HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 10-22Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 10-22 Date: February 7, 2022 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Revised Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/17 (R2) Avonmore Ventures Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3 (North of William Jackson Drive, South of the Canadian Pacifica Railway Corridor) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/17 (R2), submitted by Avonmore Ventures Inc., to permit a residential condominium development consisting of stacked townhouse units and an 8-storey apartment building, for the lands located east of Brock Road, north of William Jackson Drive and south of the Canadian Pacific Railway Corridor, be approved, subject to the proposed zoning provisions contained in Appendix I to Report PLN 10-22, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: Avonmore Ventures Inc. has submitted a zoning by-law amendment application to facilitate a residential condominium development on lands located east of Brock Road, north of William Jackson Drive and south of the Canadian Pacific Railway Corridor, within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). In 2017, Avonmore Ventures Inc. submitted a proposal to facilitate a residential condominium development, consisting of 178 stacked townhouse units within 7 townhouse buildings. There was a second revision to the application in 2018 to facilitate a residential condominium development, containing a total of 205 units within a 7-storey apartment building, and 5 townhouse buildings. In 2020, the applicant requested a third revision to their zoning by-law amendment application. This revision included a request to utilize the Bonus Zoning provisions of the City’s Official Plan to increase the maximum permitted density beyond what is allowed by the Official Plan. The applicant proposed a residential condominium development, containing a total of 212 units, consisting of an 8-storey building containing 130 apartment units, and 82 stacked townhouse units within 5 townhouse buildings. In response to comments received from City departments, external agencies, and the Planning & Development Committee, the applicant submitted a fourth revision to their proposal (submitted in 2021). The key revisions to the proposal include: • removing the request to utilize the Bonus Zoning provisions of the City’s Official Plan to increase the maximum permitted density beyond what is allowed by the Official Plan, in exchange for the provision of a community benefit under Section 37 of the Planning Act; • reducing the total number of dwelling units from 212 units to 170 units (a reduction of 42 units); Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 2 • removing the underground parking garage dedicated to the stacked townhouse units and locating all townhouse resident parking spaces above grade; • introducing 32 rear-lane stacked townhouse units, 3 storeys in height, with fully integrated garages to allow for indoor private storage area; • introducing a parking ratio of 2.0 parking spaces per unit for the rear-lane stacked townhouses (1 space in the garage and 1 space on the driveway); • reconfiguring the stacked townhouse units located on the southerly limits of the subject land to front the proposed village green; and • improving the internal pedestrian pathways and adjusting building setbacks. City Development staff are in support of the proposal. The proposal is consistent with the policies of the Official Plan Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and achieves the design objectives of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. The proposed site layout and design represent a logical and orderly development of the site. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/17 (R2). Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located on the east side of Brock Road, north of William Jackson Drive, and south of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Corridor, within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject lands comprise 2 properties, having a combined area of approximately 1.99 hectares, of which approximately 1.22 hectares are developable. The remaining environmentally sensitive lands, having an area of approximately 0.77 of a hectare, are to be conveyed to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) through the site plan approval process. The lands have no street frontage along William Jackson Drive. To access the site from William Jackson Drive, vehicular access over City of Pickering lands will be required. A single-storey detached dwelling currently occupies the site. This building is proposed to be removed. Mature trees and other vegetation are located along the northern and eastern limits of the subject lands and within the valley lands associated with the Urfe Creek. The surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): North: Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Corridor and further north are vacant lands designated as “Open Space Systems – Seaton Natural Heritage System”. East: Urfe Creek and associated valley lands designated as “Open Space System – Natural Areas”. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 3 South: An existing medium-density residential subdivision comprising semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units. A future village green, to be constructed by the City, is located between the residential subdivision and Brock Road. Vacant lands owned by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) immediately to the south of the proposed apartment building. West: Across Brock Road, vacant lands designated as “Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors”. The lands at the northwest corner of Brock Road and Zents Drive, which are owned by the City, and a future Fire Hall and headquarters are currently under construction. 1.2 Applicant’s Previous Proposals In 2017, Avonmore Ventures Inc. applied for a zoning by-law amendment to facilitate a residential condominium development, consisting of 178 stacked townhouse units within 7 buildings. Included in the application, was a 0.3 of a hectare of land owned by IO (located southeast of the subject lands fronting William Jackson Drive), which the applicant was in the process of acquiring. Subsequently, in response to comments received from City departments, external agencies and the Planning & Development Committee, the applicant submitted a second revision to their zoning by-law amendment application in 2018, to facilitate a residential condominium development consisting of 57 stacked townhouse units within 5 residential buildings, and 148 units within a 7-storey apartment building. 1.3 Applicant’s current proposal In July 2020, the applicant requested a third revision to their zoning by-law amendment application. This revision removed the IO lands from the proposal. The applicant proposed a residential condominium development, containing a total of 212 units (see Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2020), Attachment #3), consisting of an 8-storey building containing 130 apartment units, and 82 stacked townhouse units within 5 residential buildings. Given the removal of the IO lands from the proposal, the site did not have street frontage along William Jackson Drive, and vehicular access to the development is required from the City of Pickering through the future Village Green. This revision included a request to utilize the Bonus Zoning provisions of the City’s Official Plan to increase the maximum permitted density beyond what is allowed by the Official Plan, from 140 units per net hectare to 174 units per net hectare, in exchange for the provision of a community benefit under Section 37 of the Planning Act. Through collaboration between City staff and the applicant, the above-noted proposal has been further refined to address various comments and concerns identified through the planning review process. Figure 1 below illustrates the most recently Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2021). The Plan shows the developable area as Block 1 and the environmental lands as Block 2. Within Block 1, the revised sitings of the townhouse buildings, and the apartment building, are shown. Lands in Block 2 are the environmental lands to be conveyed to the TRCA. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 4 Figure 1: Revised Conceptual Site Plan (2021) The table below summarizes the unit and density changes between the 2020 plan and the revised 2021 plan. Submitted Plan (2020) Revised Plan (2021) Total Number of Dwellings 212 units 170 units (reduction of 42 units) Type of Dwellings Apartment: 130 units Stacked Townhouse: 82 units Apartment: 92 units Townhouse: 78 units Townhouse Unit Types: • 32 rear-lane stacked townhouses • 46 stacked townhouse Density Units Per Hectare (uph) 174 units per net hectare (Density Bonus Request) 139 units per net hectare (Removed Density Bonus Request) Other key site design changes that have been made to the proposal include: • removing the underground parking garage dedicated to the stacked townhouse units, and introducing all resident parking spaces located above grade; • introducing 32 rear-lane stacked townhouse units, 3 storeys in height, with fully integrated garages to allow for indoor private storage area; • introducing a parking ratio of 2.0 parking spaces per unit for the rear lane stacked townhouses (1 space within an integrated garage and 1 space on the driveway); • reconfiguring and reorienting the stacked townhouse units to front the future village green lands; Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 5 • introducing walkway connections from the subject lands to the proposed Village Green; • the building separation distance between buildings has changed from a minimum of 12.0 metres to: • 13.5 metres between Buildings A and B (between the front-facing units at Building A to the rear-facing units at Building B); • 10.7 metres between Buildings B and C (between the front-facing units); and • 12.6 metres between Buildings C and D (between the rear-facing garages); • introducing dedicated resident parking spaces for the stacked townhouse units located adjacent to the berm area along the north property line; • locating all resident and visitor parking spaces for the apartment building in an underground parking garage; • increasing the setback from the apartment building to the southerly limits of the subject lands from 3.0 metres to 6.20 metres; • redesigning the apartment building drop-off and pick-up area location from the rear of the building to the west side of the building; • locating the waste pick-up areas between the parking spaces adjacent to the berm area; • removing the outdoor amenity areas located north of the apartment building and redesigning them as a landscape area; and • improving the internal pedestrian pathways and adjusting building setbacks. The above-noted changes are further illustrated in Attachment #4, Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2021). 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 October 5, 2020, Electronic Statutory Public Meeting An Electronic Statutory Public Meeting was held on October 5, 2020, to consider the 2020 proposal, at which one member of the public submitted a written comment expressing concerns with the proposal. The following key comments were expressed by area residents: • concerned that the loss of mature vegetation will have a negative impact on the level of noise and vibration from passing CN rail trains; • questioned why mature trees are not incorporated into the development; and • concerned with the increased traffic volumes from the development. In addition, staff received a comment from a neighbouring resident across Urfe Creek expressing a concern regarding the quality and quantity of her well water during the construction of this development. The Planning & Development Committee provided the following comments: • questioned whether the natural heritage lands located on the east side of the subject site, and compensation for any tree removal, would be conveyed to the TRCA and/or the City; • questioned whether the 8-storey apartment building would be a rental building or condominium; Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 6 • questioned whether the City proposes to install a three-way-stop sign to alleviate traffic concerns on William Jackson Drive; • questioned whether the future village green is tied to the timelines of the proposed development; • questioned whether the City is pursuing land acquisition from IO for additional parklands; • questioned whether the entrance into the proposed development is wide enough to accommodate emergency vehicles; • questioned whether there are affordable and accessible units/parking spaces included in the proposed development; and • questioned whether the concerns regarding the height of the crash wall indicated in the previous submission had been addressed. 2.2 Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • no objection to the proposal; • the proposal conforms and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as “Living Areas”, which are intended to be used predominantly for housing purposes with a mix of housing types, sizes, and tenure; • the proposal conforms to the policies of the Regional Official Plan; • water supply is available from an existing watermain on William Jackson Drive; • a Waste Management Plan, illustrating how waste collection can be accommodated, is required to be submitted with a future site plan application; if the development does not meet Region’s standards for municipal waste collection on private property, then the applicant will be responsible for retaining private waste collection services; • the Region requires the applicant to prepare a revised Noise Study as part of the site plan application, and it should be completed before final approval of the site plan application; • The Region requires a Record of Site Condition (RSC) Acknowledgement letter from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), ensuring that the RSC has been approved by the MECP, prior to final approval of the site plan application; • the Traffic Impact Study is acceptable; and • any Regional requirements concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise, associated with the development shall be addressed through the submission of a future site plan application. In addition, the Region of Durham has advised that, based on projections of sanitary flows generated by existing developments and current applications under review within the catchment area of the Duffin Heights Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station (SSPS), the Region anticipates exceeding the design capacity of the sanitary system. Currently, this system is at approximately 60 percent capacity. The remainder of the capacity will be on a first-come-first-served basis and is allocated at the time of signing a Regional servicing Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 7 agreement. Diversion of future flows away from the Duffin Heights SSPS or modifications to increase capacity at the Duffin Heights SSPS may be needed in the future. The Region will continue to monitor this situation as development within the Duffin Heights SSPS service area proceeds. 2.2.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) • no objection to the proposal, subject to the environmental lands (referred to as Block 2), being zoned to Open Space Natural Area zone category and then conveyed to public (TRCA) ownership through the site plan approval process; and • TRCA advises that technical comments related to stormwater management, drainage, and grading will be addressed at the detailed design stage. 2.2.3 Canadian Pacific Rail (CPR) • AECOM, on behalf of CPR, has completed their review of the proposed Safety Berm Design submission; and the profile and dimensions of the proposed berm meet requirements of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Guidelines for New Developments in Proximity to Railway Operations; and • AECOM will continue their review, including specialist reviews, after receipt of the revised submission, before final site plan approval. 2.3 Comments from City Departments 2.3.1 Engineering Services Department • no objections to the proposal; and • matters concerning grading and drainage, fencing details, stormwater management details, construction management requirements, snow storage location, and landscaping requirements will be further reviewed through the site plan approval process. 2.3.2 Fire Services • no objection to the proposal; and • matters concerning fire route location and siamese connections will be further reviewed through the submission of a future site plan approval application. 3 Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal is within the density range of the Official Plan and is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The developable portion of the subject lands is designated "Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors" in the Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of up to and including 2.5 FSI. The revised submitted conceptual site plan (2021) proposes a total of 170 units for a residential density of 139 units per net hectare, and an FSI of 1.19. The revised proposal complies with the density and FSI requirements of the Official Plan. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 8 The portion of the subject lands containing the Urfe Creek and associated valley lands and buffers are designated as “Open Space – Natural Areas”. Lands designated as part of the open space system are intended to be used primarily for conservation, restoration, environmental education, recreation, and ancillary purposes. As noted, these lands will be conveyed to the TRCA, and therefore complies with the Official Plan. The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for the “Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors” designation requires new developments to provide: • a strong and identifiable urban image of establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey; • higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road, while restricting grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads; and • require proponents of new development abutting or containing existing naturalized open space features designated Natural Areas, to submit an Edge Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City, in consultation with the TRCA. The Plan shall address the protection of the natural heritage features and functions of the impacts of any new development through such mechanism as tree management, tree preservation, invasive species management, construction management and stormwater management. The subject lands have limited frontage along Brock Road, and the frontage is raised relative to Brock Road due to the underpass. To achieve a strong urban condition, the siting of the 3.5-storey stacked townhouse buildings has been arranged and oriented towards the future village green. The homes will have principal entrances to each unit to animate and create an active condition fronting the future village green. The 8-storey apartment building is sited on the east side of the site, adjacent to the open space area. The proposed site design provides for appropriate pedestrian pathways through the development, connecting to the future village green and the existing sidewalks along William Jackson Drive. The development preserves and maintains the ecological function of the valley lands of Urfe Creek to the east of the site. The lands will be zoned as open space, and conveyed to the TRCA. Through the site plan approval process, an edge management planting plan will be prepared to the satisfaction of the City and TRCA. The proposed development is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.2 Urban Design objectives of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been addressed The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines provide design objectives for the neighbourhood. The Guidelines intend to further the objectives of the Official Plan and to achieve the following: Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 9 • an accessible pedestrian-oriented residential area, distinct in character and harmonious with the larger neighbourhood; • a streetscape which is attractive, safe and encourages social interaction with the neighbourhood; • a central focus to the neighbourhood which is safe, lively and attractive; • a diversity of uses to support neighbourhood and City functions; • preserve and maintain the ecological function of the tableland forest and valley lands; and • a mix of housing types, forms, affordability and tenure on a variety of lot frontages. The developable portion of the subject lands is delineated as Brock Road Streetscape on the Tertiary Plan, which encourages higher density, mid-rise and mixed-use buildings along Brock Road with a high level of architectural quality. The proposed revised plan conforms with the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies and Development Guidelines. The overall design and layout of the plan facilitate a pedestrian- oriented residential development by creating an attractive urban streetscape. Access to all primary entrances is provided directly from sidewalks for pedestrians and underground parking is provided for the apartment building. The plan proposes a mix of unit types (stacked townhouses and apartment units) to provide a variety of affordability. In addition, the plan preserves and maintains the ecological function of the valley lands of Urfe Creek. The design of the townhouse buildings and apartment building will incorporate various architectural treatments, such as projecting balconies and articulated fenestration. The use of various cladding treatments will be incorporated into the design, however, the applicant has not yet finalized their design (see Submitted Conceptual Rendering Plan, Attachment #5). Through the site plan approval process, staff will continue to work with the applicant to further review the detailed urban design and architectural matters in accordance with the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines including, but not limited to: refined building location and siting; internal pedestrian circulation and connections; on-site landscaping; architectural design and materials; and the location of hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities. 3.3 The design of the proposed safety berm and building setbacks meets CPR requirements The CPR corridor is located adjacent to the lands along the northern property line. The buildings are setback a minimum of 25 metres from the CPR corridor and a 3.0-metre high berm is proposed to be constructed within the setback. Figure 2 on the next page shows the berm location in green, and the building setback in blue. Figure 3 on the next page illustrates the proposed berm cross-section. The grade of the track will be slightly lower than the final grade of the development. Therefore, the berm will have a height of approximately 1.0 metre within the development. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 10 Figure 2: Berm Location Figure 3: Berm Section AECOM, on behalf of CPR, has advised that the conceptual profile and dimensions of the proposed berm and the building setbacks meet the FCM Guidelines for New Developments in Proximity to Railway Operations requirements. AECOM will finalize their detailed review, including specialist reviews, after receipt of the revised submission, and before final site plan approval. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 11 The applicant’s noise consultant has recommended that a 3.0-metre high acoustic barrier be installed atop of the 3.0-metre high berm (the berm location is shown above) resulting in a total barrier of 6.0 metres in height. AECOM and the City will further review the proposed height and details of the 3.0-metre high acoustic barrier as part of the site plan submission. 3.4 The applicant will be required to provide appropriate compensation for the loss of mature vegetation The applicant has submitted an updated Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIS), prepared by Beaton Environmental, dated December 2018, and an Arborist Report, prepared by D. Andrew White, dated December 2018, in support of the application. The EIS indicates that the limits of the natural features have been staked in consultation with the TRCA, and are consistent with the limits of the Natural Heritage System as previously approved as part of the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP). The area of mature vegetation is approximately 1.03 hectares, and contains approximately 850 to 900 trees. The mature vegetation is located outside of the valley corridor, and does not provide habitat for threatened and endangered species. Neither the TRCA or the City identified the lands as significant wildlife habitat. Further, field investigations have not identified any rare flora or fauna associated with the woodland. Several mitigation measures have been recommended to help reduce the potential impacts of the woodland removal, specifically the loss of mature vegetation adjacent to the valley. These measures include natural feature protection, edge management planting within the required 10.0 metre setback to the natural features, and erosion and sediment controls during tree removal. As the subject property is within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, compensation for woodland removal (1.03 hectares) is to be addressed through a compensation value calculation based on the area of removal. The compensation will be paid to the City of Pickering by the owner before the issuance of site plan approval. In addition, through the site plan review process, the applicant will be required to heavily plant the proposed berm area to visually minimize the appearance of the berm and acoustical fence, enhance the on-site landscaping, and provide additional planting within the required buffer adjacent to the valley lands. 3.5 Siting and design of townhouse buildings will be further refined through the site plan approval process Staff are generally satisfied with the placements of all townhouse buildings. However, with the recently revised submission, staff identified technical issues concerning the siting of Buildings B, C and D. The areas of concern are noted in red in Figure 4 below. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 12 Figure 4: Buildings B, C and D The driveways of the end units located in Buildings B and D, as shown above in red, are sited very close to the curve of the internal private road; and staff are concerned that there may be compromised visibility for both drivers and pedestrians. Additionally, vehicles may extend into the private road further compromising the safety of motorists. Furthermore, the setbacks between Buildings B and C and the visitor parking space area will be required to be increased to provide for a greater setback between the buildings and the parking spaces for snow storage and landscaping. Staff has advised the applicant that through the site plan approval process, the buildings will need to be redesigned or units eliminated to provide for an appropriate setback to the private road and visitor parking spaces. 3.6 The proposal will have minimal traffic impacts on the surrounding road network The applicant is proposing a three-way stop-controlled intersection at the site access and William Jackson Drive. This access will be designed for residential use and municipal fire and waste vehicles. The submitted Transportation Impact Study (TIS), prepared by TMIG, dated June 2020, investigated the traffic conditions and effects of the proposal on the surrounding road network. The study collected data on existing traffic levels in June 2017. The June 2020 TIS is in support of the 2020 submitted conceptual site plan (proposing a total of 212 units, at a density of 174 units per net hectare). Subsequent to the June 2020 TIS submission, the applicant revised their proposal and TMIG prepared an addendum letter, dated June 11, 2021. As the development density has decreased since the June 2020 submission, the projected site-generated traffic has also decreased. The projected trip generation associated with the revised development is projected to generate 58 trips during the AM peak hour (7:30 am to 8:30 am) (15 inbound and 43 outbound) and 74 trips during the PM peak hour (5:00 pm to 6:00 pm) (45 inbound and 29 outbound). Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 13 This study concluded that the traffic generated by the proposed development can be accommodated by the adjacent street system. The City and the Region have reviewed the submitted June 2020 TIS and addendum letter dated June 11, 2021, and finds it acceptable. 3.7 Access over City lands from William Jackson Drive to the development is required The lands do not have frontage along William Jackson Drive. Vehicular access to the development is required from a portion of the City’s future village green lands immediately to the south. An easement for a 6.5-metre wide private road to the development is required from the City, or the applicant could potentially acquire the lands from the City so that it forms part of the future condominium corporation. Before the finalizing of the implementing zoning by-law, and through the site plan review process, staff will work with the applicant to determine the best approach to providing access to the site. Appropriate compensation for the reduction in the size of the village green will also be required. 3.8 A sufficient number of parking spaces will be provided for residents and visitors The table below outlines the proposed parking ratios, the minimum number of parking spaces proposed, and the location of the parking spaces for the different unit types. Parking Details Submitted Plan (2020) Revised Plan (2021) Total Parking 255 parking spaces 244 parking spaces Resident Parking Spaces 212 resident parking spaces 209 resident parking spaces Visitor Parking Spaces • 0.20 parking spaces per unit • 43 visitor parking spaces • visitor parking spaces located along the berm area • no change • 34 visitor parking spaces • visitor parking spaces located along the berm area, interior to the site, and in the apartment building underground parking garage Apartment Units • 1.0 parking space per unit (minimum) • located in the underground parking garage, and surface parking spaces located along the berm area • no change • all resident parking spaces located in the underground parking garage Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 14 Parking Details Submitted Plan (2020) Revised Plan (2021) Stacked Townhouse Units • 1.0 parking space per unit (minimum) • located in the underground garage • no change • removed the underground parking garage • surface parking spaces located along the berm area Rear Stacked Lane Townhouse Units • not proposed • 2.0 parking spaces per unit • 1 space located within an interior garage and a second space on the driveway Concerning the dimensions of an interior garage, the City requires a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres (including interior steps). This requirement is intended to ensure there is sufficient space within the private garage to park a vehicle and provide sufficient storage of household items such as bikes and garbage bins. The applicant has requested a slight reduction in the interior garage dimension to accommodate the design. The applicant has submitted a conceptual interior garage storage plan, see Figure 5 below. The figure illustrates 2 opportunities for storage in the garage. Space 1 is located underneath the staircase, an enclosed storage area with a small door, approximately 0.8 metres by 1.1 metres in size; and space 2, in the corner of the garage. In addition, there are storage opportunities within the vestibule area of the main floor (spaces 3, 4 and 5). Figure 5: Proposed storage plan for an interior garage In consultation with the Site Plan Advisory Committee, staff may consider a slight reduction in the size of the interior garage provided that the applicant can demonstrate that the interior garage size can support a vehicle as well as storage. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 15 The applicant is requesting a residential parking ratio of a minimum of 2.0 spaces per unit for the rear-lane stacked townhouses, which accommodates a parking space in the garage and 1 space on the driveway. The applicant is also is requesting a minimum of 1.0 space per unit for the stacked townhouse units, located along the berm area, and the apartment units located entirely underground. The proposed parking ratios are similar to recently approved developments within the Duffin Heights neighbourhood. The applicant is also requesting a visitor parking ratio of 0.20 spaces per unit. In light of concerns raised with the ongoing parking concerns with the Duffin Heights developments, staff will continue to work with the applicant through the site plan approval process to explore opportunities to increase the number of surface parking spaces for visitor parking. Staff are satisfied that a sufficient number of parking spaces can be provided to accommodate this development. 3.9 Future Village Green to be constructed by the City A future village green, having an area of 0.76 of a hectare, is located immediately south of the subject lands and west of William Jackson Drive. It is known as Carousel Green. This village green is anticipated to include a walking path, seating, shade structure, and a small play structure. Through the site plan approval process, staff will work with the applicant to provide barrier-free pedestrian connections from the development to the village green. The timing of the construction of the village green is intended to commence sometime in 2023 or beyond. The construction is dependent on coordination and approvals with the Region of Durham, and utility companies (utility easements), and is also subject to Council budget approval. With regards to the City acquiring land in the area for additional City parkland, the City Solicitor has advised that the City is no longer pursuing the purchase of the IO lands, located south and east of the subject lands (see Location Map, Attachment #1). 3.10 Response to Key Concerns raised at the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting held on October 5, 2020 As noted in Section 2.1 of this report, area residents and the Planning & Development Committee have identified various questions and concerns with the proposed development. Matters concerning tree compensation, conveyance of valley lands to TRCA, vehicle access into the development and traffic, City acquiring lands for additional parkland, and safety measures along the CPR corridor have been addressed. The table below summarized other concerns raised by area residents and at the October 5, 2020, Planning & Development and staff’s response. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 16 Concerns Staff’s Response An area resident comments that the loss of the existing mature vegetation will increase Noise and Vibration on the existing neighbourhood. The applicant has submitted an Environmental Noise and Vibration Study, prepared by Aercoustics Engineering, dated May 26, 2021, in support of the development. The consultant recommends that a 3.0 metre high acoustic barrier be installed atop of the 3.0 metre high berm to mitigate noise from rail traffic. The future condominium corporation will be responsible for maintaining the back side of the berm and fence. AECOM and the City will further review the proposed height and details of the 3.0 high acoustic barrier as part of the site plan submission. In addition, the Region of Durham requires the applicant to prepare a revised Environmental Noise and Vibration Study as part of the site plan application and should be completed before final approval of the site plan application. Staff are satisfied that the proposed noise mitigation measures are appropriate mitigate any noise related issues for the future residents within this development and the existing residents within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The Planning & Development Committee asked whether any affordable housing units will be provided within this development The applicant has advised that the proposed mix of stacked townhouses and apartment units will provide a variety of affordable housing options, particularly for first-time home buyers. The Planning & Development Committee asked how many accessible parking spaces will be provided and whether any accessible units offered for sale. The rate applied to calculate the required minimum number of accessible parking spaces is based on the total number of visitor parking spaces provided (34 spaces are proposed); therefore a minimum of 2 accessible parking spaces are required. The applicant has provided a total of 4 accessible spaces to serve the development. The applicant has advised that there would be limited opportunities to provide accessible units within the townhouse buildings, but will explore opportunities to provide accessible units within the apartment building. Through the site plan approval process, staff will work with the applicant to determine the appropriate locations for accessible parking spaces and ensure all pedestrian walkways meet accessibility requirements. Furthermore, the Site Plan Application will be brought forward to the Accessibility Committee for their review and feedback. Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 17 Concerns Staff’s Response An area resident expressed concerns about the potential this development will have on their existing well water during construction. As part of the site plan approval process, the applicant will be required to implement a well monitoring program to reduce any impacts on an existing well, particularly for the existing residential property on the north side of William Jackson Drive across the Urfe Creek. 3.11 The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost-sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost-sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs. The zoning by-law will include an “H” – Holding provision on the subject lands to ensure that the applicant pays their proportionate share or becomes a member of the Duffin Heights landowners group. 3.12 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval and through site plan approval Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the subdivision agreement and site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • architectural treatment; • landscaping and fencing; • snow storage; • lighting; • pedestrian circulation and connections; • outdoor amenity area design; • drainage and grading; • site servicing; • construction management plan; • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces; • waste management collection; and • location of hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities. 3.13 Draft Approval of the Draft Plan of Condominium is delegated to the Director, City Development Applications for Draft Plan of Condominium are delegated to the Director, City Development for final approval. No further approvals from Council are required at this time. 3.14 Zoning By-law to be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands to appropriate zone categories with site-specific performance standards to facilitate the proposal. To ensure an appropriate site design, the zoning by-law will have site-specific provisions including, but not limited to: maximum building height; build-to-zone requirements; the maximum number of units; Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 18 minimum private amenity area per unit; minimum interior garage size; and the minimum number of resident and visitor parking spaces. Forming part of the recently submitted revised proposal, the applicant requested that townhouse units be permitted on the entirety of the lands, to allow for flexibility in the zoning permissions, if market conditions change and the apartment building use is no longer feasible. An all townhouse development would include a total of 98 townhouse units within 6 buildings; and a density of 80 units per net hectare; which conforms to the Official Plan. The zoning by-law will also include an appropriate zone category for the open space lands located on the east side of the lands (Block 2), as determined by the TRCA. Furthermore, as noted above, the zoning by-law will include a Holding provision on the lands to address cost-sharing matters. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommend that a site-specific implementing by-law, containing the provisions attached as Appendix I to this Report be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. 4 Applicant’s Comments The applicant has been informed of staff’s recommendations of this report, including recommendations concerning: the interior dimensions of the garages and the siting of Buildings B, C and D. Appendix: Appendix I Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment A 13/17 (R2) Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2020) 4. Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2021) 5. Submitted Conceptual Rendering Plan Report PLN 10-22 February 7, 2022 Subject: Avonmore Ventures Inc. Page 19 Prepared By: Original Signed By Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO CC:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix No. I to Report No. PLN 10-22 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment A 13/17 (R2) Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/17 (R2) That the implementing zoning by-law permit residential condominium developments in accordance with the following provisions: A. Zoning Provisions “H” – Holding provision on all lands until such time as the City receives an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group that the applicant has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportionate share of the development costs to the Landowners Group. Permitted Uses 1. Stacked Townhouses and an Apartment Building 2. Open Space Natural Area Building Restrictions Rear Lane Stacked Townhouses Stacked Townhouses Apartment Building Number of Dwelling Units 170 units All buildings and structures shall be located entirely within a building envelope with a minimum setback of 25 metres from all buildings to the CP Rail lands; minimum setback of 3.0 metres from any building or structure to the Open Space Natural Area lands (shown as Block 2); a minimum setback of 6.0 metres from the apartment building to the south lot line; and a minimum setback of 4.5 metres from the stacked townhouses to the south lot line (facing the future village green). Setback between Building Blocks (minimum) • Between Building A and Building B: 13.0 metres (between front facing units of Building A to the rear facing units of Building B) • Between Building B and Building C: 10.5 metres (between the front facing units) • Between Building C and Building D: 12.5 metres (between rear facing units (garages). Not Applicable Building Height (maximum) 11.0 metres (3 storeys) 13.0 metres (3.5 storeys) 28 metres (8 storeys) Resident Parking Requirements (minimum) 2.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit 1.0 parking space per dwelling unit 1.0 parking space per dwelling unit Rear Lane Stacked Townhouses Stacked Townhouses Apartment Building Visitor Parking Requirements (minimum) 0.20 spaces per unit Interior Garage Size (minimum) A private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a depth of 6.0 metres. The width may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. Not Applicable Driveway Width (maximum) A driveway shall not be wider than the building or structure to which it provides access. Not Applicable The minimum right-of-way width for a private street shall be 6.5 metres. Open Space Natural Area No person shall within the lands zoned Open Space to use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: i) Preservation and conservation of the natural environment, soil and wildlife; ii) Resource. Management; and iii) Stormwater Management Facilities. General Provisions 1. Projections including balconies, uncovered and covered porches, desks, platforms and awnings, stairs, window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may project outside the building envelope provided that no such feature projects a maximum of 2.0 metres from the main wall of the building. 2. Air conditioner units fronting the southerly lot lines (village green) and Brock Road must be fully screened. 3. A water meter building required by the Region of Durham for the purposes of measuring the quality of water delivered shall be exempt from the subject zoning requirements. 4. The parking or storage of vehicles is permitted, provided that it is in accordance with the “Restrictions on Parking and Storage of Vehicles” provisions. Landscape Area and Private Residential Amenity Area 1. Minimum landscape area requirement: 20 percent 2. Private amenity area: a. Minimum area – 6.0 square metres per unit; and b. Accessory structures such as pergolas, sheds or other similar structures shall not be permitted on the private amenity area above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres Model Homes 1. A maximum of 1 block of each unit type together with no fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home unit is permitted. Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 10-22 W illiam J a c k s o n D ri ve Huckleberry Crossing B r o c k Ro a d Ca r o u s e l D r i v e Rex Heath Drive Tally Street Zents Drive Taunton Road ForbrockStreet © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:A 13/17 (R2) Date: Dec. 15, 2021 ¯ E Avonmore Ventures Inc. ApplicantOwned Lands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2017\A 13-17 Avonmore Ventures Inc\A13_17(R2)_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Infrastructure OntarioOwned Lands E Property Description: North of William Jackson Drive, South of the CPR Corridor Attachment #2 to Report #PLN 10-22 W illiam J a c k s o n D ri ve Jackpine C rossing Huckleberry Crossing B r o c k R o a d Ca r o u s e l D r i v e Calico Mews Rex Heath Drive M a y a p p l e C r o s s i n g Carousel Mews Tally Street E a r l G r e y A v e n u e Zents Drive S t a r b o a r d M e w s Taunton Road ForbrockStreet 1:4,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Air Photo MapFile:Applicant: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Dec. 15, 2021 L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2017\A 13-17 Avonmore Ventures Inc\Previous Submission\A13_17(R2)_AirPhoto.mxd ¯ A 13/17 (R2)Avonmore Ventures Inc. E SubjectLands Property Description: North of William Jackson Drive, South of the CPR Corridor Attachment #3 to Report #PLN 10-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2021 Dec. 15, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2020) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 13/17 (R2) Avonmore Ventures Inc. Property Description: North of William Jackson Drive, South of the CPR Corridor Municipal Address:1968 Calvington Drive Attachment #4 to Report #PLN 10-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2021 Jan 6, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan (2021) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 13/17 (R2) Avonmore Ventures Inc. N Property Description:North of William Jackson Drive, South of the CPR Corridor CP Rail Corridor Berm AreaBerm Area Environmental Lands to be conveyed to TRCA Underground Access William Jackson Driveover City Lands Vehicular Access Futu r e V i l l a g e G r e e n Visitor Parking Visitor Parking Build i n g A Buil d i n g B Build i n g C Buil d i n g D Apartment Building Waste Pick-Up Waste Pick-Up Resident Parking Resident Parking Resident Parking Resident Parking Visitor Parking Attachment #5 to Report #PLN 10-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2021 DATE:Jan 6, 2022 Applicant: File No: Submitted Conceptual Rendering Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 13/17 (R2) Avonmore Ventures Inc. N CP Rail w a y L a n d s Brock R o a d Property Boundary Property Description: North of William Jackson Drive, South of the CPR Corridor