HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 13-23 Report to Council Report Number: FIN 13-23 Date: June 26, 2023 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Annual Indexing – Development Charges, Community Benefit Charges and Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement - File: F-4920-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 13-23 of the Director, Finance & Treasurer be received; 2. That effective July 1 to July 11, 2023 as provided for in By-law No. 7953/22, the Development Charges referred to in Schedule “C” of that By-law be increased by 12.3 percent; 3. That effective July 12, 2023 the Development Charges referred to in Schedule “C” of that By-law No. 7953/22 be increased to 85 percent of the maximum fee as legislated by Bill 23, More Homes, Built Faster Act; 4. That effective July 1, 2023 as provided for in By-law No. 7954/22, the Community Benefit Charges referred to in Schedule “A” of that By-law be increased by 12.3 percent; 5. That effective July 1, 2023 the payments related to “10 percent Soft Services” as provided for by the Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement dated Novem ber 26, 2015 be increased by 12.3 percent; and 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Development Charges Act 1997 and Ontario Regulation 82/98, and By-law No. 7953/22 provide for an automatic annual adjustment to the City’s development charges (the “DCs”) based on the Building Construction Price Index in order to keep development charges revenues current with construction costs. The City also passed its Community Benefit Charges Strategy on July 11, 2022 and By-law No. 7954/22, which also provides for an annual adjustment of the Community Benefit Charges (CBC) fee. The Building Construction Price Index for the non-residential buildings construction for the annual period ending March 31, 2023 is 12.3 percent. Bill 23, More Homes, Built Faster Act, was passed on November 28, 2022 and as a result, the City is required to phase in the maximum DC fee over a 4-year period. As of July 12, 2023, the FIN 13-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Annual Indexing – Development Charges, Community Page 2 Benefit Charges and Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement City will be entering Year 2 of the phase-in and will be able to charge 85 percent of the DC fee set in the 2022 DC Background Study, in addition to the CPI increase of 12.3 percent. During the timeframe of July 1, 2023 to July 11, 2023, the 80 percent maximum DC fee will continue to be charged with the CPI indexing of 12.3 percent, effective July 1st. Adoption of Recommendations 2 to 5 of this report will put into effect the higher rates for the period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Attachment 1 provides the DCs by service category for the City-wide area in Pickering excluding the Seaton lands with the new rates reflecting the annual indexing of 12.3 percent effective July 1, 2023 to July 11, 2023. Attachment 2 provides the DCs by service category for the Seaton lands, and the new rates with the indexing of 12.3 percent effective July 1, 2023 to July 11, 2023. The additional charges applicable to development in Seaton as approved in the Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement (FIA) is also reflected in this attachment. Attachment 3 provides the DCs by service category for the City-wide area in Pickering excluding the Seaton lands with the new rates reflecting the annual indexing of 12.3 percent along with the 85 percent charge of the maximum DC fee , effective July 12, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Attachment 4 provides the DCs by service category for the Seaton lands, and the ne w rates with the indexing of 12.3 percent along with the 85 percent charge of the maximum DC fee, effective July 12, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The additional charges applicable to development in Seaton as approved in the Seaton FIA is also reflected in this attachment. Attachment 5 provides the CBC fee with the new rates reflecting the annual indexing of 12.3 