HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 18-21 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 18-21 Date: October 4, 2021 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update -2020/2021 Activities -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 18-21, regarding the City of Pickering Volunteer Program Update, be received for information; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: On September 23, 2019, as per Council Resolution #131/19, the City’s first Volunteer Policy (CUL 080) was approved to establish rules and guidelines governing the recruitment, training, retention, management and recognition of volunteers. The Policy ensures that volunteers have work that is safe, significant, fulfilling and appreciated. The City of Pickering relies on the unpaid work, talent and skills of volunteers and values their contributions. In February 2020, the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001) was approved. The procedure requires that the Coordinator, Cultural Services report on City volunteerism with recommendations, highlights, opportunities, and risks (CUL 080-001; Section 02.02). Therefore, this report provides Council with an update on volunteer activities from January 2020 through August 2021 and serves to form the basis for volunteer program improvements in the coming year; thus meeting the requirements outlined in the Volunteer Procedure. To maximize the benefits and operation of the City volunteer program, City staff from departments across the corporation meet quarterly. Staff work together to make recommendations for program innovation and change, share ideas towards the development of volunteer opportunities and recognition, and consider municipal best practice when developing tools and resources to manage the program. The City actively encourages participation by its residents in order to make our City a better place for all to live, work, and play. Volunteers are traditionally used in a number of City departments: programs, events, aquatics, animal services, sustainability, and at Pickering Museum Village. In 2020/2021, City volunteer opportunities have been limited due to the nature of the restrictions surrounding COVID-19. CS 18-21 October 4, 2021 Subject: City Volunteer Program Update Page 2 Financial Implications: There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendations in this report. Discussion: Volunteerism plays a vital role in the development of healthy, sustainable communities. Volunteerism is a requirement for all secondary school students and is often considered a priority of older adults. The development of skilled volunteers benefits both the corporation and the community. The City has designated staff resources to lead the development and management of corporate volunteer activities. This Volunteer Committee is comprised of the following staff: Jesse St Amant Team Lead - Cultural Services Karen Hemmingway Pickering Museum Village Lindsey Narraway Animal Services Jordan Cahill Recreation Services Karen Coleman Aquatics Kristy Gagen Sustainability Devin Poole Culture & Recreation Soula Christou Human Resources Milena Uzelak Information Technology This coordinated approach improves the ability of the corporation to benefit from the work of volunteers in a sustained manner that reduces opportunities for risk. The Volunteer Committee met three times in 2020, in the first three quarters of the year. Following that time, staff collaborated by email in order to focus on COVID-19 response in their respective areas. The committee has achieved the following work since January 2020:  standardized the volunteer application process across all areas of the corporation to ensure a fluent and wholesome registration process for all new volunteers;  updated the volunteer waiver with the assistance of Legislative Services to simplify language, and create wording that is clear and understandable by applicants;  introduced standardized Volunteer Position Description (VPD’s) templates and finalized 16 unique VPD’s for various positions across the corporation; and,  expanded the delivery of standardized volunteer training to all volunteers across the corporation to encourage cross-department volunteerism, and developed position specific training to reduce repetitive training requirements of cross-departmental volunteers. The following volunteer activities took place from January 2020 through August 2021: CS 18-21 October 4, 2021 Subject: City Volunteer Program Update Page 3  Culture & Recreation suspended active recruitment of volunteer applicants beginning in March 2020 due to COVID-19. The department received 33 applications in 2020, and 19 applications in 2021. Applicants completing the required steps were forwarded to staff leads in their areas of interest to be considered for opportunities as they become available.  Cultural Services moved to an online delivery method for all events and initiatives in 2020/2021; suspending the volunteer program for events. In summer 2021, staff introduced a safe, barrier free volunteer opportunity for all residents through social media. Residents were invited to earn volunteer hours by recording themselves at the Pickering Piano and sharing it on social media with the tag #PickeringPiano. Staff will award volunteer hours at the end of the season. Staff will look to expand barrier free and safe volunteer opportunities in this realm, until the return of in-person large-scale events.  Pickering Museum Village (PMV) -Volunteers were on-site from January -March and July -December 2020, totalling 4,100 volunteer hours in 2020. The estimated value of this service is equivalent to $102,505. Volunteers followed COVID-19 protocols while greeting guests, animating programs, gardening, building important pieces to be used throughout the village, testing recipes, etc. Many volunteers worked from home on the costume collection, knitting and sewing. Some tested recipes at home as well or worked in their home workshops. Others created magnificent Fairy Houses to be displayed in the upcoming fairy tours. The PMV also updated their Volunteer Handbook, and created a new Volunteer Orientation package, which is now available to be completed online. In 2021 the Pickering Museum Village has engaged 106 volunteers who have contributed to the following projects: Roaring 20’s, Izzy and the Mystery at the Mill Drive-Thru Tours, Haunted Ghost and Fairy Walking Tours, creating 30 incredible Fairy Houses, numerous toadstools, a fairy ring, themed games, props to support interpretation in the new combination barn exhibit, preparing jams for sale, creating costumes from home, and providing performances used in the audio portion of the driving and walking tours. Early this winter the volunteers will support the new Christmas Drive-Thru tour. A 2021 report of volunteer hours and activities will be compiled at the end of the year.  Animal Services -The 2020 Animal Services Volunteer Program consisted of 30 Volunteers (20 Animal Service Satellite Adoption Centre Volunteers and 10 Volunteer Foster Families). As a result of COVID-19, Animal Services was quick to implement a Volunteer Emergency Foster Program. An online application form was created and the program launched in March 2020. The program currently has 10 active foster families ready to foster at any time and 16 animals benefited from the volunteer foster program in 2020. In 2020, the Animal Services Satellite Adoption Centre Volunteers collectively contributed to 527 hours of volunteer work, which translates to $13,000 in savings. Volunteers were scheduled in the PetSmart stores daily from August -December 2020. 23 new applications were submitted in 2020 to Animal Services and 15 have been received to date this year. Volunteer position descriptions and orientation packages were approved and implemented in 2020. A 2021 report of volunteer hours and activities will be compiled at the end of the year. As a result of COVID19, the Satellite Adoption Centre was closed for 5 months and re-opened for our volunteers in July CS 18-21 October 4, 2021 Subject: City Volunteer Program Update Page 4 2021. So far in 2021, Volunteers have continued to 200 hours of volunteer work. Animal Services has sent 14 animals out to be fostered, the majority of fostering is for moms and babies.  Recreation Programs and Sustainability have placed volunteer programs on hold. Under current control framework from the Ministry of Health, they do not have the ability to engage volunteers in program delivery. Opportunities: Throughout the pandemic, City staff have seen opportunities to innovate and create new solutions and delivery methods for City services. This unique situation has resulted in redeveloped programs which maximize the impact of used resources, and community benefit. A community beautification project now doubles as entertainment and volunteer opportunity through the Pickering Piano. The investment of the corporation and local partners realizes greater returns through live and recorded broadcasts of partner led events such as Remembrance Day and the Santa Claus Parade. These necessary program changes have amplified the impact of the work contributed by community volunteers to benefit thousands of residents, and engage those who were unable to attend in person. Cultural Services is planning to expand and develop similar solutions including one-off and barrier free volunteer opportunities. Programs similar to the Pickering Piano project provide opportunities for any resident to provide meaningful service and directly benefit the surrounding community. Through in-person programs in 2022, Cultural Services estimates there will be at least 58 physical opportunities or 406 hours for volunteers to participate. Of the 58 identified opportunities, half could have a related social media volunteer opportunity and an additional 116 volunteer hours for a total estimate of 522 hours for the year 2022. Staff will evaluate and share results of these new opportunities with the hope to expand the impact of volunteer program investment. Information Technology has identified that the new Human Resources tracking software that was hoped to incorporate a volunteer component has been scaled back removing the potential integration of a volunteer management component. Staff now have the opportunity to poll staff leads, municipal partners and existing volunteers to develop criteria and needs for volunteer tracking software that will best serve the corporation. Recommendations/Goals for 2021/2022: 1. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on reducing volunteer opportunities, develop a return to volunteerism plan incorporating safety measures, training, an evaluation/redevelopment of existing opportunities, reengage campaign for past volunteers and recruitment for new volunteers to vacant and new positions. 2. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 02.02), identify a volunteer management software for budget consideration in 2023. Volunteer tracking software will simplify tracking, reporting, engagement, communications and provide cross-department CS 18-21 October 4, 2021 Subject: City Volunteer Program Update Page 5 opportunities for volunteerism. 3. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 10), the City of Pickering will dedicate resources for the appreciation and recognition of volunteers. 4. As outlined in the Volunteer Procedure (CUL 080-001; Section 02.03) staff leads will work collaboratively with other City staff and other professional associations in order to encourage and sustain the effectiveness of the City volunteer program. In 2021/2022, staff leads will identify opportunities for greater collaboration and centralization of the volunteer program, identifying opportunities to expand opportunities to volunteer, reduce barriers to volunteering, and improve volunteer processes across City departments. Prepared By: Original Signed By: Tanya Ryce Supervisor, Cultural Services Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services SD:tr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer