HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 17-24Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 17-24 Date: June 10, 2024 From: Laura Gibbs Director, Community Services Subject: Recognition of Paul White - File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 17-24, regarding the recognition of Paul White’s contribution to the community, be received; 2. That the Mayor be requested to include funding in the amount of $10,000 in the City’s 2025 Current Budget to enable staff to undertake a public art installation, to be selected pursuant to Public Art Policy CUL130 and funded from the Public Art Reserve; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide an update on Resolution #449/24 regarding the recognition of the contributions of Paul White. At the Council Meeting on April 2, 2024, Council directed staff to undertake an evaluation of installing a commemorative bench or otherwise recognizing Paul White, and that staff report back to Council with recommendations no later than Q2, 2024 (Resolution #449/24). The bench commemoration program is currently oversubscribed, with a waitlist. Staff instead recommend recognizing the contributions of Paul White with a small-scale public artwork at Fairport Community Park. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan to Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community. Financial Implications: The cost of commissioning an artist to recognize Paul White with a small-scale art piece is $10,000, which will be funded in the 2025 Current Budget from the Public Art Reserve. This amount will cover artist fees, materials, design drawings, site visits, transportation, insurance, signage, and installation of the artwork. CS 17-24 June 10, 2024 Subject: Recognition of Paul White Page 2 Discussion: The purpose of this report is to provide an update on Resolution #449/24 regarding the recognition of Paul White. Paul White is one of the longest serving Presidents of a community association in Pickering. His leadership of the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association has and continues to provide a range of community support for the betterment of Pickering, such as helping families in need, donations to the foodbank, providing aid to the animal shelter and negotiating the sale of Association property to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), which subsequently enabled the seamless construction of the Waterfront Trail from Petticoat Creek to West Shore Boulevard. 1. Bench Commemoration Resolution #449/24 directed staff to undertake an evaluation of installing a commemorative bench recognizing Paul White. The Commemorative Tree and Bench Program (the “Program”) primarily commemorates residents posthumously. That said, the Program has been used on occasion to commemorate community organizations and service clubs. The Commemorative Bench Program currently has eight locations for new benches at Beachpoint Promenade, with fourteen people on the waitlist. For each new bench location, staff meet with the applicant on site to determine the best location for the commemorative bench. Following a site visit, eight to fourteen weeks are typically required to install the bench and plaque. Given the oversubscription of the Commemorative Bench Program, staff recommend that another commemorative opportunity be considered. 2. Commemoration Artwork Staff recommend recognizing Paul White with a small-scale public artwork. The ideal location for the artwork is Fairport Community Park, located in the heart of the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood. Fairport Community Park provides access to the Waterfront Trail from Park Crescent and Cliffview Road. Fairport Community Park has three existing commemorative benches as well as a plaque recognizing the contribution of the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association. A butterfly garden is also located at the park entrance. The paved trail through Fairport Community Park is used extensively by residents and visitors for walking, jogging, cycling, and enjoying the views of Lake Ontario. There are several locations at the entrance to the Park, and along the trail that would support an art installation. Based on the contributions by Paul White, and the current use and location of the Park, staff recommend artwork that is inspired by the local neighbourhood, natural environment, and use of the park. Artwork that is durable and appropriate for the location will be considered through the selection process. Artwork that enhances enjoyment or use of the park, such as artist-designed park furniture, rock/wood carvings, or recognition of local wildlife will be considered. Signage in the form of a freestanding sign or plaque that recognizes the contributions of Paul White will accompany the artwork. CS 17-24 June 10, 2024 Subject: Recognition of Paul White Page 3 3.Timeline and Process Staff will adhere to the Public Art Policy CUL 130 (the “Policy”) and select an artist through an Open Call to Artists. Artists will be required to submit a design concept for selection. Staff will consult with the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association and Paul White before issuing the Call. The Call to Artists will be advertised through the City of Pickering website as well as external third-party marketing channels to boost the visibility of this opportunity. As per Section 09.01 of the Policy, a Public Art Jury will be formed. The Public Art Jury will evaluate the artists’ proposals in accordance with the Selection Considerations in Section 11 of the Policy. Staff will invite representatives from the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association to participate in the Jury process. Staff will undertake consultation with residents of the Fairport Beach Neighbourhood as part of the selection process. The Public Art Jury will select the best proposal received in response to the Call to Artists. This selection will be reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee for endorsement before the project is officially awarded to the winning Artist. Subject to Council’s approval of this report, and provided that adequate funding is included in the 2025 Current Budget, public artwork recognizing the contributions of Paul White will be installed and unveiled in Spring, 2025. Attachment: None Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Krystal Roberts Laura Gibbs, MBA, MSc. Manager, Cultural Services Director, Community Services LG:kr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer