HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 08-23Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 08-23 Date: September 5, 2023 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Request for Red-Line Revision of Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2009-11 (R2) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/23 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4 Seaton Community 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding a request for a red-line revision of Draft Plans of Subdivision and a revised Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Mattamy (Seaton) Limited, to permit the implementation of a residential draft plan of subdivision. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan, and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning issues. This report is for information, and no decision on these applications is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Development Review Process The City has revised the planning review process for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan Approval as a result of the Provincial changes to the Planning Act, through Bill 109. Council approved the new planning review process on May 23, 2023, and is in effect for all application submissions received after June 30, 2023. The new process introduces a mandatory pre-submission stage, which occurs before an actual development application is submitted to the City. This adjustment is aimed at ensuring the City meets the Planning Act approval/decision timelines and prevents the need to refund application fees. The subject applications were submitted on May 24, 2023. As such, the new planning review process is not applicable to these applications. Information Report 08-23 Page 2 3. Background Information and Previous Approvals The original Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Mattamy (Seaton) Limited, was draft approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in December 2013. The related zoning by-law that implemented the subdivision, Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14, was approved by the OMB on December 17, 2013, and further approved on January 24, 2014. The decisions of the OMB were confirmed by the Province, through an Order to Council in March 2014. In 2018, Mattamy (Seaton) Limited, submitted a request for a red-line revision to the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision. The applicant added a remnant parcel into the approved subdivision plan, and made select design modifications for lands within the plan located north and south of Alexander Knox Road. Council endorsed the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, and the related proposed amendments to the conditions of draft plan of subdivision approval. Also, a site-specific Zoning By-law Amendment was passed by Council. Subsequently, in 2022, Council passed a technical housekeeping zoning by-law amendment to correct certain zoning category boundaries. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (the “LPAT”, formerly the OMB) approved the red-line revision to the Draft Plan of Subdivision on March 12, 2019, and further revised their approval on July 23, 2021. On December 2, 2021, final approval of the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision was granted by the Director, City Development & CBO. The first phase of the Plan is registered as Plan 40M-2710. 4. Property Location and Description The lands subject to the application are approximately 34.59 hectares in size, are currently vacant, and are located within Seaton Neighbourhood 19, Wilson Meadows (see Location Map, Air Photo Map and Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan, Attachments #1, #2 and #3). The surrounding land uses include: North: Agricultural lands are owned by Seaton TFPM Inc. (Mattamy Homes is one of four developers who comprise Seaton TFPM Inc.), which are currently subject to applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment (files SP-2023-02 and A 05/23). These lands are designated “Low Density Types 1 and 2 Areas”, “Medium Density Areas”, “Neighbourhood Park” and “Elementary School”. East: Lands owned by Infrastructure Ontario and are designated as “Seaton Natural Heritage System”. South: The first phase of the Mattamy (Seaton) Limited subdivision plan (Registered Plan 40M-2710) consisting of detached dwellings and townhouse units that are currently under construction and/or occupied. West: Lands owned by Infrastructure Ontario and are designated as “Seaton Natural Heritage System”. Information Report 08-23 Page 3 5. Applicants’ Proposal (2023) Mattamy (Seaton) Limited is requesting a second revision to the draft approved plan of subdivision, along with an amendment to the existing zoning by-law, to implement the revisions to the draft plan. The revisions are shown in red line markups illustrated on Attachment #4, Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision. The applicant is requesting these revisions to address grading constraints located on the westerly portion of the plan, and to introduce townhouses in the northerly portion of the plan. The update to the housing mix includes an increase of street townhouses, and a reduction of detached dwellings, rear-lane townhouses and live-work townhouses. The following table provides a comparison of the unit types of the 2018 Draft Plan (approved in 2021), and the submitted redlined draft plan. The first phase of the plan, (Registered Plan 40M-2710) has been deducted from the unit totals. Unit Types Approved Draft Plan (2018/2021) Submitted Draft Plan (2023) Change in the Number of Units Detached Dwellings 413 400 Reduction of 13 units Rear-Lane Detached Dwellings 2 2 No change Street Townhouses 142 221 Increase of 79 units Rear-Lane Townhouses 20 22 Increase of 2 units Live-Work Townhouses 10 6 Reduction of 4 units Total 587 651 Increase of 64 units Details of the submitted revised draft plan are found in the table below: Land Use Total Blocks Area (Hectares) Residential 74 18.53 Public Park 2 1.38 Trailhead/ Terminal View / Open Space 7 0.22 Elementary School 1 2.66 Stormwater Management Facility, Servicing Access & Emergency Flow 3 1.45 Road Widening 1 0.025 Roads 10.32 Total 88 Blocks 34.59 Hectares Information Report 08-23 Page 4 The proposed uses are the same as those previously approved, including residential uses, an elementary school block, a village green, a neighbourhood park, a stormwater facility and open spaces. The revised draft plan is illustrated on Attachment #5, Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision (Clean Version). The neighbourhood park block, 1.03 hectares in size, is located along the northerly boundary of the plan aligned with the proposed park block located within the draft plan of subdivision application submitted by Seaton TFPM Inc., which is currently under review. The neighbourhood park blocks will have a combined size of 2.0 hectares. Primary access to the proposed development is provided from Alexander Knox Road, and the future Peter Mathews Drive (Sideline 22). Additional connections include a future east-west road, Nathaniel Hastings Drive, and additional connections from existing local roads within the first phase of the development plan. The applicant is proposing amendments to the zoning by-law schedule to modify certain zoning boundaries to reflect the change in unit types being proposed and realign certain boundaries to reflect the new draft plan. 5.1 Affordable Housing The applicant indicates in their submission that the mix of housing types will provide an opportunity to serve all sizes, incomes and ages of households. The proposal provides for a range of housing forms including detached dwellings and a variety of townhouse types. 6. Policy Framework 6.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Seaton Urban Area, and are designated as Special Policy Area A in the Regional Official Plan (ROP). The ROP policy refers to the now revoked Central Pickering Development Plan (the “CPDP”, which was revoked by the Province of Ontario in December 2022). The subject site is designated “Community Area” in the new ROP, which was adopted by Regional Council in May 2023 and forwarded to the Province for approval. Community Areas are intended to offer a complete living environment and are comprised of housing, commercial uses, offices, institutional uses, community uses, and public service facilities, as well as a range of cultural and recreational uses. The proposal will add a variety of housing types to the Seaton Urban Area and conforms to the policies of the ROP. 6.2 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are designated “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Areas” and “Urban Residential Areas – Medium Density Areas” in the Pickering Official Plan (POP). The subject lands are within the Seaton Urban Area. Chapter 11 of the Official Plan further refines the land use designations as well as establishes policies for such matters as the Seaton natural heritage system, sustainable development, servicing, Information Report 08-23 Page 5 population targets and urban design. The subject lands are located within Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan (see Attachment #3). The Neighbourhood is planned to have a range of low to medium land use densities, and include a variety of residential built forms. The lands subject to the application are designated “Seaton Urban Area – Low Density Type 1 Areas”, “Seaton Urban Area – Medium Density Areas”, including lands designated for an “Elementary School”; “Village Green”, and “Neighbourhood Park”. The Neighbourhood Plan also identifies lands for a Stormwater Management Facility, Trailheads and Terminal Views. The revised draft plan of subdivision is generally reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhood 19 of the Official Plan. 6.2.1 Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines The Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines address the urban design guidelines contained within the CPDP (revoked in December 2022) and expand upon the key design elements such as setting out minimum standards and benchmarks for plans of subdivision and site plans and listing the range of matters that are to be addressed in the development of the lands. The Guidelines also provide direction on the design of the public realm, built forms and green infrastructure and buildings. The applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines during the further processing of the applications. 6.3 Zoning By-law 7364/14 The Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14, was approved by the OMB on December 17, 2013 and further amended on January 24, 2014. A zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the proposed red-line revisions to the approved draft plan of subdivision. The applicant is proposing amendments to the zoning schedules and modifying certain zoning boundaries. No changes are proposed to the zoning categories or performance standards. In accordance with the Pickering Official Plan, Chapter 11, Seaton Urban Area, the completion of a future transportation planning study is to be undertaken by the Seaton landowners, and completed before development proceeding beyond the Seaton first phase of development. An “H” Hold Zone will therefore be required for lands beyond the first phase of development. 7. Comments Received 7.1 Notice of Electronic Statutory Public Meeting Notice of the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting regarding this application was provided through a mailing of all properties within 150 metres of the entire subject lands. Public Meeting Notice Signs were erected on July 26, 2023, and installed at 3 locations including the intersections of Alexander Knox Road and Brigadier Avenue, Brigadier Avenue and Longspur Trail and Kerrydale Avenue and Swordbill Street. Information Report 08-23 Page 6 7.2 Resident Comments As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 7.3 Agency Comments 7.3.1 Region of Durham • the proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, contributes to providing greater housing options for the community and maintains the objectives of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; • the lands are designated as Special Policy Area A in the Regional Official Plan. The ROP policy refers to the now revoked Central Pickering Development Plan; • the subject site is designated “Community Area” in the new ROP, which was adopted by Regional Council in May 2023 and forwarded to the Province for approval; • the proposal will add an array of housing types to the Seaton Urban Area and conforms to the policies of the ROP; • the lands located in the draft plan are within both the Phase 1 and Phase 2 servicing areas of the Seaton Community; • the revised Environmental Noise Assessment submitted is generally acceptable to the Region subject to minor revisions, and the Region’s condition of approval requires the Owner through the subdivision to implement the noise attenuation measures; • updated Environmental Site Assessment documents are required to confirm that the site meets the applicable Site Condition standards; • archaeological Clearances letters from the Province are required; • Durham Region Transit identified four bus stop locations within the plan, and request that sidewalks be built in tandem with the development so that residents can rely on a strong pedestrian network from day one; and • the Region of Durham 2013 conditions of draft approval remain applicable, including Regional Services conditions. 7.3.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 7.3.3 Durham District School Board (DDSB) • DDSB staff have reviewed the red‐line revision to the draft plan of subdivision and under the mandate of the DDSB, and have no objection; and • students generated from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools. 7.4 City Department Comments 7.4.1 Engineering Services As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. Information Report 08-23 Page 7 7.4.2 Sustainability • the applicant has submitted a Sustainable Place-Making Checklist, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated March 2023, and this document references the previously approved Urban Design and Sustainability Brief which was part of the original Draft Plan application; • the development proposal satisfies the general intent of the Official Plan policies related to the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines for Neighbourhood 19; and • the Integrated Sustainable Design Standards (ISDS) Tier performance measures do not apply to these applications. However, the applicant is encouraged to build to sustainable building performance standards, whether by following the ISDS or the enhanced benchmarks in the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines to reflect today's best practices. 8. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance that have been identified by staff for further review and consideration. These matters, and others identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant before a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: • ensure the applications will implement the City’s Official Plan and the Seaton Neighbourhood policies; • ensure the proposal is consistent with the City’s urban design goals and objectives in the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines; • ensure the revised road pattern and lotting fabric achieve City design standards; • ensure the coordination of streets, parks and residential blocks with the new Seaton TFPM Inc. application to the north; • review the size of the proposed parkland blocks given the increase in the number of townhouse units proposed from the original plan; • review the arrangement of blocks for detached and townhome dwellings to ensure that on-street parking is adequate to support visitor parking; • ensure garages are appropriately sized to meet the needs of residents; and • ensure that the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components as well as encourage enhanced benchmarks in the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines to reflect today's best practices. Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies and the public. 9. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (formerly the OMB) is the Approval Authority for this Revision to the Draft Plan of Subdivision As the subject draft plan of subdivision was approved by the OMB, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) is the approval authority for the requested revision. If Council supports the requested revision, it is anticipated that the Owner and the City will Information Report 08-23 Page 8 approach the LPAT to approve the requested revision. The City of Pickering is the approval authority for the amendment to the zoning by-law. 10. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies submitted for the revised application listed below are available for viewing on the City’s website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person at the office of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Redlined Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated May 9, 2023; • Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, prepared by R.J. Burnside Ltd., dated April, 2023; • Hydrogeological Assessment, prepared by R.J. Burnside Ltd., dated August 2013; • Arborist Report, prepared by R. J. Burnside Ltd., dated March 14, 2023; • Phase 1 ESA, prepared by Pinchin Ltd., dated April 2017; • Noise Study, prepared by YCA Engineering Ltd., dated April 2023; • Parking Plan, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated May 9, 2023; • Traffic Impact Study, prepared by BA Group, dated March 2023; • Geotechnical Report, prepared by AME, dated April 2011; • Stage 3 Archaeological Assessment, prepared by Archaeological Services Inc., dated September 2011; • Stage 4 Archaeological Assessment, prepared by Archaeological Services Inc., dated January 2008; • Sustainable Development Guidelines Checklist, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated May 9, 2023; • Planning Rationale Report, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated May 2023; and • Affordable Housing Information, prepared by Mattamy Homes, dated May 2023. 11. Procedural Information 11.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department; • oral comments may be made at the Statutory Public Meeting; • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Recommendation Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report 08-23 Page 9 12.Owner/Applicant Information The owner of the subject lands is Mattamy (Seaton) Limited, and is represented by Korsiak Urban Planning. Attachments: 1.Location Map 2.Air Photo Map 3. Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan 4.Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision 5.Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision (Clean Version) Prepared By: Original Signed By Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner CC:ld Date of Report: August 18, 2023 Attachment #1 to Information Report 08-23 P e t e r Matthews Drive City Development Department Location MapFile:Applicant:Legal Description: SP-2009-11 (R2) and A08/23 Date: Aug. 15, 2023 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4, and Part of SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\SP\2009\SP-2009-11 Mattamy (Seaton-Whitevale)\SP-2009-11(R2), A008_23_LocationMap.mxd 1:9,000 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © TeranetEnterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Lots 21, 22 and 23, Concession 5 Alexander Knox RoadWhitevale Road Si d e l i n e 2 0 Mu l b e r r y L a n e Th u n d e r b i r d P r o m e n a d e Ho l l y b e r r y T r a i l Skybird Lane Stillmeadow Lan e Br i g a d i e r A v e n u e Kerrydale Avenue Future Alexan d e r K n o x R o a d F u t u r e P e t e r M a t t h e w s Dr i v e 40M-2710(Phase 1) Attachment #2 to Information Report 08-23 S t illm e a d owLane T urnstone Boulevard Thunderbird Promenade Sw o r d b i l l S t r e e t Alexander Knox Road Br i g a d i e r A v e n u e Mu l b e r r y L a n e Ho l l y b e r r y T r a i l Si d e l i n e 2 0 WillowridgePath P eter Matthews Drive Whitevale Road Highway 407 Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Legal Description: SP-2009-11 (R2) and A08/23 Date: Aug. 15, 2023 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4, and Part of L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\SP\2009\SP-2009-11 Mattamy (Seaton-Whitevale)\SP-2009-11(R2), A008_23_AirPhoto_v2.mxd 1:9,000 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Kings Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City Development Department Lots 21, 22, and 23, Concession 5 F u t u r e P e t e r M a t t h e w s D r i v e Future Nathaniel Hastings Drive Future A l e x a n d e r K n o x R o a d SubjectLands Ownership Mattamy (Seaton) Limited Seaton TFPM Inc. Future Roads Mu l b e r r y L a n e 40M-2710(Phase 1) Attachment #3 to Information Report 08-23 Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan City Development Department July 11, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. SP-2009-11(R2), A 08-23 Mattamy (Seaton) LimitedApplicant: Legal Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4, and Part of L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2009 Lots 21, 23, and 23, Concession 5 N Subject Lands Attachment #4 to Information Report 08-23 Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision City Development Department August 3, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. SP-2009-11(R2), A 08-23 Mattamy (Seaton) LimitedApplicant: Legal Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4, and Part of L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2009 Lots 21, 23, and 23, Concession 5 N Attachment #5 to Information Report 08-23 Submitted Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision (Clean Version) City Development Department August 17, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. SP-2009-11(R2), A 08-23 Mattamy (Seaton) LimitedApplicant: Legal Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 4, and Part of L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\SP\2009 Lots 21, 23, and 23, Concession 5 N