HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 24-23Report to Council Report Number: FIN 24-23 Date: December 11, 2023 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds -File: F-4910-001 Recommendation: 1.That Report FIN 24-23 of the Director, Finance & Treasurer be received; 2.That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to: a)Transfer the balance in the Community Facilities Reserve Fund as at December 31, 2023 to the Facilities Reserve and close the Community Facilities Reserve Fund; b)Transfer the balances in the following reserves as at December 31, 2023 to the Facilities Reserve and close the reserves: •Contingency – True Sports Reserve •Surcharge – Program Reserve •Surcharge – Dunbarton Pool Reserve •Surcharge – Don Beer Arena Reserve •Surcharge – Rec Complex Core Reserve •Surcharge – Rec Complex Pool Reserve •Surcharge – Rec Complex Arena Reserve •Accessibility Initiatives Reserve •Minor Buildings Replacement Reserve c)Transfer the balance in Contingency – Miscellaneous Reserve as at December 31, 2023 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve and close the Contingency – Miscellaneous Reserve; d)Transfer the balance in Accelerated Infrastructure Program Reserve as at December 31, 2023 to the Roads & Bridges Reserve Fund and close the Accelerated Infrastructure Program Reserve; e)Transfer the balance in the Capital Works Reserve Fund as at December 31, 2023 to the Parks Reserve and close the Capital Works Reserve Fund; and f)Close the Seaton FIA Reserve. Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 2 _________________________________________________________________________ 3. That the Replacement of Capital Equipment Reserve be renamed the Information Technology Reserve; 4. That the Major Equipment Replacement Reserve be renamed the Equipment Replacement Reserve; 5. That the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund be renamed the Canada Community Building Reserve Fund and the draft By-law, included as Attachment 1 to Report FIN 24-23, to rename the reserve fund and repeal the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund By-law Number 6609/05, be approved, and enacted to reflect this name change; 6. That the draft By-law, included as Attachment 2 to Report FIN 24-23, to repeal the Community Facilities Development Reserve Fund By-law Number 357/76 be approved and enacted; 7. That the draft By-law, included as Attachment 3 to Report FIN 24-23, to repeal the Capital Works Reserve Fund By-law Number C9/1980, be approved and enacted; and 8. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Finance department has completed a review of the City’s reserves and reserve funds in preparation for the City’s 2024 budget cycle. Finance staff reviewed the various reserves and reserve funds in order to optimize the available funds and their use for the capital and current budget. Many of these reserves and reserve funds were established before the city started its Asset Management program. The city continues to mature its asset management program where it is considered advantageous to align capital reserves with the asset groups they are intended to support. Currently there are numerous reserves with small balances and very small or no identified funding sources. By combining these reserves or transferring their dollars, results in a more efficient utilization of these funds. It should be noted that through this financial housekeeping exercise, the overall dollar balance will remain the same. Staff have identified opportunities to consolidate several reserves and reserve funds to minimize administrative time and improve the City’s ability to align financial resources with projected expenditure requirements. Staff also propose a number of housekeeping updates to reflect the current operating environment. Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 3 _________________________________________________________________________ Financial Implications: There is no net financial impact from the recommendations included in this report. All funds currently held in reserves or reserve will be maintained in the new reserve & reserve fund structure. The table below summarizes the current balance and recommendations related to each fund being addressed in this report: Name of Reserve / Reserve Fund Account Projected Fund Balance as at Dec. 31, 2023* Recommendation Facility-related Reserves and Reserve Funds Contingency – True Sports Reserve 8004 $121 Close all reserves and reserve funds and transfer all funds to the Facilities Reserve (8026). Repeal By-law 357/76 related to the Community Facilities Reserve Fund Surcharge – Program Reserve 8010 $430,755 Surcharge – Dunbarton Pool Reserve 8011 $25,236 Surcharge – Don Beer Arena Reserve 8012 $86,979 Surcharge – Rec Complex Core Reserve 8013 $38,168 Surcharge - Rec Complex Pool Reserve 8014 $48,161 Surcharge - Rec Complex Arena Reserve 8015 $42,803 Accessibility Initiatives Reserve 8022 $66,840 Minor Buildings Replacement Reserve 8029 $2,010,000 Community Facilities Reserve Fund 8700 $35,708 Other Reserves & Reserve Funds Replacement of Capital Equipment Reserve 8001 $90,294 Rename to “Information Technology Reserve Fund” and amend purpose to be for the replacement or renewal of IT assets Contingency – Miscellaneous Reserve 8005 $675,486 Close and transfer funds to the Rate Stabilization Reserve (8007) Accelerated Infrastructure Program Reserve 8027 $519,500 Close and transfer funds to the Roads & Bridges Reserve Fund (8706) Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 4 _________________________________________________________________________ Name of Reserve / Reserve Fund Account Projected Fund Balance as at Dec. 31, 2023* Recommendation Seaton FIA Reserve 8030 $0 Close reserve Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund 8502 $2,237,365 Rename the Reserve Fund “Canada Community-Building Reserve Fund” Repeal By-law 6609-05 related to the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund and pass a new By-law to reflect this change Capital Works Reserve Fund 8701 $129,891 Close and transfer funds to the Parks Reserve (8040) Repeal By-law C9/1980 related to Capital Works Reserve Fund * Projected balances were estimated based on expected 2023 activity and assume that all outstanding commitments against the reserves and reserve funds will be fully funded as of December 31, 2023. Discussion: 8001 – Replacement of Capital Equipment Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Replacement of Capital Equipment (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $90,294) This reserve was established with proceeds of a one-time sale in 2001 and was intended to be used to fund the replacement of capital equipment, however the reserve has been dormant since 2014. The City does not currently have a funding source for the replacement of IT equipment, and all such replacements are currently funded from property taxes or the Rate Stabilization Reserve. It is recommended that this reserve be redirected toward the funding of IT equipment renewal and renamed the Information Technology Reserve Fund. Future Current Budget reports may include a recommendation to initiate an annual contribution to this reserve so that it can also act in a stabilization capacity to smooth out the tax impacts of irregular replacement costs. Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 5 _________________________________________________________________________ 8004 - Contingency – True-Sports Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Contingencies (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $121) This reserve was originally part of a general Reserve for Contingencies and was used to fund the City’s share of the True-Sport program. This reserve does not have any identified revenue source and has not been used since 2012. It is recommended that the small remaining balance be transferred to the Facilities Reserve and the reserve be closed. 8005 – Contingency – Miscellaneous Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Contingencies (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $675,486) This reserve was also originally part of a general Reserve for Contingencies and was subsequently separated into specific purpose reserves: Assessment Appeals, Elections and Miscellaneous. It was intended to act in a tax stabilization capacity in anticipation of unknown, unusual, or unforeseen events. It has not been used since it was segregated from the other reserves in 2003. Since this reserve serves the same financial stabilization function as the Rate Stabilization reserve, it is recommended that its balance be transferred to the Rate Stabilization Reserve and that this reserve be closed. Various Surcharge Reserves Financial Statement Grouping: Replacement of Capital Equipment • 8010 – Surcharge – Programs Reserve (Annual Contribution: $18,500, Projected Balance: $430,752) • 8011 – Surcharge – Dunbarton Pool Reserve (Annual Contribution: $5,000, Projected Balance: $25,236) • 8012 – Surcharge – Don Beer Arena Reserve (Annual Contribution: $30,000, Projected Balance: $86,979) • 8013 – Surcharge – Rec Complex Core Reserve (Annual Contribution: $27,000, Projected Balance: $38,168) • 8014 – Surcharge – Rec Complex Pool Reserve (Annual Contribution: $15,000, Projected Balance: $48,161) • 8015 – Surcharge – Rec Complex Arena Reserve (Annual Contribution: $20,000, Projected Balance: $42,803) These reserves historically formed part of the Replacement of Capital Equipment Reserve, but were subsequently separated into individual reserves related to specific facilities. Contributions to these reserves are provided for annually in the Current Budget. They were designed to act in a stabilization capacity and help to avoid tax rate fluctuations and/or issuance of long-term debt or other financing costs. However the surcharge reserve contributions have not been adjusted to reflect inflationary impacts or current needs due to a lack of funds. The result is that funds have been spread into a number of small reserves that Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 6 _________________________________________________________________________ are not sufficient to fund any large projects and the intended purpose of these reserves is no longer being achieved. It is recommended that the reserve balances be transferred to the Facilities Reserve where collectively the funds can be more effectively leveraged for priority facility-related capital projects. The related annual reserve transfers in the current budget should also be consolidated into the annual reserve transfer to the Facilities Reserve. 8022 – Accessibility Initiatives Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Accessibility Initiatives (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $66,840) This reserve was established in 2012 to accelerate the City’s accessibility-related capital program. Originally, any unspent funds from the prior year’s accessibility projects would be transferred to this reserve, for use in future accessibility projects. The City no longer segregates accessibility related costs from general project costs for accounting purposes and this practice is no longer viable. It is recommended that the funds be transferred to the Facilities Reserve for use in future capital projects and then the reserve be closed. The City can continue to identify accessibility- related initiatives in the capital budget as required. 8027 – Accelerated Infrastructure Program Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Accelerated Infrastructure Program (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $519,500) The Accelerated Infrastructure Program (AIP) Reserve was established in 2016 to receive a special capital levy and to provide a source of capital or debt financing that would allow certain priority capital projects to be accelerated. The special levy was discontinued after the 2016 budget and the reserve fund no longer has an identified revenue source. This reserve is recommended to be closed. The balance will be transferred to the City’s Roads and Bridges Reserve Fund where the funds will remain available for priority capital projects related to the City’s road network. 8029 - Minor Buildings Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Minor Buildings Replacement (Annual Contribution: $400,000, Projected Balance: $2,010,000) This reserve was established in 2017 to provide a source of funds for the replacement of old and/or small municipal facilities. As this reserve performs a similar function to the Facilities Reserve, it would be more effective to consolidate these funds together and expand the range of potential uses of the consolidated reserve to include all facilities in the City. It is recommended that the reserve balance be transferred to the Facilities Reserve where the funds can be more effectively used for the highest priority facility-related capital projects. The Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 7 _________________________________________________________________________ related annual reserve transfer of $400,000.in the Current Budget should also be consolidated with the annual reserve transfer to the Facilities Reserve. 8030 - Seaton FIA Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: N/A (balance is zero) (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $nil) This reserve was originally established to receive development payments related to the Seaton Fiscal Impact Agreement (FIA). However, since the funds are received through contractual agreements, they should be managed through a reserve fund. This was immediately corrected by the establishment of the Seaton FIA Reserve Fund (By-law 7608-18) and this reserve has not been used. It is recommended that the reserve be closed. 8032 – Major Equipment Reserve Financial Statement Grouping: Major Equipment (Annual Contribution: $1,100,000, Projected Balance: $237,700) This reserve was established in 2019 to fund the purchase of major equipment or major repairs. To better utilize the available funds to support necessary asset renewal and mitigate the fluctuating impact of these irregular purchases on the annual tax levy, staff recommend broadening the scope of allowable uses to include all equipment replacement, as well as major repairs. 8502 – Federal Gas Tax / Canada Community-Building Reserve Fund Financial Statement Grouping: Deferred Revenue (Annual Contribution: Federal grant amount, Projected Balance: $2,237,365) This reserve fund was established in 2005 to track the gas tax revenues received from the Government of Canada under the New Deal for Cities and Communities. On June 29, 2021, the Federal Government renamed the Gas Tax Fund the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) to better reflect the program’s evolution over time. This did not change the program in any way. It is therefore recommended that By-law 6609-05 be repealed, and a new By-law be enacted to reflect this housekeeping change. The related accounts in the City’s financial system would also be updated to reflect the new program name. 8700 – Community Facilities Reserve Fund (By-law 357-76) Financial Statement Grouping: Recreation Programs & Facilities (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $35,708) This reserve fund was originally established in 1976 by Council to set aside monies received from levies taken in lieu of industrial/commercial development to be used for capital expenditures for community facilities. As there are no longer any levies collected for this purpose, this reserve fund no longer has a revenue source. Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 8 _________________________________________________________________________ It is therefore recommended that any outstanding commitments against his reserve fund be fully funded at year-end and the remaining balance be transferred to the Facilities Reserve where the funds will be used for capital expenditures related to City Facilities in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected. It is further recommended that the Reserve Fund then be closed, and By-law 357-76 be repealed. 8701 – Capital Works Reserve Fund Financial Statement Grouping: Acquisition of Tangible Capital Assets (Annual Contribution: $nil, Projected Balance: $129,891) This reserve fund was established by Council in 1980 for the financing of the Capital Works Program. Originally this reserve fund received lot levies collected from developers, however lot levies were replaced with the Development Charge regime and accordingly lot levies are no longer collected by the City of Pickering. As a result, this reserve fund is no longer required. It is therefore recommended that any outstanding commitments against this reserve fund be fully funded at year-end and that the balance be transferred to the Parks Reserve where the funds will be used for capital projects related to parks and playgrounds in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected. It is further recommended that the Reserve Fund then be closed, and By-law C9/1980 be repealed. Attachments: 1. Draft By-law to provide for the establishment of a Reserve Fund to be known as the Canada Community Building Reserve Fund 2. Draft By-law to Repeal By-law 357/76 3. Draft By-law to Repeal By-law C9/1980 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Jason Bekramchand, CPA Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Senior Financial Analyst – Capital & Director, Finance & Treasurer Debt Management Original Signed By: Danna Munns, CPA, CA Senior Financial Analyst – Budgets Report FIN 24-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Restructuring of Reserves and Reserve Funds Page 9 _________________________________________________________________________ Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report FIN 24-23 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. xxxx/23 Being a By-law to provide for the establishment of a Reserve Fund to be known as the Canada Community Building Reserve Fund. Whereas under the Municipal Act, S.O., 2001 as amended, Section 417(1), the Council of the City of Pickering may establish and maintain a reserve fund for any purpose for which it has authority to expend funds. Whereas the Council of the City of Pickering approved Council Report CS 92-05 authorizing the City to execute the Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the New Deal for Cities and Communities. Whereas the execution of the Municipal Funding Agreement as per By-law 6609/05 and the subsequent Amending Municipal Funding Agreement as per By-law 7060/10 provides the City of Pickering with funds to be used for eligible projects as outlined in the agreement(s). Whereas the Council of the City of Pickering passed By-law 6609/05 being a By-law to establish and maintain a Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund. Whereas on June 29, 2021, the Federal Government of Canada renamed the Federal Gas Tax Fund the Canada Community Building Fund. Whereas the name change was undertaken by the Federal Government to better reflect the program evaluation over time and did not alter or modify the objectives or requirements of the program in any way. Whereas renaming the City of Pickering’s Federal Gas Reserve Fund the Canada Community Building Reserve Fund will align the fund with the new program name. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. The establishment of a reserve fund know as the Canada Community Building Reserve Fund is hereby authorized. 2. The Canada Community-Building Reserve Fund shall consist of such moneys paid by the Federal Government or through the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the program as described in the Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues under the New Deal for Cities and Communities (as amended) together with investments made and earnings derived there from. 3. That By-law 6609/05 be repealed in its entirety. By-law No. XXX-23 Page 2 4. That this By-law shall come into effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. By-law passed this 11th day of December, 2023 ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Attachment #2 to Report FIN 24-23 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. xxxx/23 Being a By-law to repeal By-law 357/76 being a By-law to establish a Reserve Fund (known as the Reserve Fund for Community Facilities Development). Whereas the Community Facilities Reserve Fund was established to set aside monies received from levies taken in lieu of industrial/commercial development. Whereas such levies are no longer collected by the City of Pickering. Whereas the Council of the City of Pickering approved Council Report FIN XX-23 authorizing the City to close the Community Facilities Reserve Fund. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That By-law 357/76 be repealed in its entirety. 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. By-law passed this 11th day of December, 2023 ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Attachment #3 to Report FIN 24-23 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. xxxx/23 Being a By-law to repeal By-law C9/1980 being a By-law to amend the Town of Pickering Municipal Code to establish a reserve fund for the Financing of a Capital Works Program. Whereas the Capital Works Reserve Fund was established to set aside monies received for Lot Development Fees Collected. Whereas the legislative framework that gave rise to Lot Development Fees has been replaced by the Development Charges Act 1997 (as amended) such that the City no longer receives Lot Development Fees. Whereas the Council of the City of Pickering approved Council Report FIN XX-23 authorizing the City to close the Capital Works Reserve Fund. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That By-law C9/1980 be repealed in its entirety. 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon the date of the final passing thereof. By-law passed this 11th day of December, 2023 ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk