HomeMy WebLinkAbout1- Table of Contents Vol ICity Policy/Procedure Approval: Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer Classification: Index Reference: Date Revised: July 2024 Category: Subject: Policy Title: Index – Volume I ADM: Standards for City Policies and Procedures 010 Vehicle Use Policy 020 Information Technology Policy 030 - Personal Computer Procedure 030-001 - Computer Software Procedure 030-002 Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy 040 Council Appointments to Committees Policy 045 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy 050 - Video Surveillance Procedure 050-001 - Privacy Breach Procedure 050-002 Records Management Policy 060 Code of Conduct Policy 070 - Procedure for Complaints under the Council Code of Conduct and Inquiries under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 070-001 Mobile Electronic Devices Policy 080 - Use of Blackberry and Smartphone Devices Procedure 080-001 Accessibility Policy 090 - Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Procedure 090-001 Public Notification Policy 100 Corporate Protocols Policy 110 - Presentations and Delegations to Committee and Council Meetings Procedure 110-001 - Flag Raising Procedure 110-002 - Booking Council Chambers & The Civic Complex Lobby Procedure 110-003 - Proclamation Procedure 110-004 - Petition Procedure 110-005 - City Property Naming Procedure 110-006 - Key to the City Procedure 110-007 - Partner and Friendship Cities Procedure 110-008 - City Facility Plaque Criteria 110-009 Acquisition and Disposal of Land Policy 130 Communications Policy 140 - City of Pickering Website – Terms of Use and Privacy Statement Procedure 140-001 - Forms Management Procedure 140-002 - In-House Printing Procedure 140-003 - Media Relations Procedure 140-004 - eNewsletter Procedure 140-005 - Website Content Management Procedure 140-006 - Social Media Procedure 140-007 - Accessible Documents Procedure 140-008 - Logo Use Procedure 140-009 - Photograph and Video Activity and Use Procedure 140-010 - Business Card and Letterhead Procedure 140-011 Marketing Partnership and Advertising Policy 150 - Marketing Partnership and Advertising Procedure 150-001 Customer Service Policy 160 - Employee Identification Procedure 160-001 Accountability and Transparency Policy 170 - Corporate Resources for Election Purpose Procedure 170-001 Delegation of Powers and Duties Policy 180 - Special Occasion Permits – Public Events of Municipal Significance Procedure 180-001 Council Compensation Policy 190 Bonus Zoning Policy 210 Street Naming Policy 220 Appeals of Council Decisions on Planning Act Applications and Committee of Adjustment Decisions Policy 230 Community Garden Policy 240 Pregnancy and Parental Leaves for Members of Council Policy 250 Respectful Conduct Policy 260 Ratepayer Association Policy 270 Advertising Standards Policy 280 CUL: Collections Development and Management Policy 010 - Deaccession of Artifacts Procedure 010-001 Conservation Policy 020 Pickering Museum Village Research Policy 030 Pickering Museum Village Interpretation Policy 040 Pickering Museum Village Exhibit Policy 050 Community Festivals and Events Policy 070 Volunteer Policy 080 - Volunteer Procedure 080-001 Access to Recreation Policy 120 - Sports Field Allocation Procedure 120-001 Public Art Policy 130 Community Banner Policy 140 Civic Awards Program 150 Pest Management Policy 160 FIN: Personal Use of Corporate Vehicles Policy 010 Lease Financing Policy 020 Financial Control Policy 030 - Cash Receipts Procedure 030-001 - Expense & Mileage Claim Reimbursements Procedure 030-002 - Purchasing Card Procedure 030-003 - Petty Cash and Float Handling Procedure 030-004 - Accounts and Rents Receivable Procedure 030-005 - Spending Authority Procedure 030-006 Community Grant Policy 040 Accounting for Tangible Assets Policy 050 Commodity Price Hedging Policy (under review) 060 - Commodity Price Hedging Procedure 060-001 Fair Wage Policy for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Construction Contracts Policy 070 Strategic Asset Management Policy 080 Development Charge Interest Policy 090 LEG: *** Policy to be drafted 010 - Marijuana Grow Operations Procedure 010-001 HUR: See Volume II PUR: Purchasing Policy 010 - Purchasing Procedure 010-001