HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLK 02-24 Pl(KERJNG Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CLK 02-24 Date: April 2, 2024 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CLK 02-24 pertaining to a Ratepayer Association Policy be received; 2. That Policy ADM 270, Ratepayer Association Policy, included as Attachment 1 to Report CLK 02-24, be approved; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take such actions as are necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to recommend the approval of a Ratepayer Association Policy (Attachment 1). Ratepayer Associations play an important role in the process of civic engagement through community initiatives and raising awareness about matters affecting a defined geographic neighborhood or community. The City currently maintains an informal Ratepayer Association list of five (5) Associations, however, there is no formal Policy in place for the registration of new Ratepayer Associations. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority to Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe and Healthy Community, to strengthen existing and build new partnerships, and to foster an engaged and informed community. Financial Implications: Costs associated with implementing the Ratepayer Association Policy include complimentary printing of a maximum of 2,500 pages annually, per group, and providing a meeting space in a City facility, to hold an All Candidates Meeting in an election year, at no cost. The annual cost of providing printing is estimated at $22.50 per Ratepayer Association and the costs associated with the complimentary meeting room space will be minimal as they will be approved based on availability and operational needs so that there is no impact to the City’s regular programs and services. CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 2 Discussion: The purpose of this report is to recommend the approval of a Ratepayer Association Policy (Attachment 1). Ratepayer Associations play an important role in the process of civic engagement through community initiatives and raising awareness about issues affecting a defined geographic neighborhood or community. The City currently maintains an informal Ratepayer Association list of five Associations, however, there is no formal Policy in place for the registering of new Ratepayer Associations. Currently, the five Ratepayer Associations that are listed informally with the City receive various notifications including notices of statutory public meetings under the Planning Act. Each year, the Clerk’s Office reaches out to each of the five Ratepayer Associations to ensure that their contact information is accurate. Despite these efforts, not all Ratepayer Associations respond to the City’s request which has resulted in the list being outdated and inaccurate. With the proposed Ratepayer Association Policy, the framework will provide for formal registration of those groups who will be added to the City’s Registry for Ratepayer Associations. The Registry will be contained on a dedicated webpage on the City’s website, and will raise public awareness of Ratepayer Associations in general, providing residents with a resource for important matters within their communities. The proposed Policy will also provide benefits to a Ratepayer Association that may alleviate some administrative costs and increase their opportunities for public engagement. The recommendation to approve a Ratepayer Associations Policy is a result of resident requests for information pertaining to current Ratepayer Associations and requests pertaining to how a neighbourhood group can be formally recognized as a Ratepayer Association. Should the proposed Policy be approved, the dedicated webpage will provide an overview of the process, inform residents of possible Ratepayer Associations in their neighbourhood, and provide information to new groups that may be looking to establish themselves as a Ratepayer Association. A formal Ratepayer Association Policy will provide transparency and clarify the purpose of Ratepayer Associations and their relationship with the City. 1. Summary of Research Staff undertook research to explore municipal best practices as it pertains to policies and procedures surrounding Ratepayer Associations. The following provides an overview of eight Ontario municipalities that have Ratepayer/Community Association Policies and/or related processes in place. At the time of writing this Report, there were no municipalities in the Region of Durham that have a Ratepayer Association Policy or framework. • Town of Aurora o The Town of Aurora has a formal Ratepayer Association Policy and defines a Ratepayer Association as a group of residents and/or landowners within a geographically bounded area that come together to address issues affecting their neighbourhhood. • City of London o The City of London has an external site called NeighbourGood London. There is no official policy, however the site contains pages for identifying the CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 3 neighbourhoods in the municipality, as well as resources for up-and-coming Neighbourhood Associations to begin or maintain their organizations. • City of Markham o The City of Markham does not have a formal Ratepayer Association Policy, however they do have a registration process and a formal listing of registered Ratepayer Associations is provided on the City’s