HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 26-23Report to Council Report Number: PLN 26-23 Date: June 26, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Amendment to General Municipal Fees – Planning Applications File: D-3000-001 Recommendation: 1. That the revised City Development Department – Planning Fees be approved, effective July 1, 2023; 2. That an amendment be made to Schedule “I” to By-law 6191/03, the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law, as amended, by deleting the pages for City Development Department – Planning, and substituting the updated pages for City Development Department – Planning, as set out in Schedule “I” to the Draft By-law provided as Appendix I to Report PLN 26-23, be approved; and 3. That the revised Draft By-law to amend Schedule “I” to the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law 6191/03, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 26-23, be enacted. Executive Summary: The General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law 6191/03, was recently amended on May 23, 2023, through PLN 12-23. Following the approval, it was discovered that the new fee schedule included unintentional errors and omissions. A revised amendment to the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law 6191/03 is included in Appendix I to this report. Financial Implications: The proposed changes to the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law are in keeping with changes already approved on May 23, 2023 that more accurately reflect the amount of effort required from City staff during each stage of the review process. 1. Background At the May 1, 2023 Planning & Development Committee, Report PLN 12-23 provided an amendment to the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law – City Development Department – Planning. The revised fees were then approved by Council on May 23, 2023 through Resolution #202/23. The revised fees support the City’s new development review process that was created in response to Bill 109 and are intended to prevent the City from refunding application fees. Staff are now preparing to implement the new procedures for July 1, 2023. As part of that ongoing work, staff became aware of a number of minor errors and omissions contained within the newly revised General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law. PLN 26-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Amendment to General Municipal Fees – Planning Applications Page 2 Report PLN 26-23 provides a brief outline of the corrections to be made, and includes an updated General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law in Appendix I. 2. Corrections to General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law 2.1 Minor and Major Revisions to an approved Site Plan After Site Plan Approval has been granted, a proponent may wish to make modifications to their original approval to accommodate new uses. Revisions to an approved Site Plan may involve the construction of additional floor space that does not require a wholesale redevelopment of the entire site. The Schedule of Fees approved on May 23, 2023, inadvertently left out fees for both major and minor revisions to an approved Site Plan. It is proposed that these fees be reintroduced. Table 1: Minor Revisions to an Approved Site Plan Minor Revision to an Approved Site Plan Fees previously approved on January 23, 2023 Fees previously approved on May 23, 2023 Proposed Fee Original Process $2,415.00 N/A N/A New Process Step 1 (Pre-submission) N/A N/A $1,610.00 New Process Step 2 (Application) N/A N/A $805.00 Total Fee $2,415.00 N/A $2,415.00 Table 2: Major Revisions to an Approved Site Plan Major Revision to an Approved Site Plan Fees previously approved on January 23, 2023 Fees previously approved on May 23, 2023 Proposed Fee Original Process $9,675.00 N/A N/A New Process Step 1 (Pre-submission) N/A N/A Application base fee plus additional units and non- residential GFA New Process Step 2 (Application) N/A N/A Application base fee plus additional units and non- residential GFA Total Fee $9,675.00 N/A Varies PLN 26-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Amendment to General Municipal Fees – Planning Applications Page 3 2.3 Site Plan Pre-submission and Application Review Base Fee Report PLN 12-23 described how the current development review process is being changed from one stage review to two stage review in response to changes introduced by Bill 109. The Schedule of Fees approved on May 23, 2023, distributed the total Site Plan fees across three stages of review. In reviewing the implementation of the new Site Plan procedures, it was determined that the fees only need to be distributed across the first two stages of review. The proposed fee change redistributes the fees accordingly. Table 3: Site Plan Pre-submission and Application Review Base Fee Site Plan Approval Base Fee Fees previously approved on January 23, 2023 Fees previously approved on May 23, 2023 Proposed Fee Original Process $10,475.00 N/A N/A New Process Step 1 (Pre-submission) N/A $5,300.00 $10,075.00 New Process Step 2 (Application) N/A $2,900.00 $5,425.00 New Process Step 3 (Agreement and Clearance of Conditions) N/A $7,300.00 N/A Total Base Fee $10,475.