HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 38-23Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 38-23 Date: December 4, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Streamlining the Development Application Review Process - RFP 2023-4 - File: D-1100-109 Recommendation: 1. That proposal for Request for Proposal No. RFP 2023-4 submitted by Dillon Consulting Limited, for the Streamlining the Development Application Review Process, in the amount of $214,669.00 (excluding HST), be accepted; 2. That the net project cost of $218,447.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of $218,447.00 for these consulting services in the amount from the Approved 2023 Current Budget from Property Taxes; and 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such actions as are necessary to give effect to this Report. Executive Summary: This report seeks to obtain Council’s approval to hire a consultant, who will conduct an in-depth review of the City’s Development Application Review Process (DARP) and make recommendations that would facilitate a modernized review and approval process of Planning Act applications. As the City is expected to experience significant growth and change, along with recent legislative changes to the Planning Act, the City’s planning review process must be efficient and streamlined, clear and transparent, and result in good city-building outcomes. RFP 2023-4 was issued on the City’s Bids and Tenders portal on July 21, 2023, with a submission deadline of August 28, 2023. Four proposals were submitted. The Evaluation Committee, consisting of staff from City Development and Engineering Services, reviewed and evaluated the proposals received using the criteria outlined in the bid document. In accordance with Item 10.04 of the Purchasing Policy, where the project cost of a consulting assignment is more than $50,000.00, the award is subject to the approval of Council. The Evaluation Committee recommends that Dillon Consulting Limited, the top-ranked Proponent, be retained to undertake the Streamlining the Development Application Review Process, at a cost of $214,669.00 (excluding HST). The total net project cost is estimated to be $218,447.00. PLN 38-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Streamlining the Development Application Review Process Page 2 Financial Implications: 1.Proposal Amount Proposal Number RFP 2023-4 $214,669.00 HST (13%) 27,906.97 Total Gross Project Amount $242,575.97 2.Estimated Project Costing Summary Proposal Number RFP 2023-4 $214,669.00 HST (13%) 27,907.00 Total Gross Project Amount $242,576.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (24,129.00) Total Net Project Costs $218,447.00 3.Approved Source of Funds – 2023 Current Budget Expenditure Account Source of Funds Budget Required 502230.10105.00005022 30.10105.0000 Grants Property Tax $100,000.00 $440,000.00 $0.00 218,447.00 Total Funds $540,000.00 $218,447.00 Net project costs under (over) approved funds $321,553.00 This project was approved in the 2023 Current Budget to be funded by the Streamline Development Fund grant, issued by the province. The grant end date was October 31, 2023, and this study could not be completed by that time. There are sufficient funds available in the Consulting & Professional Fees account under the Planning & Design cost centre (502230.10105.0000) to cover the net cost of this study due to various consulting engagements in the 2023 Current Budget that will not be proceeding. Discussion: Modernizing the City’s Development Application Review Process Pickering is expected to experience considerable change, which will bring about new opportunities, as well as challenges for the growth and development of the City. In addition to traditional greenfield development, the City is also transitioning towards higher-density PLN 38-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Streamlining the Development Application Review Process Page 3 mixed-use development/redevelopment within the City’s City Centre and along corridors such as Kingston Road and Brock Road. In consideration of all of this development activity, a timely and efficient review and approval process is important for the quality of life and economic growth of a City. There are also ongoing changes in the market and legislative changes, such as the Development Charges Act and the Planning Act, that impact the development review and approval process, which has put additional pressure on the municipality to speed up review timelines. Furthermore, the recent introduction of the City’s new Pickering Resident Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) portal and AMANDA software improvements will also impact the process and timelines of how the City reviews development applications. All of these activities place pressure on the different City departments, external agencies, and various staff involved in the development review process. The City is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of the City’s Development Application Review Process (DARP). The purpose of this review is to identify and address gaps, challenges, and opportunities for process improvements. Upon completing their review, the consultant would make recommendations that would facilitate a modernized review and approval process of Planning Act applications (Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plan Control Applications, Plans of Subdivision, Plans of Condominium, Minor Variances and Land Divisions), while ensuring that the process remains meaningful, and that City requirements have been met. Scope of Work The consultants will be undertaking the following works: 1. In-depth review of the current development application review processes (including pre-consultation, pre-submission, submission of application, circulation and recirculation, tracking of applications, review and commenting on applications, Open House and Statutory Public Meetings, Council approval for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision, Plan of Condominium, Site Plan Approval, Minor Variance and Land Division). 2. Review Best Practices from other municipalities’ development application review and approval processes in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and identify best practices with respect to resourcing levels, organizational structure, and internal practices, processes and procedures for application review and service delivery. 3. Review the City’s existing technologies supporting the development application review workflow (AMANDA, FME, Esri and PRISM), and their capabilities to meet the future needs of the development review and approval process for data tracking and performance measurements, in the most agile and cost-effective manner. PLN 38-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Streamlining the Development Application Review Process Page 4 5. Interview relevant City staff, Council members, the local development community, and key external agency representatives from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Regional Municipality of Durham, for feedback on the strengths of the existing DARP and areas for improvement. 6. Conduct a gap analysis that prioritizes a list of gaps and improvement opportunities the City needs to address; define clear roles and responsibilities; conduct a review of the existing roles and responsibilities and the interface between departments and divisions involved in the development review process, and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and areas for improvement, including recommendations for changes to organizational structure, changes to processes, responsibilities, and levels of service. Request for Proposal RFP 2023-4 was issued on the City’s Bids and Tenders portal on July 21, 2023, with a submission deadline of August 28, 2023. Four proposals were submitted. The Evaluation Committee, consisting of staff from City Development and Engineering Services, reviewed and evaluated the proposals received, using the criteria outlined in the bid document. Proposals were evaluated and ranked based on the consultant’s experience on similar projects, their understanding of the project, proposed work plan and deliverables, project team overview, and their pricing. Dillon Consulting Limited was the top-ranked Proponent, and is recommended for award. All pre-conditions of the award, as identified in the bid document, have been received, reviewed, and approved. Dillon Consulting Limited has been undertaking various development approvals process operational reviews across Canada since 2006, with a specific focus on Ontario. Their team has experience and qualifications to execute the development application review process for large urban cities, upper-tier municipalities, single-tier cities, and two-tier integrated systems. Some of the municipal clients that Dillon Consulting Limited has worked with include City of Brampton, Municipality of Clarington, Town of Caledon, City of Barrie, City of Vaughan, City of Peterborough, and Town of Aurora. Upon careful examination of all proposals and relevant documents received in response to RFP 2023-4, the Evaluation Committee recommends acceptance of the Proposal submitted by Dillon Consulting Limited, in the amount of $214,699.00 (excluding HST), and approval of the total net project cost of $218,447.00 (net of HST rebate). PLN 38-23 December 4, 2023 Subject: Streamlining the Development Application Review Process Page 5 Prepared By: Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Cathy Bazinet, CPPB, NIGP-CPP Manager, Procurement Original Signed By Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Director, City Development & CBO NS:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer