HomeMy WebLinkAboutECD 05-23Report to Council Report Number: ECD 05-23 Date: September 5, 2023 From: Fiaz Jadoon Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Subject: William F White International Inc. (Filming Backlot) Location Agreement -File: D-1600-002 Recommendation: 1.That consent be given pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the Location Agreement dated June 1, 2021 to an additional use, as more particularly set out in this Report, of the property at 3800 Sideline 32, Pickering, subject to such conditions as are imposed by the Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects, Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, Director, City Development and Chief Administrative Officer; and, 2.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: William F. White International Inc. is seeking additional use to be permitted to accommodate a Halloween-themed event at the filming backlot located at 3800 6LGHOLQH LQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK(OO¶(YHQWV$SXEOLFHYHQWRIVXFKQDWXUHLVQRWSHUPLWWHG XQGHUWKH executed Location Agreement (Resolution # 582/21) and requires prior written consent of the City. The event, Haunting of Hexwood, is scheduled to take place throughout October and attract up to 2,000 attendees per day. It is a haunted town attraction setting with sets, actors, and special effects. The event will feature haunts, corn maze, store front displays, licensed bar area, pumpkin patch, carnival games, food trucks, and additional entertainment vendors. Staff recommend that Council approve the ad ditional use of the property for this event, on the condition that William F. White International is able to provide the necessary documentation for review and/or approval to the appropriate City of Pickering official s from Building Services, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, Fire Services, the City Solicitor, and Finance Department. Financial Implication: Not applicable to this report. Discussion: In June 2021, City of Pickering executed a location agreement with William F. White International Inc. for the exclusive use of both the real and personal property located at 3800 Sideline 32, Pickering ON, L0H 1J0 (Part of Lots 33 and 34, Concession 6, being Part 4, Plan 40R-28722). According to Paragraph 1, Premises and Uses, the Location Agreement ECD 05-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: William F. White International (Filming Backlot) Location Agreement Page 2 provides ³access for the purposes of (a) erecting, maintaining, using and removing temporary sets and structures, (b) storing equipment, (c) photographing and filming the Premises, including any and all portions thereof (including, without limitation, the inter ior and exterior designs of the Premises, sets, structures and furniture items), recording sound in connection with any such filming, and (e) any uses or purposes related or incidental to any of the foregoing (collectively, the "Uses")´. As per paragraph 2 , ³there shall be no further uses granted by the City to the User and permitted by this Location Agreement without the prior written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld by the City in its sole discretion ´. William F. White, in partnership wi WK (OO¶(YHQWV KDYH SURSRVHG WKH XVH RI a public Halloween - themed event, The Haunting of Hexwood , at the filming backlot . Refer to Attachment 1 for :LOOLDP ) :KLWH¶V request of additional use. Due to union strikes in the Film & TV industry, the company is seeking methods to recuperate some losses during these extended strike periods that are taking place during peak season for the industry. The event will be taking place on 18 dates between October 6 to 31 , 2023 from 7 pm to 12 am. The event will consist of walk -thru haunts, town square bar, food trucks, and live entertainment. The charitable partner for this event is Epilepsy Toronto. The event is expected to attract nearly 1,500 to 2,000 attendees per day. Five sets will be activated to be a walk through haunt experience with staff p resent at entrance and exit doors to limit the number of individuals inside each set. There is also an emergency exit at each of the five sets. Six additional sets will be decorated as a pop -up store. All sets except one will be accessibility-friendly. The event will also have a corn maze as a walk -through experience and carnival games. The event will include: x Food trucks and a licensed bar area will be on site for sale of alcohol and food. x Portable washrooms for attendees. x Limited parking on site for attendees. Tickets will be sold with or without access to parking to allow for a predetermined number of vehicles on site. A traffic management team will also be retained. x Attendees will be encouraged to park ten minutes away at Mount Joy GO Station in Markham and take a free shuttle to the site. x A First-Aid Company will be present. Attachment 2 includes further event details. The structures are not buildings as defined under the Ontario Building Code, which considers all of the necessary fire and life safety components for buildings which are to be used by the public. Currently, the backlot is deemed to be functioning as a workplace (as governed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OH&S)), with no public access. While Building Services staff are not in a position to provide approvals for these sets, staff may exercise the right to review the certified drawings and reports prepared by the applicable consultants (i.e. structural engineer) and advise of any concerns. ECD 05-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: William F. White International (Filming Backlot) Location Agreement Page 3 Staff recommend Council approve the additional use of the property to be valid from October 6 ± November 1, 2023 , on the condition that William F. White International is able to provide documentation below for review and /or approval from staff. The requirements include but are not limited to the following: x Copy of agreement with the event company x Fire and safety plan (including site visit by Fire Services) x Certificate of Insurance x Indemnity on terms satisfactory to the City Solicitor x Food/Refreshment Vehicle License x Parking plan x Noise mitigation plan (including neighbourhood notification letter) x Architect/Engineer drawings and certification x AGCO Non-Objection Letter x Site Plan x On-site contact list A written consent letter will be provided to William F. White upon satisfying all the conditions. Attachments:  William F. White International Location Agreement Additional Use Letter  (OO¶(YHQWV,QF(YHQW'HWDLOs ______________________________________________________________________________ Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Laraib Arshad Fiaz Jadoon Manager, Economic Development & Marketing Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects FJ:la 2ULJLQDOVLJQHGE\ 2ULJLQDOVLJQHGE\ ECD 05-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: William F. White International (Filming Backlot) Location Agreement Page 4 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 2ULJLQDOVLJQHGE\ Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer © 2022 William F. White International Inc. August 23, 2023 Good afternoon, We are writing to request approval from the Town of Pickering to host a Halloween themed public event, ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞĚĂŶĚ ŵĂŶĂŐĞĚďLJ ůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐ at our WFW Backlot site located at 3800 Sideline 32, Locust Hill, ON. We are requesting a one-time use permit for this event. The ůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐƚĞĂŵ is set to start preparations on site beginning September 15th , 2023. The event itself will run for the month of October 2023 (currently planning to be open Thursdays to Sundays). Wrap out of the project is scheduled to be completed by November 7th , 2023. This event titled ͞The ,ĂƵŶƚŝŶŐŽĨ,ĞdžǁŽŽĚ͟ ǁŝůůďĞƌƵŶďLJůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐ͕ĂƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůĞǀĞŶƚƐĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ ǁŝƚŚover 18 years of event management, production, and marketing experience. The ůů͛Events team has strong ties to the film and TV production world and will be renting exclusively WFW equipment which makes this an all- encompassing event for our multiple lines of business. In addition, there will be filmed aspects of this event and the company hires paid actors as part of the performance. This event is vital to our business as it comes at a time when the film industry in Toronto is struggling under the various strikes currently happening in the industry. An event of this caliber is crucial to provide continued revenue for our Backlot location. We are working closely with Jeff Archbold, the engineer who originally assessed and approved the Backlot set ƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐ͘ůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐŝƐworking with Jeff to provide his approval for areas of the site to be used by the public as well as any safety concerns to be addressed. His consultation is planned for Sunday, August 27th with documentation to follow shortly after. Jeff is fully aware of the scope of this event, and its intended use for the public. The original engineering documents produced by Jeff Archbold and his firm have been included in our package as well. Epilepsy Toronto is a partner in the event and emphasizes the importance of the financial output they receive which helps the charity provide their critical services to those suffering from this affliction. The charity under the guidance of it is Executive Director Geoff Bobb, has used events as a major source of fundraising for over 20 years. Being a part of events is important for Epilepsy from many perspectives, firstly, funds raised are used to support the important services they provide to their clientele, secondly, the events raise awareness about those living with epilepsy and about the services the charity provides. Finally, events provide job opportunities for the clients of the charity (those lŝǀŝŶŐǁŝƚŚƉŝůĞƉƐLJͿǁŚŝĐŚ ŝƐĂǀŝƚĂůƉĂƌƚŽĨƉŝůĞƉƐLJdŽƌŽŶƚŽ͛ƐŵĂŶĚĂƚĞ͘ The event will be fully insured as required by our location agreement and company policy. As an added layer, there will be liability waivers for the guests of the event. There is an event emergency preparedness plan included which covers security, fire, noise, and safety. Parking management has also been taken into consideration. Additionally, the upcoming event is not just about entertainmentͶit is a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity in the heart of Pickering. By creating over 100 job opportunities and partnering with more than a $WWDFKPHQWWR5HSRUW(&' © 2022 William F. White International Inc. dozen regional suppliers, we are actively fostering a thriving ecosystem of collaboration and support within the community. As ůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐ welcomes over 30,000 attendees to our event, we are also ushering in a substantial infusion of resources into the local economy. From hospitality and retail to transportation and hospitality services, the ripple effect of increased foot traffic will be felt across various sectors. This influx of visitors translates into boosted revenues for local businesses and increased economic activity. Your support and willingness to work with tŝůůŝĂŵ&͘tŚŝƚĞͬ^ƵŶďĞůƚĂŶĚůů͛ǀĞŶƚƐon such short notice is immensely appreciated. We look forward to your reply. Tammy Forbes Director, Studios William F. White International Inc. EVENT DETAILS The Haunting of Hexwood is a premier haunted town attraction offering a meticulously designed setting with elaborate sets, talented actors, and cutting-edge special effects to create an atmosphere of suspenseful fun. We attract a diverse audience of Halloween enthusiasts, families with older children, and groups of friends. Estimated Attendance 1500-2000 attendees daily, capacity will be limited through ticket sales maximums ATTRACTIONS Feature Haunts •5 Haunted Walk-Throughs: We have selected 5 buildings that have an existing entrance and separate exit door to create a walk-through haunted experience. Each of the buildings also has an additional existing door to be used as an emergency exit. These buildings will create a short distance walk-through experience lasting no more than 5-10 minutes each. •Corn maze: We have created a corn maze with a local farmer to be utilized as a walk-through experience. The maze is directly on the property in the center of town and will be plowed and lighted accordingly to ensure patron safety Store Haunts •6 stores will be utilized as a walk in and out store with an interactive photo-op display. Store Front Displays The remaining stores will be locked but a haunted window display will be featured or the windows will be blacked out. NOTES – Utilization of Buildings for Patrons Detailed layout plans will be provided. All but 3 of the buildings will be used without any structural alterations other than the addition of flooring. Three of the buildings will have temporary free-standing walls added to create a maze-like experience. These will be installed by professional carpenters. Licensed Bar Area 1.Beverage Service Protocol: Bar operations will adhere to a meticulous beverage service protocol. All bartenders and servers will undergo comprehensive training that covers responsible alcohol service, recognizing signs of intoxication, and proper handling of customers. 2.ID Verification and Age Restriction: Prior to serving any alcoholic beverages, all patrons will be required to present valid identification to $WWDFKPHQWWR5HSRUW(&' confirm their legal drinking age. Our staff will issue wristbands to ensure accuracy and prevent underage access to alcoholic beverages. 3. Standard Drink Measurements: To maintain control over alcohol consumption, our bar area will strictly adhere to standardized drink measurements. This will help prevent over-pouring and promote consistent serving sizes, contributing to the responsible consumption of alcohol. 4. Security and Crowd Management: Trained security personnel will be present to monitor the crowd and ensure that alcohol is being consumed responsibly. Any instances of disorderly conduct or potential over-intoxication will be addressed promptly and professionally. 5. Responsible Marketing: Our marketing and promotional materials will emphasize responsible alcohol consumption. We are offering a shuttle service for guests to travel safely to and from the event. By implementing these measures, we will ensure that the licensed bar area aligns with responsible alcohol service practices, prioritizing the safety and well-being of all patrons. This approach is aimed at fostering a secure and enjoyable environment while upholding the highest standards of compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Pumpkin Patch Pumpkins will be offered for purchase, carving and pumpkin smashing. Carnival Games A variety of carnival games will be available for pay per play including balloon pop and knock-a-pumpkin. Food Vendors • 4 Food Trucks will be parked by the Diner • Picnic Benches will be added to the exterior of the Diner for seating • 1 Corn Vendor will be situated near the town square • Food Truck Vendors include - Coffee Break (coffee/tea/hot drinks & pastries/baked goods) - Real Empanada (empanadas and salsas) - Ontario Corn Roasters (roasted corn/yams & lemonade) - Happy Twist (fried twisted potatoes/taro/yam, soup, steamed buns, and hot dogs) - **One more main food vendor to be confirmed • All food vendors will fill out a Durham Region Public Health vendor form which will be submitted to Durham Public Health more than 15 days prior to the event start as per their request. An organizer form will also be submitted to Durham Public Health for permitting. Non-Food Vendor Stores Three to four stores will be utilized for Non-Food Vendors • Psychic & Crystal Store • Face Painting & Body Art • Costume Jewellery FENCING MAP FOR SPACE MANAGEMENT EVENT PRODUCTION COMPANY The Ell'Events team has over 18 years of event management, production, and marketing experience. Blending creativity with innovation and flawless delivery, we expertly plan and manage seasonal and public events. Our team coordinates and designs each event from start to finish including the event marketing and promotions, along with event delivery and execution. Above all, event production is our true passion, and we thrive off creating authentic and engaging event experiences each and every time. Past Events with similar run dates: Halloween Nights of Lights – 3rd Annual 2022 Attendance: 68,000 Holiday Nights of Lights – 3rd Annual 2022 Attendance: 45,000 Sugar Rush Toronto 2021 Attendance: 87,000 CHARITABLE PARTNER This event is partnered with a charitable organization, EPILEPSY TORONTO, Canada’s leading source of support for people living with epilepsy and their families. Dedicated to the promotion of independence and quality of life, the organization provides critical counselling and advocacy services to those in crisis, seizure accommodation strategies, and epilepsy awareness in the public at large.