 feet in diameter, presents a striking view when observed from directly beneath. MAINTENANCE Te installation requires minimal maintenance due to its fat and slim profle, which prevents the accumulation of rain or snow. Should dust gather on the surface, the installation can be efciently uninstalled by loosening the bolts and then easily re-installed after simple cleaning. DESIGN PROPOSAL // PAGE 4 FABRICATION & INSTALLATION Te petals of each fower are crafted from fuorescent acrylic sheets, which are securely sandwiched between painted aluminum frames using bolts and nuts. Te assembled structure is then mounted onto the light posts with metal brackets. To accomplish the intricate geometries required, both the acrylic sheets and the aluminum frames will be precisely laser-cut by reputable fabricators. Additionally, the structural integrity and fastening methods will be thoroughly verifed by professional engineers to ensure safety and durability. DESIGN PROPOSAL // PAGE 5 Project Budget -Crimson Inflorescence Structure Items 6mm red fluorescent acrylic sheets 6mm yellow fluorescent acrylic sheets 3mm aluminum sheets 5mm aluminum sheets Assorted bolts & nuts Metal brackets Paints Total Machine Use Items Regular laser cutter (charged per hour) Maetal laser cutter (charged per project) Total Consulting & Insurance Items Structural consulting & Engineer's Liability insurance Total Installation Items Travel and accomodation of the artist Transport of the pre-fabricated components Total Quantity Price per unit Subtotal 12 $280.00 $3,360.00 4 $280.00 $1,120.00 9 $300.00 $2,700.00 5 $380.00 $1,900.00 1 $150.00 $150.00 45 $10.00 $450.00 1 $200.00 $200.00 $9,880.00 Quantity Price per unit Subtotal 50 $4.00 $200.00 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,700.00 Quantity Price per unit Subtotal 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 Quantity Price per unit Subtotal 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 Future Maintenance (when necessary) Items Quantity Price per unit Subtotal Labour of uninstalling & re-installing of the artworks 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Wash of the artworks 1 $500.00 $500.00 Total $2,500.00 Artist Fee Items Quantity Price per unit Subtotal Artist fee 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Total $5,000.00 Expenses Structure Total $9,880.00 Machine Use Consulting & Insurance Installation $3,700.00 $7,500.00 Future Maintenance (when necessary) Artist Fee Grand Total $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $34,580.00 References Kaspar König Professor at Zurich University of the Arts, Artist Email: kaspar.koenig@zhdk.ch Phone: +41 79 746 37 96 Yong Sun Director of JYOM Architecture Vancouver Office Email: yong.sun@jyomarchitects.com Phone: +1 604 338 0126 Peter Blitz Director of TheEgg Arts Society (registered art education charity) Email: peter@blitzco.com or peter@theegg.ca Phone: +1 604 682 4987 N I R POP l, Paints Digital Fa rs Fields,” war-deva ers, with t ing renew on Inflore text of re vokes the erse the p ncounter ionally res llation tra aggregati . CRIMSO REVISED DESIGN FOESPLANADE PARK Materials: Acrylic, Meta Fabrication Technique: In his poem “In Flande resurgence of life in the red poppies. These flow soldiers while represent The design titled Crims of the poppy in the con stems, the installation e flowers. As visitors trav crimson blooms, they e both striking and emot and gratitude. The insta that commemorates an for peace and prosperity NFLORESCENCE PY MARKER INSTALLATIONS IN brication, Welding Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae reflects on the stated landscapes, symbolized by the emergence of heir vibrant red hue, honor the sacrifices of fallen al and hope. scence seeks to capture the multifaceted symbolism membrance. By integrating light posts as the natural elegance and rapid growth of these iconic athway lined with light posts adorned with these a powerful visual narrative. This solemn display is onant, prompting reflection on sacrifice, memory, nsforms Esplanade Park into a enchanted space on of stories and memories while fostering hope HEDULE BSC ility and Following feedback from the jury and city staff, the petals of the Poppy Marker installation have been scaled down to reduce weight and minimize wind resistance. The final size will be determined in consultation with a structural engineer to ensure stability and durab Despite the size adjustment, the installation will retain the solemn enchanting visual appeal of the original design. . ADJUSTMENTS s a major factor in maintaining during the engineering consult idered for further development: de of the post. ALTERNATIVE OPTION If wind resistance is identified a installation’s structural integrity alternative solution will be cons two smaller poppies on either si the ation, an placing DURABILITY Acrylic panels have long been utilized as roofing for commercial greenhouses. Over the past decade, coloured acrylic panels have become popular for building envelopes, balcony cladding, and outdoor public art in various projects across Canada and internationally. The durability and safety of these installations are well demonstrated by recent photographs of the selected projects below. To preserve the unique visual appeal of the acrylic panels for this project, they will be treated with a transparent UV-resistant coating to prolong the vibrancy of the pigments within the acrylic. Precedent Project 1:Precedent Project 2: Precedent Project 3: YWCA CAUSE WE CARE HOUSE RAIN ROUEN MUNICIPAL HEADQUARTER Dialog Architects Khan Lee Jacques Ferrier Architecture Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC Normandy, France Completed in 2018 Completed in 2017 Completed in 2017 Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement SCHEDULE C Place of Installation Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement SCHEDULE D Detailed Fabrication Schedule WORK PLAN The completion dates for each phase of the project as set out below shall be finalized upon final determination of the construction commencement date and prior to commencement of the Phase services. Phase 1 – July 8, 2024 • Agreement signed by all parties • Proof of insurance and WSIB provided to the satisfaction of the City Phase 2 - To be completed by July 29, 2024 to the satisfaction the City (PAYMENT) • Preliminary Drawings of all components and connections • Preliminary fabrication schedule and Pricing Phase 3 - To be completed by August 12, 2024 to the satisfaction of t he City • Final design and pricing This phase will i nclude the following approvals by the client: • Preliminary engineer review • Design drawings, including all components and connections. Phase 4 - To be completed by August 26, 2024 to the satisfaction of t he City (PAYMENT) • Completion of detail design. This phase will i nclude the following approvals by the client: • Final sign-off of shop drawings for production • Shipping & installation plan completed, in cooperation with stakeholders and other relevant contractors, and to the satisfaction of the City. 2 Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Phase 5 -To be completed by October 11, 2024 to the satisfaction of the City • Complete off-site fabrication of Artwork and all its components, to the satisfaction of the City. All permits and approvals acquired. Phase 6 – To be completed by October 21, 2024 to the satisfaction of the City (PAYMENT) • Complete on-site installation of the Artwork and all its components, to the satisfaction of the City. • Delivery of maintenance manual, including Photographic documentation, Artist statement, Biography • Attendance at the unveiling event in October, 2024. • Final acceptance of Artwork to the satisfaction of the City. Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Remembrance Poppy Markers Deadline: April 15, 2024 at 4 pm EDT. Photo of the cenotaph, located on the north side of The Esplanade S, beside the Pickering Library/City Hall. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to submit proposals for permanent sculptures of simplified poppy markers to be installed on the light posts throughout Park in Pickering. This is another way residents can reflect, honour and remember our fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day, as well as at other times of the year. The works are to be installed on the 11 (eleven) light posts marking the way the Legion takes to the cenotaph. Artworks are expected to be displayed year round, permanently. One artist/team will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the work. As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A public art jury comprised of practicing arts professionals, Cultural Advisory Committee members, and project stakeholders will be established for this single-stage competition. 1 SCHEDULE E Site Context The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. The artwork will be located in Esplanade Park in Pickering. Esplanade Park will serve as the primary public green space that is located in the heart of City Centre with increased passive use, use as an events space and use for commemorations and celebrations. During the summertime, the spot is alive with the electric energy of music, picnickers, and passer byes, this is the perfect spot to sit down and enjoy the breeze under the trees. Photo of Esplanade Park, Pickering 2 Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. This public art piece is to be created as a Remembrance Day poppy marker and installed on the light posts around Esplanade Park. The City has designated 11 light posts that follow the path the Legion take to the cenotaph every year on November 11th. The work is permanent. The City of Pickering will be seeking to purchase the work and assume full ownership. The successful work will act as a marker and further commemorate our fallen soldiers throughout the year. Budget $35,000 CAD including HST (maximum). This is the total amount available for the commission of this temporary public artwork. All related expenses of this project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, community consultations and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travelto meetingsand to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials •Timeline •Installation •Maintenance and conservation plans •Warranty •Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights •Payments to sub-contractors 3 Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase March 25, 2024 Issue RFP April 15 , 2024 Submissions due June 24, 2024 Selected Artist notified Agreement is signed July 2024 Exact site confirmation Technical D esign Review July to October 2024 Artwork fabrication Week of October 21, 2024 Artwork Installation October 25, 2024 Artwork unveiling *Schedule is subject to change Technical Specifications Design Considerations 1. This call is primarily targeting new site-specific work suitable for outdoor all-season weather. 2. The work is to be inspired by the traditional poppy flower used by the Legion as a symbol for remembrance of our fallen soldiers. 3. The work must be mechanically fastened to the light post and not cause harm to passerby. 4. The work may be installed vertically along the entire light post, however please note that if it’s too low it might affect ground seasonal maintenance. 5. The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of remembrance. 6. The work may incorporate components; however, this should not add further to maintenance and durability. 7. Proposals must consider the local environment and weather conditions. 4 Technical Requirements All proposals must meet the following criteria: 1. The work must be durable, and able to withstand unpredictable all-season weather conditions and physical contact by the public. 2. There is a circuit monitoring Esplanade Park, however there is no overnight security in the space. Installations must be robust, and able to be installed in a public space. The artwork will be actively monitored with daily visual inspections conducted by City Staff,including weekends, as well as intermittent security patrols by the City’s Security team. 3. Based on the proposal the work must be secured directly on the light posts under the light fixture thought mechanical means; metal sleeve or a band wrapped around the body of the light post. 4. Artists will need to be willing to work with the project team on the technical set up, maintenance and addressing safety concerns. 5. The installation should comply with safety and accessibility design standards where possible. 6. Artist(s) must be able to set-up and provide clear instructions for City staff to install/deinstall the work for future uses (if applicable). City staff will be present during installation. 7. Selected artists will be expected to provide proof of general liability insurance while on site. Images of the light post: 5 Selection Process A public art jury comprised of practicing arts professionals, Cultural Advisory Committee Members and project stakeholders willbe established for the evaluation of the proposals. This is a one stage competition. One artist will be awarded the commission. The Jury will recommend an artist or artistic team for the award of the commission based on the following criteria: 1. Artistic merit, including quality of work, originality, and artistic excellence in the field of outdoor temporary/permanent art. 2. Adhesion to location and expressed desire in this project; and, 3. Artist’s demonstrated ability and proposal feasibility to meet the artwork goals and technical requirements, within the set timeline and budget. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. Submission Requirements Complete your RFP submission by filling out the form here: Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at it sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. 6 Additional Information For anyadditional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. 7