HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 09-23Report to Council Report Number: CAO 09-23 Date: June 26, 2023 From: Marisa Carpino Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Approval of Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) Events for 2023 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the 2023 PABRT-led initiatives outlined in Report CAO 09-23 as per Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy (ADM 040) and on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director, Community Services and the Chief Administrative Officer; 2. That Council authorize staff to issue a park permit for the use of Esplanade Park by PABRT, as per Community Festivals and Events Policy (CUL 070), for a community event in honour of International Day for People of African Descent on August 31, 2023; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy (ADM 040) requires that the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) seek Council approval to hold public events. As per section 04.03 and 18.01 of ADM 040, this report should include information about the month the event will be held in, the purpose of the event, budget and any other confirmed details. Additionally, the Community Festivals and Events Policy (CUL 070) outlines the criteria, guidelines and processes by which requests to host events in City parks are received and considered for approval. As per section 04.01 of CUL 070, as a “Signature Park”, community event requests for Esplanade Park must be approved by Council. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s endorsement of PABRT’s proposed events for the remainder of 2023 at various City locations and to further authorize staff to issue an Esplanade Park permit for one of the proposed events. The permit will allow for park setup, operations and clean-up by the applicant. Financial Implications: The PABRT members are responsible for coordinating and operating all aspects of its events including marketing, event organization and operation, setup, and cleanup according to the terms and conditions set out by the City of Pickering. PABRT has a Council -approved budget of $25,000.00 with the City of Pickering to support its 2023 initiatives as outlined in the Corr. 09-23 dated February 17, 2023 (Attachment 1). In accordance with that memo, $17,000 .00 has been allotted to cover “community partnerships CAO 09-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Approval of Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) Page 2 Events for 2023 and collaborations” ($7,000.00) and/or “community events and initiatives” ($10,000.00) such as those identified in this report. The event summary below provide an estimated budget for each of the events which falls well within the approved budget. Discussion: As per section 04.03 and 11.01 of the Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy (ADM 040), “taskforces must seek Council approval to hold an event and each request to Council must include the complete details of the event (e.g., budget, approximate number of staff required, month the event would be held in, and purpose of the event).” The Policy also requires that the proposed event is in accordance with the Terms of Reference and mandate of the group. As such, staff have prepared this report to provide relevant details around the PABRT’s upcoming events in order to secure Council approval and proceed with its timely development and execution. City of Pickering staff from applicable departments support the events, in principle, subject to various event requirements being met by the PABRT during the event planning process. The requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Permit for rental facility (if applicable) • Proof of liability insurance (if applicable) • Rentals of event equipment and supplies • Submission of site plan and emergency response plan • Pre-registration that does not exceed capacity • Adherence to the City’s Emergency Weather Standard Operating Procedure • Hiring of site security and police officers to monitor event operations (if applicable) 2023 Events Summary: Event Name / Significance Date Location Number of City Staff at Event (approx.) Budget Town Hall: Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Durham June/July, 2023 (Date TBD) TBD (City of Pickering facility) 3 $1,000.00 Canada Day July 1, 2023 Esplanade Park 0 (Organized by City of Pickering; staff already on site) $500.00 Community Workshop: Confronting Anti -Black Racism July, 2023 (Date TBD) TBD (City of Pickering facility) 2 $500.00 Emancipation Day August 1, 2023 Regional Headquarters 0 (Organized by Region of Durham; staff already on site) $500.00 CAO 09-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Approval of Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) Page 3 Events for 2023 Event Name / Significance Date Location Number of City Staff at Event (approx.) Budget International Day for People of African Descent August 31, 2023 Esplanade Park 3 (in addition to 2 Pickering Public Library staff) $3,000.00 Town Hall: Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Durham: PABRT will collaborate with other municipal taskforces addressing anti -Black racism/anti- racism to lead a critical community conversation on local activism and advocacy. Canada Day: Canada Day marks the anniversary of Confederation in 1867. In support of the City of Pickering’s annual festivities, PABRT will have a booth at the event with activation activities to promote the Taskforce and engage with community members. Community Workshop: Confronting Anti-Black Racism: In this workshop, former PABRT member, Zhora Adatia, will facilitate an interactive discussion that invites participants to ask questions and reflect on how the work of PABRT and similar groups/organizations impacts the overall livability of the City of Pickering and surrounding areas in Durham Region. Participants will learn about the historical context of anti -Black racism that connects to legislation, policies and operating norms that are present today. Participants will also learn about concepts related to identity and power within socia l contexts and how to connect these ideas to their working relationships with peers and the public. Emancipation Day: Emancipation Day marks the abolition of slavery on August 1, 1834, across the British Empire. In support of the region-wide annual commemoration of Emancipation Day and in collaboration with various municipalities and community organizations , PABRT will have a booth at the event and activation activities to promote the Taskforce and engage with community members. Community BBQ: International Day for People of African Descent: The International Day for People of African Descent commemorates the adoption of the first declaration of the rights of people of African descent on August 31, 1920 in New York. In celebration of this historic milestone, PABRT in partnership with the City of Pickering, Pickering Public Library and Anti -Black Racism Working Group, will host a community gathering in Esplanade Park. The event will provide a platform for the two anti -Black racism community groups to engage with Pickering residents and other service organizations. It will also be used to launch a contest for the development of an Anti -Black Racism Identifier that will signify the City’s ongoing commitment to anti -Black racism and equity, diversity and inclusion more broadly. These events and initiatives are aligned with the PABRT’s Terms of Reference with respect to its mandate, goals and responsibilities to: CAO 09-23 June 26, 2023 Subject: Approval of Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) Page 4 Events for 2023 •Identify barriers and areas of opportunity to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents. •Identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement. •Support and promote the success of the Black community. •Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community At this time, City staff are requesting Council authorization for the 2023 PABRT initiatives identified in this report. Attachment: 1.Corr. 09-23 regarding Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce - 2022 Year End Report and Proposed 2023 Work Plan dated February 17, 2023 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Jaclyn San Antonio Mark Guinto Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications JSA Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Memo To: Susan Cassel February 17, 2023 City Clerk From: Jaclyn San Antonio Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce - 2022 Year End Report and Proposed 2023 Work Plan File: A-1440 The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is pleased to provide its 2022 Year-End Report and Proposed 2023 Work Plan. 2022 Year End Report Since the submission of the PABRT’s last update to Council (as set out in Attachment 1), Taskforce members have undertaken a number of initiatives and proposed a new work plan for 2023. The following list provides a summary of initiatives and activities that the PABRT members have engaged in since May 2022. Powerfully Informed (June – September 2023) – The Taskforce implemented a multi- phased initiative to support awareness, education and engagement around the 2022 Municipal Elections and promote civic engagement among Black residents. The initiative included three information sessions (The Voting Imperative, The Power of Participatory Politics, and The Will to Run) and two community forums (Connecting with our Partners, and Connecting with Our Leaders). A total of 300 community members participated in the events. Canada Day (July 1, 2023) – The Taskforce supported the City’s Canada Day event by providing an information booth with interactive activities and giveaways to engage event attendees and raise awareness about the PABRT. Youth Academic Engagement Strategy (July & November 2022) – The Taskforce developed and implemented a strategy to support Black youth in their pursuit of post- secondary education. This included two workshops called “Reaching Higher: University & College Prep.” The first workshop featured a keynote presentation from Senior Academic Administrator, Jen McMillen, Vice Provost, Students at Toronto Metropolitan University on the post-secondary experience. The second workshop featured the Black Foundation of Corr. 09-23 Attachment #1 to CAO 09-23 Community Networks Scholarship Application and Educational Pathways Workshop and focused on supporting Black students and their families on searching, preparing, and applying for scholarships and bursaries. Over 200 community members participated in these events. Community Stakeholder Meetings (September & November 2022) – The Taskforce hosted two meetings/forums with community partners in order to identify shared concerns and opportunities for collaboration in addressing anti-Black racism with Durham Region. Winter Nights, City Lights (November 2022) – The Taskforce supported the City’s Winter Nights, City Lights event by providing an information booth in City Hall to engage event attendees and raise awareness about the PABRT. Black Joy Holiday Experience (November-December 2022) – The Taskforce partnered with the Durham Family and Cultural Centre to present a pop-up market that showcased 25 local Black-owned businesses. The event coincided with a holiday food basket drive that provided Black families with culturally significant, Afro-Caribbean diasporic food baskets. A total of 24 families experiencing financial hardship and/or food insecurity were identified through community nomination and outreach, facilitated by networks such as the Black Queens of Durham, Black Durham Region Support, Black Durham Community Support, Black Event Connections, Black Moms Connection, and Black Parents Connect Durham. Community Presentations and Consultations – The Taskforce welcomed several community partners throughout the year to deliver presentations about various community initiatives and engage in consultation. These included: City of Pickering -Community Services (public art installations, museum exhibits, etc.), Durham District School Board (Conference on the Future of Black Youth), Durham Region Anti-Racism Task Force (The Collective Community Hub), Pickering Public Library’s Anti-Black Racism Working Group (Proclamation for International Decade for People of African Descent), Pampas Press Marketing, and Cultural Expressions Art Gallery (Black History Month). Several of these presentations resulted in community collaborations, including the work plan. 2023 Work Plan As current Taskforce members near the end of their term and the City prepares to launch the next term of the PABRT with additional and/or new appointees, it was determined that preparing a full work plan for 2023 would not be appropriate. As such, existing members within this term have committed to a limited number of initiatives early 2023 based on existing partnerships, with the understanding that those appointed to serve on the next term of the PABRT will decide on how to proceed with initiatives for the remainder of the year and allocate the remaining budget accordingly. Current initiatives of the PABRT include the following: 16th Annual Durham Black History Month Celebration with Cultural Expressions Art Gallery (February 4/5, 2023) – The Taskforce partnered with Cultural Expressions Art Gallery to host the recent Black History Month celebration in Ajax. The Taskforce provided February 17, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce an information table as part of the community networking portion of the event to engage event attendees and raise awareness about the PABRT, including Calls for Members.  *Durham Black Community Collective Symposium with the Durham Region Anti- Racism Task Force (March 29, 2023) – The Taskforce is partnering with the Durham Region Anti Racism Taskforce to support the launch of The Collective Community Hub by providing light refreshments for event attendees.  *Identifier Initiative for the International Decade for People of African Descent with the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Working Group (ABRWG) (Ongoing – August 31, 2023) – The Taskforce is currently working with the ABRWG to support the development of an identifier that will represent anti-black racism work in Pickering. The organizing committing is currently consulting with the art community to determine the bes t approach to the design of an identifier. The design will result in a flag raising at City Hall to commemorate the International Day for People of African Descent on August 31, 2023 followed by a community celebration in Esplanade Park (pending permit and other approvals). *Budget allocation to be voted on by PABRT members at March 2, 2023 meeting. Proposed Budget Allocation for 2023 In 2022, as part of the Powerfully Informed Initiative, current PABRT members engaged in a number of community consultations with Black-led organizations, businesses, and Black residents across Durham Region and identified seven key areas where anti -Black racism is evident: 1) affordable housing; 2) community connectedness; 3) education; 4) healthcare; 5) policing; 6) youth; and, 7) governance. These matters are submitted as potential priority areas of concern that can guide next term of the PABRT through ongoing community collaborations, events and initiatives, and consultation efforts. The following budget allocation is proposed and recommended for 2023, subject to review, revision and final approval by members representing the next term of the PABRT. Action Area Details and examples 2023 Budget (proposed) Community partnerships and collaborations e.g., Anti-Black Racism Identifier Project, Durham Black Community Collective Symposium *Partnerships with: Durham One, Durham Family Cultural Centre, Pickering Public Library, Durham Region Police Services, Carea Health, school boards, Durham Region SHAG $7,000* February 17, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Action Area Details and examples 2023 Budget (proposed) Community events, initiatives e.g., Black History Month, Canada Day, Artfest, Cultural Fusion, Emancipation Day, Winter Nights, City Lights, etc. $10,000* Resources and supplies e.g., Online knowledge hub to share community resources $3,000* Consultation and engagement e.g., policy review, social media, Black Town Hall $3,000* Contingency For unanticipated expenses $2,000* *Budget amounts subject to Council approval of the 2023 Current Budget. JSA Attachment Memo to Council dated May 21, 2022 February 17, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Attachment #1 Memo To: Susan Cassel May 16, 2022 City Clerk From: Jaclyn San Antonio Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce - 2021-22 Year to Date Report and Proposed 2022 Work Plan File: A-1000-002 The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is pleased to provide its 2021-22 Year to Date Report and Proposed 2022 Work Plan. 2021-22 Year to Date Report: Since the submission of the PABRT’s last update to Council (Corr. 43-21; as set out in Attachment 1), Taskforce members have undertaken a number of initiatives, added new members, and developed a new work plan for 2022. The following list provides a summary of initiatives and activities that the PABRT members have engaged in since October 2021.  Participated in Culture Days 2021 and hosted two community events, “Soca Wellness Social” and “Family Floetry Fitness,” featuring Black artists and facilitators (October 2021).  Hosted “416 Meets 905” Open Mic Night for youth in collaboration with Shakkoi and RISE Edutainment to support youth expression and empowerment through spoken word poetry (November 27, 2021).  Attended an Orientation Session for PABRT members at George Ashe Community Centre with City staff representation from Legislative Services, Community Services, Corporate Communications, and Finance (December 9, 2021).  Prepared a Letter of Support to endorse the Pickering Museum’s grant application to the Canadian Race Relations Foundation for the development of an exhibit on Black history, resulting in the City’s acquisition of $50,000 in funding (February 2022).  Released a call for members resulting in the Council appointment of eight new PABRT members (February 28, 2022).  Attended an Information Session / Orientation for new PABRT members at George Ashe Community Centre (March 31, 2022) with City staff representation from Legislative Services, Community Services, and Corporate Communications.  Participated in first Durham Regional Police Service Virtual Town Hall on the Race-Based Data Collection Strategy (March 24, 2022).  Featured in Your City magazine (published in April 2022).  Participated in focus group with Goss Gilroy Incorporated to inform the City of Pickering and Pickering Public Library’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (April 27, 2022). 2022 Work Plan: Canada Day and Cultural Fusion Events: The PABRT will participate in the City of Pickering’s community events for Canada Day (July 1) and Cultural Fusion (August 19-21) by providing information booths with small interactive activities to engage event attendees and raise community awareness around the PABRT initiatives. Powerfully Informed: PABRT plans to host the “Powerfully Informed” initiative throughout 2022. This initiative that aims to support awareness, education and engagement around the upcoming municipal elections, and promote civic engagement among Black residents more broadly. Specifically, it aims to articulate community priorities among Black residents of Pickering; educate and inform community members about civic engagement; establish a platform for engaging with City leaders; and, provide an online knowledge hub to support education and promote civic engagement. The initiative will be developed and implemented by all PABRT members in collaboration with relevant City staff and community partners and take place throughout the remainder of 2022. It will occur through multiple phases including:  Phase 1: Identifying Our Community Priorities (April-May): A survey will be disseminated amongst the PABRT members to identify issues of concern, priorities and proposed actions as it relates to anti-Black racism in multiple sectors in the community (e.g., health, education, employment, criminal justice, etc.). The survey results will be synthesized and disseminated as a brief report.  Phase 2: Engaging Our People (June-August): The PABRT will host three information sessions with Pickering residents and other community partners. Each session will feature a guest facilitator. Information sessions will focus on the following topics: 1. The Voting Imperative (June 16, Esplanade Park). 2. The Power of Participatory Politics (July 20, 2022, Esplanade Park). 3. The Will to Run (August 4, 2022, George Ashe Community Centre).  Phase 3: Connecting with Our Leaders (September 29, 2022): The PABRT will host a roundtable, dinner or panel discussion with community leaders to discuss community priorities. Community discussions will be guided by moderators. A final report will be produced and disseminated at the event. May 16, 2022 Page 2 of 4 2021 Year End Report and Proposed 2022 Work Plan for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce  Phase 4: Establishing Our Knowledge Hub (September 2022): An online knowledge hub to store and share information from Phases 1-3 will be produced and published. This tool will serve to promote civic engagement and participation in support of the 2022 Municipal Elections and beyond. The “Powerfully Informed” initiative is directly aligned with the PABRT’s Terms of Reference with respect to its mandate to:  Identify barriers and areas of opportunity to enhance the shared experience and opportunities of Black residents.  Provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti-Black racism initiatives within the community.  Identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement . Youth Academic Engagement Strategy: PABRT plans to develop and implement the “Youth Academic Engagement Strategy” in 2022. The Youth Academic Engagement Strategy is a two- part plan to support Black youth (Grades 9-12) in their pursuit of post-secondary education. The initiative will feature two main components: 1. Reaching Higher: University & College Prep and Application Review (July 2022): This clinic will feature presentations from senior academic administrators on the following topics: application process, funding opportunities (e.g., bursaries, grants, scholarships, etc.), housing and student experience. It will also include tutoring sessions to facilitate academic advancement at both the secondary and post-secondary level. 2. Tutoring: Secondary and Post-Secondary Students (October – December 2022): Through a series of drop-in sessions, youth will have the opportunity to connect with tutors on various curricular topics to receive academic support and guidance. The Youth Engagement Strategy is aligned with the PABRT’s Terms of Reference with respect to its mandate, goals and responsibilities to:  Identify barriers and areas of opportunity to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents.  Identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement .  Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives.  Support and promote the success of the Black community.  Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community. Other Initiatives: In addition to the events and initiatives noted above, the PABRT will also be undertaking work to update and revise their Terms of Reference and promote the Taskforce through social media platforms. The table below provides a description of each along with budget details. May 16, 2022 Page 3 of 4 2021 Year End Report and Proposed 2022 Work Plan for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Initiative Date Description Revision of Terms of Reference May – June 2022 The Inclusive Governance subcommittee will lead the revision of existing Terms of Reference for the PABRT to apply relevant updates and better reflect the work and capacity of Members. Digital Marketing Ongoing (5-month contract) A digital marketer will be hired (for $5,000) to support PABRT’s public communications and engagement through social media platforms (i.e., Instagram, Twitter). JSA Attachment 1 Corr. 43-21 May 16, 2022 Page 4 of 4 2021 Year End Report and Proposed 2022 Work Plan for the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce -C0)of­ p](KER1NG Attachment 1 Corr. 43-21 Memo To: Susan Cassel City Clerk From: Jaclyn San Antonio Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Clara Addo-Bekoe Manager, People & Culture Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Members Subject: Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) 2021 Quarterly Update and Work Plan File: A-1410-010 September 17, 2021 The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is pleased to submit, for Council’s information, the 2021 quarterly report and Work Plan as follows: Struck in early 2021, the PABRT has so far completed the following:  At our April 8th meeting, the taskforce appointed our executive team, appointing the positions of chair, vice-chair, treasurer, and two secretaries  Our Terms of Reference was formally adopted by the taskforce on April 26 th  At the May 6th meeting, our 7 sub-committees were struck:  Youth Development  Education  Health and Wellness Services  Employment Opportunities and Financial Supports  Community and Civic Engagement  Inclusive Governance and Leadership  Policing and the Justice System  The taskforce voted to provide a letter of support for the Community Piano Project (Music and Wellness Safe Space for City of Pickering) at June 3rd meeting  Various communication tools (PABRT.ca, Microsoft Teams site) and a regular meeting cadence (for executive and sub-committee meetings) have been established  Joined with the Pickering Library Anti-Black Racism Working Group in sending a letter of concern to the City of Pickering regarding the hiring of Goss Gilroy as the selected vendor to support the City in forming its strategy and achieving its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion objectives. Key concerns of both the PABRT and the ABRWG is that Goss Gilroy’s public image and information does not demonstrate expertise in EDI, nor do they represent racialized communities/reflect City of Pickering residents  A Code of Ethics was created specifically for the PABRT by vice-chair Catherine Mosca – accepted by vote on June 3, 2021, individual taskforce member adherence forms signed and submitted in July/August 2021.  Initial meetings with key partners: Durham Regional Police Service, Durham District School Board, Andrea Horwath  Terms of Reference revised to provide greater clarity on the autonomy and accountability of sub-committee co-chairs to streamline communications and more efficiently complete taskforce work  July 9 PABRT.ca was launched  August 12 Media Advisory released for the Call for Subcommittees 2021 Work Plan The following activities are planned for the remainder of the year in accordance with the mandate, goals, objectives and responsibilities of the PABRT. Activities are organized acco rding to the subcommittees of the PABRT. Refer to Chart 1 for further details on how the work of each subcommittee aligns with the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the PABRT . For more information on PABRT and its subcommittees, please visit pabrt.ca Subcommittee Activity Budget Community & Civic Engagement (CCE)  Promote existence of Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce via the Pickering Community Piano event featuring artist Aiysha Chiguichon and a facilitated community conversation (September 2021)  Participate in Reimagine Culture Days with City of Pickering (September/October 2021)  Purchase Banner for PABRT to be used at events and to advertise  Host a virtual Open House event for residents to highlight PABRT