HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 05-24Report to Council Report Number: FIN 05-24 Date: March 25, 2024 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2023 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees File: F-1000-001 Recommendation: It is recommended that Report FIN 05-24 regarding the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2023 be received for information. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to be compliant with Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act 2001 (the “Act”) which states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement (the “Statement”) of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been appointed by Council to serve as a member of any body. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Corporate Key to Deliver on Good Governance – Open & Transparency. Financial Implications: This report contains no new financial implications as the expenditures were provided for in the 2023 Current Budget approved by Council. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to be compliant with Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act 2001 (the “Act”) which states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement (the “Statement”) of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been appointed by Council to serve as a member of any body. Over the past few years, the Statement has evolved to include various categories of expenditures that have been interpreted to be required under the Act and/or financial reporting requirements of the Province of Ontario and professional accounting bodies. Report FIN 05-24 March 25, 2024 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2023 Remuneration Page 2 and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Committees The Statement also includes expenses paid on behalf of Members of Council or Committee appointees. This fulfils the intent of the Act by ensuring that all expenses incurred for a Councillor’s benefit are accounted for. The Statement excludes expenditures that are corporate in nature, for example, Council receptions, Committee meeting expenses and City Hall administration and overhead expenses. Remuneration and expenses paid by Elexicon Corporation to Pickering Council appointees to the Elexicon Board have been included in the Statement. The Act stipulates that any body to which a Council appointment is made must provide the municipality with a statement of remuneration and expenses paid for the year, and this information must be included in the Statement. Attachments: 1. Members of Council, 2023 Remuneration and Expenses 2. Members of Council, Detailed Breakdown of 2023 Expenses 3. Council Appointees, 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Elexicon Corporation 4. Council Appointees, 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Julie S. Robertson Stan Karwowski Senior Financial Analyst Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment 1 to Report FIN 05-24 Statement of Treasurer Members of Council 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Remuneration (1)Per Diems (2)Benefits (3)Expenses (4)Travel Total Current Capital(5) ($)($)($)($)($)($)($) Mayor K. Ashe Councillors 120,703 - 31,287 21,479 19,182 192,651 662 120,703 - 31,287 21,479 19,182 192,651 662 M. Brenner 50,293 5,029 16,983 7,417 12,000 91,722 - S. Butt 50,293 5,029 20,765 19,200 12,216 107,503 2,712 L. Cook 50,293 5,029 20,646 4,643 12,000 92,611 582 M. Nagy D. Pickles 50,293 50,293 5,029 5,029 15,648 20,765 16,941 16,546 12,345 12,000 100,256 104,633 152 - L. Robinson 39,778 4,265 18,142 15,919 12,000 90,104 977 291,243 29,410 112,949 80,666 72,561 586,829 4,423 Notes to Members of Council: (1)Authority: Resolution 73/05, 12/07, 214/07, 54/11, 152/11, 48/15, 299/17, 48/19, 240/20, 546/21, 160/23 Council Compensation Policy ADM 190 and Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 Excludes amounts paid to City of Pickering Regional Councillors by the Region of Durham. Such amounts are reported separately by the Region. In accordance with the Integrity Commissioner's Report recommendations, Resolutions 263/23 and 292/23 resulted in the suspension of 6 pay periods for Councillor Robinson. (2) Per diem payments to Members of Council are for attendance at special meetings throughout the year. (3)Benefits include RRSP/TFSA contributions (in lieu of a pension plan), health, dental and life insurance coverage, CPP and EHT costs. (4) See detailed breakdown of expenses on Attachment 2. (5) Computer hardware, software and telecommunications equipment provided under the Council Compensation Policy. A total of $15,000 is provided per term, and these funds can only be spent during the first 40 months of office following a general election. Attachment 2 to Report FIN 05-24 Statement of Treasurer Members of Council Detailed Breakdown of 2023 Expenses Meals, Recpt, Cellular Newsletter/Corporate Prom & Sp Office Total Conferences Phones Internet (1)Postage Initiatives Events Supplies Expenses ($)($)($)($)($)($)($)($) Mayor K. Ashe Councillors 3,320 1,984 718 - 9,794 5,663 - 21,479 3,320 1,984 718 - 9,794 5,663 - 21,479 M. Brenner - 1,812 1,391 3,557 - 275 382 7,417 S. Butt 2,831 984 1,057 7,184 6,725 275 144 19,200 L. Cook - 253 427 3,791 - 150 22 4,643 M. Nagy D. Pickles 4,362 - 1,292 492 971 855 6,869 7,279 3,293 7,519 154 275 - 126 16,941 16,546 L. Robinson - 1,235 999 13,271 --414 15,919 7,193 6,068 5,700 41,951 17,537 1,129 1,088 80,666 (1)Councillors - internet charges provided under Council Compensation Policy ADM 190. Attachment 3 to Report FIN 05-24 Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Elexicon Corporation Remuneration Expenses (4) Total $ $ $ Elexicon Corporation (1) Board of Directors D. Pickles (2,3) 20,466 - 20,466 Notes to Elexicon Corporation and Board of Directors: (1) The above information was provided by the Corporate Governance Administrator, Elexicon Corporation. (2) Appointed by Kevin Ashe, Mayor, City of Pickering as duly appointed designate effective January 1, 2023. (3) Remuneration and expenses are paid by Elexicon Corporation as may be established by the Board of Directors. (4) Expenses include conferences, meals and mileage. Attachment 4 to Report FIN 05-24 Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Remuneration Expenses (1) Total $ $ $ Accessibility Advisory Committee (2,5,9) Councillor Brenner (16) - - - Councillor Nagy (16) - - - D. Currie (11) - - - S. Fatima (11) - - - B. Ferguson (11) - - - A. Khan (11) - - - T. Lyle-Gravlev (11, 27) - - - P. Milton (11, 28) - - - R. Rizvi (11) - - - C. Rudberg-Chin (11) - - - M. Shackleton (21) - - - S. Snyders (11) - - - K. Sullivan (21) - - - M. Thorpe-Ross (11) - - - - - - Animal Services Appeal Committee (2) Councillor Butt (12) - - - S. Frost (11) - - - T. Yan (11) - - - - - - Committee of Adjustment (2,5) T. Copeland (11, 25) - - - O. Ha-Redeye (11) 1,820 374 2,194 D. Rundle (11) 1,690 119 1,809 S. Sood Joshi (17) 1,260 226 1,486 R. Van Andel (11) 1,680 - 1,680 S. Wiley (11) 1,760 88 1,848 8,210 807 9,017 Community Safety & Well-Being Advisory Committee (5,6,7) Councillor Butt (19) - - - Councillor Robinson (16, 26) - - - L. Appelbohm (18) - - - C. Bamford (18) - - - K. Hamilton (18) - - - M. Kenworthy (18) - - - J. Larendowicz (18) - - - D. Magagna (18) - - - A. Muhammad (18) - - - P. Patel (18) - - - C. Paxton (18) - - - A. Rizvi (18) - - - - - - Remuneration Expenses (1) Total $ $ $ Cultural Advisory Committee (2,3,5) Councillor Nagy (15) - - - S. Almeida-Schroen (10) - - - R. Coelho (10) - - - L. Coulter (10, 23) - - - D. Davis (10) - - - J. Elliot (10) - - - Z. Kazi (10) - - - M. McFarland (10) - - - A. Mujeeb (10) - - - A. Palmer (13) - - - D. Thompson (10) - - - - - - Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee (2) R. Anderson (11) - - - A. Bhadra (11) - - - N. Brewster (11) - - - C. Doody-Hamilton (11) - - - L. Jeffrey (11) - - - S. Monaghan (11) - - - R. Smiles (11) - - - A. Sohel (11, 24) - - - J. White (11) - - - - - - Livestock Valuer (2) J. Laider (11) - 91 91 - 91 91 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (4) C. Canzius (14, 22) 360 - 360 D. David (14, 22) 460 - 460 D. Dill (14, 22) 385 - 385 Z. Donaldson (14, 22) - - - A. Fraser (14, 22) 475 - 475 E. Gittens (29) 130 - 130 O. Grignon (14, 22) 1,000 - 1,000 K. Hanson (14, 22) 485 - 485 B. Loiseau (14, 22) 325 - 325 K. Lopez (29) 195 - 195 P. Martin (14, 22) 260 - 260 S. Mascoll (14, 22) 810 - 810 K. Petrolo (14, 22) 310 - 310 C. Russell (14, 22) - - - V. Shaw (14, 22) 425 - 425 K. Smith (14, 28) - - - 5,620 - 5,620 Remuneration Expenses (1) Total $ $ $ Pickering Public Library Board (2,5) Councillor Brenner (12) - - - Councillor Butt (16) - - - Councillor Cook (12) - - - K. Danylak (11) - - - B. Kenworthy (11) - 186 186 A. Maginley (11) - 147 147 F. Mahjabeen (11) - - - A. Mir (11) - 186 186 D. Sharma (11) - 45 45 S. Sheehy (11) - 45 45 K. Smuk (11) - - - - 609 609 Property Review Committee (2,5) Councillor Butt (16) J. Ali (11) - - - G. Fernandes (11) - - - I. Joseph (11) - - - M. Naeem (11) - - - S. Upadhyayula (11) - - - - - - Vehicle For Hire Committee (2,6) Councillor Brenner (12) - - - S. Brown (18) - - - - - - Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee (5,6,8) Councillor Brenner (16) - - - Councillor Nagy (16) - - - Gord MacPherson (18) - - - Adam McGean (18) - - - Amanda Small (18) - - - Kelly Stott (20) - - - Lynn Tidd (20) - - - - - - Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2023 Remuneration and Expenses Notes to Council Appointees: All payments are authorized under Council’s adoption of the 2023 Current Budget. (1) Expenses include conferences, travel, and meeting expenses (2) Authority: By-law 7977/22 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (3) Authority: By-law 7988/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (4) Authority: By-law 8007/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (5) Authority: By-law 8010/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (6) Authority: By-law 8018/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (7) Authority: By-law 8029/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (8) Authority: By-law 8047/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (9) Authority: By-law 8051/23 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (10) Resolution #03/22, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2024 (11) Resolution #03/22, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (12) Resolution #17/22, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (13) Resolution #61/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2024 (14) Resolution #147/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on February 28, 2027 (15) Resolution #152/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2024 (16) Resolution #152/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (17) Resolution #180/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 Statement of Treasurer Council Appointees 2023 Remuneration and Expenses (18) Resolution #211/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (19) Resolution #234/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (20) Resolution #284/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (21) Resolution #312/23, Council appointee for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 (22) Resolution #366/23, Council appointee term amended to expire on November 14, 2026 (23) Resigned December, 2022 (24) Resigned January, 2022 (25) Resigned March, 2023 (26) Resigned June, 2023 (27) Resigned September, 2023 (28) Resigned October, 2023 (29) Resolution #828/22, Council appointee for a term to expire February 28, 2023.