percent. Financial Implications: Increasing the development charges and community benefit charges based on an increase in the construction price index will assist in keeping the revenues generated in line with current construction costs. Discussion: As provided for in Ontario Reg. 82/98, s.7, and in section 16 of the City’s By- law No. 7953/22 and in section 2.13 of By-law No. 7954/22, the development charges and community benefit charge imposed by the City for all types of development shall be indexed annually without amending the By-law. Adoption of the recommendations contained in this report will allow that increase to take effect July 1, 2023, thereby assisting in keeping revenues in line with the costs that DC and CBC fund. FIN 13-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Annual Indexing – Development Charges, Community Page 2 Benefit Charges and Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement Statistics Canada indicates that the non-residential buildings construction price index (an indicator of our costs of construction) for the Toronto area has increased by 12.3 percent for the annual period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. The change is reflected in the tables attached. DC By-law No. 7953/22, section 16(1)(a) provides that the rates in Schedule “C” shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the change in the index for the most recently available annual period ending March 31. Schedule “C” is applicable to the new DCs ra tes effective on July 1, 2022 as a result of the 2022 DC Background Study. Attachment 6 provides the change in rates in Schedule “C” from November 28, 2022 to July 12, 2023 based on the 12.3 percent indexing, and increasing the maximum DC fee to 85 percent. CBC By-law No. 7954/22, section 2.13(a) provides that the rates in Schedule “A” shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the change in the index for the most recently available annual period ending March 31. Schedule “C” is applicable to the new CBC rates effective on September 30, 2022 as a result of the 2022 Community Benefits Strategy. Attachment 7 provides the change in rates in Schedule “A” from September 30, 2022 to July 1, 2023 based on the 12.3 percent indexing. Continuing from previous years, City staff are including in the DCs annual indexing report, additional charges applicable to development in Seaton lands as approved in the Seaton FIA. Sections 4 - 6 of the FIA outline the DC-related financial terms of the agreement. Note that of $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 Prior to July 2022 (Old DCs) July 12, 2022 (New DCs) Nov 28, 2022 (Bill 23) July 1-11, 2023 (CPI Index) July 12, 2023 (Bill 23 Phase-In 85%) July 12, 2024 (Bill 23 Phase-In 90%) City DC Fee: Single & Semi-Detached June 2022 to July 2024 City-Wide Seaton FIN 13-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Annual Indexing – Development Charges, Community Page 2 Benefit Charges and Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement all the 3 services collectible based on the Seaton FIA, the “10 percent Soft Services” is the only service to be indexed. Attachment 8 provides further details on these charges with the 12.3 percent indexing. The Seaton DC rates are lower than the City-wide DC rates to reflect the fact that the Seaton Landowner Group (SLG) is responsible to design, build and pay for the Seaton internal roads network. Upon Council’s approval of the recommendations contained in this report, the development charges brochure will be updated to reflect the approved rates. The updated brochure will be posted on the City’s website and made available at various counters throughout the Civic Complex. Attachments: 1. City-Wide Development Charges (excludes Seaton Lands) – Effective July 1 - 11, 2023 2. Seaton Lands Development Charges and Financial Impacts Agreement Charges – Effective July 1 - 11, 2023 3. City-Wide Development Charges (excludes Seaton Lands) – Effective July 12, 2023 4. Seaton Lands Development Charges and Financial Impacts Agreement Charges – Effective July 12, 2023 5. Community Benefits Charge – Effective