HomeMy WebLinkAboutBYL 02-22Report to Council Report Number: BYL 02-22 Date: March 28, 2022 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy -Results of Public Consultation Park Crescent/Cliffview Road and Proposed Parking Restrictions, Waterfront Permit Parking Request For Proposal Award, Seasonal and Monthly Permit Fees, Waterfront Area Street Guest Policies and Amendments to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Schedules 1, 2 and 4 -File: L-2220 Recommendation: 1.That Report BYL 02-22, regarding Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy, be received; 2.That the revised parking restrictions outlined on Map #1 (Attachment 2) be approved; 3.That the attached by-law (Attachment 3) to amend Schedule 1 (No Stopping), Schedule 2 (No Parking) and Schedule 4 (Permit Parking), of Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 regarding provisions for prohibited parking areas and permit parking be adopted; 4.That the seasonal and monthly permit parking rates outlined in this report be approved; 5.That the plan proposed in this report for accommodating guest parking on waterfront streets be adopted; and, 6.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such action as is necessary to give effect to this report. Executive Summary: As per Council Resolution 728/21, Council has approved the implementation of permit parking at the City’s waterfront parking lots and on one side of waterfront area streets from May 1st to October 1st annually. Included in Council Resolution 728/21 was direction to staff to communicate with residents of Park Crescent and Cliffview Road to determine if parking restrictions similar to other waterfront area streets should be implemented on their streets. The information distributed to residents is attached (Attachment 1). The public consultation was completed and the parking restrictions outlined on Map #1 (Attachment 2) are recommended by staff. As indicated in Report BYL 01-22, in addition to amendments to Section 25 of the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 to outline regulations governing permit parking, revisions to Schedule 1 (No Stopping), Schedule 2 (No Parking), and Schedule 4 (Permit Parking) are also required. The attached amending by-law (Attachment 3) makes the necessary changes to the schedules to implement the provisions approved in Council Resolution 728/21. -04Jof- Pl(KERJNG BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 2 Based on the pre-budget approval) to carry out a procurement process for $75,000.00 for the purchase of software and hardware to administer Waterfront Permit Parking (as set out in Resolution 728/21), staff have completed the evaluations of Request for Proposal 2022-1 for Waterfront Permit Parking Software and Hardware and are proceeding with the proposal submitted by Hotspot Parking Inc. This software will be utilized to manage the administration and enforcement of all permit parking. As per Report BYL 02-21 which outlines the results of the public consultation regarding Waterfront Permit Parking, staff committed to work with businesses in the Nautical Village to develop a parking program for their customers and to consider whether a seasonal pass should be made available to those who access the waterfront areas on a regular basis, such as dragon boat paddlers. The recommended seasonal permit fee is $165.00 plus HST, and a monthly permit fee of $60.00 plus HST is also proposed. An outline of the proposed permit fees and comparisons with other similar municipal permit fees is included in this report. Policies and fees to accommodate customers of businesses in the Nautical Village will be developed as staff consult with area businesses and determine the options available through the newly procured parking software. Council Resolution 728/21 also directed staff to develop a program to accommodate guests of residents who live on waterfront area streets. Staff recommend that residents of waterfront area streets register for a permit to park on waterfront area streets in the same manner as all other Pickering residents (at no cost). When expecting guests who are not residents of Pickering, they would simply park their own car on the road to allow their guests to park in the driveway. This will eliminate the need for pre-registration of every guest, and the need to limit the number of times guests would be accommodated. For large gatherings, residents of waterfront area streets will need to contact Municipal Law Enforcement Services and arrange parking consideration. Limits will be set on the number of large gatherings entitled to exemptions from parking regulations. Financial Implications: Seasonal and Monthly Permit Fees: The implementation of seasonal permit rates will impact revenue generated from hourly paid parking. If a large portion of City waterfront parking lots are filled with vehicles belonging to seasonal permit holders on a regular basis, such as the dragon boat paddlers, this will impact the amount of revenue that can be generated by pay- as-you-go users. For example: 50 parking spaces used for 2 hours/day over 5 days/week for 17 weeks at $5.00/hour will generate $42,500.00 in revenue. If the same 50 parking spaces were occupied by permit holders, the total revenue would be $8,250.00 for the permits. Therefore, the seasonal permits would reduce revenue by $34,250.00 for this 2 hour window for the entire season. Since seasonal permit use would be unlimited, and there is no existing data on waterfront parking lot use, there can be no calculation done as to how many hours of revenue would be lost due to a seasonal permit being utilized for payment vs the hourly rate. Staff can report BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 3 back after the first season of operation to provide details on parking lot use, the number of seasonal permits issued, and the impact of seasonal permits on total permit parking revenue. A recommendation will be made for the 2023 season as to whether this option should continue to be provided. Request for Proposal 2022-1, Software and Hardware for Waterfront Permit Parking: As part of Council Resolution 728/21, Council provided 2022 pre-budget approval of $75,000.00 for the purchase of software and hardware associated with the implementation of waterfront paid permit parking. The Request for Proposal (RPF) closed on March 2, 2022. An evaluation committee, comprised of Municipal Law Enforcement and Information Technology staff have reviewed and scored the submissions, in accordance with rated criteria, as outlined in the bid document. In accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy, the RFP evaluation committee have selected HotSpot Parking Inc. as the preferred Proponent, and Supply & Services are in the process of collecting and reviewing the Certificate of Insurance and Health & Safety Policy, as a pre- condition to formally award the contract. HotSpot Parking Inc. proposed a revenue sharing model of 15 percent, with initial costs of $6,000 for implementation and training, $42,800.00 for licence plate recognition equipment and installation, and a proposed fee of $1.00 to review and approve each residential permit to a maximum of $25,000.00. Staff will be meeting with HotSpot Parking Inc. representatives to negotiate a contract that is within the $75,000.00 budgeted for software and hardware implementation. Discussion: Pursuant to Council Resolution 728/21, staff are taking the necessary actions to implement the Waterfront Permit Parking strategy. Park Crescent/Cliffview Road Public Consultation: As per Council Resolution 728/21, staff have completed a public consultation process with residents of Park Crescent and Cliffview Road regarding the implementation of prohibited parking on one side of those streets and paid permit parking on the opposite side, from May 1st to October 1st annually. The restrictions proposed mirrored the waterfront parking strategy on other waterfront area streets and were recommended to ensure that waterfront traffic did not migrate to these streets to avoid paid parking areas. Information regarding the proposed parking restrictions (Attachment 1) was hand delivered to each house on Park Crescent and Cliffview Road on January 7, 2022. Feedback from residents was requested to be submitted by February 4, 2022. The City received comments from 9 residents of Park Crescent, 4 residents of Cliffview Road, and 2 additional comments without addresses. Most residents were concerned that the proposed changes would encourage parking in the area, did not want to see parking kiosks or large temporary signage on the street, and questioned how guests might be accommodated. Each resident who submitted comments received a response from staff explaining the rationale for the proposed parking restrictions, that there would be no parking kiosks, and that all signage would be properly installed rather than on sandbags with pylons. One resident asked how City staff decided which side of the road would be chosen for permit parking. BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 4 Engineering staff explained in their reply that the decision was made based upon traffic flows, pedestrian access, existing prohibited parking areas, and fire hydrant locations. Attached is an updated map of Park Crescent and Cliffview Road reflecting the final recommendations made by staff (Attachment 2). The only change to the proposal provided to residents is an extension of the prohibited parking area to include the west side of Park Crescent from Sandcastle Court to Westshore Boulevard. This would make parking prohibited on both sides of Park Crescent along this initial curve, as there is not sufficient space to allow permit parking in this location without interfering with sightlines. In addition, prohibited parking would be added on Park Crescent at the intersections of Park Crescent and Cliffview Road (north and south intersections) and Park Crescent and Surf Avenue, within the existing parameters of the Traffic and Parking By-law. The recommended parking prohibitions will be reviewed after the first season of operation. While prohibited parking areas on one side will likely remain to ensure traffic safety, the need for permit parking on the opposite side may be adjusted once more information is available on the frequency of use and the impact on neighbouring residents. Residents have been advised of this post-season assessment and encouraged to provide feedback to staff on their experiences and observations over the course of the season. Amendments to Schedules 1, 2 and 4 of Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05: The attached by-law (Attachment 3) amends the current Schedule 1 (No Stopping), Schedule 2 (No Parking) and Schedule 4 (Permit Parking) contained in the Traffic and Parking By-law. Amendments to the schedules incorporate the newly approved prohibited parking and permit parking areas on waterfront area streets as outlined on Maps #3 and #4 attached (Attachment 4). Purchase of HotSpot Parking Inc. software in accordance with Request For Proposals 2022-1: In compliance with the City’s procurement policies, RFP 2022-1 was issued to request proposals for the provision of software and hardware for the administration of permit parking at the City’s waterfront parking lots, on waterfront area streets, and other potential sites. An evaluation of the proposals submitted has been conducted by a panel of staff from Supply & Services, Municipal Law Enforcement Services and Information Technology. Based on the result of this evaluation, staff recommend awarding RFP 2022-1 to HotSpot Parking Inc. HotSpot Parking Inc. provides a user friendly parking experience, flexible parking options, is digitally based, allows for scanning of a QR code to enter parking payment and is currently in use in Barrie and Collingwood. Hotspot Parking Inc. can also send out snow alerts to registered users when snow clearing operations will take place. HotSpot Parking Inc. also integrates with the City’s new SAP system. HotSpot Parking Inc. has proposed a revenue sharing model of 15 percent, with initial costs of $6,000 for implementation and training, $42,800.00 for licence plate recognition equipment and installation, and a proposed fee of $1.00 to review and approve each residential permit, to a maximum of $25,000.00. The proposal also indicated that a fee per service model was an option, rather than a percentage of revenue. Staff are of the view that the fee equal to 15 percent of parking permit revenue set out in the proposal is likely to be more costly to the City BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 5 than a fee per service. Staff will therefore propose a fee per service arrangement or a fee cap as the contract negotiation stage of the procurement begins. In addition, the review of residential permit applications will be discussed to determine the best process and whether residential permits are best administered by Hotspot Parking Inc. or by City staff. The proposal includes 40 signs with QR codes, however, staff will be assessing the number of signs required and determining if they can be prepared more cost-effectively by the City’s regular sign provider. Additional signs will be required, and are listed at a cost of $150.00 each in the bid. Due to time constraints, the installation and implementation of licence plate recognition software prior to May 1st is not possible, and was not included in either proposal received. It will, however, be completed by early summer. Staff will be meeting with HotSpot Parking Inc. representatives to negotiate a contract within the City’s $75,000.00 budget. Proposed Rates for Seasonal and Monthly Permits: The proposed rate for a seasonal pass is $165.00 plus HST ($186.45, May 1st – Oct 1st). A monthly rate of $60.00 plus HST ($67.80 per month) is also proposed. These proposed fees provide a fair option based on the regular rates established at $5.00/hour. To compare, below are some potential costs to frequent users at full rates: $5.00/hour X 10 hrs/week X 22 weeks = $1,100.00 (2 hrs/night, 5 nights/week, entire season) $5.00/hour X 4 hrs/week X 22 weeks = $440.00 (2 hrs/night, 2 days/week, entire season) $5.00/hour X 4 hrs/week X 13 weeks = $260.00 (2hrs/night, 2 days/week, June – Aug) Based on the frequency participants in the dragon boat club attend the waterfront (some as many as five times per week) the seasonal pass will offer considerable savings. For those that only attend once per week for a couple of hours, the pay-as-you-go option would be more cost- effective. Seasonal Pass fee comparison with other municipalities: •Barrie’s non-resident waterfront pass is $130.00 per season (hourly rates $10.00/hr or $50.00 per day) •Grand Bend’s Seasonal Pass $150.00 (April 15-Nov 1) •Sauble Beach Season’s Pass $200.00 •Collingwood Downtown area $555.00 per year Some comparisons were only available by month: •Guelph downtown area $74.06 - $166.64 per month •Kingston downtown area $84.25 - $145.00 per month •Oshawa downtown area $73.00 - $87.00 per month •Belleville downtown area $65.00 per month The implementation of seasonal waterfront parking permits will provide parking at a significantly reduced cost to regular waterfront users such as dragon boat paddlers, but will BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 6 also decrease permit parking revenue. It must also be noted that, to the extent parking fees act as a deterrent to vehicular traffic in the waterfront area, affordable seasonal fees will partially reduce the deterrent effect. Waterfront Area Streets – Guest Parking Accommodation: Council Resolution 728/21 also directed staff to develop a program to accommodate guests of residents who live on waterfront area streets. After reviewing policies in place in Ajax and Barrie, and in accordance with the commitment made to allow Pickering residents to register for free parking permits, staff have determined that the most consistent approach would be to allow residents of waterfront area streets to register in the same manner as all other Pickering residents for a permit to park on waterfront area streets. If the resident of a waterfront area street has non-resident guests, the resident will simply park their own car on the road, and have their guests park in the driveway. This will eliminate the need for: (a) pre-registration of guests, and (b) limiting the number of times guests will be accommodated. Staff will monitor the plan for guest parking to ensure there are no issues with residents of waterfront area streets parking their own vehicles on the street to prevent the public from parking there. For large gatherings, residents of waterfront area streets will need to contact Municipal Law Enforcement Services and arrange parking consideration. Limits will be set on the number of large gatherings to be provided exemptions from parking regulations. It is anticipated that after the first season of operation, staff will have gained critical information as to the actual usage of waterfront parking lots and waterfront area streets, feedback from area residents, and the effectiveness of parking prohibitions and guest parking. Prior to the commencement of the 2023 season, staff will report back to Council to outline any suggested changes to fees, parking regulations or operational policies. Attachments: 1. Information Provided to Residents Park Crescent/Cliffview Road 2. Recommended Parking Regulations for Park Crescent and Cliffview Road-Map #1 3.Amending By-law to Traffic and Parking By-law 6605/04, Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 4 4.Maps of Permit and Prohibited Parking Areas – Maps #3 and #4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Kimberly Thompson Paul Bigioni Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Original Signed By:Original Signed By: BYL 02-22 March 28, 2022 Subject: Waterfront Permit Parking Strategy Page 7 Approved/Endorsed By: Richard Holborn, P Eng Director, Engineering Services KT:kt Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By: Original SIgned By: Attachment #1 to Report BYL 02-22 Waterfront Parking Control Resident Input Request Municipal Law Enforcement Services January 7, 2022 Waterfront Parking Control For summer 2022, the City is implementing measures to manage parking issues around Pickering’s waterfront areas. City Council has directed staff consult with the residents of Cliffview Road and Park Crescent regarding the expansion of the program to include the entirety of these streets. The City is contacting you for your input on the implementation of restrictions on your street. Please view the attached map, which outlines parking restrictions and on-street paid permit parking for Cliffview Road and Park Crescent Proposed initiatives: •Implement permanent prohibited parking areas on one side of Cliffview Road and Park Crescent. (map enclosed) •Implement paid on-street permit parking from May 1st to October 1st for out-of-town visitors on the other side of Cliffview Road and Park Crescent (residents would be exempt through a vehicle registration process) •Convert the current restricted area at the dead-end of Park Cres to paid on-street parking on the south side (May 1-October 1) and retain the prohibited parking area on the north side. Overnight parking restrictions on the dead-end would remain in place between10pm-6am. Have your say! The City of Pickering is committed to community engagement, by working with residents and stakeholders on the development, decision making, and delivery of services that will continue to make Pickering a great place to live, work and play. Please provide your comments, questions or concerns to Kimberly Thompson, Manager Municipal Law Enforcement Services at kthompson@pickering.ca or to Jason Litoborski, Supervisor, Licensing & Enforcement at jlitoborski@pickering.ca. Your responses would be appreciated by February 4, 2022. Customer Care Centre T.905. 683.7575 customercare@pickering.ca pickering.ca Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575 -Cdt)o/- Pl(KERlNG NH i l l v i e w C r e s c e n t Vi c t o r y D r i v e Pa r k C r e s . Park C r e s . Legend Existing parking and/or stopping restrictions Proposed Prohibited Parking Potential Permit Parking Proposed permit parking from 6am -10pm No Parking from 10pm - 6am (south side only) Engineering Services Department Potential Permit Parking Park Crescent and Cliffview RoadNTS December, 2021 PLOT DATE: PlCKERlNG Attachment #2 to Report BYL 02-22 NH i l l v i e w C r e s c e n t Vi c t o r y D r i v e Pa r k C r e s . Park C r e s . Legend Existing parking and/or stopping restrictions Proposed Prohibited Parking Potential Permit Parking Proposed permit parking from 6am -10pm No Parking from 10pm - 6am (south side only) Engineering Services Department Potential Permit Parking Park Crescent and Cliffview RoadNTS March, 2022 ~ ~;---J. -.-I!~- 1,-~· .,. ~··· ·-._1,,L,1 ..... _...,.., PLOT DATE: PlCKERlNG Attachment #3 to Report BYL 02-22 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 4 to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stopping and parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Specifically this by-law is to allow for permit parking on one side of streets in proximity to the waterfront in the Liverpool Road and West Shore Boulevard areas while restricting parking on the opposite side of the street. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 1 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 1 No Stopping Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Delete Chipmunk Street East Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday September 1st to June 30th By-law No. Page 2 Schedule 1 No Stopping Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Delete Breezy Drive South 23 metres west of Batory 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Avenue to 23 metres Monday to Friday east of Batory Avenue Oklahoma South West Shore Boulevard to 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Drive Yeremi Street Monday to Friday Oklahoma North West Shore Boulevard to 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Drive 136 metres east of West Monday to Friday Shore Boulevard Add Breezy Drive South 23 metres west of Batory Anytime Avenue to 23 metres east of Batory Avenue Oklahoma South West Shore Boulevard to Anytime Drive Yeremi Street Oklahoma Drive North West Shore Boulevard to 136 metres east of West Anytime Shore Boulevard 2. Schedule 2 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: By-law No. Page 3 Column 1 Column 2 Highway Side Delete Annland Street North Essa Crescent East and South Front Road West Park Crescent North Park Crescent South Sunrise Avenue South West Shore West Boulevard Add Annland Street North and East Beachpoint Promenade North and South Breezy Drive East Schedule 2 No Parking Column 3 Limits (From/To) 38 metres west of Pleasant Street to 75 metres west of Pleasant Street Batory Avenue to Breezy Drive Browning Street to Annland Street Cliffview Road to the west limit 20m west of Cliffview Road to the west limit West Shore Boulevard to Chipmunk Street Bayly Street to Tullo Street Liverpool Road to Front Road West Shore Boulevard to 95 metres east of West Shore Boulevard Sunrise Avenue to 70 metres north of Oklahoma Drive Column 4 Prohibited Times or Days Anytime Anytime Anytime Anytime 9:00 pm to 6:00 am 8:30am to 4:30pm Mon. to Fri. Anytime Anytime Anytime Anytime By-law No. Page 4 Schedule 2 No Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Add Breezy Drive North and Essa Crescent to 43 Anytime East metres south of Essa Crescent Chipmunk Street East Full limit Anytime Cliffview Road South and Full limit Anytime East Cliffview Road North Park Crescent (north Anytime intersection) to 100 metres west thereof Cliffview Road West 80 metres west of Park Anytime Crescent (south intersection) to 115 metres west of Park Crescent (south intersection) Essa Crescent South and Batory Avenue to 345 Anytime East metres east and north of Batory Avenue Essa Crescent North and Breezy Drive to 300 metres Anytime East north and west of Breezy Drive Front Road West Browning Street to Anytime Commerce Street Front Road East Commerce Street to Anytime Annland Street Leaside Street East Full limit Anytime By-law No. Page 5 Schedule 2 No Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Add Marksbury Road West Park Crescent to south Anytime limit Mink Street South Full limit Anytime Oklahoma Drive South Yeremi Street to Breezy Anytime Drive Park Crescent North and West Shore Boulevard to Anytime West Sandcastle Court Park Crescent West 10 metres north of Surf Anytime