HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 25-23 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 25-23 Date: September 5, 2023 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update -2022/2023 Activities -File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: That Report CS 25-23, regarding the City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update, be received for information. Executive Summary: On September 23, 2019, as per Council Resolution #131/19, the City’s first Volunteer Policy (CUL 080) was approved to establish rules and guidelines governing the recruitment, training, retention, management and recognition of volunteers. The Policy ensures that volunteers have work that is safe, significant, fulfilling and appreciated. The City of Pickering relies on the talent and skills of volunteers and values their contributions. In February 2020, the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001) was approved. The Volunteer Procedure requires that staff report annually on volunteerism initiatives with recommendations, highlights, opportunities, and risks (CUL 080-001; Section 02.02). Therefore, this report provides Council with an update on volunteer activities from May 2022 through June 2023 and serves to form the basis for volunteer program improvements in the coming year; thus meeting the requirements outlined in the Volunteer Procedure. The City actively encourages participation by its residents in order to make our City a better place for all to live, work, and play. Volunteers are traditionally used in a number of City departments: programs, events, aquatics, animal services, sustainability, and at Pickering Museum Village. Financial Implications: There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendations in this report. Discussion: Volunteerism plays a vital role in the development of healthy, sustainable communities. Volunteerism is a requirement for all secondary school students and is often considered a priority of older adults. The development of skilled volunteers benefits both the corporation and the community. The following volunteer activities took place from May 2022 through June 2023: CS 25-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update Page 2 1. Recreation Services • PAC4Teens was was active from August 2022 to May 2023, and will be returning in September 2023. This group of 15+ youth volunteers participated in many City events and their own endeavours. This includes running their own booth at Artfest and Hip Hop in the Park, walking costumed in the Easter Parade, and creating hygiene kits for those using the shower program at the Chestnut Hills Developments Recreation Complex. They also ran their annual food drive in September 2022 for the St. Paul’s on the Hill food bank. PAC4Teens will be designing a float and marching in the 2023 Santa Claus Parade. • Counsellor in Training – Two sessions were offered in 2022, the first with 15 participants, the second with 12 participants. The second week of each program includes volunteer hours within the Camp program setting, with all 27 participants acquiring 35 hours of community service. All participants received emergency first aid and CPR training through St John’s Ambulance, YMCA provided job preparations and The Youth Centre provided leadership and team building concepts. The City of Pickering provided a summary of High Five Principles of Healthy Child Development, Communication and various hands on activities. • Assistant Counsellor Program – Two training and orientation sessions were offered in 2022, with 47 Assistant Counsellors participating in this program. Participants learned what it is like to work in a Summer Camp Environment. Training focused on developing leadership, communication, professionalism and program planning skills. Participants are evaluated weekly so they can learn what it takes to become a successful camp counsellor. At the end of the summer, participants receive a letter with their total hours volunteered that can be used toward community service hours for high school graduation. 2. Cultural Services • Pickering Events – Three events in 2022 included volunteers: Artfest, Cultural Fusion, and Winter Nights, City Lights. Artfest had 11 volunteers working 3 hours each (33 volunteer hours). Cultural Fusion had 15 volunteers working 6 hours each (90 volunteer hours). Winter Nights City Lights had 39 volunteers working 11 hours each (429 volunteer hours). Winter Nights, City Lights was a three day event that also included volunteer orientation. The total volunteer hours totalled 552 hours. Some of the volunteer tasks at each of these events included: greeting attendees, supporting event activations, assisting with photo taking, and supporting food and toy donations. Volunteers have been key contributors to City of Pickering Events. • Pickering Museum Village (PMV) – Over 100 volunteers contributed over 5,500 hours to the efficient operation of PMV programs. Behind the scenes, volunteers faithfully tended the gardens, baked scones for programs, made a variety of items for the gift shop including jams, knitted and crocheted items, and wood crafted kitchen gifts, to name a few. Volunteers repaired and built reproduction items for the buildings, sewed, cleaned and packed the costume collection, created décor to CS 25-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update Page 3 support the programs including fairy houses, fairy doors, toadstools, holiday garlands and swags. Upfront, volunteer’s animated programs, greeted and assisted guests in the Fairy Tour, Haunted Ghost and Christmas programs. • Volunteers attended a variety of training workshops and completed fire safety training in the spring. • The 25th Anniversary production of Spirit Walk in September 2022 was a huge success. With 75 volunteers contributing almost 3,000 hours of rehearsals, performances, and behind the scenes set-up, props, costuming and baking. The volunteer cast and crew enjoyed the process from start to finish and ended with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and success. 3. Animal Services • The 2022/23 Animal Services Volunteer Program consisted of 47 Volunteers (25 Animal Service Satellite Adoption Centre Volunteers and 22 Volunteer Foster Families, 10 of which were new for 2022 and 8 for 2023). • Volunteers were responsible for the feeding, cleaning and socializing of animals while at the satellite adoption site at PetSmart in Pickering. Volunteers play an integral part of the adoption program and contribute to the success of our program. • In 2022, the Animal Services Satellite Adoption Centre Volunteers collectively contributed to 888 hours of volunteer work. Volunteers were scheduled for a minimum 2 hour shift in the PetSmart stores daily from April – December 2022. • In 2023, the Animal Services Satellite Adoption Centre Volunteers have collectively contributed to 728 hours of volunteer work. Volunteers were scheduled for a minimum 2 hour shift in the PetSmart stores daily from January – June 2023. • Animal Services volunteers also helped out at many animal services related events including Petapolooza. 4. Sustainability • Earth month activities normally include volunteer participation for tree planting, shrub giveaways, and compost event and outreach. Volunteers will be re-engaged in Spring and Fall 2023. • Volunteers will support the Farmer’s Market (running June to October 2023). • Volunteers received training on the purpose of pollinator gardens and how to maintain them. Volunteers have been assisting with maintenance of the gardens. • Sustainability staff will engage volunteers in the Sustainable Pickering booth for events in Fall 2023. 5. Other • A centralized application process was developed for all City of Pickering volunteers. Documents are collected, recorded and maintained in one register then distributed to staff leads once all documents have been submitted and an initial interview completed. CS 25-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update Page 4 • The City of Pickering employs a Volunteer Coordinator to oversee program resources and the management, recruitment, recognition, and training of volunteers. Goals for 2023/24: 1. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 02.02), a volunteer management software has been procured. It was implemented in July 2023. Evaluation and training for all staff leads on effective use of software will take place September 2023 through March 2024. 2. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 10), the City of Pickering will dedicate resources for the appreciation and recognition of volunteers and a recognition strategy will be developed for implementation in 2024. 3. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 02.03) staff leads will work collaboratively with other City staff and other professional associations in order to encourage and sustain the effectiveness of the City volunteer program. The volunteer committee will be re-established in Fall 2023 to create opportunities for greater collaboration and centralization of the volunteer program, identifying opportunities to expand opportunities to volunteer, reduce barriers to volunteering, and improve volunteer processes across City departments. Attachments: 1. None Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Amber Cockburn Volunteer Coordinator Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services SDM:ac CS 25-23 September 5, 2023 Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update Page 5 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer