HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 28-23Report to Council Report Number: PLN 28-23 Date: August 16, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund -City of Pickering Action Plan and Housing Accelerator Fund Application -File: D-1300-019 Recommendation: 1.That Council endorse the City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan, as contained in Appendix I to Report PLN 28-23, for the purpose of submitting an application for the Housing Accelerator Fund Program, administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; 2.That staff be authorized to submit a Housing Accelerator Fund application to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, on behalf of the City of Pickering; 3.That staff be directed to bring back to Council the Housing Accelerator Fund Contribution Agreement with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, for endorsement and execution, should the City of Pickering be successful in its Housing Accelerator Fund application; and 4.That staff be authorized to initiate the necessary work programs required to complete the initiatives outlined in the Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan, should the City of Pickering be successful in its Housing Accelerator Fund application; and 5.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Federal Government of Canada announced a new Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), as part of the 2022 Federal Budget. The HAF program will make four billion dollars available to municipalities, to advance the development of housing within local communities. To receive funding from the HAF, municipalities are required to submit an application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The application must include an action plan, endorsed by Council, and demonstrate how the initiatives in the action plan will increase housing units, beyond current projections, in the community (the “Action Plan”). Based on CMHC’s Reference Guide, City staff have created an Action Plan that meets the criteria of the HAF program, for Council’s consideration and endorsement. Staff from Sustainability, Finance, Engineering Services and the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer were consulted in the preparation of the Action Plan. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 2 Subject to Council’s direction, staff will submit an application to CMHC by the application deadline of August 18, 2023, that includes all the required forms and the Council endorsed Action Plan. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the adoption of the recommendations of this report. Discussion: 1. Purpose The Federal Government announced the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) in April 2022, as part of the Federal Budget. The HAF is a $4 billion federal program that runs until 2026-27. The program is being administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). In 2023, CMHC released program funding eligibility requirements, and reference material to assist applicants in preparing and submitting applications. The purpose of this report is to provide background on the HAF, and seek Council’s endorsement of the City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan (the “Action Plan”). The Action Plan will form part of the City of Pickering’s application to CMHC seeking funding through the HAF program. 2. Background 2.1 What is the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF)? The HAF objective is to accelerate the supply of housing across Canada, with a goal of achieving an additional 100,000 dwelling units. Using the $4 billion federal funding, the program is intended to assist municipalities in achieving transformational change within the sphere of control of the local government, regarding land use planning and development approvals. CMHC anticipates that the transformational changes in policy, or development related programs, would result in short term increases to local housing supply, while also providing long term opportunities to meet future housing needs. The key objectives of the HAF program are: • creating more supply of housing at an accelerated pace and/or enhancing certainty in the approvals and building processes; • supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable, consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses, providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation; • supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities, that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion, largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum; and • supporting the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 3 The HAF program provides two application streams, large/urban communities and small/rural/north/indigenous communities. Pickering falls within the large/urban community stream, which includes communities with a population greater than 10,000 (based on 2021 census data). 2.2 HAF Requirements In order to be eligible to apply to the program, a municipality must have delegated approval authority over land use planning and development approvals, such as the City of Pickering. Additionally, applicants must develop an action plan that includes a minimum of seven initiatives, that achieve the following: • Accelerates the provision of housing units within the community; • Commits to a housing supply growth target that increases the average annual rate of residential unit growth. The average annual rate of growth is required to increase by a minimum of 10%. For example, if 2,000 residential units were projected between 2024 and 2026 without funding, the initiatives must, at a minimum, result in a 10% increase in the projected residential units to 2,200; and • Increases the total unit growth rate within the municipality by 1.1%. 2.3 HAF Criteria Based on information provided by CMHC, the evaluation of HAF applications will be based on the following criteria: • the commitment to increase housing supply – exceeding minimum growth expectations; • the relevance of the initiative outcome(s) to one or more of the objectives of the HAF – including creating more supply; complete communities; affordable housing; and, low-carbon, climate-resilient communities; • the effectiveness of the initiative on increasing the supply of housing – including implementation/timeliness of the initiative; supply impact; and, system impact; and • the need for increased housing supply – based on available housing needs assessment. The City of Pickering recently undertook a housing study, and on January 24, 2022, Council approved the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan, 2021-2031. As part of the study, a Research and Gap Analysis Report was created, based on 2016 census data. Additionally, through the 2022 Annual Monitoring Report an updated Pickering Housing Profile was provided, based on 2021 census data. Staff believe these reports meet the intent of a housing needs assessment. While some minor revisions may be necessary to meet CMHC’s requirements, the City of Pickering has already completed this work and created a Housing Strategy & Action Plan to address local housing needs. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 4 The City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan, (see Appendix I), was created to align with existing action items in the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan, to the extent possible. If Pickering is successful in securing funding through the HAF program, Pickering will be able to advance the initiatives outlined in the City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan, as well as possibly fund infrastructure projects that support housing. 2.4 HAF Funding The funding provided through the HAF program is determined on the basis of per unit amounts. There are three components of the funding framework, base funding, top-up funding and an affordable housing bonus. A breakdown of the three funding components is as follows: a) Base Funding • Designed to incent all types of supply across the housing spectrum; based on estimated number of units without HAF funding versus estimated number of units with HAF funding. Funding does not apply to single detached dwellings, which are not eligible for funding. b) Top-up Funding • Designed to incent certain types of housing (applied to other types such as higher densities in proximity to rapid transit, medium and higher density, ‘missing middle’). c) Affordable Housing Bonus • Designed to reward applicants who can increase share of affordable housing units, relative to affordable units without HAF versus the total projected units supported by the HAF. Targets must be included in the Action Plan. CMHC has provided estimated funding numbers to assist potential applicants for budgeting purposes, and may adjust the amounts prior to awarding funding to successful applicants. The funding can be used in a variety of ways to support housing, including: • Initiatives within an approved HAF Action Plan; • Affordable Housing (e.g., construction, repair, or modernization, land or building acquisition); • Housing-related infrastructure, that supports housing such as: municipal infrastructure; public transit; community energy systems; disaster mitigation; brownfield redevelopment; broadband and connectivity; and • Community-related Infrastructure, that supports housing such as: local roads and bridges; sidewalks, lighting, bicycle lanes; firehalls; landscaping and green space. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 5 2.5 Action Plan Large/urban communities are required to provide an action plan, with a minimum of seven initiatives, that meet the objectives of the HAF program. The action plan will assist CMHC in evaluating applications, selecting successful applicants and allocating funding accordingly. Pickering’s Action Plan and initiatives were developed by reviewing existing projects and/or programs that Council has previously endorsed or approved, specifically the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan. In some instances, the initiatives are very similar to the Housing Strategy & Action Plan, and in other cases, the scope of work needed to be expanded or narrowed to meet CMHC criteria. The initiatives have been developed to meet CMHC’s evaluation criteria, funding structure, and have the largest impact on housing initiatives in Pickering, focusing on strategic growth areas and projects that could advance affordable and rental developments. The initiatives have been designed to apply to the whole of Pickering, as much as possible. However, staff recognize that Pickering’s strategic growth areas, including the City Centre, Pickering GO Station, and Kingston Road Corridor are anticipated to accommodate a significant amount of Pickering’s growth. Ensuring the initiatives in the Action Plan focused on these strategic growth areas was a priority as they would result in the largest impact on housing in Pickering for the short, medium and long term. Proposed initiatives The initiatives, and a brief description of each, are provided below. More detail on the initiatives are provided in the Action Plan, as set out in Appendix I. Initiative 1: Additional Dwelling Units (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments) • Updating Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions regarding accessory dwelling unit permissions, in accordance with provincial legislation (Bill 23). Initiative 2: Protected Major Transit Station Area (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments) • Updating Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions for increased height and density within the Protected Major Transit Station Area, City Centre and Pickering GO Station. Initiative 3: Inclusionary Zoning Study • Undertake an Inclusionary Zoning study to inform Official Plan and Zoning By-law policies to implement inclusionary zoning requirements in Pickering’s Protected Major Transit Station Area. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 6 Initiative 4: Corporate Land Acquisition and Surplus Lands Strategy • Create a land acquisition and surplus land strategy to establish a set of criteria and/or policies that Council could use when determining to purchase or dispose of lands for the purposes of expediting housing, including creating affordable housing. Initiative 5: Zoning By-law Amendment for the Kingston Corridor • Undertaking a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the increased heights and densities in Official Plan Amendment 38. Initiative 6: City of Pickering Parking Study • Undertake a parking study for Pickering. Specifically review parking standards, with the intent to reduce them in intensification areas with higher order transit including, City Centre, Pickering GO Station, and Kingston Road Intensification Corridor. Initiative 7: Community Improvement Plan Study • Undertake a Community Improvement Plan study to determine what financial assistance tools the City of Pickering could provide to encourage the development of purpose-built rental and affordable housing. 2.6 Challenges and Assumptions with the Action Plan Staff encountered a number of challenges when creating the Action Plan. The first challenge included identifying initiatives that can be approved and implemented, which are intended to exceed the City’s housing projections at a rate to meet the application requirements, and that will result in units being built by 2026. Secondly, the initiatives in the Action Plan will require future Council consideration and approvals. Although staff are requesting Council’s endorsement of the Action Plan, it needs to be recognized that the identified initiatives will be subject to public consultation processes and subsequent Council approval. The outcomes of those processes may impact the anticipated outcome of the initiatives identified by staff in the Action Plan. Thirdly, preparing projections for the number of new dwellings that would be created by the initiatives is difficult, as the municipality does not construct residential units. There are a number of supply chain, market condition, and other factors that are involved in bringing residential units to market, once they have approvals from the City. This makes it difficult for staff to project exactly how many units could result from the proposed initiatives. Lastly, identifying initiatives that meet the HAF criteria and align with the authority the City has under the Ontario Planning Act, created an additional challenge. PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 7 An example could be inclusionary zoning legislation. Through the Ontario Planning Act, Pickering only has the authority to create policies and implement inclusionary zoning provisions in Protected Major Transit Station Areas. Another municipality, outside of Ontario, may not face these restrictions for implementing inclusionary zoning, which could lead to different evaluations by CMHC. In addition to this, there have been significant changes to Ontario Planning legislation since the HAF program was announced in 2022, through Bill 109, Bill 23 and Bill 97. There could be more significant changes in the near future, as the government is currently reviewing the Growth Plan and Provincial Policy Statement. To continue the example of inclusionary zoning above, through Bill 23, the Province introduced proposed amendments to the regulations for inclusionary zoning. The proposed changes would limit the total amount of units to 5%, and the maximum timeframe the units must remain affordable to 25 years. This change could again impact action plan initiatives. This could continue to be an ongoing challenge if legislation changes occur after the initiatives are started, if approved through the program. 2.7 Reporting Requirements Successful applicants will be required to provide periodic, mandatory progress reports and details how funds were used. There are three main reporting obligations under the HAF: • progress on the initiatives and commitments outlined in the action plan (e.g., start and completion dates; percentage complete; status; milestones; number of units; etc.); • data for all housing units permitted during the reporting period (e.g., permit number; submission date; issue date; type of work; number of units; secondary suites; etc.); and • how funding was used during the reporting period (e.g. category incentive funding; dollar amount per category; details on capital projects; etc.). 2.8 Next Steps The CMHC application is required to be submitted by August 18, 2023. Staff are preparing the application and supporting materials in anticipation of submitting an application. It is anticipated that successful applicants will be notified in the fall of 2023. Should Pickering be successful in its application, the City will be required to enter into a funding contribution agreement with CMHC. Staff will report back to Council on the outcome of the application submission. 3. Conclusion In consideration of the HAF application, staff are seeking Council’s approval of the proposed Action Plan, contained in Appendix I, as required by CMHC. Should Council adopt the recommendations of this Report, staff will submit an application to CMHC on behalf of the City of Pickering by the August 18, 2023 deadline. In anticipation that Pickering will be successful in the application, staff are also seeking Council endorsement PLN 28-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund Page 8 that the appropriate staff be authorized to advance the Action Plan initiatives, and to report back to Council for final authorization to execute the required agreements with CMHC. Appendix: Appendix I City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Prepared By: Original Signed By Brandon Weiler, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Original Signed By Déan Jacobs, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO BW:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 28-23 City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan pickering.ca August 1, 2023 City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 1 of 7 Initiative 1: Additional Dwelling Unit Official Plan Policy and Zoning By-law Provision Updates Associated Action Items • Updating Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions to permit enhanced accessory dwelling unit permissions, in accordance with updated legislation (Bill 23). The regulations will be city wide and permit additional accessory dwelling units outside of urban areas, subject to Provincial plan regulations. • Once approved, create a public education strategy, including the building sector, to share the new regulations and promote Additional Dwelling Units. Identify options to encourage property owners to create Additional Dwelling Unit’s. The Initiative supports the following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Creating more supply of housing at an accelerated pace and enhancing certainty in the approvals and building process. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • Updating the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-laws will provide more clarity and predictability for residents and the building community regarding accessory dwelling units. • The updates will incentivize the gentle intensification of residential neighbourhoods throughout the City of Pickering. • Permitting and promoting Additional Dwelling Unit’s will incentivize the development of complete communities and provide for a greater socio-economic diversity and inclusion within Pickering, by permitting a greater range and mix of housing types within the housing stock. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 2 of 7 Initiative 2: Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA) Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Associated Action Items • Updating Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions to permit increased height and density in appropriate locations within the PMTSA, which includes the City Centre and Pickering GO Station. The Initiative supports the following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Creating more supply of housing at an accelerated pace and enhancing certainty in the approvals and building process. • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. • Supporting the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • Updating the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to implement the recent changes of the Provincial Policy Statement and Region of Durham Official Plan Amendment #186, by delineating Pickering’s PMTSA and to expedite the development approval process for lands within the PMTSA. • The amendments would introduce a policy framework to support transit-oriented development and establish minimum density targets around Pickering’s GO Station, specifically south of Highway 401. • Implementing policies and provisions will provide clarity and predictability for residents and the building community regarding heights and densities, and expedite the planning approval process. • The anticipated development will increase the variability in the forms of housing in Pickering’s PMTSA. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 3 of 7 Initiative 3: Inclusionary Zoning Study Associated Action Items • Undertake an Inclusionary Zoning study, including an Impact Analysis, and Implementation Considerations, to inform Official Plan and Zoning By-law policies. • The inclusionary zoning policies and provisions would apply to Pickering’s PMTSA. This is the location where the Ontario Planning Act permits municipalities to implement inclusionary zoning policies. The Initiative supports the Following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Creating more supply of housing at an accelerated pace and enhancing certainty in the approvals and building process. • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • Updating the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to implement inclusionary zoning in Pickering’s PMTSA will result in the development of additional affordable units in the City Centre and around the Pickering GO Station. • The initiative will provide clarity and predictability for the community and development community regarding affordable housing requirements in Pickering’s PMTSA. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 4 of 7 Initiative 4: Corporate Land Acquisition and Surplus Lands Disposition Strategy Associated Action Items • Create a land acquisition and surplus land strategy. The study would create a set of criteria and/or policies that Council could use when determining to purchase or dispose of lands for the purposes of expediting housing. • Identify opportunities to provide housing on City owned property. • Explore working relationships with additional levels of government and not-for-profit groups to acquire land for the purpose of building affordable residential or mixed-use development. The Initiative supports the Following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • The study would identify and create opportunities for additional housing supply within Pickering, by exploring locations for increased housing opportunities, including mixed-use development where appropriate, on City-owned lands. • Create a strategy that will provide guidance and policies for Council to consider when reviewing opportunities to acquire land for the purposes of creating more housing, specifically affordable units. • Identify opportunities to partner with not-for-profit agencies and other levels of government to create affordable housing by providing land. • The initiative would create opportunities to leverage under utilized lands, in public ownership, to accelerate affordable housing. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 5 of 7 Initiative 5: Zoning By-law Amendment for the Kingston Road Intensification Corridor Associated Action Items • In 2022, Official Plan Amendment #38 was approved by Pickering Council and the Region of Durham. Undertaking a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the policies in Official Plan Amendment #38 would pre-zone lands in one of Pickering’s identified strategic growth areas, Kingston Road Corridor. • Kingston Road Corridor is strategically located along a rapid bus transit corridor, interconnected to Pickering’s PMTSA, located in the middle of the corridor. The Initiative supports the Following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Creating more supply of housing at an accelerated pace and enhancing certainty in the approvals and building process. • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. • Supporting the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • Updating the Zoning By-law along the Kingston Road Corridor would permit higher-density, and mixed-use developments, in keeping with Official Plan Amendment #38. • The updated zoning would diversify the mix of housing types in Pickering and achieve the complete community goals and objectives of Official Plan Amendment #38. • Implementing policies and provisions will provide clarity and predictability for residents and the building community regarding heights and densities, and expedite the planning approval process. • The anticipated development will increase the variability in the forms of housing in Pickering, creating a more complete community, adjacent to a transit corridor. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 6 of 7 Initiative 6: Pickering Wide Parking Study Associated Action Items • Undertake a parking study for Pickering, reviewing current requirements. • Specifically, review parking standards in intensification areas with higher order transit including, City Centre, Pickering Go Station, and Kingston Road Intensification Corridor. Identify parking ratio alternatives, car share opportunities, etc. • Specifically, review parking ratios for affordable housing and/or supportive housing in areas serviced by transit, with a goal to reduce or remove the minimum requirements. • Specifically, review electric vehicle (EV) parking space requirements, especially in higher density developments. The Initiative supports the Following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. • Supporting the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • Parking is a significant cost of residential development. Surface parking can consume large areas of developable land, and underground or structured parking can be very expensive, increasing the cost of housing. The study will look to leverage lands well serviced by public transit, specifically the Kingston Road Corridor and Pickering GO Station, to reduce parking ratios. • Creating complete communities, and promoting alternative modes of transit, will result in a more sustainable Pickering. • This initiative will provide clarity and predictability for residents and the building community regarding parking requirements. City of Pickering Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan Page 7 of 7 Initiative 7: Community Improvement Plan Study for Rental and Affordable Developments Associated Action Items • Undertake a Community Improvement Plan study to determine what financial assistance tools the City of Pickering could implement, to encourage the development of purpose built rental and affordable developments. • The study will review multiple tools that can be implemented through Community Improvement Plans including, Tax Increment Financing, Loan programs, Sustainable Development, and others, to encourage this form of development. The Initiative supports the Following Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Objectives • Supporting the development of complete communities that are walkable consisting of appropriate residential density and a diverse mix of land uses providing access to a wide variety of amenities and services through public and active transportation. • Supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities that encourage clear pathways to achieving greater socio-economic inclusion largely achieved through the equitable provision of housing across the entire housing spectrum. Description of Objectives and Anticipated Outcomes • A Community Improvement Plan would permit an optional program for developers to participate in, that would incentivize developing more purpose built rental and affordable units. • Participating in the Community Improvement Plan would provide financial offsets under the program to develop specific housing forms or tenures, including purpose built rental or affordable units. • The programs goal would be to increase the variability in the tenure of housing options in Pickering, creating a more complete community. • The initiative will provide clarity and predictability for the development community looking to develop affordable and rental housing. • The program would attempt to address existing barriers for the building community, making purpose built rental or affordable housing more enticing.