HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 6, 2024 Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 1 Present: Mayor Kevin Ashe Councillors: M. Brenner L. Cook M. Nagy D. Pickles – left the meeting at 4:03 p.m. L. Robinson Absent: S. Butt Also Present: M. Carpino - Chief Administrative Officer K. Bentley - Director, City Development & CBO P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor S. Boyd - Fire Chief J. Eddy - Director, Human Resources L. Gibbs - Director, Community Services B. Duffield - Director, Operations R. Holborn - Director, Engineering Services F. Jadoon - Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects S. Cassel - City Clerk M. Guinto - Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications J. Halsall - Division Head, Finance C. Rose - Chief Planner C. Addo-Bekoe - Manager, People & Culture C. Whitaker - Manager, Sustainability & Strategic Environmental Initiatives E. Knox - Community Safety and Well Being Advisor J. San Antonio - Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion C. Redmond - (Acting) Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order/Roll Call The City Clerk certified that all Members of Council were present and participating in-person, save and except Councillor Butt. Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 2 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. Moved by Councillor Nagy Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the rules of procedure be suspended to allow filming in the Council Chambers by the Toronto Star. Carried Unanimously on a Two-Thirds Vote 3. Delegations Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the rules of procedure be suspended to allow one additional delegation, Jacquie Severs, Manager, Marketing and Tourism, Region of Durham, under Section 3 of the Agenda, regarding Report CS 11-24. Carried on a Two-Thirds Vote 3.1 Ansonett Palmer, Member, Cultural Advisory Committee Jessica Elliott, Member, Cultural Advisory Committee Re: Report CS 09-24 Community Visitor Plan Ansonett Palmer, Member, Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) and Jessica Elliott, Member, CAC, appeared before Council to speak to Report CS 09-24. Ms. Ansonett Palmer stated that the Committee was pleased to support the approval of the Community Visitor Plan (CVP) and noted that three members of the CAC helped develop the Plan by attending the Tourism Plans Steering Committee Meetings. She advised that the CAC had also assisted staff with the development, consultation, and implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan. She spoke to the Committee’s Strategic Plan and commented that the development of the CVP aligned with the mandate of the CAC to identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and to provide community input on cultural services, including visitor economy. Jessica Elliott spoke to the future of tourism in Pickering and provided background information on her experience as a resident of Pickering and with the visitor Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 3 economy. She spoke to several of Pickering’s amenities and events, and the need to focus on strategies to elevate Pickering’s assets to keep pace with the growth of the community and commented that Pickering was one of the last of Durham’s municipalities without a dedicated visitor plan. Ms. Elliott stated that a commitment to boost tourism by investing in a CVP led to a healthy visitor economy that boosted local businesses, increased foot traffic, attracted investment, created jobs, and improved the overall quality of life for residents. She spoke to the benefits of implementing a Community Visitor Plan and concluded that it was essential to embrace a plan that enhanced Pickering’s culture for future generations. 3.2 Alex Whalen, Chair, Land Over Landings Re: Report CS 09-24 Community Visitor Plan Alex Whalen, Chair, Land Over Landings, appeared before Council in support of Report CS 09-24. Ms. Whalen discussed the aspects of the Community Visitor Plan (CVP) and noted that Land Over Landings had identified that the Plan was critical to achieving success. She stated that there was an urgent need for visitor data and tracking of the north non-Pickering assets such as trails and weekend sporting events. She commented that the CVP would not be successful without Council and community support, and urged Council to conceptualize agriculture, agri-tourism and trail tourism in a material way based on north Pickering’s assets. Ms. Whalen advised that following the delegation she would provide the Committee with a copy of two reports and a map that supplemented her delegation. She commented that agri-tourism and trail tourism would be excellent City-wide strategies for increasing youth employment. Ms. Whalen noted that the CVP gave Rouge National Urban Park and Millenium Square Park equal classification, and noted that the National Park should be highlighted as a one of the greatest tourism opportunities near Pickering, and that Pickering should invest in a more cohesive trail system that allowed users to travel from south to north Pickering using Pickering’s natural heritage corridors, and consider including food and refreshment areas for visitors. Ms. Whalen concluded by requesting that the Committee look at north Pickering as a growth area in the tourism plan. Brief discussion ensued between Members of the Committee and Ms. Whalen regarding methods used to count trail visitors, and how agri-tourism could benefit Pickering. 3.3 Craig Bamford, Member, Community Safety & Well-Being Advisory Committee Lisa Appelbohm, Member, Community Safety & Well-Being Advisory Committee Re: Report CS 11-24 Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 4 Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Craig Bamford, Member, Community Safety & Well-Being Advisory Committee, and Lisa Appelbohm, Member, Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) Advisory Committee, appeared before Council to speak to Report CS 11-24. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Appelbohm provided an overview of the reasons and process for developing and implementing the CSWB Plan and spoke to the Committee’s community engagement with residents and stakeholders. Ms. Appelbohm provided an overview of the CSWB Action Plan and commented that it aligned with the Region of Durham’s Action Plan. She concluded by requesting the Committee’s endorsement of the 2024-2029 Community Safety & Well-Being Business Plan. Mr. Bamford spoke to the background of the CSWB Committee and their work to date, including the striking of a Homelessness Sub-committee and working with DARS and other organizations to address issues in the community. Moved by Councillor Nagy Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Craig Bamford and Lisa Appelbohm be provided an additional 2 minutes to continue their delegation. Carried Mr. Bamford continued his delegation and provided details on the Committee’s upcoming events. 3.4 Tineka Levy, Manager, Community Safety & Well-Being, Region of Durham Re: Report CS 11-24 Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Tineka Levy, Manager, Community Safety & Well-Being, Region of Durham, appeared before Council via electronic connection to speak to Report CS 11-24. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Levy advised that in 2018, the Province put legislation in place for regional and upper tier municipalities to develop Community Safety & Well-Being Plans. She provided an overview of the implementation of the Region of Durham’s Well-Being Planning Process and discussed the two-year research and community engagement process that identified seven priority risk factors including, mental health, substance use, criminal involvement, social isolation, victimization, homelessness and basic needs, and experiences of racism. She discussed the process to implement the Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 5 CSWB Plan and concluded by summarizing the roles of the regional and municipal governments in the process. Brief discussion ensued between Members of the Committee and Ms. Levy regarding the role that local municipalities played in engaging residents and delivering the programs identified at the regional level. 3.5 John Cappella, President & CEO, Porsche Canada Re: Report PLN 11-24 Application for Exceptions to Street Naming Policy ADM 220 Naming of a private street for the Porsche Experience Centre development John Cappella, President & CEO, Porsche Canada appeared before Council to speak to Report PLN 11-24. Mr. Cappella provided an overview of the Porsche Canada brand and the Porsche Experience Centre in Pickering and commented that having the Porsche Experience Centre on Porsche Drive was an exclamation point and a draw for visitors to the centre. Mr. Cappella concluded by requesting that the Committee consider the exception to the Street Naming Policy. A question and answer period ensued between Members of Committee and Mr. Cappella regarding: • whether the nature of it being a private road rather than a public road lends support for granting an exception to the policy; • whether the Porsche Experience Centre development would draw more visitors to the site from across Canada; • whether renaming the road would assist visitors with wayfinding to the site; • plans for the public art feature commissioned for the entrance to the new facility; • the location of the other Porsche facilities in North America; and, • whether the name Porsche Drive was also a subscription service for the brand. 3.6 Jacquie Severs, Manager, Marketing and Tourism, Region of Durham Re: Report CS 09-24 Community Visitor Plan Jacquie Severs, Manager, Marketing and Tourism, Region of Durham, appeared before Council via electronic connection to speak to Report CS 09-24. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Severs provided an overview of Durham Tourism including, leveraging tourism activities to strengthen Durham’s quality of place, to encourage spending at local businesses, to foster inclusivity, and to Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 6 encourage the creation of memorable experiences. She discussed their collaborative approach to tourism delivery by working with business owners and partners and provided details on tourism spending in Durham Region. Ms. Severs spoke to the tourism economy, including the number of visitors Durham hosted, the employment and economic opportunities and the benefits of domestic tourism. She discussed the amenities that City of Pickering had to offer and concluded by commenting that they looked forward to supporting the community tourism plan and for continued collaboration with Pickering. 