HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 18, 2023Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee Agenda September 18, 2023 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Hybrid Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1.Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Statement 2.Review and Approval of Agenda 3.Disclosure of Interest 4.Approval of Minutes 4.1 June 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes P. 1 5.Delegations/Presentations 6.New Business 5.1 Community Safety & Well-Being Plan – Elaine Knox, Community Safety & Well-Being Advisor, Community Services Department 5.2 Draft Tree Protection By-law Update – Ish Chowdhury, Planner II, Policy, City Development 5.3 Waterfront Pop-up shops – Katy Dunlop, Alkame Dragon Boat Services 5.4 Waterfront park project updates – Arnold Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development, Engineering Services Department 7.Other Business 8.Next Meeting 9.Adjournment Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee June 19, 2023 Hybrid - Electronic Meeting Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: G. MacPherson A. McGean A. Small A. Bathe, Region of Durham B. Bridgeman, Region of Durham N. Bryan, Ontario Power Generation K. Dunlop, Alkame Dragon Boat Services X. Kane, Pickering West Shore Community Association S.Stanleigh, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association Councillor M. Brenner Councillor M. Nagy R. Holborn, Director, Engineering Services R. Perera, Deputy Clerk A. MacGillivray, Committee Coordinator A. Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development (Staff Liaison) J. Currie, Legislative Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: J. Kyte, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda The Committee reviewed the agenda. Agenda approved. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Approval of Minutes There were no meeting minutes to approve. 4. Delegations/Presentations There were no presentations or delegations. 5. New Business - 1 - Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.1 General Introductions of All Committee Members A. Mostert and R. Holborn welcomed Members to the Committee and all Members and Staff introduced themselves. 5.2 Terms of Reference and Membership Review A. Mostert reviewed the Terms of Reference, and noted that the Terms of Reference will be reviewed periodically to ensure relevancy and effectiveness. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: •whether the number of community members on the Committee should be increased from three to five members; •whether Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club should be added as a Stakeholder on the Committee; •the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club, and whether they should be added as a Stakeholder on the Committee; •whether community members were selected based on where they lived in the City; •whether Pickering Harbour Company was considered as a potential Stakeholder. Moved by S. Stanleigh That the Committee increase the citizen membership up to five in Terms of Reference. Carried Moved by K. Dunlop That the Committee add the Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club as a Stakeholder in the Terms of Reference. Carried Discussion continued amongst Committee Members regarding: •other Stakeholders and amendments that could be considered later as the Committee evolves; Terms of Reference to be amended accordingly and forwarded to Council for approval. - 2 - Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) •the Committee currently having no budget and the opportunity to discuss budget needs at a future meeting; and, •clarification that the Committee budget would come from the Engineering department. 5.3 Overview of Waterfront Infrastructure Projects Presentation A. Mostert provided a presentation highlighting various waterfront projects, including ongoing, as well as future considerations. Discussion ensued with Committee Members discussing: •the need to consider watershed impacts from upstream sources; •clarification regarding the parking capacity at Alex Robertson Park; •whether washroom hours could potentially be extended at Beachfront Park; •whether First Nations were asked to be a part of the Committee and the intention to engage in discussions with them after elections; •clarification regarding the elevation and width of the proposed Beachfront Park boardwalk; •the use of different materials or colouration to delineate different boardwalk uses at Beachfront Park; •the intent to provide basic winter maintenance of the boardwalk to maintain pedestrian access at Beachfront Park; •the geo-technical engineering aspects of proposed Beachfront Park boardwalk; •whether signage can be considered where the Waterfront Trail meets roadways; •clarification that the Pickering Harbour Company had withdrew their application to develop condominiums at the waterfront; •clarification regarding boat and canoe launches on the waterfront; •whether additional safety measures could be considered (e.g. lifeguards, flotation devices); •emergency vehicle access to the waterfront and whether new trail keys can incorporate - 3 - Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) location information such as an address, GPS coordinates, or colour-coding; and, •whether the Committee can consider stating an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement at beginning of each meeting. Moved by S. Stanleigh That the Committee add the City of Pickering’s Indigenous Land Acknowledgement to the Agenda for all future Committee meetings. Carried Discussion continued with Committee Members discussing: •whether indigenous languages and French have been considered for waterfront signage; •the potential to utilize QR codes to provide signage in different languages; •ash scattering as well as indigenous and religious ritual sites at the waterfront; •the new development of condominiums in the Nautical Village and ensuring the architectural design is in line with the Nautical Village theme; •the potential for an entry feature at Bayly Street and Liverpool Road, including traffic calming road art; •whether there can be a crossover subcommittee or collaboration can be considered with the Cultural Advisory Committee regarding public art features; and, •whether there is an opportunity for the Committee to provide input on City projects such as the Pine Creek Erosion Control Project, the Tree Protection By-law, and the Zoning By-law Review. 5.4 Review of the 2023 Meeting Schedule Moved by G. MacPherson 1.That the Committee adopt the following 2023 Meeting dates as follows: •September 18, 2023 – 7:00 pm; •November 20, 2023 – 7:00 pm; and, The Indigenous Land Acknowledgement shall be added to the beginning of the Committee’s Agenda. - 4 - Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2.That meetings will continue to be held in Hybrid-Electronic format. Carried 6. Other Business There was no other business. 7. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for September 18, 2023 at 7:00pm. 8. Adjournment Moved by S. Stanleigh That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:59 pm - 5 -