HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 24-21 Report to Council Report Number: CS 24-21 Date: June 28, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse staff’s recommendation to approve the relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (“PRCC”) to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park for the operation of only their Special Olympics (PaddleAll) and Masters programs, as outlined in Report CS 24-21; 2. That City staff be directed to prepare a lease agreement with PRCC, subject to further Council approval, that sets out the terms and conditions of their use at Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park ; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (PRCC) has been operating at a site in Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park since 1993 on land owned by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Following the extremely high lake water levels of 2017 and 2019, TRCA advised PRCC that their current and proposed sites at Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park fell below the proposed new 100-year static lake elevation and were within the dynamic beach area. As such, PRCC were advised that they would no longer be allowed to operate at this location. Since that time, the site has been vacated and will be cleaned up in the near future by PRCC. In 2020, members of the PRCC requested that City staff consider the club relocating to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park. In support of their request, PRCC provided City staff with a written proposal that described the type, time and duration of programs to be relocated as well as the design of the storage unit to be located on site to house their equipment. In response, staff prepared and circulated a public online survey requesting feedback to gauge public support for this proposal. In consideration of the public’s feedback supporting the relocation of PRCC and the expressed concerns for parking, staff recommend that Council consider approving the relocation of PRCC to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park for the operation of only their Special Olympics (PaddleAll) and Masters programs at this time. Subject to Council endorsement of this approach, a lease agreement will be drafted between the City and PRCC to reflect this reduced scope of activities/programs and the conditions to operate and maintain the site in good condition. Staff will return the draft lease agreement to Council for approval, prior to execution. Staff will monitor CS 24-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Page 2 the effects of parking in and around Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park and will consider program expansion by PRCC only as the available parking areas is demonstrated to support it. Financial Implications: PRCC will be responsible for all costs associated with operating, maintaining and programming at Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park which includes all relocation costs. Discussion: The Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (PRCC) have been running their programs out of Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park since 1993. Due to the high lake water levels experienced 2017 and 2019, the TRCA proposed new 100-year static lake level elevations and it was determined that the washroom/change room, in association with a storage facility for the PRCC that were proposed to be located on the west spit in the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Master Plan, would no longer be feasible. TRCA advised that their planning policies and the Provincial Policy Statement would not support this type of use or structure on a dynamic beach. As such, the PRCC were advised that they would be required to vacate their current site and that a new facility for their club can no longer be located in Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. PRCC requested that they be able to relocate their programs to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park. Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park consists of approximately 1 hectare of waterfront property on the east shore of Frenchman’s Bay (with approximately 213 metres of lake frontage) and is a popular destination for Pickering residents. The park consists of a playground, gazebo, public art, public boat docks, a small craft boat launch and a Xerascape garden which is maintained by the Pickering Horticultural Society. Within the park is a parking lot for 29 vehicles with 2 of those being accessible parking. PRCC are proposing to run the following programs out of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park: • High Performance & Development, operating 10 times per week Monday to Friday from 6:30 am to 8:30 am; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 9:30 am with estimated participants of 10-20 per session. • Special Olympics (PaddleAll), operating 2 times per week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with estimated participants of 10 to 20 per session. • Dragon Boat, operating 2 times per week Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with estimated participants of 20 to 22 per session. • Masters, operating 2 times per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with estimated participants of 5 to 15 per session. • Outrigger OC, operating 2 times per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with estimated participants of 6 per session. A public on-line survey was prepared in order to gauge public support of the PRCC use of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park for their programs. Notification of the survey was provided to the public through social media and through a postal walk to area residents, which was sent out on April 19th, 2021. The survey and information on the project, including the PRCC proposal were posted on the City’s website. The survey was open and comments were received up to and CS 24-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Page 3 including May 10th, 2021. A total of 424 responses were received. The following is a summary of some of the results: • 86% of the respondents