HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-21Report to Council Report Number: CS 10-21 Date: January 25, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Facilities Asset Management System - Renewal of VFA Software Subscription and Services - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Quote #Q-194376-1 for the VFA Facilities Asset Management System software subscription for a five year period, submitted by Accruent in the amount of $200,828 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of $200,828.00 (HST included), and the total net project cost of $180,852.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance Year 1 subscription fees for net cost of $34,065.00, and five year sum of $180,852 (net HST rebate) be provided for in the 2021 Current Budget, to be funded from property taxes; and, 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: In November 2015, Council approved Report CR 18-15 for consulting services to perform building condition assessments required for the implementation of a facilities asset management system. The resulting database is now fully implemented and integrated into Community Services’ Facility Asset Management System (FAMS). Staff have also worked diligently to ensure that separate software solutions used by Finance and Community Services can work hand in hand. VFA is also linked to an internationally recognized construction cost index database to ensure that its data and estimates provide values reflecting recent trends in the construction industry. This system has become an invaluable project planning and management tool and is often a requirement when reporting Federal Gas Tax project outcomes and as a component of grant applications made to upper tiers of government. Report CR 18-15 included funding for five years to collect the data required to populate the database and coordinate it with other existing records. That work is now complete, and the VFA system is actively being used to track, predict, and inform projected capital funding needs. The 2021 Capital Budget will be the first to feature input on all City facility assets using the VFA software. CS 10-21 January 25, 2021 Subject: Facilities Asset Management System Page 2 Re-assessment of building assets is not expected to commence until 2022, at the earliest, and will be included in future Budget submissions for Council’s approval. The funding and approval requested herein is only for the extension of the software subscription fees for VFA facilities for the next five years. Extension of the existing service agreement with VFA Canada Corporation, now owned by Accruent, for another five year term (2021 -2025), in the amount of $200,828.00 (HST included) is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $200,828.00 and the total net project cost is estimated at $180,852.00 (net of HST rebate). Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount Proposal No. Q-194376-1 $177,724.45 HST (13%) Total Gross Proposal Cost $23,104.18 $200,828.63 2. Breakdown of Costs by Budget Year Total Project Cost 2021 Budget 2022-2025 Budgets Total Software Maintenance $33,476.00 $144,248.00 $177,724.00 HST (13%) 4,351.00 18,753.00 23,104.00 Total Gross Project Cost $37,827.00 $163,001.00 $200,828.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (3,762.00) (16,214.00) (19,976.00) Total Net Project Cost $34,065.00 $146,787.00 $180,852.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Approved Code 2711.2392.0000 Source of Funds Property Taxes Total Funds 2021 Budget $34,065.00 $34,065.00 Required $34,065.00 $34,065.00 $34,065.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $0.00 CS 10-21 January 25, 2021 Subject: Facilities Asset Management System Page 3 Discussion: The Province of Ontario enacted the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act in 2015, further extending its requirements with O.Reg 588/17 Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure in 2017. This legislation is intended to assist various levels of government with the long term strategic planning required to address the financial demands of aging infrastructure. Aware of the pending requirements and predicting a need to contribute data for the City’s facilities assets, Community Services issued a request for proposals in 2015 to obtain consulting services and a software service agreement to commence the work required to populate a database specific to the conditions of the City’s facilities. The City issued its first formal AMP in 2017 in accordance with the legislation’s requirements, and incorporating some of the early data provided by the FAMS. Most asset management legislation still focuses primarily on linear assets and infrastructure, including roads, bridges, sidewalks, and sewers. The provision of building-based data is not formally required until 2023, but the necessary work has already been completed and reflected in the City’s AMP. An updated AMP is to be provided in 2021, and will be required to specifically address levels of service standards f or various asset categories. The City will be well-positioned to respond proactively beyond the legislated minimum requirem ents thanks to previous investments towards completing its FAMS. The level of detail and active use of the software by staff has also prompted the vendor to actively engage with the City, seeking input for the future development of their software to better serve the City’s needs. Pickering is now considered to be at the forefront of facilities capital asset management among VFA’s Canadian clients. Completion of the VFA database provides the City with reliable predictions for the lifecycles of key systems and equipment, and data-backed estimates for replacement costs that serve as the foundation of the facilities-related Capital Budget planning process. The VFA software is directly linked to the RS Means cost estimating database, which draws on construction p ricing information from across North America to provide reliable trends that can be set to reflect regional cost variance. Pickering, for example, relies on costing data for the zone immediately east of Toronto, where certain goods and construction services vary significantly enough from those in Toronto to have an impact on overall project costs. Source information from VFA has been gradually incorporated into facility-related Capital Budgets over the last two years, with positive and reliable results. This year’s Budget will be the first to draw on source data from all City facilities. The data and analytical tools provided by the VFA software will assist the City with long term strategic planning, looking at the full lifecycle cost implications of owning and maintaining different buildings. Most of the City’s existing building assets are already over 20 years old, with its 3 largest facilities in the 30-40 year range. Planning for the end of life for major facilities has a significant impact on the City’s finances and requires years of work to be done in advance in order to properly prepare for their replacement. This work also includes establishing and maintaining targeted levels of service in order to determine the related cost implications. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 09.01, the Manager is authorized to make single or sole source purchases, without competitive bids and enter into a contract if the following condition applies: 9.04(c) Compatibility with an existing product is the overriding consideration. A single or sole source purchase exceeding $125,000 is subject to Council approval. CS 10-21 January 25, 2021 Subject: Facilities Asset Management System Page 4 An updated fee proposal has been provided by Accruent for ongoing access to the software and related support services received by the City to date. Upon careful examination of the proposal, the Community Services Department recommends the renewal of this agreement for a further five year term in the amount of $200,828.00 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of $180,852.00 be approved. CS 10-21 January 25, 2021 Subject: Facilities Asset Management System Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Vince Plouffe Brian Duffield Manager, Facilities Capital Projects (Acting) Director, Community Services Ray Rodrigues, CPPB Manager, Supply & Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer BD:vp Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: