HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 32-21 Report to Council Report Number: CS 32-21 Date: September 27, 2021 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: Ontario Trillium Foundation Community Building Fund – Capital Stream Application -Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex Facilities Renovations -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That staff be directed, through the Chief Administrative Officer, to submit an application under the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Community Building Fund – Capital Stream application for projects outlined in this report; 2. That if the City is successful in obtaining the grant funding, the Treasurer be authorized to fund the City contribution of $107,400 from a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The Community Building Fund – Capital stream administered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation is currently open and grant applications must be submitted by the deadline of September 29, 2021. Grant applications can be up to a maximum of $500,000 and municipalities are eligible for 80 percent of total project costs. Staff have reviewed the grant eligibility, criteria and outcomes as well as the current Capital Budget and Capital Forecast and are recommending that an application be submitted for the four following projects at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex: • CHDRC Tennis Court flat roof gutter repairs -$120,000 • CHDRC Banquet Hall Floor Replacement -$155,000 • CHDRC O'Brien Arena Skate Tile Replacement -$195,000 • CHDRC Pool Bleachers Replacement -$67,000 Financial Implications: The proposed projects being proposed in the City’s application total $537,000. The grant application would request $429,600 plus $10,000 for mandatory project signage totaling $439,000. Assuming 80 percent project funding is approved, the City contribution for all projects would be $107,400. The City contribution would be funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. CS 32-21 September 27, 2021 Subject: Ontario Trillium Foundation Community Building Fund – Page 2 Capital Stream Application City staff always review senior government grant funding opportunities to maximize the benefits to the Pickering taxpayer. The original financing strategy for these projects would have been debt charges. However, City staff are trying to minimize the use of debt in order to save “debt capacity” for other larger value capital projects. Discussion: The Community Building Fund – Capital stream administered by the Ontario Trillium Foundation provides support for non-profits, Indigenous communities and Municipalities in the community sport and recreation sectors. The fund will help strengthen communities by supporting the repair, renovation or retrofitting of existing sport and recreation facilities to address:  local community need by extending the life and maximizing the use of existing facilities (e.g. playgrounds, splashpads, etc.); or,  COVID-19 related public health requirements now that support future preparedness. The grant application process opened on September 1, 2021 and closes on September 29, 2021. Organizations can apply for up to 100 percent of their total project cost up to a maximum of $500,000, with the exception of Municipalities with a population over 20,000 that can only apply for up to 80 percent of their total project cost. Eligible project costs will be supported up to a maximum of $500,000 and the minimum request amount is $10,000. There is a limit of one application per organization, however organizations can request multiple capital improvements within one facility or organizations can request the same capital improvements at multiple facilities. All proposed projects must;  occur in the Province of Ontario and be completed within one year following OTF approval;  occur at facilities that are open to the public for sport or recreation use; and,  be for the repair, renovation or retrofitting of sport or recreation facilities operated by the applicant, which could include, but are not limited to playgrounds, sport and recreation facilities, trails, and outdoor fitness space. The grant application must also address one of the following outcomes: 1. Local community need outcomes  Maximize use of facility – utilization of the space is maximized by increasing hours, use, and/or participation rates (e.g. outdoor field lighting, accordion style wall partitions)  Extend life of facility – extend operational lifespan of facility (e.g. roof, HVAC, seating, windows and doors, electrical upgrades)  Improve accessibility of facility – increase accessibility of facilities to benefit everyone (e.g. ramps, washrooms, automated door openers, elevators) CS 32-21 September 27, 2021 Subject: Ontario Trillium Foundation Community Building Fund – Page 3 Capital Stream Application 2. Public health requirements outcomes  Increase Physical Distancing -enable safe spacing between occupants (e.g. larger common spaces – hallways, bathrooms etc., plexiglass partitions, widening entrance/exit points)  Improve Air Quality -enhance the quality of air in common and workspaces (e.g. HVAC, air filtration, windows/insulation to improve HVAC efficiency, ventilation upgrade)  Reduce Physical Contact (touchless/automated) – reduce physical contact with shared surfaces (e.g. handwashing stations, touchless doors, bottle refilling) Staff have reviewed the grant eligibility, criteria and outcomes as well as the current Capital Budget and Capital Forecast and are recommending that an application be submitted for the four following projects at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex: • CHDRC Tennis Court flat roof gutter repairs -$120,000 • CHDRC Banquet Hall Floor Replacement -$155,000 • CHDRC O'Brien Arena Skate Tile Replacement -$195,000 • CHDRC Pool Bleachers Replacement -$67,000 The proposed projects total $537,000. The grant application would request $429,600 plus $10,000 for mandatory project signage totaling $439,000. Assuming 80 percent project funding is approved, the City contribution for all projects would be $107,400. Attachment: 1. Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Community Building Fund – Capital Stream Grant Information CS 32-21 September 27, 2021 Subject: Ontario Trillium Foundation Community Building Fund – Page 4 Capital Stream Application Prepared By: Originally Signed By: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Approved/Endorsed By: Originally Signed By: Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer SDM:as Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Originally Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to CS 32-21 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream Repair, renovate or retrofit existing sport and recreation facilities to help strengthen communities. NEXT DEADLINE September 29, 2021 at 5 pm ET TERM LENGTH 6 or 12 months AMOUNT AWARDED (PER YEAR) Minimum $10,000 Maximum $500,000 Applications are now being accepted Apply now (/our-grants/otfs-granting-portal) Supporting Ontario’s Recovery https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 1/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation The Community Building Fund – Capital stream provides support for non-profits, Indigenous communities and Municipalities in the community sport and recreation sectors. The fund will help strengthen communities by supporting the repair, renovation or retrofitting of existing sport and recreation facilities to address: local community need by extending the life and maximizing the use of existing facilities (e.g. playgrounds, splashpads, etc.) OR COVID-19 related public health requirements now that support future preparedness Applications will be accepted starting September 1, 2021. If your organization and project are not eligible for funding through the Community Building Fund - Capital stream, we encourage you to explore additional funding opportunities offered by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (http://www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/awards_funding/funding.shtml) and Grants Ontario (https://www.ontario.ca/page/available-funding-opportunities-ontario-government). Definitions For the purpose of this fund, the following definitions are used: Recreation : Physic al activiti es engage d in f or th e purpo se of healt h, well-bei ng o r enjoyme nt wit h th e primar y focus on huma n activity . Spor t: Regulate d an d organize d form of physic al activity betwee n two o r mor e participant s. Suc h activity ma y b e in th e form of a game, match, race, or other form o f event . Repair: Fixing or restoring a facility t o increas e its usef ul lif e. Renovation : Updating th e functionality of a facility to impro ve its usefulness. Retrofi t: Addin g ne w featur es or par ts to improv e the functionalit y or efficien cy o f a facilit y. Important deadlines Applications are available starting September 1, 2021 Application deadline is September 29, 2021 at 5 PM ET Plan your application Prior to filling out an application, applicants are encouraged to review the Community Building Fund – Capital stream application questions. The overview of the application includes important information you will be https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 2/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation required to submit about your organization and project. It also indicates what documentation is required, such as financial statements, quotes, photos and proof of ownership. Review the Community Building Fund – Capital stream application questions (/resources/community-building-fund-resources/community-building-fund-capital-stream-application- questions) . Eligibility Review the Community Building Fund – Capital stream eligibility requirements and OTF’s Eligibility Policy to determine if your organization is eligible. Read specific requirements Organization eligibility Organizations applying to the Community Building Fund – Capital stream need to operate or manage sport and recreation facilities in Ontario that serve the public at-large, and must be one of the following: A charitable organization* or public foundation registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue A gency An organization incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation without share capital in a Canadian jurisdiction A First Nation / Métis / Inuit or other Indigenous community A Municipality *conservation authorities are eligible to apply as charitable organizations for the Capital stream Ineligible organizations include: An agency of the provincial or Federal government Organizations that are receiving funding from other sources for the same component of a capital project Colleges and universities operating sport and recreation facilities Primary and secondary schools operating sport and recreation facilities For-profit organizations https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 3/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Policy requirements Organizations need to meet the following OTF Policies: Anti-Discrimination Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/anti-discrimination-policy) Eligibility Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/eligibility-policy) (except where otherwise noted in the Community Building Fund – Capital stream requirements) Grant Rescind and Recovery Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/grant-rescind-and-recovery-policy) One Application Per Deadline (/who-we-are/our-policies/one-application-deadline) Open Data Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/open-data-policy) Payment Release for Grantees Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/payment-release-grantees-policy) Reallocation of Grant Funds (/who-we-are/our-policies/reallocation-grant-funds) Recognition Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/recognition-policy) Transfer of Active Grants Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/transfer-active-grants-policy) Capital grants Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/capital-grants-policy) Financial statement requirements While all organizations must meet OTF’s Financial Statement requirements, Municipalities, First Nation, Métis, Inuit or other Indigenous communities are not required to submit financial statements with their grant application. Organizations must upload their most recent completed financial statements based on their fiscal year-end date and total revenues. Financial statements must be completed within 12 months of the organization’s most recent fiscal year- end. Additional information pertaining to a surplus or deficit will need to be uploaded along with the financial statements, if applicable. Organizations must have at least one year of financial history from their incorporation or charitable registration date based on their organization's fiscal year-end date. Financial statements must be Board approved (draft statements are not accepted). Review all financial statement requirements (/resources/financial-statement-requirements) Board of directors requirements https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 4/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation All organizations must meet OTF’s Board of Directors requirements. However, Municipalities, First Nations, Métis, Inuit or other Indigenous communities are not required to submit Board of Director information with their grant application. Please ensure your organization meets all of the following criteria: Your organization must have a minimum of three active board members (term end dates must be on or after the grant application deadline date). At least 50% of the board must maintain an arm’s length relationship to each other. This means that board members and executives are not married or related to each other and do not work as business partners or are in another relationship where interests may be compromised. Municipality signage requirements Municipalities that receive grants of $100,000 or more will be required to purchase, produce and install an Ontario Builds sign (https://www.ontario.ca/page/building-ontario). Signs will need to be installed once grant applications are approved and OTF Grant Contracts are signed. Municipalities with project costs of $100,000 or more will be responsible to purchase, produce and install the Ontario Builds sign using $10,000 to be allocated in the Total OTF Budget Request. Review the Ontario Builds sign guidelines (https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-builds-templates#section-1) to assist with producing the sign. Review the project costs (https://otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#Project-costs) section to understand how to include the required signage cost into the Total OTF Budget Request. Organization and grant requirements While all organizations must meet OTF’s financial statement and Board of Director’s requirements, Municipalities, First Nation, Métis, Inuit or other Indigenous communities are not required to submit financial statements or Board of Director information with their grant application. Please ensure your grant application meets all the following criteria: All questions, acknowledgments and attachments are complete. https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 5/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Complies with the Eligibility Policy (/who-we-are/our-policies/eligibility-policy), except where otherwise noted in the Community Building Fund – Capital stream requirements. Complies with OTF policies (/who-we-are/our-policies). Strongly aligns with your chosen Community Building Fund - Capital stream outcome(s). Provides appropriate financial statements based on your organization’s total revenues and fiscal year end date, according to the financial statement requirements (/resources/financial-statement-requirements). Board of Directors is current and meets OTF requirements. OTF has no concerns with your organization's OTF granting history, for all past applications, either approved or declined. Application process Overview of the steps 1. Application submissio n Visit the grant application deadline page (/our-grants/grant-application-deadlines). Once the online application portal opens, you can begin the application. 2. Review and assessment OTF staff will first review your application as well as information available on your organization’s website and social media accounts, to make sure you are eligible to apply, that your application is complete, and is a fit with the grant requirements. Our experienced staff and local volunteers score your application against the grant assessment criteria. 3. Recommendation and selection Local Grant Review Team volunteers make funding recommendations. OTF’s Board of Directors approve these recommendations. 4. Notification The final list of approved grants is sent to Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to give them the opportunity to congratulate successful recipients directly, when possible. OTF then notifies all applicants of the final decision. 5. Orientation https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 6/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Successful applicants take part in a mandatory orientation session with their OTF Program Manager. 6. Confirmation Successful applicants are sent an email with their OTF Contract. 7. Activation Grants are activated once OTF contracts are signed and returned electronically. Next, i n orde r f or O TF t o relea se th e firs t gran t p ayment t hrough electroni c fu nds transfe r (EFT ), the organization’s banking information needs to be confirmed in OTF’s online portal. 8. What happens durin g your grant? Reporting and Monitoring: In ad dition to grantee engagements as required, grantees subm it a final report when the grant i s completed. This covers the achievement of the grant. Completion: Aft er OT F sta ff app roves the fin al rep ort an d the gra nt rec ognition req uirements (/resources/current-grantee-resources/grant-recognition-requirements) ar e met , t he g rant hold-bac k fund s are released, and the g ran t is closed. Grantee compliance: A random sample of grants are subject to a Grantee Compliance Audit. Grants can be audited for compliance at any point within the grant’s life, or after the grant has been closed. Capital stream outcomes Grant applicants will be required to select the outcome(s) tha t support the repair, renovation or retrofitting of existing sport and recreation facilities to either address local community need OR public health requirements identified through COVID-19. Select only those that apply to the project you are requesting funding for. Review the outcomes Local community need outcomes Maximize use of facility – utilization of the space is maximized by increasing hours, use, a nd/or participation rates (e.g. outdoor field lighting, accordion style wall partitions) Extend life of facility – extend operational lifespan of facility (e.g. roof, HVAC, seating, windows and doors, electrical upgrades) https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 7/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Improve accessibility of facility – increase accessibility of facilities to benefit everyone (e.g. ramps, washrooms, automated door openers, elevators) or Public health requirements outcomes Increase Physical D istancing - enable safe spacing between occupants (e.g. larger common spaces – hallways, bathrooms etc., plexiglass partitions, widening entrance/exit points) Improve Air Quality - enhance the quality of air in common and workspaces (e.g. HVAC, air filtration, windows/insulation to improve HVAC eficiency, ventilation upgrade) Reduce Physical Contact (touchless/automated) – reduce physical contact with shared surfaces (e.g. handwashing stations, touchless doors, bottle refilling) How much can organizations apply for? Organizations can apply for up to 100% of their total project cost up to a maximum of $500,000, with the exception of Municipalities with a population over 20,000 that can only apply for up to 80% of their total project cost. Eligible project costs will be supported up to a maximum of $500,000. Minimum request amount is $10,000. Requirements for capital improvements at facilities Limit of one application per organization, however: organizations can request multiple capital improvements within one facility e.g., touchless entry and widening of doorways at local community centre or organizations can request the same capital improvements at multiple facilities e.g., HVAC retrofits at 3 municipal arenas https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 8/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Project costs Project costs will help your organization address community need or public health requirements identified through COVID-19. Types of costs that are eligible for funding 1. Construction / Renovation: Includ es materia ls, labou r f or constructio n and/ or installatio n 2. Fixed Equipment: Large-scal e fixe d equipmen t fo r installatio n 3. Development Costs : Developmenta l costs and/o r project managemen t costs to a maximum of 20% o f the OTF request amo unt 4. Ontario Builds sign: Municipaliti es wit h proje ct cos ts of $100,0 00 o r mo re wil l b e require d to purchas e, produce and install an Ontario Builds sign. Project cost Total OTF Budget Request Example $100,000 or more Project cost + $10,000 Ontario Builds sign $200,000 project cost + $10,000 Ontario Builds sign = $210,000 Total OTF Budget Request $500,000 Project costs are funded to a maximum of $500,000, inclusive of the $10,000 Ontario Builds sign $490,000 project cost + $10,000 Ontario Builds sign = $500,000 Total OTF Budget Request All projects must: Occur in the Province of Ontario and be completed within one year following OTF approval Occur at facilities that are open to the public for sport or recreation use Be for the repair, renovation or retrofitting of sport or recreation facilities operated by the applicant, which could include, but are not limited to playgrounds, sport and recreation facilities, trails, and outdoor fitness space https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 9/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Important: Read further instructions on how to fill out the application’s financial workbook and learn more about what you can apply for. Review important financial workbook instructions (/community-building-fund-financial-workbook-instructions) Types of costs that are not eligible for funding Capital costs incurred before the approval of the Community Building Fund – Capital stream grant application Non-fixed equipment Any costs not directly paid by the recipient organization Harmonized Sales Tax or refundable expenses (e.g. security deposits) Contingency costs Legal, audit, insurance or interest fees In-kind contributions Long-term debt financing Any costs covered by another funding source Application assessment Applications will be reviewed and scored based on specific requirements for the Community Building Fund - Capital stream. Read specific requirements In addition to the scoring criteria below, ensure your project aligns with the following Community Building Fund – Capital stream requirements: Impacts identified are based on local community need or address public health requirements identified through COVID-19 Project aligns with Community Building Fund – Capital stream outcomes Request is for one capital improvement at multiple locations, or one or more capital improvements at a single location. https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 10/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Financial Workbook (/community-building-fund-financial-workbook-instructions) includes eligible project costs only Scoring criteria 1) Community Significance The sports or recreation facilities: are important to the community serve the public at-large and demonstrate community benefit contribute to the social and economic well-being of the community Scoring weight: 30% Key areas of your application to focus on: Facilities contribute to the health and well-being of community members Facilities contribute to the economic well-being of your community (e.g. employment, visitor spending, hosting events). 2) Organization supports diverse, underrepresented, and/or vulnerable populations The Community Building Fund seeks to support diverse communities and under-represented populations. In the application, tell us how your facilities positively impact populations experiencing socio-economic, geographic, cultural and/or racial barriers. Scoring weight: 10% Key areas of your application to focus on: Organization has clearly demonstrated that its facilities positively impact populations experiencing socio- economic, geographic, cultural and/or racial barriers. 3) Strategy https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 11/13 9/20/2021 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation The organization has described how it will repair, renovate or retrofit existing sport and recreation facilities to address local community need or public health requirements identified through COVID-19. Review the definitions for repair, renovation and retrofit (https://otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#Definitions). Scoring weight: 35% Key areas of your application to focus on: Project is clearly described Project will address a community need or address public health requirements Project is clearly aligned with the Community Building Fund - Capital stream outcome(s) selected 4) Process The process identified will help the organization achieve the outcome(s) selected. Scoring weight: 25% Key areas of your application to focus on: Planning to date supports project implementation Activities are appropriate to successfully implement the project Quotes or estimates are appropriate Financial Workbook (/community-building-fund-financial-workbook-instructions) is reasonable and aligns with the Community Building Fund -Capital stream outcome(s) selected Applications are now being accepted https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 12/13 Community Building Fund – Capital Stream | Ontario Trillium Foundation Head Office 800 Bay Street 5th Floor To ronto ON M5S 3A9 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM 9/20/2021 Contact 1 800 263-2887 416 963-4927 TTY: 416 963-7905 Fax: 416 963-8781 otf@otf.ca OTF recognizes that our work, and the work of our grantees, takes place on Indigenous territories across Ontario. ©Copyright 2021. Ontario Trillium Foundation https://www.otf.ca/our-grants/community-building-fund/community-building-fund-capital-stream#plan-your-application 13/13