HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 04-21Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 04-21 Date: February 1, 2021 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 20-007/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 12/20 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 18T-99011(R20) Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc. Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6 40R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and revisions to a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc., to facilitate a residential development. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decisions on these applications are being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description The subject lands are located on the south side of Toynevale Road, west of Lytton Court and east of Winette Road, municipally known as 313 Toynevale Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The property has an area of approximately 1.0 hectare with approximately 28.0 metres of frontage along Toynevale Road. The subject lands were created through a land assembly facilitated by various land division applications approved in 2018. The site contains a detached dwelling and an associated detached garage, which are proposed to be demolished. There are several mature trees located on the site. Surrounding land uses to the east, west and south include low-density residential development consisting of 2-storey detached dwellings fronting Winette Road, Toynevale Road and Lytton Court. To the north across Toynevale Road are detached dwellings fronting Toynevale Road, and further north is Highway 401(see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2). Information Report No. 04-21 Page 2 3.Previously Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision and Land Divisions In March of 2001, Council recommended that the Region of Durham approve Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-99011, submitted collectively by 8 individual landowners known as the Pine Ridge Land Assembly Group, for 21 lots for detached dwellings, 5 blocks for future development, a public road and 2 blocks for 0.3 metre reserves. This plan received draft approval on November 30, 2004 (see Attachment #3, Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision). Following the approval of the draft plan of subdivision, the plan remained inactive, which caused various owners to move forward with individual severance applications, generally consistent with the approved draft plan. In 2006 and 2014, the Region of Durham Land Division Committee approved 4 Land Division Applications (Land Division Application file numbers LD 087/06, LD 089/06, LD 035/14 and LD 039/14), which severed off specific lands within the boundaries of the approved draft plan of subdivision. The City of Pickering concurred with the Committee’s decision since the proposals maintained the proper and orderly development of the lands and preserved the integrity of the subdivision. As the lands within the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision have substantially changed since 2004, the applicant was required to revise Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-99011. In 2018, the Region of Durham Land Division Committee approved 6 Land Division Applications (Land Division Application file numbers LD 128/18, LD 129/18, LD 130/18, LD 131/18, LD 132/18 and LD 133/18), which severed the rear portions of the individual lands to consolidate all of the landholdings within the Draft Plan of Subdivision to a single landowner. Each of the retained lots contained existing detached dwellings that fronted onto Toynevale Road, Pine Ridge Road and Winette Road. To revise the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision to reflect these changes, the applicant has submitted an application for red-line revisions to an existing approved draft plan of subdivision. 4.Applicant’s Proposal The applicant has submitted applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and revisions to a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-99011 to facilitate a residential development (see Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #4). The table below summarizes the details of the proposal. Lot/Block Number Land Area Proposed Use Lots 1 to 14 0.706 hectares 14 lots for detached dwellings fronting a new public road extending south from Toynvale Road terminating in a cul-de-sac. Lot frontages will range between 12.0 metres and 16.61 metres, and lot area will range between 417 square metres and 715 square metres (see Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #5). Blocks 15 and 16 0.036 hectares Surplus lands identified as future development blocks. Information Report No. 04-21 Page 3 Lot/Block Number Land Area Proposed Use Block 17 0.001 A 0.3 metre reserve located on the west end of the cul-de-sac. Road 0.265 hectares Conveyance of municipal roads having a right-of-way width of 18.0 metres. Total 1.008 hectares 5. Policy Framework 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Region of Durham Official Plan designates the subject lands as “Living Areas”. Lands within the Living Areas designation are primarily intended for housing purposes and limited office and commercial uses. Living Areas shall also be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads. The proposal generally conforms to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Rosebank Neighbourhood and are designated as “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Areas” in the City of Pickering’s Official Plan. “Low Density Areas” primarily provide for residential or related uses at a maximum net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The primary built form within the Rosebank Neighbourhood is detached dwellings on large lots. New development is encouraged to be compatible with the character of existing development. Also, the Neighbourhood Policies restricts lands west of Rosebank Road to a maximum residential density of 17 units per net hectare. The applicant has submitted an amendment to the Official Plan to increase the maximum permitted density within the Rosebank Neighbourhood policies from 17 units per net hectare to 19.83 units per net hectare. The Official Plan states that in establishing performance standards, regard shall be had to protecting and enhancing the character of established neighbourhoods by considering matters such as building height, yard setbacks, lot coverage, access to sunlight, parking provisions and traffic implications. The Official Plan also states that where new development is proposed within an existing neighbourhood or established area, City Council shall encourage building design that reinforces and complements existing built patterns such as form, massing, height proportion, position relative to the street, and building area to site ratio. The applicant’s proposal will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Official Plan and the Rosebank Neighbourhood policies during further processing of the applications. Information Report No. 04-21 Page 4 5.3 Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines The Rosebank Neighbourhood has development guidelines that divide the neighbourhood into 3 precincts. The subject property falls within Design Precinct Number 1. New residential development is permitted, provided the following guidelines are considered: • limited to single detached dwellings only; • minimum lot frontages of 15 metres; and • minimum lot depths ranging between 33 metres and 60 metres. Reduced lot frontages and lot depths may be considered if the surrounding lot patterns in the area are similar in size. The proposed development will be reviewed in detail to ensure the requirements of the Rosebank Neighbourhood policies and the applicable Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been maintained. 5.4 Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study On September 28, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study (the Infill Study). The Infill Study recommendations provided direction on the future evolution of the City’s identified established neighbourhood precincts (Neighbourhood Precincts) so that neighbourhood precinct character is properly considered through the development and building approval processes for infill and replacement housing. Also at that meeting, Council adopted Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts to support and enhance neighbourhood precinct characteristics and to assist staff, developers and the public to evaluate and prepare development or redevelopment applications. Since Council’s endorsement, staff has initiated an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the recommendations of the Infill Study. A Statutory Public Meeting was held on January 4, 2021. The Information Report included a draft amendment to Pickering's Official Plan and draft Zoning By-law Amendments. One of the proposed policies states that when considering an application for development of Infill or Replacement Dwellings within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct, Council shall require the development to fit in, complement and be compatible with the character of the Established Neighbourhood Precinct. The subject lands are located within a proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct within the Rosebank Neighbourhood. The Urban Design Guidelines are intended to assist in reinforcing the sense of character of the proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct by addressing compatibility of new homes with adjacent, existing houses, as well as the streetscape. The Urban Design Guidelines specifically relate to the elements of built form, streetscape and neighbourhood composition. The proposal will be assessed against the Council adopted Urban Design Guidelines and in the context of Draft Official Plan Amendment 40 and the draft implementing Zoning By-law Amendments. Information Report No. 04-21 Page 5 5.5 Zoning By-law 2511 The northern portion of the subject lands are currently zoned “R4” – Residential in Zoning By-law 2511, amended by By-laws 2839/88 and 7610/18. The southern portion of the subject lands are currently zoned “R3” – Residential in Zoning By-law 2511, amended by By-law 7610/18. A detached dwelling is permitted within the “R3” and “R4” zones. The existing lots along Pine Ridge Road and Winette Road are currently zoned “R3” within Zoning By-law 2511 and the existing lots along Lytton Court are zoned “R4” within Zoning By-law 2511. The majority of the surrounding lots along Toynevale Road are zoned “R4”, with the exception of 2 lots on the south side at Wynette Road, which are zoned “R3” (see Attachment #6, Zoning Map and Attachment #7, Zoning Provisions Comparison Chart). The applicant is requesting the following specific site-specific exceptions to facilitate the residential development: • reduce the minimum lot area requirement to 400 square metres; • reduce the minimum lot frontage to 12 metres; • reduce the minimum front yard setback requirement to 4.8 metres; • reduce the minimum side yard setback requirement to 1.2 metres; and • increase the maximum lot coverage requirement to 45 percent. 6. Comments Received 6.1 Public comments on the proposal The notice of the Statutory Public Meeting regarding these applications was provided through a mailing of all properties within 150 metres of the subject lands. Also, 1 development notice sign was posted on the subject lands providing notice of this meeting to members of the public. To date, the City has received written comments from 2 area residents expressing the following concerns: • commented that the proposal will negatively impact the aesthetics of the neighbourhood; • concerned that the development will increase traffic and make the neighbourhood unsafe for children; • commented that construction of the new dwellings will cause damage to existing properties that back onto the new lots; • concerned that developers are often requesting further relief from the by-law after construction; • commented that current residents are replacing landscape areas with interlock paving onto City property, which becomes a tripping hazard; • commented that an increased lot coverage for the new detached dwellings will increase run-off and cause potential water drainage to abutting properties; and • noted that permitting reduced front yards will cause parking issues, as vehicles cannot fit on the driveway. Information Report No. 04-21 Page 6 6.2 Agency Comments 6.2.1 Region of Durham At the time of writing, no comments have been received. 6.2.2 Durham District School Board • no objections with the proposal; and • students generated from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools. 6.2.3 Durham Catholic School Board At the time of writing, no comments have been received. 6.3 City Department Comments 6.3.1 Engineering Services Department At the time of writing, no comments have been received. 6.3.2 Fire Services Department • no objections with the proposal; and • request that a fire hydrant be within 90 metres of each principal entrance. 7. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance raised to date. These matters, and others identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant prior to a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: • ensuring conformity with the City’s Official Plan and the Rosebank Neighbourhood policies, and the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; • ensuring the proposal has regard for the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; • reviewing the appropriateness of the request to increase the maximum permitted residential density; • ensuring appropriate zoning performance standards are implemented to facilitate dwelling designs that are in keeping with the character of the surrounding residential community; and • ensuring appropriate zoning performance standards are implemented to facilitate dwelling designs that are in keeping with the character of the surrounding residential community. Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies, and public. Information Report No. 04-21 Page 7 8. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing on the City’s website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person at the office of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Planning Justification Report, prepared by Evans Planning Inc., dated September 2020; • Arborist Report, prepared by DAWhiteTreeCare, dated January 21, 2020; • Stage 1 Background Archaeological Assessment and Stage 2 Archaeological Property Assessment, prepared by Bluestone Research, dated September 2019; • Functional Servicing & Preliminary Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Politis Engineering Ltd., dated April 2020; • Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Sola Engineering, dated March 9, 2020; • Noise Feasibility Study, prepared by HGC Engineering, dated December 30, 2019; • Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Envirovision Inc., dated September 2018; and • Traffic Brief, prepared by Trans-Plan Transportation Inc., dated October 2019. 9. Procedural Information 9.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department; • oral comments may be made at the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting; • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Recommendation Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 10. Owner/Applicant Information The owner of this property Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc. represented by Evans Planning Inc. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 4. Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision 5. Conceptual Site Plan 6. Zoning Map 7. Zoning Provision Comparison Chart Information Report No. 04-21 Page 8 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tanjot Bal, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Planner II Chief Planner Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design TB:NS:ld Date of Report: January 12, 2021 Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Attachment #1 to Information Report 04-21 Rougemount DriveMountainAshDriveHighway 40 1Altona RoadToynevale Road Winette RoadLekani CourtKingston Road Lytton CourtPi n e R i d g e R o a d 1:4,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20) THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Oct. 21, 2020 ¯ECentreville Homes (Pickering) Inc. Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6 40R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-007P, 18T-99011(R20), A 12-20 Centreville Homes Inc\OPA 20-007P_A12-20_LocationMap.mxd Rougemount DriveMountainAshDriveAltona RoadToynevale Road Winette RoadLekani CourtKingston Road Highway 401 Lytton CourtPi n e R i d g e R o a d 1:4,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20)Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc.Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6 THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Dec. 29, 202040R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-007P, 18T-99011(R20), A 12-20 Centreville Homes Inc\OPA 20-007P_AirPhoto.mxd ¯ESubjectLands Attachment #2 to Information Report 04-21 Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision City Development Department Jan. 11, 2021FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20) Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc.Applicant: Property Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6, 40R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 Attachment #3 to Information Report 04-21 Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision City Development Department Dec. 09, 2020FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20) Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc.Applicant: Property Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6, 40R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 N Attachment #4 to Information Report 04-21 Conceptual Site Plan City Development Department Dec. 09, 2020FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20) Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc.Applicant: Property Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6, 40R-20403 (313 Toynevale Road) L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 N Attachment #5 to Information Report 04-21 Rougemount DriveAltona RoadToynevale Road Winette RoadHighway 401Kingston RoadLytton CourtPi n e R i d g e R o a d R4 R4R3 G R4 R4 M1-8 R3 OS-HL-1 R4R3 M1-8 G R4-6 R3 SC-32 R4 M1-8 M1-8(SC-15)OS-HL-1 R4-6 G R3 R4 R4-6 M1-8(SC-16) R4 1:3,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Zoning MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Jan. 06, 2021 SubjectLands The above map is a digital extraction of the zoning schedule. The zoning schedules in Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, are the official schedules. L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-007P, 18T-99011(R20), A 12-20 Centreville Homes Inc\OPA 20-007P_A12-20_Zoning.mxd EOPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 and 18T-99011 (R20) Centreville Homes (Pickering) Inc.Part of Lots 28 to 30, Plan 350, Now Parts 1 to 6 40R-20403 313 Toynevale Road Attachment #6 to Information Report 04-21 Attachment #7 to Information Report 04-21 Zoning Provisions Comparison Chart The table below summarizes the requested zoning performance standards for the proposed lots, and the existing zoning standards for the detached dwellings surrounding the subject lands. Provision Proposed Zoning Standard (OPA 20-007/P, A 12/20 & 18T-99011 (R20)) Existing “R3” Zone Standards Existing “R4” Zone Standards Permitted Uses Detached dwelling Detached Dwelling Detached Dwelling Lot Area (minimum) 400 square metres 550 square metres 460 square metres Lot Frontage (minimum) 12.0 metres 18.0 metres 15.0 metres Front yard (minimum) 4.8 metres to the main building wall and 6.0 metres to an attached garage 7.5 metres 7.5 metres Interior Side Yard (minimum) 1.2 metres 1.8 metres, the other side 3.0 metres, or 1.8 metres on both sides with attached garage 1.5 metres, other side 2.4 metres or 1.5 metres on both sides with attached garage Rear Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres 7.5 metres 7.5 metres Lot Coverage (maximum) 45 percent 33 percent 33 percent Building Height (maximum) 9.0 metres 9.0 metres 9.0 metres Vehicular Parking (minimum) 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit, one of which must be provided within an attached garage N/A N/A Driveway Width (maximum) Maximum driveway width shall not exceed the width of the exterior walls of the private garage N/A N/A