HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 18-21Report to Council Report Number: ENG 18-21 Date: June 28, 2021 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Proposed Skate Spot - West Shore Community Centre -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Report ENG 18-21 regarding the creation of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre be received; 2.That Council endorse the creation of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre;and 3.That appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the actions necessary toimplement the recommendations in this report. Executive Summary: In 2017, the City of Pickering developed a Skateboard Park Strategy. The purpose of the strategy was to determine the existing and future needs for skateboard park facilities and to recommend potential locations around the city to provide these facilities. The Skateboard Park Strategy results indicated that 1 community size skateboard park and 5 smaller skateboard facilities, called skate spots, would be required to adequately service the residents of south Pickering over the next 10 years. Currently, Pickering only has one community sized skateboard park that is located in Diana, Princess of Wales Park and no skate spots. An area on the West Shore Community Centre grounds, located at 1011-1015 Bayly Street, was identified as a potential site for a skate spot. This proposed site is easily accessible from Bayly Street and the waterfront trail, and has adequate parking for those who may want to drive there. The site is serviced by Durham Region Transit and a bus stop is located directly adjacent to the site for those who choose to take public transit. The site is clearly visible from Bayly Street, providing for passive surveillance of the area, and is not directly adjacent to existing residences. The Pickering West Shore Community Association (PWSCA) were presented with conceptual designs of a skate spot on the West Shore Community Centre site during their 2017 PWSCA Annual General Meeting and voted overwhelmingly in favour of having a skate spot constructed at this location. The PWSCA Executive have recently confirmed that they continue to support this proposal. Staff prepared an online questionnaire to gauge the public’s desire and acceptance of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre. Results from the survey indicate that 91 percent of the respondents are in support of the creation of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre. ENG 18-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Proposed Skate Spot - West Shore Community Center Page 2 Should Council endorse the recommendations within this report, staff will proceed with the design and construction of this skate spot by retaining a Design/Build company that specializes in skateboard parks. Further public input to the design will be completed during the design process. Financial Implications: Funds in the amount of $200,000 for a skate board park (skate spot, location TBD) were approved by Council as part of the 2021 Parks Capital Budget. Staff recommend that an RFP for a Design/Build Proposal be prepared for this skate spot and be solicited within the skateboard industry. Both the design and construction of skateboard parks is a very specialized field and most companies in this line of work provide both services. The value of the Design/Build assignment would be set within the $200,000 budget amount. Discussion: In 2017, the City of Pickering developed a Skateboard Park Strategy as a supplement to the Recreation and Parks Master Plan update. The Skateboard Park Strategy was endorsed in principle by Council at their January 15, 2018 meeting. The purpose of the strategy was to determine the existing and future needs for skateboard park facilities and to recommend potential locations around the city to provide these facilities. Of the households surveyed as part of the master plan update, 8 percent had a family member that skateboarded in the past year which equates to over 2,500 residents in the City of Pickering who skateboard. The Skateboard Park Strategy results indicated that 1 community size skateboard park and 5 smaller skateboard facilities called skate spots, would be required to adequately service the residents of South Pickering. Currently Pickering only has 1 community sized skateboard park that is located in Diana, Princess of Wales Park and no skate spots. Skateboard parks provide an inexpensive recreational outlet for the youth of our community as well for the likeminded younger children and adults. An area on the West Shore Community Centre grounds was identified as a potential site for a skate spot. This proposed site is easily accessible from Bayly Street and the waterfront trail and has adequate parking for those who may want to drive there. The site is serviced by Durham Region Transit and a bus stop is located directly adjacent to the site for those who choose to take public transit. The site is clearly visible from Bayly Street, providing for passive surveillance of the area and is not directly adjacent to existing residences. During the summer of 2017, the Pickering West Shore Community Association (PWSCA) hired a student to prepare some conceptual designs of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre site. These concepts, which were included in the Skateboard Park Strategy, were presented during the 2017 PWSCA Annual General Meeting and the membership voted overwhelmingly in favour of having a skate spot constructed at this location. The PWSCA Executive and Membership continue to support this proposal. This was recently confirmed at a 2021 Executive Meeting. ENG 18-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Proposed Skate Spot - West Shore Community Center Page 3 Staff prepared an online questionnaire to gauge the public’s desire and acceptance of a skate spot at the West Shore Community Centre. A resident notice was distributed via a postal walk, to over 1800 businesses and homes in the area surrounding the proposed location. The survey was also promoted through social media. A total of 768 responses were received. The following is a summary of the results: •82% of the respondents were from Pickering residents with 5% living next to the site; •70% of the respondents have someone in their household who skateboard with 46% having1 skateboarder and 36% having 2 skateboarders in their household - 32% of theskateboarders are children, 44% are teenagers, 54% are adults and 1% are seniors (55+); •25% of the respondents would use the skate spot daily, 51% weekly, and 20% monthly; •91% of the respondents were in support of the creation of a skate spot at the West ShoreCommunity Centre; and •for the respondents who are not supportive of the creation of a skate spot at the WestShore Community Centre, their main concerns, in order from greatest to least, werecleanliness of the site, parking, noise, and conflicts with other facility users. Survey respondents were given the opportunity to comment on specific features that they would like to see incorporated into the skate spot design. Over 500 suggestions were received, including actual skateboard features as well as requests for features such as spectator seating, washrooms, a drinking fountain, and waste/recycling containers. These requests will be forwarded to the skate spot designer for consideration, should Council endorse the creation of a skate spot at West Shore Community Centre. Close to 500 other general comments were received, many in favour, but some in opposition to the proposed skate spot. Several concerns were brought forward. Since the proposed location is near Bayly Street, respondents were concerned about the safety of skateboarders should they lose control. The skate spot can be designed with features that would safely separate the skateboard area from pedestrians and motorists. There were concerns regarding pedestrians’ safety when crossing Bayly Street to get to/from the bus stop on the north side of the road as there is no traffic control device at this location. This concern was brought forward for general patrons of the West Shore Community Centre as well. Another item that was frequently mentioned in the comments, both in support and opposition, was the inclusion of graffiti boards into the design. Staff recommend that if artwork were to be included, it would be commissioned professionally and possibly with a Frenchman’s Bay theme, with murals of the bay, wildlife and nature. Beyond that, there would be zero tolerance for graffiti at this location. Based on the overall positive response received from the majority of survey respondents, staff request that Council endorse this location for a skate spot and that staff be authorized to solicit for and retain a company that specializes in the design and construction of skateboard parks. The skate spot design, along with further public input, could proceed during the summer months, followed by construction later in 2021. ENG 18-21 June 28, 2021 Subject: Proposed Skate Spot - West Shore Community Center Page 4 Attachments: 1.Location Map 2.West Shore Skate Spot Public Survey Results Prepared By: Original Signed By Arnold Mostert, OALA Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Director, Engineering Services AM:df Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !!! !!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIGHWAY4 0 1 BAYLYSTREE T VISTULADRIVE KINGSTONROA D DunbartonC reek AmberleaCree k SCALE: Engineering Services Department Jun. 11, 2021 DATE: q 1:2,500 Westshore Community Centre Skate Spot Location Map Proposed Skate Spot Frenchman's Bay Attachment #1 to Report ENG 18-21 Attachment #2 to Report ENG 18-21West Shore Skate Spot Q1 How close do you live to the proposed West Shore Skate spot? Answered: 768 Skipped: 0 Right next to the site Within walking distance of ... I live in Pickering bu... I live outside of Pickering 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Right next to the site Within walking distance of the site I live in Pickering but need to drive or take transit to the site I live outside of Pickering TOTAL RESPONSES 5.34% 36.85% 39.32% 18.49% 41 283 302 142 768 1 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q2 Has anyone in your household previously used the West Shore Community Centre for any events or activities? Answered: 767 Skipped: 1 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Yes No TOTAL RESPONSES 58.15% 41.85% 446 321 767 2 / 12 Yes – proceed to question 4 West Shore Skate Spot Q3 Does anyone in your household currently skateboard? Answered: 767 Skipped: 1 No – proceed to question 8 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes – proceed to question 4 70.01% 537 No – proceed to question 8 29.99% 230 TOTAL 767 3 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q4 How many skateboarders are in your household? Answered: 568 Skipped: 200 1 2 More than 2 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1 46.30% 263 2 35.92% 204 More than 2 17.78% 101 TOTAL 568 4 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q5 What age are the skateboarders in your household? (select multiple if required) Answered: 565 Skipped: 203 Child (1-12) Teenager (13-19) Senior (55+) Adult (20-54) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 32.04% 181 Child (1-12) 44.07% 249 Teenager (13-19) 54.16% 306 Adult (20-54) 1.06% Senior (55+) Total Respondents: 565 5 / 12 6 West Shore Skate Spot Q6 If you are a skateboarder, how often would you use a skate spot at this location? Answered: 555 Skipped: 213 Daily Weekly Monthly Never 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Daily Weekly Monthly Never TOTAL RESPONSES 25.05% 50.63% 20.36% 3.96% 139 281 113 22 555 6 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q7 If you would use this location, by what means of travel would you take? Answered: 576 Skipped: 192 Walk Skateboard Bicycle Car Bus Other? Please specify. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 28.30% 163 Walk 46.53% 268 Skateboard 32.64% 188 Bicycle 67.19% 387 Car 9.90% 57 Bus 2.78% 16 Other? Please specify. Total Respondents: 576 7 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q8 Do you support the creation of a skate spot at this location? Answered: 767 Skipped: 1 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES Yes No TOTAL RESPONSES 90.61% 9.39% 695 72 767 8 / 12 West Shore Skate Spot Q9 If you are not supportive of creating a skate spot on the West Shore Community Center site, what are your main concerns? (select multiple as may apply) Answered: 706 Skipped: 62 Cleanliness Parking Noise Conflict with other facili... Other I have no concerns 6.23% 44 Parking 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 12.89% 91 Cleanliness 7.79% 55 Noise 6.66% 47 Conflict with other facility users 8.07% 57 Other 81.16% 573 I have no concerns Total Respondents: 706 9 / 12