HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 17, 2023 Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee October 17, 2023 Main Committee Room 7:00pm Attendees: S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) K. Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Community Services S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art A. Migwans, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order S. Almeida-Schroen welcomed the members and call the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. S. Almeida has been appointed to The Chair of The Committee in D. Thompsons’ absence. Moved by S. Almeida-Schroen. To approve the agenda. Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Carried. 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosure of interest were noted. Carried. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for this meeting. Carried. 5. General Business 5.1 Endorsement on Call to Artists – Fence Wrap S. Barakov presented the Call to Artists Fence Wrap for the electrical generator at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. The City of Pickering would like to invite local artists or artist teams to create a draft digital artwork that will be printed and installed at the chainmail fence surrounding the electrical generator. This project has been funded $2,000 and has been approved by Ontario Power Generation. M. McFarland asked for a more in depth description on what the Fence Wrap project will consist of. S. Barakov explained that this public art installation will conceal the electrical generator that will be under the temporary public art policy for 3 to 5 years – to be unveiled on November 3, 2023. A. Palmer inquired whether this would attract the community to this point of interest. S. Barakov explained that we would like to keep the themes and local history of the site, that includes emphasis on the original site as the exterior of the fence will only be covered. K. Roberts concluded that the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park path gets used frequently as it is an access point to Frenchman’s Bay, so the installation will be visible to others. S. Barakov to seek endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee. Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.2 City Center Banner Display Program – October Application Intake Review Jesse presented the Community Banner Policy as a friendly reminder that this upcoming application intake for October to give the community the opportunity to those who express interest in partaking in the Community Banner Display Program. The deadlines will be split into 2 terms. Deadlines being – October 28 and March 28 of each year. K. Roberts adds that the policy states that this program is community lead vs staff initiated such that, it will not interfere with the previous Community Banner Series discussed in the Cultural Advisory Meeting that occurred on September 19, 2023. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.3 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan and 2023 Achievements – Review J. St. Amant presented that the 2022 Committee Report and 2023 proposed work plan that has been submitted, for Council’s information. J. St. Amant states the importance of submission is to allow us to take all the information gathered and put it into a structural work plan for the next year. L Gibbs discusses how the 10-year Recreation and Parks Master Plan correlates with the Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan by taking into consideration of all feedback and will engage with the updates. R. Wali inquires on what type of feedback is required. J St. Amant responds stating by having input from the Cultural Advisory Committee it aids for better feedback to implement the communities wants and needs into the work plan. Z. Kazi to follow-up with J. St Amant regarding Community Banner Display & Community Grant Funding applications. J. St. Amant to send out previous work plans to the Cultural Advisory Committee members. Deadline of November 1, 2023 to receive new items that could potentially be added to the 2024 Work Plan involving the Cultural Advisory Committee – for review at November Meeting Page 4 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.4 Recreation and Parks Master Plan – Review M. Murray introduced the Recreation and Parks Master Plan that reflects 2024 to 2034. The plan is a key element for the community to review – new opportunities, evolving needs, and recent changes. M. Murray has suggested that a member of the Cultural Advisory Committee to be appointed as a representative in our focus groups/charrette’s that will be held throughout the month of November. The City of Pickering is evolving, and our goal is to gain as much input to build collectively as a community that includes the community, diversity and visions of the City. M. Murray proposed that the area of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to undergo first were the arenas. It was conducted that majority arena users were in attendance of surveys, leading the arena’s project to be advanced earlier than the rest of the plan. Z. Kazi asked if the Recreation and Parks Master Plan, alongside the arena plan will take into consideration of recent changes and new development. M. Murray responded stating all strategies will be high level and will reflect all of the feedback that reflects each area of interests needs. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 5.5 Community Safety & Well-Bring – Draft Plan E. Knox presented the Community Safety & Well- Being Draft Plan to emphasize the key initiatives the plan will be covering. The purpose of the plan will be to – prioritize community safety and well-being, guide to support individual safety, partner with stakeholders to enhance training and access to services in the community and create a safer more inclusive space Cultural Advisory Committee members who are available to participate in the charettes proposed to notify J. St. Amant & M. Murray of their availability. Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) for residents. As of right now, from the data collected E. Knox has broken the key priorities into 7 parts including – Community Vitality Learning Education and Creative Communities, Create Safe & Welcoming Neighborhoods, Physical Health & Mental Wellness, Improve Living Standards, Support Basic Needs and Promoting Inclusion, Diversity & Equity. Z. Kazi inquired what the percentage of Pickering had responded to the surveys and how much emphasis the survey has on this plan. E. Knox responded stating, about 332 members of the community responded and this survey led us to the draft plan in order to get rich feedback to bring back to council before launching. A. Palmer asked how many years the Community Safety & Well-Being plan will be. L Gibbs confirmed that the plan will consist of 5 years. R. Wali suggested adding to priority 2 (Learning, Education and Creative Communities) – the idea of providing a platform for Pickering residents to volunteer. Z. Kazi inquired for more information on priority 7 (Promoting Inclusion, Diversity & Equity) – on the process on how to recruit residents. E. Knox responded suggesting that the team is to look at different opportunities to bring groups together, going into the community, listening to residents’ input, making partnerships with different organizations, networking and taking community development opportunities all into consideration. E. Knox concluded that partnerships are in the works because a lot of what our team does is at a basic level whilst including other parties, we can implement the plan more in depth to increase those key initiatives. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. Page 6 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.6 Pickering Museum Village – Update K. Bradley shared the amazing work that was put into the Greenwood Blacksmith Shop. In return the Ontario Museum Association (OMA Award) that has be granted to the Pickering Museum Village awards the excellence 2023 recipients. The Greenwood Blacksmith Shop will receive an Honorable Mention for the OMA Award of Excellence in Exhibitions. K. Bradley mentions that the programs are growing and have received excellent feedback. The initiatives for next year are to expand more programs to be French inclusion. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 6. Correspondence There was no correspondence for this meeting. 7. Other Business 7.1 Council Directives for Public Art – (From Council Meeting September 25, 2023) S. Barakov brought to attention from the Meeting of City Council held on September 25, 2023, that the decision of permanent Public Art to be installed by Pickering resident and internationally renowned sculptor Dorsey James in Council Chambers. Z. Kazi inquired as to why Dorsey James has been selected for this project. M. Nagy responds stating, Dorsey James has been an active collaborator with The City of Pickering. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. Page 7 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7.2 Call to Artists: Window Painting S. Barakov briefly stated the Call to Artists: Window Painting for the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex to be selected. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 7.3 Rotary Frenchman’s West Bay Unveiling – Water is Medicine S. Barakov shared that the Rotary Frenchman’s West Bay – Water is Medicine is to be unveiled on Friday, November 3, 2023. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 7.4 Call to Community – Winter Traditions Art Display S. Barakov introduced a new display that give the opportunity for the community to display art pertaining to winter celebrations or traditions at the Winter Nights, City Lights event from November to January 31, 2024. No Objections. Motion by S. Almeida-Schroen. Carried. 8. Next Meeting – November 21, 2023 The next Cultural Advisory meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Page 8 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by S. Almeida-Schroen. Meeting Adjourned: 8:42pm