HomeMy WebLinkAboutECD 08-23Report to Council Report Number: ECD 08-23 Date: November 27, 2023 From: Fiaz Jadoon Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Subject: Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the hiring of BA Consulting Group Ltd. to complete a Highway Access Management Plan for Highway 7, the Pickering Innovation Corridor in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 2. That the fee proposal submitted by BA Consulting Group Ltd. for the preparation of a Highway Access Management Plan for Highway 7, the Pickering Innovation Corridor in the amount of $429,400.00 (HST Included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $429,400.00 (HST Included) and the total net project cost of $386,688.00 (net HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $386,688.00 as follows: a. The sum of $25,440.00 be funded by a transfer from Rate Stabilization Reserve as approved in the 2023 Current Budget; b. The sum of $127,200.00 be funded from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation; c.The sum of $234,048.00 be funded by the Seaton Landowners Group; 5. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report ECD 08-23 to the Region of Durham’s Office of the CAO and Planning & Economic Development Department, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, and the Seaton Landowners group; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Pickering Innovation Corridor, located between York Durham Line (RR#30) to the west and Brock Road (RR#1) to the east and Highway 7 to the north and Highway 407 to the south, is projected to be home to approximately 18,800 jobs in the coming years. From York-Durham Line to Brock Road, Highway 7 is a high-speed two-lane major arterial provincial highway. Due to the limited access points and planned intersections for vehicular and truck movements, Highway 7 is expected to generate significant constraints for existing and future users of the employment lands. ECD 08-23 Subject: November 27, 2023 Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor Page 2 Economic Development & Strategic Projects and Engineering Services staff have discussed and investigated several solutions with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to address traffic concerns. However, due to the existing width of Highway 7 and variations of land requirements from end-users, both the City, the Seaton Landowners Group (SLG) and the MTO agreed that a comprehensive Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) study would assist in future proofing the City’s ability to market the Innovation Corridor to end-users. BA Consulting Group Ltd has been retained by both the SLG and the Northeast Pickering Landowners Group (NPLG) to manage and develop the North Pickering Transportation Project (NPTP). This project is comprised of studying the municipal & regional road and transit networks required to accommodate vehicular, truck, pedestrian and transit traffic for lands that are currently and/or planned to be developed in the years to come. While this work commenced several months ago, City and MTO staff feel that it is critical to have the same consulting group develop the HAMP for Highway 7, as this plan correlates to the North Pickering Transportation Plan. Significantly, both City and Regional staff are actively participating as non-funding partner s on the NPTP study team. Notably, Highway 7 was not included in the scope of work for the NPTP which is under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario. Thus, the HAMP study is a necessity in integrating a plan for Highway 7. In accordance with Item 10.03 (c) of the Purchasing Policy. Manager, Procurement may obtain the services of a particular consultant selected by the initiating Director, when going through a competitive process, and where funds are applicable in the approved budget. Where the project cost of a consulting assignment is more than $50,000.00, the award is subject to the approval of Council. The HAMP will be a total of $429,400 (HST included). The Total Net Project Cost to the City will be $25,440.00, which will be funded from the Economic Development & Strategic Project’s Consulting Budget (502230.10050). It is therefore recommended that Council award the consulting services to BA Consulting Group Ltd. for the HAMP Study for the amount of $429,400 (HST included). ______________________________________________________________________________ Financial Implications: 1.Proposal Amount Proposal $ 380,000.00 HST (13%) 49,400.00 Total Gross Proposal Cost $ 429,400.00 ECD 08-23 Subject: November 27, 2023 Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor Page 3 2. Breakdown of Costs by Budget Year 2023 Total Project Cost Proposal $ 380,000.00 HST (13%) 49,400.00 Total Gross Project Cost $ 429,400.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (42,712.00) Total Net Project Cost $ 386,688.00 3.Approved Source of Funds- 2023 Current Budget Expense Code Source of Funds Budget Required 502230.10050.0000 Rate Stabilization Reserve $ 60,004.00 $ 25,440.00 502230.10050.0000 Third Party Contributions- Ministry of Transportation 0.00 $ 127,200.00 502230.10050.0000 Third Party Contributions- Seaton Landowners 0.00 $ 234,048.00 Total Funds $ 60,004.00 $ 386,688.00 The participating third parties will be billed on a periodic basis to help fund the consulting projection costs. ECD 08-23 Subject: November 27, 2023 Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor Page 4 Discussion: Highway 7, a Provincially owned and maintained highway, serves as a major connector road between the Regions of Durham and York. Highway 7 is a two-lane road between Brock Road (RR#1) and York-Durham Line (York RR#30), currently operating at over capacity during peak travel times. Existing and future developments in the Pickering Innovation Corridor are set to create 18,800 jobs. As City staff work with end-users to accommodate their development and operational needs, Highway 7 is already showing signs of becoming a traffic bottleneck due to insufficient access and intersection points for safe vehicular and truck movements. The Innovation Corridor currently represents over 5,000 jobs, and is home to companies such as Kubota, Lastman’s Bad Boy, and FGF Brands. FGF Brands alone represent over 4,000 jobs at full build-out, with phase one set to be operational in Q4 2024. With the addition of high-quality jobs, the need for safe and efficient transportation movements along Highway 7 increases, especially as the traffic flow is predicted to rise significantly. While MTO staff have been accommodating in most cases for the review and approvals of development applications for the Innovation Corridor, MTO staff must follow specific guidelines and policies for approving applications that require access directly to Highway 7, including the locations of traffic signals. Access to the Innovation Corridor lands directly from Highway 7 is constrained by the narrow width of the existing highway. In an ideal scenario, a single East-West road bisecting the employment lands on both the north and south side of the innovation corridor would be developed. This collector road would limit the access points off of Highway 7, and flow traffic through new primary collector roads. The width of the employment lands between Highway 7 and Highway 407 is approximately 500 meters. Moreover, the constrained space and the demand of larger industrial buildings by the end-users that require a larger development envelope, make the development of a new East-West collector road even more difficult to construct. The final design of the future interchange at Peter Matthews Drive and Highway 407 has yet to be completed. Thus, this study influences a design that accommodates an efficient traffic plan for vehicular and truck movement entering and exiting the Innovation Corridor. Through ongoing discussion with MTO staff, it has been determined that a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) is needed to create a consolidated transportation program along Highway 7. Economic Development & Strategic Projects and Engineering Services staff are actively participating in the ongoing North Pickering Transportation Project (NPTP) that is currently being undertaken by BA Consulting Group Ltd. on behalf of the Seaton Landowners Group and the Northeast Pickering Landowners Group. BA Consulting Group Ltd. was retained by both Landowner Groups to work collaboratively with various stakeholders to ensure the creation and adoption of transportation policies, physical plans, and operational strategies in support of existing and future development plans. Furthermore, BA Consulting Group Ltd. has a long history of working to resolve development-related transportation issues across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and North America. ECD 08-23 Subject: November 27, 2023 Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor Page 5 Through the landowners’ groups, BA Consulting Group Ltd. identified future population and employment forecasts and utilized the data to conduct a transportation modelling base. Additionally, the project identifies issues such as regional requirements, East-West roads not under regional jurisdictions, and future transit opportunities. The proposed HAMP will set out the proposed intersection configurations and private access points along Highway 7, addressing the immediate needs of developments in the innovation corridor while considering future growth. The HAMP proposal submitted by BA Consulting Group Ltd. Includes preparing a consolidated report along with a plan which address the following: •Develop a plan for the layout of streets in the Innovation Corridor which meets access needs of developers and the Federal Government as well as the guidelines of the City of Pickering and the MTO. This plan will, where necessary and appropriate, include multiple options to allow for flexibility as the needs of developers and end-users are determined. •A functional plan for road improvements to support the planned street network. •A review of the traffic impacts as well as mitigating measures for the communities of Green River and Brougham. •A summary traffic study researching the traffic impacts of the Innovation Corridor Development, an operational review of Highway 7, and phasing strategies for improvements. In accordance with Item 10.03 (c) of the Purchasing Policy, where the project cost of a consulting assignment is more than $50,000.00, the award is subject to the approval of Council. The Total Net Project Cost will be $429,400.00 (HST included) and will be funded from the Economic Development & Strategic Project’s Consulting Budget (502230.10050.0000), along with financial support from MTO, and the Seaton Landowners Group. The City of Pickering’s share will be $25,440.00 Staff recommends that Council approve the fee proposal submitted by BA Consulting Group Ltd. for the Highway Access Management Plan for Highway 7 and the Pickering Innovation Corridor. Attachments: 1.Letter of intent to share cost from MTO 2.Letter of intent to share cost from Seaton Landowners ECD 08-23 Subject: November 27, 2023 Consulting Services for a Highway Access Management Plan (HAMP) for Highway 7, Pickering Innovation Corridor Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original signed by:Original signed by: FJ:um Cathy Bazinet, CPPB, NIGP-CPP Manager, Procurement Original signed by: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services Original signed by: Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Original signed by: Fiaz Jadoon, Ec.D., CEcD, MPM, B.COM Director, Economic Development & M Strategic Projects Usman Malik Senior Officer, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original signed by: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Ministry of Transportation Central Operations Office 2nd Floor 159 Sir William Hearst Avenue Toronto ON M3M 0B7 Tel: 416 235-XXXX Fax: 416 235-5266 Ministère des Transports Bureau des opérations pour le Centre 2e étage 159, avenue Sir William Hearst Toronto ON M3M 0B7 Tél. : 416 235-5400 Téléc. : 416 235-5266 November 16, 2023 Fiaz Jadoon Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects City of Pickering Dear Fiaz: Please accept this letter as confirmation that the Ministry of Transportation is accepting of the Highway 7, Highway Access Management Plan Proposal of October 2023, as received, and is committing to contribute up to $127,200 as our cost share of the project, as requested. Sincerely, Becca Lane, P.Eng. Director, Central Operations Attachment – Highway 7, Pickering_Fee Proposal_oct 2023.pdf Cc: Usman Malik Tom Hewitt Francesca Brown Attachment #1 to Report ECD 08-23 Attachment #2 to Report ECD 08-23