HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 15-20Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 15-20 Date: November 2, 2020 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 20-002/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/20 Director Industrial Holding Limited (Sorbara Group) Part of Lot 29, Range 3, Broken Front Concession (603 to 643, 645 and 699 Kingston Road) 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Director Industrial Holdings Limited, to facilitate a phased mixed-use high-density development. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decision on these applications is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Description The subject lands are located at the southwest corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road within the Woodlands Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachments #1). The subject lands comprise two properties, municipally known as 603-643, 645 and 699 Kingston Road. The lands have a combined area of approximately 4.9 hectares, with approximately 410 metres of frontage along Kingston Road. The subject lands currently support two single-storey stand-alone retail buildings occupied by National Sports and Value Village and a single-storey multi-tenant building occupied by various uses including a restaurant, a paint store, a tile store, and a fitness centre. The primary access is provided from a signalized intersection at Kingston Road and Steeple Hill and a secondary full-moves access is provided at the west end of the site along Kingston Road (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2). Information Report No. 15-20 Page 2 Surrounding land uses include: North: Across Kingston Road is the Steeple Hill Shopping Centre, which contains various uses including, but not limited to, restaurants, a grocery store, retail stores, personal service uses, financial institutions and offices. To the west of the shopping centre is an established medium density residential community consisting primarily of detached dwellings and a townhouse condominium complex. At the northwest corner of Whites Road and Kingston Road is an automobile service station (Shell) and a restaurant (Tim Horton’s), and immediately north of the automobile service station is a recently constructed stacked townhouse development and Dunbarton High School. East: At the northeast corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road is an automobile service station (PetroCan), multi-tenant commercial buildings and a 6-storey apartment building. At the southeast corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road is the Whites Road Shopping Centre containing various commercial, personal service, and restaurant uses. South: Immediately to the south is Highway 401. West: Immediately to the west are two automobile sales dealerships (Acura Pickering and Toyota Pickering). 3. Applicant’s Proposal Director Industrial Holdings Limited (Sorbara) has submitted applications for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the redevelopment of the subject lands for a phased mixed-use high-density residential development introducing approximately 2,884 residential units and approximately 6,680 square metres of commercial/office space. The proposed Official Plan Amendment seeks to increase the maximum permitted residential density from 140 to 500 units per hectare and floorspace index from 2.5 to 5.0. The Zoning By-law Amendment is intended to rezone the lands to an appropriate zone category and establish appropriate development standards. The submitted concept plan illustrates a total of 8 residential towers ranging in heights between 18 and 42 storeys (with 4 and 6 storey podium heights), and 4 blocks of 4-storey stacked townhouses. The plan also includes 3 publicly accessible private parks, and a gateway plaza at the southwest corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road (see Submitted Conceptual Plan, Attachment #3). Vehicular access to the redevelopment is to be provided through internal private condominium roads having a road right-of-way widths ranging between 7 metres and 13 metres. Primary access will be at the signalized intersection at Kingston Road and Steeple Hill and a secondary access driveway further west on the south side of Kingston Road. Parking is proposed to be primarily underground with some additional above -ground structured parking within the podiums of the buildings closest to Highway 401. Information Report No. 15-20 Page 3 The table below summarizes the key statistical details of the proposal: Proposal Total Residential Gross Floor Area 242,808 square metres Total Commercial Gross Floor Area 2,232 square metres (within Towers 4, 5, and 8) Total Office Floor Area 4,448 square metres (Tower 5) Total Number of Residential Units Apartment Units: 2,740 units Stacked Townhouses: 144 units Total: 2,884 units Density 500 units per net hectare Floor Space Index 5.0 Number of Storeys Tower 1 – 29 Storeys Tower 2 – 32 Storeys Tower 3 – 36 Storeys Tower 4 – 18 Storeys Tower 5 – 18 Storeys Tower 6 – 29 Storeys Tower 7 – 42 Storeys Tower 8 – 24 Storeys Townhouses (Blocks 1-4) – 4 Storeys Vehicular Parking Ratio Stacked Townhouses: 1 space per unit Apartment: 0.80 spaces per unit Shared Visitor, Commercial & Office: 0.15 spaces per unit Vehicular Parking Residential: 2,386 spaces Visitor/Office/Commercial: 444 spaces Total: 2,830 parking spaces Bicycle Parking 1,521 bicycle parking spaces (including 7 visitor spaces) Private Parks and Open Spaces Park 1 – 1,137 square metres Park 2 – 1,437 square metres Park 3 – 1,423 square metres Gateway Plaza – 977 square metres Amenity Areas 4 square metres per dwelling unit to be divided between indoor and outdoor amenity space Total: 4,974 square metres Information Report No. 15-20 Page 4 Sorbara Group has advised that the redevelopment of the subject lands is anticipated to be constructed in phases. The preliminary phasing plan for the site illustrates that the first phase is proposed to be the westernmost portion of the lands along the Kingston Road frontage (603 to 643 Kingston Road) on which the existing multi-unit commercial building sits with 2 blocks of stacked townhouses, containing a total of 72 units, and an 18-storey multi-residential building containing 360 units (see Preliminary Phasing Plan, Attachment #4). Each phase of development will be subject to site plan approval, and applications for draft plan of condominium will be submitted at later dates. 4. Policy Framework 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and A Place to Grow (2019) The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, directs growth and development to settlement areas and promotes efficient, transit-supportive development patterns that “optimize the use of land, resources and public investment in infrastructure and public service facilities”, and “promote a mix of housing, including affordable housing, employment, recreation, parks and open spaces, and transportation choices that increase the use of active transportation and transit before other modes of travel.” New development in designated growth areas is encouraged to have a compact form, mix of uses, and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure, and public service facilities. A Place to Grow (2019) directs where and how growth should occur in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The Plan prioritizes intensification and higher densities in strategic growth areas, which includes locally-identified nodes and corridors, arterials, and areas with planned frequent transit service in order to make efficient use of land and infrastructure and support transit viability. A Place to Grow supports the achievement of complete communities that:  feature a diverse mix of land uses, including residential and employment uses, and convenient access to local stores, services, and public service facilities;  improve social equity and overall quality of life, including human health, for people of all ages, abilities, and incomes;  provide a diverse range and mix of housing options, including additional residential units and affordable housing, to accommodate people at all stages of life, and to accommodate the needs of all household sizes and incomes;  expand convenient access to:  a range of transportation options, including options for the safe, comfortable and convenient use of active transportation;  public service facilities, co-located and integrated in community hubs;  an appropriate supply of safe, publicly-accessible open spaces, parks, trails, and other recreational facilities; and  healthy, local, and affordable food options, including through urban agriculture;  provide for a more compact built form and a vibrant public realm, including public open spaces;  mitigate and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, improve resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to environmental sustainability; and  integrate green infrastructure and appropriate low impact development. Information Report No. 15-20 Page 5 4.2 Durham Regional Official Plan The subject lands are designated as “Living Areas” with a “Regional Corridor” overlay in the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROP). Living Areas shall be developed to incorporate the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio -economic factors. These areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads and with particular consideration for supporting and providing access to public transit. Lands within this designation are predominately intended for housing purposes. In addition to residential uses, office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed-use developments are permitted within Living Areas. In Corridor locations, major retail uses and major office uses are also permitted. In the consideration of development proposals, regard shall be had to achieving a compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail and service, and mixed uses along arterial roads, in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities. Regional Corridors are recognized and identified as key focus areas for intensification. Kingston Road and Whites Road are identified as Regional Corridors in the ROP. Regional Corridors shall be planned and developed in accordance with the underlying land use designation, as people-oriented places that are accessible by public transit and an extensive pedestrian network, including civic squares, parks and walkways. Corridors shall generally be developed to promote public transit ridership through well-designed development, having a mix of uses at higher densities. Development within Corridors shall be oriented to the Corridor and consolidation of access points is encouraged. Regional Corridors are intended to support an overall, long-term density target of at least 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index (FSI) of 2.5, with a wide variety of building forms, generally mid-rise in height, with some higher buildings, as detailed in municipal official plans. The ROP supports and promotes rejuvenation, development and renewal within Regional Corridors. Restoration of the historic integration of the shopping function with the other traditional functions, such as housing, employment, recreation, social activities and cu ltural facilities is supported. Accordingly, the ROP encourages existing shopping centres to redevelop with a full array of compatible uses, particularly residential uses. Kingston Road is designated as a Type ‘B’ Arterial Road and a Rapid Transit Spine in the ROP. Type ‘B’ Arterial Roads are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds, connect with freeways, other arterial roads and collector roads. Whites Road is designated as a Type ‘A’ Arterial Road and a High Frequency Transit Network in the ROP. Type ‘A’ Arterial Roads are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds, over relatively long distances. High Frequency Transit Networks consist of buses in planned High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, or buses or in mixed traffic, with transit signal priority at major intersections and other measures to ensure fast and reliable transit service. Planned HOV lanes may be converted to dedicated bus l anes as growth in ridership warrants. Information Report No. 15-20 Page 6 Development along Transit Spines and High Frequency Transit Networks shall provide for complementary higher density and mixed uses at an appropriate scale and context, buildings oriented towards the street to reduce walking distances, facilities which supp ort non-auto modes of transportation, and limited surface parking and the potential redevelopment of surface parking. Further, Kingston Road (Highway 2) is identified in the ROP as one of the most significant transit corridors within the Region, which should be developed to its fullest potential. The Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Business Case, being undertaken by Metrolinx in partnership with agencies including the Region of Durham and Durham Region Transit, is currently underway to facilitate transportation improvements along Kingston Road from Scarborough Centre to Downtown Oshawa. The timing for completion of this study is anticipated to be next fall (2021). 4.3 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are located within the Woodlands Neighbourhood and are designated “Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors” in the City’s Official Plan. Mixed Use Areas are intended to have the widest variety of uses and highest levels of activities in the City. Within Mixed Use Areas, a wide variety of uses for residents, business-people and visitors, including residential, retail, commercial, business, office, service, recreational, community and cultural uses are permitted. The broadest diversity of use, greatest levels of activity, and highest quality of design shall be directed to the City Centre and the Mixed Corridor along Kingston Road, the City’s mainstreet. The Mixed Corridors designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community, and provides for a range of commercial uses and residential development at a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a maximum FSI up to and including 2.5 FSI. It should be noted that the City is proposing to amend the current policies for the Mixed Use Areas through Official Plan Amendment 38 (File: OPA 20-004/P) to implement the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan. Details on the proposed Official Plan Amendment are included in Report 13-20. The applicant is requesting to amend the Official Plan to add a site-specific exception to permit a maximum residential density of 500 units per net hectare and a maximum FSI of 5.0. 4.4 Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan and Draft Urban Design Guidelines The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan identify that the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines apply to the subject lands. The Guidelines are intended to guide the design of Kingston Road, as well as the developments that flank or front Kingston Road. The Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines, which were adopted by Pickering Council in 1997, do not reflect the new vision for the Kingston Road Corridor established by the Council endorsed Draft Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Urban Design Guidelines. The 1997 Development Guidelines are intended to be superseded by the new Draft Urban Design Guidelines. Information Report No. 15-20 Page 7 On December 16, 2019, Council endorsed in principle the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan (Intensification Plan) and the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Draft Urban Design Guidelines (Draft Urban Design Guidelines). The Intensification Plan and Draft Urban Design Guidelines were prepared as a result of the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study, which represented the second phase of the South Pickering Intensification Study. The Intensification Plan contains a comprehensive framework for redevelopment and intensification along the Corridor and within the Retailing Node. The Draft Urban Design Guidelines articulate the vision set by the Intensification Plan and provide specific design considerations. The subject lands are located in the Whites Precinct within the Intensification Plan. The recommended land uses for the subject lands within the Intensification Plan is “Mixed Use A” on the lands immediately southwest of the intersection of Whites Road and Kingston Road, a “Public Park” west of the current intersection of Steeple Hill and Kingston Road, and “Mixed Use B” on the westernmost portion of the lands. The Intensification Plan further identifies the area at the intersection of Kingston Road and Whites Road as a “Gateway” location with a gateway plaza and also as a preferred office location. The Intensification Plan shows access to the site through a new proposed future public ro ad, which would extend south from the existing intersection of Steeple Hill and west through the property to eventually loop back to Kingston Road at a new proposed intersection just east of Petticoat Creek through the subject lands (see Whites Precinct Intensification Plan, Attachment #5). The Intensification Plan included several recommended policies as it relates to the subject lands, which are summarized in Attachment #6 to this report. The Draft Urban Design Guidelines also included several key urban design objectives concerning block structure, built form, site design, landscaping, building design, pedestrian connections, parking and transition and massing as it relates to the proposal, which are summarized in Attachment #7 to this report. The applications will be assessed against the applicable framework and policy recommendations of the Council-endorsed Intensification Plan and the design priorities of the Draft Urban Design Guidelines. 4.5 Zoning By-law 3036 The lands municipally known as 603-643 and 645 Kingston Road are currently zoned “SC-2” within Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1810/84, which permits the use of these lands for a bakery, business office, commercial recreational establishment, commercial school, dry-cleaning establishment, financial institution, personal service shop, professional offices, restaurant subject to certain conditions, retail store, scientific, research or medical laboratory, vehicle sales establishment, and vehicle accessory installation shop. The lands municipally known as 699 Kingston Road is currently zoned “SC-11” within Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 2471/87 and 4787/96, which permits the use of these lands for furniture or major appliance sales, home improvement centre, light manufacturing plant, sales outlet subject to certain conditions, warehouse, sports practice facility, and retail warehouses type A and type B. Information Report No. 15-20 Page 8 A zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the applicant’s proposal. The applicant is proposing to rezone the entire site to an appropriate mixed-use zone category with site-specific performance standards to facilitate the proposed development 5. Comments Received 5.1 Public comments on the proposal The notice of the Statutory Public Meeting regarding these applications was provided through a mailing of all properties within 150 metres of the subject lands. Also, 3 development notice signs were posted on the subject lands providing notice of this meeting to members of the public. To date, the City has received written comments from 5 area residents expressing the following concerns:  commented that adding the proposed number of new residential units would make the area denser and busier than it is currently;  commented that Pickering is not known to have many taller buildings, and the proposed development does not fit in with the existing community character in Pickering or Durham Region;  concerned about the loss of wildlife;  concerned that existing high schools do not have the capacity to accommodate the additional student population generated by this proposal;  commented that the proposed parkland is inadequate to support the future residents within this development;  commented on the need for high-end rental apartments in Pickering;  concerned over the impacts/loss of existing businesses on the property that are enjoyed and frequented by residents; and,  concerned about traffic impacts from the proposed development, including:  increased congestion at the intersection of Whites Road and Kingston Road, which already experiences significant traffic congestion; and  increased through traffic on Steeple Hill 5.2 Agency Comments At the time of writing this report, no comments have been received from the Region of Durham – Planning & Economic Development Department. 5.2.1 Ministry of Transportation  the Ministry of Transportation as reviewed the submitted Urban Transportation Considerations, prepared by BA Consulting Group, dated April 2020, and has provided technical comments related to the study for the applicant to address . 5.2.2 Durham District School Board  this redevelopment is anticipated to generate between 165 and 225 elementary students, and approximately between 80 to 115 students at the secondary level; Information Report No. 15-20 Page 9  the subject site is located within the boundary of Altona Forest Public School; however, several elementary public schools are located within close proximity and could accommodate students from this development;  students at the secondary level could attend Dunbarton High School and Pine Ridge Secondary School. 5.2.3 Durham Catholic District School Board  no objections to the approval of the proposed development; and  students from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools. 5.3 City Department Comments 5.3.1 Engineering Services Department  require the provision of a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) as per the recommendations of the Phase 1 ESA;  the site design should be reviewed and revised in accordance with the City’s Fire Services Department Development Design Guidelines;  require the submitted hydrogeological report to be updated to ensure groundwater impacts are assessed and evaluated for the entirety of the site;  ensure adequate pedestrian connectivity to Kingston Road is provided from the site;  the proposed plan shows a gateway plaza and three smaller park areas, two of which are encumbered with underground parking, stormwater management facilities and underground services. The third parkland area is quite small and irregular in shape. The preference would be to have one large central public park as shown in the Intensification Plan. The public parkland should not have any encumbrances (below-grade parking);  confirmation should be provided that the proposed park uses in the facility fit plans will be supported by the existing and future demographics projected for this development area;  the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan recommends a public road extending south from the intersection of Kingston Road and Steeple Hill through the subject site, extending west to connect back up with Kingston Road at a new signalized intersection on the east side of Petticoat Creek;  the proposed access on the west side of the site is recommended to be restricted to a right-in-right out access only;  the stormwater management criteria for all proposed developments within this area were updated after completion of the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan Study (December 2019). The current criteria for the proposed development require the control of post-development peak flow rates to pre-development levels, for all storms from 2-year up to and including 100-year event, using a maximum runoff coefficient of 0.5. These criteria should be applied to the proposed development, and the proposal should be revised accordingly;  the Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City of Pickering. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision and/or site plan agreement between the owner and the City of Pickering concerning the provision and installation of services, grading, drainage and other local services; and Information Report No. 15-20 Page 10  the applicant is also required to address various technical requirements of the City and revise their studies and plans accordingly on matters including foundation drainage and erosion and sediment control, stormwater mana gement, hydrogeological matters, and traffic study requirements. 6. Planning & Design Section Comments The following is a summary of key concerns/issues or matters of importance raised to date. These matters, and others identified through the circulation and detailed review of the proposal, are required to be addressed by the applicant before a final recommendation report to Planning & Development Committee: 6.1 Land Use Policies  ensure conformity with all applicable statutory policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), A Place to Grow (2019), and the Region of Durham Official Plan;  assess the proposal to ensure consistency with the applicable goals and objectives of the City of Pickering Official Plan, including the Council endorsed Kingston Road Corridor and the Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan and the Draft Urban Design Guidelines;  assess the appropriateness of the requested increase in density and FSI, in the context of the Council-endorsed Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan and the City Initiated proposed Official Plan Amendment 38;  ensure that appropriate implementing policies and zoning provisions are included to secure for the proposed Major Office uses;  ensure a mix of uses and appropriate transitions are provided across the site in accordance with the policy recommendations for “Mixed Use A”, “Mixed Use B”, and “Gateways” within the Intensification Plan;  ensure that sufficient retail and commercial gross floor area is being replaced given the removal of existing service-commercial and retail uses that currently service the surrounding community;  require commercial uses to extend further west along Kingston Road to achieve greater pedestrian activity on Kingston Road, and/or the inclusion of flexible space, which can be easily converted into commercial and/or office space over-time to achieve the desired long-term objective while balancing market conditions;  secure opportunities to provide affordable housing, accessible units, and a variety of unit types, sizes and tenures (including rental);  assess how the proposal contributes to the City’s Age Friendly goals; and  ensure the proposed redevelopment plan considers and accommodates for future redevelopment of adjacent lands extending westerly to Petticoat Creek. 6.2 Site Design and Built Form  evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed site layout, building setbacks, building height and massing, pedestrian connections and landscaping to ensure the proposed built form is in keeping with the design goals and objectives of the Council -endorsed Draft Urban Design Guidelines for the Kingston Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node; Information Report No. 15-20 Page 11  ensure that the proposed building massing and height is to be scaled to be compatible with adjacent streets and open spaces to create an attractive human-scaled environment, respect existing scale and character and appropriately respond to the local context, and taller building heights be directed to the lands along the highway, south of the proposed public street and at the corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road;  ensure the proposed tower floor plate sizes are consistent with the recommended maximum tower floor plate size in the Council endorsed Draft Urban Design Guidelines for the Kingston Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node  ensure the proposed development demonstrates design excellence, through built form and other means such as landscaping, public seating, weather protection and public art, given the site’s location within a gateway and key transit junction; and  review proposed building heights and tower placements to minimize any potential shadowing and wind impacts public parks, open spaces and public roads, and to ensure adequate sunlight penetration, and skyviews are being maintained. 6.3 Parkland  determine the appropriate amount of land to be dedicated to the City in accordance with the Planning Act requirements, and determine whether additional parkland is needed to support the requested increase in density;  require the consolidation of private parks into one larger public park, to be conveyed to the City, fronting onto a public street as shown in the Council endorsed Intensification Plan; and  ensure that the size, location and future programming within the public park is sufficient and adequate to serve the future residents of this redevelopment and the broader community. 6.4 Street Network and Design, Traffic, and Parking  require that the full build-out include a new public street in accordance with the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan;  require that the public and private road right-of-ways be complete streets including cycling facilities and other elements such as enhanced landscaped boulevards, seating areas and street trees, and be designed as illustrated in the Council-endorsed draft urban design guidelines;  ensure accessible paths of travel are provided throughout the site, including pedestrian connections to street networks, public transit, parks, gateway plaza and other outdoor amenity spaces;  ensure the grading and the design of roads allows for future extension of the roads through the lands located to the west of the subject site;  assess whether the proposal will result in any significant traffic impacts and/or operational issues at the intersections of Kingston Road and Whites Road, Whites Road interchange, Steeple Hill and Kingston Road, and other roads within the immediate area;  ensure sufficient resident and visitor parking is provided to support the proposal;  review the proposed shared parking formula to ensure sufficient visitor and commercial parking is available at all times to support the development; and Information Report No. 15-20 Page 12  assess the proposed transportation demand management measures and determine whether these measures are appropriate to support the reduced parking ratio and shared parking formula. 6.5 Other matters to be addressed  ensure that all engineering requirements have been addressed and that sufficient servicing capacity (sanitary, storm sewer and water) is available to service this redevelopment;  consider the use of an “H” Holding symbol within the implementing zoning by-law amendment to ensure the orderly development of the plans including securing public parkland; designing and securing the implementation of public roads, securing any identified municipal infrastructure upgrades or modifications required to support this redevelopment; and  explore opportunities for the applicant to include and fund public art elements within the proposed development. Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies, and public. 7. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies submitted in support of the revised applications are listed below and available for viewing on the City’s website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person by appointment at the office of the City of Pickering, City Development Department:  Planning Justification Report, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020  Urban Transportation Considerations, prepared by BA Consulting Group, dated April 2020  Functional Servicing Report, prepared by WSP, dated April 15, 2020  Stormwater Management Report, prepared by WSP, dated April 16, 2020  Sun/Shadow Study Report, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020  Urban Design Brief and Sustainable Development Report, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020  Sustainable Development Matrix, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020  Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Toronto Inspection Ltd., dated April 22, 2020  Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Toronto Inspection Ltd., dated April 20, 2020  Hydrogeological Investigation, prepared by Toronto Inspection Ltd., dated April 20, 2020  Architectural Concept Drawings, prepared by Graziani + Corazza Architects, dated April 2020  Facility Fit Plan, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated July 2020  Preliminary Phasing Plan, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated September 2020  Draft Official Plan Amendment, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020  Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated April 2020 Information Report No. 15-20 Page 13 8. Procedural Information 8.1 General  written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department;  oral comments may be made at the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting;  all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council;  any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and  any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 8.2 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority  the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such application is determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; and  the Region has not yet advised if the application for Official Plan Amendment is considered to have no significant Regional or Provincial concerns and therefore exempted from Regional approval. 9. Owner/Applicant Information The owner of this property is Director Industrial Holdings Limited and is represented by Weston Consulting. Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Submitted Conceptual Plan 4. Preliminary Phasing Plan 5. Whites Precinct Intensification Plan 6. Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan – Recommended Policies Related to the Proposal 7. Draft Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Urban Design Guidelines – Relevant Design Recommendations Related to the Proposal Information Report No. 15-20 Page 14 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Kristy Kilbourne, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Chief Planner Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Date of Report: October 19, 2020 Whites RoadKingston RoadEyerDriveEdmundDrive G ran ite C o u r t Dunfair Street Cattail C o urtIronstone ManorHampton CourtDeltaB o ule v a r dSundown Crescent Lightfoot Place Daylight Cour t Barry Drive Rainy Day Drive Highway 401BaylyStreetErnie L.Stroud DunbartonPool Dunbarton HighSchool South DunbartonHigh School 1:5,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Oct. 15, 2020 ¯EDirector Industrial Holdings LimitedPart of Lot 29, Range 3, B.F.C.(603-643, 645 & 699 Kingston Road) SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-002P, A 006-20 - Sorbara Group\OPA 20-002P_LocationMap.mxd OPA 20-002/P and A 06/20 Attachment #1 to Information Report 15-20 Whites RoadKingston RoadEyer DriveEdmundDriveOmega Drive G ra n ite C o u r t Dunfair Street Steeple Hill Cattail C o urtIronstone ManorHampton CourtDeltaBoul e v a r d Sundown Crescent Lightfoot Place Dayligh tCourtBarry Drive Rainy Day Drive Highway 401BaylyStreetDunbarton HighSchool South DunbartonHigh School 1:5,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Oct. 15, 2020 L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-002P, A 006-20 - Sorbara Group\OPA 20-002P_AirPhoto.mxd ¯ Part of Lot 29, Range 3, B.F.C.(603-643, 645 & 699 Kingston Road)ESubjectLands Director Industrial Holdings LimitedOPA 20-002/P and A 06/20 Attachment #2 to Information Report 15-20 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 Oct 1, 2020DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Submitted Conceptual Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department OPA 20-002/P and A 06/20 Director Industrial Holdings Limited Part of Lot 29, Range 3, B.F.C. (603-643, 645 & 699 Kingston Road) Attachment #3 to Information Report 15-20 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 Oct 5, 2020DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Preliminary Phasing Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department Part of Lot 29, Range 3, B.F.C. (603-643, 645 & 699 Kingston Road) Director Industrial Holdings Limited OPA 20-002/P and A 06/20 Attachment #4 to Information Report 15-20 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020 Oct 1, 2020DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Whites Precinct Intensification Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department Part of Lot 29, Range 3, B.F.C. (603-643, 645 & 699 Kingston Road) Subject Lands Director Industrial Holdings Limited OPA 20-002/P and A 06/20 Attachment #5 to Information Report 15-20 Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan – Recommended Policies Related to the Proposal The policy recommendations of the Intensification Plan outline that Mixed Use A Areas should feature a combination of residential, retail, and office uses in mixed use buildings, or in separate buildings on mixed use sites. Mixed Use A areas are intended to have the greatest densities and represent the highest intensity uses. Office uses are encouraged to be located in Mixed Use A areas with preferred office locations at major intersections where access to existing and planned transportation infrastructure is greatest, including higher order transit facilities. Mixed Use B areas should feature a combination of residential and retail uses in mixed use buildings, or in separate buildings on mixed use sites. Mixed Use B areas are intended to contain a significant proportion of at-grade retail, most of which should be small- to medium-scale neighbourhood-oriented businesses to satisfy local needs. Retail and commercial-service uses should be primarily located on the ground floor with second floor retail and commercial service uses encouraged. The Plan also provides the following key policy recommendations relevant to the proposed development: Major office development is encouraged to occur in Mixed Use A areas. Office uses should be located at Preferred Office Locations according to the Intensification Plan . Redevelopment within Mixed Use A areas should seek to accommodate a minimum amount of office space as part of the total area of buildings on site. Larger redevelopment site should submit a phasing plan as part of their development application demonstrating the full build out of the site, including but not limited to: Ultimate street and block network, including potential connections to adjacent properties; Ultimate parks and open space networks, including potential connections to adjacent properties; Integration of office uses; and Redevelopment of surface parking lots; Residential development should support the City’s affordable housing targets which encourage a minimum 25 percent of new residential construction to be of forms that would be affordable to households of low or moderate-income. Tall buildings (consisting of buildings 13 storeys or greater) should be located within gateways and at the intersection of transit spines and major arterials, along the highway, an d in proximity to highway accesses. Taller buildings should be located to minimize shadow impacts and wind tunnel effects on proximate parks, open spaces, primary frontage sidewalks and existing low-rise residential areas. Taller buildings tower should be separated from one another by a minimum distance of 25 metres and should have a maximum tower plate of 750 square metres. The general maximum height of tall buildings should be no more than 45 storeys; if the general intent of the intensification plan is met, flexibility with massing and height may be considered on a site-specific basis. Attachment #6 to Information Report 15-20 On Kingston Road built form should confirm to an angular plane extended at a 45 degree angle from the front property line, beginning at a height 80 percent the width of the adjacent right-of-way. Taller buildings should generally be located within gateways. Building articulation, including vertical projects, recessions, design treatments and other architectural details, are encouraged at gateway locations to create an enhanced visual interest and a human-scaled environment. All buildings fronting Kingston Road should be setback 5 metres from the front property line, 2 metres from new public and private streets that are internal to the development block and 3 metres from parks and open spaces. Primary frontage shall have a minimum of 60 percent of the lot frontage of retail uses, commercial-service uses or consolidated office and residential entrances. Active frontages, including uses such as commercial and retail which facilitate pedestrian activity, are encouraged, particularly along Kingston Road. Enhanced architectural and urban design treatment is encouraged at gateway locations. The minimum streetwall height along all public and private roads should be 3 storeys, with a minimum ground floor height of 4.5 metres. The podium portion of tall buildings should have a minimum height of 3 storeys and a maximum height of 6 storeys. Public parks will be provided through redevelopment in the Whites Precinct as shown conceptually through the Intensification Plan. The precise location of the Public Parks within the development blocks where they are conceptually identified will be determined through the implementing zoning by-law. Their exact size, location and design will also be addressed through detailed block planning. Gateway plazas will be provided as shown conceptually through the Intensification Plan . A 2-metre wide raised cycle track with an enhanced treed and landscaped planting area is recommended on both sides of Kingston Road. All public and private streets should be designed as “complete streets” which should accommodate facilities including pedestrian zones, cycling facilities or multi-use paths, and street trees. Off-street parking and cycling infrastructure are encouraged to be provided within structured or underground parking within private properties to facilitate connectivity and minimize the heat island effect created by large surface parking. Reduced minimum parking standards are encouraged to reflect the area’s compact, high-density urban form and shift towards a pedestrian and transit-oriented environment. Draft Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Urban Design Guidelines – Relevant Design Recommendations Related to the Proposal The Draft Urban Design Guidelines support the goals, objectives, and vision for the area as set out in the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan and establish design priorities and principles related to built form, placemaking, and connectivity. The following key priorities of the Guidelines are relevant to the proposed develo pment (OPA 002-20/P and A 06/20) on the lands municipally known as 603 to 643, 645 and 699 Kingston Road: Built Form Block lengths should generally range between 100 and 150 metres to promote permeability within the streetscape, support walkability and increase the ease of pedestrian and cyclist movement. Block layouts should be designed to maximize views and vistas through development blocks and towards gateways. Entrances should be highly visible, front onto the public street, and connect to pedestrian walkways or sidewalks. Entrances should promote visibility and views between interior and exterior spaces. For tall buildings over 13 storeys in height, a minimum separation distance of 25 metres shall generally be maintained between towers. A minimum separation distance of 15 metres shall generally be provided between facing buildings on sites with multiple buildings. On multi-building sites, it is encouraged that buildings are offset or angled away from each other to maintain privacy between facing units. A minimum separation distance of 15 metres should be provided between adjacent buildings where windows are proposed within a podium. No sideyard separation is necessary where a continuous streetwall is desirable. The following setback criteria should be applied: Buildings fronting Kingston Road and public roads intersecting Kingston Road should be setback 5 metres from the property line. Internal to the site, buildings shall be setback a minimum of 2.0 metres from new public and private streets that are internal to the development block. All buildings shall be setback a minimum of 3.0 metres from parks and other open spaces. Where retail and commercial uses are located, setback areas should accommodate spill-out uses from commercial activity (i.e., patios, displays, waiting areas) to improve the pedestrian experience. These areas should be primarily hardscaped to act as an extension of the sidewalk and accommodate for higher levels of foot traffic. Where residential uses are located, softscape elements such as plantings should be used in setback areas to provide screening and maintain privacy for grade-related residential units. These areas may also include some public amenities (i.e. benches, bicycle racks). Attachment #7 to Information Report 15-20  To minimize access off Kingston Road, consolidated private rear accesses should be provided. These should be developed with a coordinated approach across landowners to ensure that clear accessways are maintained, no properties are landlocked and all lots have a viable connection back to a public road.  Any redevelopment should seek to remove or minimize grade differences between its adjacent lots, including Kingston Road and Whites Road. Where this is not possible due to site topography, measures should be taken to make the transition walkable for pedestrians and accessible for cars.  Vehicular entrances and access points should have minimal impact on walkways and the pedestrian realm and where possible should be integrated with building design.  Surface parking is discouraged for main street retail, and high-density residential, office and mixed-use developments. In these areas, parking shall be provided underground, behind or inside a structure on upper floors with appropriate screening, or inside a building.  Structured underground parking is preferred over surface parking or above-grade structured parking to reduce the urban heat island effect and minimize blank walls.  Parking structure design is encouraged to consider flexible designs, including designs which allow for future conversions into other uses.  Above-grade parking structures shall be encouraged to be designed with active uses on all sides.  The sides and rear of multi-storey above-grade parking structures facing adjacent developments shall be screened as to not create blank facades around the building. They are encouraged to incorporate glazing, cladding, landscaping, or exterior finishes to complement the surrounding streetscape.  At-grade parking structures shall be designed with active uses fronting the public street and other pedestrian uses, such as retail or amenity areas. These should incorporate visually-appealing architectural and landscape treatments.  Access points to parking structures should be located at the rear or side of buildings, and away from main streets and intersection corners.  Landscaping shall be an integral piece of the site design and be developed to unify and enhance the overall architecture of a development. High-quality, durable and diverse landscape elements shall be encouraged.  A minimum of 10% of each lot shall be landscaped, with a significant proportion of that being soft landscaping.  Landscaping shall support and define a consistent and attractive street edge. The selection and spacing of all plantings should relate to the street type and adjacent land use and site conditions.  Within sites, landscaping shall define pedestrian routes and enhance visual imagery of the site. Large tree canopies are encouraged along pedestrian routes to provide shade and comfort.  Sustainable and Low Impact Development (LID) measu res are encouraged for all development to reduce stormwater run-off.  The use of softscapes (e.g., trees, grass, shrubs, flowers) should be encouraged on flat roofs of all buildings, including residential, commercial and mixed-use buildings. Green roofs are encouraged to act as public amenity spaces.  New buildings should be massed and scaled to establish compatible heights to adjacent streets and open spaces, while retaining a comfortable pedestrian scale.  In cases where buildings have a height of 8 storeys or more proposed adjacent to the streetline, the upper storeys of the building should be sited on podiums having a minimum height of 3 storeys and a maximum height of 6 storeys. Development shall incorporate building and landscape design which minimizes the extent and duration of shadows and maximizes access to sunlight for adjacent low-rise developments, parks, open space, primary frontages, and other intensively used areas of the public realm.  The shadow impact of buildings on adjacent residential buildings, public parks and privately owned publicly-accessible spaces shall be assessed through a shadow impact study, where appropriate, and minimized to the extent possible.  Development shall incorporate building and landscape design which protects and buffers the pedestrian realm from prevailing winds.  A consistent streetwall should be maintained along Kingston Road and all Primary Frontages. The minimum streetwall height along all streets shall be 3 storeys, with a minimum ground floor height of 4.5 metres to accommodate for retail uses.  The podium portion of tall buildings shall have a minimum height of 3 storeys and a maximum height of 6 storeys.  All street-related uses should have primary entrances fronting onto the public street and feature transparent windows and doors to provide outlook and animation onto the street edge.  Building stepbacks should be a minimum of 2.5 metres.  A fine-grain pattern of retail units and/or residential entrances is encouraged to provide variety and variation in the streetwall. Variation in frontage width is encouraged to flexibly accommodate a range of street-related uses, including multiple internal formats and layouts for commercial/retail units.  Primary and Secondary Frontages are indicated in the Urban Design Guidelines. Primary Frontages shall contain predominantly street-related active retail or commercial service uses at grade, with primary entrances oriented towards the street to encourage a vibrant public realm. Other street-related active uses, including community and institutional uses, are also encouraged. Secondary Frontages should contain street-related active retail or other commercial service uses at grade, with primary entrances oriented towards the street to encourage a vibrant public realm. Other street-related active uses, such as community and institutional uses, are also encouraged.  Gateways are entry points into significant streetscapes, areas or neighbourhoods, often signified by a distinctive public realm or built form and enhanced through site and building design.  Buildings with significant heights and massing should be located at gateway locations, including both mid-rise and tall buildings. Building and landscape design should aim to create a sense of arrival.  Gateways should incorporate public gathering spaces, such as plazas and urban squares.  Buildings at gateways are encouraged to include recessed corners to enlarge the public realm at key intersections to support additional spill-over space for active commercial uses.  Primary building entrances should be located at gateways.  Building articulation, including vertical projections, recessions, design treatments and other architectural details, is encouraged at gateway locations to create enhanced visual interest and a distinct sense of place.  Heights, massing and articulation of buildings at gateways shall consider the aesthetics and orientation of view corridors approaching gateways to ensure a cohesive and prominent streetscape.  Tall buildings (over 13 storeys) should generally be located within gateways, including at the intersection of transit spines, major arterials, along the highway and proximate to highway access.  Tall buildings should be designed and sited to minimize shadows, maximize sky views, and reduce negative micro-climate impacts, particularly where high-rise development is directly adjacent to low-rise neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces.  Building towers shall be subject to a minimum 25-metre separation distance, measured between the exterior edges of the building faces. Placemaking  Public Parks shall front onto public streets, be accessible from adjacent public streets where possible, and be of a shape, topography and size that reflects their intended use. Park design should incorporate a measure of flexibility to enable the potential for multi-use spaces throughout all seasons.  Public Parks should have a minimum of one public street frontage and one private street frontage, although greater street frontages are encouraged.  The siting and sizing of new Public Parks should take into account planned residential and employment intensification to ensure adequate provision.  Public Parks should contain multiple access points and should be physically and visually connected to the public street. New buildings should be positioned to define the shape and function of the public park and to create the impression of a cohesive public realm.  Public Parks shall incorporate an appropriate range and variety of active and passive recreational uses including playgrounds, seating areas, pathways, tree canopies, and where appropriate, sports courts.  The gateway intersection of Kingston Road and Whites Road is the focal point of Whites Precinct. Accordingly, the greatest heights and densities should be clustered in close pro ximity to the gateway.  Gateway Plazas should be framed by adjacent settings which are designed to the highest architectural standard and should be gathering places which add aesthetic value to the environment.  Gateway Plazas shall be physically and visually connected to the public street and well- designed to relate to surrounding buildings and create the impression of a cohesive public realm. Commercial and mixed-use buildings adjacent to plazas should provide active frontages with direct views and access.  Privately Owned Publicly-accessible Spaces (POPS) form a key part of the public realm network, providing valuable amenity space through development. POPS are owned and maintained by private landowners, but open to the general public to enjoy. They can take a variety of forms, including parks, linear parks and urban squares.  The locations of POPS will be identified in the implementing zoning by-law and their exact size, location and design shall be addressed through detailed block planning. The location and design of POPS should seek to physically and visually connect to public streets.  POPS should be framed by and relate to surrounding buildings; at-grade active uses shall support the programming of the open space and offer a surveillance element to promote safety.  POPS should maximize sun exposure and strive to achieve 5 consecutive hours of sun as measured on March 21 and September 21.  POPS designed as Urban Squares should be located in commercial areas and be designed to accommodate relatively higher levels of pedestrian foot traffic, with more hardscaped areas relative to softscape. Urban squares should be larger than 100 square metres and should be sized based on local site conditions. They should be large enough to allow for active programming and public events.  Public art should be located in or with close proximity to community-oriented spaces, such as parks, open spaces, public squares, plazas, and gateways, to maximize visibility. It should be exhibited along streets and laneways that support a continuous flow of high pedestrian volumes. Connectivity  Sidewalks and pedestrian paths should provide a network of accessible and inter-connected pedestrian routes which relate directly to surrounding buildings and destinations.  Adequate space should be provided within the public right-of-way to allow for landscape and furniture zones adjacent to sidewalks and pedestrian paths.  The proposed new public street is identified as a primary street. Primary streets should be designed to prioritize public transit facilities, such as stops, shelters and dedicated lanes. Travel lanes should be designed with a minimum width of 3.5 metres and should be provided in both directions of travel.  Sidewalks should be provided on both sides of the road. They should be designed to accommodate all user groups and be a minimum width of 2.0 metres.  Where appropriate, dedicated raised cycle tracks should be provided on primary streets Landscaping and street furniture zones should be provided on both sides of the street to provide a comfortable public realm. They should be wide enough to accommodate a continuous row of street trees, typically a width of 2.0 metres.  On-street lay-by parking lanes should be provided, where practical, having a minimum width of 2.5 metres. They may be provided on one or both sides of the road.  Vehicular access from Kingston Road should be minimized.