HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 34-22Report to Council Report Number: PLN 34-22 Date: June 27, 2022 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion - Reporting of Affordable Housing - Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031 - File: D-1300-014 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 34-22 of the Director, City Development & CBO, providing a response to Council’s April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion – Reporting of Affordable Housing, be received for information; 2. That Council authorize staff to report to Council, annually, on the results of tracking affordable and rental housing within the City, including existing, approved, and/or pending private rental apartment buildings, through the annual Housing Monitoring Report, in accordance with Action Item 3.7 of the January 24, 2022 Council-approved Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Council’s April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion – Reporting of Affordable Housing, requested that staff implement a quarterly reporting mechanism for the tracking of Affordable Housing options within the City of Pickering including condominiums, freehold, rentals and ownership; develop a list of all existing, approved and or pending, private rental apartment buildings; and report back at the June 27, 2022 Council Meeting. Staff have reviewed this request in the context of the Council approved Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031 dated December 22, 2021. One of the items in the Action Plan was the preparation of an annual monitoring plan on how well the City is meeting its housing needs. That monitoring plan will update data collected on the adequacy, affordability, and suitability of housing in Pickering. Staff will ensure it includes an updated list of existing, approved, or pending private rental buildings. Staff recommend the reporting interval remain annually, based on municipal best practices, availability of measurable data, and the potential for tracking and distinguishing trends and/or patterns. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications applicable to this report. PLN 34-22 June 27, 2022 Subject: April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion - Reporting of Affordable Housing Page 2 Discussion: 1. Background On January 24, 2022, Council approved the Pickering Housing Strategy & Action Plan 2021-2031, December 22, 2021 (Housing Strategy & Action Plan) as per Report PLN 02-22, and authorized staff to implement the actions identified in the plan (Resolution #790/22). The Housing Strategy & Action Plan, and associated reports and information is on the Housing Strategy Study webpage of the City of Pickering website. The Housing Strategy & Action Plan provides a framework for the City to work towards a supply of suitable (as it relates to the size of the household), adequate (as it relates to physical condition), and affordable (as it relates to household income) housing for all ages and abilities within its jurisdiction. This helps to ensure that the City meets its housing needs in support of a diverse population and workforce. In particular, and among other things, Phase 1 of the Housing Strategy Study, collected and examined information and data on the City’s demographic profile, socio-economic characteristics of households and housing stock, and associated trends and forecasts related to housing supply, demand, and affordability. The Phase 1: Research and Gap Analysis Report, March 31, 2021 (the Phase 1 Report), concluded that the City’s current housing stock is not fully addressing the needs of City residents. Key findings of the Phase 1 Report indicated that there is an overall need for housing options for low and moderate income earners, more affordable rental and ownership housing, in a range of unit sizes, and accessible units. The Phase 1 Report is available on the Housing Strategy Study page of the City’s website. The Action Plan, contained in Chapter 5 of the Council-approved Housing Strategy & Action Plan, is a table that lists the actions to address the affordable housing gaps that were identified in Phase 1 of the Housing Strategy Study. Each action is categorized according to the following themes: policy, financial incentives, and other. A timeframe, and estimated cost of implementation, has been identified for each action, as well as the gap the action, identified in Phase 1 of the Housing Strategy Study, is intended to address, and the City department proposed to lead the initiative. 2. April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion – Reporting of Affordable Housing On April 25, 2022, Council resolved that City Development staff: 1. implement a quarterly reporting mechanism for the tracking of Affordable Housing options within the City of Pickering including condominiums, freehold, rentals and ownership; 2. develop a list of all existing, approved and or pending, private rental apartment buildings; and 3. report back at the June 27, 2022 Council Meeting. PLN 34-22 June 27, 2022 Subject: April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion - Reporting of Affordable Housing Page 3 Action Item 3.7 of the Council-approved Housing Strategy & Action Plan identifies the creation and preparation of a Housing Monitoring Plan. The goal of the Housing Monitoring Plan is to identify whether or not the goals and objectives of the Housing Strategy are being met, and if any modifications to the Action Plan are necessary. The Housing Monitoring Plan will include tracking affordable and rental housing within the City, including existing, approved and or pending, private rental apartment buildings, to be reported to Council through an annual Housing Monitoring Report. The Housing Strategy & Action Plan identified an annual reporting period based on municipal best practices, availability of measurable and updated data, and the potential for tracking and distinguishing trends and/or patterns. Staff recommend staying with the annual reporting period rather than moving to a quarterly reporting period for the aforementioned reasons. The proposed timeline for the release of the first annual Housing Monitoring Report is the first quarter of 2023. 4. Conclusion On April 25, 2022, Council directed staff to undertake work to implement a quarterly reporting mechanism for the tracking of affordable housing, and report back at the June 27, 2022 Council Meeting. Report PLN 34-22 provides staff’s response and recommends that this report be received for information, and that the reporting interval remain annually, based on municipal best practices, availability of measurable data, and the potential for tracking and distinguishing trends and/or patterns. Attachment: 1. Council’s April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion – Reporting of Affordable Housing PLN 34-22 June 27, 2022 Subject: April 25, 2022 Notice of Motion - Reporting of Affordable Housing Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Margaret Kish, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Chief Planner Déan Jacobs, MCIP, RPP Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Manager, Policy & Geomatics Director, City Development & CBO MK:jc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By Original Signed ByOriginal Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Notice of Motion Reporting of Affordable Housing Date: April 25, 2022 Moved By: Councillor Brenner Signature: Seconded By: Councillor McLean Signature: WHEREAS: the City of Pickering Council adopted an Affordable Housing Strategy including an affordability housing function within the Planning and Development Department; And Whereas, an affordable housing strategy must ensure a range of housing forms consistent with the Provincial Housing Policy, including rentals and ownership; Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering directs: 1.That the Director, City Development Department through the Office of the CAO, implement a quarterly reporting mechanism for the tracking of Affordable Housing options within the City of Pickering including condominiums, freehold, rentals and ownership; 2.That the Director, City Development Department through the Office of the CAO, develops a list of all existing, approved and or pending private rental apartment buildings; 3.That the Director, City Development Department report back at the June 27th Council Meeting. Attachment #1 to Report PLN 34-22