HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 24, 2002Cite PICKERING AGENDA FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services JUNE 24, 21}02 Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Monday, June 24, 2002 1:30 p.m. Chair: Councillor Ryan ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of May 27, 2002 (1I) 1. (iii) 1. PRESENTATIONS Scott Wolfe from Miller Waste v,-ill make a presentation concerning Integrated Waste Systems (IWS). Laura Drake, Chair. Picketing Museum AdvisoD' Committee, Pat Dunnill, Chair, Picketing Museum Village Foundation and Ciw staff' will provide an overview of the proposed Hotel Restoration Project. DELEGATIONS Simon Hunter, 1436 Rougemount Drive, representing himself and other residents, will address the Committee with respect to the condition of Rougemount Drive. The Chair shall ask if there are an3' persons who wish to address an item on the agenda. (iv) 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 030-02 PROPOSED BROUGHAM CENTRAL HOTEL RESTORATION PROJECT PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE PAGE 1-7 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 028-02 REQUEST TO RENAME COMMUNITY ROOMS PETTICOAT CREEK LIBRARY AND COMML%'ITY CENTRE 8-11 o OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 032-02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CONSULTING SERVICES - FIRE SERVICES HEADQUARTERS- RFP-2-2002 12-17 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 028-02 TENDER T-8-2002 - TENDER FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CONCESSION 8 ROAD 18-26 CLERKS REPORT CL 25-02 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL CAN-SORT RECYCLING LIMITED, 1048 TOY AVENUE 27-48 o CLERKS REPORT CL 22-02 PICKERING/AJAX/WHITBY JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL AND SERVICE AGREEMENTS 49-53 Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Monday, June 24, 2002 1:30 p.m. Chair: Councillor Ryan OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 027-02 PARKING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - PARKDALE STREET 54-58 CLERKS REPORT CL 21-02 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1792 LIVERPOOL ROAD 59-64 CLERKS REPORT CL 24-02 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1355 KINGSTON ROAD, PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 65-69 (V) STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (VI) OTHER BUSINESS FIVE MINUTE RECESS (vii) 1. PRESENTATION Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Corporate Promotions & Economic Development will made a presentation concerning the 2001 Annual Report. 10. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 07-02 2001 PRE-AUDIT BALANCES OF RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS 70-86 11. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 14-02 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO ACTIVITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 87-92 (VII) STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (VIII) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION For Council to consider a land matter. For Council to consider a financial matter. 93-101 102-123 PICKEI ',,IG Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Monday, June 24, 2002 1:30 p.m. Chair: Councillor Rvan {IX) OTHER BUSINESS (X) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY Thai Report to Council OES 030-()2 regarding the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project at thc Pickering Museum Village be received: and That the presentation by Laura Drake. Chair. Picketing Museum Advisor,: Committee. Pat Dunnill. Chair. Pickering Museum Village Foundation and City Staff' on the Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project be received: and That Council support the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project in principle: and That Council accept the Pickering Museum Village Foundation proposal to provide the total funding tbr the restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel. including all costs in moving the Drive Shed to a new location at thc rear of thc proposed Hotel site: and That Council acknowledge to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation that the Brougham Central Hotel at thc Pickering Museum Village will be permitted to remain at that location tbr a period of ten years, such acknox~ledgement to be provided by way of resolution; and That in the event a lease agreement is required by the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. Council approve a lease agreement betxveen the City of Pickering and the Picketing Museum Village Foundation. such lease agreement to be to the satisfaction of staff' and the City Solicitor: and That Council authorize staff to negotiate with the federal government on acquiring and [elocating a suitable heritage house to the Pickering Museum Village site to establish as a new Program Operatiorzs Centre; and ]'hat the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give eflbct thereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Rexq~otds Division Head, Culture & Recreation DATE: June 18, 2002 REPORT N~MBER: OES 030-02 SUBJECT: Proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project - Pickering Museum Village - File: CO3000 RECOMMENDATION: That Report to Council OES 030-02 regarding the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project at the Picketing ~ Iuseum Village be received, and That the presentation by Laura Drake, Chair, Picketing Museum Advisory Committee, Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and City Staff on the Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project be received, and 2. That Council support the proposed Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project in principle, and That Council accept the Pickering Museum Village Foundation proposal to provide the total funding for the restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel, including all costs in moving the Drive Shed to a new location at the rear of the proposed Hotel site, and That Council acknowledge to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation that the Brougham Central Hotel at the Pickering Museum Village will be permitted to remain at that location for a period of ten years, such acknowledgement to be provided by way of resolution, and o That in the event a lease agreement is required by the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, Council approve a lease agreement between the City of Pickering and the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, such lease agreement to be to the satisfaction of Staff and the City Solicitor, and That Council authorize staff to negotiate with the federal government on acquiring and relocating a suitable heritage house to the Pickering Museum Village site to establish as a new Program Operations Centre, and 7. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. Letter from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation dated June 9, 2002 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act Report to Council OES 030-02 Subject: Proposed Hotel Restoration Project Date: Jtmc 18, 2002 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The Picketing Museum Village Foundation have made a commitnaent to fully t'tmd tile complete moving and restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel estimated at a cost of approximately 5500,000. The total City of Pickering costs for the Hotel Restoration Project are not knoxv~l at this time. An architect will be required to work xvittl stall' in ideiltit:ving all costs associated with the establishment of a ~nexv Program Operations Centre. There arc currently no funds ~a tt~c Museum Budget Ibr this work to take place in 2002. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The restoration of the Brougham Cer~tral Hotel ]las been identified as tile next major building pro.jcct at the Picketing Museum Village. Tile Hotel is currently used as tt~e operations center by stat'f and volunteers for education programs a~ld eye,its. The Picketing Mt~seum Village Foumdatiotl taavc agreed to financially support this i'cstoratiotn project contingent upon the City of Pickering's willingness to proceed with the establishment of a new Program Operations Centre. BACKGROUND: The restoratio~l of the Brougham Ce~tral Hotel at tt~c Pickct'irlg Nluscum Village has been identified as tile next major joint project for tho City of Pickcr-i~:, Picketing Museum Advisory Committee and the Picketing Museum Village Foundation. in 2001, the Pickering Museum Village Fo[mdation retai~lcd tho services of Andre Scheinman, Heritage Preservation Consultant, to undertake a Conservatio~ Stud\ of tiao Brougllam Central Hotel. The main objective of this study was to examinee and evaluate tile historic and architectural data associated with the Hotel a~ld devise a pla~ l-or its future usc, restoration and interpretation. The study identified that the most appropriate and respo~lsible approach to the future interpretation of this building would be to focus o~ tt~e documented hotel aspect of the building histo~~ and its many remaining unique constructiot~ features. Andre Scheinman reported that any future tbr the building is ?imf to require the urgent stabilization of the basic structure, followed by a program of ttlorot~gta exterior and interior conservation and restoration. Following the completion of ,Andre Scheinlan's stt~dv, represe~tatives from the Picketing Museum Advisory Committee, Pickering Museurnn Village Foundatiom and staff tnave been meeting to develop planning options for the Hotel Restoration Pro.jeer. Presently, tile Hotel site is the center of the Village on the highest elevatio~l o~ tile site. It is Llsed as ail operatio~ls center by staff and volunteers for events and educatio~a programs. \Vasl~roo~s, kitchen facilities, staff and volunteer Facilities and storage of artiCacts amd program materials arc all contai~qcd xvithi~l tile structure. It faces west and backs onto ttae Fence alo~g Green\rood Road. Ir'the Hotel is restored in its present location, relocation of these operations to ottler areas xvill create logistical problems for programs and events. The present site of tile Hotel is tt~e ideal location within the Village for an operation center for education programs and public events. Report to Council OES 03(t-02 Subject: Proposed Hotel Restoration Project Date: June 18, 2002 Paoe ~ The Brougham Central Hotel Restoration Project supported by the Picketing Museum Advisory Committee and Pickering Museum Village Foundation includes the following: 1. Restore the Hotel as a Temperance Hotel for interpretive purposes. In order to do this we need to remove the washrooms from this building. Move the Hotel to where the Drive Shed sits at the present time and turn it to face the path coming up into the village and returning it to its former vantage point in the village of Brougham. This requires that the Drive Shed be set back towards the edge of this manicured area. Bring in or create a building on the present Hotel site where the kitchen and xvashrooms could be housed, along with storage needed for day-to-day maintenance and teaching activities. This proposal has been reviewed by TRCA, Durham Health and City staff and is deemed doable. Attached is a letter dated June 9, 2002, from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Picketing Museum Village Foundation (PMVF) confirming a financial commitment from the PMVF to fund the complete moving and restoration of' the Brougham Central Hotel, including the moving of the Drive Shed. The funding commitment is contingent upon the City of Pickermg's willingness to commit to proceed in concert with the establishment of a new Program Operations Centre. We have looked at heritage houses on Airport Lands due for demolition. It is possible that one of these houses may serve the purpose of the Program Operation Centre on the Museum Village site. There will be a need to provide temporary kitchen and washroom facilities to continue program operations until a new program operations center is completed. In order to be able to submit requests for funds to funding organizations such as the Trillium Foundation and the Heritage Canada Foundation the Picketing Museum Village Foundation have identified they are required to arrange a ten (10) year lease of the Hotel from the City of Pickering. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Pat Dunnill, Chair, Picketing Museum Village Foundation dated June 9, 2002 2. Location Map Prepare_ d BY: ~~'~ ~tephen Re~a% Division Head, Culture & Recreation EverettO~fitsma ~'I Director, Operations & Emergency Services SR:lc Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council To e,.sp of,,."r _C_,.' -r--&'; O-M;--L L- PICNERING uN 1 o 2007 CITY OF PICKERING CULTURE 8, RECREATION DIVISION Picketing Museum Village Foundation Pat Dunnill - Chah' 9u5o¥39o4672 Bill Weston - Tr~surcr 9~ )5.F49'7353 M~y Cook - Secretory 9~)5-839.1734 736 5%rcmi Slrcct Pickering, {)N LlW 2W9 June 9, 2002 Ms. Laura Drake, Chair, P ickenng Museum Village Advisory Committee Mr. Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture and Recreation City of Picketing, One the Esplanade Picketing, On. LIV 6K7//~ Dear La~ktm-and Stephe : I am pleased to inform you that at its meeting on May 28~ the PMVF unanimously agreed to financially support the Brougham Central Hotel restoration project to be put forward to Council by the Advisors.' Committee and staff. The Foundation resolved to provide the total funding for the Hotel restoration project including all costs in moving the drive shed to a new location at the rear of the proposed hotel site. (Subject to attached addendum) The Foundation expressed a strong interest in seeing this project expedited as quickly as is reasonably possible, Funding is available to proceed with preparation of the site for acceptance of the hotel in 2002 provided the associated logistical planning can be properly completed. This commitment, of co,se, is comingenl upon the City's willingness to commit to proceed in concert with the establishment of a new progrmnme centre. In order to assist us in our ability to raise the necessary funding we are hopeful the City will be willing to enter into a i0 year lease of the hotel and property lo the Foundation. All members of the Foundation are enthused about proceeding with this project and we hope it meets with yours and the City's interests as well. Yours sincerely Pat Dunnill, Chair Cc: M. Carp~nc D. Marlowe i TO ~,EPOP,-r ~ ©~--~ C ~0 · ©2__ Addendum to Hotel Restoration Commitment The following should be assumed as pan of this commitment: The total cost will be in the range of the report prepared by Andre Scheinman . compJehon tyv 2005 but access to funding and general The timing tm get wm be ..... ~ iomstics could defer the project o In-accepting full costs the Foundation would not expect to be invoiced for costs internal to the City of Pickering · The Pickering Museum Village Foundation and the City of Pickering will assist each other where feasible on their respective responsibilities in the total project <{ 0 Oi CONCESSION ROAE // SUBJECT LOCATION GREENRIDGE C DRIVE OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINERING DIVISION N.T.S. JUN[ 2002 REPORT TO COUNCIL PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE PROPOSED HOTEL RESTORATION PROJECT L:~MPandE~ThemaUc Mapping~Maps~MP&£ - Admln~Repo~Repor* A~achrr~t 04.dwg RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report to Council OES 028-02 regarding the renaming of the Community Rooms at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre be received; and That Council approve renaming the two community rooms at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre the "Helen Paris Room" and the "Russell Franklin Room". PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM' Stephen Reynolds Division Head. Culture & Recreation DATE' REPORT NUMBER: June 17, 200£ OES 028-O2 SUBJECT: Request to Rename Community Rooms Petticoat Creek Library and Comnmnity Centre File: CO3000 RECOMMENDATION' That Report to Council OES 028-02 regarding the renaming of tile Community Rooms at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre be received, and That Council approve renaming the two community rooms at tile Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre the "Helen Paris Room" and the "Russell Franklin Room". ORIGIN: Request from Rouge Hill Seniors' Club. AUTHORITY: FiNANCIAL iMPLICATIONS' New Signage Costs - approximately S200.00. 9 '~4'~ 4 Operating Budget Account #271 -_ _ ~. These costs will be covered fi-om the 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable. BACKGROUND: City staff have received a request from the Rouge Hill Seniors' Club to rename the two community rooms at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre. tile "Helen Paris Room" and the "Russell Franklin Room". The Rouge Hill Seniors' Club is the longest established Seniors' Club in tile City of Picketing. The late Helen Paris and Russell Franklin served as President of the Club and were driving forces behind the club's activities. Helen Paris passed away prior to the opening of the new t'acilitv and worked closely with City staff in the planning stages or'tile new Conmaunitv Centre. The Rouge Hill Seniors' Club had been meeting in the original City building at the East Woodland Park that was replaced with the new Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre. The Club has been operating at the new Community Centre since its opening in June 2001. The Club has requested the renaming in recognition of their past Presidents' contributions as well as providing a "visible" presence in their new "home". Tiao Rouge Hill Seniors' Club have requested to have the official renaming dedication as pan of their BBO Brunch on Thursday, July 18, 2002. Report to Council OES 028-02 Subject: Request to Rename Community Rooms - Petticoat Creek Library & Community Centre Date: June 17.2002 Page 2 The Director, Operations and Emergency Services and Division Head, Culture & Recreation support and recommend renaming the "Community Room North" and "Community Room South" at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre, the "Helen Pads Room" and the "Russell Franklin Room". ATTACHMENT: 1. Location Map. Prepare~-- StephenX'Rw. smolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Appro~ By:// Ever~&t~sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services SR:lc Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tl~as J. Qu'~n, Chic~Admi~rative Off'~er ,N~ NATIONAL ) IAUTUMN CR.~ RAILWAYS ] I SHEPPARD AVENUE ~ )> i'm -( , :C I"- SUNDOWN"X/,~ IlO ~ _, . II ,i, ~AYLIGH 'q~ C Aq--I-AI L ~ ~ ~eAINY DAY .,.--"~x'"'"-~ I ~' L,~t_, = '-"'"'""% U ~ \\ OUGE L COURT A:O~, -SU o EVELYN AVENUE .JQ ZO T O ROAD O CRT. CALLAH OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINERING DIVIS ON 1:8,000 JUNE 2002 REPORT TO COUNCIL PETTICOAT CREEK LIBRARY & COMMUNITY CENTRE L:~ldPandE~Thematic Idapping~klap~MP&E - Admin~Rel>ort~Report Attachment 04.d~g RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY 1. That the Report of the Operations & Emergency Services Department No. OES 0.~2-0~. be received; and 2. That staff be directed to proceed with the Federal EA and building design for a northern firehall and headquarters; and 3. Council authorize an expenditure of up to $300,000 ibr professional services for the Federal EA and building design: and 4. That the proposal submitted by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be accepted and they be contracted to complete the Federal EA and building design; and 5. That staff be directed to report back on final project scope, phasing, cost and financing; and 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma Director. Operations & Emergency Services DATE: REP()R'I- NUMBER: June 18, 2002 OES 032-02 SUBJECT: Request for Proposal Consulting Services [:ire Services Headquarters - RFP-2-2002 - File: COl()()() REC OMM ENDATI ON: That the Report of the Operations & Emergency Scrx ices Department Nc). OES 032-02 be received: and That staff be directed to proceed with thc Federal IL.\ and building design fbr a northern firehall and headquarters: and Council authorize an expenditure of up to $30().00t) for professional services for the Federal EA and building desb,n'= , and That the proposal submitted by Totten Sims [Iubicki Associates be accepted and they be contracted to complete the Federal HA and building design: and That staff be directed to report back on final project scope, phasing, cost and financing; and That the appropriate officials of the ('it\ of Pickering be given authoritx to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Fire Services Strateoic= Review and hnplementation of Ii)kin zone for ()ntario Power Generation AUTHORITY Municipal ,4 cv Act. City of Pickering Purchasing By-law 5(;t)() 1 t and Fire Prevention & Protection FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Up to $300.000 - 2001 Approved Budget amount of - Account 2240-0181 -Pro. iect- 01-2240-()05-08 The Treasurer advised that these costs will be charged to the pro.}ect and approval to finance through the issuance of debt will be requested at the time Council considers the project. Report to Council OES 032-02 Subject: Consultant tbr Northern Fireball - File: CO1000 Date: June 18, 2002 Page 2 t:XECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 2001 Council approved the budget amount of $500.000 for land acquisition and design for a new fireball in the Citx of Pickering. City staff have identified 3 possible sites on the north side of Hwv #7 west of the Hamlet of Brougham. As thc (.iovernment of Canada owns these lands a Federal Environmental Assessment is required to acquire and develop the site. Following site selection the Consultant will design and examine phasing options for the construction of a new Firehall and Headquarters. Ibc Evaluation Committee reviewed submissions individually with established criteria and conducted interviews with 3 selected consultant teams. Following careful review the Evaluation Committee recommends Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be hired to complete the Federal EA and design for the new Firehall and Headquarters as well as comment on the phasing options lbr construction of the facility. BACKGROUND: A City staff team was assembled in 2001 to review the impact of the implementation of a 10km zone around the PNGS as well as determine the need for an additional firehall and headquarters facility lbr Picketing Fire Services (PFS). In an eflbrt to address the changing needs of the City of Pickering it was determined that the new Firehall and Headquarters should be located outside the 10km zone of PNGS and within the Federal land holdings on the north side of HwT. #7. Various sites were examined: response times to key sites calculated and a staffing review undertaken. It was determined that there was a need for a new Firehall and Headquarters outside the lOkm zone which could house the PFS administratiom Fire Prevention section. Training Section as well as an operational firehall. A Request lbr Proposal (RFP) was initiated as directed by the Finance & Operations Committee: proposals were received from seven (7) prequalified consultants. The Evaluation Committee reviewed submissions against established criteria, in accordance with established City Purchasing Policy & Procedures. The Evaluation Committee met on Monday, May 3, 2002 to examine submissions and to determine a short list of qualified finns. The three (3) short listed firms made presentation to the Evaluation Committee on Friday, June 7, 2002. The Evaluation Committee reconvened on Monday, June 10t~( 2002 to consider the presentations as part of its review and evaluation of the short listed firms for the purpose of selecting a firm to recommend to Council for this project. At the conclusion of their review, the Evaluation Committee agreed unanimously that Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be recommended to conduct the Federal EA and building design for this project. The total cost for this work will not exceed $300,000 and it is within the approved 2001 Budget Account 2240-61 $1. Report to Council OE$ u_)_- _ Subject: Consultant for Northern Fireball - File: CO1000 Date: June 18. n00'~ })age 3 The City stafftean~ will report back to Council xx ith Phasing Options, Pro ect Cost and Financin(, prior to commencement of any construction. A 1 TACItMENTS: 1. Summary of Proposals Prepared B~e',~'-~-'--'- .,/// Ex erctt BS~ntsn~-"" Director. Operations & Emergenc} Services Endorsed Approved By: ./ William Douglas Fire Chief Endorsed/Approved Bx': Tim Moore Manaoer Buildin,, %erviccs Endorsed Approved By: [)ircctor. Corporate Services & Treasurer Endorsed, Approved Bx: Thomas E. Mdym~ ~ Division Head, Cokporatc Project~ & Policy Division EB:mld Auachmems Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended Ibr the consideration of Picketing ] City Council T NS'm~s5 .- ~)u imdChie f A d~~ 6 ATTACHhlENT # J' .TO t~,EPOP,'!" tf L~.._~' 6';3.~:2-d CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM CO Y Date: To: From: Subject: April 30, 2002 Tim Moore Manager, Building Services Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Request for Proposal - Consulting Services, Fire Services Headquarters No. RFP-2/2002 Temps of reference for the above request for proposals were provided to nine (9) invited firms as requested, of which seven (7) have responded by the deadline of 4:30 pm Friday, April 26, 2002. Each firm has provided three (3) copies of their proposal of which two (2) copies are attached for your review. If you wish to utilize the 3rd copy also, please advise. Following is a sununary of proposals received as well a preliminary compliance checklist. A. prime consultant profile B. sub-consultant profiles C. project team resumes D. selected recent projects E. client references F. summary of professional services G. schedule H. fee structures Architectural Firm Saccocio Weppler Architects Inc RAI Architect Inc Thomas E. Brown Architect Inc Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Gerald Belanger Architect Inc./Trow Consult~ E~meers Ltd. Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited Jurecka + Associates Architecture and Design Toddglen Managemem Limited Unable to submit a proposal at this time E ATTACHMENT l_To RFP-2/2002 RFP for Fire Services Headquarters - 2- 'Fo accommodate your request to have subnfittals available as soon as possible to provide you an optimum mnomn of thne for evaluation, the smmnaly is brief to introduce proposals into tile evaluation phase. A more subjective review is envisioned when evaluation members become involved. Should rely information appear nfissing during tile evaluation phase, please contact me as soon as possible. Be mindful of the following areas within the purchasing policy relating to the RFP process. If you do not have a copy of the policy or require copies of these pages, let me know. Policy (white pages): Procedure (yellow pages): Item 04.09, Page 6, Page 7 Item 11, Page 35 tN:ough to Page 39 If you require further infom~ation or assistance, please feel free to contact me. ~ ¥ e~!\}~l~,emacher Manager. Supply & Services Copy tbr: Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services 01 8 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY o That Tender No. T-8-2002 submitted by Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. For Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road in the amount (after calculation check) of $180.464.45 plus 7% G.S.T. for a total cost of $193,096.96 and a net cost after G.S.T. rebate of $185,878.74 be accepted; and That a total project cost of $203,955.28 including the tender amount, net G.S.T. and other project costs be approved; and That Council approve additional debt, and that funding in the amount of $204,000.00 be approved; and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt; and a) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of $204,000.00 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined; and b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $28,000.00 be included in the annual Current Budget fbr the City of Pickering commencing in 2003 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer hms certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2002 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing: and That the appropriate City of Picketing officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. PICKEI NG REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM' Richard Holborn. P.Eng Division Head Municipal Property' & Engineering DATE: June 18, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES-028-02 SUBJECT: Tender T-8-2002 - Tender/bt Road Improvements Concession 8 Road RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-8-2002 submitted bv Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd, for Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road m the amount lafter calculation check) of $180,464.45 plus 7% GS.T for a total cost of $193,096.90 and a net cost after G.S.T. rebate of $185,878.74 be accepted, and That a total project cost of S203.055 28 including the tender amount, net G.S.T. and other project costs be approved, and That Council approve additional debt. and that t'unding in the amount of S204.000 00 be approved, and That Council authorize the Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt: and a) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of S204.000 00 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined: and b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $28.000.00 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Picketing commencing in _00~ and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid: and c) The Director, Corporate Ser¥ices & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2002 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario: and d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing: and ' That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Year 2002 Capital Budget Account Number _.~20-600.~ Project Code - 02-2320-008-04 - Road Improvements - Concession $ Road Report to Council OES 028-02 Date: June 18. 2002 Subject: Tender T-8-2002 Tender for Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road Page 2 AUTHORITY: Year 2002 Capital Budget FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount T-8-2002 - Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road GST. G.S.T Rebate Total $180,464.45 12,632.51 (7,218.22) $185,878.74 .APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: Year 2002 Capital Budget Account Number - 2320-6003 Project Code - 02-2320-008-04 Total Approved Funds $150,000.00 Estimated Project Costing Summary T-8-2002 - Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road Pre-Engineering Survey Reference Plan Material Testing Soils Report Tree Planting (replacement - restoration) Project Contingency Sub Total GS.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Project Cost $180,464.45 5,000.00 1,600.00 2,500.00 950.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 198,014.45 ~ 8 1~, 61.01 (7,920.18) $203,955.28 Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds $(53,955.28) The Treasurer has advised that the actual amount to be financed through the issuance of debt will be determined once the savings in other projects has been confirmed later this year. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This project cost has been estimated at approximately $54,000.00 over the 2002 Roads Capital Budget estimate. It has been deemed necessary by the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and by the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to complete this project as specified in Tender T-8-2002. A cost saving in other Capital projects (Granite Court Bridge and Concession 5 Road Culvert Replacement) may be realized, which would offset a portion of the Capital Road Construction debt. Council is requested to approve financing of this project, including the requirement to increase the amount of debt. Report to Council OES 028-02 Date: Subject: Tender T-8-2002 - Tender for Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road June Page 3 BACKGROUND: In 1990, the owners of Part Lot 15. Concession 7. entered a Development Agreement with the Town of Pickering (By-law No. 3489/90) which authorized the execution of the Development Agreement to proceed with Land DMsion .Application 48:89 The applicant was required to construct a 432.90 meter gravel surface, rural cross-section roadway, in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement. on a non maintained Picketing road allowance known as Concession 8 Road Upon completion. Picketing would assume this section of roadway, for maintenance. This road was constructed at the applicants expense in the Fall of 1990 and assumed by Picketing for maintenance in November of 1991 The newly constructed roadwav is maintained by Picketing during the year except during winter It was determined by Roads staff that the grade is too steep and hazardous to maintain in the winter months. This situation also poses a safety hazard for the motoring public Hence, because there is no dwelling on the severed property, the road segment is barricaded ever-,' winter. The property changed hands in 2001 and it is the new owners intention to build a permanent dx~elling on this property. To provide safe year round access, it has been determined by staff that the xenical alignment of the road would have to be improved The Solicitor for the City has advised that the developer }las fulfilled its obligation of tile Development Agreement in order to satisL' the condition or' the Land Division application for allowing a building permit to be issued Tile City must be able to perlbrm year round maintenance on this road to provide access to tile property and specifically the future building Bids for T-8-2002 were received on \Vednesdav. June 5. 2002 Tx~elve ~ 12) companies were invited to bid on this project and the City received ten (10) bids at the time of closing. The low bidder, Elirpa Construction & Materials Limited have completed proiects tbr the City in the past (T-12-97) and a check of their references has been deemed acceptable by the Supervisor, Municipal Works. The Health and Safety Policy, a list of personnel trained, and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. as submitted by Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. have been reviewed by the Safety, & Training Coordinator and are deemed acceptable Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board clearance, etc). I recommend the acceptance of the low bid by Elirpa Construction & Materials Limited in the tendered amount of $180,464.45 (G.S.T. extra) and a Capital project cost of $203,955.28 The Manager, Supply 8,: Services concurs with the recommendation ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply' and Services memorandum dated June 5. 2002 2. Record of tenders opened and checked 3. Location map Prepared By: B. ~uzma , Administration Supervisor Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Approved Endors.e,d By: / Everett Buntsma Director. Operations & Emergency Services Gil Paterson Director. Corporate Serw'ices & Treasurer Report to Council OES 028-02 Date: Subject: Tender T-8-2002 - Tender for Road Improvements - Concession 8 Road June 18, 2002 Page 4 BDK A~tachments (RTCT-028-02) Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor. Municipal Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Court/FA- ~ , , ,__.__..~ ., l/ho'mas J t)u~n, t~nl~I Aorm~ ATTACi. iHi::NT#/__~. 10 I::LEPOKT# ,,,_.,~/of 2. inter-Departmental Memorandum ' Department of Corporate Services Supply & Services Date: Subject: Richard Holbom Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering June 5,2002 Road Improveinents. Concession 8 Road Tender No. T - 8- 2002 Dan:ell Selsky MunicipaJ Works Supervisor Twelve (12) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement for this project appeared in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page ~md the City's Website which yielded interest from bidders. Twelve (12) vendors picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of S50.00 per set. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-011, Item 10.03 ~r; provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shah govern and extension will be corrected accordingly. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 0104)11, Item 10.04 (w) permits that ail deposits other than those of the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidder, which will be done once you have completed an analysis of bids based upon your budget for this project. Thereforc, a copy of all bids are attached for review. Please advise when tiffs analysis is complete in order that all deposits other than those of the low three (3) bidders can be returned. Smmnary (PST included. ©ST inciuded~ Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. i 198.495.08 193,096.96 616183 Ontario inc. o/a Hollingworth Const. C,~. 210,265.70 210,265.70 Harnden & Kin~ Const_ Inc. B.N. Fenton Construction Ltd. 212,720.54 222.5z3.95 I 222.543.95 Bishop Construction Miller Paving Limited BO, Ran Cont2racting Limited MontgomeD' MacEwen Contracting Barra Con Construction Ltd. 253,z35.67 I 233,435.67 240.447.19 240,447.19 240,876.79 ! 240.876.79 279,800.08 279,800.08 North Ridge Acton Limited 281,036.04 ] 281,036.04 Pursuant to hfformation to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of the Iow bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this project; and (b) a cbpy of the current CAD 7 form or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. (c) a copy of the current certificate of Clearzmce issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; ATTACHMENT# / - TO REPORT# : of T - 6/2000 Page 2 Please review copies of the attached low three tenders. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a ~ if items (a) through (a) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinatof;. Ih3 any' past work experience Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; id) a work location map; (e) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (f) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (h) related departmental approvals;' (i) any reason(s) why the Iow bid of Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. is'not acceptable; and (j) - related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. Manager, Supply & Services /bt Attachment ATTACHMENT ¢~__~. of__ MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-8-2002 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CONCESSION 8 ROAD REPORT# o-----~ qT~ v AREA eli LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Earthworks, Grading, Granular Road, Asphalt Pavh]g and Ditches. · Concession 8 Road between Brock Road and Michell Creek. J:~booker~Attachment$ for Tenders~2OO2[ T-08- 2002 - Concession 8 Road. doc PIinG RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Clerk's Report CL 25-02 regarding the application by Can-SorT Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue. lbr an amendment to their Certificate of Approval No. A o904_1 be received: and That the Council of the Corporation of the City oI' Picketing hereby opposes the said application. That the Director be requested to hold a hearing under Section 32. Part V of the Environmental Protection Act regarding this application. That a copy of Clerk's Report (iL 25412 be lbrxvarded to the Director. Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch. Ministry ol'~hc Environment and Energy. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: June 18. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 25-02 SUBJECT: Application for Amendment to Certificate of Approval Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 25-02 regarding the application by Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, for an amendment to their Certificate of Approval No. A390421 be received. 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby opposes the said application. 3. That the Director be requested to hold a hearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act regarding this application. 4. That a copy of Clerk's Report CL 25-02 be forwarded to the Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy. ORIGIN: Letter fi.om Ministry of the Environment and Energy dated May 22, 2002 advising of application to amend Certificate of Approval by Can-Sort Recycling Limited AUTHORITY: Section 32 of the Environmental Protection Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Ministry of the Environment and Energy has advised the City that Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, has made application to amend their Certificate of Approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables. The Director, Planning & Development and the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering recommend that Council oppose this application. Report to Council CL _3-0_ Sub. ject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited. 1048 Toy Avenue Date: June 18. 2002 Paoe '~ BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from the Ministrx of the Environment and Energy dated May 22. 2002 advising that they have received an application from Can-Sort Recycling ISmited. 1048 Toy Avenue. to amend their Certiiicate of Approval No. A390421 to convert to a transtar station, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site. accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recvclables. Attached to the letter is a more detailed summar~ of what is being requested by Can-Son Recycling Limited. Also attached to this Report is a n~emorandum from the Director. Planning 8,: Development wherein it is noted that the current site currently experiences functional restrictions with respect to truck traffic and that the amendment provides for outside storage whereas the current site plan recognizes that all activity at this site x~'ould be contained within the existing building. Based on these concerns, the Director has recommended that Council oppose this application. Also attached to this Report is a memorandum from the DMsion }lead. Municipal Property & Engineering indicating that the proposed amendment would have a major impact on traffic on Toy A~enue and Quartz street and also a major impact on businesses using the intersection of' Toy A~enue and Bayly Street. The addition of residential waste x~ould create problems for the area businesses due to odours and animals. In 1998, Can-Sort Recycling I,imited made application to amend the same Certificate of Approval to increase the maximum metric tonnage of solid non-hazardous waste received per da)' from 150 to 750 metric tonnes, increase the site storage of x~aste from 250 to 1.000 metric tonnes and to accept solid non-hazardous institutional waste. Council strenuously opposed this application in 1998 and I have attached tbur resolutions that x~ere passed by Council in 1998 setting ()ut its ohiections. Based on the tbregoing, I would again recommend that Council oppose this current application to amend the Certificate of Approval submitted by Can-Sort Ret:cling Limited and request that a Hearing be held under the Environmental Protection Act as noted in the letter dated May 22, 2002 from the Minist~ of the Environment and Energy. ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4. Site Maps Letter from Ministry of the Environment and Enert~v dated Max '~'~ '~00'~ Memorandum from the Director. Planning & Development dated June 17, 2002 Memorandum from the DMsion ttead. Municipal ProperU & Engineering dated June 17. 2002 Four resolutions passed in 1998 opposing Can-Sort's application to amend its Certificate of Approval Prepared By: /' ,Bruce Taylor. City Clerk 0 o 0 Report to Council CL 25-02 Sub~ject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited. 1048 Toy Avenue Date: June 18.2002 Page ~ Attachments Copy: Director. Planning & Development Division Head. Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~hd~ J. ~,nn. ~i~dmm~t~m~ ATTACHMENT~ , TOREPORT# 0,~2 -; ATTACHHEN7 ~ ~'18' 22 28~2 14:52 FR li,ltlnlst~t of Envlronment and Energy Envfronmenta] Assessment and A~Dfovals Branch Floor I ~ 2 St Clair Ave W loro~toON M~V1L5 Fax: 416 31~52 Te:e~hone: (416) ~14-8315 22.2{.)02 Mlnist~re de I'Envlronnement et de I'~nergle D~roction cte$ evaluations et des autori~atlcns envlronneme~tales Etuge 1~ 2 aY St Cl~*r 0 Toronto ON M4V !L5 Tete~p,eur: 416-314-0452 T~o~one: (~16) 314-8310 Ontario Clerk Cit! of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Sir,%,ladam: Application for Approval of Waste Disposal Sites 1048 Toy Avenue City. of Pickering,,Regional Municipalit3/' of Durham MOEE Reference Number 42.36-58NP.J3 The Ministry of Environment and EnerD' has received an application from Can-So~ Recycling Ltd to amend their Certificate of Approval No. A390421. The application seeks approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyciables. It is requested that the City make comments with respect to the application. In lieu of a Council Resolution. please ensm'e the report is signed m~d dated by the Conzrnissioner of Works or equivalent. Please respond directly to the undersigned by June 28, 2002. As you are aware, the Director has the discretion under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) to hold a public hearing regarding applications for waste disposal facilities. Municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request that the Director consider calling a hearing with respect to an>' application submined under Part \: of the EPA. .~ny submissions in this regard must be accompanied by valid reasons and supporting technical justification. Please refer file number 4236-5gNP J3 in ali related corresponde'ace. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me at 415-314-8316. Yours truly. 'Veronica Pochmursky Waste Evaluator c: District Manager, MOEE York-Durham Chuck K,.mc, Can-Sort R¢cycling Limited CAN-SORT RECYCLING LIMITED PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR A WASTE DISPOSAL SITE NO. A390421 APPENDIX D: OPERATIONS REPORT lowing is a breakdown of site maintenance and operations at Can-Sort Recycling: · Can-Sort Recycling accepts solid non-hazardous industrial, coimnercial & industrial waste and recyclables from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday. ,- Amendment would permit acceptance of residential waste, · Each morning the Plant Manager conducts a visual inspection of the plant and the site. · When a vehicle arrives at the site it is weighed and information on the hauler is entered on the Weighscale Ticket, such as Customer, Hauler, Truck No., License Vehicle Size and Vetficle T?pe. · The Spotter determines what the hauler is dumping before directing the driver to dump the load on the tipping floor or in one of the bunkers. · The Spotter visuallx inspects the load for hazardous waste. If such waste is found i~ the load. it would be immediately reloaded back on the vehicle. · The Material Type is entered on the Weighscale Ticket, the vetficle is weighed and the driver signs thc ticket authorizing that all information is correct. · Sottrce separated recyclables are dumped in the designated bunkers. · Recyclables spotted in the mixed waste piles on the tipping floor are hand picked and dmnped in the bunkers. · A 644H John Deere Loader is then used to push residual waste into the waste pile. · Amendment would permit residential waste and mixed waste identified on the tipping floor as lacking suitable recyclables, to be transferred into the waste pile shipping to landfills. · Recyclables in bunkers are loaded into 40 cu.yd, bins and tarped m the pla21t before being weighed and hauled to end-users. ° Amendment would allow full bins of sorted clean recyclables to be covered and placed outside, within the perimeter of the fenced site, to await shipment. The location of the bins is indicated on the previous page. · Open top trailers back into a pit where a 270L John Deere Excavator is used to load the waste. · Trailers are untarped and tarped inside the facility. · Trailers are weighed before and after being loaded to determine the weight of waste they will be carrying. Infbrmation regarding the shipper, hauler and destination of the waste is entered on a Manifest or Bill of Lading. · Scalehouse staffis responsible fbr filling out Incoming and Outgoing Tally Sheets to confirm that we operate within tonnage limits. · Toward the end of the day a general cleanup of the plant, site, scalehouse, washrooms and maiutenance room is conducted, including sweeping the floors. A more intensive cleanup takes place on the weekend when there is little vehicle traffic, · Amendment, to remove Condition (29) (a), would permit a neat waste pile on floor, so that waste would be available for the next trailer. · Facility is equipped with one odour con~'ol system complete with twent!' spray nozzles, operating at a liquid flow ra~e of 15.6 millilitres per second, exhausting into the atmosphere through two exhaust t~s each with a volumetric Ilow rate of 8.5 actual cubic metres per second through a louve, hax lng ax~ exit diamctc~ ~,i' 1.07 metres, located at 9.5 mc[rcs abovt~ L, rade and ]. 5 metres below thc roof. · Ifa particul~ly odotm~us load arrives ,ac load it ilnmediately into a trailer ii'one is thc pit or we manuallx increase the spray duration and bury thc load until thc next ~railer is available. · Lloyd's Pest Comrol resets traps once a month to control vermin. APPENDIX D: I)RA I N,AGE If dm sprinkler system is required to put out a fire. a holding m~nk is located in the facility to accept this liquid. Can-Sort Recycling would then tqire a MOE licensed liquid industrial waste processor to pump out the tank. The floor of the f*acility contains 6 inches of poured concrete. Outside the site is entirely covered in asphalt with a pou~red concrete crab around the perimeter. 0)6 ~_._. 'TO REPORT# PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 18, 2002 To: From 7 S ubj ect: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development Application for Amendment to The Ministry of Environment and Energy Certificate of Approval No. A390421 Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 1048 Toy Avenue City of Picketing This Department has completed an initial review of the above-noted matter. It is our understanding that the applicant seeks Ministry approval to increase the amount and t.vpe of waste processed on-site, and to add outdoor storage of recyclables as a permitted activity. Based on this understanding and our concerns respecting functionality of the site, it is recommended that City Council oppose the applicant's request for revision to the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Certificate of Approval pertaining to the subject site. Increased processing limitations for the site will likely increase truck traffic to a site that currently has several site function restrictions. The large size of the building in relation to the lot area, severe limitation of on-site maneuvering space, substantial truck traffic and periodic occurrences of unapproved outdoor storage all contribute to the opinion that the site currently functions at capacity. Based on the limited information available for review respecting the proposal, we cannot provide support for any expansion in use of the facility. Bruce Taylor June 1 Pa~e 2 I am not aware of any pre-consultation between the applicant and the City respecting this proposal, certainly not with the Planning & Development Department. It is possible that further discussions between thc City and the applicant could provide a better understanding of tile application and lead to a more positive Departmental response. Revisions to the approved site plan and or proposed site operations could potentially bring some level of support for elements of' the applicant's request. The proposal n'my also require a peer reviexv IYom a consuhant well versed in waste management matters, to assist Council in £ormulating its position. The follov, mg comments are provided lbr your consideration. Proposal Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. has applied for an amendment to the Nlinistrv of Enviromnent and Energy (MOEE) Certificate of Approval which is applicable to the waste processing, recycling and transfer facility that operates at 1048 Iov Avenue/there are tv,'o buildings on the property al 1048 To}' Ave. this certificate pertains to the portion oi'ti~e site and the building that fronts on thc north side of' Quartz Street). A map idcntif:,dng the location of the site in question is attached. The current certificate of approval, which was originally isstied in 1992 and revised in 1998, permits Can-sort to process commercial and industrial non-hazardous v:aste (primarily construction waste), to remove recyclables such as scrap metals, cardboard and wood. Residual waste, once tile recvclables are removed, is then shipped to approved landfills. The current request is generally to increase thc amount and t}'pe of waste processed on- site, and to add outdoor storage of recvclables as a permitted activity. Planning & Development Staff are not aware of any restrictions on the source of tile residential waste proposed to be processed on site. it is our understanding that the proposal may be to accept waste from any source within tile Province. City Council has previously expressed concerns respecting a Picketing facility accepting waste from outside Picketing / the Region of Durham. It is our understanding, from mtbrmation obtained from the NIinistrv of Environment and Energy WEB site and discussions with Ministry Staff that the proposed amendments to thc current Certificate of Approval are as follov,'s: Bruce Taylor ,-, i-fA(2i-~ ;~. 2 ~ June 18, 2002 Page 3 Current Certificate tmendments to certificate of (as am~ maximum waste received and shipped per day -300 tomaes maximum on site storage at any one time of solid unprocessed waste, processed material and residual waste -400 tonnes all residual waste and recovered recyclable material to be stored within enclosed buildings -waste disposal site (processing) (processing terminology refers to a maximum of 199 tonnes of waste leaving the site ) permitted to accept: soil non-hazardous commercial and industrial xvaste (excludes hazardous xvaste, liquid industrial waste, pathological waste, agricultural waste, processed organic waste, domestic waste, and hauled storage) Hours of operation Monday to Saturday 6:00 am. To 6:00 p.m. maximum waste received and shipped per day -400 toimes maximum on site storage at any one time of solid unprocessed waste, processed material and residual waste -600 tonnes to permit outdoor storage of clean / sorted recyclables, in covered bins (10 bins proposed) * -to convert to a transfer station (transfer station terminology refers to 299 to~mes of waste leaving the site) -in addition to material currently permitted to be accepted to add residential waste ** Hours of operation Monday to Saturday 6:00 am. to 6:00 p.m. Discussions xvith the MOE - Ministry considering limiting outdoor storage to 3 covered bins (not 10 as suggested by applicant) and materials that are allowed to be stored outdoors to be restricted to cardboard metal and ~vood. ** Discussions with the MOE - Ministry considering capping amount of residential waste permitted to be received on site at 160 tonnes per day Requesting all residential waste to be removed by 6:00 p.m. daily (no overnight storage). Bruce Taylor . ~ -~ June 1 $. 20t)2 ~ ~ - ,~ 5'' 0..2- Page 4 Official Plan and Zoning The property is located in the Brock Industrial Area within an area desigl~ated Ge~terMEm?/qw~ie~t Area by thc Picketing Official Plan. Wardaousing, storage of goods and materials, waste transtkr and recycling, waste processing, and freight transfer uses are permitted in the Gc~Jer~l EmFi~o'me~t Area. The current usc of the property, and the proposed changes to the use which would result IYon~ the requested ~endments to the Certificate of Approval. contbnn to the policies of the Picketing Official Plan. 'I'he property is zoned "*lC O" Associated Industrial by Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 223486. This zoning permits manufacturing or industrial uses, as well as warehouses and distribution depots, light manufacturing plants for the processing of goods and materials, and outdoor storage in any yard. except the fi'om yard, so long as tile area used for outdoor storage does not exceed 30 percent of the area of the lot. The current use of the property, and the proposed changes to the use which would result from the requested amendments to the Certilicate of Approval. con]ply with the applicable zoning by-law. Site Plan There is currently an approved site plan, S35/88 (R 95), which governs tile subject property. The approved site plan alloxvs Ibr trucks to access and exit the site in an orderly maimer based on traffic flow infoiqnation available at tile tinqe of site plan approval. The building on the site is quite large in comparison to the lot area. This design recognized the applicant's proposal to contain all activity v:ithin the building, with most all remaining site area utilized and required for truck manoeuvring. Consequently. despite the fact that limited outdoor storage is pennitted by the zoning bv-laxx, tile site plan did not identit\,' or permit any outdoor storage bins. The subject site currently exhibits functional restrictions. Tile site cannot contain all vehicle activity associated with the operation. Currently the operation requires that trucks back up on Quartz Street {a City public strectL to enter the building and load material. An increase in the waste processing limits may require queuing of trucks on Quartz Street, resulting in traffic and environmental problems. Further, the large coverage of the building on the lot leaves very limited area for the provision of buffering from adjacent uses. The Certificate of ApprovaI issued bv tile MOEE establishes limitations on site activities. Any expansion to the amount of material received, shipped, processed and / or stored on- site will increase site activity on a site that is already very confined. O40 Bruce Taylor June 18, 2002 Page 5 Ministry staff advised that the City may request an extension of time to respond to the ~'equested revision to the Certificate of Approval applicable to the site. However, the Ministry may not consider such a request if it results in a significant time delay. NC/jr Auachments Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering OPEP, ATIONS ,5,2 EMERGENCY SERVICES MLTNIC'IPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMOt~NDUM .lune I 7, 2002 Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Richard Holborn Division Head. 2\lunicipal Property & Engineering Application tbr Anlendlnent to Certificate oI'Approval Can-Sort Recycling Lilnitcd. 1045 'Fox Ax enue. This is in response to your memo dated .lunc 5, 2002 requesting comments on Can-Sort's application Ibr tine Ministry of the Environment to amend their certificate of approval to: 1 .) convert to a trans~'cr station 2.) increase tonnages receixed and removed fi'om the site 3.) accept residential waste 4.) alloy, for outdoor storage oI'rccxclablcs The Municipal PropelTy & Engineering Dix'isioi7 pt-critics thc folloxxing comments on their application. The increase of tonnages and conversion to a transI'cr station indicate that truck traffic to and fi'om the site. using Quartz Street and Toy :Xxcnuc will increase. Delays at the intersection of Toy Avenue and Bayly Street. which is unsignalized, will cause traffic impacts for other businesses on the street and may interfere with access to the Tim Horton's on the corner of Toy Avenue and Ba)'iy Street. A wip generation and traffic impact assessment is required to be submitted lbr review to determine if the amendment can be supported, and if improvements are required in the Ibnn of traffic signals or othe~vise. O42 Bruce Taylor Subject: Application for Amendment to Certificate of Approval Can-Sort Recycling Limited. ](~45 Toy Avenue June 17, 2002 Page 2 It is our interpretation that the existing Certificate of Approval allows for 300 tonnes of waste to be accepted per day, 199 tonnes of waste to be removed per day and 400 tonnes of storage at any one time. Outside bin storage is not allowed. The amendment is to add 100 tonnes of incoming waste daily and 200 tonnes of onsite storage. The application is not clear on whether an increase of waste removal is being applied for, and what form the outdoor storage will take and what amount will be stored outdoors. Additional information is required in order to comment on this aspect. It should be noted that the site is small (0.80 hectares) and traffic flow through the site is limited and difficult. A revised site plan to indicate the flow of traffic and site storage location (s) is required before any increases can be supported Due to the proximity and nature of surrounding businesses, the addition of residential waste is not recommended. Issues due to odours, animals etc. will be apparent and will atTcct neighbouring properties. Outdoor bin storage was removed from the 1998 application to the Ministry of the Environment for a Certificate Approval due to concerns fromthe City of Pickering. Due to the size of the sitc. and its configuration with adjacent properties, the outdoor storage is still not appropriate. Richard Ho~orn ,,Division Head, ~ Municipal Property & Engineering RH/gm Copy: Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Resolution #84/98 Passed on April,20~ 1998 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS Can-Sort Recycling Ltd.. has a history o£non-compliance with Town bv- laws. it's zoning and site plan restrictions and with Provincial legislation at it's thcilitv located at 1048 Toy Avenue occurring both under its direct management and under Ever Green Recvcle Canada Inc. while Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. still owned the subject property and held the license for operations of the facility; and WtlEREAS as a result of non-compliance the Ministry of Environment charged Can-Sort with thilure to store, sort and process waste material in a proper manner and Can-Son P, ecycling Ltd. pied guilt)' in March of 1995: and %qAEREAS in a letter dated June 16. 1997 from D.R. Crump. Director. Central Region tbr the Ministry of Environment indicated that the Certificate of Approval lbr A390421 tbr 1048 Toy Avenue was suspended because of concern on his part that "the continued use of the building at this site, and in particular the possible collapse of the roof of the building, nmy endanger the health or safety of the people who would ordinarily be using the building in the course of operath~g the waste processing site and would make it difficult to deal with any' waste at the site in accordm~ce with the requirements of the Provisional Certificate of Approval": and WHEREAS non-compliance is still continuing on the property of 1048 Toy Avenue and currently and historically has resulted in undue hardships on a4iacent businesses and residents: and WHEREAS Can-Sort Recycling has made application to the Ministry of Environment on April 1. 1998 to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval tbr a Waste Disposal Site No. A390421 to increase the n~zkximum Metric Tonnage of solid non-hazardous waste received per day from 150 to 750 m~der A5 of the MOE Certificate of Approval. the on site storage of waste from 250 to 1.000 Metric Tonnes under A4. and to accept solid non~ hazardous institutional waste: and WHEREAS the Brock West Landfill site was recently closed and residents have expressed strenuous objection to importing waste from Metro Toronto or other conmm~fities; NOW TttEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'I'o~xn of Pickering expresses its opposition in principle to Can-Son Recycling Ltd. application to an~end the Provisional Certificate of Approval for Waste Disposal Site No. A390421 tbr operations at 1048 Toy Avenue: and c 44 THAT the Chief Building Official in conjunction with the Town of Pickering's By-Law Enforcement Officers report back to Council with respect to the current status of compliance with the apProved site plans, current zoning restrictions and with respect to property standards by May 19, 1998 and that the report be circulated to the individuals receiving a copy of this resolution; and THAT the Town Clerk request that the Ministry of Environment review the operation by Can-Sort Recycle Ltd. of the waste disposal site - processing at 1048 Toy Avenue. Pickering, pursuant to MOE Certificate of Approval A390421, to determine whether or not that Site is being operated in accordance with that certificate particularly with respect to sections A3, A4, A5, A6, B9, B12, B15, B16, E23 of the Certificate of Approval; and THAT this resolution be forwarded to: Mr. Geoff Carpentier, Supervisor, Waste Section, Ontario Ministry of Environment The Honourable Norm Sterling, Minister of Environment Roy Wilshire, President, Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. CARRIED Resolution #96/98 Passed on Mav 19:2002 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report to Council PW 12-98 regarding Can-Sort Recycling Ltd.. 1048 To>: Avenue be received tbr information and forxvarded to: Mr. GeoffCarpentier. Supervisor. Waste Section. Ontario MinistD' of Environment. The ttonourable Norm Sterling. Mhdster of Enviromnent. 3. Mr. Roy Wiltshire. President. Can-Sort Recycling Ltd: and That the Council of the Corporation o£ the TowT~ of Picketing hereby reiterates its opposition to the application made by Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval A390421 for a xvaste disposal site as set out in Resolution #84/98 passed on April 20. 1998. CARRIED Resolution #119/98 Passed on June 22~ 1998, Moxed by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the letter from the Ministry of Environment dated May 4, 1998 advising that it has received an application from Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. for an amendment to the Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site (Processing/Transfer) facility at 1048 Toy Avenue. Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 be received; and That the Cotmcil of the Town of Picketing opposes the application for business expansion through revision to the Certificate of Approval; and That the Council of the Town of Pickering requests a hearing under the Environmental Protections Act. CARRIED Resolution #169/98 Passed on ~ Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS the Town of Pickering. area businesses and residents have suffered from continuous violations by Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. of their Site Plan agreement, zoning requirements and property standards requirements both during their direct management and while they owned and held the Certificate of Approval tbr the site located at 1048 'Fox Avenue: and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Toxin of Picketing has opposed an expansion of the Certificate of Approval A390421 by Cm,-Sort Recycling Ltd. as the site currently is not able to operate wittun existing municipal requirement and an expansion would exacerbate that problem; and g,q-tEREAS in a letter dated July 29. 1998, from Ellen Reed. Senior Approvals Officer for the Ministry of the Environment, the Town of Picketing x~'as notified that Can-Sort's Recycling Ltd. application for increased tommge ~,~as approved and that the request by Pickering Council for a Enviromnental Assessment was rejected; and WHEREAS the Ministry of the Envirorm~ent has not consulted with the Town in any wax about the application or its in, pact upon the municipality: and WHEREAS the only meeting that did take place between Ministr~ of the Environment officials and a ]'own official, nmnelv Councillor Mark }tolland. occm'red not as a result of an invitation but rather because Councillor t to[land ~ as informed by a third party that Ministry officials would be in the area: and WHEREAS the Certificate of Approval for Can-Son Recycling Ltd. was issued one business day before Council was given an opportunity to conm~ent upon the decrease in requested tonnage by Can-sort when Ministry officials knew that the matter was coming before Council on August 4. 1998: and WHEREAS the Corporation of the ]'own of Picketing has endorsed a motion calling lbr increased autonomy over waste and waste related issues within its municipality and that the motion was endorsed or is being considered by municipalities across the GTA; and WHEREAS a process which does not involve or seem to in anyway consider the concerns and/or positions of local councils and area residents with respect to the issuance or revision ora Certificate of Approval is flawed and is in dire need of revision; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby declares its continuing opposition to the current or any increase in tonnage at the Can-Sort facility and that the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Provincial commitment with respect to the,'~eilling-host" principal has been made a mockery of by Ministry staff:, and THAT the Council declares its strenuous objection to the Certificate of Approval process as it does not consider local concerns or impacts and requests that the Ministry of the Environment amend the process to make it more democratic; and T! IAT Janet Ecker, M.P.P. meet with Council, at a mutually acceptable time, to discuss the Certificate of Approval process and advise of what action, if any, she can take to make the process responsive to local concerns; and THAT further to the motion passed by Pickering Council and subsequently adopted by the Towns of Richmond Hill, Markham, East Gwillirnbury, the Municipality of Clarington, City of Brampton and the Townships of King and Uxbridge, the Corporation of the Town of Pickering requests that the Association of Municipalities (AMO) formulate a position on waste and waste related issues and coordinates a province wide action plan to ensure that local concerns are heard and considered; and THAT this motion be distributed to: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Norm Sterling, Minister of the Environment Association of Municipalities Janet Ecker, M.P.P. (Durham West) Mike Harris, Premier of the Province of Ontario A1 Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs Environment Critic for the Official Opposition Environment Critic for the NDP CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Dickerson, Holland, Johnson, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Clerk's Report CL 22-02 of ~.he regarding the status o;' thc PickeringZ~jax/Whitby Joint Animal Control and Service Agreements bc received tbr infornqation. O5O REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor. AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: June 17. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 22-02 SUBJECT: Pickering/Ajax/Whitby Joint Animal Control and Service Agreements RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 22-02 regarding the status of the Pickering/Ajax/Whitby Joint Animal Control and Service Agreements be received for information. ORIGIN: Resolution passed by Town of Ajax dated June 10. 2002 AUTHORITY: Section 210 of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this Report is to extend the time limit set out in Resolution #46/02 passed on March 4. 2002 to withdraw from the PAW Animal Control Service on condition that the Town of Ajax partners with the City of Pickering on establishing an animal control service. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of March 4, 2002: WHEREAS in 1982, the municipalities of Pickering, Ajax and Whitby purchased the Animal Control Centre located at 4680 Thickson Road North in the Town of Whitby from the Ontario Humane Society but continued to allow the Ontario Humane Society to provide animal control services under contract to the three municipalities; and Report to Council CL 22-02 Subject: PAW Joint Animal Control and Serx'ice Agreements Date: June 17. 2002 Page 2 WHEREAS in 1985, due to increasing costs and decreasing service, the municipalities of Picketing, Ajax and V~'hitby decided to jointly undertake the entire animal control operation and entered into agreements to provide for such service: and WHEREAS in a Sen'icing Agreement dated December 31, 1985, the Iow'n of Whitby agreed to provide the sen'ices of pound-keeper and animal control officer for the three municipalities; and WHEREAS this Servicing Agreement may be terminated on December 31 year by any of the three municipalities upon six month's prior written notice; and WHEREAS in an Animal Control Agreement dated December 31, 1985, the responsibilities of the three municipalities respecting the establishment of a joint animal control service and a joint board of management, in addition to criteria related to the premises, contract services, indemnification and agreement termination are set out; and WHEREAS this Animal Control Agreement may be terminated on December 31~' in any year by any of the three municipalities upon six month's prior ,a'ritten notice; and WHEREAS the Animal Control Agreement proxides for the equal distribution of properD' and related assets: and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the CiD' of Pickering would like to improve the Level of service to our residents and their animals particularly in areas such as adoptions, enforcement, animal disposal, public relations and education; and WHEREAS the animal control operation can be operated at a cost saving to residents if the Town of Ajax partnered w'ith the City of Picketing to provide such an operation; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation hereby resolves that subject to the Council of the Town of Ajax agreeing to partner ~ith the CiD' of Picketing to provide an animal control sen'ice that: 1. Pursuant to Section 19(1)(b) of the Servicing Agreement, notice is hereby given that the City of Picketing wishes to terminate the Agreement on December 31, 2002. 2. Pursuant to Section 15(1)(b) of the Animal Control Agreement, notice is hereby given that the City of Picketing wishes to terminate the Agreement on December 31, 2002. AND FURTHER THAT prior to the deadline of June 30. 2002 to terminate the Servicing Agreement and the Animal Control Agreement, that the Councils of the Town of Ajax and the Cit~' of Picketing come to an agreement on such issues as the location and ownership of the animal shelter, the management of the shelter, the level of service to be provided by the staff of the animal shelter and the staff of the shelter; Report to Council CI. 22-02 Subject: PAW Joint Animal Control and Service Agreements Date: June 17. 2002 Page 3 AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Council of the Town of Ajax to seek its agreement to partner with the Ci~ of Picketing in providing an animal control service commencing January 1, 2003. Since the passage of the above resolution, the Chief Administrative Officers and Clerks of the three municipalities have met twice to discuss improvements to the PAW Animal Control Service and have agreed to continue to meet in the Fall to discuss further improvements. Also, the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee endorsed a wide range of service improvements at its meeting of March 20, 2002 which Pickering Council approved at its regular meeting of April 15. 2002. Attached to this Report is a letter from the Clerk of the Town of Ajax dated June 13, 2002 advising of a resolution passed by Ajax Council advising that it does not endorse Pickering's resolution to withdraw from the PAW service agreement at this time, in order to allow for staff`to review and for recommendations to be made later in 2002. IT is important to note that the resolution passed by Pickering Council on March 4. 2002 to withdraw from the PAW Animal Control Service was conditional upon the Town of Ajax agreeing to partner with Pickering in the establishment of a joint animal control service. Further, the resolution goes on to state that prior to the deadline of June 30, 2002 to terminate the Servicing Agreement and the Animal Control Agreement, that the Councils of the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickering come to an agreement on such issues as the location and ownership of the animal shelter, the management of the shelter, the level of service to be provided by the staff of the animal shelter and the staff`of the shelter. Since the Ajax Council has deferred any decision on withdrawing from the PAW animal control service and partnering with the City of Pickering on the establishment of a joint service, the various deadlines set out in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on March 4, 2002 are no longer valid. I would recommend that Council receive this Report for information and await the final decision of Ajax Council, which should be made later in 2002. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from the Town of Ajax dated June 10, 2002 PreparedBy: Bruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .~ /(.,,~ "' Thofna~ J. Quinn, Ch/el Adrm~straUve ~ / ATTACHMENT~ / TO REPORT #., c~- ?'; - ~; Jtme 13, 2002 Town of Ajax Ontario'S First ISO 9001 Qualttr CommuniO 65 Ha~,ood Avenue S. .~.la.,, On P~'no LiS 2H9 !905 ,, 6S3-455U (905~ 619-2529, ext. 336 dero~d{~tovmo fajax,com City of Pickermg Atto: Bruce Taylor 1 Thc Esplanade Pmkenng, Ontario L1V 6K? Dear M_r. Taylor: Pickenng,_'Aiax_,Whitby Animal _Control At their meeting hme 10. 2002, Ajax To~m Council approved the follo,xdng resolution.: "That Pickenng a_nd v~q-dtby Councils be respectfully adxdsed that Ajax Cotmcil will not endorse the Pickenng resolution to x~4thdraw from the PAW service a~eement at this time. in order ro allow fbr staffto re'new mad for recommendations to be made later iz: 2002; and That the serv4ce ~mprovement recon]mendat/ons (1 to 10, inclusive approved by the PAW Commmee in March, 2002, be endorsed". Please note that Ajax Cotmcii has also endorsed service improvement recormnendations 1 to 10, approved bv the PAW Committee earlier tins '.,'ea. With respect to item i0 re: pet repstration, t~owe':e:, the Town of Aiax reset, es the right to conmme its annual registration pro..gram rather than adopting a lifetime re.mstration program The To'~m will monitor the experience of Whitby with the lifetime program before making a ~Snal decision with respect to this matter. Sincerely, M. de Rond Clerk /os Cc Councillor P. Brown. Ajax Council PAW Representative D. McKay, Tov,~n of Whitby R. Pansono. C.A.O. RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report ()ES 027-02 concerning Parking By-law Amendment - Parkdale Street, be received: and That the attached by-law amendment be approved to reflect the existing no-parking conditions on Parkdale Street and to prohibit on-street parking fronting 2527 Parkdale Street. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbein. P. En~. Division Head Municipal Property& En~inccrin~ DATE: June 4, 2002 REPORT NU~IBER: OES 027 - 02 SUBJECT' Parking By-law Amendnnent Parkdale Street RECOMMENDATiONS' · n7 3 1 That Report OES 0, - _ be received: and That tile attached bv-laxx amendment be approved to reflect tiao existing no-parking conditions on Parkdale Street and to prohibit on-street parkin,~ i?ontin~4 2527 Parkdale Street. ORIGIN: City of Pickering Council Resolution ::45 ~)" passed at the Council Meeting of March 4. _00_. AUTHORITY: ;~hou'cu~cd Act, R.S.O. 1990. ctmptcr 51.4. section 21 ~. 123 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Manufacture and installation et'regulator)' signs cosung approx~matelx 52(). )0. The cost for these signs can be accommodated within tile -'01 ;" Roads Operaung Bud~zct/2~_0-_40 )) Highway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In accordance with City of Picketing Council Resolution ¢45 (2 passed at tile Council meeting on March 4, 2002, a by-law amendment has been drafted to provide 1bt a "No Parking" zone fronting 2527 Parkdale Street. The by-lay,' amendment tnas also been x~ orded to properly reflect the No-Parking conditions that currenth' exist on Parkdale Street. BACKGROUND: At the Council N'Ieetino on .March 4. _( )z, Citx Council passed Reso]ution =~5 ()2 which directed staff to prepare a bv-laxv to provide tbr a "No Parking" zone adjacent to 2527 Parkdale Street. In response to this request staff rcviexved the existing ~no-pat'king conditions on Parkdale Street and noted that fine current by-tar,' was x~ orded such that sl~ning could be immediately installed along the south side of tile street, includin~ tile area l'rontin~ 252- Parkdalc Street. As part of the newly implemented Community Outreach Program. notification xvas sent to ali residents on Parkdale Street who would be directlx atTccted bx thc proposed no-parking regulations. The amendment to eliminate on-street parking aloin,~ the entire south side of Parkdalc Street met with resident opposition and as a result the limits of the proposed no-parking by-law were Report to Council OES 023 - 02 Subject: Parking By-law Amendment Parkdale Street Date: June 4, 2002 Page ~ revised to reflect the initial Council resolution. Notices were again circulated to all affected residents advising of the change. In order to properly reflect the existing no-parking conditions on Parkdale Street and to implement the newly requested no-parking zone fronting 2527 Parkdale Street, a by-law amendment has been prepared and is attached to this report for consideration and approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft By-law 2. Location Map Prepared By: C. Stephen Brake, Supervisor, Traffic Engineering & Waste Management Submitted by: Approved / Endorsed By: Everett Brt/~tsma,~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services Richard W. Ho/born, P. Eng. Division Headl Municipal Property & Engineering Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Roads Supervisor Manager, By-law Services Technician, Traffic Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~ ,t e Thorfi"as-J'. Q-uinn, C~e' f AdmiCrative-"Of~er / THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERiNG BT-L:NW NO. highways WHEREAS. pursuant to the ~Uu/z/c'/'?~//.to:. R.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45, sections 218.52. ~10.!2~-120. 210.131 310. ~ 14.7 and ~ ]O.S tt~c Council of the Co~oration of the City of Pickcring enacted By-law ~2 _ ,59 S7 re~ula~in~ parking, standin~ and stoppin~ on highways and on private and on municipal propcmy: NOW THEREFORE. the Council of the Corlooration of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule 'B' to By-lay,' 2359 S-. as amended, is hereby amended by deleting t}~cret'rom the Following items: Hi~hv,'av Side ~ Between And Prohibited Times and , Days Parkdale Street South Forest Park Drive to easterly See Note 1 I terminus r , Schedule 'B' to By-law '359 S7. as amended, is herebx amended by adding thereto the Collov,'ing items' Higlw,'as' Side i Betxveen And Prohibited Times and ~ Days Parkdale Street South ' Forest Park Drive to 105 meters Sec Note 1 east of Forest Park Drixc Parkdale Street South 35 metres cast ol'RosetSeld ~ See Note 1 Road to 44 metres cast of , Rosel]eld Road ~ BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 24th day of June 2002. x, VaxTae :%ntaurs. %laver Bruce 'I-avior. City Clerk PARtC ' ~ ~ N ¥ © N NO PARKING OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY LLJ © SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ..... ~:4000 i J~Je~lo/2002 IBY-LAW TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKING BY-LAW RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That the draft, bx'-lax~ to appoint eight persons to entbrce the Parking Bv-laxv at 17c)2 Liverpool Road, Loblaws. bc Ibrwarded m Council tk~r approval. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: June 10, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 21/02 SUBJECT: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1792 Liverpool Road, in Pickering. RECOMMENDATI ON: That the dra~ by-law to appoint eight persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1792 Liverpool Road. Loblaws, be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Letter fi.om Nemesis Security Services dated June 5, 2002 AUTHORITY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received fi.om Nemesis Security Services requesting the appointment of eight persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of entbrcing the Parking By- law at 1792 Liverpool Road, Loblaws. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence fi.om Nemesis Security Services. 2. Draft By-law. Prepared By: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Approved / Endorsed By: B~ce Taylor Report to Council CL 21/02 Subject: Appointmem of By-laxv Enforcement Officers Dated: June 10.2O02 Page 2 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council / .. ~/ . , ! . . . - , / 1 hodas J. Ou,nn. Ct~ef Adrmrndrat,x~'~ IATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT #cL~_,/c, NEMESIS SECURITY SERVICES INC. To Secure and Protect Since 1992 RECE~VE~ 36 CROCKFORD BOULEVARD. TORONTO, ONTARIO. M1R-3C2 Phone: (416) 285-5233 Fax: (416) 285-0204 Toll Free: 1-888-604-2421 CITY OF CLERK'S DIVISION Wednesday, June 0,~, 2002 City of Pickering By-Law office Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V-6K7 Attention: Mr. John Wojnicz, Manager, By-Law Services Re: Loblaws, 1792 Liverpool Road I am kindly requesting that our company be authorized to conduct parking enforcement at the above location. I have attached a copy of my clients' authorization letter. I am also requesting that the following Security Officers be authorized to issue parking tickets within the City of Pickering, I have attached copies of all their security guard licences. Name Date of birth Peter Alves William Casey Darren Little David Annis Kenneth Leversuch Eshantha Guneratna David Diaz Amit Sharma July 18, 1969 January 27, 1955 March 26, 1976 February 18, 1968 February 25, 1948 December 19, 1980 March 06, 1973 February 21, 1981 I thank you for your anticipated co-operation in the above matter. I can be reached at the above number, extension 206 if you have any questions or require any additional information. Mr. Peter S. Alves President Tuesday, May 28, 2002 City of Picketing Picketing CMc Complex One Thc Esplanade Pickering. Ontario L1V-6K7 To: Whom it Max' Concern Rc~ Loblaws- 1792 Liverpool Road This letter serves as ofliciai authorization tbr Nemesis Security Services Inc. enforce all parking regulations at the above location. I can be reached at 416-523-1899, should you require anx additional intbrmation. Sincerely. Giacinda Duguid Loss Prevention Super~'isor Loblaws Companies THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 1792 Liverpool Road, Loblaws) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15~ as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the tbllowing persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Picketing in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enlbrce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1792 Liverpool Road: Peter Alves Darren Little Kenneth Leversuch David Diaz William Casey David Annis Eshantha Guneratna Amit Sharma The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section 1 ceasing to be employees of Nemesis Security Services or upon Nemesis Security Services ceasing to be an agent of 1792 Liverpool Road, Loblaws, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 24th day of June, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That thc draft by-law to appoint one person to cnlbrcc thc Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road. }Dickering Town Cemre, be ti~rwardcd to Council for approval. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: June 18. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 24/02 SUBJECT: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering Town Centre. in Pickering. RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road. Pickering Town Centre. be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Letter from Nemesis Security Services dated June 14, 2002 AUTHORITY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Pickering Town Centre requesting the appointment of one person as By-law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering Town Centre. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Pickering Town Centre. 2. Draft By-law. Prepared By: Debbie Kearns Approved / Endorsed By: l~ruce Taylor BT:dk Report to Council CL 24/02 Sub. jeer- Appointment of By-law Entbrcement Officers Dated: June 18. 2002 Page '~ Attachments ('opy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended tbr the consideration of Picketing City Council ATTACHMENT # p ICKERIN( OWNo C EN T RE ~..~ TO REPORT Memorandum cc: From: Date: Re: l)ebbie Keams Property Manager- J.A. Arsenault Picketing Town Centre Security Department 06/14/2002 Amendment to Officers on site By-law enforcement Dear Mrs. Kearns, Please accept this letter as a lbrmal request for the amenchnent to the on site Security officers, who hold the status of Bv-law entbrcement, for the property known as Picketing Town Centre. As per my previous menlorandum, the site was issued five extra officers able to issue By-law in fractious on the property'. Due to attrition at the site, we have currently lost one of those officers, S',,o Aaron Snfith. \Ve would like to request that their names be stricken and be tilled with Candace Chicoine, as the on site status of By-law enforcement oflicer. Thank you again for your attention to this matter and ibr any questious or concerns please feet free to contact site at (905)-683-7171 ext. 23t. ~ri(¥ Supervisor Stewart Eckford Administration Office, 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario LIV lB8 Telephone 905-831-6066 Facsimile 905-420-9379 Website www. pickeringtowncentre.com ATTACHMENT#___ _ TO REPORT 1HE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-la~' E~ztbrcement Officers fbr certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 1355 Kingston Road. Picketing Town Centre) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990. c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to entbrce the by-laws of the municipality and WttEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal bx-law enlbrcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws: NOW TI tEREFORE THE COUNCII, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKEP, ING ttEREBY ENACTS AS FOI,LOWS: That Candace Chicoine be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officer in and lbr the City of Picketing in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or caru' into eflbct the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1355 Kingston Road. Picketing Town Centre. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is spechfically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. This appointment shall expire upon the person listed in section 1 ceasing to be an employee of Picketing To,a~ Centre. That By-law 5973/02 be amended by deleth~g Aaron Smith as Bv-la~v Enforcement Officer. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 24th day of June, 2002. Wayne Arthurs. Mayor Bruce Taylor. Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS 07-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning 2001 Pre- Audit Balances of Reserves and Reserve Funds be received bv Council for information. PICKERING FR()M: REPORT TO COUNCIL Gillis A. Paterson I)i['cctor. ('orporatc Scrx ~cc> ~% i rcasurcr I)ATt!: .[LII2C 17.20(7)2 Rt I'()RTNUMBEP,: ('5 S[;BJE('T: 2001 Prc-:\udit Balances of Rcscrx cs and Rc>crx c l-Llnds RECOMMiEN D,\ i I()N: Il is i-CCOllqIllci-~dcd that Report (% 07-02 of thc I)ircctor. C oIT~t~ratc ~Cl-\ ices & 'I rcasurcr be received by ('ouncil for intbrmation. ()RIGIN: Dircclor. ('orpot'atc ..\[' Itt()RII'Y: Municipal .,,ct. R.S.O. 1990, ()ntario Regulation 438/97 FINANCIAI~ IMPI_I('ATIONS: Not applicable. h Xt:('t "l'IVt! St Based Oll thc preliminary 2001 results, xxc can nox\ report on thc p~-c-'audit actual activities within the reset\cs and reserve funds ibr 2001. Thc "puFposc" and the "recommended maintenance lc\el" ~br each reserve and reserve fund are set ()ut m Appendices B and C respcctivcl_x. BACK(}R()I :ND: :ks in previous repons filed over the last tbur \cars. th~ rcp(,n proxicics specific ildbrmation on each ofthe('itv's rcscrxcs and reserve thnds, includin~ 5car-end balancc~, l'hc 21)01 pre-audit reserves and rcserxc /kinds balance of S_/ .08 ~ one oI'thc hi?2cst balanccs cxcr reported in Pickering. Please bear in mind that this balance ts different, alld nqax chaI2gC in 2002 due to two main reasons: the continuing appeal of assessment and. thc new treatment The receipt of 53 750 £I)() fi-om ()P(i c~-cditcJ t,~ thc Rcscrxc 1bt ( omingcncics i5 related t~ thc aSSCSSlllClll appeal and is pending final rcst~lt. Ihux at 1}1i5 JLIIqCtLd'C XkC afc klllab}c to continn thc availability of these nqonics tbr coI~oratc puu%>scs. Report to Council CS Subiect: 2001 Pre-Audii P,:lances of Rcse:~cs and Reserves Fund June 17, 2002 Page 2 It has atwavs bce: ,mr practice to account tbr committed unspent projects by transferring funds (,)Lit o: ttqe reserve :unds as of Dec. 3 t year-end closing. These committed capital projects are in essence earmarked when funds are transferred out. ~towever, these same reserve funds must earn interest income even when the unspent funds are not in its' custody. Based on our auditor's recommendation, ~ve have re-instated the 2001 opening balance for 2000 unspent carrv-over and likewise not booked any unspent comnqltmenls for capital projects in 2001. The unspent amounts arc $1,007.505 and 5321,539 respectively. Tile total of this commitment together with the OPG collection totaled 55,079,044 making the true balance of reserxes and reserve limds available at 522,148,643. Fund balances at this value approximate fund balances in the last three years. Future pressure on these balances will be experienced as the trend to keep up with the replacement costs and construction of infrastructure to keep pace with the gro~vth of tile City. Also, declining developer contributions and lower interest income based on current economic conditions, all contribute to an ever challenging financing picture. In addition, for 2001 tile internal borrowings fi'om the Reserve Funds lbr projects were formally sci up ~ the books of the City'. These funds were borrowed fi-om the I)evelopment Charges and Parkland Reserve Fund and you will note interest earned on the loan amount is reflected in the activities accordingl>. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Appendix A 2. Appendix B 3. Appendix C Sumn]a~T of Reserves and Reserve Funds Description of Resetxes Description of Reserve Funds Preparcd By: Approved/Endorsed By: CaLyn Kong, Senior Financial Analyst _\ttachments Gillis A. Paterson. Director, Corporate Serx'ices & Treasurer Recommended lbr thc consideration of Pickering City Council -~l~o~~~, Chief~dmin~iveOffi:er// / APPENDIX SUSIMARY ('IT'~' OF PICKERING S['51MARY OF RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND PRE-AUDIq' A('Tt'.kLS DECENIBER 31, 2001 .Xppcndix B 4611 40I £ 4013 -t014 4019 462() Pre Audit Actuals 5, unlmar'v of Reserves VG)rking }:unds Vacation Pax Replaccmcnt of (upital Rate Dex.Chargcs ('itx '> portion Total 2001 (3) 20(}0 5400.000 1.083,837 5.2-7,795 972,489 2,1 O4,410 2,765.000 $12,003531 10q9 1998 $,,4~ ,?, 5() $841,350 -.?_ ~ .~,~ ~ 1,829,610 ', ,~ x ] ,2~)~ 786.31 $ -I 3.(>>,~ ~ 57%124 2 ,~;~ 1.__,_"'" 1.'786.232 S8,438,763 \pl)cndix (' 4225 422- 42? 422$ 423O 4232 4233 4234 Summary of P, eser; e Funds Parkland ~ i ~ 2~ Picketing Baseball .X>soc ,2 Workers Salkty lnst~rancc BrJ ~[otal Reserve Funds 2001 20(}(l 1999 1098 q"19 2(/9 $,/3.48o 4.242.340 5,778,228 1.194.655 1,185,154 -.232 Total Reserxes and Reserve Funds .~-.~.. >,L-41,?l $2!_705,_052 520,047.256 ( 1 )Ololioatorx (2) Committed (3) The restatement of 2001 opening balance> t,,r urn>pent ihnds COlllllllucd ',~, [xo/cct5 15 Ici]coted m 2001 balancesonh'. I'hc2000balanccshaxcnot hcenrestatedtorcflcctthccharacc m~c?or'tmgtreatment. 074 APPENDIX B (Page 1) RESERVE FOIl WORKING FUNDS/VACATION PAY G/L 4610/4617 Actual Balance December 31, 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into thc Reserve Transfers out of the Reserve Closed-out Vacation Pay Reserve Pre-Audit Actual Balance December 31, 2001 $841.350 !441,350_1 $4O0,0O0 Purpose of the Reserves: The reserve for working funds is used to provide operating cash to assist in avoiding short term interest expenses incurred on operations, t,x~ically during the first months of the vear prior to tax billing and at other times when cash inflows and outflows do not match as occurs in any corporation. The interest income on this fund ibrm part of the annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. The reserve for vacation pay was established to ensure that the cost of vacation pay earned, but not taken, is con'ectly allocated to the taxpayers of that year and the Council of that period. However, the vacation pay reserve is no longer needed as vacations are taken in the vear earned. Further to thc recommendation in the Report to Council CS 44-01, dated ~qovember 19, 2001. this reserve has been closed-out and thc funds transferred to thc Sell'- Insurance Reserve. Recommended Maintenance Levels of the Reserve: Reserve fbr Working Funds - It is recommended as a "rule-of-thumb" that this reserve be 2% to 3% of total revenues. APPENDIX B (Page 2) RESERVE FOR REPLACENIENT OF CAPITAL EQUIPNIENT G/L 4611 Actual Balance l)ecember 31. 2000 2001 'I ransaclions Pre-Audit Actual Balance - l)cccmbcr 31. 2001 $ 2,153,816 (1,169,979) $1.083.837 Purpose of this Reserve: Thc purpose of this rcscl'\ c is I.O reduce thc nccd u, lc\ ~ tbr thc 2il1 cost of' m~Jor equipment in the year of acctuisit~tm. Thc rcscrxc acts :i> ',~ 5t,xbili/amtm lkxctor and helps to avoid both ( }ovcrlqlqqCllt t~C\'CIl[IC. Recommended Maintenance l,cvels of this Reser~ e: ri'his reserve should bc kept z~t ~ lc\ cl \\ 5ic5 is ,,:kit_iix :2tnt to thc replacement cost of the l)cc. 31, 2001. Furthci'ilqorc. there lms bccn no large co;ltt-tbtit~tm to this rc>crx c provided fbr in thc cu~cnt budget Ibr sc\ti-al x cai-$. This atccotitqt colqtlllklo5 to bo under thndcd. Major additional contributions uill bc rcqtlircd in thlurc xcair>. t- 76 APPENDIX B (Page 3) RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES G/L 4612 Actual Balance December 31. 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into tlnc Reserve 2001 Budget Provision - General Government - Assessment Appeals -General Government- Elections Ontario Power Generation I rap,>fers out of the Reserve Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 $ 85,000 71.500 S1,371,295 3.750,000 ~,, 906.>00 S5.277,79fi Purpose of this Reserve: Like the capital equipment replacement rese~we, this reserve acts m a tax stabilization capacity'. It was established in anticipation of unknown, unusual or extraordinary expenditures which occur fi'om time to time. The interest income on these funds tbrm part of the annual Curt'Chi Budget General (}overnment Revenue. o Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: The funds received from Ontario Power Generation (OPG) in the amount of $3,750,000 are supplementary taxes fbr properties currently under an assessment appeal. Caution should be used with regards to the availability of these funds as the appeal is outstanding. Staff continue to monitor the balance of this reserve. APPENI)IX B (Page 4) RESERVE FOR SELF INS[RANCE/INVENTORS' (;/L 4613/4614 Actual Balance l)ecember 31. 2000 2001 D'ansactions - ('lo$cd-out Iifx cnk>rlOS Rcsci'x'c Pre-.~udit Aclual Balance- December 31. 2001 5; 776.410 441.)51, (245.2712 $97~,489 Purpose of this Reserx'es: deductible reduced insurance prcm~um~ Si~nillc'ant <:~', tn~ can bc realized through reduced premium costs and stafJ'analx/c tJ~c costs bcncI~t~ ~f >L',C}q actions on all annual basis. Ibc intercsl income un thole I'/llldS I(~I'H~ t%H't t*l [}~_' .'Iana~atl ('kllTOIll Budget General (iovelnmncnt Revenue. Rcscrxc for Invcntorx allocated to thc taxpayers of that xcar and thc (otn2cil t,!' that }:un}ncr to thc Report to ('ot_n~,:i] dated Noxcmbcr 1'~ 2~,{~1. thc Irca~urcr has reviewed inventory activities level oxcr thc last IL, xx x car5 and ha> concluded tiqat thc usc of this reserve translk~cd to thc Reserve ibr Rate Stabilization o Recommended .Maintenance l.eveis of this Reserve: Rcscrx'c lb/' Soil' Insurance This reserve should bc maintained at a lcx cl t,, ch>utc I}aat thc thnding is adequate to meet tLturc liabilities. -I his s~tuat~on is analx/cd bx staff t~rq a rczt~lar basis. }78 APPENDIX B (Page 5) RESERVE FOR RATE STABILIZATION G/L 4619 Actual Balance December 31, 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into thc Reserve Revenue Fund Contribution Funds from Inventou' Reserve rl'ranst'ers out oI~the Reserve 2{ ~1 Current Budget Provision Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 $249,139 $2,010,000 245.271 (~40(),000) $2,104,4L0 Purpose of this Reserve: Thc purpose of this reserve is Io act as a tax rate stabilization factor Ibr annual cun'ent budget funding. Thc mlerest income on these funds form part of thc annual Current Budget General Government Revenue. 2. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: Thc excess funds available from the closeout of the Inventory Reserve haxe been transferred here. This is further to the recommendation outlined in the Report to Council dated November 19, 2001. Surplus funds from the 2001 Current operations have been transferred as per Report CS 12-01, resulting in a pre-audit balance of S2,104,410. The fund balance should be maintained at a level of 3 to 5 per cent of tax revenues to provide tax rate stabilization tbr annual current budgeting purposes APPENI)IX B (Page 6) RESERVE FOR DEVEI. OPNIICNT CHAII(;ES - ('IT'~' SttARE (;/L 4620 Actual Balance l)ecember 31, 2000 2001 'l'rnnsactions Prc-:X. udit Actual Balance l)eceml)er 31. 2001 $2,765.00~) 1. Purpose of this Reserve: ]~c\cntlc. 2. Recommended Maintenance l.evel,~ of this Reserxe: This rcscrx'c should bc maintained at =i lex cl to ensure that tile capita] gro\vth in thc Cilv. APPENDIX C (Page 1) RESERVE FUND FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES G/L 4225 Actual Balance December 31, 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into the Re,eryc Fund Interest Earned Transfers om of the Reserxe Fund Transt'cr to ( apital Fund: - Corporate Efficiency - })arks - ('ommunity Centres Prc--\udit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 $ (107,593) (~15.415) (2. lOS~ $ 282.569 11,649 (2~5,116~ $ 69.102 Purpose of this Reserve: This is a "discretionary" reserve fund established by Council to attempt to axoid both tax rate fluctuations and the need tbr issuing long term debt for major expenditures required tbr community facilities. Thc interest income on these funds form part of thc Rcserx e Fund as per the Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve: The balances of this fund have fluctuated from the 1999 year low of $219,209 to the high in 1998 of S773,483. As discussed in the "Background" information, this is one of the reserve funds affected bv unspent committed projects. The value of the 2001 unspent committed projects is $30,4~)1. Taking into account this unspent commitment, the true balance of funds available is $38,641. This pre-audit balance has declined to the lowest level in 2001, as there has been no provision made in the current budget for several years. Additional amounts must bc allocated to this fund. APPENDIX (' (Page 2) RESER\'E FUND FOR DEVEIA)P\IENT CHARGES G/L 4227/4229 Actual Balance l)ecember 31. 2000 Revised opening bahmce 2001 Transactions Not i)cx'elopcr ('ontributions Interest tamed on Internal Loan~ ran~t'cr~ out of thc Reserve Fund - Road> - External Nubdixision Work, Libraries - Materials Pre-Audit Actual Balance - l)ecemt)er 31. 2001 I It 0 6:51 $ {64.112) 1,777,331 (I 70.~3 - ~ Sl 0,19_8,207 Purpose of this Reset\c: Ibis is an "obligatorS" i'cscrxc I'ulnd and a~ sloth 2s ~,~xcl-m:d bx Provincial legislation, regulation, City bx-I.axx o~- agrccmcm and rc~tu~t'c~ rex cnuc ~'ccc~x cd tbr the special proposes to be segregated fi'om thc gcncml rcxcnuc~ ,,f ~]nc i27Llnlclpalit~. ()bligatory rcserxc ihnds mList bc created xxhcncxcr a statute rcqmrc~ ~'cxc~ac~c rcccixcd lbr a special propose to be Itnc interest income on these funds Ibrm part el'thc Rc~cl-x c [-Lind as per tine Nlunicipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reset\ e: hi accordance with development charge legislation, all dc\ clopmcnt charge revenue must be held xxithin separate rescrxc fimds and cain onlx bc used Ibr tine financing of growth-related projects. As such. no rcscrxc fund lira:ts arc appropt'latc Ikw development charge resc~'e IM~ds because they arc tied to gte\\th<elated capital I'CClLiiI'ClllCIU5. This reserve ftlnd by far is innos[ affected bx thc impact t~t' pnt~' pcrit,d adjustments related to 2001 is 5142.095 giving a total of <1.14-.-55 Ibc abt)xc pfc-audit tM~d balance of 510.198.207 would have to bc rcdk~ccd bx S1.14-.-5> to ~'cflcct a truc balance of lhnds available at onh' 59,050.449. APPENDIX C (Page 3) RESERVE FUND FOR CAPITAL WORKS G/L 4228 Actual Balance December 31, 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve Fund Interest Earned Developer Contributions frefund) Transfers out of the Reserve Fund Transfers to Capital Fund - Recreation Complex-Core - Recreation Complex-Pool Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 $850.630 $ 35,035 (885) 34.150 $(~ SOX)O()) (385,240) $499,54!) Purpose of this Reserve: This Fund is a "discretionaD~'' one and is established pursuant to subsection 163(2) of the Municipal Act for specified purposes by Council related to the acquisition o1' assets. The interest income on these funds form part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: Between the years of 1998 to 2000. the balances have been maintained at $600,000 to $800,000. In 2001, there was a 50% draw on this fund balance without a corresponding contribution to this fund. As discussed in the "Background" information, this is one of the funds that have unspent commitments. Thc value of the unspent commitments for 2001 are S14,760 and is included in the above fund balance. Consequently, the true balance of funds available is S484,780. Major additional contributions will be required in future years. APPENI)IX C (Page 4) RESERVE F[NI) FOIl PARKLAND G/L 4230 Aclual Balance l)ecember 31. 2001) })Fief \CLiI' LldilA>[I1]CllI I'OF LlllSpCll[ COIlllll][IllC~][~ Revised el)cain~ balance 2001 lransaclions h::crcs: ha:-::cd Interest humcd on Internal Loan~ out of thc Rc~cr\'e Fund })lLi} ~i'OUlld }:~uiplllCll[ Millcnmum I rail- Phasc 2 [3rockrid~c ['ark Baseball field Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 i34.45!, $3.¥-5.813 2.442 5.'.-3.255 ~1,715,734) Purpose of this Reser'~ e Fund: This is an "obli~ator>" rcscrxc 2tad and it ha> bccn established pursuant to subsection 163.(2) el'thc Nlunicipal Act as required by subsections 42.( 1 ). {5), (6), {7), (S) and (9) of thc Planning Act. -Ibis /had is gox crncd bx lc?slation, regulation or agreement and requires rcxcnucs received lbr the special puitooscs to bc segregated fi-om thc general rcxcnucs of the municipality. Obligatory reserve IM~ds iiqtlst bc ct'c:ltcd xx hcllcx cF a statute rcquirc~ rcxcnucs Ibr a special pu~ose to be segregated fi-om thc :CllCi'21 i'c% ci1tlC> oI' thc namn~Clpalitx and thc revenue ~s to be used solely tbr thc puU, osc }wC>Cl'l[qc'd b', statute Tiao interest income OB these l'und5 I't,rnq pan ~I'thc }0, c5ci-\ c }-ui-~d '0. s per thc Nlunicipal Act. Recommended Maintenance Levels ()f this Reserxe [:ulld: I)uc to thc obligato~7 nature of'this fund. there urc no ]iI21its OH this fund. :ks discussed in the "Background" lI~I'OI'I~2atloln_, till> ~ one of lhnds that arc aflkctcd by unspent commitments, l-he 21)(}1 open,nc hal'\ncc was adjusted to reflect 2(u)() unspent commitments and like\kiNe 2()()1 unspent c<,mmmucnt> xxc)'c not ira)aNiOn'cd out of thc 'Ihus thc truc balance of lhnds axailablc tbr th~, rc>crx c I'und i> 52.34-.49-. APPENDIX C (Page 5) RESERVE FUND FOR PUBLIC WORKS G/L 4232 .Xctual Balance December 31. 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into thc Reserve Fund Interest Earthed Developer Contributions Transfers out of thc Reserve Ftmd Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31. 2001 $ 1,304,410 $>4,1~o 6,752 Sl.365,285 $!.365~285 Purpose of this Reserve Fund: I'his fund has been established by Council pursuant to subsection 163.(2) of the Municipal Act. The purpose of the reserve fund is to acquire fixed assets, c.g. storm sewers, without the need to fund on a long term nature through the issue of debentures. The main purpose at this time is to fund the City's share of the cost of subdivision works committed to under various subdivision agreements. The interest income on these funds form part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. o Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: The "average" annual balance of this fund over the last four ycars has been approximately Sl.25 million. This reserve fund should be kept at least at this level in the future. Statt'will periodically review the need for this level with thc requirements contained in the capital budget and tbur year program and report any different findings to Council. APPENDIX C (Page 6) RESER\'E FUND FOR PICKERIN(; B.~SEBALL ASSOCIATION (; 'k 4233 Aclual l/alance l)ecember 31. 2000 2001 Transactions S 6( .789 Pre-Audil .~clual Balance - December 31. 2001 (77.552 ~ 1. Pu rpose of this Reserve Fund: Recommended Maintenance l.evels of this Reserve Fund: Funds collected for this rcscrxc fund to~:ct}~ci- x', ~t}q I}~: 'itx's ctmtribL~tion xvcrc u>cd tox~ards tiao cost of construction of tiao club}aot~sc.. ~00_. unpaid inxoicc in ~ o APPENDIX C (Page 7) RESERVE FUND FOR WORKERS' SAFETY INSURANCE BOARD G/L 4234 Actual Balance December 31. 2000 2001 Transactions Transfers into the Reserve fund Payroll Contribution NEER Surcharge Rebate $ 262,611 14,082 nil 276,693 Transfers out of the Reser-,'e Fund Cost to Transfer from Schedule 1 to 2: - Insurance Cost - Consultant Fees - t lealth & Safetx Program - Claim Costs - \VSIB Schedule 1 Departure Fee - Schedule 2 Prepayment Requirement Pre-Audit Actual Balance - December 31, 2001 6,555 10,300 20,000 8,622 179,583 44.401 269.461 2. Purpose of this Reserve Fund: l'his Reserve Fund has been established to capture the initial costs of transferring Workers Safety Insurance policy from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2, thc annual costs of insurance coverage, contributions to(yards thc health and safety program, and thc payment of claims and other related costs. This Reserve Fund is newly created in 2001 further to the recommendation passed in Council Resolution#127/01 and in compliance with ID,'/,'?hwe Sa/btv & b~xurance Act. The interest income on these funds tbrm part of the Reserve Fund as per the Municipal Act. 2. Recommended Maintenance Levels of this Reserve Fund: Costs incmTed in the first vear of transfer have been covered from savings generated from transferring from Schedule 1 to 2. This results in a fund balance of only 57,,_~2 tbr the first year. Projected sa\'incs zcncrated by the transfer to Schedule 2 are estimated to be in excess of $~90,000 per ar~nut~t for 2002 and beyond. As Schedule 2 operates on the sell-insured principle, the savings in 2002 and 2003 will be transferred to this reserve fund to build up the fund balance in the even! of anv catastrophic claim-related costs, which may occur. It is anticipated that the savings in 2004 arid beyond will be reflected in thc departmcntal budgets and an annual transfer to maintain an appropriate balance in the fund will be included in the Current Budget process. RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS 14-02 of the Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Investment Portlblio Activity tbr thc Year Ended December 3I. 2001, be received bv Council tbr information. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM' Gillis A. Patterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE' June 17. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: cS 14-02 SUBJECT: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31, 20(i)1 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended tt~at Report CS 14-02 of the Director, Corporate Set\ices & Treasurer be received by' Council 2,~' in l'ornqation. ORIGIN' Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer :\UTHORITY: lnvesm~ent Policy ~Report TR 10/98) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. Regulation 438/97 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc lbllowing report and attachments represent a summary of thc investment activity and year end balance in the portfolio. Investment activity for the year 2001 totaled approximately $116.8 million with avear end balance in the portfolio of approximately $31.0 million. Current Fund investments arJ limited to one year or less and Reserve and Trust Funds 10 years or less under the Co'uncil approved policy. BACKGROLrND: The City's investment portfolio is comprised of two main areas: Reserve Funds, and balances available in the Current Fund when not required to meet current operating expenditures. This latter balance can vao' greatly depending upon many factors including the quarterly receipt of property taxes. ReserYe Funds are invested through the Current Fund and investments are undertaken as one consolidated pool of funds. Interest earned is credited to the appropriate fund. As the Treasurer of the City of Picketing there are certain information and opinions that I must report, under Provincial Regulation, to the Committee and Council. I feel that the portfolio performed well during 2001 with an average yield of 4.1 per cent on short term investments. Thc average return on long term investments including internal loans was 6.5 per cent. The attached schedules arc included as part of the information requirements. Report to Coancil CS 14-(i2 Date: Subject' hwestment Port Iblio Portfolio fo; tho Year kndcd December 31, 2001 Of the year end total portfolio o£somc $3I.(~ millioiL approximately $7.1 millio~n or 22.9per cent were Intcrt~md Inxcstmcnts (Internal [~oans }. It is not a~qtJcipated that additioi~a! Intcrthnd Loans will be undertaken in tile short term ~s thc Dcxclopmcnt ('i~arge and Parkland ReseD'e Fund providing tine loans must retain balances sLlfficienl to meet ('apilal Budget rcciuirements. It is my opinion that alii inxostn2cnts xxcrc ilqade ill acCOI-ci~illCO xxitln t}~c Investment Policx approved bx ('OUlacil. Thc illXOStlllCtlt5 also nlet Cotmcil'~ ~oaI of llnancing capital expcnditcl~'es intcrnallx to tiao greatest degree possible xxt:ilc providing a rcasonable rate of return to thc For '~t Ii2 axe iiqtond to tile semi amlu'al ina ostmcm por'~folio reports with the Committee. June. 3{> rcporl will bc presenlcd at 't}~o i~t-st ~ncctin~M of thc Finance and Operations Committee September I'olloxvin~ thc summer break. AT 1-A(~tqNIENT$' Prepared :\pproved Endorsed By: GAP:vxv Attachments Did'corer. ('ol'porato Services & Treasurer Recommended for tile consideration of Pict<orin~ City Council ~ofnas ~. (~ie~Admini~c Officer/ tt 0 Ct ~TTACHMENT ~_._~._.TO REPORT ;;ooo~¥¥¢~ooooooooooooooo &~~Ec~c ............... ddddddddddddddddoddddOddddc t'-' CD ~z E :_L TO REPORT #~z q -u.~ I'- Z I.IJ Z :j aTTACHMENT TO REPORT Z Z Z © ~°~o u_ ~- o o ~ LT_ ~o~ Zrq O140O CDC) CD sis (D ....~o>, E~E 0 o 0 o x ~ x or. Do o o o o o o 0D co co