HomeMy WebLinkAboutECD 04-23 Report to Council Report Number: ECD 04-23 Date: June 26, 2023 From: Fiaz Jadoon Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Subject: Local & Small Business Advisory Committee - File: D-1600-002 Recommendation: 1. That Report ECD 04-23 regarding the proposed Local & Small Business Advisory Committee be received; and, 2. That a Local & Small Business Advisory Committee not be established at this time. Executive Summary: In January 2023, Members of Council directed staff to review all Boards and Advisory Committees and investigate the creation of three new Advisory Committees, including a Local & Small Business Advisory Committee. Due to the broad nature of the Local & Small Business Advisory Committee Advisor Committee, staff conducted engagement with local businesses to review their needs and help staff define a scope of work that allows the committee to bring value to business operations and City policies. On May 11, 2023, Economic Development & Strategic Projects and City Development staff hosted the Kingston Road Corridor Intensification Information Session for businesses. Engagement to attract businesses to attend the event included e-newsletters, social media posts, and in-person visits. Despite extensive efforts, attendance for the event resulted in only 30 individuals with only 22 businesses represented. Additionally, staff developed and distributed a survey to the local business community in May 2023 for the proposed Local & Small Business Advisory Committee. Staff engaged with the business community through various channels and extended the deadline for the survey to allow for a greater response period. Despite these efforts, only one response was received from an eligible business. Without sound evidence that the business community requires an advisory committee, staff do not recommend the creation of a Local & Small Business Advisory Committee at this time. Staff will continue to remain engaged with the business community through the City’s corporate calling program. For areas such as Kingston Road and Nautical Village, staff will run subject specific engagement strategies. Financial Implication: Not applicable to this report. ECD 04-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Local & Small Business Advisory Committee Page 2 Discussion: At the January 23, 2023 Council Meeting, Members of Council introduced a motion for the investigation of additional advisory committees including a Local & Small Business Advisory Committee. The proposed Local & Small Business Advisory Committee was envisioned to advise on impacts of City Policy implications such as parking in the Nautical Village, relationships with the City’s Economic Development & Strategic Projects Department and the measures that will assist businesses impacted by the intensification along Kingston Road. A. Kingston Road Corridor Intensification Economic Development & Strategic Projects staff initiated a number of communication methods to inform businesses about Kingston Road and Brock Mixed Node Corridor Intensification. One such effort was the Kingston Road Corridor Intensification Information Session event held on May 11, 2023 by the Economic Development & Strategic Projects and City Development Department. This information session was organized in order to inform the business community of within the study area along Kingston Road Corridor, excluding the City Centre, and the Specialty Retailing Node, east of Brock Road, north of Highway 401 and south of Kingston Road. Presentation provided by City staff covered the impact to businesses, policy process, and current applications. The date was selected in coordination of staff and Council availability. The morning timeslot was previously identified as a more suitable time of day for business due to hours of operations and low volume of customers. The following methods were utilized to inform businesses about the event: • Two e-newsletter were sent to businesses located along Kingston Road, and on the east side of Brock Road. The newsletter was sent out to over 100 recipients that opted in for communications with an average open rate of 60% and click through rate of 11.6%. • A post-card invitation was mailed to nearly 355 businesses along the impacted area. • Staff from Economic Development & Strategic Projects and City Development Departments conducted in-person walkarounds along Kingston Road from Altona Road to Brock Road, including the east of Brock to provide invitations to the event and sharing more in person what the event will entail. As a result of the walkarounds, servicing was also conducted based on needs the business owners voiced. Approximately 250 businesses were visited over a two week span. • The promotion of the event was marketed through social media channels. Two posts on Invest Pickering’s LinkedIn and Twitter inviting businesses to the event. • An Eventbrite email reminder was sent to all the registrants the day before event. A landing page was developed for the businesses to opt into receiving updates on Kingston Road Corridor Intensification. This was translated into a QR code for businesses to opt-into communications. Staff also coordinated front desk sign-ins and encouragied opt-in into email communications. The event was also filmed by a member of the Communications team. Despite extensive efforts to engage the community, only 48 individuals signed up for the event. The attendance was approximately 28 individuals representing 22 unique businesses. ECD 04-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Local & Small Business Advisory Committee Page 3 A post event newsletter was sent out to attendees and registrants thanking them for attending and link to the video. A link to opt into email communications was reinforced. B. Local & Small Business Advisory Committee Survey: To ensure that the proposed Local & Small Business Advisory Committee would be effective, Economic Development & Strategic Projects’ staff developed a survey to understand the needs of the local business community. Through this engagement and feedback, staff intended to define the role of the committee and the composition to bring value to the Department and Council regarding ongoing concerns of local and small businesses. Staff reached out to business owners to obtain feedback and feasibility of ways to better address the needs of our local businesses. Different communication methods were implemented to inform businesses about the survey and allow them to have an opportunity to provide feedback. The survey was communicated in the following ways: • The survey was shared via Invest Pickering social media pages twice (Twitter and LinkedIn). These posts were reposted through the Corporate social media channels. • The survey was also shared through e-newletters to Pickering businesses on two occasions. This was sent to over 650 businesses with a 51% open rate and 3% click- through rate. • The survey was also posted on the City of Pickering website home page banner • The survey was advertised on the digital billboard at four locations. To date, the survey has only received two responses. One response is disqualified as the business is located outside of Pickering. As a result, the survey was not able to provide any insights into the composition or role of the Committee and signified little interest from the business community. Staff intend to run engagement sessions with Kingston Road impacted businesses in the future in alignment with the zoning strategy and as any new issues or information arise. For Nautical Village, in the past year, Economic Development & Strategic Projects’ staff have assisted in running ad-hoc engagement strategies depending on the nature of the issue. This has included the following communication methods: • Information about the new parking program was communicated through e-newsletters with an option to connect with By-law Services or request printed material. • Cultur al Services conducted multiple session engagement sessions based out of Open Studio Art Café for feedback regard events and public art in the area. • Transit surveys were distributed through e-newsletters, CurbEx signs, and in-person visits. Staff intend to continue utilizing a variety of methods for communication depending on the issue at hand. A City-wide Local & Small Business Advisory Committee would not be able to capture the diversity of feedback received from Kingston Road or Nautical Village businesses as a committee ECD 04-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Local & Small Business Advisory Committee Page 4 would likely only have one representative from each area. Furthermore, due to limited participation from businesses on both initiatives, there is no evidence that the community would benefit from such a committee. Furthermore, the role of the Local & Small Business Advisory Committee would not be effective as most issues require area specific engagement opportunities, which would not be satisfied with the creation of a Committee. Therefore, staff do not recommend implementing a Local & Small Business Advisory Committee at this time. Attachments: None. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Laraib Arshad Fiaz Jadoon Manager, Economic Development & Marketing Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects LA:la Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer