HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 21-23Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 21-23 Date: June 5, 2023 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: Millennium Square – Purchase of Public Art - Commission of Public Art for Winter Wonderland - File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse that the commission of temporary public art for Millennium Square as part of the Winter Wonderland event be awarded to Studio Jordan Shaw in the amount of $25,000.00 (HST included); 2. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of $22,513.00 from Property Taxes, as provided for in the 2023 Current Budget 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Letter of Understanding, between Studio Jordan Shaw and the City of Pickering, set out in Attachment 1, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: With the approval of Report CS 06-23 (Resolution #126/23) at the Council meeting of March 27, 2023, Council approved two new events at the Pickering Nautical Village which includes Fall Fling and Winter Wonderland. Specifically, Winter Wonderland will take place on Saturday, December 2 and Saturday, December 9, 2023 and will include a vendor’s market, ice carving and sculptures on display, fire pits with s’mores, wagon rides, roaming characters and a temporary public art installation. The event activities will take place at Millennium Square during December 2 and December 9; however, the temporary public art installation will remain on site until January 31. The artwork will then be stored and utilized at future winter events and activations. The Public Art Policy (CUL 130), outlines the criteria, processes and guidelines by which public art is procured by staff at the City of Pickering. The Purchasing Policy (PUR 010) outlines the criteria, processes and guidelines for the procurement of goods and services for the City of Pickering. Section 09.10 of the Purchasing Policy states that “Public Art Project purchases or Public Art projects with costs that exceed $25,000 are subject to Council approval”. Therefore, the CS 21-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Millennium Square – Purchase of Public Art Page 2 purpose of this Report is to seek Council endorsement to proceed with the commission of temporary public art for Millennium Square as part of Winter Wonderland event at a cost of $25,000.00 (HST included). Financial Implications: The public art project for Millennium Square is reflected in the approved 2023 Current Budget in the amount of $25,000.00. 1. Estimated Project Costing Summary Artist Quotation $22,124.00 Total Project Cost HST (13%) Total Gross Project Costs HST Rebate (11.24%) $22,124.00 2,876.00 $25,000.00 (2,487.00) Total Net Project Costs $22,513.00 2. Approved Source of Funds Approved Code Source of Funds Budget Funds Required 502520.10205.9017 Property Taxes $25,000.00 $22,513.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $2,487.00 The remaining funds of $2,487.00 will be used for signage, communications, artwork unveiling, transportation and storage. Discussion: At the Executive Committee Meeting of January 9, 2023, Council directed staff, through the Office of the CAO, to bring forward a substantive report on a plan to implement a winter festival at Millennium Square, in collaboration with local businesses in the Pickering Nautical Village to ensure their ideas and visions were represented, and to report back to Council prior to the 2023 Budget Meeting. Accordingly, staff conducted Nautical Village Stakeholders including a survey and in person Open House on February 14, 2023. Nautical Village Businesses provided feedback that there was interest in a public artwork that would serve as a focal point for holiday activations through the December and January months. In Report CS 06-23 staff recommended two events: Fall Fling which will take place in October 2023 and Winter Wonderland which will take place on December 2 and 9, 2023. CS 21-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Millennium Square – Purchase of Public Art Page 3 At the Council Meeting of March 27, 2023, Council directed staff (Resolution #126/23) to implement, in part, the Winter Wonderland event as outlined in Report CS 06-23. This included $25,000.00 budgeted for a feature holiday light sculpture display. The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. As per Section 08.01 of the Public Art Policy CUL 130, an Open Call was selected as the method of acquisition. The Open Call was issued on April 18, 2023 (Attachment 3). The Open Call was advertised through the City of Pickering website as well as Akimbo, PineRidge Arts Council (PRAC) newsletter, OCAD University’s Talent Network and through social media ads (Facebook and Instagram). Ten artists from around the world (Canada, France and United Kingdom) responded to the Open Call. Applications were reviewed by a Public Art Jury which identified a short-list of the top 3 artists based on the submitted concepts. On May 10, 2023, the three shortlisted artists were presented in person at an Open House meeting to the Nautical Village Stakeholders for consultation. Based on the feedback received at the Open House, Studio Jordan Shaw is recommended as the Artist to be awarded the commission for temporary public art at Millennium Square. The recommendation was endorsed by the Public Art Committee on May 11, 2023 and by the Cultural Advisory Committee on May 16, 2023. The Artist application including scope of work and budget breakdown is set out in Attachment 4. The Artist made the following statement to describe their process and final artwork: “7KH SURSRVHGDUWZRUN WKDW , DP VXEPLWWLQJ LV WLWOHG6DPH0DWHULDO  'LႇHUHQW 7LPH 1RW RQO\ GRHV WKLV RႇHU DXQLTXHDUWistic and location-based opportunity it would also be a meaningful personal project. I grew up in Rouge Hill and am very familiar with the West Rouge and Pickering waterfront trail. I’ve spent many hours over the years biking between the two communities and spending time along the waterfront since childhood.” Staff request that Council endorse that the commission for temporary public art for Millennium Square be awarded to Studio Jordan Shaw in the amount of $25,000.00 (HST included). The Letter of Understanding (set out in Attachment 1) was drafted by Cultural Services staff and reviewed by Legal Services and Finance. The Letter of Understanding defines the relationship and responsibilities between the City and the Artist. Staff are requesting Council to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Letter of Understanding with Studio Jordan Shaw. The installation will take place in November 2023. The Artist will begin fabrication of the work in August 2023. The artwork will be unveiled during the opening of Winter Wonderland on December 2, 2023 and remain onsite until January 31, 2024. The artwork will then be stored and utilized at future winter events and activations. CS 21-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Millennium Square – Purchase of Public Art Page 4 Attachments: 1. Agreement – Letter of Understanding 2. Winter Wonderland – Open Call 3. Studio Jordan Shaw – Winter Wonderland Artist Submission Prepared By: 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ Laura Gibbs Division Head, Culture & Community Programming Director, Community Services Approved/Endorsed By: 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ Sarah Douglas-Murray KR:sb Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer 2ULJLQDO6LJQHG%\ $WWDFKPHQWWR5HSRUW&6 Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement This agreement made the Day/Month/Year BETWEEN: Studio Jordan Shaw (hereinafter called “the Artist”) AND THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (hereinafter called “the City) 1. Introduction This Letter of Understanding pertains to the creation and installation of the temporary light-based artwork for the Millennium Square as part of Winter Wonderland event and holiday display for the City of Pickering. This document defines the relationship and responsibilities between the City and the Artist. The final artwork is to be unveiled on December 2, 2023. This Letter of Understanding conforms to the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 010) and the City of Pickering Standard Quotation Terms & Conditions. 2. Background At the Council Meeting on March 27, 2023, Council directed staff (Resolution #126/23), through the Office of the CAO, to implement the Winter Wonderland event as outlined in report CS 06-23. This included $25,000.00 budgeted for a feature holiday light sculpture display. The event Winter Wonderland would take place on Saturday, December 2 and Saturday, December 9, 2023 and include a vendor’s market, ice carving and sculptures on display, fire pits with s’mores, wagon rides, roaming characters and a temporary public art sculpture. The event will activate Millennium Square during December 2 and December 9; however, the sculpture will remain on display until January 31. A Call to Artists – Requests for Proposals was issued on April 18, 2023 and closed on May 8, 2023. Community Services received 10 submissions from artists around the world (Canada, UK and France). The collected submissions were reviewed and scored by the Public Art Jury based on the judging criteria outlined in the Call to Artists – Requests for Proposals. The jury shortlisted three finalists who were presented to the Nautical Village community on May 10, 2023. Based on consultation with the Nautical Village community, Studio Jordan Shaw was recommended as the Artist to be awarded the commission of temporary light-based public art at Millennium Square as part of the Winter Wonderland event. The Nautical Village community recommendation was endorsed by the Public Art Committee on May 11, 2023 and by the Cultural Advisory Committee on May 16, 2023. The Artist application proposal is set out in Schedule A. The proposed work will be purchased by the City of Pickering and displayed for the next three years. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement 3. Definitions Artwork - The “Artwork” means the final piece of artwork developed from the design, model, and specifications provided by the Artist and approved by the City, which Artwork is more particularly specified in Schedule “A” attached hereto. The Work - The “Work” means designing, producing and fabricating the Artwork as well as delivering and installing it at the Place of Installation. Place of Installation - The “Place of Installation” is Millennium Square located at Nautical Village. 4. Artist Fee: Compensation and Payment Schedule a) The all-inclusive price to be paid by the City for the Artwork, completed and installed shall be $25,000.00 CAD, inclusive of all applicable federal and provincial taxes including HST. b) Each stage of the payment shall be accompanied by a detailed summary of work completed by the Artist that including updated drawings and images that states that the Work has progressed and is proceeding according to schedule B and will be installed by the Delivery Date (as defined below). c) HST shall be enumerated as a separate item on each staged and scheduled payment pursuant to this Article. Payment shall be structured in a payment schedule to the Artist as follows: i) $8,333.33 – on the completion of Phase 2 which includes executing the Letter of Understanding, site visit, fabrication schedule and submission of an invoice from the Artist; ii) $8,333.333 - at the end of Phase 3 which includes the delivery of final drawings of all art work components and submission of an invoice from the Artist; and iii) $8,333.34 at the end of Phase 4 which includes installation of the artwork at Millennium Square and upon submission of an invoice from the Artist. The City agrees: a) to pay the Artist all funds due and as provided for herein. 5. Payments of Sub-Contractors The Artist agrees: a) to ensure that payments will be made to all suppliers and subcontractors that may be engaged by the Artist in regard to the design, fabrication, storage, delivery and installation of the Artwork. At the City’s request, the Artist shall provide evidence of such payment. 6. Performance The Artist agrees: Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement a) to provide all work and materials necessary to create the Artwork and to fulfill all its obligations as set out in this Agreement; b) that the materials, methods and processes used to produce the Artwork shall be of first-class quality and expressive of the approved design; and c) to use first class skills, diligence and workmanship as are normally found in the artistic profession, and ensure that all materials incorporated into the Artwork are of the utmost quality and design. 7. Timelines and Completion of Deliverables The Artist agrees: a) to complete the installation of the Artwork to the satisfaction of the City no later than December 2, 2023 (“the Delivery Date”) or such later date as may be agreed upon by the Artist and the City in writing. The installation will include a maintenance/conservation plan submitted by the Artist; b) during the design and production of the Artwork, to keep the City advised of the status of the production of the Artwork. If required by the City, the Artist shall allow representatives of the City to view the Artwork during its various stages of production or provide progress photographs; c) to submit a progress report and invoice, with supporting receipts and invoices from sub- contractors, in the form specified by the City, prior to each payment date set out in Schedule “C”. d) to provide a conservation and maintenance plan; and e) to provide to the City photographs of the Artwork during and after installation in accordance with Schedule “B”. The City agrees: a) to ensure that should the Artist require direction in any regard to the design, fabrication or installation of the Artwork, the City shall provide such direction in a prompt and timely fashion. 8. Detailed Design The Artist agrees: a) To evaluate all material and data relevant to the Artwork as provided by the City and shall facilitate production of the final design, working with the Cultural Services Unit and [other City departments and design team members, as needed] and, in order to finalize the detailed design and the exact location of the Artwork within the Installation Site, to the satisfaction of the City. 9. Specifications The Artist agrees: a) to provide detailed drawings and specifications to the satisfaction of the City and shall advise the City, in writing, through the Coordinator, Public Art, of all factors relating to the Artwork’s theme, budget, critical path, location, size, materials, structural, mechanical and technological requirements, installation methods, and future maintenance requirements, to be determined by the Artist in consultation with the Coordinator, Public Art; and Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement b) Substantive changes to the Artwork may be undertaken by the Artist only upon receipt of prior written authorization by the Division Head, Culture and Community Programming provided however, that the City’s objection to any feature of the Artwork which is reasonably attributable to the exercise of the Artist’s aesthetic judgement during the progress of the development of the Artwork shall not be considered a substantive change and shall not be a basis for withholding acceptance or payment for the Artwork. 10.Permits and Engineers Stamp The Artist agrees: a) to obtain at the Artist's sole cost and expense, all permits necessary for the delivery and installation of the Artwork and prepare all materials, documents, reports, plans and drawings, required in order to obtain any Structural Engineers' stamps required in connection with the manufacture and installation of the Artwork at the Installation Site. 11.Delivery, Installation and Protective Measures The Artist agrees: a) to be solely responsible for all costs and supervision of the actual fabrication, production and installation of the Artwork including the cost of any site preparations or safety precautions that are required for the installation of the Artwork in its final location unless otherwise specified by the City. If protection during installation is required, then the Artist is to provide it; b) to deliver the Artwork to the specific site as set out in Place of Installation, free from all defects and in compliance with the specifications as outlined in Schedule “B” attached hereto; c) The Artist shall coordinate the installation of the Artwork with the Coordinator, Public Art and permit such inspections of the installation as the City may require. If any costs result from the Artist failing to coordinate the Artist's work with that of [City divisions and contractors], all such costs shall be borne by the Artist; d) upon installation of the Artwork, to clean the Artwork to ensure that all dirt, imperfections and extraneous materials are removed from the Artwork; and e) that installation shall have been deemed to be complete when acceptance by the City or by its designated agent. The City agrees: a) to provide, at its expense, a permanent marker in keeping with the quality and type of the Artwork which will identify the name of the Artist, the name of the Artwork and the year of the Artwork. 12.Damage to Artwork and Artist’s Property The Artist agrees: a) that in the event of physical loss or damage to the Artwork prior to completion of installation and acceptance of the Artwork by the City, the Artist shall immediately take all necessary steps to rectify the loss or damage by repair, restoration, replacement or other appropriate means as soon as is reasonably possible at no additional expense to the City. Where necessary, the Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement Artist may collect insurance proceeds before rectifying the loss or damage and shall rectify the loss or damage as soon as is reasonably possible after receipt of said funds; and b) to be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever to any of the Artist's materials, goods, equipment or supplies and will maintain all-risk coverage as required by this Agreement and as any prudent owner of such materials, goods, supplies and equipment would maintain. The Artist shall have no claim against the City or the City’s insurers for any damage or loss to the Artist's property and shall require his insurers to waive any right of subrogation against the City. The City agrees: a) that following acceptance of the Artwork, the City will use its best efforts to maintain and repair any damage done to the Artwork by vandalism or other means substantially in accordance with the conservation and maintenance plan to be provided by the Artist. The City will make reasonable efforts to inform the Artist of such damage and to offer the Artist the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed repairs. 13.Warranty, Repair and Maintenance The Artist agrees: a) that upon receipt of the Artwork, should the City find any deficiencies in the Artwork, it will advise the Artist in writing and the Artist must rectify such deficiency within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice. Should it not be possible to complete rectifying the deficiencies within ten (10) days, the Artist shall provide a Schedule to the City that is acceptable to the City indicating when completion will occur; b) in the event that the Artwork shall require repairs subsequent to the date of completion arising from normal weathering and “wear and tear”; then in such event the City shall advise the Artist in writing as to the nature of such repair and offer the Artist first right of refusal to carry out such repair within times and consideration as mutually agreed upon by the City and the Artist. Should the Artist fail to advise the City within thirty (30) days of receipt by the Artist of the written offer, or should the Artist and the City fail to agree on times and consideration, then in any such event the City, or a third party hired by the City, shall be at liberty to carry out any and all repairs. In determining the time and consideration for such repairs, both parties agree to act reasonably; and c) notwithstanding the foregoing and with the exclusion of the maintenance criteria set out in the conservation and maintenance plan submitted by the Artist, during the first three (3) years after installation and acceptance by the City, the Artist agrees to repair any defects or deficiencies (normal weathering and “wear and tear” excepted) in the Artwork without any charge to the City. The City agrees: a) to keep the Artwork in a clean condition, free of debris or banners or signage which defaces the Artwork, all to the level which the City considers to be appropriate and in accordance with the conservation and maintenance plan to be approved by the City and that will be provided by the Artist. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement 14.Removal and Relocation of Artwork The City agrees: a) to endeavor to exhibit the Artwork in the original location and in its original and complete format subject to the City’s right to decommission or remove the Artwork or a particular piece thereof for reasons which may include, but are not limited to, the structural integrity of the Artwork, expiry of the expected lifespan of the Artwork, extensive or irreparable damage or vandalism or by reason of the necessity to accommodate the effective operation of the Log Barn; and b) to consult, where possible, on the restoration or removal of public art, but shall retain the right to restore, relocate, or archive a work of public art without the artist's and/or donor's consent. 15.Insurance The Artist agrees: a) that upon request by the City, the Artist shall take out and keep in force a policy of liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 inclusive each occurrence (or such larger amount as may be required), and not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) automotive liability insurance coverage. Certificate(s) of insurance shall be provided upon request by the City. i. The policy shall include The Corporation of the City of Pickering, as additional named insured without subrogation in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company, a certificate of insurance shall be completed by the Company’s agent, broker or insurer. ii. The policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to expire or lapse, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. iii. If the City is not provided with a renewal of the policy at least thirty (30) days prior to its expiration date, then the City may arrange a public liability policy insuring the City in the amount of $2,000,000.00 and an automotive liability policy insuring the City in the amount of two million ($2,000,000) at the expense of the Company, which may be recovered from amounts owed to the Company or from any form of security still in the City's possession. 16.Indemnification The Artist agrees: a) to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents for any and all losses, claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, or costs which may arise from any physical deficiencies or deformities or structural failures of the Work which render the Artwork inconsistent with the approved design. The Artist agrees that this indemnity shall survive the period of time required to fulfill this contract and extend to the useful life of the Artwork and shall be binding upon the Artists’ personal representatives, administrators, executors and assigns; b) to indemnify the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents from and against all liens, all builders liens, claims, actions, costs and damages which may arise during installation of the Work on the Place of Installation. No finding of negligence, whether joint or several, as Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement against the City in favour of any third party shall operate to relieve or shall be deemed to relieve the Artist in any manner from any liability to the City, whether such liability arises under this Agreement or otherwise; and c) to warrant that the Artwork is original to the Artist and does not violate any copyright of any other person. The Artist shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Mayor and Councillors, employees and agents for any and all losses, claims, demands, suits, actions, judgements or costs that may arise from the allegation that the Artwork is not original to the Artist. 17.Occupational Health and Safety Act The Artist agrees: a) to conform to and enforce strict compliance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O., 1990 c.0.1 and all regulations thereunder, as amended from time to time (collectively the "OHSA").; b) that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as making the City the "employer" (as defined in the OHSA) of any workers employed or engaged by the Artist either instead of or jointly with the Artist; and c) that it will ensure that all subcontractors engaged by it are qualified to perform the services and that the employees of the Artist and of all subcontractors are trained in the health and safety hazards expected to be encountered in the Services. 18.Workplace Safety & Insurance The Artist agrees: a) that all of the Company’s personnel must be covered by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board at the Company’s expense. The Company shall provide the City with a Clearance Certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board prior to the commencement of work, certifying that all assessments and liabilities payable to the Board have been paid, and that the bidder is in good standing with the Board; b) to provide the City with a Clearance Certificate prior to final payment certifying all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the City will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company’s completion of the project; and c) that a Company deemed to be an Independent Operator by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board will provide a copy of such letter to the City containing the Independent Operator identification number issued by the Board. An Independent Operator must be covered by WSIB optional insurance and provide proof of this coverage upon request. 19.Dela ys The Artist and the City agree that: a) neither party shall be responsible for any failure to comply with or for any delay in performance of the terms of this Agreement including but not limited to delays in delivery, where such failure or delay is directly or indirectly caused by or results from events of force majeure beyond the control of the party sought to be charged. These events shall include, but not be limited to fire, earthquake, accident, civil disturbances, war, rationing, allocation of embargoes, strikes or labour problems or delays in transportation, inability to secure necessary materials, parts or Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement components, delay or failure of performance of any supplier or subcontractor, acts of Nature or acts of Government. 20.Early Termination The Artist and the City agree that: a) notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the City may, at any time and without cause, prior to completion of the Artwork, terminate this Agreement by providing sixty (60) days' notice in writing to the Artist. In the event of such termination, the City shall not incur any liability to the Artist other than work completed to the date of termination in accordance with the payment schedule and reimburse the Artist for the demonstrable, reasonable actual costs to the Artist incurred in connection with the Artwork, to the date of termination, as well as any demonstrable, reasonable outstanding liability owed by the Artist to the Artist's contractors, subcontractors, or employees incurred in connection with such termination; b) failure of the Artist to perform its obligations under the Agreement shall entitle the City to terminate the Agreement upon ten (10) calendar days’ written notice to the Artist if a breach which is remediable is not rectified by the Artist to the City's satisfaction and within the timeframe set out in the City's notice of breach. In the event of such termination, the City shall not incur any liability to the Artist other than work completed to the date of termination in accordance with the payment schedule and reimburse the Artist for the demonstrable, reasonable actual costs to the Artist incurred in connection with the Artwork, to the date of termination, as well as any demonstrable, reasonable outstanding liability owed by the Artist to the Artist's contractors, subcontractors, or employees incurred in connection with such termination; c) all rights and remedies of the City for any breach of the Artist's obligations under the Agreement shall be cumulative and not exclusive or mutually exclusive alternatives and may be exercised singularly, jointly or in combination and shall not be deemed to be in exclusion of any other rights or remedies available to the City under the Agreement or otherwise at law; d) no delay or omission by the City in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver of them or of any other right or remedy, and no single or partial exercise of a right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise of them or the exercise of any other right or remedy; and e) upon termination, all work and material of the Artist pertaining to the Artwork shall be delivered to or retained by the City at no further cost or liability to the City. 21.Ownership The Artist and the City agree: a) ownership of the Artwork, the model/maquette and all documentation supplied to the City in connection with the Artwork, will vest in the City upon final payment for same. 22.Copyright The Artist and the City agree that: a) copyright in the Artwork shall remain with the Artist. The Artist agrees: Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement a) to hereby grant the sole, perpetual and royalty free license to exhibit the Artwork in public and to use photographs, drawings, film, video, and other mechanical reproductions of the Artwork throughout the world to the City for publicity purposes only. b) to authorize the City to use the Artist’s name in connection with the Artwork and in the promotion and advertising of the City. c) not to replicate the Artwork for any other client or purchaser. d) to use best efforts to give credit to the City as the owner of the Artwork. The City agrees: a) to use its best efforts to have the Artist’s name associated with the Artwork in photographs, drawings or other reproductions of the Artwork except where the Artwork is not the primary subject of the said reproduction. 23.Death or Incapacity of Artist The Artist and the City agree that: a) in the event of a death or incapacity of the Artist before the complete installation of the Artwork, the City shall be vested with title to the unfinished Artwork upon paying the Artist, their personal representatives, administrators, executors or executrix a sum in the direct proportion of the percent of the Artwork completed to that date as determined by the City and shall be permitted to complete the Artwork in a manner generally consistent with the original design of the Artist. 24.Mediation The Artist and the City agree: a) that all disputes pertaining to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved first by good faith negotiation between the parties. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation between the parties, the parties agree to use the services of a mediator to attempt to resolve their differences and failing agreement on the procedure to be followed, it shall be conducted in accordance with the “Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Mediation” of the ADR Institute of Ontario. In the event that the mediation does not result in a settlement of the dispute, any unresolved issues may be taken to any other appropriate dispute resolution process agreed to by the parties, including arbitration or an appropriate court process. Should arbitration be chosen, it will be conducted in accordance with the “Rules of Procedures for the Conduct of Arbitration” of the ADR Institute of Ontario pursuant to the Arbitrations Act; and b) any claim or action brought pursuant to this Agreement shall only be brought in the courts of the Province of Ontario. This Agreement forms the entire agreement between parties and no other representations either oral or written shall form part of this Agreement. The rights and remedies of the City under this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to any rights and remedies provided by law or equity. Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement To the City at: The City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario The City’s Representative for the purpose of this Agreement will be Laura Gibbs lgibbs@pickering.ca To the Artists at: Studio Jordan Shaw studio@jordanshaw.com https://www.jordanshaw.com/ Or to such other address or person as the parties may designate to each other in writing. It is deemed that notice is received five (5) days after the mailing of any notice or upon delivery, if personally delivered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have had this Letter of Understanding executed. ____________ _______________ Full name, artist Date _____________ _______________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor City of Pickering Date _____________ _____ _______________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk City of Pickering Date Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement GENERAL Schedule A: The Artwork (Artist’s Concept proposal document attached) Schedule B: Fabrication Schedule Schedule C: Open Call – Terms of Reference Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement SCHEDULE A THE ARTWORK (ARTIST’S CONCEPT PROPOSAL DOCUMENT ATTACHE D) Letter of Understanding Public Artwork Agreement SCHEDULE B Detailed Fabrication Schedule WORK PLAN The completion dates for each phase of the project as set out below shall be finalized upon final determination of the construction commencement date and prior to commencement of the Phase 2 services. Phase 1 – July 7, 2023 x Agreement signed by all parties x Proof of insurance and WSIB provided to the satisfaction of the City Phase 2 - To be completed by July 31, 2023, to the satisfaction of the City x Site Visit: through conversation with City staff and based on electrical needs the artist will determine the exact location of the work. x Material order x The artist will develop a detailed fabrication schedule This phase will include the following approvals by the client: x Fabrication schedule submitted to the City of Pickering for approval. Phase 3 - To be completed by October 2, 2023 to the satisfaction of the City x Final design drawings completed x Text information for plaque This phase will include the following approvals by the client: x Final design drawings of the artwork Phase 4 - Installation – December 2, 2023 x On-site installation of artwork, to be completed by November 20, 2023 x Final sign off by Client on completed and delivered product. x Attendance at the unveiling event on December 2. 1 &DOOWR$UWLVWV ± 5HTXHVW IRU3URSRVDOV 5)3 Winter Wonderland Deadline: 0D\ DWSP ('7 Photo of Millennium Square during the summertime. $UWLVW2SSRUWXQLW\ The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to submit proposals for Dtemporary light sculpture to be a part of Winter Wonderland at the Nautical Village in Pickering. Artwork is expected to be displayed annually from December 2 ± January 31 for three years. One artist/team will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the work. As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A public art jury comprised of city staff, practicing arts professionals, and community members will be established for this single-stage competition. $WWDFKPHQWWR5HSRUW&6 2 6LWH&RQWH[W The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. The artwork will be located in Millennium Square. Millennium Square is a large public square adjacent to Beachfront Park and 1autical Village where entertainment takeV place. During the summertime, the spot is alive with the electric energy of music, picnickers and passerVE\ 7his is the perfect spot to catch a cool breeze off the lake and watch the sun go down. Site plan of Millennium Square 3 3URMHFW%ULHI 7KH&LW\RI3LFNHULQJ¶V&XOWXUDO6WUDWHJLF3ODQ  RXWOLQHVWKH&LW\¶VFRPPLWPHQWWR collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. This public art piece is intended to be created for the Nautical Village Community and be displayed annually during the winter season (December 2 ± January 31) as part of a new series of events called ± Winter Wonderland. The City of Pickering will be seeking to purchase the work and assume full ownership. The successful work will act as a landmark and further transform Millennium Square by creating a sense of joy and excitement for residents and visitors during the Holiday season. &RPPXQLW\%DFNJURXQG At the beginning of 2023, Council directed staff, through the Office of the CAO, to bring forward a substantive report on a plan to implement a winter festival at Millennium Square, in collaboration with local businesses in Nautical Village to ensure their ideas and visions were represented. Accordingly, staff conducted community consultation and engagement with local businesses in Nautical Village and proposed two new events which Council approved: Fall Fling and Winter Wonderland. The event Winter Wonderland will take place on Saturday, December 2 and Saturday, December 9, 2023 and include a YHQGRU¶V market, ice carving and sculptures on display, fire SLWVZLWKV¶PRUHVZDJRQULGHVURDPLQJFKDUDFWHUV and a signature public art light sculpture. The event will activate Millennium Square during December 2 and December 9; however, the signature public art will remain on site until January 31. %XGJHW $25,000 CAD including HST (maximum). This is the total amount available for the commission of this temporary public artwork. All related expenses of this project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, community consultations and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: 4 ‡ 0DWHULDOV ‡ 7LPHOLQH ‡ ,QVWDOODWLRQ ‡ 0DLQWHQDQFH DQG conservation plans ‡ :DUUDQW\ ‡ &RS\ULJKW ,QWHOOHFWXDO 3URSHUW\DQG 0RUDO 5LJKWV ‡ 3D\PHQWV WR VXE-contractors $QWLFLSDWHG6FKHGXOH It is expected WKDW WKH FRPPLVVLRQHG DUWLVW V ZLOO FRPSO\ZLWK WKH SURMHFW¶VJHQHUDO WLPHOLQH dates, as stated below: 'DWH 3URMHFW3KDVH April 10, 2023 Issue RFP May 8, 2023 Submissions due Week of May 17, 2023 Selected Artist notified Agreement is signed June 2023 Exact site confirmation Technical Design Review July to November 2023 Artwork fabrication Week of November 27, 2023 Artwork Installation December 2, 2023 Winter Wonderland Opening Ceremony and Event *Schedule is subject to change 5 7HFKQLFDO 6SHFLILFDWLRQV Design Considerations 1. This call is primarily targeting new work suitable for outdoor winter weather. 2. The work is to reflect the site, Nautical Village and the general holiday theme of the event ± Winter Wonderland. 3. The work must have a light component that is suitable for outdoor damp locations. 4. The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of joy. 5. The work may incorporate components; however, this should not add further to maintenance and durability. 6. Proposals must consider the local environment and weather conditions. 7HFKQLFDO 5HTXLUHPHQWV All proposals must meet the following criteria: 1. The work must be durable, and able to withstand unpredictable winter weather conditions and physical contact by the public for the duration of the installation. 2. There is a circuit monitoring at Millennium Square, however there is no overnight security in the space. Installations must be robust, and able to be installed in a public space. The artwork will be actively monitored with daily visual inspections conducted E\&LW\6WDII LQFOXGLQJ ZHHNHQGV DVZHOO DVLQWHUPLWWHQW VHFXULW\SDWUROVE\ WKH &LW\¶V Security team. 3. Based on the proposal the work could secured by tension cable or be bolted to the ground. 4. Artists will need to be willing to work with the project team on the technical set up, maintenance, storage and addressing safety concerns. 5. Installation should comply with safety and accessibility design standards where possible 6. Artist(s) must be able to set-up, and provide clear instructions for City staff to install/deinstall the work for future uses. City staff will be present during installation. 7. Selected artists will be expected to provide proof of general liability insurance while on site. 6HOHFWLRQ 3URFHVV A public art jury comprised of city staff, practicing arts professionals, and community members will be established for the evaluation of the proposals. This is a one stage competition. 2QH DUWLVW ZLOO EH DZDUGHGWKH FRPPLVVLRQ The Jury will recommend an artist or artistic team for the award of the commission based on the following criteria: 1. Artistic merit, including quality of work, originality, and artistic excellence in the field of outdoor temporary/permanent a rt. 6 2. Adhesion to location and expressed desire in this project; and, 3. $UWLVW¶VGHPRQVWUDWHG DELOLW\DQG SURSRVDO IHDVLELOLW\WR PHHW WKH DUWZRUNJRDOVDQG technical requirements, within the set timeline and budget. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. 6XEPLVVLRQ 5HTXLUHPHQWV Complete your RFP submission and email it in a single PDF. Please include:  $UWLVWVWDWHPHQW describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB).  &9 Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member.  3RUWIROLRRISDVWZRUN Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-pages). Add titOe, year, scope and a short description.  $UWZRUN 'HVLJQ D concept sketch, photos, and other images/details as applicable along with proposed dimensions, materials, maintenance and storage plan.  3URSRVHG%XGJHWDQG'HOLYHU\,QVWDOODWLRQ'HLQVWDOODWLRQ3ODQ for artist fees, delivery and installation. Note, the work will become property of the City of Pickering after the installation.  5HIHUHQFHV A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. 6XEPLVVLRQV PXVW EH VHQW E\ HPDLO WR sbarakov@pickering.ca Subject: Artist Proposal ± Winter Wonderland If the file exceeds 20 MB, artists are asked to use an externa l file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. The proposals may be used by the city of Pickering in meetings with stakeholders and staff. $FFHVVLELOLW\ The City will provide accommodations th roughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. 7 5HVHUYHG5LJKWV RI WKH &LW\ RI 3LFNHULQJ The City of Pickering, at it sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City reta ins the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre -qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. 3XEOLFDWLRQ RI ,QIRUPDWLRQ The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. $GGLWLRQDO ,QIRUPDWLRQ For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. $WWDFKPHQWWR5HSRUW&6 6DPH 0DWHULDO  'Lij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ı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