HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 08-24Report to Council Report Number: FIN 08-24 Date: April 22, 2024 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: 2024 Additional Community Grant Requests -File: F-4800-001 Recommendation: 1.That Council approve a grant to the Pickering Pentecostal Church, as an exception to the Community Grant Policy, in the amount of $3,000 to be funded from the General Government Grants - Programs Contingency account (503050.11100); 2.That Council approve a grant to the Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association (PCCCA) in the amount of $1,700 to be funded from the General Government Grants - Social Contingency account (503040.11100); 3.That section 02.07 of FIN 040 - Community Grant Policy be amended to increase the minor grant amount that can be awarded by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Director, Finance & Treasurer (Treasurer) from $250 to $2,000; and 4.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for two community grants, totaling $4,700, to be funded from the community grant contingency funds provided in the 2024 General Government Budget, and to increase the grant amount that can be awarded by the CAO and Treasurer from $250 to $2,000. Under the Strong Mayor’s legislation, the 2024 Current Budget was deemed adopted on March 1, 2024. The following grant requests, which were not included in the adopted budget, are being presented to Council for consideration: 1.A request from the Pickering Pentecostal Church in the amount of $3,000 to be used for youth programming; and 2.A request from the Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association (PCCCA) in the amount of $1,700 to be used for rental space and event supplies for the annual Seniors Tea Party to be hosted at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. This report also seeks approval to increase the minor grant amount that can be awarded by the CAO and Treasurer, so that other unanticipated grant requests that may occur throughout the year can be provided to qualifying groups. FIN 08-24 April 22, 2024 Subject: 2024 Additional Community Grant Requests Page 2 Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority 2: Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community. Financial Implications: The 2024 Community Grant Budget included contingency funds in accounts 503040.11100 and 503050.11100 to be used for unanticipated grant requests received throughout the year. These requests will be funded from the contingency accounts. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval for two community grants, totaling $4,700, to be funded from the community grant contingency funds provided in the 2024 General Government Budget. A. Pickering Pentecostal Church grant request for youth programming The Pickering Pentecostal Church (PPC) submitted a request for $10,000 through the Community Grant program for a Youth Social Activation program. The goal of the program is to invest in the youth of Pickering by providing enriching programs and events that promote personal and leadership development. PPC plan to use the grant funds to run youth events such as basketball nights and community fun event nights, ensuring the active involvement of Pickering's youth and young adults in positive and constructive activities. The funds would also be allocated to leadership development resources, including training programs like Toastmasters and peer mediation training. Although their application did not meet the program eligibility criteria, staff are presenting this grant for Council’s consideration. As a first-time applicant, a community grant is limited to $3,000 by the City’s Community Grant policy, so the full request of $10,000 is not being recommended by staff. B. Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association (PCCCA) grant request for facility rental costs for the annual Senior’s Tea Party The PCCCA has been hosting an annual Senior’s Tea Party for more than forty years and is the sole sponsor of the event held at the Chestnut Hill Development Recreation Complex (CHDRC). In 2023, the event welcomed over 500 seniors and was supported by a community grant from the City of Pickering of $3,210. On April 10, 2024, a request for financial assistance was received from the Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association (see Attachment 1). The group did not submit a grant request through the Community Grant program due to an oversight, but are hopeful that the City will extend a grant to ensure that the event can proceed in 2024. As this is an important social event for our City’s senior community, staff recommend that Council approve a grant of $1,700 for facility rental costs to PCCCA to enable them to host the annual Senior’s Tea Party at CHDRC. FIN 08-24 April 22, 2024 Subject: 2024 Additional Community Grant Requests Page 3 C. Proposed Community Grant Policy Revision Each year the City of Pickering accepts Community Grant applications from local non-profit community organizations. The grant program funds activities, programs and initiatives that promote well-being and community spirit among the residents of Pickering. While funding guidelines, application deadlines and the application portal are promoted on the City’s website and various communication streams, there are occasions where deserving organizations miss the application deadline or have needs that arise after the budget is approved or adopted under the Strong Mayor’s legislation. To address this, the annual budget includes contingency funds in the General Government grants area to allow for additional grants to be provided after the budget has been approved or adopted, without impacting the tax levy. FIN 040 Community Grants Policy also includes provisions in section 02.07 which allow the Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Finance & Treasurer to award minor grants outside of the budget process to ensure that urgent or unanticipated needs of the City’s community organizations can be addressed on a timely basis. Currently the limit of their authority is $250. Staff recommend increasing this limit to $2,000, reflecting the typical grant amounts requested. The policy will continue to include mandatory reporting back to Council, through the budget process, on all grants approved by the CAO and Treasurer in the year, to ensure full transparency and applicants would continue to be limited to one such minor grant per term of Council. FIN 040 Community Grants Policy would be revised as follows: 02.07 That the Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to award up to $2,000 $250 in minor community grants under the following rules: (i) that the organization has to complete the City’s grant application form and their application has to meet the city’s criteria; (ii) that these organizations be permitted to receive only one $2,000 $250 minor grant per term of Council and the funding for these grants be limited to the grant contingency allocation as provided in the grants budget; and (iii) that staff report on an annual basis to Council with the list of successful $2,000 $250 minor grant applicants as part of the budget process. Attachment: 1. Grant Request - Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association FIN 08-24 April 22, 2024 Subject: 2024 Additional Community Grant Requests Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By Danna Munns James Halsall Senior Budget and Financial Analyst Division Head, Finance Original Signed By: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer “It is cheaper to educate than to incarcerate” April 10th, 2024 Councillor Maurice Brenner Regional Councillor - Ward 1 City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 3Y7 Dear Councillor Brenner, As you no doubt are aware, for more than forty years the Pickering Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association (PCCCA) has been the sole sponsor of the annual Seniors Tea Party held at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Last year an audience of seniors in excess of 500 enjoyed the social atmosphere, food and the entertainment that they have come to love and expect. Regrettably the possibility of cancelling the even in 2024 looms over us due to the fact that we did not apply for a council grant for this year. Mr. Fred Gibson who applied for the grant in 2023 was expected to do so but has been in Barbados since last year and much to our chagrin no application for a grant was made. The purpose for the grant is to defray the $1700 cost of rental of space at the recreation centre. The association would greatly appreciate your assistance in taking this matter to council with the hope of Zinding an amicable solution to this dilemma. We have already received enquiries from local residents about the “Tea Party” and we most certainly would not want to disappoint them. I look forward to hearing from you soon with good news about a resolution to his situation. Yours respectfully. Raphael C. Francis, Secretary, PCCCA Attachment #1 to Report FIN 08-24