HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 2021Agenda Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee May 26, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1. Review and Approval of Agenda 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Approval of Minutes from April 28, 2021 1 4. Presentations/ Delegations 5. Business Arising from Minutes 6. New Business 6.1 2020 Year End Report and 2021 Proposed Work Plan 7. Correspondence 7.1 Updates on listing/designation of Kingston Road properties 8. Other Business 9. Next Meeting – Wednesday, June 23, 2021 10. Adjournment For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee April 28, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Attendees: S. Croteau J. Dempsey J. Irwin W. Jamadar E. John R. Smiles C. Sopher E. Martelluzzi, Planner II Heritage (Staff Liaison) R. Perera, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Guests: E. Abramowicz, Project Manager, ERA Architects Inc. Absent: D. Felin A. Khan Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions E. Martelluzzi welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda E. Martelluzzi reviewed the agenda. There were no additions or comments from Committee Members. Moved by R. Smiles That the April 28, 2021 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Agenda be approved. Carried 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Approval of Minutes -March 24, 2021 Page 1 of 6 - 1 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by J. Dempsey That the minutes of the March 24, 2021 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 5. Presentations/Delegations The delegation from Emma Abramowicz, Project Manager, ERA Architects Inc., was heard under Item 7.1. 6. Business Arising from Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 7. New Business 7.1 Official Plan Amendment OPA 20 008/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/20 – 1970 Brock Road Post ManorHeritage Permit HP 05-21, 560 Park Crescent E. Martelluzzi referred to a Memorandum dated, April 22, 2021, that was circulated to Committee Members prior to the meeting. She noted that an Electronic Open House was held in March 2021, and Staff were now collecting comments from the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, which would be included in a Staff recommendation report to the Planning & Development Committee. She noted that the subject lands are located at the northwest corner of Brock Road and Kingston Road. She provided a brief summary of the proposal, noting that the applicant was proposing to build a high-density mixed-use development containing 860 residential units and 1,430 square metres of commercial floor space. She further added that multiple buildings were proposed, including a mixed-use building containing 2 towers (34 and 31- storeys in height) connected by a 6-storey podium Page 2 of 6 - 2 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) structure with commercial space on the ground floor, and also a 12-storey mid-rise residential building and 25, 3-storey townhouses at the north of the towers. Ms. Martelluzzi added that the applicant had proposed to move the Post Manor building to the northeast corner of the site, and that in support of the applications, the applicant had submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), which identifies impacts of the proposed development on the cultural heritage value of the property. She advised that the City retained Branch Architecture to peer review the submitted HIA, which found that the HIA does not provide a rationale for the proposed building relocation nor a full assessment of the negative impacts of the proposed development, and that the HIA needs to provide further investigation and information on the negative impacts of the proposed development. Ms. Martelluzzi noted that Staff recommended the following: 1. That the presentation by ERA Architects Inc. and the Biglieri Group Inc. be received; 2. That the Heritage Impact Assessment be revised as per the recommendations of Branch Architecture; and, 3. That the comments and discussion of Heritage Pickering be included by staff in a future Information Report to the Planning & Development Committee. Emma Abramowicz, Project Manager, ERA Architects Inc., joined the electronic meeting via audio connection and through the aid of a PDF presentation, provided information on the timeline of the project, history of the site, and current context. Ms. Abramowicz also noted that ERA Architects Inc. had conducted an analysis which found cultural heritage value in a number of areas. She further provided an outline of the proposed conservation strategy and noted that the strategy Page 3 of 6 - 3 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) intends to support the farmhouse in a more landscape setting, restore and interpret its rural character while merging with a more urban site. A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and Emma Abramowicz, Project Manager, ERA Architects Inc., regarding: • concerns that the proposed strategy would isolate the Post Manor, and ensuring that the Post Manor is still visible from Highway 2 and the Brock Road intersection; • ensuring that the relationship between the Post Manor and the Post Cemetery is preserved to maintain the heritage aspect; • concerns regarding the proposed location for the Post Manor being overshadowed by the large buildings in the corridor; • concerns that the Post Manor would not be a prominent part of the plan; • whether there were any existing examples of similar proposals of heritage properties in urban settings; and, • the Campbell House located in downtown Toronto being a good example of a heritage property preserved in an urban setting. Moved by S. Croteau 1. That the presentation by ERA Architects Inc. and the Biglieri Group Inc. be received; 2. That the Heritage Impact Assessment be revised as per the recommendations of Branch Architecture; and, 3. That the comments and discussion of Heritage Pickering be included by staff in a future Information Report to the Planning & Development Committee. Carried 7. Correspondence Page 4 of 6 - 4 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 8.1 Summary of heritage permits issued in Spring 2021 E. Martelluzzi noted that she had circulated a list of Heritage Permits which were approved as of April, 2021, and asked whether Committee Members had any questions regarding the list. There were no questions or discussion from Committee Members. 8. Other Business 9.1 Response to questions from March meeting E. Martelluzzi noted that at the March Committee Meeting, a Member had requested information on whether a property owner was required to document a heritage property prior to demolition. She advised that in accordance with the City’s Official Plan, if all other options had been explored, the owner was required to document the property before it was demolished. Members questioned the manner to begin the process of documentation, with E. Martelluzzi advising that when a property owner of a heritage property requests a demolition permit they have 60 or 90 days before they can demolish. She added that Staff will then gather necessary information and provide it to Council who could either designate the property or apply conditions. She noted that Crown lands are not subject to this process. Members further questioned whether notice would be provided to the public of the meeting date that Council would be considering a designation of a heritage property. E. Martelluzzi to provide information on whether a public notification process exists for demolition of listed properties under the Heritage Act. 9. Next Meeting May 26 , 2021 Adjournment Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 pm Page 5 of 6 - 5 -