subcommittees and related City of Pickering services (November/December 2021)  Promote Bang the Table / Let’s Talk Pickering to enhance community engagement with the taskforce  Leverage PABRT website, social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok to encourage Black community residents to register and access the Let’s Talk Pickering community engagement platform. $15,000 September 17, 2021 Page 2 of 6 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 Quarterly Report Education (EDU)  Facilitate workshops for parents/caregivers on navigating the school system in Durham Region and provide training and resources for parents/caregivers to work towards Black student success. October/November 2021  In preparation for the workshops, members of the Education Subcommittee will receive training using the African Canadian Christian Network (ACCN) framework on navigating the school system.  Host a panel discussion featuring Durham District School Board’s Compendium for Black Student Success, which highlights the goals, mission, actions and achievements of the Compendium. $4,000 Employment (EMP) Prep work for 2022. See long term plans below.  Host a workshop on financial literacy featuring Samantha Brookes, which focuses on the importance of investing early and consistently building on generational wealth. The workshop will further explore financial components such as budgeting, borrowing, estate planning, life insurance and real estate properties. January 2022.  Facilitate a coding workshop for Black youth in collaboration with a technical service provider (e.g., Girls Who Code, Black Boys Code, Tech Spark). This workshop aims to enhance skill-building around creativity, teamwork, presentation, and problem-solving in the digital age. February 2022. n/a Health & Wellness (HLT) Host a virtual event to engage the black health and wellness organizations and service providers in Durham. The event will feature semi-structured questions created by our sub-committee to guide a discussion to help determine the gaps in service and steps needed to improve the health of the Pickering black community. Proposed date of event November 2021 n/a Inclusive Governance & Leadership (INC) Prep work for 2022. See long term plans below:  Develop an inclusion lens policy to inform the City’s procurement processes.  Retaining expertise in diversity & inclusion, and procurement policies.  Recommend fair standards for hiring persons identified as black in leadership positions n/a September 17, 2021 Page 3 of 6 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 Quarterly Report 0 0 0 0 0 0  Research studies on effective policies on diversity hiring in municipalities.  Hiring of facilitator/trainer on anti-black racism training  Retaining expertise to assist with conducting surveys and statistical analysis of data Policing & Justice System (POL)  Host a panel discussion on building trust between the Black community and police. The panel discussion will include a moderator and experts from law enforcement, the Black community and DRPS representative(s). November 2021  Create a virtual database for the Black community on resources available for addressing police misconduct. The sub-committee will compile a comprehensive listing of organizations, field professionals and government agencies that provide support in addressing police misconduct. This information will be housed on the PABRT.ca/Help your Neighbours n/a Youth Development (YTH)  Partner with CCE subcommittee to assist with community engagement events that will promote the PABRT and attract youth members to join the task force. n/a Chart 1. Fulfillment of Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities CCE EDU EMP HLT INC POL YTH 1. Be inclusive of all community residents at all levels and abilities; and, 2. Build partnerships and share resources with like-minded organizations to maximize benefit, be aware of global best practice, to reduce potential for overlap of services and initiatives. September 17, 2021 Page 4 of 6 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 Quarterly Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities CCE EDU EMP HLT INC POL YTH 3. Celebrate and support success within the Black community. 4. Conserve and promote Black history and heritage. 5. Engage stakeholders, businesses, and cultural organizations as partners in the delivery of initiatives. 6. Ongoing communication with the residents of Pickering to identify existing systemic barriers for Black residents and develop/provide opportunities to address these barriers, provide education, and effect change. 7. Produce an annual action plan and report to Council within the first three months of operation, which identifies primary goals, measurement tools, implementation plans, timelines, and budget. 8. Provide advocacy and leadership on behalf of the Black community to the City, as well as organizations and businesses serving the City of Pickering. 9. Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community. 10. Provide opportunities for the creation, education, and enjoyment of Black culture. 11. Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives. September 17, 2021 Page 5 of 6 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 Quarterly Report 0 0 0 Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities CCE EDU EMP HLT INC POL YTH 12. Support the creation and success of Black community and cultural organizations. 13. Work towards the reduction/elimination of anti-Black racism. September 17, 2021 Page 6 of 6 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 Quarterly Report