HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 12-23Report to Council Report Number: CAO 12-23 Date: December 11, 2023 From: Marisa Carpino Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce -Revised Terms of Reference -File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1.That Council endorse the revised Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, as set out in Attachment 1; 2.That the term of Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce members appointed on March 27, 2023, by Resolution #147/23 be amended to end on November 14, 2026, in accordance with Section 6 of the updated Terms of Reference; and, 3.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the November 2023 meeting of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, members passed a motion to revise the 2020 Terms of Reference. The 2020 Terms of Reference have been updated to reflect the current functions and operations of the Taskforce and to align with revised City policies and resources. Terms related to composition (Section 3), membership qualifications (Section 4), term of the taskforce (Section 6), taskforce structure and positions (Section 7), and budget (Section 8) have been updated. General revisions have also been made throughout the document to modify language and eliminate redundancies. The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval of the revised Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (Attachment 1). Financial Implications: None. Discussion: Since the creation of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (the “Taskforce”) in 2020, several developments such as the introduction of the City of Pickering’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion portfolio with new City staff, the revision of the ADM 040 Committees & Taskforces of Council Policy, and the transition to another term of the Taskforce with new members have impacted its growth, progress, and vision. As such, the existing Terms of Reference, which predated the formal creation of the Taskforce, no longer reflects current practices. In November 2023, Taskforce members voted to seek Council approval for a revised Terms of Reference. CAO 12-23 December 11, 2023 Subject: Revised Terms of Reference for Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Page 2 Based on the work of two subcommittees from both past and current terms of the Taskforce, recommendations were brought forward to revise key areas of the Terms of Reference. A summary of revisions is provided in the table below followed by a discussion of the rationale. Table 1. Summary of Revisions to Terms of Reference by Section Section Area Revision 1 Mandate -Emphasis on role of the Taskforce in addressing systemic and institutional forms of anti-Black racism 2 Goals, Objectives & Responsibilities -Removal of redundancies and ambiguities in goals, objectives and responsibilities -Added goal of identifying a process for responding to incidents of anti-Black racism in Pickering -Provide clarity on appropriate role of Taskforce members, for example, in supporting learning opportunities as opposed to “delivery” and direct provision of such learning 3 Composition -Removal of stakeholder representatives -Specify membership based on residency in Pickering -Specify inclusion of City representative with background or involvement in City’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion portfolio -Clarification of voting privileges for Members versus City representatives with no voting privileges. 5 Meeting Schedule -Emphasis on monthly occurrence of meetings as opposed to the total quantity of meetings within a year. 6 Term of the Taskforce -Align term of Taskforce with term of Council (and other advisory committees) 7 Taskforce Structure and Positions -Removal of subcommittee positions to allow flexibility for Taskforce to create subcommittees as needed/required 8 Budget -Change to reflect current governance structure of the City and new Equity, Diversity & Inclusion portfolio under Public Affairs & Corporate Communications -Removal of the need for written request to receive stipend for participation in meetings General Revisions -Revised language and wording to be more succinct -Modified wording for appropriateness and inclusion -Removal of redundancies for information already addressed in the revised ADM 040 policy Rationale for Revisions Several revisions were applied to the 2020 Terms of Reference of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce to better reflect its current functions and operations within the community. Regarding the mandate, goals, objectives and responsibilities (Sections 1 and 2), new emphasis was placed on the role of the Taskforce in addressing systemic and institutional forms of racism given the existence of the Taskforce within a municipal governance structure. CAO 12-23 December 11, 2023 Subject: Revised Terms of Reference for Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Page 3 It was important to establish parameters around the Taskforce’s work as a Council-appointed body and the specific types of anti-Black racism that can manifest in such arrangements. Composition (Section 3) was changed to remove “stakeholder representatives” as the past and current terms of the Taskforce have never had a stakeholder representative, indicating that there is no need at this time. In addition, the Taskforce’s mandate and goals related to community engagement will still support establishing connections and partnerships with community organizations, so this element will not be lost. The composition section has also been revised to specify that only members have voting privileges over the business of the Taskforce, not staff liaisons. The term of the Taskforce (Section 6) was revised to align with the term of Council. Currently, the schedules of all Council-appointed advisory committees coincide with Council. The Taskforce is the only Council-appointed body with a different term. During the last municipal election, this had adverse impacts on the Taskforce as they were unable to bring forward reports to Council for approval regarding events and other business. The revised term of the Taskforce will prevent disruptions to Taskforce business. The new term also means that for the existing Taskforce members, their term will conclude on November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed. Revisions to the Taskforce structure and positions (Section 7) were modified to remove the list of twelve subcommittee positions. Members do not have the capacity to manage as many subcommittees and also found the list to be too prescriptive. In the past, the Taskforce has created subcommittees related to communications, youth engagement, and community engagement as needed to support their work plan. This is consistent with Policy ADM 040, which states that “subcommittees may be established by a Committee/Taskforce, as required, to carry out specific projects included in the annual work plan.” Given the flexibility of the ADM 040 Policy, the list of subcommittee positions is not needed. Terms related to the budget of the Taskforce (Section 8) were also updated. The Taskforce was initially created under the umbrella of Community Services, and now its budget lies with Public Affairs & Corporate Communications through the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion portfolio. The revisions reflect this change. The revisions also clarify the process for issuing stipends to the Taskforce members and no longer require that members submit a written request to receive stipends for meeting participation. As the City’s budget is approved to account for Taskforce stipends, it is the City’s responsibility to ensure that these are disbursed accordingly. Staff determined that the minutes and recordings of Taskforce meetings are sufficient to issue stipends. Written requests are only required for additional project work undertaken by the Taskforce members to carry out the work plan activities, for which there is a stipend of $25.00 per hour. These requests are included in the Taskforce meeting minutes and such work is approved by the Taskforce. Finally, general revisions have been made throughout the document to be more concise, to ensure use of inclusive language, and to remove redundancies in the information provided. For example, certain terms like “stakeholder” have been identified as problematic due to its historical uses and colonial connotations. Other language referencing “the Black community” have been revised to avoid misrepresentation of diverse Black community members as part of CAO 12-23 December 11, 2023 Subject: Revised Terms of Reference for Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Page 4 a homogenous group. Members adopted the use of “diverse Black communities” throughout the document to be more inclusive and representative. Attachments: 1.Revised Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2.Original Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Jaclyn San Antonio Mark Guinto Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Division Head, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs JS:js Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference 1.0 Mandate The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, and the City of Pickering to: •Enhance the shared experience and opportunities of Black residents, •Implement tangible and sustainable actions to support the prevention, reduction, and response to systemic and institutional anti-Black racism in Pickering for all community members. •Foster transparency and accountability in identifying and addressing systemic and institutional anti-Black racism within Pickering, •Identify and coordinate opportunities for community engagement. •Celebrate, conserve, and promote the Black community and Black culture, heritage, and history. 2.0 Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will identify and implement actions in accordance with the following goals, objectives and responsibilities: 1.Work with the City to review and advise on City policies, programs, and processes related to anti-Black racism; 2.Collaborate with the City on initiatives related to anti-Black racism; 3.Identify and support a process for responding to incidents of anti -Black racism in Pickering. 4.Provide advocacy to the City on behalf of diverse Black communities, organizations, businesses, and other partners; 5.Support and identify anti-Black racism education and learning opportunities for Council, City Staff, community partners, and residents; and, 6.Strengthen and support Black-led social, economic, political, cultural initiatives and; 7.Build partnerships and share resources with residents, organizations, businesses, community partners, and other allies to maximize effect, reduce overlap of services and initiatives, and promote wise practices. Taskforce responsibilities include: •Collaboration with the City to align priorities and support Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives of the City; Attachment #1 to CAO 12-23 Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2023 – 2026 • Regular communication with Pickering residents, businesses, stakeholders, and organizations to identify issues, barriers, and opportunities within the mandate of the Taskforce; • Facilitation of education and awareness around legislation, programs, services, initiatives, organizations and other resources that aim to dismantle anti -Black racism and/or support diverse Black communities; • Development and presentation of an annual work plan to Council; which identifies activities and initiatives, timelines for implementation, measurement tools, and budgets that serve the mandate, goals and objectives of the Taskforce; • Share updates, results and impacts of Taskforce activities and initiatives outlined in the work plan as well as recommendations on matters related to anti-Black racism within the City of Pickering. Taskforce Members do not have the authority to assign work to City staff but will work cooperatively. Taskforce Members can assume related duties as informed by the Taskforce work plan. The PABRT will not be responsible for the following: 1. Development of the City’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy or related initiatives; 2. Budget approval; 3. City programming or events; 4. Day-to-day operations of the City or City facilities; and 5. Administrative matters including direction given to staff. 3.0 Composition The Taskforce Membership shall include: • Up to 20 Resident Members – with voting rights; • At least one Staff Liaison that is involved in the City’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives – no voting rights; and, • The Mayor – no voting rights. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and lived experience needed to contribute effectively to Taskforce goals and objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to the development of anti-Black racism initiatives in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interests related to Black business, culture, education, employment, health, heritage, and safety, among other areas. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2023 – 2026 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce shall meet on the first Thursday of every month. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration and can be resourced accordingly. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30 unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. 6.0 Term of the Taskforce Taskforce members will serve for a term of four years synchronous with the term of Council. 7.0 Taskforce Structure and Positions The Taskforce may choose to appoint a Chair or subcommittees in accordance with Policy ADM 040. Chairs and Sub-committee chairs will be nominated by a member of the Taskforce and receive a majority vote to hold the position. Chairs will hold a term of no more than 12 months. Should a Chair not be able to attend a meeting, they will assign chair duties to a second member of the Taskforce. Should another member not be available, they can also request the staff liaisons to lead the meeting. The Chair will manage the activities of the meeting, develop agendas, and follow up on action items with Taskforce members and staff liaisons. The Executive positions are as follows: 1. Chair – Staff/Government Liaison 2. Vice Chair – Action Plan Development Tracking/Presentations 3. Secretary – Committee Administration, Advocacy, Compliance, Accountability, Ethics, Community Hub Liaison, Mediation 4. Treasurer – Budget Tracking and Reporting Subcommittee Co-chairs will report to the Taskforce during regular meetings, and results will be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. Subcommittees chairs will be responsible for the recruitment of subcommittee members and organizing activities of the subcommittee in line with the work plan and approval of the Taskforce. Subcommittee chairs will manage their own administrative practice Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2023 – 2026 including meeting schedules, meeting platform, minutes, agendas, tracking and reporting. Reports to Council regarding subcommittee work will be presented by the Taskforce. 8.0 Budget The Taskforce activities will be paid from the Public Affairs and Corporate Communications account. Remuneration for appointed Taskforce Members will be paid from the Public Affairs and Corporate Communications account. A stipend shall be paid to Members of the Taskforce in accordance with Section 20 of Policy ADM 040. Members shall receive remuneration as follows: Attending Taskforce Meetings Chair/Executive Position: $75.00 per meeting Subcommittee Chair: $75.00 per meeting Member: $65.00 per meeting Taskforce Work Members will be compensated for work that has been pre-approved by the Taskforce in a Motion and recorded in the Minutes. Motions should include the Member the work is assigned to. $25.00 per hour The maximum yearly income per Taskforce Member is $1,000.00. A T4 will be issued at the conclusion of the year, or the service of the Taskforce Member. Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference 1.0 Mandate The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City to: identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents, identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement, provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; and, celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will identify and implement actions to fulfill the following goals and objectives: 1.Work towards the continued reduction of anti-Black racism; 2.Ongoing communication with the residents of Pickering to identify existing systemic barriers for Black residents and develop/provide opportunities to address these barriers, provide education, and effect change; 3.Act as a partner in collaboration with the City on initiatives related to anti-Black racism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a stakeholder; 4.Provide advocacy and act as a liaison on behalf of the Black community to the City, as well as organizations and businesses serving the City of Pickering; 5.Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives; 6.Support and promote the creation and success of the Black community and cultural organizations; 7.Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community; 8.Conserve and promote Black history and heritage; 9.Celebrate and support success within the Black community; 10.Provide opportunities for the creation, education, and enjoyment of Black culture; 11.Build partnerships and share resources with like-minded organizations to maximize effect, be aware of global best practice, to reduce potential for overlap of services and initiatives; 12.Be inclusive of community residents as per the charter of rights and freedoms; and, Attachment #2 to CAO 12-23 Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 -2023 13.Engage stakeholders, businesses, and cultural organizations as partners in the delivery of initiatives. Taskforce responsibilities include: a)Regularly communicate with Pickering residents, businesses, stakeholders, and like-minded organizations (includes taskforces) to fully identify issues, barriers, and opportunities within the mandate of the taskforce. b)Develop an annual action plan for presentation to Council; which identifies primary goals, strategies, implementation schedule, measurement tools, and budgets in response to the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. c)Regularly review the action plan and track results. d)Provide quarterly updates to Council on Taskforce activities. e)Schedule meetings, set agendas, review minutes, and organize sub- committees as needed. f)Promote and support grass roots organizations and community-led anti-Black racism initiatives. g)Deliver programs, education, reconciliation circles, and develop as needed educational resources and toolkits in partnership with the community, related to anti-Black racism, alliance, heritage, and culture. h)Develop and implement recognition and incentives for initiatives that support the Black community and anti-Black racism. i)Advocate, provide guidance and support or partner with initiatives of D urham Region Police Service and Durham School Boards related to anti-Black racism, Black culture, and safety of Black community members. j)Encourage and promote effective communication between the Black community, community cultural groups, individuals, and the City. k)Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses, and the Chamber of Commerce. l)Work collaboratively with the City to align priorities and to aid Diversity and Inclusion initiatives of the City. m)Provide consultation, research, resources, report findings and make recommendations as necessary on matters of anti-Black racism, and the promotion of Black culture within the City of Pickering. n)Facilitate education and awareness of federal, provincial and local legislation related to anti-Black racism, accessibility, equity, and inclusion, human rights, and labour. o)Advocate and promote the value and benefit of anti-Black racism initiatives, and Black culture for all. Members do not have the authority to assign work to staff but will work cooperatively and assume related duties as directed by the Taskforce. More specifically, the PABRT will not be responsible for the following: 1.Development of City Diversity & Inclusion initiatives or strategy; 2.Budget approval; 3.City programming or events; 4.Day-to-day operations of the City or City facilities; and 5.Administrative matters including direction given to staff. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 -2023 3.0 Composition Up to 20 Taskforce members will be appointed, including:  8 resident representatives (maximum);  12 stakeholders representatives (maximum); All appointees will be voting members regardless of age. 3 City representatives will attend meetings to provide support, and facilitate meetings.  2 City staff liaisons; and,  the Mayor As per Policy ADM 040 resident members must be 18 years of age, reside in Pickering, and represent a broad range of interests, ages, backgrounds, and experience. Youth representation is essential and must be provided a right to vote on the Taskforce. It is strongly recommended that at least one youth sub- committee be mandated who set their own plan in line with the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. Community Organization representatives must be from organizations that serve the City of Pickering. Where possible, appointments to the Committee shall include community leaders, and stakeholder representatives from the African diaspora and the following organizations/associations/areas:  Active anti-Black racism Organizations  Black Business Owners/Chamber of Commerce  Black Cultural Organizations/Diversity Groups  Community Development Council of Durham  Community Safety Organization or Committee  Cultural Advisory Committee  Cultural Expressions -Durham Black History Month  Durham Human Resources Professional Association  Human Rights Organization  LGBTQ Organization  Mental or Public Health Organization  Pickering Public Library  Youth Organization Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 -2023 City Staff from the following departments will act as liaisons to the committee:  Community Services Department  Human Resources Department Staff from other departments, including Legislative Services, Economic Development, and Corporate Services, will be called upon as required by the work of the Taskforce. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and lived-experience needed to contribute effectively to Taskforce goals and objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to the development of anti-Black racism initiatives in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interest related to Black business, culture, education, employment, health, heritage, and safety. Resident appointees must be residents of the City of Pickering. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce meets a minimum of 9 times per year. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall continue unless determined by the Taskforce that a break in service is necessary. 6.0 Term of the Taskforce Taskforce members will serve for a term of four years starting in March of the year following a Municipal Election until they are no longer able to serve or a new taskforce is appointed. At the end of 2022, the Taskforce will consider in their report to Council broadening the activities to include Community-wide Racism, becoming the Anti- Racism Taskforce. The Taskforce will provide an update before the end of 2022 to be provided to the incoming Council with actions, achievements, and a recommendation/plan on how the Taskforce should continue in the next term. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 -2023 7.0 Taskforce Structure and Positions The Taskforce may choose to appoint a committee chair, or subcommittees in accordance with Boards and Committee Policy ADM 040. Chairpersons and Sub-committee chairs will be nominated by a member of the taskforce and receive a majority vote to hold the position. Chair persons will hold a term of no more than 12 months. Should a chair person not be able to attend a meeting, they will assign chair duties to a sec ond member of the taskforce, or request the staff liaisons to lead the meeting. The chairperson will manage the activities of the meeting, develop agendas, and follow up on action items with taskforce members and staff liaisons. The following Executive and Sub-Committee positions are adopted for the 2021 – 2023 Term of the Taskforce: Executive 1. Chair – Staff/Government Liaison 2. Vice Chair – Action Plan Development Tracking/Presentations 3. Secretary (two positions) – Committee Administration, Advocacy, Compliance, Accountability, Ethics, Community Hub Liaison, Mediation 4. Treasurer Sub-committee Positions 1. Executive Advisory Sub Committee eg. Police Services, Human Resources, Faith Groups [Chair + 1] 2. Fund Development [Treasurer +1 ] 3. Policy / Best Practice [research and presentations] 4. Youth 5. Outreach/Communications -Social Media, 'Bang The Table', Fundraising, Youth Recruitment 6. Education as partner with DDSB 7. Employment / Entrepreneurship 8. Health 9. Policing as partner with DRPS 10.Events, Community Engagement, Programming 11.Recognition Program eg. Procurement, Allyship, Community Champion/Achievement [Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer] 12.Housing/Construction Subcommittees (ADM 040 Section 16.09) will be struck at the direction of the Taskforce by a majority vote, and must include at least two members of the Taskforce, and can include additional relevant stakeholders, experts, or members of the public as needed. Sub-committees must include at least one youth representative from the youth sub-committee. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 -2023 Sub-committee Co-chairs will report to the Taskforce during regular meetings, and results will be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. Sub -committees Chairs will be responsible for recruitment of sub-committee members and organizing activities of the sub-committee in line with the action plan and approval of the taskforce. The Chairs will manage their own administrative practice including meeting schedules, meeting platform, minutes, agendas, tracking and reporting. Reports to Council regarding sub-committee work will be presented by the Taskforce. 8.0 Budget The Taskforce activities will be paid from the Community Services Boards and Committees account. Remuneration for appointed Taskforce Members will be paid from the Community Services Salary Account. A stipend shall be paid to Members of the Taskforce. The Taskforce Terms of Reference to be reviewed at each term of the taskforce by Human Resource, and a rate assigned. For this term, the rate set is $65/Member and $75 for the Chair or Sub-Committee Chair, per each 2-hour regular Taskforce Meeting (active visible participation in meetings is required). A rate of $25 per hour shall be paid to appointed Members of the Taskforce for work which has been pre-approved by the Taskforce, and recorded in the minutes. A written request must be received by the Taskforce liaison to receive payment. Payments will be issued twice a year. Request for payment must be received by December 15th of each calendar year. Maximum yearly income per Taskforce Member is $1,000.00. A T4 will be issued at the conclusion of the year, or the service of the Taskforce Member.