HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 25-21p](KERJNG Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 25-21 Date: June 7, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Update - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive Report CS 25-21 for information regarding the update on the City of Pickering’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan; 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering’s application for membership with theCanadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention and that the Mayor be authorized to execute and submit the corresponding letter of support, as set out in Attachment 1; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: As per the Safer Ontario Act, 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 3 – Bill 175, the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWB Plan) came into enactment in the current Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p15. Following an extension due to COVID-19, all municipalities (except lower tier) are to create and by resolution adopt a CSWB Plan by July 1, 2021. In two tier municipalities, such as the Region of Durham, it is the responsibility of the upper tier to develop the Plan and implement the Plan, through the creation of measurable goals and objectives. Lower tier municipalities play an instrumental role to facilitate those efforts. On February 25, 2019, Community Services staff were directed by Council to begin work on development of a CSWB Plan, as per Resolution #43/19. The City’s plan will identify strategies to support and help implement the Region’s CSWB and other locally identified issues. At the Council meeting held on J anuary 25, 2021, per Corr. 02-21, a recommendation o f a motion was made to the (Acting) Director, Community Services, for inclusion in the City of Pickering 2021 Community Safety Well-Being w ork plan with a report back no later than the June 2021 Council Meeting. As such, Report CS 25-21 is staff’s mid-year update to Council. Financial Implications: The development and implementation of the City’s CSWB Plan will be significantly supported by the purchase of a membership to the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention, at a cost of $900 for 2021, and $1,000 for 2022. The cost of membership is based on population, and charged to account 2712.2395.0000. CS 25-21 June 7, 2021 Subject: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Update Page 2 The Community Safety and Well-Being Coordinator position has been approved by Council in the 2021 Current Budget with a start date of July 2021 in t he amount of $36,300, charged to account 2712.1100.0000. Discussion: As part of the legislation, “municipalities are required to develop and ado pt community safety and well-being plans working in partnership with a multi-sectoral advisory committee, comprised of representation from the police service board, and other local service providers in health/mental health, education, community/social services, and children/youth services.” (Community Safety and Well-Being Planning Framework, A Shared Commitment in Ontario - Booklet 3, version 2). Accordingly, the Region of Durham has formed the Area Municipal Working Group in order to ensure an integrated approach to identifying and addressing local priorities. This group is made up of municipal CAO’s or delegates, and first met in January 2020. As a lower tier municipality, the City has worked on various tasks since that time to support the development of the Regional CSWB Plan to ensure that local issues are identified and considered. These include: a. the preparation of an application to the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention membership. Membership to this network will allow access to a national network of municipalities including an internal distribution list, guest speakers, legislative requirements webinar trainings and resources and documents specific to the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan planning and implementation strategies; b. community engagement project through the use of “Bang the Table”; c. create the job description/budget for the dedicated position; d. continue to work with Caremongers as a community partner; and, e. the Manager, Recreation Services has completed the training on Community Safety and Well-Being Planning, which included sessions on developing a community safety and well-being planning framework. The Region of Durham established a multi-sector Steering Committee, which is comprised of 20 system leaders (as per Attachment #2), to which a diversity equity and inclusion ex pert will be added. While engagement as the Area Municipal Working Group Area Municipal Working Group had slowed in 2020 due to COVID-19, the City of Pickering attended the Area Municipal Working Group meeting on April 9, 2021. At that time, Regional project updates were presented including the creation of an internal working group and data sub-committee, who meet regularly and are receiving r egular updates from the Regional CAO and the Durham Region Police Services Chief. Additionally, prior to COVID-19, the municipalities provided information specific to municipal surveys, identifying elevated areas of risk including, Mental Health, Substance Use, Homelessness and Basic Needs, Criminal Involvement, Victimization, and Social Isolation. CS 25-21 June 7, 2021 Subject: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Update Page 3 COVID-19 has brought to the forefront new areas of vulnerabilities within the communities, including an increased risk to those suffering from mental health, addictions, or domestic violence, increased social isolation, increased stress and anxiety, increased use of alcohol, opioids, various negative effects on children, decreased access to community supports and services, job loss that will affect the community overall, and the impacts of COVID-19 on the family. Responding to these changes will require a full community effort, with all of our systems identified and w orking together. The Region of Durham had requested an extension to the CSWB Plan, and this request was denied. Therefore, the deadline date of July 1, 2021 remains in effect. To meet this deadline, the Region of Durham will continue to work on the CSWB Plan, with upcoming priorities to include a new survey to better understand the shifting priorities within the communities, continue to meet with the Steering Committee, host an engagement session with service providers, develop a draft CSWB Plan and to the Steering Committee for review, and present the draft plan to Regional Council on June 23, 2021. The Region of Durham has identified that legislative requirements will be met, however, there is a need for further community engagement. Therefore, a more comprehensive CSWB Plan will be submitted to the Province in early 2022. Following this work, the CSWB plan will be available to municipalities to begin their work to support the implementation by working closely with community partners, stakeholders, and the public. Due to the timing of the Region’s CSWB plan, the City will recruit a Coordinator, Community Safety effective November 2021 to lead the CSWB Plan within the City. With this dedicated staff resource, the City of Pickering will be well positioned to facilitate the implementation of the CSWB Plan prepared by the Region of Durham. Attachments: 1. Letter of Support 2. The Region of Durham Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Multi Sector Steering Committee CS 25-21 June 7, 2021 Subject: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Update Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Sharon Milton Brian Duffield Manager, Recreation Services (Acting) Director, Community Services SM:bd Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer -Cdt;of­ PJ(KERJNG Attachment #1 to Report CS 25-21 Office of the Mayor Sent by email June 8, 2021 Christy Parker Program Administrator Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention Subject: Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention - Letter of Support Please accept this letter in support the City of Pickering’s application to become a member of the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention (CMNCP). The City of Pickering is one of eight municipalities that make up Durham Region, and has been involved in the initial planning stages of the regional development of a Community Safety Plan. We currently collaborate with many partners, including social agencies, youth organizations, and police, to enhance our approach to crime prevention. Effective July 1, 2021, the Region of Durham will release its Community Safety Plan. We see membership in this network as a good resource to assist the City of Pickering in working towards completing the goals and objectives of the Community Safety Plan. As a member of CMNCP, the City of Pickering agrees to take an active role in activities and initiatives, participate in meetings, share information, and work collaboratively to develop and implement effective and safe community efforts. Should you have any questions, please contact Sharon Milton, Manager, Recreation Services. She can be reached at 905.420.4660 ext. 3601 or by email at smilton@pickering.ca Yours truly Dave Ryan Mayor, City of Pickering Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, Recreation Services Pickering Civic Complex | One The Esplanade | Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 T. 905.420.4600 | Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 | mayor@pickering.ca | pickering.ca Attachment #2 to Report CS 25-21 Region of Durham Community Safety and Well Being Plan Multi Sector Steering Committee Chair Elaine Baxter-Trahair – Durham Region CAO Mayor Dan Carter, Regional Council Regional Chair, John Henry, Regional Council (alternate) Mark Morissette, DRPS (Chief’s delegate) Chief Kelly LaRocca, Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation Troy Cheseboro, Chief of Paramedic Services Bill Clancy, Police Services Board Paul McGary, Lakeridge Health Chris Bovie, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences Tracy Barill, Durham Catholic School Board Steven Woodman, Durham Children’s Aid Society Gary Crossdale, Durham District School Board Lisa Kitchen, Lakeridge Health Ontario Health Team Vivian Curl, Community Foundation of Durham Cindy Murray, United Way Rhonda Schwartz, Seniors Care Network Dr. Robert Kyle, Region of Durham Brian Bridgeman, Region of Durham Stella Danos-Papaconstantinou, Region of Durham Regional Staff – Human Trafficking, Local Immigration Partnership, Broadband – ex-officio capacity