4. Matters for Consideration Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Mayor Ashe That the order of the agenda be changed to hear Item 4.11, Report PLN 11-24, as the next item of business. Carried 4.11 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 11-24 Application for Exceptions to Street Naming Policy ADM 220 Naming of a private street for the Porsche Experience Centre development A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and staff regarding: • other streets in Pickering that were named after significant brands and that the Porsche Canada Experience Centre was an emerging tourism draw to Pickering; • the reasons for staff’s recommendation not to support the name change; • whether staff followed the same process for previous street naming requests related to significant brand names; • concerns with naming the road Porsche Drive when Internet searches for Porsche Drive directed users to a corporate marketing strategy; • whether once the name change exception was approved it would open the door to other developers or businesses wanting to promote their brands through similar street naming requests; • concerns that using the designation of “Drive” for a private road might be considered as deceptive to the public and might lead to unauthorized access, privacy, security and traffic management issues by those unaware it was a private road; and, Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 7 • concerns regarding granting exceptions to the Street Naming Policy. Recommendation: Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the application from Pickering Developments Inc. to use the name “Porsche” and the suffix (street type) “Drive”, for the new private street to the proposed Porsche Experience Centre development, be approved. Carried on a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: Councillor Cook Councillor Nagy Councillor Pickles Mayor Ashe No: Councillor Brenner Councillor Robinson 4.1 Director, Community Services, Report CS 09-24 Community Visitor Plan Lisa John-Mackenzie, Industry Relations Manager, Durham, Central Counties Tourism and Tom Guerquin, Manager of Research and Development, Central Counties Tourism appeared before Council to speak to Report CS 09-24. Ms. John-Mackenzie advised that they were a provincially funded non-profit organization dedicated to developing and supporting the visitor economy. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. John-Mackenzie spoke to the definitions of tourist and visitor, commented on the number of businesses and jobs in Durham Region supported by the visitor economy, and provided statistics on the number and types of visitors coming to Pickering, including local and non-Pickering residents. Ms. John-Mackenzie spoke to how embracing tourism helped the community by retaining and growing current businesses and attracting new residents. She concluded by noting that they were looking forward to working with Pickering on its Community Visitor Plan. A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and staff regarding: • how to capture the agricultural aspects of City visitors, and to count waterfront and trail visitors; • the cost of trail counters, geo-fencing, and postal code analysis; Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 8 • how Central Counties Tourism acquired the mobile phone location data that was analyzed to provide the data referenced in the Community Visitor Plan, and if personal information could be identified in the data; • how the mobile phone data collected identified resident and non-resident visitors; • what data was being collected to track visitors and residents and how long the data was retained; • whether data collected from digital Wi-Fi hubs and digital kiosks would be stored; • using trail trackers, geo-fencing and QR codes to measure visitor data; • how the data collected would be protected and confirmation that personal information was not being collected; • whether residents had been made aware that if the location services on their mobile phones were turned on that data was being collected; • the accommodation tax and whether the City had data related to hotel occupancy and how it was tracked; and, • whether short-term rentals would be included in the data. Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That Council endorse the Community Visitor Plan, as set out in Attachment 1; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried on a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: Councillor Brenner Councillor Cook Councillor Nagy Mayor Ashe No: Councillor Robinson Moved by Councillor Nagy Seconded by Mayor Ashe Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 9 That the Committee take a short recess. Carried Council recessed at 4:21 pm and reconvened at 4:34 pm 4.2 Director, Human Resources, Report HUR 01-24 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Jennifer Eddy, Director, Human Resources, Jaclyn SanAntonio, Senior Advisor, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Pina Pejovic, Managing Partner, Toronto, Goss Gilroy Management Consultants appeared before Council to speak to HUR -01-24. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Eddy provided an overview of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy, a culmination of almost 3 years of research and collaboration with Council, staff and the community. Ms. Eddy discussed the background of the process, the definitions of equity, diversity and inclusion and how they relate, and why EDI was important, including the legislated responsibilities, the changing demographics, and why it was a good business practice. Ms. Eddy discussed the importance of collaborative engagement both internally with staff and externally with the community and provided an overview of the development of the EDI Strategy. She outlined a number of initiatives that the City had actioned and included in the annual report. Pina Pejovic, Managing Partner, Toronto, Goss Gilroy Management Consultants, appeared before Council via electronic connection to provide an overview of what they learned through survey research both internally and externally under the themes of lack of EDI awareness, systemic barriers, lack of diverse representation, and leadership’s commitment to EDI initiatives. She commented that it was important that the City promote buy-in and ownership of the EDI Strategy from Council and staff. Ms. Pejovic spoke to the development of the Vision and Mission statements for the Strategic Plan and the priority areas of focus that were discussed during the consultation process. Jaclyn San Antonio, Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion appeared before Council and spoke to the priority areas of focus that emerged as staff and community members shared their visions and recommendations on how to advance EDI through the City. She discussed the priority areas of focus including education and awareness, structure and resources, community consultation engagement and outreach, policies, practices and programs and measurement and accountability. She commented that the EDI Strategy was a multi-year plan and that what was included was not a definitive list of activities across the 10 Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 10 years, but a summary of recommended proposed actions. She concluded by noting that there was a tremendous amount of work to complete and the reasons for the recommended EDI Strategy timelines for each of the areas of focus within the 10-year timeframe. J. Eddy spoke to the next steps to operationalize the Strategy should it be approved by Council. A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and staff regarding: • clarification on the difference between equity and equality and why the distinction was important; • the demographic shifts in Pickering and how they affected the delivery of services to the community; • how the City could provide support for private businesses experiencing discrimination through a public EDI Strategy; • how Council could support an accelerated implementation of the EDI Strategy; • whether separating people into groups based on their individual characteristics could be viewed as segregation and whether this would be considered positive discrimination; • how EDI was incorporated into Pickering’s Official Plan and the Corporate Strategic Plan; • whether Council’s support of the Plan could be included in the Strategy; • whether the timelines in the Strategy could be escalated; • whether mandatory training proposed for staff included the onboarding of new staff and the timing of the training component; • concerns with the 7-to-10-year timeframe for community engagement and communication and if a phased in approach could be implemented earlier; • whether the handbook to be created for staff could be shared with the community and provided to candidates running for office in the 2026 municipal election; • trends in the United States that were resulting in the abandonment of EDI strategies and whether the City should be embarking on this Strategy at this time; • concerns that EDI undermines individual rights instead of focusing on the merits of individual characteristics; and, • acknowledgement that the City of Pickering had one of the most diverse communities in the GTA, the importance of celebrating that Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 11 diversity and the use of EDI as an important tool in building communities. Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That Council endorse the 2024-2034 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, as set out in Attachment 1; 2. That staff be directed to develop and implement an annual work plan in accordance with the timelines set out in the EDI Strategy which shall incorporate the key areas of focus and associated action items set out in the Strategy, with those actions being reflected in the annual current and capital budgets of the City on an ongoing basis; and, 3. That appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the actions necessary to implement the recommendations in this Report. Carried on a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: Councillor Brenner Councillor Cook Councillor Nagy Mayor Ashe No: Councillor Robinson 4.3 Director, Community Services, Report CS 08-24 City Property Naming Submission to name the Turf Field at Kinsmen Park as Jayde Riviere Field Recommendation: 1. That Report CS-24 regarding the submission to name the turf field at Kinsmen Park as Jayde Riviere Field be received; 2. That Council approve naming the turf field at Kinsmen Park as Jayde Riviere Field; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 12 Note: The disposition of this matter was determined through the following referral motion. Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That Item 4.3, Report CS 08-24, be referred to the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting for direction. Carried 4.4 Director, Community Services, Report CS 10-24 Recommendation for Improved Lighting Around Municipal Facilities Accessibility Advisory Committee Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 10-24 regarding Accessibility Advisory Committee Recommendations for improved lighting around Municipal Facilities be received; 2. That the Mayor be requested to include funding in the amount of $36,000 in the City’s 2025 Current Budget to enable staff to undertake an exterior lighting study of Civic Centre and Community Facilities; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Note: The disposition of this matter was determined through the following referral motion. Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That Item 4.4, Report CS 10-24, be referred to the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting for direction. Carried 4.5 Director, Community Services, Report CS 11-24 Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 13 Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That the Community Safety & Well-Being Plan, as set out in Attachment 1, be endorsed; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried 4.6 Director, Community Services, Report CS 12-24 Gingerbread Nursery Licence Agreement Licence Agreement Renewal Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a Licence Renewal Agreement with Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, subject to minor revisions as may be required by the Director, Community Services and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 2. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried 4.7 Director, Engineering Services, Report ENG 06-24 Rouge Stormwater Management Pond Sediment Cleanout Request for Tender No. T2024-1 Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Nagy Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 14 1. That Request for Tender No. T2024-1 for Rouge Stormwater Management Pond Sediment Cleanout as submitted by Cardan Demolition & Excavation Inc. in the total tendered amount of $521,898.13 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That Council approve the hiring of T.Y.Lin International Canada Inc. as a consultant, in the amount of $75,650.00 (HST excluded) to undertake contract administration and construction supervision of Request for Tender No. T2024-1 for Rouge Stormwater Management Pond Sediment Cleanout in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 3. That the total gross project cost of $670,011.00 (HST included), including the tendered amount, consulting cost, a contingency and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $603,366.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $603,366.00 as approved in the 2023 Capital Budget to be funded by a transfer from the SWM Reserve Fund; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried 4.8 Director, Engineering Services, Report ENG 07-24 Proposed All-way Stop Sandy Beach Road and Parkham Crescent Recommendation: 1. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule “6” and Schedule “7” to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to address the proposed installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Sandy Beach Road and Parkham Crescent; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 15 Note: The disposition of this matter was determined through the following referral motion. Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That Item 4.8, Report ENG 07-24, be referred to the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting for direction. Carried 4.9 Director, Operations, Report OPS 04-24 Supply & Delivery of Various 4 and 5 Ton Dump Trucks Quotation No. RFQQ2024-4A Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That Quotation No. RFQQ2024-4A as submitted by Viking Cives Ltd. in the amount of $1,254,900.00 (HST excluded) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of $1,418,037.00 (HST included), and that the total net project cost of $1,276,986.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $1,276,986.00 as approved for in the 2024 Capital Budget as follows: a) The sum of $424,339.00 be revised from a 5-Year DC Debt to a 5-Year Internal Loan; b) The sum of $852,647.00 to be funded from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 16 4.10 Director, Operations, Report OPS 05-24 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Restoration of the Redman, Miller Cole & Brougham Temperance Houses and Related Site Works at the Pickering Museum Village Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Nagy 1. That RFP2023-11 for Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Restoration of the Redman, Miller Cole & Brougham Temperance Houses and Related Site Works at the Pickering Museum Village submitted by Barry Bryan Associates in the amount of $271,200.00 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of $336,740.00 (HST included), including the amount of the proposal, contingency and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $303,245.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 3. That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the net project cost of $303,245.00 as approved in the 2018 and 2021 to 2024 Capital Budgets as follows: a) The sum of $90,000.00 to be funded from Property Taxes; b) The sum of $160,000.00 to be funded by a transfer from the Minor Building Replacement Reserve; c) The sum of $53,245.00 to be funded by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; and, 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Carried 4.12 Director, City Development & CBO, Report SUS 05-24 Enbridge Data Usage Licence Recommendation: Draft Executive Committee Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 2:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Cook 17 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a Data Usage Licence with Enbridge Gas Inc. as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, subject to minor revisions as may be required by the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, and/or Chief Administrative Officer; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Note: The disposition of this matter was determined through the following referral motion. Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That Item 4.12, Report SUS 05-24, be referred to the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting for direction. Carried 5. Member Updates on Committees There were no updates from Members on Committees. 6. Other Business There was no other business. 7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Nagy Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the meeting be adjourned. Carried The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.