HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 01-24Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 01-24 Date: February 5, 2024 From: Laura Gibbs (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Indoor Pickleball - Interim Solution - File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 01-24 regarding Indoor Pickleball Courts Interim Solution be received; 2. That staff be directed to further investigate indoor warehouse spaces suitable to accommodate pickleball courts, including a detailed retrofit and operating budget, and that staff report back to Council in Q3, 2024; and 3. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as outlined in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide an interim solution to meet the demand for pickleball facilities until the Seaton Recreation Complex and Library is built. As per Resolution #278/23, staff were directed to: 1) Explore opportunities to lease warehouse space that can be retrofitted to accommodate the construction of Indoor Pickleball Courts; 2) Consult with the Pickering Pickleball Club (PPC) in this review; and 3) Report back to Council for budget consideration no later than Q1, 2024. Staff have identified indoor warehouse locations in South Pickering that could be retrofitted to support pickleball courts. However, staff are still engaged in ongoing consultation with the PPC in investigating available locations and cannot report back on site selection or associated costs at this time. Therefore, staff are seeking Council approval to further investigate warehouse sites and to develop a cost estimate for fit out, rental costs and operating costs to be returned to Council in Q3, 2024. In the meantime, improvements to the court flooring at the Pickering Soccer Centre (PSC) are currently being investigated and will result in up to six pickleball courts, to be made available for use in 2024. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority to Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community. CS 01-24 February 5, 2024 Subject: Indoor Pickleball ± Interim Solution Page 2 Financial Implications: One-time capital costs to retrofit a warehouse space will be required for modifications including but not limited to the addition of HVAC lighting, flooring, and washrooms. Annual operating cost for a warehouse space will depend on the utility costs of the facility, rent, cleaning, security, and program administration costs. At this stage of investigation, a warehouse space has not been identified and therefore the associated costs to retrofit and operate it have not been determined. Discussion: The increased demand for court space and court times, as expressed by the PPC, has exceeded the pickleball court facilities available within the City of Pickering. A. Demand for pickleball exceeds available court facilities. In January 2023, the City offered nine and a half hours per week on four courts in the banquet hall space at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC). By December 2023, the number of available court time increased to 27.5 hours of play time per week. There were 10,506 pickleball drop-in players in 2023 at CHDRC. All drop-in pickleball play at the CHDRC is managed by the PPC. They have a Board of Directors and many volunteers who arrange for learn to play, skill development, ladder play, mixed play, and tournaments. The PPC includes more than 500 players. Despite the increased court times, players still have a considerable delay in play time. During busy sessions, there are upwards of 20 players waiting. A variation on regular scoring has been instituted to reduce the waiting times, however the non-playing time is still normally 30 minutes for a 10-minute game. B. The City continues to add new pickleball programs in community facilities. In 2023, the City offered pre-registered pickleball programs on a sessional basis at three facilities. 500 participants registered in the 32 programs. 27 of those programs were for the 55+ age group and prove to be the most popular. The 55+ programs have waitlists for most time slots. In 2024, the City will be expanding pre-registered pickleball to Dunbarton High School with six hours available weekly. Combined with planned programs in community centres and CHDRC, the City will offer 53 hours weekly of pickleball programs. Current pickleball programs are all in multi-use facilities that do not include dedicated pickleball courts. In order to accommodate pickleball, court lines are added and removed for every game using tape. This required set up and clean up reduces available playing time. C. Amenities and space requirements for pickleball. CS 01-24 February 5, 2024 Subject: Indoor Pickleball ± Interim Solution Page 3 A standard pickleball court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide, inclusive of lines. Each court requires clearance of ten feet around it to accommodate SOD\HUV¶ access to the courts, and off- court play (i.e. balls hit out of court). The minimum space requirement to introduce eight indoor pickleball courts, for example, is approximately 16,500 square feet. In addition to unencumbered court spaces, the facility (ie. warehouse) will also need to include the following amenities: x At least 40 parking spaces including accessible parking. x Public washrooms, including an accessible washroom. x Storage space for equipment and nets. x Health and safety equipment including a defibrillator. x Security provisions like outdoor lighting, alarms and cameras. x A seating area for players to wait or spectate. x A small office space with internet, phone, computer and printer. x Janitorial storage space. The minimum space requirement for indoor facility amenities is 3,500 square feet. Added to the 16,500 square feet court requirement makes the total square foot requirement for an indoor interim space a minimum of 20,000 square feet. D. There are indoor warehouse spaces available for lease. Staff have identified a warehouse located at 935 Sandy Beach Road as a warehouse option for indoor pickleball use. This property is 30,000 square feet, with existing washrooms and a reception area. Transit stops are available at Bayly and Sandy Beach Road. The warehouse is zoned to permit various recreational uses including pickleball. There is a current tenant in this space so a site visit could not be conducted by City staff and PPC. That said, it is anticipated to become vacant in late spring 2024 and can be assessed at that time. In January 2024, staff and members of the PPC visited a 100,000 square feet warehouse at 915 Sandy Beach Road that included studio space and an office. While this facility is much larger than what is required, the site visit provided information to better ascertain the requirements of a smaller warehouse space and determine an estimated retrofit cost per square foot. There are other warehouses listed for lease that can be considered for indoor pickleball use. E. Indoor warehouse space will require retrofitting. Currently, there DUHQ¶W any indoor warehouse spaces that are currently set up to accommodate pickleball. A retrofit to make any warehouse space suitable for pickleball courts could cost between $50 to $250 per square foot, for modifications like the addition of HVAC lighting, flooring, and washrooms. The precise retrofit cost cannot be ascertained at this time until a warehouse space has been identified, investigated and fully considered. The operating cost of the interim indoor facility will depend on the utility costs of the facility, rent, cleaning, security, and program administration costs. CS 01-24 February 5, 2024 Subject: Indoor Pickleball ± Interim Solution Page 4 F. Improvements to court flooring at the PSC will result in six more courts. On January 16 and 17, 2022, the City of Pickering received 55 centimeters of snow. The result of this snowfall was the collapse of the PSC dome on January 17, 2022. On August 18, 2022, Council approved recommendations in Report FIN 14-22, approving repairs to the PSC dome along with enhancements to the facility. Facility enhancements included four pickleball courts. Restoration and facility enhancements were completed at the PSC in early 2023. Enhancements included a new hard surface space to accommodate a variety of court sports including pickleball and volleyball. Following installation of the flooring of the courts, the flooring was found to be suitable for volleyball, but less so for pickleball. In consultation with the Pickering Football Club (PFC), who holds the lease to the PSC, and the PPC, City staff have identified a flooring product that would make the courts more suitable for pickleball. Further consultation will take place with these groups to test flooring products before installation to ensure suitability. Improvements to the flooring at the PSC will result in up to six dedicated pickleball courts that would be available for use in 2024. There would be no additional operating costs to the City, as this facility is operated by the PFC. There is approximately $142,000 remaining in the 2023 Capital Budget for project C10220.2214. The replacement flooring product is estimated to cost up to $10.00 per square foot, requiring an additional $50,000 budget to supply and install. These funds are reflected in WKH 0D\RU¶V&DSLWDO%XGJHWDQGFRQVLGHUHGWR EH SDUWRIWKH XSJUDGHZRUNDSSURYHGE\ FIN 14-22. The purpose of this report is to provide an update on an indoor facility that can provide an interim solution until the Seaton Recreation Complex and/or other amenities can be built to support the demand for indoor pickleball facilities. Attachment: None Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ Karen Coleman Laura Gibbs MBA, MSc Manager, Fitness, Courts & Aquatics (Acting) Director, Community Services LG:kc CS 01-24 February 5, 2024 Subject: Indoor Pickleball ± Interim Solution Page 5 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer