HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 16, 2002PICKERING AGENDA STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services MAY 16, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting Agenda Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor Pickles (l) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 09/99(R) NICOU INC. SOUTH PART OF LOT 34, CONCESSION 2 PART 1, 40R-11934 (100 FINCH AVENUE; NORTH SIDE OF FINCH AVE., OPPOSITE WOODVIEW AVE.l 1-13 2. 3. 4. 5. Explanation of application, as outlined in information Report --15-02 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staff response. (II) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 04/02 JOHN TAYLOR TRUCK SALES INC. 3356 BALSAM ROAD SOUTH PART OF LOT 5. CONCESSION 5 14-20 2. 3. 4. 5. Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report 714-02 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staffresponse. (iii) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 06/01 GLENDA WINTERSTEIN SOUTH PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 9 PART OF LOT 2, PLAN 12 (5015 BROCK ROAD 21-26 2. 3. 4. 5. Explanation of application, as outlined in information Report =13-02 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staffresponse. ADJOURNMENT PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-02 FOR PUBLIC INFOtLMATION MEETING OF MAY 16, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE x3,'ITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-02 Zoning Bv-laxv Amendment Application A 09/99(R) Nicou Inc. South Part of Lot 34, Concession 2 Part 1, 40R-11934 (100 Finch Avenue; north side of FincE Ave.. opposite Woodview Ave.) City of Picketing 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the location of the subject lands is shown on thc location map (see Attachment #1); - the subject lands occupy an area et'approximately S.7 hectares: - the north-west portion of the subject lands is occupied by a wetland: the remainder of the northern portion is occupied by wooded lands: - the subject lands are situated east of Amos Pond. xxhicta is xxithin tiao Rouge Park; to thc south are a number o£ dxvellings fronting Finch .-\x cnue and \Voodview Avenue; to the east is vacant land and a detached dxvelling: and to the north are the Canadian Pacific Railway and the York-Durham Sanitary Trunk sewer. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - to develop 39 lots for detached dxvellings with minimum lot frontages ranging from 12 to 16.5 metres and lot depths betxveen 32 and 54.3 metres (see Attachment #2); - 29 dwellings fronting the proposed nexx street and 10 dxvellings fronting Finch Avenue; - the northern 5.82 hectares as an open space block; - a walkway from the proposed new street to the open space block. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Lh'ing Arcu v, ith an identification of' an Open Space Linkage, and .lhuor ()peu 5}~uce Svsw,? with an indication of Environmentalh' Sensitive Area; Living Area shall be used predominantly tbr housing purposes: lands desi~ated 3Iq~or Open S?acc &'x~cm shall be used predominantly Ibr conse~ation, recreation, rclbrcstation, agriculture and l~m~-related uses; enviromental features and Functions must be prcscm'ed and maintained on lands identified as an Open 3~acc 2inkagc. and adjacent lands, with details provided in the area municipal official plan, in consultation with the Ministo' oF Natural Resources and the respective conse~ation authority: lands identified as Environmemalh' Sensim'e Areu (the wetlands) shall be maintained and preset'ed with the appropriate measures identified by an environmental impact study; information Report No. 15-02 Page 2 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 although the subject applications appear to comply with the land uses pernfitted by the Durham Regional Official Plan, detailed delineation of the boundaries of the different proposed land uses, and identification of appropriate conditions to ensure preservation of the wetlands will be required; Pickering Official Plan & Compendium Document designates the subject lands as Urban Residential Areas - Low DensiO; Areas and Open Space System - Natural Areas within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; Urban Residential - Low Densi~ Areas may be used for residential uses at a density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare; the proposed density of the development is 17 dwellings per net hectare; lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas may be used for conservation, restoration, environmental protection, education, passive recreation, and similar purposes; Finch Avenue is designated as a Type B Arterial Road in Schedule Il to the Picketing Official Plan - the Transportation System; the northern portion of the site is designated in Schedule III- the Resource Management Schedule, as Shorelines and Stream Corridors Onay include hazard lands) Area and as a Wetland Class 3; an Environmental Report must be submitted in order to determine how to satisfy the Picketing Official Plan policy that encourages protection of wetland areas and their inter-related systems of ~vater resources, biotic habitat, natural and cultural heritage and landforms; Schedule III identifies the boundary of the Rouge Park to the xvest of the subject lands; Schedule III also designates parts of the subject lands within the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; the function of the Rouge-Duffins ~2'lcllife Corridor as a vegetated connector for species migration must be protected through adoption of appropriate recommendations of an environmental report, to the satisfaction of the City of Picketing; the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies require the proposal to have regard to the Rouge Park Management Plan, identifies the subject lands as a Detailed Review Area that is governed by the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, requires an appropriate engineering and environmental component, and requires the provisions of the Environmental Servicing Master Plan to be met; section 11.16 of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies sets the minimum extent of the Open Space System - Natural Areas designation at the southerly drip-line of the existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with the maximum extent to be determined during the review of related applications; Zoning By-law 3036 the site is zoned "A - Rural Agricultural Zone in Zoning By-law 3036; this zoning permits residential uses on lots having a minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares, agricultural, recreational, institutional and business uses; amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments No written comments have been received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - Enbridge Consumers Gas, the City of Toronto, Veridian Connections, Canada Post and the Durham District School Board have indicated no objections and have also provided certain technical comments (see Attachments # 3 to #7); Ii~_form_atiori Report No. 15-02 Page 4.3 Staff Comments Background following the decision on the City's new Official Plan in 1997, the applicant, under the company name Map Realty )on behalf of the Beare Estate), appealed the Ope~z 5'?acc- 5lmtral Areas desigmation on tine north-east portion of the subject property; in 1999, the applicant submitted applications to an:end the Picketing Official Plan, approve a draft plan of condominium, and rezone tine property to permit an intensive residential project; tine proposal comprised an adult lifestyle condominium development including 70 bungalow townhouses. 10t) apartment units plus 188-bed assisted-living complex in 10 and 11-storey buildings on tine subject lands Iprcvious file numbers ePA 99-002 P: 18CDM-99001 and :X 9 99): in 2000, the Ontario Municipal Board denied the appeal of Xlap Re:hr. and confirmed the designation ora the north-east part of the subject lands as O?c~z Space - Nalural Area; the Board also added a related Rouge Pat'/,' .Veight~om'/~ood Po/wv to identit}' that the minimum extent of thc Nrzzm'a! Area\ designation on tine subject lands is the southerly drip-line of thc existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with tine maximum extent of the :¥ktmra/ Areas designation to bc detennined througln tiao review of a development application; although not part of Official Plan policy, thc text of the Board's decision rioted ttmt a 50 metre setback should bo maintained from the wetland bound:o'; based on the Board's decision, it was also determined that the limits of the Rouge-Dzf[fins Wildlife Corridor would coincide with the limit of the N~uwal Areas designation; the Board decision effectively precluded the ability of Map Realty to proceed with its original applications: those applications have been withdrav,'n and arc now considered closed: New Submission - supplementary information to the submitted Environmental Report and other technical reports will be required from tiao applicant to address the following to the City's satisfaction, in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: o protection of the wetland and its inter-related ecological systems; o requirements of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; o requirements of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Selwicing Plan, including stormvcater quantity and quality control; and o maintenance of the Rouge-Duffins \Vildlife Corridor: staff will give careful consideration to a number of design aspects of the proposed subdivision, including, but not limited to: o whether the number and alignment of drivev, ays for the lots fronting Finch Avenue are appropriate on Finch Avenue: o whether the location of proposed lot :1 and the rear edge of lots #2 to #10provide enough setback from tine wetland boundary; and if not, consideration needs to be given as to whether the lots should be shallower and wider in this area: o the need for, and design oh appropriate noise attenuation adjacent to Finch Avenue and the Canadian Pacific Raih,.av, ~bllowing review of the noise impact study submitted by tine applicant: and o appropriate stonmvater treatment measures: as an outcome of the previous Board decision, staff will process technical amendments to the Rouge Park Ncighbourtnood Development Guidelines and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan to implement findings of the Ontario Municipal Board. information Report No. 15-02 Page 4 5.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning 8,: Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Picketing in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision or proposed zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Picketing before the application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in xvriting to the City Clerk. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix I - lists the comments received on this proposal at the time that this Information Report was written; Information Received full-scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan and the following technical reports are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Picketing Planning & Development Department: · Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report; Analysis of Environmental Conditions; · Assessment of Proposed Wetland Buffer. Site Landowners the principal of is Nicou Inc. is Pierre Boiron. SG/jf Copy: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Director, Planning & Development Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 15-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOV~'NERS ( 1 ) None received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (2) ~4) Durham District School Board: City o£Toronto City Planning Division Canada Post; Veridian Connections: Enbridge Consumers Gas: COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Departnncnt, ATTACHMENT'# / 10 iNFORMATION REPORT# YORK--DURHAM ST L~cH SUBJECT PROPERTY TRUNK FINCH AVENUE oO~?.kO°~ PINE GROVE City of Pickering PINE GROVE AVENUE Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 34, CONCESSION 2; PART 1,40R-11934 OWNER NICOU INC. DATE MAY 7, 2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. SP-2002-02; A 09/99(R) SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-14 PA- ATTACHMENT# ~ TO INFORMATION REPORT#_ Ilr~7 z o Z 0 © z ATTACHMENT # -"5 TO INFORMATION REPORT#, ['~-~ C' ~. THE D U R HAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD I' acii!tl~'S Services i d }aunton Road East V~ hitb)', Ontario I_IR 2K6 ieit" !~f:!~e: (905) 666~5500 ~ -800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 March The City of Picketing Plamfi~g Department One The Esplanade Picketing. Ontario I~IV 6K7 Steve Gaunt Dear Mr. Gaunt, RECEIVED APR 4 2002 CITY OF PICKERINGi PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l/E: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-.2002-02 NICOU Inc. Parl of Lois 34, Concession I!, Plan 40R-11934 (North side of Finch Avenue, opposite ~Voodview Avenue) City of l'ickcring has re¥iex~ed the information on the above noted applicali(m and has follox~ing c~mmmnts... Approximately 20 elementary pupils could be generated b? the above noted application. It is intended thai any pupils generated by the above noted plan of subdivision, bc accommodated wid~in an existing school lncilitv. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board. stall' has no objections. Yours truly. ' Christine Nancekivell. Planner ATTACHMENT #_.~T© INFORMATION REPORT# TORONTO Ted Tyndorf, Director Community Planning, East District Urban Development Services Paula M. Dill, Commissioner City Planning Division Scarborough Civic Centre 150 Borough Drive Toronto, Ontario M1P 4N7 Tel: (416) 396-7006 Fax: (416) 396-4265 April 8. 2002 Mr. Steve Gaunt, Plmmer II City of Picketing Plmming & Development Dep~u'tment Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering ON LI V 6K7 [)ear Mr. Gaunt: Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision City of Picketing File No: SP-2002-02 Applicant: NICOU lnc. Part of Lot 34, Concession 2. Part 1. Plan 40R-11034 (North side of Finch Avenue. Opposite \Voodviexv Avenue) City of Picketing --R" EIVE D APR 1 0 20O2 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING O~¥ELOPMENT DEPAF~TMENT This is in response to )'our circulation letter of March 25, 2002. The City of Toronto has no comment with regard to this application. C/Ted Tyndo}ff, MCIP,/R~PP Director, CommtmitiL)lanning, East District TT:ci ATTACHMENT# ~ TO INFORMATION REPORT#, DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) April 12, 2002 Steve Gaunt Planning & Development Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering On L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt, E I VE D APR 1 5 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO RE: Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-02 Applicant: NICOU Inc. Part of Lot 34,Concession 2, Part 1, Plan 40R-11934 (North side of Finch Ave, opposite Woodview Avenue) City of Picketing Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted plan. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on alt offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. -The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. ATTACHMENT# ~T~O INFORMATION REPORT# DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON MIP 5Al (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) -Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. The owner/developer further agrees to determine mid provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until thc curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the pemmnent Com~nunity Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this intbnnation is sufficient, however, should you require further inR)nnation, please do not hesitate to contact me thc above number or mailing address. Sincerely, I)ebbie Greenwood Delivery Plmmer a:utildraw.sam ATFACHMENT # (~' TO INFORMATION REPORT VERIDIAN CONNECT]iONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ~',EVIEW OJECT NAME: Nicou Ioc.- Approval of a Plaa of Subdivision ~)DRESS/P~: part of Lot 34, Concession 2, Part 1 (North side oJ' ]::mch Avenue, opposite Woody/ 1[__ Avenue) :_~,~ . NO,.: SP-2002-02 SUBMISSION DATi:_;;: Match 25, 2002 Vcridian Connections has r~o objection to the propoged dcvelopmc~at- Pi.ease forwxtd a copy of first submission civil design so that a design and servicing p~oposal can bc completed. Tedmical Rcpresentat/ve - Fred Raining~r Tdephone 427-9870 Ext. 3255 PP/df F;VO?oed Docummm\Ver/di'an\lgnginemqng & Gotub-uc6un\Dcvdopn~"nt Applimtion lleview\t~ckc~ing\2002\Nicou ][nc- - App~,jval of a Plim of SubdiC-don - Finch Avenue, opposite Woodview Avmue.d0c APR 9 ~B~ CITY OF Pi{J}q~BtN{3 PLANNIN~i ANt~ DEVELOPMENT ~ EPACI~:ME.NT ATTACHMENT # '-~ TO INFORMATIO ,/z~_ ~..~. ~ N REPORT#~___~__~_, ) 1 ~ 500 Elgin Mills Road East RicNnond Hill Ontario 1.4C 5G 1 2002-04-22 STEVE GAUNT - PLANNER CITY OF PICKERING ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERiNG ON L1V 6K7 APR 2 6 2002 Consumers Gas CITY OF P~OKERING '~"'~RING, ONTARIO RECEIVED APR 2 6 20O2 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Sirs Re: APPLICATION FOIl AI'PROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION PICKERING FILE NO. SP-2002-02 It is requested that the lbllowing conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfhction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey inlbrmation required Ibr the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. Yours Truly, ~-~: wilcox Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW/swc 01 4 PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 14-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF May 16, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/02 John Taylor Truck Sales Inc. aa56 Balsam Road South Part of Lot 5, Concession 5 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located on the ;,;,est side of Sideline No. 4 (Balsam Road), between Highway #7 m~d the Fifth Concession Road; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1 ); the subject property is "L" shaped, having an approximate area of 14.8 hectares; the subject property currently supports an automobile recycling operation on the south half, carrying on business as #7 Auto Recyclers; - the north half of the property is heavily vegetated; - the automobile recycling operation involves the storage of the dilapidated vehicles, which are later dismantled, and parts stored and sold; - surrounding land uses on all sides are agricultural properties supporting detached dwellings. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the intent of the application is to recognize the existing use on the subject property; - the existing use is considered a legal non-conforming use in that the use predates the by-law and is considered a legal use, even though the by-law does not recognize the existing use; - as an existing legal non-conforming use the zoning provisions are not applicable to additions and expansions of the property; - as such the owner has made applications to the Committee of Adjustment (C of A) to permit the expansion of the existing use, last application was in 1999 (file P/CA 78/99); - the C of A could only permit the expansion of the existing building and not the replacement, as the existing building must remain in order to maintain the legal non- conforming status; - the owner, as a condition of the C of A approval, entered into a site plan agreement with the City and has constructed the new addition with the exception of the "breezeway" connection between the old and the ne~v building and certain site improvements; - the owner has advised that the old building is no longer functional and wishes to demolish the old building and not build the "breezeway" connection between the buildings; however, the removal of the old building would not be in keeping with the C of A approval, the site plan agreement and would eliminate the legal non-conforming status of the property; the owner wishes to complete the building construction requirements and then finish the site improvements as per the site plan agreement; the applicant's submitted plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). intbm'mtion Report No 14-02 Page 2 (} 1 5 3.0 3.1 OFFICIAl, PLAN AND ZONING Durham Reg. ional Official Plan tile Durham Regional Official Plan designates tile subject lands as Mn~or O?cJz ~'?ace ; the predominant use of land in this designation shall be conservation, recreation. reforestation, agriculture anti farm related uses: notwithstanding the predominant permitted uses. tho Darham Regional Official Plan permits the City of Picketing to zone to permit the continuation, expansion or enlargement of legally existing uses. or the variation to similar uses provided that such uses: a) have no adverse effect on thc present LiSe of tb_e sun'ounding lands or the implementation of the provisions ot'tlne DL~rham Regional Official Plan: b) have regard tbr thc agricultural (_7ode of Practice as amended from time to time, if'applicable: c) are accessible b:' a public road which is maintained by the appropriate authority as open to traffic on a year-round basis and is of a standard construction adequate to provide for thc additional traffic generated by the proposed use: and. d) are subject to any conditions that may be contained in Picketing Official Plan. 3.2 Pickering. Official Plan the Picketing Official Plan designates the subject lands as O/w, 3):~ac'c &.:stems - Nanow[ Area; uses permitted within O?eJ~ 3)arzcc 5x'szcm - .V~rurrz/..trc~z include, amongst others, consem'ation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses, a~ncultural uses and existing, residential dxvcllinos' Schedule III of the Picketing Official Plan - Resource .U~z~zr~geme~t~. designates lands in close proximity to the subject lands as S/;orc/iJJcx ~mi 5'~ream Corridors, in reco~ition of the subject properties proximity to a branch of Cam~thcr's Creek: the exact boundaries of the Shore/i~wx ~,zd 5'zrcw,z Corridors will be determined in consultation with the relevant agencies: Schedule II of the Picketing Official Plan - D'~;Jz,Var;r~r~zzo~ &'stems designates Sideline 4 where it abuts the subject lands as a Local Roads generally provide access to individual properties, to local roads, cagy local traffic and generally have a right-of-xvav width of up to 20 metres; the subject applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Picketing Official Plan during the tUrther processing of the applications. 3.3 Zonin B -law 3037 as amended the subject lands arc currently zoned "Q"-pit and Quarry by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended; the existing zoning permits gravel pits and the excavation, washing, screening, crushing and storage of sand. gravel, ballast and other surface and sub-surface material; tile existing zoning also permits agric~ltural uses: tine subject property has twice been approved by tile C of :x. for tile expansion of the legal non-conforming use, in 1968 and 1999: an amendment to the zoning bv-laxv is required to permit tine existing legal non- conforming use; Information Report No 14-02 Page 3 4.0 4.1 4.2 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to-date on the application; Agency Comments - no comments from any of the circulated agencies have been received to-date on the application; 4.3 Staff Comments 5.0 - in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, surrounding lands or that any incompatibilities can be mitigated; · the impact the proposed use / site changes may have on the surrounding area; · reviewing the entrenchment of the use that is not specifically compatible with the approved land use designation with due consideration to the fact the use has existed on the subject property for a long time; · consider the impacts of the existing use versus the possible impacts of uses permit by the Zoning By-law, use such as a gravel pit; this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding the zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make a written submission to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. 6.0 6.1 OTHER INFORMATION Appendices Appendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report; Information Report No 14-02 Page 6.2 Information Received copies of' the applicant's proposal are axailablc Ibr x'icxxing at the oflices of tile City oF Pickering Planning A: Development Dc, partmcnt: tile City of` Picketing tans not received any technical inlbrnaation repons on thc proposed application: certain technical repons may be required to be submitted and will be reviewed and reported on, as necessary. 6.3 Company Principles the current property ox~ner is Jo}nn Taylor Truck Sales Inc. (1~)101(>(~ Ontario Inc.) whose principle is Ba~Tx Kauflnan Ross Pyro, MCIP, RPP~- Principal Planner- Development Rcvicw RP/td Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department hvnda Tax lot, NI(7Ip, RPP X1anagcr. Development Rex'icxv APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 14-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS ( 1 ) None received to-date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) None received to-date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) None received to-date ATTACHMENT# ~ TO INFORMATION REPORT# ~ SUBJECT ! ,/ , ~ ........ PROPER~ ? ~~,,~ ~ .... ~___ City of Pickering Planning & Development Depa~ment PROPER~ DESCRiPTiON PART OF LOT 5, CONCESSION 5 APPUCANT JOHN TAYLOR TRUCK SALES INC. J :ATE APR. 11,2002 DRAWN ~Y RC APPUCAT~ON No. A 04/02 ~CAL: 1:10000 CHECKED BY RP FO: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA- ATTACHMENT #,.,,~ TO INFORMATIOlY REPORT# INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 04~02' #7 AUTO RECYCLERS THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PtCKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, MAY 6, 2002. PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 13-02 FOR PUBI.IC INFORMATION MEETING OF May 16, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE \~'ITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PI~ANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Anlendmcnt Application Glenda Wintcrstein South Part of Lot 1S. Concession O Pan of Lot 2. Plan 12 (5015 Brock Road~ City of Picketing 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - thc subject property is located on the east side et' Brock Road, north of' Central Street (see location map Attachment :1 ): - the subject property currentI,, supports a combination of a one storey and txvo storey building, which contains a }xair salon and five apai-tmcnt units, and a detached garage in the rear yard: - the subject property is surrotmdcd by a mixtui'c of commercial and residential land USES. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAl. the applicant proposes to amend the existing zoning on the subject lands to permit the establishment of five residential apartment units in addition to the existing commercial uses. (see Applicant's Submitted ?lan - .-\ttachment =21 3.0 3.1 3.2 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan idemiI~es thc subject lands as being within a 'Hamlet' designation, xvhich permits a x'arietx of housing types and commercial uses; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation. Pickerin~ Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan identilies tine s~zbject property as being designated "Hamlet Commercial - Rural Hamlet" within tlqc Claremont and Area Settlement: thc Claremont and Area Settlement is dost<hated as being xxithin tine Oak Ridges Moraine as per Schedule Iii of tiao Official Plan, xvinich requires dcx'clopincnt to be in accordance with Oak Ridges NIorainc guidelines: the 'Hamlet Commercial' designation permits thc cstablishlncnt of commercial, residential, community, and recreational uses: the Clarcmont and Area Settlement policies encourage thc establishment of a wider variety of housing Ibnns to accommoctate the needs of yotlllg people and senior citizens: (_} ,9. 2 Information Report No. 13-02 Page 2 3.3 the Plan also encourages new' development to enhance the range of housing choice in the settlement and to be innovative in relation to compact form, water usage and sewage disposal; the applicant's proposal appears to conform to the applicable Official Plan policies. Zoning By-law the subject property is currently zoned "C2" - General Commercial Zone by By-law 3037, which permits the establishment of commercial uses; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to permit the establishment of five residential apartments within the existing building. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to date; 4.2 A_.gen cv Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: the compatibility with the surrounding lands and uses; · the impacts of the five apartment units on the existing private sewage system; · acceptability of the existing well to service additional uses; · examination of the existing on-site parking to determine its suitability in serving five apartment units. · examination of the existing building and any zoning non-compliances, such as building setbacks, that may require technical amendments to the zoning by-law; · determination of the implications of any applicable policies of thc Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. (The Oak Ridges Moraine guidelines are superceded by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Regulation 140/02, passed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 22, 2002). 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Recommendation Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 13-02 Page 3 {} ,) ,~.~ 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 A_.p_pendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, conamtnaitx associations, agencies and Citx Departments that have commented on thc applications at tiao time of v, Titing report; 6.2 Information Received copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available For x'iev,'ing at the offices of'the City of Pickerino Plannino ac Development [Department: Tyler Barnett Planner_D__.-,/' Lx'nda D. Taylor MCIP RPP NIana~er Development Review CXP/td Attachments Copy: Director, Plannin~g & Develotomcnt APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 13-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department; CENTRAL STREET L-~N E: ~TR E~T ~ ~NT ,¢ )OVINGDON City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 9; PART OF LOT 2, PLAN 12 WINTERSTEIN f DATE JAN 14. 2001 i DRAVVN BY RC ~"'~/'~ OWNER G. APPLICATION No. A 06/01 T tV SCALE 1:7500 ! CHECKED BY TB ± i L FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-S10 PA- INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 06/01 P~ WINTERSTEIN 131.0m 0 (D EXISTING 1 STOREY FRAME STRUCTURE LOT 2 EXISTING 2 STOREY FRAME STRUCTURE EXISTING GARAGE (HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION) 132.4m LOT 1 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BYTHE CITY OF PICKERtNG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, APRIL 16, 2002