July 1, 2023 6. Schedule “C” – City of Pickering Schedule of Development Charges 7. Schedule “A” – City of Pickering Schedule of Community Benefit Charges 8. Seaton Lands – Financial Impacts Agreement Charges, Section 5.1 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Jason Bekramchand, CPA Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Senior Financial Analyst – Capital & Director, Finance & Treasurer Debt Management FIN 13-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Annual Indexing – Development Charges, Community Page 2 Benefit Charges and Seaton Financial Impacts Agreement Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering City-Wide Development Charges (Excludes Seaton Lands) Development Charges (DC) By-law No. 7953/22 Effective July 1, 2023 - July 11, 2023 80% of maximum fee, indexed Non-Residential Charges Service Category Single and Semi- Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non-Residential per ft² of Total Floor Area Other Services Related to a Highway $670 $390 $239 $517 $0.31 Fire Protection Services 1,057 615 377 814 0.48 Parks and Recreation Services 11,924 6,935 4,256 9,185 0.93 Library Services 2,196 1,277 783 1,692 0.17 Growth-Related Studies 211 123 75 163 0.03 Stormwater Management 413 241 147 318 0.19 By-Law Enforcement Services 93 54 33 71 0.04 Transportation1 12,093 7,034 4,317 9,316 4.25 Total $28,657 $16,669 $10,227 $22,076 $6.40 1 Does not apply to Seaton Lands. Seaton Lands subject to a separate agreement outside of the Development Charges Act concerning provision of the Transportation requirements in addition to other funding contributions. Per Residential Dwelling Unit by Type Attachment #2 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering Seaton Lands Development Charges and Financial Impacts Agreement (FIA) Charges Development Charges (DC) By-law No. 7953/22 and FIA Article 5 Effective July 1, 2023 - July 11, 2023 80% of maximum fee, indexed Service Category Single and Semi-Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non-Residential per ft² of Total Floor Area 5 (per net Ha of Prestige Employment Land in Seaton) Other Services Related to a Highway $670 $390 $239 $517 $0.31 $10,507 Fire Protection Services 1,057 615 377 814 0.48 16,613 Parks and Recreation Services 11,924 6,935 4,256 9,185 0.93 32,277 Library Services 2,196 1,277 783 1,692 0.17 6,017 Growth-Related Studies 211 123 75 163 0.03 973 Stormwater Management 413 241 147 318 0.19 6,499 By-Law Enforcement Services 93 54 33 71 0.04 1,405 Transportation 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Total DC By-law No. 7953/22 $16,564 $9,635 $5,910 $12,760 $2.15 $74,291 Total Soft Services 2 1,181 539 539 935 0.137 0.137 Non Indexed: Municipal Buildings 3 189 86 86 150 n/a n/a Community Uses 4 300 137 137 238 n/a n/a Total SLG FIA $1,670 $762 $762 $1,323 $0.137 $0.137 Total Charges-Seaton Lands $18,234 $10,397 $6,672 $14,083 $2.287 $74,291/ha & $0.137/sq. ft 1 Does not apply to Seaton Lands. Seaton Lands subject to a separate agreement outside of the Development Charges Act concerning provision of the Transportation requirements in addition to other funding contributions. 2 Breakdown by service category is available upon request. Not applicable to lands owned by the Province. For residential development, payment is due at subdivision registration except for mixed-use or multi-use or multi-residential development blocks subject to site plan approval. For all other development, payment is due prior to building permit issuance. Subject to annual indexing. 3 Applicable to the first 11,280 S.D.Es built on SPL Lands, due prior to building permit issuance. No indexing 4 Applicable to the first 11,280 S.D.Es built on SPL Lands to a maximun payment of $3.3 million; due prior to building permit issuance. No indexing 5 Does not apply to prestige employment land in Seaton, as that development is subject to the per net Ha land area charge instead. Applies to non-residential development in the non-prestige employment land in Seaton. Per Residential Dwelling Unit by Type Non-Residential Charges Attachment #3 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering City-Wide Development Charges (Excludes Seaton Lands) Development Charges (DC) By-law No. 7953/22 Effective July 12, 2023 - June 30,2024 85% of maximum fee, indexed Non-Residential Charges Service Category Single and Semi- Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non-Residential per ft² of Total Floor Area Other Services Related to a Highway $712 $414 $254 $549 $0.32 Fire Protection Services 1,123 653 401 865 0.51 Parks and Recreation Services 12,670 7,368 4,522 9,759 0.98 Library Services 2,333 1,356 832 1,797 0.18 Growth-Related Studies 224 131 80 173 0.03 Stormwater Management 439 256 157 338 0.20 By-Law Enforcement Services 98 57 35 75 0.04 Transportation1 12,849 7,473 4,587 9,898 4.52 Total $30,448 $17,708 $10,868 $23,454 6.78 1 Does not apply to Seaton Lands. Seaton Lands subject to a separate agreement outside of the Development Charges Act concerning provision of the Transportation requirements in addition to other funding contributions. Per Residential Dwelling Unit by Type Attachment #4 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering Seaton Lands Development Charges and Financial Impacts Agreement (FIA) Charges Development Charges (DC) By-law No. 7953/22 and FIA Article 5 Effective July 12, 2023 - June 30,2024 85% of maximum fee, indexed Service Category Single and Semi-Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non-Residential per ft² of Total Floor Area 5 (per net Ha of Prestige Employment Land in Seaton) Other Services Related to a Highway $712 $414 $254 $549 $0.32 $11,163 Fire Protection Services 1,123 653 401 865 0.51 17,652 Parks and Recreation Services 12,670 7,368 4,522 9,759 0.98 34,294 Library Services 2,333 1,356 832 1,797 0.18 6,394 Growth-Related Studies 224 131 80 173 0.03 1,034 Stormwater Management 439 256 157 338 0.20 6,905 By-Law Enforcement Services 98 57 35 75 0.04 1,493 Transportation 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Total DC By-law No. 7953/22 $17,599 $10,235 $6,281 $13,556 $2.26 $78,935 Total Soft Services 2 1,181 539 539 935 0.137 0.137 Non Indexed: Municipal Buildings 3 189 86 86 150 n/a n/a Community Uses 4 300 137 137 238 n/a n/a Total SLG FIA $1,670 $762 $762 $1,323 $0.137 $0.137 Total Charges-Seaton Lands $19,269 $10,997 $7,043 $14,879 $2.397 $78,935/ha & $0.137/sq. ft 1 Does not apply to Seaton Lands. Seaton Lands subject to a separate agreement outside of the Development Charges Act concerning provision of the Transportation requirements in addition to other funding contributions. 2 Breakdown by service category is available upon request. Not applicable to lands owned by the Province. For residential development, payment is due at subdivision registration except for mixed-use or multi-use or multi-residential development blocks subject to site plan approval. For all other development, payment is due prior to building permit issuance. Subject to annual indexing. 3 Applicable to the first 11,280 S.D.Es built on SPL Lands, due prior to building permit issuance. No indexing 4 Applicable to the first 11,280 S.D.Es built on SPL Lands to a maximun payment of $3.3 million; due prior to building permit issuance. No indexing 5 Does not apply to prestige employment land in Seaton, as that development is subject to the per net Ha land area charge instead. Applies to non-residential development in the non-prestige employment land in Seaton. Non-Residential ChargesPer Residential Dwelling Unit by Type Attachment #5 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering Community Benefit Charges (CBC) By-law No. 7954/22 Community Benefits Charges Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Unit Type CBC Charge Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom $1,202 Apartments - 2 Bedrooms +$738 Attachment #6 to Report FIN 13-23 Schedule "C" City of Pickering Schedule of Developement Charges-DC By-law No. 7593/22 Effective November 28, 2022 Non-Residential Charges Service Category Single and Semi- Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non- Residential per Sq. Ft of Total Floor Area Prestige Employment Land in Seaton (per Sq. Ft) Other Services Related to a Highway $597 $347 $213 $460 $0.27 $9,356 Fire Protection Services 941 547 336 725 0.42 14,794 Parks and Recreation Services 10,618 6,175 3,790 8,179 0.82 28,742 Library Services 1,955 1,137 698 1,506 0.15 5,358 Growth-Related Studies 188 110 67 145 0.02 866 Stormwater Management 368 214 131 283 0.17 5,787 By-Law Enforcement Services 82 48 30 63 0.03 1,251 Total Municipal Wide Services $14,749 $8,578 $5,265 $11,361 $1.88 $66,154 Outside of Seaton Lands: Transportation 1 10,769 6,263 3,844 8,295 3.78 0 Total Services Outside of Seaton Lands $10,769 $6,263 $3,844 $8,295 $3.78 $0 Seaton $14,749 $8,578 $5,265 $11,361 $1.88 $66,154 A Rest of Pickering-City wide $25,518 $14,841 $9,109 $19,656 $5.66 N/A B Effective July 12, 2023: Indexed at 12.3% and phase-in increased to 85% of maximum DC Fee Non-Residential Charges Service Category Single and Semi- Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non- Residential per Sq. Ft of Total Floor Area Prestige Employment Land in Seaton (per Sq. Ft) Other Services Related to a Highway $712 $414 $254 $549 $0.32 $11,163 Fire Protection Services 1,123 653 401 865 0.51 17,652 Parks and Recreation Services 12,670 7,368 4,522 9,759 0.98 34,294 Library Services 2,333 1,356 832 1,797 0.18 6,394 Growth-Related Studies 224 131 80 173 0.03 1,034 Stormwater Management 439 256 157 338 0.20 6,905 By-Law Enforcement Services 98 57 35 75 0.04 1,493 Total Municipal Wide Services $17,599 $10,235 $6,281 $13,556 $2.26 $78,935 Outside of Seaton Lands: Transportation 1 12,849 7,473 4,587 9,898 4.52 0 Total Services Outside of Seaton Lands $12,849 $7,473 $4,587 $9,898 $4.52 0 Seaton Lands $17,599 $10,235 $6,281 $13,556 $2.26 $78,935 C Rest of Pickering-City wide $30,448 $17,708 $10,868 $23,454 $6.78 N/A D $ Increase - Seaton Lands $2,850 $1,657 $1,016 $2,195 $0.38 $12,781 A-C $ Increase - Rest of Pickering-City wide $4,930 $2,867 $1,759 $3,798 $1.12 N/A B-D 1. Does not apply to Seaton Lands. Seaton Lands subject to a separate agreement outside of the Development Charges Act concerning provision of the Transportation requirements in addition to other funding contributions. Per Residential Dwelling Unit By Type Per Residential Dwelling Unit By Type Attachment #7 to Report FIN 13-23 Schedule "A" City of Pickering Community Benefit Charges (CBC) By-law No. 7954/22 Effective September 30, 2022 Unit Type CBC Charge Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom $1,070 Apartments - 2 Bedrooms +$657 Effective July 1, 2023: Indexed at 12.3% Unit Type CBC Charge Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom $1,202 Apartments - 2 Bedrooms +$738 $ Increase $ Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom $132 Apartments - 2 Bedrooms +$81 Attachment #8 to Report FIN 13-23 City of Pickering Seaton Lands - Financial Impacts Agreement (FIA) Charges, Section 5.1 Section 5.1: 10% Soft Services Contribution* Effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Non-Residential Charges Service Category Single and Semi- Detached Dwelling Apartments - 2 Bedrooms + Apartments - Bachelor and 1 Bedroom Other Multiples Non- Residential per Sq. Ft of Total Floor Area Prestige Employment Land in Seaton (per Sq. Ft) 10% Soft Services Development-Related Studies 1 $6.30 $2.87 $2.87 $4.98 $0.003 $0.003 Parks Development & Trails 299.59 136.92 136.92 237.58 0.026 0.026 Indoor Recreation Facilities 624.42 284.64 284.64 493.65 0.051 0.051 Library 150.06 68.58 68.58 119.00 0.012 0.012 Operations Facilities & Vehicles 100.63 45.99 45.99 79.79 0.045 0.045 Total Soft Services $1,181 $539 $539 $935 $0.137 $0.137 * This contribution is to be indexed with the construction price index prescribed by the DC Act. ** FIA version (October 28, 2013) subsection 5.1 and 5.2 permits the City to charge an additional DC to compensate for the 10% soft services deduction. The calculation is based on the DC rate multiplied by 11.11% as stated in the FIA agreement subsection 5.2. 1 19.0% of the DC Recoverable share for the Development Related Studies is comprised of costs that are subject to the 10% deduction. Per Residential Dwelling Unit By Type **