Avenue to 10 metres south of Surf Avenue Park Crescent North Cliffview Road (south Anytime intersection) to the west limit Park Crescent South and West Shore Boulevard to Anytime East 20 metres west of Cliffview Road (south intersection) Park Crescent South 20 metres west of Cliffview 10:00 pm to 6:00 am Road (south intersection) to the west limit Pleasant Street East Full limit Anytime Sunrise Avenue North Full limit Anytime Sunrise Avenue South West Shore Boulevard to Anytime Chipmunk Street By-law No. Page 6 Schedule 2 No Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Add Surf Avenue South Full limit Anytime Tullo Street South Full limit Anytime West Shore West Bayly Street to South limit Anytime Boulevard West Shore East Oklahoma Drive to 35 Anytime Boulevard metres south of Oklahoma Drive West Shore East South limit to 20 metres Anytime Boulevard north of Beachpoint Promenade West Shore East Park Crescent to Sunrise Boulevard Avenue Yeremi Street East Full limit Anytime 3. Schedule 4 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: By-law No. Page 7 Column 1 Column 2 Highway Side Add Annland Street West Annland Street South Beachpoint North and Promenade South Breezy Drive East Broadview Street North Chipmunk Street West Cliffview Road West Cliffview Road West Commerce Street North Commerce Street South Schedule 4 Permit Parking Column 3 Column 4 Limits (From/To) Property Address, where applicable Broadview to Commerce n/a Street Liverpool Road to 230 n/a metres east of Liverpool Road 95 metres east of West n/a Shore Boulevard to 355 metres east of West Shore Boulevard 43 metres south of Essa n/a Crescent to 70 metres north of Oklahoma Drive Liverpool Road to n/a Annland Street Full limit n/a 100 metres west of Park n/a Crescent (north intersection) to 115 metres west of Park Crescent (south intersection) Park Crescent (south n/a intersection) to 80 west of Park Crescent (south intersection) Liverpool Road to n/a Annland Street Liverpool Road to Front n/a Road By-law No. Page 8 Schedule 4 Permit Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Property Address, where applicable Add Front Road West Annland Road to n/a Commerce Street Leaside Street West Full limit n/a Liverpool Road West Commerce Street to n/a Annland Street Liverpool Road East and Annland Street to Wharf n/a West Street Liverpool Road West 15 metres south of Wharf n/a Street to 190 metres south of Wharf Street, 230 metres south of Wharf Street to 255 metres south of Wharf Street, Liverpool Road East 40 metres south of Wharf n/a Street to 165 metres south of Wharf Street, 230 metres south of Wharf Street to 265 metres south of Wharf Street, Marksbury Road East Park Crescent to south n/a limit Mink Street North Full limit n/a Oklahoma Drive North 136 metres east of West Shore Boulevard to Breezy Drive Park Crescent West Cliffview Road (south n/a intersection) to 10 metres south of Surf Avenue ____________________________ ________________________________ By-law No. Page 9 Schedule 4 Permit Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Add Side Limits (From/To) Property Address, where applicable Park Crescent West 10 metres north of Surf Avenue to Sandcastle Court n/a Park Crescent South 20 metres west of Cliffview Road (south intersection) to the west limit n/a Pleasant Street West Full limit n/a Sunrise Avenue South Chipmunk Street to Breezy Drive n/a Surf Avenue North Full limit n/a Tullo Street North Full limit n/a West Shore Boulevard East 20 metres north of Beachpoint Promenade to Sunrise Avenue n/a Wharf Street North Liverpool Road to east limit n/a Yeremi Street West Full limit n/a By-law passed this 28th day of March, 2022. David Ryan, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk Attachment #4 to Report BYL 02-22 N Legend Existing parking and/or stopping restrictions Proposed Prohibited Parking Proposed Lay-by Permit Parking P P P Existing Permit Parking Proposed Permit Parking Engineering Services Department Waterfront Parking Restrictions Liverpool Road and Surrounding Area NTS March, 2022 ••••••••• ---------- St A ...... lo \ Kro ' ' --O',,,/-- P1CKER1NG N Proposed Permit Parking 6 am - 10 pm, No Parking 10 pm - 6 am, south side only Existing stopping restrictions during school hours to be Legend Existing parking and/or stopping restrictions Proposed Prohibited Parking Proposed Permit Parking P Proposed Lay-by Permit Parking Stopping restrictions during school hours to be changed changed to No Parking Anytime to No Stopping Anytime on the south side of Breezy and both sides of Oklahoma by the school Engineering Services Department Waterfront Parking Restrictions West Shore Boulevard and Surrounding Area NTS March, 2022 ► :r ::. ::0 a. PLOT DATE: {fJ "' '< :r . . ....... ~ -.... 0 I : I • . . . . . . I : : I • : I =----•••••-••••••••• I 1••·························· . . ,. I : I • !E'Orch . . . . . . . . -~~····················· . ----------------·· -~of- PJ(KERJNG