HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 53-02 Ciiq ct 088 Report Number: PD 53-02 Date: November 22, 2002 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Changes in Planning Application Fees Recommendation: 1. That the draft by-law attached to Report No. PD 53-02, prescribing a new tariff of fees to increase fees for the processing of Local Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, and the Tabling of Committee of Adjustment Applications, and to introduce a new fee for Variance applications to the Committee of Adjustment respecting accessory structures and decks, be FORWARDED to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: Fees pertaining to planning applications have not been updated since 1998. A recent review of fees charged by area municipalities indicates that Pickering's fees are lower in some areas than those of other municipalities in Durham Region. Increases are recommended to application fees for Local Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, and Tabling of Committee of Adjustment Applications. A new reduced fee is introduced for applications to the Committee of Adjustment respecting accessory buildings and decks. Financial Implications: The increases proposed to the Planning & Development Department schedule of fees will provide a moderate increase in Department revenue. 1.0 Discussion Staff recently conducted a review of the City's application processing fees, as established by By-law 5355/98 (see Attachment #1), by means of a comparison with similar municipalities in the Region of Durham. The review indicated that some of our fees are lower than those of surrounding municipalities. It is recommended that certain fees be increased to bring the City in line with fees charged within the Region. The recommended fees still remain significantly lower than the actual recovery costs for processing an application. Report PD 53-02 Date: November 22, 2002 tl 89 Page 2 Subject: Proposed Planning Application Fee Increase The "New" Municipal Act continues to give Council authority to establish fees for the processing of applications, but introduces new criteria and processes that municipalities must follow when implementing fees with respect to planning matters. The proposed amendments to the current fee schedule comply with the intent of the Act, as fees will remain below the cost of providing the service. This action is viewed as an interim step to update our charges and increase revenues, still allowing for a more thorough review of fees under the provisions of the "New" Municipal Act. A fee increase at this time will not prejudice our opportunity to fully review fees under the new regulations. The recommended fee revisions are discussed below: 1.1 Local Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment The suggested increase for Local Official Plan Amendments is from $2,000 to $2,200 and Zoning By-law Amendments from $800 to $1,200. 1.2 Committee of Adjustment The Committee of Adjustment currently imposes a $25 tabling fee. Increasing the fee to $50 would bring the City in line with other Region of Durham Municipal tabling fees. It is recommended that a new fee of $200, which is less than current fees, be established for variances related to residential accessory structures such as sheds, detached garages, carports, gazebos and decks. This approach was suggested by some Councillors earlier in the year as a way to reduce the number of accessory buildings built illegally. While a reduced fee may bring reduced revenues, this loss may be offset by greater application numbers, as owners may be encouraged through the lower fees to apply for the necessary variance rather than build illegally. The reduced fee is also considered more reasonable, considering the construction value of some decks and sheds. 1.3 Recommended Revisions to the Fee Schedule The following chart summarizes the above-recommended revisions to the fee schedule. A new By-law is required to be passed to implement the recommended revisions (see Attachment #2). The by-law repeals the existing tariff of fees By-law 5355/98 (see Attachment #1) and would become effective January 1, 2003. n 9 0 Report PO 53-02 Subject: Proposed Planning Application Fee Increase Date: November 22, 2002 Page 3 Application Current Application Fee Proposed Application Fee Pickering Official Plan Amendment Zoning By-law Amendment Committee of Adjustment $2,000 $800 $2,200 $1 ,200 $350 for existing situations $450 for vacant land Committee of Adjustment Attachments: 1. 2. By-law 5355/98 Draft By-law Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~~\~~ Flora Niro Secreta ry- T reasu rer, CIA ,,- Neil Carroll, IF'- PP Director, Planning & Development Prepared By: LDT/fn:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council - , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY.LAWNDMBEIl 5355/98 Being a by-law to prescribe a tarift' of fees for the processing of planning applications received after July I, 1998. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Sec:tion 69(J) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, the COII.IIciI ora municipality, by by-law, may preICribe a tøritf offces for the prOCCMÍllg of appIic:aÛOlll made in respect of planning maucrs, which tarift' shall be dC8Ígned to meet only the anticipated c:ost to the lllllllÍdpality or to a committee of adjustment of the procceing of each typo of appUcation provided fur in the tariJJ', NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOlLOWS: 1. Every application received by the Town of Plckcrin¡ for the processing of a piaMÌng matter desaibed in Column I of Schedule "A" attad1cd hereto shall be aecompanied by the fee preacribed for such matter in Column n thereo~ without which fee the application IIhaII be deemed to be Û\çomp1eto. 2. By-law Number 4776/96 and By-law Number 4902/97 are hereby rcpca1ed. 3. This By-law sba1l take e1fect as ofIu1y 1, 1998. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of August, 1998. ~it: /.~ Wayne Arthurø, ;01' ", ~~~~ ~" J. Qu$. , J\ct~ Cle.r~ ATTACHMENT #-1-11 9}", REPORT # PO 3'3 -0 " \.. 092 SCBEDULE"A"TOBY.LAWNUMBER 5355/98 COLUMN I COLUMN D Item Tvoc of AuDlieatioolServic:e Fee 1. Reøiona1 Oflici81 Plan Amendment (which $1,000 is not uart of a Local Plan 1IIIIaIdmeIÌt) 2. Local 0fticla1 Plan Amendment $2.000 J. Zoning By-law Amendment iadudiog $800 Temoorarv Use By-m 4. Removal ofHoldioÆ Zone $350 5. Draft Plan of Subdivision $1,500 plus $50 per unit to a IIIIOOmum of $5 000 6. Revisions to Draft Plan of Subdivision, $500 RozoIIÎD8 and Local Official Plan Amendments that require recirculation by the Town. 7. Draft Plan ofCondominiwn $800 8. Condominium Conversion $1000 9. Mînor Variance $350 - eJdsdng buiJdiDgs $450 - VIIQIIt!ant 10. Site Plan (mduding Dll!Íor revisions) . $625 plu. $65 per residential unit to a IIIIOOmum of$6,250 - $625 plus $345 per 2,000 square metres (or part the.reot) for commercial or coß1ßlel'l:iallresideøtía1 to a IIIIXÍDIIIm of56,250 . $625 all others 11. Minor Revision to Auoroved Site Plan $250 12. ! Maior Rcvition to Approved Site Plan $625 13. Site Plan ClearanÅ“lConfurmitylLetter of $250 Credit Release ReDort 14. Minister's ZoninÆ Order S2OO 15. Compliance Letter fur Ministry Li- $50 ATTACHMENT #_-'_TO fjEPORT # PO -'7 ~ - () L ATTACHMENT #~ HEPORT # PO - 0 THE CORP~::~:N NO:M::: CITY OF PïJlAFT Being a By-law to prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing of planning applications received after January 1, 2003. WHEREAS pursuant to HIe provisions of Section 69(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, the council of a municipality, by by-law, may prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing application made in respect of planning matters, which tariff shall be designed to meet only the anticipated cost to the municipality or to a committee of adjustment of the processing of each type of application provided for in the tariff, NON THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Every application received by the City of Pickering for the processing of a planning matter described in Column I of Schedule "An attached hereto shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed for such matter in Column 1/ thereof, without which fee the application shall be deemed to be incomplete. 2. By-law Number 5355/98 is hereby repealed. 3. This By-law shall take effect as of January 1, 2003. BY-lAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this _day of ,2002. Wayne ~ Mayor ~" Bruce Taylor, Clerk 0 ()93. ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT I PO F)~ -()2 0.94 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW COLUMN I COLUMN /I Item Type of Application/Service Fee 1. Regional Official Plan amendment (which is $1,000 not part of a Local Plan Amendment) 2. Local Official Plan Amendment $2,200 3. Zoning By-law Amendment including $1,200 Temporary Use By-laws 4. Removal of Holdinq Zone $350 5. Draft Plan of Subdivision $1,500 plus $50 per unit to a maximum of $5,000 6. Revisions to Draft Plan of Subdivision, $500 Rezoning and Local Official Plan amendments that require recirculation by the City. 7. Draft Plan of Condominium $800 8. Condominium Conversion $1,000 9. Minor Variance - $350 for existing situations - $450 for vacant land - $200 for residential accessory structures (shed, detached garage, carport, gazebo or deck) - $50 for Tabling an application 10. Site Plan (Including major reyisions) - $625 plus $65 per residential unit to a maximum of $6,250 - $625 plus $345 per 2,000 square metres (or part thereof) for commercial or commercial/residential to a maximum of $6,250 - $625 all others 11. Minor Revision to Approved Site Plan $250 12. Maior Revision to Approved Site Plan $625 13. Site Plan Clearance/Conformity/Letter of $250 Credit Release Report 14. Minister's ZoninQ Order $200 15. Compliance Letter for Ministry Licences $50