HomeMy WebLinkAbout November 21, 2023For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee November 21, 2023 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room/Hybrid Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the livestream. 1.Welcome and Call to Order D. Thompson 2.Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes D. Thompson 3.Disclosure of Interest D. Thompson 4.Delegations 5.General Business 5.1 Shortlisted Artists – Kinston Road (EOI) 5.2 Award – Fence Wrap 5.3 Award – Window Painting 5.4 Call to Artists – Gordon Lightfoot (EOI) 5.5 2024 CAC Work Plan – Discussion 5.6 2024 CAC Meeting Schedule 5.7 Pickering Museum Village – Update S. Barakov S. Barakov S. Barakov S. Barakov J. St. Amant J. St. Amant K. Bradley 6.Correspondence D. Thompson 7.Other Business 7.1 Winter Arrangement Display in City Hall Lobby 7.2 Update on the Wagon – Completion 7.3 Parks and Recreation Master Plan D. Thompson S. Barakov S. Barakov CAC Group Agenda January 17, 2023 Cultural Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 8.Next Meeting – January 16, 2024 D. Thompson 9.Adjournment D. Thompson Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee October 17, 2023 Main Committee Room 7:00pm Attendees: S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J.Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) K. Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Community Services S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art A. Migwans, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order S. Almeida-Schroen welcomed the members and call the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. S. Almeida has been appointed to The Chair of The Committee in D. Thompsons’ absence. Moved by S. Almeida-Schroen. To approve the agenda. - 1 -- 1 - Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Carried. 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosure of interest were noted. Carried. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for this meeting. Carried. 5. General Business 5.1 Endorsement on Call to Artists – Fence Wrap S. Barakov presented the Call to Artists Fence Wrap for the electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. The City of Pickering would like to invite local artists or artist teams to create a draft digital artwork that will be printed and installed at the chainmail fence surrounding the electrical generator. This project has been funded $2,000 and has been approved by Ontario Power Generation. M. McFarland asked for a more in depth description on what the Fence Wrap project will consist of. S. Barakov explained that this public art installation will conceal the electrical generator that will be under the temporary public art policy for 3 to 5 years – to be unveiled on November 3, 2023. A. Palmer inquired whether this would attract the community to this point of interest. S. Barakov explained that we would like to keep the themes and local history of the site, that includes emphasis on the original site as the exterior of the fence will only be covered. K. Roberts concluded that the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park path gets used frequently as it is an access point to Frenchman’s Bay, so the installation will be visible to others. S. Barakov to seek endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee. - 2 -- 2 - Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.2 City Center Banner Display Program – October Application Intake Review Jesse presented the Community Banner Policy as a friendly reminder that this upcoming application intake for October to give the community the opportunity to those who express interest in partaking in the Community Banner Display Program. The deadlines will be split into 2 terms. Deadlines being – October 28 and March 28 of each year. K. Roberts adds that the policy states that this program is community lead vs staff initiated such that, it will not interfere with the previous Community Banner Series discussed in the Cultural Advisory Meeting that occurred on September 19, 2023. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.3 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan and 2023 Achievements – Review J. St. Amant presented that the 2022 Committee Report and 2023 proposed work plan that has been submitted, for Council’s information. J. St. Amant states the importance of submission is to allow us to take all the information gathered and put it into a structural work plan for the next year. L Gibbs discusses how the 10-year Recreation and Parks Master Plan correlates with the Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan by taking into consideration of all feedback and will engage with the updates. R. Wali inquires on what type of feedback is required. J St. Amant responds stating by having input from the Cultural Advisory Committee it aids for better feedback to implement the communities wants and needs into the work plan. Z. Kazi to follow-up with J. St Amant regarding Community Banner Display & Community Grant Funding applications. J. St. Amant to send out previous work plans to the Cultural Advisory Committee members. Deadline of November 1, 2023 to receive new items that could potentially be added to the 2024 Work Plan involving the Cultural Advisory Committee – for review at November Meeting - 3 -- 3 - Page 4 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.4 Recreation and Parks Master Plan – Review M. Murray introduced the Recreation and Parks Master Plan that reflects 2024 to 2034. The plan is a key element for the community to review – new opportunities, evolving needs, and recent changes. M. Murray has suggested that a member of the Cultural Advisory Committee to be appointed as a representative in our focus groups/charrette’s that will be held throughout the month of November. The City of Pickering is evolving, and our goal is to gain as much input to build collectively as a community that includes the community, diversity and visions of the City. M. Murray proposed that the area of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to undergo first were the arenas. It was conducted that majority arena users were in attendance of surveys, leading the arena’s project to be advanced earlier than the rest of the plan. Z. Kazi asked if the Recreation and Parks Master Plan, alongside the arena plan will take into consideration of recent changes and new development. M. Murray responded stating all strategies will be high level and will reflect all of the feedback that reflects each area of interests needs. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.5 Community Safety & Well-Bring – Draft Plan E. Knox presented the Community Safety & Well- Being Draft Plan to emphasize the key initiatives the plan will be covering. The purpose of the plan will be to – prioritize community safety and well-being, guide to support individual safety, partner with stakeholders to enhance training and access to services in the community and create a safer more inclusive space Cultural Advisory Committee members who are available to participate in the charettes proposed to notify J. St. Amant & M. Murray of their availability. - 4 -- 4 - Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) for residents. As of right now, from the data collected E. Knox has broken the key priorities into 7 parts including – Community Vitality Learning Education and Creative Communities, Create Safe & Welcoming Neighborhoods, Physical Health & Mental Wellness, Improve Living Standards, Support Basic Needs and Promoting Inclusion, Diversity & Equity. Z. Kazi inquired what the percentage of Pickering had responded to the surveys and how much emphasis the survey has on this plan. E. Knox responded stating, about 332 members of the community responded and this survey led us to the draft plan in order to get rich feedback to bring back to council before launching. A. Palmer asked how many years the Community Safety & Well-Being plan will be. L Gibbs confirmed that the plan will consist of 5 years. R. Wali suggested adding to priority 2 (Learning, Education and Creative Communities) – the idea of providing a platform for Pickering residents to volunteer. Z. Kazi inquired for more information on priority 7 (Promoting Inclusion, Diversity & Equity) – on the process on how to recruit residents. E. Knox responded suggesting that the team is to look at different opportunities to bring groups together, going into the community, listening to residents’ input, making partnerships with different organizations, networking and taking community development opportunities all into consideration. E. Knox concluded that partnerships are in the works because a lot of what our team does is at a basic level whilst including other parties, we can implement the plan more in depth to increase those key initiatives. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. - 5 -- 5 - Page 6 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.6 Pickering Museum Village – Update K. Bradley shared the amazing work that was put into the Greenwood Blacksmith Shop. In return the Ontario Museum Association (OMA Award) that has be granted to the Pickering Museum Village awards the excellence 2023 recipients. The Greenwood Blacksmith Shop will receive an Honorable Mention for the OMA Award of Excellence in Exhibitions. K. Bradley mentions that the programs are growing and have received excellent feedback. The initiatives for next year are to expand more programs to be French inclusion. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 6. Correspondence There was no correspondence for this meeting. 7. Other Business 7.1 Council Directives for Public Art – (From Council Meeting September 25, 2023) S. Barakov brought to attention from the Meeting of City Council held on September 25, 2023, that the decision of permanent Public Art to be installed by Pickering resident and internationally renowned sculptor Dorsey James in Council Chambers. Z. Kazi inquired as to why Dorsey James has been selected for this project. M. Nagy responds stating, Dorsey James has been an active collaborator with The City of Pickering. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. - 6 -- 6 - Page 7 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7.2 Call to Artists: Window Painting S. Barakov briefly stated the Call to Artists: Window Painting for the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex to be selected. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 7.3 Rotary Frenchman’s West Bay Unveiling – Water is Medicine S. Barakov shared that the Rotary Frenchman’s West Bay – Water is Medicine is to be unveiled on Friday, November 3, 2023. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 7.4 Call to Community – Winter Traditions Art Display S. Barakov introduced a new display that give the opportunity for the community to display art pertaining to winter celebrations or traditions at the Winter Nights, City Lights event from November to January 31, 2024. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 8. Next Meeting – November 21, 2023 The next Cultural Advisory meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment - 7 -- 7 - Page 8 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by S. Almeida-Schroen. Meeting Adjourned: 8:42pm - 8 -- 8 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee November 10, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Shortlisted Artists - Kingston Road (EOI) Public Art Commission Background: Based on the issued Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission for Kingston Road and Whites Road, Pickering, Cultural Services received 40 submissions from artists around the world. The received submissions were reviewed on November 1st, 2023 by the Public Art Jury comprised of City Staff, City Residents and Professional Artists. Following extensive deliberation, the Public Art Jury scored all of the submissions and established that the following artists are to be shortlisted for this opportunity: 1.W. W. Hung 2.Javid Jah 3.Sumer Al-Hindawi The decision of the Public Art Jury was endorsed by the Public Art Committee over email by November 7th, 2023. Funding: There is $20,000 available from Development Charges and based on Council approval of 2024 Budget $60,000 from the Public Art Reserve. The total budget for the creation of this permanent public artwork will $80,000 including HST. Next steps: - 9 -- 9 - The Top 3 shortlisted artist will be invited to submit a detailed design proposal based on a Terms of Reference, to be developed in collaboration with project stakeholders. Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be compensated $1,500 CAD plus HST for their time and the creation of concept for Stage 2. The received concepts will be evaluated against the criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference by the Public Art Jury. Cultural Advisory Committee will be informed of the highest ranked artists and asked for their endorsement during the January 2024 meeting. Given the amount of the opportunity, a Report to Council will be presented stating the Top 1 artist for final approval before award of the project. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement on the Top 3 artists and inviting them to submit a detailed proposal. Attachment 1: EOI – W.W.HUNG Attachment 2: EOI – JAVID JAH Attachment 3: EOI - SUMER AL-HINDAWI November 10, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Shortlisted Artists - Kingston Road (EOI) Public Art Commission - 10 -- 10 - Page 1 of 12 W.W. HUNG, Sculptor and Architect, LEED AP wwhungstudio@gmail.com | wwhung.com | instagram:@wwhungstudio | 416.275.0806 Education Bachelor of Architecture, University of Waterloo Bachelor of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo Outdoor and Public Art Fetch! | 419 Eglinton Ave West | Toronto, Ontario | 2023 Dare to Dream | Tremont Plaza | Collingwood, Ontario | 2022 The Messenger | Old Harwood Park | Ajax, Ontario | 2021 The Girl with Paper Boats | Montcalm-Taché Park | Gatineau, Quebec | 2019-2020 The Encounter | Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates | Prince Edward County, Ontario | 2019 The Swimmer’s Moment | Kingsbrae Garden | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | 2016 Suspended Man | Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates | Prince Edward County, Ontario | 2015-2018 Deliverance | Kingsbrae Garden | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | 2012 Selected Exhibitions International Sculpture Center Booth | Art Fair 14C | Jersey City, New Jersey | October 2023 95th Anniversary Exhibition II | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | August 2023 Negotiating Diaspora: From the Personal to the Universal | Oeno Gallery | Prince Edward County, Ontario | March 2021 Look Here! | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | August 2020 Kudos VI | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | February 2020 Regenesis | Gallery 1313 | Toronto | September 2019 Le Sentier Culturel | Le Sentier Culturel | Gatineau, Quebec | Summer 2019 Launch | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | March 2019 Art Toronto | Metro Toronto Convention Centre | Toronto | October 2018 VAM40 | Art Gallery of Mississauga | Mississauga, Ontario | January 2018 21C Festival | Koerner Hall | Toronto | May 2017 The Artist Project | Exhibition Place | Toronto | February 2017 Sculpting New Reads | Toronto Reference Library | Toronto | February 2017 Architectures of the Body and the Built Environment | Galerie Pierre Léon, Alliance Française | Toronto | January 2017 Word on the Street Festival | Harbourfront Centre | Toronto | September 2016 No Boundaries | John B. Aird Gallery | Toronto | August 2016 The Artist Project | Exhibition Place | Toronto | February 2016 New Members | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | February 2016 Emerging Sculptors | Canadian Sculpture Centre | Toronto | August 2015 The Artist Project | Exhibition Place | Toronto | February 2015 Propeller Gallery Launch Gala | Propeller Gallery | Toronto | January 2015 - 11 -- 11 - Page 2 of 12 Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates | Oeno Gallery | Prince Edward County, Ontario | 2014 to 2020 InSite | Al Green Gallery | Toronto | November 2014 Take Five | Propeller Gallery | Toronto | October 2014 Migration | Nuit Blanche Independent Project Site | Toronto | October 2014 An Internal Affair | The Brockton Collective | Toronto | December 2013 Thirteen | Nuit Blanche Independent Project Site | Toronto | October 2013 Perpetual Motion | Project Gallery | Toronto | June 2013 Darkness at the Edge | Propeller Gallery | Toronto | June 2013 Canadian Sculpture Competition | Kingsbrae Garden | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | 2012, 2016 Juried Art Exhibition | Latcham Gallery | Stouffville, Ontario | 2011, 2012, 2013 Clients and Collections Public art collection of the City of Toronto Public art collection of the Town of Collingwood, Ontario Public art collection of the Town of Ajax, Ontario Collection of Kingsbrae Sculpture Garden, New Brunswick Past clients include Patrimoine canadien/Canadian Heritage, Eglinton Way BIA, Alliance française, and private art collectors worldwide Media Coverage and Appearances "Dare to Dream" | by Maddie Johnson | RRampt Magazine | Spring/Summer 2023 "New Collingwood sculpture a 'celebration' of LGBTQ life" | by Jessica Owen | CollingwoodToday.ca | 09/12/2022 Interviewed by Dana Roberts on "CTV Evening News" | aired 08/12/2022 Featured in the documentary film “Gift of the Artist” | directed by Ron Chapman | premiered 10/2022 “’Even rhinos can fly’: Collingwood public art sculpture will celebrate inclusion, diversity” | by John Edwards | The Toronto Star | 05/11/2021 Interviewed by Wei Chen on CBC Radio’s “Ontario Morning” | 04/11/2021 “Town announces artist and design for Tremont Plaza sculpture” | CollingwoodToday.ca | 01/11/2021 "Arrimage réussi de deux artistes 'asiatiques'" | by Martine Rheault | L'Express | 17/01/2017 "W.W. Hung: Architectures of the Body" | by Katerina Bong | ArtToronto.ca | 01/2017 “Homo Suspendido” | by Rodrigo Fresán | Página 12 | 19/07/2016 Interviewed on Fairchild TV’s “Leisure Talk” | aired 01/2014 Other Guest Juror | Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition | 2013 and 2021 Honourable Mention | Canadian Sculpture Award, Kingsbrae Garden, New Brunswick | 2012 and 2016 Winner | Al and Malka Green Sculpture Award presented by the Sculptors Society of Canada | 2015 Named one of the “30 Most Exciting Artists in Toronto” by BlogTO | 2017 Board Member | Al Green Sculpture Studio & School, Toronto | 2016-present Member | Sculptors Society of Canada | 2015-present - 12 -- 12 - Page 3 of 12 W.W. Hung: Expression of Interest In creating a new work of public art for the City of Pickering at the intersection of Kingston Road and Whites Road, my intention is to create a work which reflects on the past, celebrates the present, and looks ahead to the future of the City. Prominently located on Kingston Road (also known as Highway 2), one of the oldest travel and trade routes connecting Toronto to eastern Ontario, the work of public art shall become a new landmark and symbol for the City. Creating public artwork for the public realm involves careful consideration of the space, community, and context in which it will be installed. Some of the design strategies which I may employ shall include: •Community Engagement: Involve the local community in the design and decision-making process. Conduct surveys, or public meetings to gather ideas and feedback from residents, stakeholders, and users of the public space. This approach ensures that the artwork reflects the values and interests of the community and fosters a sense of ownership and pride. •Site-specific Art: Create artwork that is specifically tailored to the location and its surroundings. Consider the architecture, history, culture, and natural elements of the site to design an artwork that harmonizes with the environment rather than imposing itself upon it. •Functional Art: Explore the possibility of integrating the artwork with functional elements of the public space, such as benches, lighting, or bike racks. Functional art not only beautifies the area but also serves a practical purpose, enhancing the overall experience for the public. •Interactive Artworks: Consider interactive elements that allow the public to actively engage with the artwork. This can include interactive installations, digital elements, or art that responds to human interaction, creating a memorable and participatory experience. •Environmental Sustainability: Consider eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices in the creation of public artwork. Art that promotes environmental consciousness can send powerful messages and inspire positive change. I believe that this project is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how art can be integrated with the existing built environment to create a sense of place and civic pride. Public art which engages the community can foster a stronger collective identity and shared sense of belonging. In addition to my experience as an artist, I bring to the project my experience as an architect. I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies. I practiced architecture in New York and Toronto for over ten years and have extensive experience in project management and in working with consultants, contractors, and tradespeople. I believe that my specific skills and experience allow me to adopt innovative and holistic approaches that successfully blend art seamlessly within the public realm, and to create a meaningful work of public art that will be enjoyed and cherished by all. - 13 -- 13 - Page 4 of 12 W.W. Hung: Portfolio of Past Work FETCH!, 2023 Location: Elmsthorpe Avenue and Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario (Permanent) Client: City of Toronto Material: Bronze and stainless steel Dimensions: 48 x 12 x 99 inches Budget: $50,000 Project Team Artist: W.W. Hung Consulting engineers: Blackwell Engineers Bronze casting: Artcast Stainless steel fabrication and artwork installation: DKS Design Project Overview Consisting of a greyhound leaping into the air clutching a shopping bag containing a bone chew toy, Fetch! aims to spark a conversation about the importance of conscious consumerism in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to encourage the support of local businesses which are the backbone of Toronto's many diverse neighbourhoods. In addition to the economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, businesses along Eglinton Avenue West have been impacted over the years by the construction of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. By partnering with the City of Toronto to commission this public artwork, the Eglinton Way BIA aims to create a truly unique art and shopping experience outdoors, and to reinvigorate the neighbourhood. My design proposal was selected through an open, two-stage competition. - 14 -- 14 - Page 5 of 12 DARE TO DREAM, 2022 Location: Tremont Plaza, Collingwood, Ontario (Permanent) Client: Town of Collingwood Materials: Aluminum and stainless steel Dimensions: 66 x 44 x 156 inches Budget: $47,000 Project Team Artist: W.W. Hung Consulting engineers: Blackwell Engineers Consulting engineers (foundation): Envision-Tatham Aluminum rhino casting: Research Casting International Aluminum balloons casting: Skara Metal Foundry Stainless steel arc fabrication, assembly and installation: DKS Design Project Overview Joyful and bold, Dare to Dream is a work of public art which celebrates inclusion and diversity. The work consists of three parts: a curved stainless-steel arc that was inspired by a rainbow; a rhino, which has been a symbol of the resilience and strength of the LGBTQ2S+ community since the seventies; and 8 colourful balloons, each painted in one of the 8 colours of the original Pride Flag designed in 1978. The artwork is sited at the terminus of the Art Walk axis, which runs through the interior of the Collingwood Public Library and culminates in Tremont Plaza. Dare to Dream serves as a visual anchor and focal point. Its height and vibrant colours make it visible from a distance and from within the library. The original competition brief put out by the Town of Collingwood called for artists to celebrate LGBTQ2S+ life in Collingwood. After a two-stage competition, with 24 entries and a shortlist of 4 artists, my design proposal was selected. - 15 -- 15 - Page 6 of 12 THE MESSENGER, 2021 Location: Old Harwood Park, Ajax, Ontario (Permanent) Client: Town of Ajax Materials: Bronze Dimensions: 25 x 16 x 103 inches Budget: $30,000 Project Team Artist: W.W. Hung Bronze casting: Castaway Foundry Project Overview Prominently situated in a parkette in Ajax, The Messenger is a work about humankind’s relationship to nature— one based on balance and harmony. The work serves as a visual and physical landmark for the neighbourhood and gives material form to a sense of community. - 16 -- 16 - Page 7 of 12 THE GIRL WITH PAPER BOATS, 2019 Location: Montcalm-Taché Park, Gatineau, Quebec (Temporary) Client: Patrimoine canadien/Canadian Heritage Materials: Resin, fibreglass, rope Dimensions: 66 inches high, length and width variable Budget: $17,000 (Exhibition Fee) Project Team Artist: W.W. Hung Consulting engineers: Blackwell Engineers Project Overview The Girl with Paper Boats centers on the themes of exile, displacement, and loss. The installation consists of a life-size figure of a little girl clutching a tattered toy dog in one hand, and pulling three origami boats with the other. According to UNICEF, "across the globe, nearly 50 million children have been uprooted, with 28 million fleeing brutal conflict, and millions more escaping extreme poverty." The Girl with Paper Boats is a timely reminder of, and a commentary on, the current global refugee crisis and its aftermath. Originally conceived and created for Sculpting New Reads at the Toronto Word on the Street Book Festival, The Girl with Paper Boats was my commissioned response to the novel Children of Earth and Sky by Canadian author Guy Gavriel Kay. Since its debut at the Harbourfront Centre, The Girl with Paper Boats has been exhibited at the Artist Project Art Fair, the Toronto Reference Library, the 21C Music Festival at Koerner Hall, the Art Gallery of Mississauga, and at Oeno Gallery in Prince Edward County. From 2019 to 2020, the work was shown at Montcalm-Taché Park in the National Capital Region, presented by the Department of Canadian Heritage. It was also one of the featured attractions of Le Sentier Culturel 2019, presented by La Ville de Gatineau. - 17 -- 17 - Page 8 of 12 THE ENCOUNTER, 2019 Location: Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates, Prince Edward County, Ontario (Temporary) Materials: Resin Dimensions: 60 x 18 x 66 inches Retail Price: $35,000 Project Overview The Encounter is a work about our relationship to the things we make. In a time when the boundary between that which is human versus that which is human-made becomes increasingly blurred with the integration of AI into all aspects of our lives, “The Encounter” is at once an acknowledgement of our inevitable future co-existence with human-like machines, as well as a cautionary reminder of what sets us apart. - 18 -- 18 - Page 9 of 12 THE SWIMMER’S MOMENT, 2016 Location: Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews, New Brunswick (On Loan) Materials: Bronze, powder coated steel, wood Dimensions: 38 x 16 x 82 inches Project Overview In The Swimmer's Moment, a swimmer, identified by his goggles and fins, is captured with one arm outstretched, in mid-stroke. A wave, in the form of an abstract triangular plane looms above. It is an archetypal moment where one is pitted against one's environment, and where one's inner strength is tested, but ultimately triumphs. - 19 -- 19 - Page 10 of 12 SUSPENDED MAN, 2015 Location: Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates, Prince Edward County, Ontario (Temporary) Materials: Resin, corten steel, wood Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 72 inches Project Overview “Portrait of a man in suspense, suspended. Like that head-down hanged man on the Tarot card. Like mute but eloquent Harold Lloyd holding on to the hands of the clock that marks time.” -Commentary on the artwork by author Rodrigo Fresán, translated from the Spanish by Lisa Carter - 20 -- 20 - Page 11 of 12 DELIVERANCE, 2012 Location: Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews, New Brunswick (Permanent) Materials: Bronze Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 66 inches Project Overview Deliverance is about the ties that bind us to our fellow man. It is the story of lives intertwined, and the recognition of one’s self in the other, and of the other in oneself. Ties are forged through time, cemented by history and memory. Self and other become inextricably bound. - 21 -- 21 - Page 12 of 12 W.W. Hung: Professional References 1. Ms. Amanda Henry Coordinator, Arts & Culture Town of Collingwood T.: 705-441-6088 ahenry@collingwood.ca Affiliated project: Dare to Dream, Collingwood, Ontario 2. Mr. Collin Zipp Public Art Manager STEPS Public Art T.: 1-888-783-7780 ext #2 collin@stepspublicart.org Affiliated project: Fetch!, Toronto, Ontario - 22 -- 22 - UNSEEN REFLECTIONS JAVID JAH 2023 - 23 -- 23 - “The Universe is a great human, and the Human is a small Universe.” -13th century scholar and sage ibn al-’Arabi An example of a crystalline structure (expressing the Universe) which reveals and conceals its reflected, internal realtiy (the human microcosm) - 24 -- 24 - ARTIST TEAM INFORMATION Lead Artist & Designer: Javid Jah Art & Design Inc. Javid Alibhai (+1) 647 866-0239 javidjah.com peace@javidjah.xyz 323 Bain Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 1B9 Fabrication: Qube Inc. Alex Akbari, Contractor qube-inc.com Structural: Blackwell Michael Hopkins, Principal blackwell.ca Materials & Cutting: CNC Profiles Inc. Tom Loach, President cncprofiles.ca Installation: R-Designs Ben Renzella, President r-designs.ca - 25 -- 25 - CV EDUCATION Master of Architecture, 2013 John H. Daniels, University of Toronto, Canada Bachelor of Arts (International Relations), 2004 University of British Columbia, Canada RECOGNITION COMPETITION FINALIST, PERMANENT PUBLIC ARTOWRK, 2023 Kitchener Public Library, awaiting results, 2023 COMPETITION FINALIST, PERMANENT PUBLIC ARTWORK, 2022 COMPETITION WINNING PROPOSAL VIA JURY, 2022 Aga Khan Museum Wynford Drive Revitalization, StArt, Toronto, 2022 COMPETITION WINNING RFP VIA JURY & PUBLIC VOTE, 2022 Permanent public artwork installation, Mississauga, Canada SELECTED INTERNATIONAL ARTIST, 2021 Formula One Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia NATIONAL EXPLORE AND CREATE GRANT RECIPIENT, 2021 Canada Council for the Arts COMPLETED EXAMINATION FOR ARCHITECTS IN CANADA, 2019 member of Ontario Architects Association COMPETITION WINNING RFP VIA JURY SELECTION, 2020 King St. Public Art Pilot Project, City of Toronto, Canada INVITED INTERNATIONAL ARTIST, 2017 Meeting of Styles Graffiti Festival, Maracay, Venezuela FELLOWSHIP AWARD, 2015 Pilot Urban Design Curriculum for Univ. of Toronto Schools, Canada PAUL OBERMAN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AWARD, 2014 School of Architecture, U of Toronto, Bogota, Colombia PUBLISHED ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT, 2014 Journal of Architectural Education, Princeton University SELECT PUBLIC ARTWORKS NATHAN PHILLIPS SQUARE, 2023 The Burn COVID Memorial collaboration with R. Mooking & Elder C. Tamaro curated by Umbereen Inayet 30’x15’x13’ x 3 steel fire pits in ponds Commissioned by City of Toronto & Gov of Canada ELM STREET PARK, 2023 permanent public art work collaboration with Quentin VerCetty 30’x20’x13’ aluminum archway Commissioned by City of Mississauga, Solmar Dev WYNFORD DRIVE REVITALIZATION, 2022 series of public art interventions crosswalks, light post banners, electrical boxes competition winning proposal via jury Aga Khan Museum, City of Toronto StArt Program YEAR OF PUBLIC ART, 2022 multi-media immersive series of art installations infinity mirrors in aluminum booths, tablet, arduino 8’x4’x4’ x 4 booths Soulpepper Theatre, Artscape, ArtworxTO, Canada DOWNSVIEW PARK, 2022 XSITE multi-media immersive art installation rotating modif ed shipping container structure 60’ diameter footprint, 20’ height Commisioned by Canada Council for the Arts, ArtworxTO JEDDAH CORNICHE, 2021 permanent installation aluminum sculptures, painted placed in pools various sizes approx 8’x8’x10’ x 9 pieces Commissioned by Good Intentions, USA Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia INTERDISCIPLINARY ARTIST & DESIGNER - 26 -- 26 - SELECT PUBLIC ARTWORKS SELECT EXHIBTIONS SELECT WORKSHOP/PUBLIC SPEAKING UNION STATION, 2020 agaamographic artworks folded aluminum panels with vinyl graphics 96” diameter x 7 pieces along a 150’ long greenwall Commisioned by TD Bank DAVID PECAUT SQUARE, 2019 XSITE - An Experiment in Cosmic Architecture Nuit Blanche feature project 60’ diameter rotating shipping container Commissioned by Toronto Arts Council Animating Streets AGA KHAN MUSEUM, 2018 vinyl mount graphics & paint on alum frames placed in existing reflective pools 8’x8‘ x 10 artworks Commisioned by Aga Khan Museum Park KENNEDY STATION, 2018 Nuit Blanche feature project curated by Tairone Bastien, Mirrors of Babel collaboration with el-Seed Commissioned by City of Toronto TRINITY BELLWOODS PARK, 2016 Nuit Blanche feature project modified shipping container installation the original STAC’D Self-funded with support from STEPS MARACAY VENEZUELA, 2014 Meeting of Styles International Festival collaboration with Khimera Attack Crew 60’x30’ wall FROM SAMO TO SAMO, 2022 group show featuring Al Diaz (NYC) curated by Grace Zeppilli and Jason Halter Cultural Goods Gallery, Toronto, Ontario SACRED FUTURES, 2021 60 min podcast “Desire Paths” curated by Hima Bhatavia & From Later Luminato Online Festival, International ANAMORPHIC CHAKRAS, 2019 folded paper in raw steel frames Artscape Launcpad, Toronto, Canada PRECITA EYES MURAL FESTIVAL, 2018 live mural painting invited artist annual graffiti art festival Mission District, San Francisco, USA OPENING, 2018 aerosol paint on corrugated steel collaboration with Moises Frank Hashtag Gallery, Toronto, Canada TO BE DETERMINED, 2016 illustrations on paper juried group show MOCCA, Toronto, ON ‘ALAAMA, 2012 mixed media on found objects solo show 185 Augusta, Toronto, ON CHANGING CLIMATE, CHANGING COLORS, 2008 group show installation on existing glass windows Abrams Art Centre, Henry Street Settlement Lower East Side, New York, NY, USA INTERIOR DESIGN SHOW JUDGE, 2023 Metropolitan Floors Undergraduate Design Exhibition DANIELS ARTSCAPE LAUNCHPAD, 2022 Ray Ferris Creative Tech Springboard, Presenter & Mentor INSPIRIT FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP, 2022 Strategic Narrative Building for Muslims Artists in Canada DANIELS U OF T VISUAL ARTS, 2022 Workshop Presenter at York Memorial Collegiate STEPS CREATING SPACE DESIGNER PROGRAM, 2022 How to Budget for Public Art Workshop for Emerging Desingers MURAL ROUTES, 2020 BIPOC space-making in the Pandemic online workshop DANIELS ARTSCAPE LAUNCHPAD, 2018 Ambassador for Emerging Artists NUIT BLANCHE PANEL, 2018 Mirrors of Babel with el-Seed YOUNGPLACE ARTSCAPE, 2016 #MuslimsActually Talk DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTER, 2016 Calligraphy & Graffiti Workshop series STEPS ATKINSONS CO-OP REVITALIZATION, 2013 Youth Arts Graffiti Workshop Series UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCHOOLS, 2013 Fellowship Pilot Architecture Curriculum Workshops - 27 -- 27 - REFERENCES UMBEREEN INAYET National Award Winning, Arts & Culture Programmer/Producer Programming Supervisor & Curator, City of Toronto, City Cultural Events Umbereen.Inayet@toronto.ca 647-224-2710 Role: Curated our recent COVID Memorial interactive public art project “The Burn” PHILIPPA (PIP) FRENCH Curator, Public Art City of Mississauga | Community Services Department, Culture Division philippa.french@mississauga.ca T: 905-615-3200 ext. 4675 | M 416-457-8510 Role: Administrator of our recent RFP Winning Submission for Permanent Public Artwork at new park in Mississauga - 28 -- 28 - 1-VENUS.JPG - 29 -- 29 - 2-MOON.JPG - 30 -- 30 - 3-MARS.JPG - 31 -- 31 - 4-SUN.JPG - 32 -- 32 - 5-SATURN.JPG - 33 -- 33 - 6- THE BURN-NEW BEGINNINGS.JPG - 34 -- 34 - 7- THE BURN - TRANSFORMATION.JPG - 35 -- 35 - 8- EMANATE.JPG - 36 -- 36 - 9- ILLUMINATED CRYSTALS.JPG - 37 -- 37 - 10- RAYAAN.JPG - 38 -- 38 - ANNOTATED IMAGE LIST THE GIVER OF FORMS THE SPHERE OF VENUS (PART OF SERIES CALLED “THE WORLD OF SPHERES”) DATE: 2021 LOCATION: Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia MEDIUM: Painted aluminum on concrete pier placed in 30’ dia water basin DIMENSIONS: 8'x8'x8' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The scientific meets symbolic as the divine name for Venus in Arabic is expressed as a pattern perforating a crystal based on the planet’s orbital period. 1-VENUS.JPG TEAM: Art Director - Swizz Beats (Good Intentions Inc) Curator - Umberene Inayet Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Installation - R-Designs Paint - Dudeman VIDEO LINK Shot & Edited by The Edisons BUDGET: $1,000,000 CAD (as part of a series of sculptures) COMMISIONING AGENT: SELA (Saudi Arabia) & FRP (USA) THE EVIDENT THE SPHERE OF THE MOON (PART OF SERIES CALLED “THE WORLD OF SPHERES”) DATE: 2021 LOCATION: Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia MEDIUM: Painted aluminum on concrete pier placed in 30’ dia water basin DIMENSIONS: 11'x7'x7' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Based on the rhythms of the lunar calendar, the flowering sculpture re-enacts a traditional alchemical story connecting the Arabic alphabet to phases of the Moon. 1-MOON.JPG TEAM: Art Director - Swizz Beats (Good Intentions Inc) Curator - Umberene Inayet Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Installation - R-Designs Paint - Dudeman VIDEO LINK Shot & Edited by The Edisons BUDGET: $1,000,000 CAD (as part of a series of sculptures) COMMISIONING AGENT: SELA (Saudi Arabia) & FRP (USA) - 39 -- 39 - ANNOTATED IMAGE LIST THE OVER-POWERING THE SPHERE OF MARS (PART OF SERIES CALLED “THE WORLD OF SPHERES”) DATE: 2021 LOCATION: Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia MEDIUM: Painted aluminum on concrete pier placed in 30’ dia water basin DIMENSIONS: 8'x8'x8' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A dual polyhedra - two crystalline solids that mirror one another - known as the cubeoctahedron is positioned in a reflective pool to express the Hermetic principle of correspondence, “as above, so below.” 3- MARS.JPG TEAM: Art Director - Swizz Beats (Good Intentions Inc) Curator - Umberene Inayet Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Installation - R-Designs Paint - Dudeman VIDEO LINK Shot & Edited by The Edisons BUDGET: $1,000,000 CAD (as part of a series of sculptures) COMMISIONING AGENT: SELA (Saudi Arabia) & FRP (USA) THE LIGHT THE SPHERE OF THE SUN (PART OF SERIES CALLED “THE WORLD OF SPHERES”) DATE: 2021 LOCATION: Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia MEDIUM: Painted aluminum on concrete pier placed in 30’ dia water basin DIMENSIONS: 11'x7'x7' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Based on the rhythms of the lunar calendar, the flowering sculpture re-enacts a traditional alchemical story connecting the Arabic alphabet to phases of the Moon. 4- SUN.JPG TEAM: Art Director - Swizz Beats (Good Intentions Inc) Curator - Umberene Inayet Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Installation - R-Designs Paint - Dudeman VIDEO LINK Shot & Edited by The Edisons BUDGET: $1,000,000 CAD (as part of a series of sculptures) COMMISIONING AGENT: SELA (Saudi Arabia) & FRP (USA) - 40 -- 40 - ANNOTATED IMAGE LIST THE ULTIMATE THE SPHERE OF SATURN (PART OF SERIES CALLED “THE WORLD OF SPHERES”) DATE: 2021 LOCATION: Formula 1 Art Promenade, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia MEDIUM: Painted aluminum on concrete pier placed in 30’ dia water basin DIMENSIONS: 8'x8'x8' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The rings of Saturn enclose a void cube capturing a local myth that this planet is a Kaba for the angels. The implied hexagon references NASA images of this geometry at Saturn’s poles. 5- SATURN.JPG TEAM: Art Director - Swizz Beats (Good Intentions Inc) Curator - Umberene Inayet Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Installation - R-Designs Paint - Dudeman VIDEO LINK Shot & Edited by The Edisons BUDGET: $1,000,000 CAD (as part of a series of sculptures) COMMISIONING AGENT: SELA (Saudi Arabia) & FRP (USA) 6- THE BURN-NE: BEGINNINGS.JPG THE BURN TRANFORMATIVE FIRE COVID MEMORIAL DATE: 2023 LOCATION: Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto MEDIUM: Cold Rolled Steel, cedar logs, fire, water in ponds DIMENSIONS: 10’x10’x10’ in 30’ wide ponds (fire pits) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A series of perforated crystal fire pits burn cedar balls charged with healing intentions from the public in ceremonial fires to channel a transformation from the traumas of the pandemic. TEAM: Curator - Umberene Inayet Collaborating artists: Roger Mooking & Elder Catherine Tamaro Fabrication - Qube Inc Installation - R-Designs Engineering - Blackwell Graphic Design & Drafting - Carol Ann Apilado VIDEO LINK: Video by Andrew Williamson BUDGET: $200,000 COMMISIONING AGENT: Federal Government of Canada & City of Toronto - 41 -- 41 - ANNOTATED IMAGE LIST THE BURN TRANFORMATIVE FIRE COVID MEMORIAL DATE: 2023 LOCATION: Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto MEDIUM: Cold Rolled Steel, cedar logs, fire, water in ponds DIMENSIONS: 10’x10’x10’ in 30’ wide ponds (fire pits) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This cube was designed to align with the center axis of the main entry to City Hall, contrasting its rectilinear form with the curving forms of Nathan Phillips Square. 7- THE BURN - TRANSFORMATION.JPG TEAM: Curator - Umberene Inayet Collaborating artists: Roger Mooking & Elder Catherine Tamaro Fabrication - Qube Inc Installation - R-Designs Engineering - Blackwell Graphic Design & Drafting - Carol Ann Apilado VIDEO LINK: Video by Andrew Williamson BUDGET: $200,000 CAD COMMISIONING AGENT: Federal Government of Canada & City of Toronto 8- EMANATE.JPG EMANATE FINALIST RFP PROPOSAL FOR LIBRARY ENTRANCE SCULPTURE DATE: 2023 LOCATION: KITCHENER SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY MEDIUM: Brushed perforated aluminum, walnut wood, lights DIMENSIONS: Approx. 4’x4’x4’ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Renderings of recent finalist submission for a suspended, illuminated, perforated sculpture at the entrance of a new library in Kitchener. TEAM: Javid Jah - Lead Designer Qube Inc - Fabrication Blackwell Engineering CNC Profiles - cutting BUDGET: $65,000 CAD COMMISIONING AGENT: City of Kitchener - 42 -- 42 - ANNOTATED IMAGE LIST HYLE & TALISMAN CRYSTAL SCULPTURE EXPERIMENTATIONS DATE: 2022 LOCATION: Exhibited at Cultural Goods Gallery & Space Gallery, Toronto MEDIUM: (Right) Bronze, polished stainless steel, aluminum & LED lights / (Left) Walnut, polished stainless steel, aluminum & LED lights DIMENSIONS: 36”x36”x36” (72” tall when on post) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Recently fabricated and exhibited illuminated crystals exploring cosmic symbolism that attempt to harmonize polarities: floor mounted vs hanging, reflective vs opaque, perforation vs solid, organic vs machined finish. 9- ILLUMINATED CRYSTALS.JPG TEAM: Fabrication - Qube Inc Cutting - CNC Profiles VIDEO LINK: Hyle by Michael Nguyen Talisman by The Edisons RAYAAN: A COSMIC BLOOM PERMANENT PARK ENTRANCE ARCHWAY DATE: FALL 2023 (in fabrication) LOCATION: Elm St Park, Mississauga, Ontario MEDIUM: Powder Coated Aluminum, formed glass crystals, LED lights, concrete DIMENSIONS: Approx. 30’x10’17’ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Celebrating the diverse populations of Mississauga through a flowering twisted archway adorned in the symbols of the West African Adinkra community through the stalactite crystal geometry using in Islamic architecture. 10- RAYAAN.JPG TEAM: Collaborating Artist - Afrofuturist Quentin VerCetty Fabrication - Qube Inc Engineering - Blackwell Cutting - CNC Profiles Lighting - R-Designs Graphic Design & Drafting - Carol Ann Apilado VIDEO LINK: Competition Video BUDGET: $160,000 CAD COMMISIONING AGENT: City of Mississauga & Solmar Developers - 43 -- 43 - 1/3 2015 In Support of Refugee Students Exhibition, Hotel Ishtar, Dead Sea, Dead Sea, Jordan 2014 Solo Exhibition, FA Gallery, Kuwait City, Kuwait 2010 Solo Exhibition, Orfali Art Center, Amman, Jordan 2007 Solo Exhibition, Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea, Dead Sea, Jordan Education History Solo Exhibitions Grants and Awards Professional Affiliations Sumer Al-Hindawi Professional Visual Artist Curriculum Vitae 2000 - Present Independent Visual Artist 2008 - 2010 Juror Fine Arts College, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan 2000 - 2002 Instructor Fine Arts Institute, Baghdad, Iraq 1996 - 2000 Bachelor of Arts in Sculpture University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq 1991 - 1996 Diploma of Sculpture Institute of Fine Art, Baghdad, Iraq 2019 Group Show, Farah Sumer Art Gallery, Amman, Jordan 2017 Group Exhibition, Milton Art Center (FASM), Milton, Ontario, Canada 2016 Supporting Kids with Autism Exhibition, Autism MENA Foundation, Amman, Jordan 2016 Group Exhibition, Milton Art Center (FASM), Milton, Ontario, Canada 2012 Artist and Book Exhibition, Cairo Amman Bank Gallery, Amman, Jordan 2012 The 44th Open National Juried Exhibition, Society of Canadian Artists (SCA), Todmorden Mills Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Winner: Best Monument Design for City of Nasiriyah, Nasiriyah, Iraq (2002) Winner: Best Sculpture for Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (2002) Winner: Best Sculpture for Baghdad International Exhibition, Baghdad, Iraq (2002) Editorial Advisory Board Member, Journal of Contemporary Iraq & the Arab World Professional Experience Contact Info Group Exhibitions Relevant Skills Milton, ON (289) 722-5104 info@sumeralhindawi.com Project Management - 44 -- 44 - 2/3 2023 Two brick mural sculptures (2.5 x 2.4 m each), Church of Abraham, Nasiriyah (Ur), Iraq 2023 Three sculptures (3.6 x 2.5 m; 3.4 x 2.2 m; and 6 x 2 m), Nasiriyah (Ur), Iraq 2022 Mural (2.5 x 1.45 m), Lexus Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq 2019 Sculpture, (2 x 1.6 m), Kempinski Hotel Aqaba Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan 2019 Sculpture (1.5 x 4 m), Kempinski Hotel Aqaba Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan 2018 Sculpture, (4 x 1.2 x 0.9 m), Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea, Dead Sea, Jordan 2018 Sculpture and mixed media mural (8.5 x 1 x 0.3 m) at the Eyes Specialty Hospital, Amman, Jordan 2016 Two murals (8.5 x 1 x .3 m) and (2.2 x1 m), Eyes Specialty Hospital, Amman, Jordan 2013 Thirty-five artworks, Tangram Hotel, Erbil, Iraq Selected Projects 2012 Ontario Society of Artists Celebrates 140 years Exhibition, Aurora Cultural Centre, Aurora, Ontario, Canada 2012 Group Exhibition, Dumuzi Art Center, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 2011 The 43rd Open National Juried Exhibition, Society of Canadian Artists (SCA), Todmorden Mills Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2011 Iraqi Artists Group Exhibition, Society of Jordanian Artists, Amman, Jordan 2007 Group Exhibition, Lines Gallery, Amman, Jordan 2003 Arab Ceramic Art Exhibition, Al-Nahda Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2003 Group Exhibition, Orfali Art Center, Amman, Jordan 2002 Group Exhibition, Akkad Art Gallery, Baghdad, Iraq 2002 Group Exhibition, Al-Inaa Art Gallery, Baghdad, Iraq 2002 Group Exhibition, Alwan Art Gallery, Baghdad, Iraq 2002 Sculpture Exhibition, Iraqi Visual Artists Society, Baghdad, Iraq 2002 Group Exhibition, Babylon Festival for International Cultures and Arts, Hilla, Iraq 2001 Group Exhibition, Al-Inaa Art Gallery, Baghdad, Iraq 2001 Group Exhibition, Babylon Festival for International Cultures and Arts, Hilla, Iraq 2001 Group Exhibition, Alwan Art Gallery, Baghdad, Iraq 2001 Group Exhibition, Iraqi Artists Union, Baghdad, Iraq 2000 Group Exhibition, Babylon Festival for International Cultures and Arts, Hilla, Iraq 2000 Sculpture Exhibition, Iraqi Visual Artists Society, Baghdad, Iraq 1999 Group Exhibition, Babylon Festival for International Cultures and Arts, Hilla, Iraq - 45 -- 45 - 3/3 2002 - 2023 2021 Private Collections, Middle East (Baghdad, Iraq; Amman, Jordan; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Istanbul, Turkey; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Doha, Qatar; Beirut, Lebanon; Kuwait City, Kuwait; Khartoum, Sudan; and Cairo, Egypt) Private Collection, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2015 - 2020 Private Collections, Europe (London, United Kingdom; Madrid, Spain; Stockholm, Sweden; Moscow, Russia; Florence, Italy; and Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2018 Private Collection, New York City, New York, United States of America 2012 Government of Ontario Art Collection, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2010 Private Collection, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, New Zealand 2009 Private Collection, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Public and Private Collections Media and Bibliography 2012 Toronto’s Day and Night, the Government of Ontario Art Collection, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2012 Six artworks, Milia Hotel, Baghdad, Iraq 2010 Forty-six artworks and murals, Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea, Dead Sea, Jordan 2007 Three-part mural sculpture (16 x 1.7 m), Sheraton Hotel, Amman, Jordan 2006 Eight murals (90 x 90 cm each), Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2004 Three artworks (1.8 m; 1.5 m; and 0.8 m), Zahran Royal Palace, Amman, Jordan 2003 Two bronze murals (3.5 x 1.8 m each), Al-Salam Presidential Palace, Baghdad, Iraq 2002 Mural, Al Sa’aa Museum, Baghdad, Iraq 2000 King Ghazi sculpture (4 m), Al-Radhwaniya Presidential Palace, Baghdad, Iraq Sumer Al-Hindawi, “Interview with Artist Sumer Al-Hindawi,” Al-Sharqiya Channel, Baghdad, Iraq, 2020 Sumer Al-Hindawi, “Yaum Jadeed,” Jordan Channel, Amman, Jordan, 2019 Sumer Al-Hindawi, Interview, Amman FM, Amman, Jordan, 2019 Sumer Al-Hindawi, “Interview with Artist Sumer Al-Hindawi,” SBS Channel, Sydney, Australia, 2018 Sumer Al-Hindawi, “Interview with Artist Sumer Al-Hindawi,” ANB Channel, Amman, Jordan, 2013 Aziza, H. F. 2010. Sumer Al-Hindawi. Amman: Al-Adib Publishing House. Available at https://alfurat.com/books/155504 - 46 -- 46 - Artist Statement The roots of the City of Pickering stretch back millennia, to when First Nations communities flourished, to the arrival of European settlers in the 1770s, and to modern-day immigrants like myself. Pickering has welcomed all those in search of a new beginning. As an Iraqi immigrant who arrived in Canada as a refugee with my family, my personal journey deeply resonates with the stories of thousands who have found refuge in the city’s warm embrace. It is this collective story of hope, resilience, and rebirth that I aim to represent in my proposed sculpture. With a career in the visual arts spanning over two decades, my artworks have been internationally recognized. My murals, sculptures, and installations are found in commercial spaces, residences, and prominent art collections globally, including the Government of Ontario Art Collection. As I grew in professional experience, I began to perceive a growing need for a platform that fosters creative dialogue and talent. This led me to establish the Farah Sumer Art Gallery in Amman in 2019; an endeavour that not only provides a space, but also seeks to nurture Jordan’s burgeoning art community as well as that of the wider Middle East. Beyond the gallery spaces, my unique artistic journey, as detailed in my curriculum vitae, has inspired those in academic circles. Students from renowned institutions like the University of Baghdad, Cairo University, and the University of Waterloo have expressed an interest in my work for scholarly research. Throughout my career, I have mastered the intricate techniques of both indoor and outdoor sculpture. My extensive portfolio includes monumental pieces like the Hallabat stone sculpture (8.5- ton, 4 x 1.2 x 0.9 m) at the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea. Similarly, my creative and technical expertise shine through with the three-part mural sculpture (16 x 1.7 m) I have produced for the Sheraton Hotel in Amman, as well as the eight intricate artworks (90 x 90 cm each) completed for the Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai. My profound understanding of material properties and spatial dynamics ensures that every artwork I create, whether small or large in scale, remains a testament to both my artistic vision and engineering precision. As part of my personal philosophy, I believe that an artist is a chronicler of history, documenting the world and its myriad tales. For me, reality is a rich reservoir from which I extract my themes. This is why, as a contemporary visual artist, I strive to maintain a record of impactful events from every corner of the world. I believe that when there is sincerity and devotion in an artwork, its impact is ever-lasting, and such artistic work should serve as a testament for centuries. For this reason, I am naturally gravitated towards materials with longevity, including sculpting epoxy, stone, and bronze, ensuring my work stands the test of time. Once I begin my creative process, I envision each artwork as a theatre stage, where I am both the director and the storyteller, orchestrating artistic elements akin to actors in a grand performance. These characters, in turn, serve as ambassadors, conveying unheard voices and tales that echo with cries for freedom and peace. From the First Nations to Iraqis, Syrians, Africans and Ukrainians, the recurring theme of displacement haunts our global narrative. These groups, though separated by geography, time, and culture, are inherently bound by a shared pain. Yet, in defiance of these hardships, cities like Pickering have served as safe havens for those longing for peace and stability. Inspired by our intertwined stories, my proposed artwork seeks to honour every chapter of Pickering's rich history, inviting observers to pause, contemplate, and appreciate the enduring spirit of resilience of all who call the city home. - 47 -- 47 - References Name: Sabastien Mariette Title: General Manager at Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea Email address: sabastien.mariette@kempinski.com Phone number: +962 7 9884 4880 Name: Muna Batayneh Title: Director of Operations and Engineering at Engineering Enterprises Co. Email address: muna.batayneh@eec-intl.com Phone number: +962 7 7739 8866 - 48 -- 48 - SUMER AL-HINDAWI 2 02 3 PORTFOLIO PA ST WO RK W W W . S U M E R A L H I N D A W I . C O M 1/8 - 49 -- 49 - Title: Lady in White Year: 2022 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 60 x 15 x 15 cm Budget: CA$4,800 2/8 - 50 -- 50 - Title: The Kiss Year: 2022 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 50 x 35 x 15 cm Budget: CA$4,500 3/8 - 51 -- 51 - Title: The Family (left) Year: 2020 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 45 x 40 x 14 cm Budget: CA$5,200 Title: The Couple (right) Year: 2020 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 120 x 60 x 30 cm Budget: CA$9,500 4/8 - 52 -- 52 - Title: A Mother with Child (left) Year: 2021 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 60 x 15 x 15 cm Budget: CA$4,200 Title: Curved Figurine (right) Year: 2018 Materials: Carrara marble Size: 85 x 35 x 20 cm Budget: CA$6,500 5/8 - 53 -- 53 - Title: Soulmates Year: 2023 Materials: Polyester resin, epoxy, and outdoor epoxy paint Size: 2.2 x 0.70 x 0.40 m Budget: CA$28,000 6/8 - 54 -- 54 - Title: Innana | Year: 2018 | Materials: Local Jordanian stone (Hallabat) | Size: 4 x 1.2 x 0.9 m | Budget: CA$68,000 7/8 - 55 -- 55 - Title: Intimacy Year: 2018 Materials: Local Jordanian stone (Hallabat) Size: 1.85 x 0.90 x 0.70 m Budget: CA$35,000 Title: Waves Woman Year: 2018 Materials: Local Jordanian stone (Hallabat) Size: 1.90 x 0.85 x 0.70 m Budget: CA$36,000 8/8 - 56 -- 56 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee November 10, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Award – Fence Wrap -Electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Background: Based on the issued Call to Artists – Fence Wrap at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park, Cultural Services received 2 submissions from local emerging artists. The received submissions were reviewed on November 1st, 2023, by City Staff. Based on the provided designs, Staff decided to award this opportunity to Laura Kay Keeling. About the Artist: “I (Laura Kay Keeling), am a self-taught visual artist, currently located in Hamilton, with a practice that questions notions of the natural world in relation to the human world; how they exist in tandem, and where they separate from one another. My work encompasses analog photography and video, digital collage, and installation. As a process-based artist with archival investigations, my artwork questions how we form connections with the natural world. I explore the reciprocity of care amongst natural narratives and how one might engage and interact with humans, plants, animals, and nature in the context of care-based relations.” The decision of City Staff was endorsed by the Public Art Committee over email by November 7th, 2023. Funding: There is $2,000 including HST available from the 502520.9711 Community and Temp Art for this opportunity. Next steps: This project has been approved by Ontario Power Generation. - 57 -- 57 - November 10, 2023 Award – Fence Wrap: Electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Page 2 of 3 The Artist will begin the creation of the design based on the provide preliminary mock up. The Artist is to provide final artwork to Coordinator, Public Art by the end of November 2023 so the work is installed in December 2023. Preliminary artwork design by Laura Kay Keeling. “I also love reflections and mirroring, so as this piece will be a cube, I will play with overlap and mirroring at the corners so that there is a continuous flow. You can expect to see natural imagery from around the area/local ecosystems as well as native plants to Ontario included in this artwork.” – Laura Kay Keeling - 58 -- 58 - November 10, 2023 Award – Fence Wrap: Electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Page 3 of 3 Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement to award Laura Kay Keeling with this opportunity. Attachment 1: Laura Kay Keeling - Electrical Box Submission - 59 -- 59 - Artist Statement…Page 1 Accessibility Requests…Page 2 CV…Page 2-4 Portfolio of Past Work…Page 5-9 Artwork Design…Page 10 Proposed Budget and Plan…Page 11 References…Page 11 - 60 -- 60 - 1 Artist Statement: I (Laura Kay Keeling), am a self-taught visual artist, currently located in Hamilton, with a practice that questions notions of the natural world in relation to the human world; how they exist in tandem, and where they separate from one another. My work encompasses analog photography and video, digital collage, and installation. As a process-based artist with archival investigations, my artwork questions how we form connections with the natural world. I explore the reciprocity of care amongst natural narratives and how one might engage and interact with humans, plants, animals, and nature in the context of care-based relations. In considering how the artist selects and cares for materials throughout the creation of artistic works, I include elements from plants and flowers that I have grown (ie. petals dropped from a flower) or have foraged from other folks' garden clippings. I scan, photograph, press, and repeat when preparing these sourced natural elements and adding to what I lovingly refer to as my archive which has been steadily growing since 2018. Accomplishments include being selected to show one of my works at Daegu Art Fair in South Korea, exhibiting at CONTACT, BigArtTO, and DesignTO as part of Exchange Piece. Collaborating with fellow artist Khadija Aziz and The Robert McLaughlin Gallery with a virtual project called Layers of Love x RMG as well as participating in the Akin Studio residency program at MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art in Toronto). More recently, I completed an 8 feet tall x 40 feet long public art commission for Assembly Park in Vaughan, Ontario as well as a Signal Cabinet Wrap for the City of Hamilton and Public Artwork for a Bus Shelter for the City of Barrie. I also just completed a 6 feet tall x 15 feet long Public Art piece for the City of Sault Ste. Marie, to be installed on a wall in their new Twin Pad Arena. I would be thrilled to create artwork that will be printed and installed on the fence surrounding the electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. It is such a beautiful and interesting space. Creating something dynamic, interesting and engaging that is reflective of the natural elements in the area sounds very fun. I love the idea of creating artwork to live in a space where folks of different ages and backgrounds can come together to enjoy and interact. Creating something eye-catching and interesting while at the same time, encouraging play and exploration is something that I’m incredibly interested in. I think collage works really well for this because you can play with scale, layer different elements, and create something that each time folks walk past, will find something new that they hadn’t seen before. Additionally, my artwork typically includes natural elements, specifically, those found in the area that the piece is being installed in. I feel that I am a great candidate for this commission for those reasons, but also because I have experience creating and exhibiting public art (Harbourfront Centre windows, BigArtTO, Assembly Park, City of Hamilton Traffic Signal Cabinet Wrap etc). In 2022, I created a large commission for Quadreal’s Assembly Park, Artwork Alley in Vaughan. This piece is called fragile. wild. and is an 8 feet tall by 40 feet long piece that includes analog photography, scanned source imagery as well as natural elements I have photographed or scanned. I am familiar with working large scale, engaging and collaborating with folks to determine an appropriate approach and concept, as well as delivering the assets as per the agreed-upon timeline. The Assembly Park commission had a shorter timeline and I had no issues creating and sharing the concept, and artwork, sending proofs as well as submitting the final, large-resolution, print-ready file. I really love the idea of creating something that plays with scale and allows folks to engage with the piece from far away as well as close-up. Both of which provide unique experiences for interacting with the piece. As mentioned, one of the things I really find exciting with digital collage and working with images from many different sources is that there is often an element of play and exploration where someone may engage with and enjoy the piece from a quick walk past or just existing in the space with it, or they may start to find new little bits and pieces of interesting layers and elements after spending more time around the piece. I’m interested in working with imagery and colours that, for lack of a better description, remind someone of the feeling of warm sunshine on their face. A feeling that I often associate with a moment to reset, feel calm, warmth, and healing. - 61 -- 61 - 2 Accessibility Requests: I would like to let you know that I identify as a disabled artist. If selected for this opportunity, I would request the following: -That captions be turned on during any video meeting (it helps me to be able to stay engaged and be focused) -If there are long meetings, to be able to have a bio/stretch break -If important information needs to be shared with me if shared via spoken word, could I please also receive a copy via email/document so that I can reference it later? Thank you very much for your time and care with our submissions! CV: Resume and history of exhibitions Laura Kay Keeling, (b. 1986, currently located in Hamilton, ON) laurakay.keeling@gmail.com // www.laurakaykeeling.com // 647.675.2050 https://www.instagram.com/lllllllllllllllllkk/ & https://www.instagram.com/laurakaykeeling 2023 - Bus Shelter Public Art, City of Barrie ON 2023 - Gallery44 Vitrine Exhibition, Toronto ON 2023 - Traffic Signal Cabinet Wraps Public Art, City of Hamilton ON 2023 - Artwork for elevators at The Anndore House, JdV by Hyatt, Toronto ON 2023 - Members Exhibition, Centre [3], Hamilton ON 2023 - Toronto Outdoor Art Fair online participation, selected for Artist Talk & Curated Collections 2023 - Untitled Portals, solo show at Smokestack Gallery, Hamilton ON 2023 - Salon44, Gallery44, Toronto ON 2022 & 2023 - Goofy, a skateboard group exhibition, Collective Arts, Toronto ON 2022 - Gallery TPW Photorama, Toronto ON 2022 - Inclusion in PhotoED Magazine’s Winter Digital Edition, Online 2022 - The Body Electric, Montreal & Online 2022 - Music Video for Mister Rabbit’s On Again included in MVP Screening, Trinity Square Video, Toronto ON 2022 - Artwork Alley at Assembly Park, Public Art Commission, Vaughan 2022 - NAC’s Plate Glass Gallery, St. Catharines ON 2022 - Of earth Of ourselves at Random Access Gallery, Syracuse NY 2022 - Salon 44 at Gallery 44, Toronto ON 2021 - Digifest, Virtual / Toronto ON 2021 - When It Gets Dark, I Have Shallow Breath Artsideout : Endurance, Toronto ON 2021 - The Advantages of Tender Loving Care projected onto the Weston Go Station via BigArtTO, Toronto ON 2021 - PIXEL Digital Screen Exhibition in Garden Square, Brampton ON 2021 - Layers of Love (collaborative project) + The Robert McLaughlin Gallery Virtual Project Launch, Oshawa ON 2021 - Collage Work curated in a three-person show at Centre[3], Hamilton ON 2021 - Plantae at Good Sport, London ON 2021 - Design TO / Harbourfront Centre - Exchange Piece Artwork displayed on 6 windows, Toronto ON 2021 - CONTACT Featured Exhibition The Advantages of Tender Loving Care, virtual exhibition Toronto ON - 62 -- 62 - 3 2021 - January/February - Design TO’s Exchange Piece, Harbourfront Centre’s / virtual exhibition, Toronto ON 2020 - October - Participation in the GLINT project, Digital 2020 - September - December - Inclusion / Featured in The Gathered Gallery Fall Program, Digital 2020 - When It Gets Dark, I Have Shallow Breath installation at the Artist Project, Toronto ON 2020 - When It Gets Dark, I Have Shallow Breath print included in the Scintilla Art Box Project at Hastings College, Nebraska USA 2020 - Lady Brain, Rough Gem & A Diamond Is Forever aka What Do We Have Here? Included in TRANSITioning Mount Dennis as part of DesignTO, Toronto ON 2020 - When It Gets Dark, I Have Shallow Breath included in Taboo Health’s exhibition Dying as part of DesignTO, Toronto ON 2019 - A Diamond Is Forever aka what do we have here? with Partial Gallery at Daegu Art Fair, South Korea 2019 - January 2020 - Do You See What I See (me watching you watching me) included in Meaningful Code exhibition at the Living Arts Centre, Mississauga ON 2019 - Lady Brain included in Propeller Galleries Altered Images exhibition, Toronto ON 2019 - Sept 2020 Akin Studio Program at MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art), Toronto ON 2019 - Food Sport Exhibition, Curated by Good Sport, London ON 2019 - And Yet, I Continue To Bloom In The Shadows, Mad Ones Gallery Print Exhibition, Toronto ON 2019 - Arts Territory Exchange Participant and Member, Toronto ON 2019 - Rocks and TV Live, Vitrine Installation, Akin Projects, Toronto ON 2019 - I Spin Me Right Round Baby, Right Round (and out of control), The Mindful Project: Roots|Routes, Newmarket ON 2019 - Interview and two page spread in Murze Magazine upcoming issue 5 2019 - Ten Days of Art, Murze Magazine Digital Residency 2019 - It’s My First Time (using this thing), Video Installation at The Artist Project, Toronto ON 2019 - Don’t We Know, Digital Collage Print Exhibition, QEP Exhibitions, Oakville ON 2019 - Hot Rocks 18, Included in Counsel exhibition as part of Design TO Festival, Toronto ON 2019 - Hot Rocks 12, Included in Exhibition at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto ON 2018 - Selected as an artist for Toronto’s Patch Project (more information: https://thepatchproject.com/) 2018 - Long Road & Wild Plants, Photobooks included in OK Cool curated exhibition, Montreal QC 2018 - Wish You Well, Installation at The Artist Project, Better Living Center, Toronto ON 2018 - Walks with Lex, Photography exhibition, Toronto Public Library, Toronto ON 2017 - Long Road solo installation exhibition, Akin Vitrine Gallery, Toronto ON 2017 - Untitled outdoor sculpture, Oeno Sculpture Garden, Prince Edward County ON 2017 - Untapped Artist at The Artist Project, Better Living Center, Toronto ON 2016 - Artifacts, Project Gallery, Toronto ON 2016 - Wild Plants, Hot Rocks, The Gifted, Hamilton ON Upcoming 2023 - Public Art Commission for the City of Sault Ste. Marie ON 2023 - OCAD University, School of Continuing Studies, Online 2025 - CAFKA Biennial Commissions & Licensing 2022 & 2023 Video and Photo content for Mister Rabbit band 2022 Commissioned to create a t-shirt design by BIG HQ for their client, Adidas 2022 Artwork licensed for a brochure with The Brand Factory 2021 Inclusion in Antithesis Journal Volume 31: Defy 2021 The Walrus - artwork for digital article 2021 Artwork licensed for Alice, Darling (feature film) 2021 Artwork selected for hoarding imagery for real estate firm Fitzrovia - 63 -- 63 - 4 2021 Band LP artwork and video 2021 The Walrus - artwork for in print 2021 Band artwork for LP 2020 Ethica Coffee Roasters, three pieces of artwork 2020 Two newly created works included in Ephemera Magazine, Toronto ON 2019 Ladies See Red & And Yet, I Continue To Bloom In The Shadows in Create! Magazine, summer issue 2019 Four collage works included in the October issue of Antithesis Journal 2019 Film photographs included