HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 29, 2023 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee Agenda June 29, 2023 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Hybrid Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1. Review and Approval of Agenda 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Delegations/Presentations Durham Region Community Safety & Well-Being Plan Next Steps for Pickering 1 5. New Business 5.1 Terms of Reference Review 14 5.2 Proposed 2023 Meeting Schedule 17 5.3 Goals & Objectives Review 18 5.4 CSWB Survey Review 19 6. Other Business 7. Next Meeting 8. Adjournment pickering.ca Durham Region Plan Future Steps for Pickering Community Safety & Well-Being pickering.capickering.ca 4 3 2 1 Agenda Plan Overview Priority Risk Factors Pickering Profile Next Steps pickering.ca •Police Services Act mandate •Emerged as a multi-sector responsibility •Umbrella document to guide regional, municipal, and community levels with a core set of goals aligned. Purpose pickering.ca •2 public surveys •3 open houses •Stakeholder Roundtable •Internal Working Group & Data Sub-Committee •Steering Committee •Area Municipal Working Group Research & Development Provincial Risk- Driven Tracking Health Departments Statistics Canada Durham Regional Police Services Social Services Paramedic Services Housing data Statistics Canada pickering.ca Priority Risk Factors Mental Health Substance Use Homelessness & Basic Needs Criminal Involvement Victimization Social Isolation Experiences of Racism pickering.ca •Mental health-related calls to the police •Police mental health calls resulting in apprehensions •Self-rated mental health (excellent or very good) •Self-harm emergency department visits in youth aged 10 to 24 •Paramedic calls related to suspected opioid overdoses •Infants born with neonatal abstinence syndrome •Emergency department visits for opioid poisoning •Deaths due to opioid poisoning •People actively experiencing homelessness •People experiencing homelessness who moved into housing •Total people housed •Percent of households with food insecurity •Sense of belonging (strong or very strong) •Seniors living alone (65+) •Youth diversion rate •Crime severity index •Property crime rate •Violent crime rate •Percent of violent crime that is domestic-related •Percent of repeat victims of violent incidents Performance Indicators pickering.ca Crime Statistics (2020-2022) Pickering Profile Homicide Robbery Theft Sexual Violations Break & Enter Auto Theft Assault 0.2% 4.2% 7.0% 9.0% 18.9% 24.6% 36.1% pickering.ca Our Pickering Plan 2019 Council direction for Pickering- specific CSWB Plan 2020 Regional & City initiatives on hold 2021 Region of Durham Council endorsed Durham Region CSWB Plan 2022 Focus: Implementation of new staff and engagement with community supports 2023 Community Services creates Draft Work Plan Creation of Internal Working Group & Advisory Committee pickering.ca Next Steps Consultation on Pickering Priorities Draft Plan to Council Community Consultation on Draft Plan Final Plan pickering.ca Goals &Objectives 1.Networking & Engagement 2.Training &Education 3.Homelessness Task Force 4.Advocacy pickering.ca Elaine Knox Community Safety &Well-Being Advisor Community Services 905.420.4660 ext. 1137 eknox@pickering.ca Terms of Reference – Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate The Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee (CSW BAC) will identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and provide community input on matters relating to the City of Pickering Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan. The CSW BAC will also assist City staff with the development, consultation, and implementation of the City of Pickering CSWB Plan. The Committee will develop Terms of Reference for a Homelessness Task Force that will work in co-ordination with Durham Region to look at how best to address the needs of the homeless population to include services for mental health, substance abuse and the creation of transitional/supportive housing in Pickering. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities As per the Safer Ontario Act, 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 3 – Bill 175, the CSWB Plan came into enactment in the current Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p15. In two tier municipalities, such as the Region of Durham, it is the responsibility of the upper tier to develop and implement the Plan, through the creation of measurable goals and objectives. Lower tier municipalities play an instrumental role to facilitate those efforts. On February 25, 2019, Community Services staff were directed by Council to begin work on development of a CSWB Plan, as per Resolution #43/19. The City’s plan will identify strategies to support and help implement the Region’s CSWB Plan and other locally identified issues. Pickering’s CSWB Plan will be based on the seven priority risk factors outlined in the Region of Durham Community Safety and Well-Being Plan: 1.Mental Health 2.Substance Use 3.Homelessness and Basic Needs 4.Criminal Involvement 5.Victimization 6.Social isolation 7.Experiences of Racism Committee responsibilities include: a)Support and participate in the development and implementation of the CSWB Plan within the City of Pickering; b)Assist and advise staff on the development and review of policy relating to Community Safety and Well-Being c)Advocate for CSWB and promote community-wide Safety and Well-Being initiatives; Terms of Reference – March 27, 2023 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee d)Encourage and promote effective communication between Durham Region, community groups, individuals and the City; e)Develop Terms of Reference for a Homelessness Task Force to best address the needs of the homeless population in Pickering; f)Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses and stakeholder organizations; g)Review and update the Terms of Reference for the Committee, as needed; h)Advocate and promote the value and benefit of CSWB activities for all; and i)Report annually to Council on the Committee’s achievements during the year and their work plan for the next year. The CSWBAC will not be responsible for the following: 1.Program delivery; 2.Budget approval; 3.Day-to-day operations of City-owned facilities and programs; and 4.Administrative matters including direction given to staff. 3.0 Composition The CSWBAC shall have a membership of up to 10 Citizen Appointments selected from the public. Citizen Appointments from the public must reside in Pickering and represent a broad range of interests and experience. The CSWBAC will include the following as voting members: •one youth (18 years old – 25 years old) •one senior (over 65 years old) •one resident of the Neighbourhood Watch group from Ward 2 •one resident of the Neighbourhood Watch group from Ward 1 The CWSBAC may also include participation from a representative of Stakeholder Organizations. Representatives from Stakeholder Organizations shall not be voting members on the CSWBAC. The Following Stakeholder Organizations will be invited to participate by providing one Representative to sit on the CSWBAC: -Durham Regional Police Service - City of Pickering Fire Services -Christian Faith Outreach Centre -CAREA Community Health Centre -DARS Inc. -The Ajax Hub The Committee will include participation of one member of Council as a non-voting member. Page |2 Terms of Reference – March 27, 2023 Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee The CSWB Advisor will be the staff Liaison for the CSWBAC and will be a staff member from the Community Services Department selected by the Director, Community Services. . The term of the CSWBAC is the term of Council. At the conclusion of the term, structure will be evaluated and measured for success. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and experience suitable to contribute in one or more of the Priority Risk Areas identified as part of the Region of Durham CSWB Plan. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to CSWB development in the municipality. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The CSWBAC meets quarterly, on a set week and day to be determined by the CSWBAC at its first meeting of the term. The meetings shall commence at 7:00 pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the CSWBAC that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the CSWBAC. Page |3 Draft Community Safety & Well-Being Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule 7:00 pm June 29, 2023 August 17, 2023 November 9, 2023 (2nd Thursday of the month): March 14, 2024 June 13, 2024 September 12, 2024 December 12, 2024 CSWB Advisory Committee DRAFT Additional Goals & Objectives o Networking & Engagement ▪Being involved in community meetings to elicit neighborhood feedback ▪Sharing surveys and work plans to partners and networks ▪Providing outreach for special events and community consultations o Training & Education ▪Collaborating with community partners to learn current CSWB supports ▪Attending meetings and workshops geared to CSWB resource awareness ▪Identifying training gaps, in pertinence to the CSWB Plan o Homelessness Task Force ▪Develop Terms of Reference for a Homelessness Task Force to best address the needs of the homeless population in Pickering o Advocacy ▪Review and advise on policies within the City of Pickering ▪Advocate and promote CSWB initiatives and community relationships ▪Report annually to Council on the Committee’s achievements during the year and their work plan for the next year. Community Safety & Well-Being Survey 1.Please rank how important the following Community Safety & Well-Being Priorities are to you. (1=Most Important; 8=Least Important) ___ To feel a sense of belonging to my community by participating in neighborhood initiatives, volunteering or programs (Community Vitality) ___ To know how to find resources for things like mental health, safety, victimization, crime prevention, physical wellbeing, and substance use (Learning, education, and creative communities) ___ To live in a clean, safe, attractive and welcoming community with safe trails, walkways, public art, well-lit spaces and spaces that promote healthy lifestyles (Create safe and welcoming neighborhoods) ___ To have access to recreation, fitness and leisure programs, community gardens, and programs that support physical and mental wellbeing (Physical Health and Mental Wellness) ___ To improve living standards by attracting new jobs and businesses to Pickering; providing education on financial literacy, attracting more physicians to Pickering, rental and affordable housing strategies (improve living standards) ___ To provide services and resources to those experiencing homelessness, substance use or food insecurity (Support basic needs) ___ To develop programs, committees, taskforces and trainings to combat local racism, homophobia and xenophobia (Promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equity) ___ To reduce local crime, road safety and victimization (Improve individual safety and security) Priority 1: Community Vitality 2.Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that you: ___ Have opportunities to volunteer in the community ___ Belong to a neighborhood group or association ___ Belong to a recreational, cultural or social group or association ___ Have opportunities that connect me with others in my neighbourhood (Neighborhood Watch, Street Parties, knowing my neighbours) ___ Have opportunities to celebrate holidays, events or special occasions with my neighbours Priority 2: Learning, Education, and Creative Communities 3.Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that you: ___ Learn about mental health and how to support you or a friend/family members’ mental health ___ Learn about local resources and strategies to support those struggling with substance use ___ Know about the City of Pickering Housing Strategy ___ Know about Crime Prevention initiatives ___ Learn about local resources and programs to combat social isolation ___ Know about the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Task Force initiatives Please select all that apply: 4.What Community Safety and Well-Being initiatives do you want to learn more about: a.Mental health b.Substance use c.Homelessness & basic needs d.Criminal involvement e.Victimization f.Social isolation g.Experiences of racism 5.How do you want the City to communicate this information with you? a.Email newsletter b.Social media c.In-person Neighborhood meetings/community consultations d.Online/Virtual Neighborhood meetings/consultations e.City website f.Printed materials in community centres 6.How do you think we should continue to consult the public on Community Safety & Wellbeing initiatives? __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. Priority 3: Create Safe and Welcoming Neighborhoods 7. Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ You feel safe walking home alone, at night, in your neighbourhood ___ The City has public spaces that are clean, tidy and well cared for ___ The City has public spaces that allow people to gather and celebrate ___ The City monitors public spaces with cameras, or provides security ___ The City celebrates and displays diverse public art. Priority 4: Physical Health and Mental Wellness 8. Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ You have access to your own General Practitioner (Doctor). ___ You have fair access to recreation programs and facilities ___ The City provides safe playgrounds and trails for families to experience ___ Youth have designated safe spaces in recreation facilities ___ The City provides programs that teach self-sufficiency farming and sustainability Priority 5: Improve Living Standards 9. Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ WIFI is easily accessible in City spaces, and for borrow (WiFi Hot Spots) ___ ___The city supports the efforts of organizations providing food security programs ___ Snow clearing is prioritized for seniors and people living with disabilities ___ You have the opportunity to learn about financial literacy ___ You have access to employment workshops and job fairs ___ Y/N Question (optional): I spend more than 50% of my income on housing Priority 6: Support Basic Needs 10. Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ Overnight shelters are available in Pickering during extreme weather conditions ___ Access to showers is provided for those who are housing insecure ___ W ellness checks are coordinated for those who are unsheltered Priority 7: Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 11.Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ You feel represented in your community. ___ You feel safe to voice your opinions, and feel heard, in City spaces ___ People from all backgrounds are valued and respected in Pickering ___ Culturally relevant programming reflects the diversity of our City ___ Anti-Racism training and resources are offered to the public ___ Anti-Racism training and resources are mandated for City staff ___ An Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression (ARAO) framework is created by the City ___The City has an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan Priority 8: Improve Individual Safety and Security 12. Using a scale of 1-5 (1=Least Important, 3=Neither, 5=Most Important), how important is it that: ___ The City provides access to public training on health and safety (CPR, Naloxone). ___ You feel safe driving in your community ___ You feel safe walking in your community ___ You feel safe riding your bike in your community ___ Customer care can refer residents to resources that align with the 7 pillars of community safety and well-being ___ The City provides workshops on Cyber safety and security 13. Please share any additional issue or topics that you feel should be prioritized in the City of Pickering's Community Safety & Well-Being Plan. ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14. Is there anything else you would like to share? _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 15. Would you like to be entered into a raffle for prizes?Yes No 16. A safe and healthy community, to me is:___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________.