website. • City of Mississauga o The City of Mississauga has a Community Group Registry Program Policy. Their Policy focuses on supporting Not-for-Profit community groups that deliver programs, services, performances, events and/or social activities to Mississauga Residents. • Town of Oakville o The Town of Oakville has a Public Listing of Residents and Community Associations Procedure which applies to the Residents’ and Community Associations. All Residents’ and Community Associations may register with the Town to be included in Town notification mailing lists and on the Town’s website. • Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville o The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has recently implemented a Registered Ratepayer Association Policy which includes similar provisions to the City’s proposed Policy. Whitchurch-Stouffville provides a dedicated webpage on the Town website that includes the details of the Registered Ratepayer Associations. • City of Vaughan o The City of Vaughan has a Community Service Organization (CSO) Policy and dedicates a section within the Policy to Ratepayer Associations. CSOs are largely community groups that provide a service and are open to all residents of Vaughan. To support the development of Ratepayer Associations, the City provides Community Service Organization (CSO) status to these groups with some restrictions. • City of Waterloo o The City of Waterloo has a Community, Culture, and Recreation Services Affiliation Policy which does not define Ratepayer Associations, but rather it defines Neighbourhood/Homes Associations. Affiliation is recognized in an official agreement with the City. The Neighbourhood Associations are defined by boundaries and provide programs, services, supports, and connections aimed to support volunteer leadership and provide recreation and leisure to residents. 2. Eligibility Criteria and Benefits for Ratepayer Associations Each of the above listed municipalities have varying policies, procedures, or frameworks that include a list of eligibility criteria to be registered as a group or association. These criteria include, but are not limited to: CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 4 1. providing a list of a minimum number of individuals or households 2. providing a list of the executive members of the association 3. providing a statement of the association’s purpose and in some instances, the group’s constitution/by-laws 4. the taking of formal meeting minutes 5. the group’s annual budget 6. the boundaries of the association. The eight municipalities also grant benefits to associations such as the provision of links to meeting agendas and minutes, inclusion on the municipality’s website for public awareness, and in most instances, the opportunity to hold one annual meeting in a municipal facility free of charge. During the 2022 Municipal Election, the City was approached by two of our current Ratepayer Associations about the reduction of rental fees within a City facility to provide an All Candidates Meeting. Under the Corporate Resources for Election Purposes Procedure (ADM 170-001), organizations looking to conduct an All Candidates Meeting are required to abide by the usual rental charges and permit procedures. In response to the request in 2022, staff committed to reviewing the policies around permit fees for the hosting of an All Candidates Meeting. To that end, and through collaboration with Community Services, one of the benefits being extended to registered Ratepayer Associations under the provisions of the proposed Ratepayer Association Policy, is the waiving of permit fees to enable them to have access to a meeting space, in a City facility, in the year of an election, to host one all candidates meeting (subject to room rental availability). All Candidate Meetings are an important facet of elections as it provides an opportunity for the electorate to hear from the candidates and the initiatives that they are looking to achieve as an elected official. Staff discussed the ability to provide free meeting space annually and noted that facility room rental fees are set in the City’s User Fee By-law approved annually by Council. It was also noted that through the City’s Community Grants Policy, FIN 040, an organization can apply to have the cost of a room rental offset with funding from a Community Grant. 3. Proposed Policy Framework Based on staff’s research, the proposed Policy contains suggested eligibility criteria that is in line with municipal best practices and that will not preclude neighbourhood groups from being recognized as a registered Ratepayer Association. The proposed framework is not designed to be overly cumbersome on the Ratepayer Association so that they are able to use their resources in promoting civic engagement in the community as opposed to complying with strict regulations in order to be recognized as a Ratepayer Association. Under the provisions of the proposed Policy, in order to qualify for the Ratepayer Association Registration, groups will be asked to meet the following criteria: 1. Completion and submission of a prescribed Registration Form (see Appendices 1 and 2 of Attachment 1) that will include the following: CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 5 a. Membership listing with a minimum of ten (10) households represented, including the names, addresses, and signatures of one representative from each household. b. A list of the Executive Officers of the Ratepayer Association including their names, elected positions, addresses, and signatures. c. One general email address with a lead contact who will receive City communications for distribution to their members. d. A formal statement of purpose. e. A description and map outlining the detailed geographic boundaries of the area the Ratepayer Association represents. The noted difference from the current informal requirements for Ratepayer Associations is a membership listing, rather than just the number of homes represented within the Association’s boundaries, and the formal statement of purpose. These requirements should be easily fulfilled and will provide a greater understanding of the Ratepayer Associations initiatives to interested residents. The Policy criteria will provide that one member from each household within the defined boundary is included on the Membership list. This will ensure that there are enough individuals included as members to warrant the official title of Ratepayer Association and the associated benefits they are eligible to receive. The formalization of the registration process will also ensure that the contact information is up to date and that communications are being sent to the appropriate individual(s). Under the proposed policy, the benefits for registered City of Pickering Ratepayer Associations will include: 1. Inclusion on the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage with contact information and a link to the Association’s website (if applicable), as well as a visual map outlining the Association’s geographic boundaries. 2. Complimentary printing of up to 2,500 black and white copies per year. 3. Automatic subscription for notifications of upcoming meetings and agendas of Council, Executive Committee, Planning and Development Committee, and Advisory Committees. 4. Notification of Statutory Public Meetings and/or other City communications that may impact the Association’s geographic area. 5. Access to free meeting space, in a City Facility, to hold an All Candidates Meeting in an election year, subject to certain restrictions. 6. Recognition as a Registered Ratepayer Association when delegating at a Committee or Council Meeting. These benefits are commonly included in other municipalities’ Ratepayer Association policies/frameworks, and will serve to encourage formal registration of an Association and may serve to reduce some of the Association’s administrative costs. 4. Consultation with current Ratepayer Associations To ensure that the proposed Policy did not pose any barriers to the current Ratepayer Associations included on the City’s informal list, each Ratepayer Association was sent a survey (Attachment 2) to gather their feedback on the proposed framework. CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 6 As noted earlier in this Report, there are five Associations on the City’s informal Ratepayer Associations list. Three of the listed Associations responded to the Ratepayer Associations Review survey and two of the three updated their official contact information. The following table provides a summary of the survey responses: SurveyQuestion Association 1 (Fairport) Association 2 (PickeringWest Shore) Association 3 (Whitevale) Association 4 (Altona) Association 5 (Claremont) Eligibility Is your group able to provide the following items should this be included in the proposed eligibility criteria? Addresses of 10 Members No Yes No N/A N/A List of Executive Officers Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A One General Email Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A Formal Statement of Purpose Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A Description of Boundaries Yes Yes No N/A N/A Annual Renewal Should the proposed Ratepayer Association Policy require renewal by March 31st Annually, the City will provide notification to the provided contact prior to the annual renewal deadline, requesting that your group complete the Ratepayer Associations Renewal Form. Does the Renewal Process Pose any Barriers No No No N/A N/A Benefits How likely is your group to utilize and benefit from the following? Complementary Printing Likely Likely Neutral N/A N/A Digital Notifications Very Likely Likely Very Likely N/A N/A Official City Webpage Very Likely Very Likely Likely N/A N/A Annual City Facility Meeting Space Very Likely Very Likely Neutral N/A N/A CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 7 *Note *only association to meet proposed eligibility requirements According to the survey results, out of the five existing Ratepayer Associations, only one meets all of the criteria requirements in the proposed Ratepayer Association Policy. As these Associations are established in the communities they represent, and have been active in the City for some time, those three Associations that responded to the survey are proposed to be grandfathered in and granted an exception to the requirements of the proposed framework resulting in them being automatically registered on the 2024 Ratepayer Associations Registry. Each of the grandfathered Ratepayer Associations will be required to submit an annual renewal application and should they fail to do so, they will be removed from the Registry. Should they wish to formally register in the future, they would be required to comply with the eligibility requirements of the proposed Policy in order to be included on the Ratepayer Association Registry. The Associations that did not respond to the survey, or the City’s request for updated contact information, will not be included on the Registry. Numerous attempts were made to contact these two Associations albeit with no success. Should these groups wish to be included on the Registry in future, they will need to submit a new Ratepayer Association Application. 5. Implementation A dedicated webpage will be created and will offer a listing of the eligible Ratepayer Associations which will include the contact information, purpose of the Association, a map of the Association’s boundaries, and a link to their respective websites (if applicable). The webpage will also provide an overview of the registration process and links to the Ratepayer Association Application Forms. The webpage will provide valuable information to new and existing residents who may be looking to get involved in their community. Each Ratepayer Association will be responsible for informing the Clerk’s Office of any changes to their information. A link to the Ratepayer Associations webpage will be offered under the proposed Policy, however, the City of Pickering will not guarantee the accuracy of the information on any linked sites. The City’s relationship with the Ratepayer Associations is one of support only. The City will not be held liable for the decisions and/or actions of any Ratepayer Association, its Members and/or its participants, or for ensuring that the Association is in compliance with applicable laws. The City’s relationship with Ratepayer Associations is not a partnership and is not an endorsement of the group’s beliefs or views. The City will not act as a review body for any such group, and will not review Ratepayer Associations specific by-laws, operating guidelines and policies for the purpose of providing advice or consultation. The City’s role is to ensure that Ratepayer Associations meet the eligibility requirements, continue to meet their responsibilities in accordance with the Policy, and to administer the applicable benefits outlined in the Policy. In conclusion, staff are recommending a Policy framework for the registration of Ratepayer Associations and are seeking Council’s approval of the attached draft Policy (Attachment 1). Upon approval of the Policy staff will move forward with the setup of the dedicated webpage, CLK 02-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Ratepayer Association Policy Page 8 online Registration Form, and will carry out the necessary steps to inform the public, and listed Ratepayer Associations, of the new Policy. Attachments: 1.Draft Registered Ratepayer Association Policy ADM 270 2.Ratepayer Association Survey Prepared By: Prepared By: Janean Currie Legislative Coordinator Susan Cassel City Clerk Approved/Endorsed By: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor SC:jc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: -Cif:j()f­ p](KERJNG Attachment 1 to Report CLK 02-24 Policy Policy Title: Ratepayer Association Policy Policy NumberADM 270 Reference Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes – ADM 170- 001 Date Originated (m/d/y)April 2, 2024 Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages12 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact City Clerk Policy Objective This policy defines the framework for the approval and registration of Ratepayer Associations in the City of Pickering. The Policy also provides the manner of administration to maintain a record of active Ratepayer Associations in the City of Pickering. Index 01 Definitions 02 Eligibility Criteria 03 Renewal Criteria 04 Procedures 05 Ineligible Groups 06 Responsibilities of Ratepayer Associations 07 Removal from the Registry 08 Benefits for Ratepayer Associations 09 Regulatory/References/Codes/Standards Appendix 1 Ratepayer Associations Application Form Appendix 2 Ratepayer Associations Renewal Form 01 Definitions 01.01 All Candidates Meeting – a public meeting held to provide an opportunity for all Candidates to explain their election platform and to answer questions from attendees. 01.02 Candidate – a person who has filed a nomination paper to run for office in a City of Pickering municipal election or who is running for office in a provincial or federal election, or a by-election of any of them. 01.03 City Clerk – means the City Clerk of the City of Pickering, or their designate. 01.04 Executive Officer – means the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or other members as determined by the Ratepayer Association. 01.05 Member – means a person who is a resident and/or landowner, residing in the geographic area of a Ratepayer Association, who has submitted their name as part of the group’s membership. 01.06 Ratepayer Association – means an organization formed by a group of residents in a defined area, that have come together to address issues affecting its neighbourhood. 01.07 Registration Form – means the City of Pickering prescribed form that Ratepayer Associations must complete to be recognized as a Ratepayer Association in accordance with this Policy. 01.08 Registry – means the online list of Ratepayer Associations who meet the eligibility requirements and are included on the City’s website in accordance with this Policy. 02 Eligibility Criteria 02.01 To be eligible to register as a Ratepayer Association, groups must complete and submit a Ratepayer Association Application Form (Appendix 1) along with the following items to the City Clerk: 02.01.1 Membership list with a minimum of ten households that includes the name, address, and signature of one resident Member from each household; 02.01.2 A list of the Executive Officers including their names, positions, addresses, and signatures; 02.01.3 One general email address, with a lead contact person listed, to receive City communications for distribution to Members; 02.01.4 A formal statement of purpose or any supplemental documentation the group deems applicable; and, Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 2 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 02.01.5 A description and map of the boundaries of the area the Ratepayer Association represents. 03 Renewal Criteria 03.01 Ratepayer Associations are required to renew their status as a Ratepayer Association by March 31st, annually, including an updated membership list and a completed Ratepayers Association Renewal Form (Appendix 2) to be listed on the Registry for that year. 03.02 Notification of the renewal deadline will be sent via email to each Ratepayer Association at least 30 days in advance of the March 31st deadline. 04 Procedures 04.01 The City Clerk’s Office will be the key point of contact for Ratepayer Association registration. 04.02 As applications are received, an acknowledgement email will be sent to confirm receipt of the application and inform the group that it will be reviewed for consideration, after which time the group will be notified of the status of their request. 04.03 Once the registration has been reviewed, and the Ratepayer Association is deemed to have met all eligibility requirements, the Legislative Coordinator will notify the Ratepayer Association and update the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage with the Association’s name, President’s name, Association’s email address, geographic area that the Ratepayer Association represents, and a link to their website (if applicable). 05 Ineligible Groups 05.01 The City Clerk has discretion over the registration of Ratepayer Associations. Approval for inclusion in the Registry will not be provided for groups whose purpose, goals and/or objectives include any of the following: 05.01.1 To promote a for-profit professional association or business opportunity; 05.01.2 Conflict with applicable laws, including The Corporation of the City of Pickering’s (City) By-laws, Policies, and Procedures; 05.01.3 Organizations or programs that fall under the sole responsibility of other levels of government (i.e., health care, day care, education institutions, social support); and, 05.01.4 To further the aims of a political party, promote a political doctrine or persuade the public to adopt a particular view on a social question or issue. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 3 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 06 Responsibilities of Ratepayer Associations 06.01 Registered Ratepayer Associations are responsible for the following; 06.01.1 Complying with the outlined Eligibility Criteria; 06.01.2 Obtaining the consent of their Members before providing their personal information to the City and providing notice of collection and use of personal information by the Ratepayer Association and the City; 06.01.3 Renewing their Ratepayer Association status annually; 06.01.4 Providing notice to the City Clerk of any changes in the Association’s Executive Officer membership, including changes to their contact information within 30 days; 06.01.5 Providing notice to the City Clerk of any changes to the formal statement of purpose of the Ratepayer Association, or any other information, within 30 days of the change; and, 06.01.6 The Ratepayer Association must adhere to all applicable laws, City By-laws, Policies, and Procedures. 07 Removal from the Registry 07.01 Groups may be removed from the Registry by the City Clerk, and future requests for inclusion may be denied if the Group: 07.01.1 Provides fraudulent or misleading information to the City; 07.01.2 Acts in contravention of this Policy or any other City By-law, Policy or Procedure, or violates any provincial or federal legislation; 07.01.3 Does not renew their status on an annual basis; and, 07.01.4 No longer meets the eligibility criteria or the responsibilities outlined in this Policy. 07.02 If a Ratepayer Association is to be removed from the Registry, the City Clerk’s Office will provide 30 days notice, through email, to the Ratepayer Association, including the reasons for removal and the effective date for termination of the Ratepayer Association’s status and benefits. 07.03 Ratepayer Associations may request removal from the Registry at any time. Requests must be made in writing and signed by all Executive Officers of the Ratepayer Association and submitted to clerks@pickering.ca. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 4 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 08 Benefits for Ratepayer Associations 08.01 Complementary printing up to 2,500 black and white copies per year. Printing requests for colour copies, binding, booklets, etc., will not be accepted. All print requests must allow two full business days for completion and are subject to the completion of print requests pertaining to City business. Any print requests that include material, messaging, illustrations, photos, etc., that are in violation of the City’s values and/or Policies and Procedures, will be denied and such determination shall be at the discretion of the City Clerk. 08.02 Registered Ratepayer Associations will have the option to receive email notifications of upcoming Council and Committee Meetings. Clerks staff will subscribe the Association to each Council and Committee notification list as selected by the Ratepayer Association, and indicated on the Ratepayer Association Application Form, submitted at the time of registration. 08.03 Registered Ratepayer Associations will receive notification of certain matters pertaining to public engagement or statutory notices, initiated by the City, that may impact their geographic boundaries. 08.04 The Ratepayer Association’s information (Ratepayer Association Name, Name of the President, general email address, and link to the Ratepayer Association’s website) will be posted to the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage, along with the Association’s defined boundaries, so that residents are aware of and may become involved in a Ratepayer Association that is located in their community or neighbourhood. 08.05 Access to one free City facility meeting space to hold an All Candidates Meeting in an election year, subject to availability and the City’s scheduled programs and services. Certain restrictions may apply and will be determined by the City Clerk and Director, Community Services. 08.06 Recognition as a Registered Ratepayer Association for the purpose of delegating at a Committee or Council Meeting. 09 Regulatory/References/Codes/Standards 09.01 The City’s relationship with Ratepayer Associations under this Policy is one of support only. The City will not be held liable for the decisions and/or actions of any Ratepayer Association, its Members and/or its participants, or for ensuring that the forgoing is in compliance with applicable laws. The City’s relationship with Ratepayer Associations is not a partnership and is not an endorsement of the group’s beliefs or views. The City will not act as a review body for any such group, and will not review Ratepayer Associations specific by-laws, operating guidelines, and policies for the purpose of providing advice or consultation. The City’s role is to ensure that Ratepayer Associations meet the eligibility requirements, continue to meet their responsibilities in accordance with this policy, and to administer the applicable benefits as outlined in this Policy. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 5 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 09.02 The City does not provide any advice on Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) appeals or anything related to incorporation. Non-Profit Ratepayer Associations may or may not qualify for any appeal fee reductions and such determination shall be made by the OLT. 09.03 During an election year, should any Ratepayer Association promote or advertise any Candidate on their linked website, they are required to notify the Clerk’s Office and the link to the website will be removed for the duration of the election period. 09.04 A Registered Ratepayer Association may not use their annual printing allotment privileges for the purpose of promoting or advertising any Candidate in an election with the exception of hosting an All Candidates Meeting. 10 General 10.01 Despite Sections 06.01.1 and 07.01.4 of this Policy, any existing Ratepayer Associations that have confirmed their registration with the City prior to the implementation of this Policy, shall be included on the City’s Ratepayer’s Association Registry even if they do not meet all of the eligibility requirements of this Policy. All other parts of Sections 06 and 07 shall apply to all Associations. 10.02 Existing Ratepayer Associations will be required to renew their registration annually and should the Association cease to exist, or they do not renew their registration, they shall be removed from the Registry and will be required to apply as a new Ratepayer Association and shall be required to meet the provisions of this Policy. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 6 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 Appendices Appendix 1 New Ratepayer Association Application Form Appendix 2 Ratepayer Association Renewal Form Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 7 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 _____________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1 New Ratepayer Association Application Form Name of Ratepayer Association (Will be listed on the City’s website): Statement of Purpose (Will be listed on the City’s website): Ratepayer Association General Contact Number (Will be listed on the City’s website): Name of President (Will be listed on the City’s website): General Email Address (Will be listed on the City’s website): General Mailing Address: Association Webpage (Will be listed on the City’s website): Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 8 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 0 0 _____________________________________________________________________ List of Executive Officers: Name Position Address Signature Geographical Boundaries (Include written boundaries and a map) (Will be listed on the City’s website): We would like to receive email notifications of upcoming meetings of the following Council and/or Committees, (please check all that apply): o o o o Council Executive Committee Planning & Development Committee Advisory Committees Ratepayer Association Membership List Form Household Member Name Signature Address Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 9 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 Household Address Member Name Signature *Personal information contained on this Form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA),and will be used for the purpose of confirming the eligibility of a Ratepayer Association, providing the City of Pickering with a membership list of the Ratepayer Association, as well as providing the City of Pickering with information to be posted on the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage. By completing this Form, you consent to the information, as indicated on this Form, being posted to the City’s website. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 10 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 _____________________________________________________________________ Appendix 2 Ratepayer Association Renewal Form Name of Ratepayer Association (Will be listed on the City’s website): Ratepayer Association General Contact Number (Will be listed on the City’s website): Name of President (Will be listed on the City’s website): General Email Address (Will be listed on the City’s website): General Mailing Address: Association Webpage (Will be listed on the City’s website): List of Executive Officers: Name Position Address Signature Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 11 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 __________________________________________________________________________ Ratepayer Association Membership List Form Household Address Member Name Signature * Personal information contained on this Form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA),and will be used for the purpose of confirming the eligibility of a Ratepayer Association, providing the City of Pickering with a membership list of the Ratepayer Association, as well as providing the City of Pickering with information to be posted on the City’s Ratepayer Association webpage. By completing this Form, you consent to the information, as indicated on this Form, being posted to the City’s website. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. By submitting this information, you confirm the following: the association’s Statement of Purpose remains unchanged; the association's geographical boundaries remain unchanged; the association meets all requirements as set out in the City of Pickering’s Ratepayers Association Policy; and, Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 12 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 the association’s president consents to their name and email address being posted on the City’s website. If any of these have changed, please submit a New Ratepayers Application Form with updated information. Policy Title: Registered Ratepayer Association Policy Page 13 of 13 Policy Number: ADM 270 Attachment 2 to Report CLK 02-24 Ratepayer Associations Survey Part I: Eligibility 1. Is your group able to provide the following items should this be included in the proposed eligibility criteria? Eligibility Criteria Yes No 1. Addresses of 10 households with the name and signature of one resident Member from each household. 2. List of the Executive Officers with their names, positions, addresses, and signatures. 3. One general email address, with a lead contact person listed, to receive all City communications for their distribution to Members. 4. A formal statement of purpose or any supplemental documentation the group deems applicable. 5. A description or map of the boundaries of the area the Ratepayer Association represents. Part II: Renewal 1. Should the proposed Ratepayer Association Policy require renewal by March 31st annually, the City will provide notification to the provided contact prior to the annual renewal deadline, requesting that your group complete the Ratepayer Associations Renewal Form. Does the annual renewal process pose any barriers to your group to maintain its place on the proposed formal Ratepayer Association Registry? a. Yes i. If yes, please provide details: b. No Part III: Proposed Benefits How likely is your group to use and benefit from complementary printing (up to 2,500 sheets per year? (Note: Printing will only be done in black and white, no requests for binding, booklets, etc.,) 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. e. How likely is your group to benefit from digital notification of upcoming Council and Committee Meetings (provided through the City’s website)? a. Very likely b. Likely c. Neutral d. Unlikely e. Very Unlikely How likely is your group to benefit from your information being posted on the City’s website? (Note: Information would include Ratepayer Association Name, Name of the President, general email address, and link to the Ratepayer Association’s website, and a description or map of the boundaries of the area the Ratepayer Association represents) a. Very likely b. Likely c. Neutral d. Unlikely e. Very Unlikely How likely is your group to use and benefit from one free City facility meeting space to hold one meeting each year? (Note: Meeting spaces are subject to availability. Certain restrictions may apply as deemed appropriate by the City Clerk and Director, Community Services.) a. b. c. d. e. Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very Unlikely Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very Unlikely