in “Cullare” - Don’t Smile’s Photography Publication 2019 Do You See What I See? (me watching you watching me), Included in Issue 4 of Murze Magazine 2018 Bunz Trading Zone commission for three pieces of artwork 2017 anthéne Cassette Album Artwork (Released March 2019) Residencies 2021 BONFIRE - The Loop, Digital Residency, Toronto / Iceland 2019 - 2020 Akin Collective 1 year studio residency at MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art), Toronto ON Awards and Grants 2023 Ontario Arts Council Materials Grant 2023 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, Smokestack Gallery 2022 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, Random Access Gallery 2021 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, CONTACT 2021 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, DesignTO 2020 Artscape Daniels Launchpad Bursary Recipient 2017 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, Artist Project Untapped Artist Teaching 2021-2023 Virtual Collage Workshop Instructor, Kids Up Front 2021 Virtual Collage Workshop Instructor, Lakeshore Arts 2018 Collage Workshop Instructor, YouthCAN Program 2018 Collage Workshop Instructor, Lakeshore Arts 2017 Collage Workshop Instructor, CAMH Additional support material: 2023 - CBC Arts, inclusion in email and on social media 2021 - DesignTO Designer Spotlight 2020 - Partial Gallery Meet The Artist Series 2020 - The Gathered Gallery Feature 2019- Akin Collective posting about 'Don't We Know' exhibition 2019 - 35 artists to look for at Toronto's Huge Contemporary Art Fair, article, blogTO - 64 -- 64 - 5 Portfolio: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add title, year, scope, and a short description. Currently Untitled, 2023, 6 feet high x 15 feet long, digital collage Commission for the City of Sault Ste. Marie for their new Twin Pad Arena, to be installed in November 2023. This is a digital collage created by merging sourced imagery with analog/digital photos and scans of natural elements from Sault Ste. Marie. - 65 -- 65 - 6 Untitled, Artwork based on a poem, 2023, 87” W x 81.5” H, digital collage Commissioned by the City of Barrie A digital collage created by merging sourced imagery with analog/digital photos and scans of natural elements. - 66 -- 66 - 7 I Glide Along, And No Matter What, I Keep Going, 2023, digital collage adjusted and updated for installation on two elevator doors Each Elevator is 21” W x 83 5/8” H Commissioned by the Anndore House, Toronto - 67 -- 67 - 8 Untitled, 2023, Dimensions Vary, digital collage adjusted to fit the specs of the traffic signal cabinet wrap Commissioned by the City of Hamilton - 68 -- 68 - 9 fragile. wild. 2022, 8 feet tall x 40 feet long, digital collage Selected by Art + Public for QuadReal’s Assembly Park in Vaughan, ON fragile. wild. is a large digitally created artwork utilizing analog photography, scanned and photographed natural pieces as well as source imagery from vintage field guides and magazines. - 69 -- 69 - 10 Artwork Design: Inspiration imagery: I also love reflections and mirroring, so as this piece will be a cube, I will play with overlap and mirroring at the corners so that there is a continuous flow. You can expect to see natural imagery from around the area/local ecosystems as well as native plants to Ontario included in this artwork. - 70 -- 70 - 11 Proposed Budget and Plan: (for artist fees and materials.) My proposed budget is $2000 total. Budget breakdown: Artist fee: $2000 (includes HST) This includes travel to the site, meetings with the City of Pickering team, creation of artwork, revisions and adjustments made, delivery of final artwork as well as any materials and equipment needed. Scope of work: I will design and create a digital collage for the City of Pickering. The intention is that the piece will be printed in four pieces and installed by a third-party vendor hired by the City of Pickering. I will provide the artwork in four pieces as per the specs provided. I will provide a first draft to the City of Pickering the week of November 6, with feedback implemented and revisions made by the week of November 13. If additional feedback or revisions are required, these will be included and the final print-ready files will be provided by November 20. I will also provide an artist statement to accompany the work. Additionally, I can happily work with your team if adjustments need to be made to the suggested timeline. I am happy to meet with your team (virtually preferred) but request that revisions and feedback also be shared via writing. Additionally, I can provide a version that can be shared on your website as well as social media, if desired. I will retain ownership over my artwork, but the City of Pickering can reproduce it on web, social media and in marketing materials. References: 1. Katriina Campitelli, Public Art Officer, Cultural Partnerships Katriina.Campitelli@toronto.ca 647-458-5657 2. Michelle Cieloszczyk, Project Coordinator michelle.cieloszczyk@artpluspublic.com 226-268-2569 - 71 -- 71 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee November 10, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Award – Placemaking Opportunity - Window Painting Background: Based on the issued Call to Artists – Placemaking Opportunity, Window Painting at CHDRC, Cultural Services received 3 submissions from local emerging artists. The received submissions were reviewed on November 1st, 2023, by City Staff. Based on the provided designs, Staff decided to award this opportunity to Jacob Headley. About the Artist: “As a growing muralist and illustrator with a background in graphic design, I am dedicated to creating visually compelling works that communicate powerful messages and spark meaningful conversations. My training in graphic design has instilled in me a strong sense of composition, color theory, and visual storytelling, which I apply to my murals and illustrations.” Placemaking projects are exempt form the Public Art Policy (CUL130). This activation will be displayed on the windows from November 20, 2023, to February 1, 2024. Funding: There is $2,000 including HST available from the 502520.9711 Community and Temp Art for this opportunity. Next steps: Coordinator, Public Art will meet with the artist who will come up with the final design based on the provided preliminary concept. The artist will paint the mural on site starting the week of November 20, 2023. The artwork must be the artists intellectual property and reflect the diverse Pickering community. - 72 -- 72 - Preliminary artwork design by Jacob Headley. “I would like to keep this design somewhat simple, using mostly the lower portion of the windows. Cute characters (human and animal) enjoying various winter activities. Here is an example of something like that.” Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement to proceed with awarding Jacob Headley the opportunity. Attachment 1: Jacob Headley - Winter Window Scene November 10, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Award - Placemaking Opportunity: Window Painting - 73 -- 73 - Jacob HeadleCy V ABOUT As a growing muralist and illustrator with a background in graphic design, I am dedicated to creating visually compelling works that communicate powerful messages and spark meaningful conversations. My training in graphic design has instilled in me a strong sense of composition, color theory, and visual storytelling, which I apply to my murals and illustrations. My work is inspired by the world around me, from the natural beauty of my surroundings to the complex social issues that impact our communities. I am passionate about exploring these themes through my art and using my work to engage with and inspire others. I am constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities to push myself as an artist, and I believe that my versatility and adaptability make me well-suited to a range of projects and collaborations. Whether I am working on a large-scale mural or a small-scale illustration, my goal is always the same: to create art that is both aesthetically pleasing and intellectually stimulating. RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE CTV I Graphic Designer Designing banners, and Posters for the Discovery+ streaming service. New world School of Art I Instructor Online teaching of inexperienced artists giving them the fundamentals of art and encouragement along with specific assignments to help them improve their own personal artwork. Freelance Muralist/Illustrator I have been doing my best to find projects that I feel are a good fit for me and that I can provide value to. HOBBIES Art Music Film Fitness Travel PERSONAL Name Date of Birth Relationship CONTACT Phone Mail Address Website - 74 -- 74 - artist statement - 75 -- 75 - Traditional Art / Murals Digital Art References: Kim Van Stygeren Michelle McTeague See more at www.jacobheadley.art 905 358 0920 647 213 4888 - 76 -- 76 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee November 10, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Call to Artists – Gordon Lightfoot (EOI) Public Art Commission Background: Based on the Council Directive issued on September 29, 2023, resolution #282/23, staff is directed, through the Office of the CAO, to undertake a commission of public artwork to be installed in Ernie L. Stroud Park to celebrate the life of Gordon Lightfoot. Following the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), Community Services will be issuing a public two stage opportunity for artists/ artist teams to apply. The first stage of this opportunity: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission in celebration of Gordon Lightfoot (Attachment 1) will be released the week of December 5, 2023. The Steeple Hill Community in Pickering was built in the late 1980’s and has streets named after Gordon Lightfoot songs in recognition of his talent. The Ernie L. Stroud Park has been the selected as the location where the permanent public artwork will be installed. The exact location to be decided between City staff and community members. The Steeple Hill Community will also engage in the selection of the Top 1 artist and participate in community consultation facilitated by Coordinator, Public Art and the artist/s. The commissioned public art piece is intended to be created in celebration of the Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist, Gordon Lightfoot, who achieved international success in folk, folk- rock, and country music. He is credited with helping to define the folk-pop sound of the 1960s and 1970s. He has been referred to as Canada's greatest songwriter and his songs have been recorded by some of the world's most renowned musical artists. The successful work will act as a monument commemorating the great achievements of Gordon Lightfoot. The final artwork is to be installed in September 2024. - 77 - November 10, 2023 Call to Artists – Gordon Lightfoot(EOI) Public Art Commission Page 2 of 3 Funding: As requested by the Mayor, there are $60,000 (including HST) in the 2024 Budget to fund the work from the Public Art Reserve. The total budget for the creation of this permanent public artwork will $60,000 including HST. This project and budget is subject to Council approval in 2024. Next steps: Coordinator, Public Art will issue Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission in celebration of Gordon Lightfoot. After collection and evaluation of the submissions by the Public Art Jury, the Coordinator, Public Art will issue Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) alongside a community open house and a detailed Terms of Reference to the top three (3) ranked artists. Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be compensated $1,500 CAD plus HST for their time and the creation of concept for Stage 2. The received concepts will be evaluated against the criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference by the Public Art Jury. The Steeple Hill Community will also have a say in the selection of the Top 1 artist. The Cultural Advisory Committee will be informed of the highest ranked artists and asked for their endorsement during the March 2024 meeting. Given the amount of the opportunity, a Report to Council will be presented stating the Top 1 artist for final approval before award of the project. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval to proceed with this project and issue Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission in celebration of Gordon Lightfoot. Attachment 1: Call to Artists – Gordon Lightfoot (EOI) - 78 - November 10, 2023 Call to Artists – Gordon Lightfoot(EOI) Public Art Commission Page 3 of 3 - 79 - 1 Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission, Celebration of Gordon Lightfoot Deadline: January 5, 2024, at 4 pm EDT. Photo of Ernie L. Stroud Park located in the Steeple Hill Community in Pickering where the artwork will be located. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to respond to this Call for Artists to create permanent outdoor public artwork in celebration of Gordon Lightfoot. The work is to be installed to be installed inside the Ernie L. Stroud Park located in the Steeple Hill Community in Pickering. Exact location to be determined through consultation between City Staff and community residents. As per the City of Pickering’s Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. The total budget for the project, including artist fees, materials, and installation is $60,000 (including HST). The successful artist/ artist team will be selected through a two-stage process. One (1) artist/ artist team will be awarded the opportunity.* *This project and budget is subject to Council approval in 2024. - 80 - 2 Site Background The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. Gordon Lightfoot was an icon for Canadian music. Gordon Meredith Lightfoot Jr. (November 17, 1938 – May 1, 2023) was a Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist who achieved international success in folk, folk-rock, and country music. He is credited with helping to define the folk-pop sound of the 1960s and 1970s. He has been referred to as Canada's greatest songwriter and his songs have been recorded by some of the world's most renowned musical artists. The Steeple Hill Community in Pickering was built in the late 1980’s and has streets named after Gordon Lightfoot songs in recognition of his talent. Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage, and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. The artwork will be located inside the Ernie L. Stroud Park located in the Steeple Hill Community in Pickering. The exact location of the work as well as the chosen artist will be selected by the community through consultation. The City, Community Services will facilitate the introduction between the artist/team and the community as well as other project stakeholders. Detailed Terms of Reference will be provided to the shortlisted artist/ artists teams to help them prepare their concept. Budget $60,000 CAD including HST (maximum)*. This is the total amount available for all related expenses of this public art project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, technical consultations, community consultation, and approvals or other expertise as required, fabrication, installation, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. *Subject to Council approval. - 81 - 3 The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art outlined in the City’s Public Art Policy. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timelines • Installation • Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors Selection Process Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) A public art jury comprised of practicing arts professionals and community members will be established for the evaluation of the Stage 1 submissions. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) SUBMISSIONS Artists/ Artist teams are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document including: • CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member. • Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). • Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add tittle, year, scope, budget and a short description. • References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. Submissions must be sent by email to: sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: LastName_EOI:Lightfoot Deadline: January 5, 2023 at 4 pm EDT. If the submissions exceed 20 MB, artists should contact Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art who will provide a link to an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. - 82 - 4 Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) The Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. The Jury will select a short-list of three (3) artists/artist teams for Stage 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP). Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be compensated $1,500 CAD plus HST for their time and the creation of concept for Stage 2. The short-listed artists will be notified by Week of January 8, 2024 and invited to participate to a community open house with the Steeple Hill Community. This alongside a detailed Terms of Reference will allow the shortlisted artists to submit a conceptual design proposal to the Public Art Jury and City of Pickering staff. As part of the process, short- listed artists must attend an in-person interview and present their proposals (online presentations may be accommodated) to the public art jury during the Month of February 2024. When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 1 of this Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) will also consider the artist's: • Artistic excellence of previous work; • Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation; • Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief; • Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate; • Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and, • Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. The proposals may be used by the city of Pickering in meetings with community groups, stakeholders and staff. - 83 - 5 Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase December 5 , 2023 Issue Call to Artists: EOI January 5, 2024 Call to Artists: EOI Submissions due Week of January 8, 2024 Shortlisted Artists notified Week of January 15, 2024 Community Open House Week of February 12, 2023 Conceptual Proposals due Week of February 19, 2023 Artists presentations Marh, 2024 Deadline to notify selected Artist April, 2024 Technical Review with project staff. This meeting will provide the selected Artist with further technical specifications and feedback on the submitted conceptual artwork from lead project staff from the City May, 2024 Project Contract signed and executed for project deliverables*. *Subject to Council approval of the project September 2024 Anticipated installation date *Schedule is subject to change - 84 - 6 Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. - 85 - Memo To: Mayor Ashe DRAFT (Target Date) – February 20, 2024 Members of Council From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Community Services Division Head, Culture and Community Programming Subject: Cultural Advisory Committee - 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan File: DRAFT for Discussion - November 21, 2023 CAC Meeting The Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) is pleased to submit, for Council’s information, the 2023 Committee Report and 2024 proposed Work Plan. 2023 Year End Report <This section will be completed by the Staff Liaison based on recorded Minutes from each meeting in 2023 after our last meeting in November> In 2023, nine committee meetings were held. The committee continued to contribute to the goals of the City’s Cultural Plan in the following ways: • Reviewed and provided endorsement of the following public art projects: o <List Public Art Projects> • Provided recommendations on community and temporary public art programs including: <List Temporary Public Art Projects> and acted as public art judges for the new community banner series. • Reviewed, made recommendations, and provided feedback to the standing agenda items regarding the Pickering Museum Village (PMV) programs including: <List PMV Projects> • Provided recommendations and comments for: <List Other non-Public Art, non-PMV projects> • Participated and acted as Cultural Advisory Committee ambassadors at Cultural Fusion event held on September 9, 2023, meeting with local community groups participating at the event, and informing residents of the work and goals of the CAC. • Participated in annual update to Council. - 85 -- 86 - 2024 Work Plan <For Discussion at November 21, 2023 CAC Meeting> The Cultural Services Unit has a number of projects and initiatives planned for 2024 that will be presented to the Cultural Advisory Committee for consultation which include, but are not limited to: • <Insert List of known City Staff Projects> The Cultural Services Unit also has ongoing annual planning which will be presented to the Cultural Advisory Committee for consultation: • <Insert List of known City Plans> • Recreation and Parks Master Plan • Cultural Strategic Plan • Community Tourism Plan • Pickering Museum Village Annual Operating Plan and Deaccession Lists • Public Art Plan • Pickering Events Plan The Cultural Advisory Committee has the following projects and initiatives planned to investigate further in 2024 which include, but are not limited to: • <Insert List of CAC member projects and initiatives> Work of the CAC also includes: • Consult on public art and participate on the Public Art Jury to review and consult on public art submission, including the submission of a terms of reference. • Provide feedback to staff on the development of community engagement initiatives related to culture, and provide feedback on existing cultural programs. • Act as cultural champions, and look for opportunities through community engagement initiatives that focus on celebrating, and highlighting cultural assets, or that bring heritage recognition, and education to the forefront. • Connect community partners to the culture team, to deliver on goals listed in the Cultural Strategic Plan. • Provide feedback to staff on the development of entrepreneurial and economic development initiatives related to culture, and provide feedback on existing programs. • Report to Council Annually through the committee’s work plan. JSA TBD Page 2 of 2 - 86 -- 87 - Cultural Advisory Committee 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan - 87 -- 88 - Cultural Advisory Committee 2024 Meeting Schedule Date Time Platform Tuesday, January 16 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, February 20 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, March 19 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, April 16 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, May 21 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, June 18 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, September 17 7:00 pm Hybrid Tuesday, October 15 7:00 pm Hybrid Important Contact Information: Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services and Staff Liaison to the Cultural Advisory Committee 905.420.4660 ext. 3607 jstamant@pickering.ca Araya Migwans, Clerk, Community Services Department and Administrator to the Cultural Advisory Committee 905.420.4660 ext 1847 | 1.866.683.2760 amigwans@pickering.ca - 88 -- 89 -