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 2.4 Unit Fees Several fees are calculated using a combined base fee and per unit fee. This approach ensures that developments with more units are charged a proportionately larger amount of fees for the review of their proposals. Currently, the unit fees are only calculated for up to 1,000 units. In some instances, the City has begun receiving proposals which exceed 1,000 units. To ensure that these developments continue to pay their proportional amount, the fee schedule has been revised to remove the cap on per unit fees. PLN 26-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Amendment to General Municipal Fees – Planning Applications Page 4 Table 4: Unit fees Fee Type Fee structure previously approved on January 23, 2023 Fee structure previously approved on May 23, 2023 Proposed Fee Structure Zoning By-law Amendment Draft Plan of Subdivision Revisions to Draft Approved Plan (redline revisions) Site Plan Next 800 Units (201-1,000) Next 800 Units (201-1,000) All additional units (201+) 2.5 Fee Consistency Proposals for Draft Plan of Subdivision currently include fees for recirculation and applicant-initiated revisions. Staff are proposing that corresponding fees also be created for the review of Revisions to Draft Approved Plans. The amount of the fee is proportional to the amount of the Pre-submission fee. Table 5: Recirculation and Applicant-Initiated Revisions Proposal Type Fee previously approved on January 23, 2023 Fee previously approved on May 23, 2023 Proposed Fee Draft Plan of Subdivision Recirculation = $2,000.00 Applicant-initiated revisions = $22,200.00 Recirculation = $2,000.00 Applicant-initiated revisions = $22,200.00 Recirculation = $2,000.00 Applicant-initiated revisions = $22,200.00 Revisions to Draft Approved Plan (redline revisions) Recirculation = N/A Applicant-initiated revisions = N/A Recirculation = N/A Applicant-initiated revisions = N/A Recirculation = $2,000.00 Applicant-initiated revisions = $9,112.00 PLN 26-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Amendment to General Municipal Fees – Planning Applications Page 5 3.Conclusion The proposed changes to the General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law will correct unintentional errors and omissions and will allow the City to receive appropriate payment for staff’s efforts in reviewing development applications. Staff recommends that Council approve an amendment to By-law 6191/03, General Municipal Fee and Charges By-law, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 26-23. Appendix: Appendix I Draft By-law to Amend By-law 6191/03 General Municipal Fees Prepared By: Original Signed By Paul Wirch, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO PW :ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By Appendix I to Report PLN 26-23 Draft By-law to Amend By-law 6191/03 General Municipal Fees The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 8022/23 Being a by-law to Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 6191/03, as amended, on October 14, 2003 to confirm general municipal fees. Whereas Schedule “I” to By-law 6191/03 was updated and replaced under By-law, 6338/04, By-law 6519/05, By-law 6652/06, By-law 6677/06, By-law 6748/07 By-law 6857/08, By-law 6951/09, By-law 7032/10, By-law 7119/11, By-law 7194/12, By-law 7268/13, By-law 7339/14, By-law 7411/15, By-law 7478/16, By-law 7542/17, By-law 7605/18; By-law 7679/19; By-law 7740/20, By-law 7823/21, By-law 7918/22, By-law 7983/23, and By-law 8017/23; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1.Schedule “I” to By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, is hereby deleted and Schedule “I” attached hereto is substituted therefore. By-law passed this 26th day of June, 2023. ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Schedule “I” to By-law 8022/23 Updated Application Fees for City Development – Planning User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date These fees are imposed under the authority of the Planning Act , R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 Planning Documents Pickering Official Plan $225.00 $225.00 Y July 1, 2023 Official Plan Compendium $50.00 $50.00 Y July 1, 2023 Seaton Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines 1 $50.00 $50.00 Y July 1, 2023 City Centre Urban Design Guidelines $50.00 $50.00 Y July 1, 2023 Kingston Mixed Corridor & Brock Mixed Node Design Guidelines $50.00 $50.00 Y July 1, 2023 Development Guidelines $5.00-$20.00 $5.00-$20.00 Y July 1, 2023 Special Studies $10.00-$20.00 $10.00-$20.00 Y July 1, 2023 July 1, 2023 Zoning By-laws July 1, 2023 3036 - Set 13 Volume $100.00 $100.00 Y July 1, 2023 3036 - By Volume $10.00 $10.00 Y July 1, 2023 2511, 2520, 3037, 7364/14 (Seaton), 7553/17 (City Centre) $40.00 $40.00 Y July 1, 2023 20 Year Household & Population $30.00 $30.00 Y July 1, 2023 Mapping $5.00-$25.00 $5.00-$25.00 Y July 1, 2023 Address Booklet $25.00-$50.00 $25.00-$50.00 Y July 1, 2023 Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies Y July 1, 2023 Special Mapping Requests $54.15/hr $54.15/hr Y July 1, 2023 Photocopies - 6 or more pages $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Y July 1, 2023 CD Copies of Documents $10.00/document $10.00/document Y July 1, 2023 Telecommunications Tower Approval $9,355.00 $9,355.00 N July 1, 2023 Minor Variance Applications to recognize an "as built condition" Double the regular fee Double the regular fee N July 1, 2023 Accessory buildings, structures, decks, platforms & driveway widening $820.00 $820.00 N July 1, 2023 Residential Minor (a lot for a detached dwelling unit, semi-detached dwelling unit and/or freehold townhouse dwelling unit) Single Variance $1,100.00 $1,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Multiple Variances $1,390.00 $1,390.00 N July 1, 2023 Residential Major (all other residential and mixed use buildings) Single Variance $2,400.00 $2,400.00 N July 1, 2023 Multiple Variances $2,710.00 $2,710.00 N July 1, 2023 Institutional, Commercial & Industrial Single Variance $3,040.00 $3,040.00 N July 1, 2023 Multiple Variances $3,550.00 $3,550.00 N July 1, 2023 Tabling Fee & Recirculation (applicant initiated) $760.00 $760.00 N July 1, 2023 Special Meeting $4,830.00 $4,830.00 N July 1, 2023 Application for Pre-Consultation Simple2 $350.00 $350.00 N July 1, 2023 Complex $1,200.00 $1,200.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law Amendment - Pre-submission Review Zoning By-law Amendment - Major 3 - Base Fee $9,590.00 $9,590.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit City Development Department - Planning User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning First 25 units (1-25)$260.00 $260.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$190.00 $190.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$160.00 $160.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$65.00 $65.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Non-Residential Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 4 $910.00 $910.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 5 $330.00 $330.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law Amendment - Minor 6 $6,690.00 $6,690.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Recirculation 7 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $1,320.00 $1,320.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding $1,980.00 $1,980.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding (Complex/Block Plan Required) $9,590.00 $9,590.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Extension of Temporary Use By-law $9,590.00 $9,590.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law Amendment - Application Zoning By-law Amendment - Major 3 - Base Fee $10,100.00 $10,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit First 25 units (1-25)$240.00 $240.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$180.00 $180.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$145.00 $145.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$60.00 $60.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Non-Residential Ha (or part thereof) Land Area 4 $485.00 $485.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 5 $305.00 $305.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law Amendment - Minor 6 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $1,250.00 $1,250.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding $1,830.00 $1,830.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding (Complex/Block Plan Required) $10,100.00 $10,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Extension of Temporary Use By-law $10,100.00 $10,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning By-law - Reconsideration 8 $5,230.00 $5,230.00 N July 1, 2023 Minister Zoning Order Minister Zoning Order Amendment - Major 9 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Minister Zoning Order Amendment - Minor 10 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N July 1, 2023 Official Plan Amendment - Pre-submission Review Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Major 11 $45,500.00 $45,500.00 N July 1, 2023 Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Minor 12 $21,650.00 $21,650.00 N July 1, 2023 Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Recirculation 7 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $3,300.00 $3,300.00 N July 1, 2023 User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning Official Plan Amendment - Application Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Major 11 $89,000.00 $43,500.00 N July 1, 2023 Pickering Official Plan Amendment - Minor 12 $42,400.00 $20,750.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $6,300.00 $3,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Regional Official Plan - Amendment (not part of a Pickering OPA) $37,100.00 $37,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Neighbourhood Development Guideline Amendment 13 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 N July 1, 2023 Land Division Comments $2,600.00 $2,600.00 N July 1, 2023 Clearance of Conditions $1,300.00 $1,300.00 N July 1, 2023 Council authorization to proceed by land division instead of draft plan of subdivision 14 $8,670.00 $8,670.00 N July 1, 2023 Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Conveyance For the creation of up to 3 additional lots (price per lot created) $6,940.00 $6,940.00 N July 1, 2023 For the creation of more than 3 additional lots See Parkland By-law See Parkland By-law N July 1, 2023 Draft Plan of Subdivision - Pre-submission Review Base Fee $32,800.00 $32,800.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit First 25 units (1-25)$470.00 $470.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$380.00 $380.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$300.00 $300.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$190.00 $190.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Non-Residential Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 4 $150.00 $150.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 5 $95.00 $95.00 N July 1, 2023 Draft Plan of Subdivision - Recirculation 7 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Applicant-Initiated Revisions to Draft Plan of Subdivision Endorsed Pre-submission $22,200.00 $22,200.00 N July 1, 2023 Draft Plan of Subdivision - Application Base Fee $34,600.00 $34,600.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit First 25 units (1-25)$575.00 $575.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$465.00 $465.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$365.00 $365.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$230.00 $230.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Non-Residential Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 4 $185.00 $185.