currently use Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park. 22% use it daily, 20% use it more than once a week and 11% use it weekly • 388 of the respondents were from Pickering - of them, 13% live within view of the park, 32% within walking distance and 41% need to drive to the park • 16% of all respondents were members, patrons or affiliates of the PRCC • The top uses of the park include personal exercise (73%), sight-seeing (52%), dog walking (37%) and using the children’s playground (30%) • 66% of all the respondents were in support of the PRCC proposal -this number dropped to 63% for Pickering residents only • When respondents were asked which program they supported, the Special Olympics program received the highest support at 65% followed by Dragon Boats, Masters and Outrigger all at 60% and High Performance at 57% • 73% of the respondents said that they would support the PRCC since they have programs for people with disabilities and to support the National/Olympic athletes • Of the respondents that were not in support, parking was the number one concern for 51% of the local residents, followed by conflicts with other park users (46%), park cleanliness (43%) and noise (34%) 101 respondents provided additional comments against the proposal indicating concerns of the storage containers taking up space, blocking views, disrupting wildlife and devaluing nearby homes. A copy of the survey results are attached. If PRCC is approved to relocate and operate programming out of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park, it will require increased garbage and litter collection by staff who are stationed at Beachfront Park. The Coordinator, Traffic Operations has reviewed the traffic and parking concerns and advised that there should be an understanding by PRCC that available parking spaces may be minimal, including in the overflow parking area, as all parking in the area is on a first come first served basis. This may present an issue for those members who need a close parking spot. There are currently many areas by the waterfront and surrounding streets that are marked with temporary parking restrictions. Pickering has experienced an increase in traffic and visitors to the waterfront since the onset of COVID-19. An on-street parking limit of 3 hours is still to be maintained and enforced. The closest overflow parking lot is the parking lot on Annland Street located approximately 210 metres away or a 5 minute walk from Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park. This lot is currently being leased from a private owner for a five year term, expiring May 8, 2023. It is also filled to capacity when demand for parking for Beachfront Park is its highest. Municipal Law Enforcement Services have been consulted on this proposal and noted that Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park has become a waterfront destination park during the pandemic. The parking lot and surrounding streets cannot support any additional traffic or vehicle parking at this time. The proposed time and days of events are mostly during heavier CS 24-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Page 4 park usage times and this would pose a challenge for parking of vehicles. For these reasons, Municipal Law Enforcement staff were not in support of additional event usage at this location. It is the opinion of City staff that the designated parking areas for Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park are currently insufficient to support the range of activities identified in the PRCC proposal. With this in mind, and in consideration of the public’s feedback supporting the relocation of PRCC while expressing concerns for parking, staff recommend that Council consider approving the relocation of PRCC to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park and the operation of only the Special Olympics (PaddleAll) and Masters programs (as identified in this report) at this time. Subject to Council endorsement of this approach, a lease agreement will be drafted between the City and PRCC to reflect this reduced scope of activities and the conditions to operate and maintain the site in good condition. Staff will return the draft lease agreement to Council for approval, prior to execution. Staff will monitor the effects of parking in and around Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park and will consider program expansion by PRCC only as the available parking areas is demonstrated to support it. Attachments: 1. Pickering Rouge Canoe Club – Neighbourhood Survey 2. Pickering Rouge Canoe Club – Proposal Document 3. Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park Map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Rob Gagen Brian Duffield Supervisor, Parks Operations (Acting) Director, Community Services Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Arnold Mostert Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Director, Engineering Services Original Signed By: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor CS 24-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Relocation of Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Page 5 RG:bd Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report CS 24-21 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q1 Please enter your postal code: Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 1 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q2 Please provide details about the people living in your household (check all that apply) Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Children 0 – 3 years Children aged 4 to 12 Youth aged 13 to 18 Adult(s) aged 19 to 24 Adult(s) aged 25 to 39 Adult(s) aged 40 to 59 Senior(s) aged 60 to 75 Senior(s) aged 75+ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Children 0 – 3 years 12.03% 51 Children aged 4 to 12 19.81% 84 Youth aged 13 to 18 23.11% 98 Adult(s) aged 19 to 24 15.33% 65 Adult(s) aged 25 to 39 28.30% 120 Adult(s) aged 40 to 59 55.90% 237 Senior(s) aged 60 to 75 32.55% 138 7.08% 30 Senior(s) aged 75+ Total Respondents: 424 2 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q3 Do you or your household currently use Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Yes No (skip to question 6) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 84.20% 357 Yes 15.80% 67 No (skip to question 6) TOTAL 424 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 3 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q4 On average, how often do you visit Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park per month? Answered: 384 Skipped: 40 Several times a year Once a month One to three times a month Once a week More than once a week Daily 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Several times a year 23.96% 92 Once a month 9.64% 37 One to three times a month 13.80% 53 Once a week 11.20% 43 More than once a week 19.79% 76 Daily 21.61% 83 TOTAL 384 4 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q5 What activities do you currently enjoy while attending Progress Park? Answered: 387 Skipped: 37 Personal exercise Children’s playground Dog walking Launching personal... Fishing Sightseeing Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Personal exercise Children’s playground Dog walking Launching personal watercraft Fishing Sightseeing RESPONSES 73.39% 29.72% 37.47% 28.68% 8.27% 52.45% 284 115 145 111 32 203 15.25% 59 Other Total Respondents: 387 5 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q6 How close do you live to Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Within view of the park Within a walking... I drive to the park Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 12.26% 52 Within view of the park 29.48% 125 Within a walking distance of 5 minutes or less 45.28% 192 I drive to the park 12.97% 55 Other (please specify) TOTAL 424 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 6 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q7 Have you reviewed the PRCC proposal? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 95.75% 406 Yes 4.25% 18 No Total Respondents: 424 7 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q8 After reviewing the PRCC proposal would you support having the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club relocate a portion of their programing to run activities out of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 65.80% 279 Yes 34.20% 145 No TOTAL 424 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 8 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q9 Which of the following programs do you support operating out of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 None of the above High Performance ... Special Olympics... Dragon BoatOperates... MastersOperates 2x... Outrigger OC-6Operates... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES None of the above 30.66% 130 High Performance & Development Operating 10x weekly Monday – Friday from 6:30 am – 8:00 amMonday, Tuesday, 57.31% 243 Thursday & Friday from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pmSaturday 8:00 am – 9:30 amEstimated 10 – 20 participants Special Olympics (PaddleAll)Operates 2x weeklyMonday & Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30 pmEstimated 10 – 20 65.09% 276 participants Dragon BoatOperates 2x weeklyTuesday & Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 pmEstimated 20-22 participants 59.91% 254 MastersOperates 2x weeklyTuesday & Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 pmEstimated 5-15 participants 60.14% 255 60.38% 256 Outrigger OC-6Operates 2x weeklyTuesday & Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 pmEstimated 6 participants Total Respondents: 424 9 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q10 If you are in support of the PRCC running their programs out of Progress Park, what are your main reasons? Answered: 303 Skipped: 121 Opportunity to participate ... Nice to have programs clo... Programs for people with... Groups can support loca... Local support for... Other (please provide reas... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Opportunity to participate in paddling programs Nice to have programs close by and accessible Programs for people with disabilities Groups can support local businesses like restaurants Local support for national/Olympic athletes RESPONSES 60.73% 68.98% 72.94% 58.09% 74.26% 184 209 221 176 225 16.83% 51 Other (please provide reasons below) Total Respondents: 303 10 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q11 If you are not in support of the PRCC running their programs out of Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park, what are your main concerns? Answered: 294 Skipped: 130 Park cleanliness Parking Noise Conflict with other park... I have no specific... Other (please provide reas... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Park cleanliness Parking Noise Conflict with other park users I have no specific concerns RESPONSES 40.14% 48.30% 32.99% 43.54% 39.80% 118 142 97 128 117 34.35% 101 Other (please provide reasons below) Total Respondents: 294 11 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q12 Are you or a member of your household a member of PRCC, a patron or participant in their programs or events, or in anyway affiliated with Pickering Rouge Canoe Club? Answered: 424 Skipped: 0 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 16.27% 69 Yes 83.73% 355 No TOTAL 424 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 12 / 13 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Proposed Relocation Survey Q13 If you would like to be kept informed of any updates regarding this proposal, please provide your email address below: Answered: 212 Skipped: 212 13 / 13 1 Attachment #2 to Report CS 24-21 Site Proposal for Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park PICKERING ROUGE CANOE CLUB PickeringRouge.ca (905) 767-3330 registrar@pickeringrouge.ca January 2021 Rationale for Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (PRCC) Site at Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park Reason for Moving the Frenchman’s Bay Site PRCC’s current site is on the Beachpoint Promenade spit. The Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) has determined that no structures can be built on the spit due to high water levels and its status as a dynamic beach. While PRCC has moved its children’s programs to Rouge Beach, it must maintain a site at Frenchman’s Bay for its Special Olympics (PaddleAll), High Performance, Development, Master’s and Dragon Boat programs. Our Rouge Beach site is not appropriate for these programs because of the width and depth of the Rouge River, and the inability to have a motorized safety boat. Our programs for seniors and people with special needs are best run on Frenchman’s Bay. Strengths of PRCC in Pickering • PRCC has had a site on Frenchman’s Bay since the early 1990s. The club was formerly called the West Rouge Canoe Club and has been in existence since 1958. It was renamed in 2010 to strengthen the Pickering connection. • PRCC’s programs are for all ages and abilities. As a volunteer, non-profit organization, we are community-based and provide our programs at reasonable cost. Paddling provides children, teenagers, adults and seniors with a healthy, outdoor activity. We greatly subsidize our Special Olympics program because it is so important. • PRCC hired a long-time participant of our PaddleAll program as a Junior Coach, providing an employment opportunity to a person with a disability. • PRCC has strong support from the paddling community, many of whom got their start with the club. Courtney Stott, who is currently on the National team and helped qualify the Women’s K4 for the 2020 Olympics, talks about getting her paddling start with PRCC. https://www.durhamregion.com/community-story/9588041-pickering-s-courtney-stott- paddling-in-the-direction-of-tokyo-olympic-games/ • Two of our young athletes competed at Marathon Worlds in China in October 2019. https://canoekayak.ca/bilewicz-and-fanok-to-represent-canada-at-the-2019-canoe- marathon-world-championships/ • We had a parathlete train with us in 2018 and he placed first in his category at the canoe and kayak National Time Trials in 2019. • PRCC has a dragon boat program for adults. Most of our team are national and world champions. The Value of Accessible Programs at the Bay Our Special Olympics program for people with physical and intellectual disabilities is one of the largest in Ontario. The program received national recognition when our athletes won the 1 Special Olympics burgee at the 2019 Canadian Sprint Canoe Championships. Along with hiring a person with a disability, another PRCC athlete was to be in Florida for spring training – this was the first time a person with a disability was attending the provincial training camp. Unfortunately, the training camp and our Special 0 program was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are hopeful it will resume in 2021. PRCC’s PaddleAll is the only competitive Special Olympics program in Pickering. The program is identified as a Durham Region legacy sport as part of the Durham Region Adaptive Sport Collective project. We recently received a grant from Ontario Power Generation for a PaddleAll kayak in recognition of the importance of the program. Paddling Site on Frenchman’s Bay at Progress Park PRCC needs a new location on Frenchman’s Bay. We would dismantle the old site once we have a new place for our equipment. Boats would be stored in two shipping containers. We are currently consulting with experts to ensure that the containers are attractive and blend in with surroundings. There would be no boat compound and all equipment would be kept securely within the structures. Minimal Disruption to Local Residents The programs that run on Frenchman’s Bay are small and there would be minimal disruption to local residents. Our Special Olympics program would have approximately 15 participants attending two evenings a week. Because of their disabilities, participants would need to park close to the launch site. Parents and caregivers often participate with the athletes. High performance and development athletes are usually dropped off for morning and afternoon practices. This is a small competitive program that would pose no effect on the community. The Master’s and Dragon Boat programs run two evenings a week. If we are located at Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park, there is ample parking in the on-site and overflow parking lots. Please note that all of our programs are inclusive and that some Special Olympic athletes or people with disabilities participate in our High Performance/Development, Master’s and Dragon Boat programs. What about the Weeds? The weeds vary from year to year in Frenchman’s Bay. Weeds are not a new issue and paddling clubs across Canada have successfully reduced weed growth through various means. PRCC would like to work with community groups and associations, local businesses, the City of Pickering and the TRCA to look at solutions for reducing weeds and improving water quality in the Bay. Frenchman’s Bay is a resource for all of us to use and enjoy. The Frenchman’s Bay Community Waterfront should be a people place. Frenchman’s Bay should be a people place. PRCC is inclusive and welcomes participants of all ages to the sport of paddling, whether future Olympian, para-athlete, Special Olympian or beginner paddler. PRCC has been part of the Frenchman’s Bay community for 30 years and we want to continue to have a place in its future. 2 Anticipated PRCC Programs in Progress Park The programs that PRCC runs in Frenchman’s Bay and the corresponding number of participants varies from year to year depending upon our resources, funding, community demand, high water, weeds, etc. Given that we have not been able to fully run programs on the Bay in the last couple of years, we are in the process of rebuilding our programs. It may take time to achieve this number of participants. As well, based on the positive response at our Rouge Beach location, we believe there is a lot of demand at Frenchman’s Bay for paddling programs that are inclusive and reasonably priced. We would like to develop new programs depending upon the needs of the community. Possible examples include a weekday seniors dragon boat program, a C-15 (15-person canoe) program for teens, a para- canoe program for paddlers with physical disabilities, or an Indigenous canoe program. Program Timing Estimated Number of Participants Estimated Number of Vehicles Notes High Performance & Development Runs 10x a week Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 6:30 AM- 8:00 AM, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri afternoons 4:00-6:00, Sat morning 8:00-9:30 (approximate times). 10-20 Estimate 5 vehicles This program has been running on Frenchman’s Bay for 30 years. Participants are teenagers generally paddling in single boats so they are quiet and unobtrusive. Athletes are often dropped off by parents or ride bikes. Older athletes may drive. Some parents drop off children and walk the trails. Special Olympics (PaddleAll) Runs 2x a week, usually Mon & Wed from 6:30-8:30 PM 10-20 Estimate 10 vehicles This program is for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. Special O participants would ideally park close to the facility due to mobility limitations. Dragon Boat Runs 2x a week, usually Mon & Wed from 6:30-8:30 PM 20-22 Estimate 15-20 vehicles Participants can park in the overflow lot as needed. Master’s Runs 2x a week, usually Tues & Thurs from 6:30-8:30 PM 5-15 Estimate 10 vehicles Participants can park in the overflow lot as needed. Local participants may walk or bike. Outrigger: OC-6 Runs 2x a week, usually Tues & Thurs from 6:30-8:30 PM 6 Estimate 5 vehicles Participants can park in the overflow lot as needed. Local participants may walk or bike. 3 High Performance and Development 4 Special Olympics (PaddleAll) Dragon Boat and Outrigger (OC-6) 5 History of the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club The Pickering Rouge Canoe Club has been in existence for over 60 years. It was established as the West Rouge Canoe Club (WRCC) in 1958 by the local Kiwanis Club aiming to provide activities for community children. The original club was near the foot of the Rouge River near Ferguson Beach. In the mid-1960s, the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority expropriated the canoe club land. Volunteers literally moved the club on railroad ties in one day to a new location. As club membership was increasing, the Conservation Authority agreed to give WRCC an expropriated cottage which was brought down the river in pieces to adjoin the existing structure. WRCC continued to thrive over the next two decades. In 1993, WRCC expanded to a second location on Frenchman’s Bay in Pickering to establish a high performance training centre for athletes who required deeper water for paddling. The Pickering Kinsmen donated a trailer and MTRCA and the Town of Pickering assisted WRCC to create the site on the Beachpoint Promenade spit. Membership flourished and WRCC established camps at the Pickering location to engage youth in sport and feed athletes into the High Performance program. Disaster struck on March 23, 1995. The wooden clubhouse at the Rouge River site was destroyed by fire, including all boats and historic trophies, plaques, and regatta burgees. Insurance money replaced the boats but there was not enough money to rebuild the clubhouse. Despite the loss, WRCC placed fifth out of 48 clubs at the national canoe and kayak championships in 1995, third overall in 1996, and qualified four paddlers to compete at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. WRCC introduced dragon boating to Frenchman’s Bay and helped establish the Pickering Dragon Boat Festival in June 1997. In 2010, WRCC voted to incorporate Pickering into its name to better reflect the club’s history and the communities it served, becoming the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (PRCC). Through a partnership with the City of Toronto, the Rouge clubhouse was rebuilt and opened in the 6 summer of 2014. The Rouge Beach site accommodates our canoe and kayak camp, and more recently our children’s sprint programs. PRCC continued to work with the City of Pickering and the Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) to try to establish a permanent facility on the Frenchman’s Bay spit. However, due to high water levels in 2017 and 2019, the TRCA decided to prohibit any structures on the spit, requiring PRCC to seek a new location on the Bay. Progress Park seems ideal as a safe and viable location to run high performance training and our Special Olympics program for people with disabilities. PRCC has a long history of progress and a strong desire to share our passion for paddling. We have demonstrated resilience through flooding, construction, site closures and a global pandemic. Most recently, PRCC had athletes compete at the World Marathon Canoe championships in 2019 and an alumnus qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. In 2020, we grew our membership despite COVID-19. Interest in canoe and kayak has never been higher and we look forward to serving the community of Pickering with programs that will develop hearts, minds and bodies in a beautiful outdoor setting. Kayaker Courtney Stott in Frenchman’s Bay (above); she got her start paddling for Pickering Rouge Canoe Club. Courtney with fellow National team members (right). The women’s K4 qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. 7 Boat Storage Facility at Progress Park PRCC is proposing that sprint boats and equipment such as paddles and life jackets be stored in two shipping containers – one at 52’ and one at 40’ that are attached side by side. These would be located at the north end of the park beside the parking lot and close to the dock. The containers would be placed beside the path to not interfere with the community’s view of Frenchman’s Bay. 8 The colours and design of the containers will be determined in consultation with the City of Pickering. The goal is to have an attractive and functional design. 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ! ! !FRONT ROADCOMMERCESTREET PLEASANTSTREETBAYVIEW STREET ILONAPARK ROAD WHARF STREET WATERPOINT STREET SCALE: Engineering Services Department Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Jun. 11, 2021 DATE: q 1:2,500 Path: L:\MPandE\Asset Management - GIS\EPW GIS\01 Maps\LocationMaps\LocationMaps.aprx Frenchman's Bay Proposed Location for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club facility Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Attachment #3 to Report CS 24-21