HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 14-23Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 14-23 Date: June 5, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 -Request for Demolition and New Buildings -459 Churchwin Street -File: A-3300-096 Recommendation: 1.That Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 to demolish the existing dwelling located at 459 Churchwin Street to facilitate the construction of a new detached dwelling and a detached accessory building (garage), as shown in Attachments #2 to #7 of this report, be approved; and 2.That a copy of the Heritage Impact Assessment report is filed with the Pickering Library & Archives as a record of the property’s history and documentation of changes. Executive Summary: A Heritage Permit application has been submitted for 459 Churchwin Street to demolish the existing detached dwelling and to construct a new detached dwelling and accessory detached garage. The applicant has submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment in support of the Heritage Permit. While the City of Pickering Heritage Delegation By-law allows the Director, City Development & CBO to grant minor heritage permits, any requests for demolition or removal of a building within a Heritage Conservation District must be approved or denied by Council, in consultation with the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee (Heritage Pickering). The Heritage Permit application was presented to Heritage Pickering for consideration in April 2023. The Committee recommended approval of the request to demolish the existing dwelling and to permit the construction of a new detached dwelling and accessory building, subject to conditions that would ensure the new construction meets the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Guidelines. Staff recommend that the Heritage Permit be approved. While demolition is considered to be a last resort, the current building has endured several alterations and interventions to the structure, resulting in few of the original heritage features remaining. The proposed new construction meets the Whitevale HCD Guidelines for new buildings and will not detract from the character of Whitevale. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct cost to the City area is anticipated as a result of the recommendation of this report. Discussion: 1.Background The property at 459 Churchwin Street forms part of the Whitevale HCD and is protected under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The property is located on the south side of Churchwin Street, east of Mill Street and west of Gladstone Street (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The original house construction dates from circa 1870 and is one and a half storeys in height. It is believed that the house is composed of two former small front gable structures, joined with a roof at a later date (see Figure 1 below). There is a one-storey porch, not original, at the centre of the structure on the north elevation entrance. The original building featured horizontal clapboard siding, some of which appears to remain under the vertical board and batten cladding, and fanciful vergeboard decorating the gables, which no longer remains. Figure 1: Photo of 459 Churchwin Street from Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Study Background Study June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 3 Figures 2 and 3 are photos of the existing dwelling elevations provided by the applicant. Figure 2: North elevation of the existing dwelling at 459 Churchwin Street Figure 3: East and south elevations of the existing dwelling at 459 Churchwin Street 2.1 Heritage Permit Application In March 2023, a Heritage Permit application was submitted for 459 Churchwin Street. The scope of the permit application includes the demolition of the existing residential dwelling and the construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage (see Proposed Site Plan, and Existing and Proposed Elevations, Attachments #2 to #7). A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was submitted in support of the Heritage Permit. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 4 Figure 4: Rendering of proposed dwelling at 459 Churchwin Street The City’s Heritage Delegation By-law 7651/18 does not permit the Director, City Development & CBO to grant a Heritage Permit for the demolition or removal of a building that is part of a Heritage Conservation District. Therefore, as required by the Ontario Heritage Act, the status of this heritage permit application is to be decided by Council, in consultation with its Municipal Heritage Committee. 2.2 Heritage Impact Assessment The applicant has submitted an HIA, prepared by +VG Architects, in support of the heritage permit application. The HIA documents the condition of the existing structure and notes multiple interventions and alterations to the original structure and heritage features. The HIA surmises that due to the previous alterations and considering the existing condition of the structure, specifically concerns with the foundation, it is the opinion of the author that it is not feasible to undertake meaningful development of the property by the preferred means of ‘Alterations and Additions’. The HIA provides an evaluation of the proposed new construction against the Whitevale HCD Guidelines. The HIA highlights several guidelines for new buildings, indicating how the proposed construction is in keeping with the character defining elements of Whitevale. The table on the next page outlines how the new dwelling complies with the key requirements of the Whitevale HCD Guidelines. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 5 Guideline New Buildings (Section 6.4) Whitevale HCD Guidelines Analysis 6.4.1 New buildings should be visually compatible with adjacent properties and the streetscape. Since the street façade of the proposed design is externally a visual reconstruction of the existing house, the new building is as visually compatible with the adjacent properties as is the existing house at 459 Churchwin Street. 6.4.5 The street facing wall should be parallel to the road, except where an alternative building line has been established on adjacent properties. The street façade of the proposed replacement house matches the location, width and orientation of the existing building exactly. The new detached garage is likewise aligned with the street but is set much further back than the house. 6.4.7 Roofs of new buildings should: •match those of the neighbouring buildings in shape and pitch; •be a side or end gable design; •be low to medium pitch; and •utilize cedar or asphalt shingles Steep pitches, cross-gable, flat and mono-pitch roofs, and polygonal tower should be avoided. Concrete or clay tile roofs are not recommended. Like the existing house, the proposed roof has end gables and a medium pitch covered in asphalt shingles. The cross- gable alteration previously made to the existing roof has not been re-created in the new construction. 6.4.11 The recommended exterior wall finish is wood clapboard or vertical board and batten. Brick is not the preferred finish material, particularly in the central core of the District. Like the existing, the proposed buildings are clad in traditional board and batten with a natural colour. The HIA concludes that the features which define the contribution of 459 Churchwin Street to the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District are being maintained and potentially enhanced by the proposed development. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 6 1.3 The Ontario Heritage Act Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act states that no owner of a property designated under Part V, Section 41 shall demolish, alter or erect a building or structure on the property unless the owner applies to the Council of the municipality in which the property is situated and receives consent in writing to the demolition or erection of buildings. Within 90 days after the notice of receipt is served on the applicant, the Council, after consultation with its municipal heritage committee, may consent to the application, consent to the application subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Council, or refuse the application. If the Council fails to notify the owner of its decision within the 90 day time period, Council shall be deemed to have consented to the application. If Council refuses the application, or if Council consents to the application with terms and conditions, then the owner of the property may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal within 30 days of the owner receiving notice of Council’s decision. 1.4 Whitevale Heritage Conservation District On June 7, 1993, By-law 4074/92 was passed by Council, designating the entire Hamlet of Whitevale as a Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act. The HCD was created to encourage the maintenance and conservation of heritage buildings, provide guidelines on conservation practices, and maintain and protect the rural and unique character of the hamlet. Whitevale is a mixture of rural Ontario vernacular architecture that has a distinctive scale, mass, decorative detailing, and building materials. Although many individual buildings and properties have been altered over the decades, the overall nineteenth century village character has been retained. 459 Churchwin Road is identified as a heritage building within the Whitevale HCD. 2 Analysis 2.1 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Recommendation On April 26, 2023, the request for demolition of the existing residential dwelling and the construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage was presented to Heritage Pickering. The applicant’s heritage consultant, +VG Architects, presented the proposal to the committee, identifying the current challenges with the existing structure. The consultant identified several alterations to the building over the decades, the lack of a proper foundation on the east side of the building, and the challenges in trying to undertake meaningful development of the property by the preferred means of ‘Alterations and Additions’. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 7 The committee discussed several items with the heritage consultant regarding the existing condition of the structure and the alterations that have occurred. The committee noted that the applicant and their consultants have presented a well thought out design that maintains many of the existing character defining elements of the property. Heritage Pickering passed the following motion: 1.That Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee supports the demolition of the existing one-and-a-half storeys to facilitate the construction of a new detached dwelling as shown in the concept plans submitted by the applicant; 2.That the Heritage Permit building elevation drawings be revised to indicate painted wood board and batten as the exterior cladding and painted fibreglass windows with simulated divided lights; 3.That a landscape plan be submitted, indicating planting along the foundation of the new dwelling; and 4.That a copy of the Heritage Impact Assessment report be filed with the Pickering Library & Archives as a record of the property’s history and documentation of changes. Following the Heritage Pickering meeting, the applicant provided staff with revised drawings, incorporating painted wood board and batten siding, fibreglass windows with simulated divided lights, and foundation landscaping. The revisions reflect the requested changes and conditions that were included in Heritage Pickering’s recommendation above. 2.2 Heritage Consultant Comments The firm Heritage Studio was retained by the City to assist in the review of the heritage permit application. The review contained advice on the proposed demolition and new construction in relation to the Whitevale HCD Guidelines and current best practices. Heritage Studio has advised that the HIA demonstrates that the alterations made over time have significantly impacted the heritage fabric and contributions of the building. Due to the number of alterations and interventions, few components of the original building remain. The level of repairs required for restoration may not be reasonable given the diminished heritage value of the building. Heritage Studio also reviewed the proposed new construction against the Whitevale HCD Guidelines. The review concluded that the proposed dwelling conserves the cultural heritage value of the Whitevale HCD and is consistent with Section 6.4 for New Buildings. Furthermore, the new construction has the potential to make an equal, if not enhanced, contribution to the Churchwin streetscape. June 5, 2023 PLN 14-23 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 8 2.3 Staff Analysis Staff encourage the preservation and adaptive reuse of heritage structures where possible and demolition should be a last resort. The HIA, and comments from Heritage Studio, have established that alterations and interventions to the structure have resulted in few of the original heritage features remaining. The HIA has also provided evidence that the amount of work required to accommodate alterations or additions to the existing structure would require supplementary interventions to the structure, specifically the foundations. Given the number of alterations made to the building and with few original features remaining, staff accept the conclusions of the HIA that it would not be feasible to undertake meaningful development of the property by the preferred means of ‘Alterations and Additions’. The Whitevale HCD guidelines provide guiding principles for constructing new buildings within the district. The guidelines aim to ensure new construction is compatible and reinforce the existing character of Whitevale. The HIA provided a detailed analysis of how the proposed construction was designed to meet the objectives of the Whitevale HCD guidelines and retain the existing character of the property at 459 Churchwin Street. The applicant has revised their drawings to include the recommendations of Heritage Pickering. Staff has no objection to the approval of this Heritage Permit application. Attachments: 1.Location Map 2. Proposed Site Plan 3.Existing and Proposed North Elevations 4.Existing and Proposed West Elevations 5.Existing and Proposed South Elevations 6.Existing and Proposed East Elevations 7. Proposed Detached Garage Elevations PLN 14-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Heritage Permit Application HP 02/23 Page 9 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO NS:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report PLN 14-23 Gl ads t one Street Mill Street C hurchwin Street Whitevale Road Fa c t o r y S t r e e t No r t h R o a d Whitevale Park City Development Department Location MapFile:Property Description:HP 02/23 Date: Apr. 18, 2023 ¯ E PLAN 21 LOT 51,52 (459 Churchwin Street) SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\Other\Heritage\HP02-23_459ChurchwinStreet_LocationMap.mxd 1:2,500 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Kings Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Attachment #2 to Report PLN 14-23 DN DN CHURCHWIN STREET CROW N OF ROAD EDGE OF GRAVEL EDGE OF GRAVEL TOP OF DITCH BOTTOM OF DITCH EX CONCRETE PAD TOP OF EX.SLOPE BOTTOM OF SLOPE TOP OF SLOPE BOTTOM OF SLOPE BOARD FENCE BO A R D F E N C E CHAIN LINK FENCE EX WELL PO S T & W I R E F E N C E POST &WIRE FENCE O/H UTILITY LINE OUTLINE OF EX FOOTPRINT OUTLINE OF EX SHED 29' - 6" 9.00 m FRONT YARD SETBACK REAR YARD SETBACK SI D E Y A R D S E T B A C K SI D E Y A R D S E T B A C K 7'-10" 2.40 m 29' - 6" 9.00 m 7'-10" 2.40 m 132'-2" 40.28 m EXISTING PLAY STRUCTURE 459 CHURCHWIN STREET 40' - 10" 12.44 m 39' - 10" 12.14 m 44' - 1" 13.43 m 70 ' - 9 " 21 . 5 6 m 19' - 8" 5.99 m 23' - 10" 7.26 m 25 ' - 1 0 " 7. 8 7 m PROPOSED GARAGE PROPOSED GRAVEL DRIVEWAY 9' - 10" 3.00 m 32' - 9" 9.97 m 2' - 4 " 0. 7 1 m 6' - 0 " 1. 8 3 m 8' - 10" 2.69 m POOL 19 ' - 3 " 5. 8 6 m 8' - 4 " 2. 5 5 m 16 ' - 8 " 5. 0 7 m 24 ' - 6 " 7. 4 6 m 19 ' - 9 " 6. 0 2 m 16' - 11" 5.17 m 22' - 11" 6.97 m 44 ' - 3 " 13 . 4 7 m 19 ' - 4 " 5. 9 0 m DECK 12 ' - 0 " 3. 6 6 m 27' - 0" 8.23 m TYP. DECIDUOUS SHRUB (DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE OR SIM.) AT FND PERIMETER, APPRX. MIN. HEIGHT 24" SITE PLAN 2023-05 SITE STATISTICS CATEGORY PROPOSED CLASS OF USE SFD LOT AREA 2043.4 m² BUILDING AREA 194 m² LOT COVERAGE 9.5% STOREYS 2 Proposed Site Plan City Development Department May 5, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. HP 02/23 Steven MonaghanApplicant: Municipal Address: DATE: File No: 459 Churchwin Street L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 N Attachment #3 to Report PLN 14-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 May 5, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Existing and Proposed North Elevation FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department HP 02/23 Steven Monaghan 459 Churchwin Street GRADE 182.72 APPRX. T/O EX. ROOF 188.5 LEVEL 1 183.28 19 ' - 0 " 5. 7 8 m 3' - 1 0 " 1. 1 7 m T/O ROOF 189.67 LEVEL 2 186.48 10" 12"32" 30 " 54 " 32" 30 " 54 " 36"36"36"36" 36 " 60 " 36 " 60 " 36 " 60 " 36 " 60 " 16"32"16" 96 " PAINTED WD BOARD AND BATTEN, TYP. PAINTED FIBERGLASS WINDOWS W/SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHTS, TYP. TYP. DECIDUOUS SHRUB (DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE OR SIM.) AT FND PERIMETER, APPRX. MIN. HEIGHT 24" 1/8" = 1'-0"2 North - Existing Attachment #4 to Report PLN 14-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 May 5, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Existing and Proposed West Elevation FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department HP 02/23 Steven Monaghan 459 Churchwin Street GRADE 182.72 APPRX. T/O EX. ROOF 188.5 LEVEL 1 183.28 3' - 1 0 " 1. 1 7 m 19 ' - 0 " 5. 7 8 m T/O ROOF 189.67 LEVEL 2 186.48 36"36" 60 " 36 " 36"36"36" 60 " 36 " PAINTED WD BOARD AND BATTEN, TYP. PAINTED FIBERGLASS WINDOWS W/SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHTS, TYP. TYP. DECIDUOUS SHRUB (DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE OR SIM.) AT FND PERIMETER, APPRX. MIN. HEIGHT 24" 1/8" = 1'-0"2 West - Existing Attachment #5 to Report PLN 14-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 May 5, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Existing and Proposed South Elevation FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department HP 02/23 Steven Monaghan 459 Churchwin Street GRADE 182.72 APPRX. T/O EX. ROOF 188.5 LEVEL 1 183.28 LEVEL 0 180.4 3' - 1 0 " 1. 1 7 m 19 ' - 0 " 5. 7 8 m T/O ROOF 189.67 LEVEL 2 186.48 30" 54 " 30 " 30" 54 " 30 " 30" 60 " 36 " 72 " 30" 30"30" 66 " 30 " 66 " 30 " 36" 90 " 30" 60 " 30 " PAINTED WD BOARD AND BATTEN, TYP. PAINTED FIBERGLASS WINDOWS, TYP. TYP. DECIDUOUS SHRUB (DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE OR SIM.) AT FND PERIMETER, APPRX. MIN. HEIGHT 24" 1/8" = 1'-0"2 South - Existing Attachment #6 to Report PLN 14-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 May 5, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Existing and Proposed East Elevation FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department HP 02/23 Steven Monaghan 459 Churchwin Street GRADE 182.72 APPRX. T/O EX. ROOF 188.5 LEVEL 1 183.28 3' - 1 0 " 1. 1 7 m 19 ' - 0 " 5. 7 8 m T/O ROOF 189.67 LEVEL 2 186.48 36"32"36" 60 " 36 " 60 " 36 " 96 " 30"30"30" 30 " 54 " 144" 96 " PAINTED WD BOARD AND BATTEN, TYP. PAINTED FIBERGLASS WINDOWS W/SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHTS, TYP. TYP. DECIDUOUS SHRUB (DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE OR SIM.) AT FND PERIMETER, APPRX. MIN. HEIGHT 24" 1/8" = 1'-0"2 East - Existing Attachment #7 to Report PLN 14-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\HP\2023 May 5, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Proposed Detached Garage Elevations FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department HP 02/23 Steven Monaghan 459 Churchwin Street GRADE @ GARAGE 183.08 U/S GARAGE ROOF 186.49 T/O GARAGE ROOF 189 T/O GARAGE FTG 181.61 19 ' - 5 " 5. 9 2 m 14 ' - 1 0 " 4. 5 1 m MID-POINT GARAGE ROOF GRADE @ GARAGE 183.08 U/S GARAGE ROOF 186.49 T/O GARAGE ROOF 189 T/O GARAGE FTG 181.61 19 ' - 5 " 5. 9 2 m 3/16" = 1'-0"1 GARAGE - N 3/16" = 1'-0"2 GARAGE - S GRADE @ GARAGE 183.08 U/S GARAGE ROOF 186.49 T/O GARAGE ROOF 189 19 ' - 5 " 5. 9 2 m GRADE @ GARAGE 183.08 U/S GARAGE ROOF 186.49 T/O GARAGE ROOF 189 19 ' - 5 " 5. 9 2 m 3/16" = 1'-0"1 GARAGE - E 3/16" = 1'-0"2 GARAGE - W