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land Area 5 $115.00 $115.00 N July 1, 2023 User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning Additional fee if within Oak Ridges Moraine or Greenbelt $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N July 1, 2023 Revisions to Draft Approved Plan - (redline revisions) - Pre-submission Review Base Fee $13,000.00 $13,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Additional Residential Units First 25 units (1-25)$470.00 $470.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$380.00 $380.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$300.00 $300.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$190.00 $190.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per additional Non- Residential Ha (or part thereof) of $150.00 $150.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per additional Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land $95.00 $95.00 N July 1, 2023 Revision to Draft Approved Plan - Recirculation 7 N/A $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Applicant-Initiated Revisions to Draft Approved Plan Endorsed Pre-submission N/A $9,112.00 N July 1, 2023 Revisions to Draft Approved Plan - (redline revisions) - Application Base Fee $13,600.00 $13,600.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Additional Residential Units First 25 units (1-25)$575.00 $575.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$465.00 $465.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$365.00 $365.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$230.00 $230.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per additional Non- Residential Ha (or part thereof) of $185.00 $185.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per additional Development Block Ha (or part thereof) of Land $115.00 $115.00 N July 1, 2023 Release of Draft Plan of Subdivision/Clearance Fee $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Plan of Condominium - Pre-submission Review Draft Plan of Condominium $5,400.00 $5,400.00 N July 1, 2023 Common Element Condominium $7,900.00 $7,900.00 N July 1, 2023 Plan of Condominium Recirculation 7 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Condominium Conversion $7,900.00 $7,900.00 N July 1, 2023 Revisions to a Draft Approved Plan - (redline revisions) $3,100.00 $3,100.00 N July 1, 2023 Plan of Condominium - Application Draft Plan of Condominium $13,600.00 $13,600.00 N July 1, 2023 Common Element Condominium $19,300.00 $19,300.00 N July 1, 2023 Condominium Conversion $19,300.00 $19,300.00 N July 1, 2023 Release of Draft Plan of Condominium/Clearance Fee $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning Site Plan - Pre-submission Review Residential See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 Commercial See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 Industrial See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use) - Base Fee $5,300.00 $10,075.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit First 25 units (1-25)$370.00 $370.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$300.00 $300.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 units (101-200)$225.00 $225.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$55.00 $55.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per 2,000 m2 of Non- Residential GFA $4,405.00 $4,405.00 N July 1, 2023 Site Plan Recirculation 7 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N July 1, 2023 Applicant Initiated Revision to Site Plan Endorsed Pre-submission Base Fee Pre-submission base fee plus residential units and non-residential GFA N July 1, 2023 Minor Revision to approved Site Plan 18 N/A $1,610.00 Major Revision to approved Site Plan N/A Application base fee plus additional units and additional non-residential GFA Site Plan - Application Review Residential See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 Commercial See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 Industrial See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" See "All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use)" N July 1, 2023 All Uses (Residential, Non-Residential, Mixed-Use) - Base Fee $2,900.00 $5,425.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per Residential Unit First 25 units (1-25)$145.00 $145.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 75 units (26-100)$115.00 $115.00 N July 1, 2023 Next 100 Units (101-200)$85.00 $85.00 N July 1, 2023 All additional units (201+)$20.00 $20.00 N July 1, 2023 Plus Fee per 2,000 m2 of Non- Residential GFA $1,695.00 $1,695.00 N July 1, 2023 Minor Revision to approved Site Plan 18 N/A $805.00 Major Revision to approved Site Plan N/A Application base fee plus additional units and additional non-residential GFA User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning Site Plan Agreement and Clearance of Conditions $7,300.00 $0.00 N July 1, 2023 Compliance Inspections/LC Release Report (includes 2 inspections) $960.00 $960.00 N July 1, 2023 Additional Compliance Inspections $410.00 $410.00 N July 1, 2023 Other Fees Request for Zoning Information $55.00 $55.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning Certificate - Residential (single, semi, townhouse, accessory structure) initial review + 1 revision $150.00 $150.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning Certificate - Development (within infill precincts, ORM, or requiring MDS calculation) initial review + 1 revision $580.00 $580.00 N July 1, 2023 Zoning Certificate - Mixed-use/Multi Residential/Non-Residential (industrial, commercial, institutional) initial review + 1 revision $695.00 $695.00 N July 1, 2023 Peer Reviews 15 Full recovery of City costs + 10% admin. fee Full recovery of City costs + 10% admin. fee Y July 1, 2023 Minor Revision to Approved Condo Site Plan (by unit owner) i.e., decks, sheds, fences $115.00 $115.00 N July 1, 2023 File Reactivation 16 $5,230.00 $5,230.00 N July 1, 2023 Opinion Letter for Complex Inquiries $1,200.00 $1,200.00 N July 1, 2023 Add Street Name to Approved List $1,070 $1,070 Y July 1, 2023 Request to Change Municipal Address $1,070 $1,070 Y July 1, 2023 Request for Exception to Council Adopted Policies on Municipal Addressing and Street Naming $6,040.00 $6,040.00 N July 1, 2023 Refund of Application Fees 17 $0 $0 Y July 1, 2023 Film Location Permit $350.00 $350.00 Y July 1, 2023 Film Location Permit and Road Closure $500.00 $500.00 Y July 1, 2023 Any other matter requiring a Report to Committee or Council $6,040.00 $6,040.00 N July 1, 2023 1. Fee applicable after Council adoption. - an application relating to more than one property - a site specific application, if considered to represent a large scale redevelopment - any change in use and/or zone category, except as identified under a minor amendment - an application involving significant changes to the development standards or general provisions of the by-law - an application which requires major technical studies and extensive consultation 4. Applies to blocks intended to be developed for commercial, industrial, and institutional uses (including school blocks). 5. Excludes lands to be conveyed for roads, parkland, natural hazards, and stormwater or other public infrastructure. - request for additional permitted use, within an existing building with no significant impact on existing development standards - changes in development standards or zone to accommodate a residential severance to create one additional lot - application for Temporary Use 6. An application for minor or small scale zoning amendment having no significant impact on adjoining lands, as determined by the Director, City Development or designate. Minor applications must be site specific and meet one or more of the following conditions: 7. Application fees include two resubmissions before re-circulation fees apply. Recirculation fees will be charged for the fourth submission and every submission thereafter. 3. An application for an amendment that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor zoning amendment, and which may have greater impact beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director, City Development or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following conditions: 2. Oak Ridges Moraine applications, minor additions to existing bldgs (up to 20% of the current gross floor area) and inclusion of related uses. User Fee or Charge Fees Approved on May 23, 2023 (Excluding HST) Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) HST Applicable (Y/N) Proposed Fee Effective Date City Development Department - Planning 16. Fee applies to planning applications that have been inactive over 1 year but less than 2 years. If the file has been inactive 2 or more years, the file will be closed without notice and a new application will be required with current application fees being applied. 18. Minor revisions to approved Site Plans include, but are not limited to: - accessory structures - façade changes - minor parking lot expansions (not to exceed 25% of the existing parking supply) - development of detached dwellings and accessory structures on the Oak Ridges Moraine - garden centres - restaurant patios - additions to existing buildings not exceeding, the lesser of, 1,000 square metres and 25% of the existing GFA - an application involving significant changes to the policies of the Official Plan 12. An application for a minor, site specific and small scale amendment or exception to Official Plan policies and designations, having limited impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director, City Development or designate. 13. An application to amend a Neighbourhood Development Guideline when the development proposal would necessitate an amendment to the Guideline or there is no other planning application being processed by Council. 14. Charged only if no other planning applications are being processed by Council. 15. The applicant is responsible for the City's full costs of undertaking the peer review of any studies or drawings submitted in support of the application. This requirement applies to matters such as, but not limited to, the peer review of traffic, marketing, environmental, noise, engineering drawings and reports, and architectural drawings. 17. Also subject to deduction of credit card fee if paid by credit card. 10. A minor Minister's Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards comply with the City's zoning by-law. 11. An application that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor amendment and which may have greater impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands, as determined by the Director, City Development or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following conditions: - an application which requires major technical studies and extensive consultation - an application relating to more than one property - a site specific application if considered to represent large scale redevelopment or significant change to the designations and permitted - does not change the nature of the proposal; - is minor and technical in nature and not expected to result in fundamental changes to the layout and design of the proposal; - does not involve re-engagement with the public; and - does not require recirculation of the application to external agencies. 9. A major Minister's Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards do not comply with the City's zoning by-law and a Report to Council is required. 8. An Application may apply for reconsideration provided that the resolution of the issue of concern: