HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 52-02 002 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 52-02 Date: November 26, 2002 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P City Initiated: Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study Implementation City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, as follows: . revise Schedule I - Land Use Structure to adjust the boundaries of the Urban Residential and Open Space designations; revise Schedule III - Resource Management to adjust the boundaries of the Shoreline and Stream Corridor, Wetlands and Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor designations; revise the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Policies; and revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies; . . . be APPROVED, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PO 52-02; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 11 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED to Council for enactment as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PO 52-02. 2. That Amendment 1 to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines be ADOPTED by Council, as set out in Appendix II to Report Number PO 52-02. 3. That the City Clerk be directed to forward a copy of Report Number PO 52-02 to the Clerk of the Region of Durham along with the draft by-law once Council enacts the draft by-law. Executive Summary: The attached draft amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines are recommended in order to implement the findings of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. That Study was endorsed by Council on April 10, 2000, following extensive public, landowner and agency consultation. Report PD 52-02 Date: November 26, 20020 n :3 Page 2 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P Proposed Official Plan Amendment 11 (Appendix I) includes revisions to the land Use Schedule, the Resource Management Schedule, the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor policies and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies that reflect the amendment considered at the Statutory Public Information Meeting and the recommendations made by staff in response to the comments received (see Attachment #13). In addition, proposed amendments to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines addressing population targets for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood are set out in Appendix II. It is recommended that Council adopt the amendments to complete its consideration of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. Financial Implications: Not Applicable. 1.0 Background: 1.1 Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study Completed in 1999 Following completion of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study in December 1999, Pickering City Council, at its meeting held April, 2000, received the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Study Reports, adopted the Environment Master Servicing Plan, the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and Informational Revision 7 to the Official Plan and directed staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting to receive comments on the proposed Official Plan Amendment, and several other matters. Council also requested that Ontario Realty Corporation discuss conveying ownership of its developable lands within the Neighbourhood to TRCA to enhance wildlife habitats, corridor functions and for other conservation purposes. A further request was made to the Ministry of Natural Resources and other agencieslpartners to prepare a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan" and establish funding for its maintenance and restoration. 1.2 Official Plan Amendment Delayed Awaiting a Response from Ontario Realty Corporation on Conveyance of their Lands Since ORC has responded that they are not currently prepared to conveyor sell the lands for conservation purposes (see Attachment #1), and several development applications have recently been approved or otherwise resolved in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, it is now appropriate for Council to adopt the Official Plan Amendment before the end of this term of Council. 004 Report PO 52-02 Date: November 26, 2002 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P Page 3 The proposed amendment to the Official Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Minutes of Settlement, signed by the City of Pickering, and area landowners, which resolved Appeals 1 and 2 to the 1997 Pickering Official Plan. In addition, the amendment incorporates the Ontario Municipal Board decision on the appeal of the Map Realty lands (now the "Nicou Inc." lands), located on the north side of Finch Avenue, opposite Woodview Avenue. The delay in bringing this amendment back before Council is due to the timing of the ORC response and other staff priorities. 2.0 Comments Received Information Report No. 21-02 (see Attachment #2) was considered at the Statutory Public Information Meeting held June 19, 2002. Verbal comments were provided at the meeting (see Attachment #3) and written comments were subsequently received from a number of individuals and agencies (see Attachments #4 to #12). Details of the comments and staff responses are provided in Table 1 (see Attachment #13) and the key comments and staff responses are summarized as follows. 2.1 Main Comments and Responses Affecting Schedule I - Land Use Structure . In response to Mr. Daniell's concern that redesignation of part of his property to Open Space - Natural Areas will remove his right to a building permit for a new house (see Attachment #9), staff advise that a building permit can be obtained under existing "A - Agriculturaf' Zoning. . In response to a TRCA concern that a 50 metre buffer between development and Wetlands, suggested by the OMB should be reflected on Schedule I (see Attachment #12), it is staff's position that the buffer was a suggestion of the OMB, not part of its order; staff will have regard to the OMB text in reviewing the site specific development application for the site. 2.1.1 Main Comments and Responses Affectinq Schedule 111- Resource Manaqement . In response to requests to remove the Shorelines and Stream Corridor designation from five properties on the west side of Woodview Avenue (see Attachments #7 & #10), staff concur and TRCA agrees. . In response to Ms. Barber's comment that no lands with residential street frontages other than three connecting corridors identified in the Environmental Master Servicing Plan should be designated Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor (see Attachment #11), staff advise that this matter was resolved by the OMB in its disposition of appeals 1 and 2 to the 1997 Official Plan. Report PO 52-02 Date: November 26, 2002 00.) Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P Page 4 . In response to TRCA's question of whether deletion of Wetland from the south-west portion of the Nicou property adds these lands to a development block (see Attachment #12), staff advise that this boundary change reflects wetland mapping from the Ministry of Natural Resources. 2.1.2 Main Comments and Responses Affecting Rouqe-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Policies - Section 11.17 . In response to TRCA's request for a status update and formal request to participate in preparation and funding of a Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan (see Attachment #12), staff advise that the policy, once adopted, will encourage interested agencies (MNR, TRCA, the Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro or others) to prepare and fund the Plan, but that, to date, no agency has done so. 2.1.3 Main Comments and Responses Affectinq Rouqe Park Neiqhbourhood Policies- Section 11.16 . In response to the Pickering Division Head of Municipal Propertv & Enqineerinq comment (Re: Policy 11.16 (d)) that safety gates have already been installed on the C. P. Rail Line at Altona Road (see Attachment #4), staff recommend that Altona Road be deleted from the list of locations for such safety gates. . In response to the concern by Sernas Associates that Policy 11.16 (a)(i) to discourage reverse frontage lots adjacent to Finch Avenue may be interpreted as a prohibition (see Attachment #5), staff advise that Sernas Associates have been advised that the policy is to discouraqe, not prohibit, and staff recommends that further policy direction be included to clarify the types of situations that may be suitable for consideration of a limited amount reverse frontage lotting patterns. . In response to several comments suggesting that Policy 11.16 (a)(v) provides a population target that is too open-ended (see Attachments #6, #7 & #8), staff aqree and recommend deletion of the policy and a further amendment to the Rouqe Park Neiqhbourhood Guidelines to reflect updated sanitary sewer capacity restrictions in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood. . In response to Mr. McLauqhlin's comments that new roads and road improvements should be rejected because they threaten wildlife in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Attachment #8), it is staff's position that the amendment to the Official Plan represents a balanced strategy to achieve ecological protection and some urban development. 006 Report PO 52-02 Date: November 26, 2002 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P Page 5 . In response to Ms. Barber's objection to Policy 11.16 (a)(vi), which requires a road connection from Finch Avenue to Rosebank Road that crosses her property (see Attachment #11), it is staff's position that connecting roads provide for better community design and access arrangements than do multiple cul-de-sacs, particularly when the number of access points to an arterial road should be restricted. . Ms. Barber and TRCA commented that Policy 11.16 (b) (which encourages retention in public ownership of Provincially-owned lands within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood that are environmentally sensitive and disposition of Provincially-owned lands that are identified as developable) contradicts Council's motion to request the Ontario Realty Corporation to discuss conveying its developable lands to TRCA for conservation purposes (see Attachments #11 & #12), TRCA further commented that it still supports the proposed urban designations for Provincially-owned developable lands. It is staff's recommendation that as Council's motion was a free-standing resolution, and ORC declined to convey its lands to TRCA for conservation purposes at that time, the implementation of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Official Plan amendment should proceed at this time. 2.2 Minor Revision to Population Targets in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines . In response to the Reqion of Durham Planninq Department comment that sanitary sewer capacities for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood should be clarified for the benefit of interested agencies and landowners (Attachment #6), staff recommend that the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines be amended to reflect updated sanitary sewer capacities. Appendices APPENDIX I: By-law to adopt Amendment No. 11 to the Pickering Official Plan for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (Amendment included as Exhibit "A" to By-law) Amendment 1 to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines APPENDIX II: Report PD 52-02 Date: November 26, 2002 0 n 7 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P Page 6 Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Letter from the Ontario Realty Corporation, dated July 18, 2000 Information Report No. 21-02 Minutes of the Statutory Public Information Meeting held June 19,2002 Comments of the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Comments of Sernas Associates on behalf of Nicou Inc., dated June 20, 2002 Comments of Region of Durham Planning Department Comments of Agnes and Peter Ruzsa et ai, dated July 1,2002 Comments of Doug McLaughlin, dated June 20, 2002 Comments of Gary Daniell, dated June 17, 2002 Comments of Otto & Erna Stock et ai, dated June 21,2002 Comments of Jocelyn Barber, dated July 26,2002 Comments of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, dated October 31 , 2002 Table 1 - Summary of Comments Received and Staff Responses on proposed Official Plan Amendment 11 (Rouge Park Neighbourhood) Prepared By: ~.4~ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Approved I Endorsed By: ¿¡ Neil Carroll, Director, Plan .. ~ L .;itJr~ tv-- Catherine Rose Manager, Policy SG:td:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ..:.- -' on8 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 52-02 BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 11 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 009 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. DRAFT Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 11 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. (OPA) 02/001/P); WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter 13, subsections 17(22) and 21 (1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS, the Region has advised that this Amendment is NOT exempt from Regional approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That Amendment 11 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments, to seek Regional approval of an Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this December, 2002. day of Wayne Arthurs, Mayor (t. ~~ Bruce Taylor, Clerk 010 Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 11 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 11 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN f) 1 .ft . --1 PURPOSE: The purpose of the amendment is to revise the boundaries of residential and open space designations on Schedule I - land Use Structure, revise the boundaries of Wetlands, the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor and Shorelines and Stream Corridors on Schedule III - Resource Management, revise the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor policies and revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. LOCATION: The amendment affects all lands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, which is located on the west side of Pickering at the northern limit of the City's South Urban Area. This area is approximately 160 hectares in size. BASIS: The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study was completed for lands in the City of Pickering and received by City Council in April 2000. City Council adopted a comprehensive plan to guide future development of the neighbourhood through two principal documents: the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. The Environmental Master Servicing Plan provided direction on edge management strategies between developable and non-developable areas to ensure that new development maintains and enhances adjacent natural features and functions. It also established a stormwater management strategy. The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines established urban design criteria and identified school and park sites and major street connections. The land Use objectives for this amendment are to adjust the boundaries of the land use designations to accurately reflect the findings of the Environmental Master Servicing Plan and adopt policies for both the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood that will guide development in the manner articulated in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Wetland boundaries shown on the amended Resource Management schedule are based on updated 1999 mapping from the Ministry of Natural Resources. 012 Appendix I to Report PO 52-02 Page 2 Amendment 11 to the Pickerinq Official Plan - Amendment to Bv-Law to Adopt Official Plan ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1. 2. 3. Council of the City of Pickering passed resolution #29/00, Item #1, at its meeting of April 10, 2000, which included initiating this proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study and a number of other associated recommendations, The proposed amendment has been prepared considering comments received at the Statutory Public Information meeting held on June 19,2002. The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: Revising Schedule I - Land Use Structure to revise the boundary between the designations of Open Space System - Natural Area and Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas for certain lands in the Rouge Park N eighbourhood, as set out on Schedule 'A'; Revising Schedule III - Resource Management Schedule, to: (i) revise the delineation of Wetlands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, as set out on Schedule 'ß'; revise the delineation of the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor, as set out on Schedule 'C'; and revise the delineation of Shorelines and Stream Corridors, as set out on Schedule 'D'; (ii) (iii) Revising section 10.17 - Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Policies, to add a policy limiting the uses permitted on lands that are designated both Freeways and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Area and Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; and add a policy encouraging the preparation of a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan" such that section 10.17 reads as follows: CITY POLICY Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor 10.17 City Council recognizes that the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor is intended to function as a significant vegetated connector providing for species migration between the Rouge and Duffins valley systems; accordingly, Council shall, Appendix I to Report PO 52-02 Amendment 11 to the Pickerinq Official Plan - Amendment to By-Law to Adopt Official Plan Page 3013 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) despite the permissible uses listed in Table 13, permit utility and ancillary uses, as well as any uses permissible within the Open Space System - Natural Area designation (see Table 3) on lands designated Freeways and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Area on Schedule I and Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor on Schedule III; and, encourage the Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro and interested others to both prepare a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan" and establish funding for on-going maintenance and restoration of the Corridor. (f) Replacing section 11.16 - Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies to revise subsections 11.16 (a)(i), (a)(iv) and (d); such that the entire section 11.16 reads as follows: CITY POLICY Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies 11.16 City Council shall, (a) in the consideration of development proposed within the neighbourhood, (i) (ii) discourage designs which require the use of reverse frontages, berms and significant noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Finch Avenue and Altona Road, unless justified for a limited proportion of street frontage within any proposed development by unique site configuration, road access or proximity considerations and mitigated by special design and/or landscaping features; encourage a "neighbourhood focus" at the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road through the utilization of structural massing, architectural elements, and landscaping that establishes a strong relationship with the intersection; 0.14 Appendix I to Report PO 52-02 Page 4 Amendment 11 to the Pickerinq Official Plan - Amendment to By-Law to Adopt Official !:.@o.. (e) (b) (iii) despite the permissible uses listed in Tables 5* and 9*, not permit the establishment of automobile service stations and drive-thru facilities such as restaurants, banks and convenience stores within the neighbourhood; in accordance with sections 15.17 and 15.18, permit the use of density transfers and bonuses, as further detailed in the Rouge Park N eighbourhood Development Guidelines; require a road connection running from the north side of Finch Avenue to the west side of Rosebank Road; require new development to have regard for the Rouge Park Management Plan; encourage the retention of environmentally sensitive Provincially-owned lands within public ownership and the appropriate and timely disposition of Provincially- owned lands outside of the Rouge Park that are not environmentally sensitive; endeavour to eliminate the "jog" at the Rosebank Road and Finch Avenue intersection; support improvements to the level crossings of the coP. rail line at the Scarborough-Pickering Townline Road and Rosebank Road, such as the installation of appropriate safety measures including automatic safety gates; and for the north-east corner of the Beare Estate/Map Realty lands, located on the north side of Finch Avenue, opposite Woodview Avenue, interpret the minimum extent of the "Open Space System - Natural Areas" designation to be the southerly drip-line of the existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with the maximum extent to be determined during the review of the related development applications. ** (iv) (v) (vi) (c) (d) Appendix I to Report PO 52-02 Page 50 15 Amendment 11 to the Pickerinq Official Plan - Amendment to By-Law to Adopt Official Plan IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. * Copies of Tables 5 and 9 of Chapter 3 are provided for reference at the end of this Amendment. It does not constitute part of the Amendment. ** This clause reflects the order of the Ontario Municipal Board in its disposition of the Beare Estate/Map Realty appeal. 0.16 CITY POLICY TABLE 5: Mixed Use Areas: Permissible Uses by Subcategory CITY POLICY TABLE 9: Urban Residential Areas: Permissible Uses '. 'I ¡ i I I i ! __._n -.-.............. ... n" -.-.,......-- n.__... n___'_---" - 'no--' .-.. n- - -.. _no, -. "- -.- -..-..., - ---..., . ¡ I ! ! i ..-.... '-"-' -....-.- .._n_- .-.-.. - ---""--'--"""" _.._..n._"" _n..- -... -.----.".- ---..-...- --..j . ¡ All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a ! scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; I j Special purpose commercial uses. ! -. --.- -- -"""-- -. -----"..--'- .-----.............. -.. .....-. -... ....-. -. -. n. ....-- ...-..- ...... ......- -"'-i i ¡ ¡ ! ¡ ! j ! --.....-.... --- -. --- --.. ............ ---. -.-.-.-... --.."... --...-.......-... ---.. ..------' Residential; Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; Offices and restaurants; Community, cultural and recreational uses. All uses permissible in Local Nodes, .at a larger scale and intensity, and serving a broader area. All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional levels; Special purpose commercial uses. Residential uses, home occupations, I limited offices serving the area, and ¡ limited retailing of goods and services ¡ serving the area; ! j ! cultural and recreational ¡ I uses, and! comm~j Compatible employment compatible special purpose uses serving the area. SCHEDULE 'A' TO AMENDMENT 11 REDESIGNATE FROM 'OPEN SPA SYSTEM-NATURAl AREAS" TO "UR RESIDENTIAL AREAS-LOW DENSIlY ------ N SCHEDULE no THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN OPEN ~:: :::;:M ~ ~ RECREA'IlONAL ~ """'NA AREAS LAND USE S1RUCl1JRE m; .- t MIXED USE AREAS . LOCAl.. NODES . COMMUNITY NODES . MIXED CORRIDORS . DOWNTOWN CORE EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTlUTlES D GENERAL EMPLOYMENT IIBI POTENTIAL MULTI-USE AREAS ~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT ëËI CONlROLLED ACCESS AREAS ~ MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. URBAN STVoY AREAS LOW OENSITY AREAS SEATON URSAN STtJoY AREA ~ MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS ê3 HIGH DENSITY AREAS IDiI DEFERRALS =':r"::;~~~=. -.- -- ,---- REGIONAL NODES . REGIONAL NODE 1 . REGIONAL NODE 2 RURAL SETTLEMENTS . RURAl.. CWSTERS . RURAL HAMLETS + + SCHEDULE m TO THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUOE HAZARO LANDS) WETLANDS 0 []]]]] ~ + + + +1 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS ROUOE-DUFFINS WlLDUFE CORRIDOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FORMER lAKE IROQUOIS SHDREUNE ALTDNA FOREST POUCY AREA FLOOD PLAIN SPECIAL POUCY AREAS ROUGE PARK BOUNDARY AA£'oS OF NATUIW. AND SCIENTIFIC INTEREST . KNOWN WASTE DISPOSAL SITES ..- ~~ l' ---_I.-..'§.---- --_ø_-------. N --~ DE ETE uROUGE-DUFFINS WILD FE CORRIDOR' DESIGNATION + + SCHEDULE mTO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) WETLANDS ~-:::-:-~ IIIIIIIJ r++l ~ ENVIRONMENTALLY SlGNIF'lCANT AREAS ROUGE-DUFFINS WlLDUF'E CORRIDOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FORMER LAKE IROQUO~ SHOREUNE ALTONA FOREST POuCY AREA FLOOD PLAIN SPECIAL POUCY AREAS ROUGE PARK eOUNtIo'IRY AREAS 01' NA11JRAL AND SClENTlF1C INÆREST . KNOWN WASTE DISPOSAL SITES """"'- l' ~ - .............. -.....-. ---_t.~-~=---- ------------_. Ii -- SCHEDULE 101 TO AMENDMENT 11 0 <C 0 cr + + SCHEDULE mTO THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS <MAY INCLUDE HAZARD lANDS) WETlANDS u mrnu 0 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS ROUGE-DUFFINS WlLDUFE CORRIDOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FORMER lAKE IROQUOIS SHOREUNE At.TONA FOREST POUCY AREA FLOOD PLAIN SPECIAL POUCY AREAS ROUGE PARK SOUNDARV AREAS OF ""1URAL AND SClENTTAC INTEREST . KNOWN WASTE DISPOSAL SITES 1'LNH«J~dr"""'" l' ----~o;;;....._---- ------------_. " --- AMENDMENT 1 TO THE APPENDIX II TO REPORT NO. PD 52-02 ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ()'>l~ . (.., 022 AMENDMENT 1 TO THE ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan to be amended by: In accordance with updated sanitary sewer capacities provided to the City during the processing of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P (now Amendment 11 to the Pickering Official Plan), in Section N1.8 - Neighbourhood Population Targets, replace the number "2200" with "2000", the number "500" with "550" and the number "1700" with "1450", such that Section N1.8 reads as follows: "The Official Plan establishes a population target for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood of 1,600 people. Based solely on the sanitary sewer capacity, a population target of 2,000 people is achievable 550 west of Petticoat Creek, and 1450 east of the creek. However, if the population were to grow much beyond 1 ,600 people, the Durham District School Board has indicated that an elementary school site would be required within the Neighbourhood. In order to minimize the need for public facilities in this area of limited developable lands, a population target of 1,600 people will be retained, with a maximum of 550 people on lands developed west of Petticoat Creek, which contribute to the Woodview Avenue sanitary sewer. At Council's discretion, the population target may be exceeded if the City, in consultation with the Durham District School Board, is satisfied that existing development, or proposed development, does not generate the need for additional school facilities within the Neighbourhood (which would be in addition to the site required by the Durham Catholic District School Board, see section N 1.9.5). The population target of 550 people west of Petticoat Creek may be exceeded if the City and Region are satisfied that alternative servicing arrangements are feasible and appropriate. This may include a direct connection to the York-Durham Trunk Sewer via a privately owned and operated sewage pumping facility." ATTACHMENT #J_TO REPORT # 1>0 S ¡;l - 0 L , "'~L#., ' 0, í'.3 r:.' ¡ "'1'" l' " eA, "rl ' ~" ~~_., ~ He étage , Édifice Ferguson Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A IN3 Fax: (416) 327-3942 j Jut 'ltj ~ - - !ri Ontario Société = Realty immobiltère Corporation de ¡'Ontario - nlh Floor Ferguson Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1N3 Tel: (416) 327-3543 July 18, 2000 Office of the Vice-Presi~e?t: Marketing " "..~.ø:n¿~J~5~,>3~~ Real Estate and Sales DIVISion" , " , , /,'/(,:; ~~' ','~ \, ! ,; ø" ' '\ '........ , < .. '\ ~--- j ,/ ,'~" ' i ~ f¡::'- - ~ ----~r~J' if '\ \~' \./"';;"\ I,' n ..... ~ it:: J V E, D', ~ -, -,',? \ J!'., "f!J" ~:;"""\ r , 00. ,I ~'.""i. I!\...., "I");> 1" ,1, ~ '<,""" ,!'\.,{\:~..~ !''It.:.\,, I ¡¡ ~..."'" Îit (..\,ì, .' I: t,' f ¡¡I~ '1 'i ,.., .(}'1fi,; ,~ {"\ ,\ \f'.. \~ o'~ £I! E, d,v\J¿'i'lÚ¡'~' ,H~¡ t-","-J¡~ ...OI'C'" ,":o¡'! ~ . \.~ ~'\' ,~ .I>..'\..è. l! ! "';-u" Ii \A \~" - &\~- , f '>oril1TOFP1CKE,R, IN~ ~,;, ,/\, O'p., , : i "",,;,...l~Y~NINS A/IID', f \ C{' ' ~~~¡:¡!~eM' f,{ '( ~ "'-'_4, ~ Mr. Wayne Arthurs Mayor, , City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Arthurs: Thank you for your letter dated April 17, 2000 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Chair, Management Board of Cabinet, regarding your concern for the protection of the provincially-owned lands within the Rouge Park Neighbouthood Study area. Minister Hodgson has asked that I respond to you. As noted in your letter, the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study area comprises approximately 160 hectares of land. The Ontario government owns approximately 50 per cent (80 ~ectares). of the land in the Study area. Of this portion, 84 per cent (67.2 heçtares) has been or is proposed by the .Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study to be desi,gnated "Open Space System - Natural Area." The remaining 12 per cent (12.8 hectares) is designated for development in the Official Plan. At this time, the ORC feels it wou~d be' premature to meet with the various stakeholder - groups who have expressed concern over'the future of the developable lands in the Study area. Since- receiving direction from Management Board Secretariat (MBS) to dispose of the lands, the ORC, as agent for MBS, has only had discussions with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) concerning the sale of all of the government-owned land holdings in the Study area, at fair' market value. If the sale of MBS properties in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood to the TRCA is not possible, the ORC will then conduct an Environmental Study Report, as required by the MBS Class Environmental Assessment Process. This Environmental Study Report would include extensive public consultation. O?4 2 AT1ACHMENT H_~TO REPOR1 tI PO .5"".;).. - 01- - - Any sale of the subject lands must be in keeping with the ORC's Guidelines and Procedures for Real Estate and Sales. In addition, it will need the endorsement of the ORC Board of Directors and the Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet. The ORC is pleased to have receiveq a copy of the City of Pickering's Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. As we guide the disposition of these provincially owned lands, the O~C will continue to.consider the advice of stakeholders having an ínterest in the property. Once again, thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. Sincerely, ( . ¡¿ ~ ßw:;f/.. R. L. Budd Vice-President, Marketing c.c. Hon. Chris Hodgson, Chair, Management Board of Cabinet Hon. Janet Ecker, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge James McKellar, Chair (A), ORC Board of Directors Tony Miele, President and CEO, ORC I,. ÞT1 ".('HI 'rrlT #;).. TO ,.. h..,..."-,, --- REhJRT # PO 5.;;. 0 ;2. 026 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 21-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF June 19, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.B SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P City Initiated: Rouge Park Neighbourhood City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is located on the west side of Pickering at the northern limit ofthe City's South Urban Area; - Rouge Park Neighbourhood is bounded on the west by the Pickering-Toronto boundary, on the north by the Interprovincial Pipeline/St. Lawrence and Hudson (fonnerly C.P.) Rail line, on the south by the Ontario Hydro Gatineau Corridor, and on the east by open space lands, just east of Rosebank Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - Rouge Park Neighbourhood comprises approximately 160 hectares in area. 2.0 BACKGROUND following completion of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study in December 1999, Pickering City Council passed a resolution, at it's meeting held April 10, 2000 to: . receive the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports" as background infonnation; . adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan"; . adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines"; . adopt "Infonnational Revision No.7 to the Pickering Official Plan"; . direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting to discuss this proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study; . request the Region of Durham to consider the redesignation of parts of Finch Avenue and Townline Road fÌ'om Type B Arterial Roads to Type C Arterial Roads; . request the Ministry of Natural Resources and other agencies to prepare a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan"; . request the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) to transfer non-developable properties in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood to a public authority with a conservation mandate; and, . forward the report to interested agencies (see Attachment #2 - Council Resolution #29/00, Item #1); Infonnation Report No. 21-02 ATTACHMENT '_~TO RFPnRT # pn :5 ,;J.. - 0 2. Page 2 026 Council paSsed a further motion at its April 10, 2000 meeting, requesting ORC to discuss protection of its lands that are designated to permit development with the City, Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and other interested landowners and conservation groups to enhance wildlife habitat and corridor functions by investigating the opportunity to "Convey ownership of those lands to the TRCA for conservation purposes (see Attachment #3 - Council Resolution #57/00); in July, 2000, the Ontario Realty Corporation replied, indicating that it was premature to meet with stakeholder groups over the future of the developable lands; ORC indicated that it had only held discussions with TRCA about sale of all the government owned lands in the Study area at fair market value; accordingly, it is appropriate at this time to continue to implement Council's resolutions respecting the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study by amending the Pickering Official Plan; the September 2001 Public Consultation Draft of the Durham Transportation Master Plan includes a recommendation>to redesignate Finch Avenue, between Altona Road and Pickering Townline Road, and Pickering Townline Road, between Finch Avenue and Taunton Road, ftom Type B Arterial roads to Type C Arterial roads in the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.0 CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study including the "Rouge Park Environmental Master Servicing Plan and the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines"; the attached amendments include the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan; . revise Schedule I - Land Use Structure and Schedule III - Resource Management of the Pickering Official Plan to revise the boundaries between residential, open space and fteeway and major utilities designations and the delineations of the wetlands and the Rouge-Duffms Wildlife Corridor to reflect the findings of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan and to implement the signed Minutes of Settlement for Appeals 1 and 2 to the 1997 Pickering Official Plan; . revise the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Policies to further restrict uses permitted on the hydro corridor at the south edge of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and encourage preparation of a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan"; . revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies to: . delete the requirement for a neighbourhood study; . encourage better neighbourhood design; . establish a community focus; . pennit no automobile service stations or drive-thru facilities; . encourage retention of environmentally sensitive lands in public ownership; . endeavour to eliminate the 'jog' at the Rosebank RoadlFinch Avenue intersection; . other related policies as set out in the proposed amendment contained in Appendix I to this report; and, 4.2 Information Report No. 21-02 ~Tll\r,::"r,"iT#.""J To p " ' ,,~!I --~ r:-:\ ¡in it Pf'i ~C;.;). - o,;L 02'7 Page 3 . also include for informational purposes, the policy added by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in its disposition of appeal Al to the 1997 Pickering Official Plan that sets out a method of determining the extent of the boundary of the "Open Space System - Natural Areas" designations in the north-east portion of the lands on the north side of Finch Avenue north of Wood view Avenue. 4.0 OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 Durham Re !ional Official Plan lands within Rouge Park Neighbourhood are designated as Living Area, Major Open Space, Major Open Space - Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Open Space Linkages respectively; in addition, the northern edge of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is designated as the Urban Area Boundary and as the location for a Future GO Rail line; both Finch Avenue and Altona Road are designated as Type B Arterial Roads; lands designated Living Area shall be used predominantly for housing purposes, in addition to certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services; lands designated Major Open Space shall be used for conservation, recreation, and reforestation uses; lands designated as Open Space Linkages, including the Rouge-Duffin Corridor must provide for the migration of flora and fauna and preserve and maintain the environmental features and functions, with detailed policies provided in area municipal official plans after consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the respective conservation authority; the wetlands in Rouge Park Neighbourhood that are designated Major Open Space - Environmentally Sensitive Area will require an environmental impact study which must assess plants, wildlife, forests and streams, and protect them by identifying methods of mitigating potentially damaging effects prior to development; Pickerin!! Official'Plan lands within Rouge Park Neighbourhood are designated as Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas, Mixed Use Areas - Local Nodes, Open Space System - Natural Area and as Freeways and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Area; lands designated Urban Residential Areas may be used for residential, home occupation, limited office, limited retailing, community, cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses and compatible special purpose commercial uses; lands designated Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas, are permitted a maximum residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare; lands designated Mixed Use Areas - Local Nodes (the lands on the south-east comer of Altona Road and Finch Avenue) may be used for residential uses at a maximum residential density over 30 and up to and including 80 dwellings per net hectare, retailing of goods and services of up to and including 10,000 square metres of floor space up to and including 2.0 floorspace index, offices and restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses; lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas may be used for conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; lands designated Freeways and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Areas may be used for utility and ancillary uses, and public or private uses that are compatible with adjacent land uses; Finch Avenue and Altona Road are designated on Schedule II - the Transportation System as Type B Arterial Roads; significant parts of Rouge Park Neighbourhood are designated on Schedule III - the Resource Management schedule of the Pickering Official Plan as Shoreline and Stream Corridor and as Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; most of the western part of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is also designated as Wetlands Class 3; the western-most part of the Neighbourhood is also designated Rouge Park. Infonnation Report No. 21-02 <'nl',r'¡Ji'.:,n'lf # -;..,. TO ;;;~:)í ;~l"~'-~D - Sã:= 0 -L Page 4 O~?8 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident. Al!encv and Staff Comments -No comments have been received to date. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 6.1 Official Plan Amendment Avvroval Authoritv the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments ITom Regional approval if such applications are detennined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet detèrmined whether 'this official plan amendment application is exempt ITom Regional Approval; 6.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Statutory Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified. of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION a number of development applications have been submitted to develop lands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; these applications are proceeding, although the proposed official plan amendment is cUlTently being considered, where the applications are consistent with the provisions of this proposed amendment; 7.1 Appendix I a copy of the City initiated proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 7.2 Information Received copies of the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study Phase I and 2 Reports; . the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental MaSter Servicing Plan; . the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; and, . fufonnation Revision No.7 to the Pickering Official Plan. ~,A~ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II ~~ Catherine Rose I Manager, Policy SG/jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT #_-~ TO r;E'Jf,l Ii PO Sõl - D ~ .. '-) r. 9 t :! Excerpts from the Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act VVednesday,June19,2002 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICTION OPA 02-001/P CITY INmATED: ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD 1. Steve Gaunt, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Infonnation Report #21-02. 2. Gary Daniel, 1979 Woodview Ave., advised that he is not in opposition to the OP A proposal but is concerned with the development line which cuts through the frontage of his property which would hinder his plans to build on the south portion of his lands on Woodview Ave. He requested that a minor adjustment be considered. 3. Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Ave., questioned the origin of proposed policy amendment 10.17(e) and advised that a number of land owners have right-or-ways in the hydro colTÍdor and felt that the City did not have the legal right to take this away from these individuals. 4 Clay Warner, 1555 Oakbum St., representing the Altona West Community Association. questioned when this item would appear before Council. O~jO ATTACHMENT#~~TO RE?ORì # PO .'5::l - Ò L _co OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM August 7, 2002 To: Steve Gaunt Planner II From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-001/P City Initiated: Rouge Park Neighbourhood City of Pickering The Municipal Property & Engineering Division is in receipt of the above noted application. I provide the following comments. In reference to, "Replace section 11.16 (d), Altona Road crossing gates. The proposed amendment suggests that automatic safety gates be supported for the Altona Road level crossing of the C.P. Rail Line. Automatic safety gates currently exist at this crossing location. A meeting with Transport Canada and CP Rail on July 31,2002 was held, and automatic safety gates are confirmed for installation in 2002 for Rosebank Road and Scarborough-Pickering Townline. RH:ds Copy: Director, Operations & Emerge cy Services I:\SITEPLAN\OP ADZ-DD I P.docAug-DZ Land Development Engineering Land Development Planning Municipal Engineering Services Transportation & Transit Planning Utility Infrastructure Design Water Resources Engineering SE~NAS ASSOCIATES IJ member of The Semas IJroup Inc. 031 ATTACHMENT #"-_5 TO F;E~'(jRT # PO :5 ~ - D ~ 110 Scotia Court Unit 41 Whitby, ON L1 N BY7 T.9O5.686.6402 F.9O5.432.7877 semas.com June 20, 2002 City of Pickering Planning and Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 ~~~~~~~~ CiTY OF PICKERING PICKER1NG, 08l1'l"ARIO Attention: Ms. Catherine Rose Dear Ms. Rose: RECE~ Re: .¡UN 2 4 Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-001/P 100 Finch Avenue City of Pickering Our Project No. 01269 We are writing in response to the circulation of notice for Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-001/P. Our client, Nicou Inc., owns property within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, the area affected by the proposed amendment. Nicou Inc. has submitted a Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (SP-2002-02) and Zoning By-law Amendment (A 09/99(R2) application for the subject lands, which are currently under circulation. Our client has reviewed the proposed Amendment and has concerns with respect to how proposed policy 11.16(a)(i) may be applied to its development plans currently under circulation for comment. The Nicou Inc. property has approximately 316.0m of frontage along Finch Avenue. A small portion of that frontage, ninety-two metres (92m), is considered 'reverse frontage'. In designing this plan, every attempt has been made to reduce the overall amount of reverse frontage while maintaining an efficient development pattern. Our client's concern would become an objection if the principle of discouraging reverse frontage were to be applied dogmatically to prohibit the limited amount of reverse frontage proposed in its Plan of Subdivision. As a result, our client requires clarification as to the specific intent of this policy as it would apply in this instance in order to determine if its concern is valid. ... 2/ ""1r,""'~'r~ll'.I1 5' TO c, -nV-'"',,':'I,, ff__- r;[-\lfH f, PO S,d,2 - ¿) .;L-~, City of Pickering Ms. Catherine Rose June 20, 2002 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to provide input into proposed Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-001/P and look forward to receiving your response. Yours truly, SERNAS ASSOCIATES BLJ/br cc: Nicou Inc., Attn: Mr. P, Boiron , The Regional Municipality , of Durham , Planning Department ATTACHMENT ,-LTO REPORT # PO ~~..;1. - 02. August 1 , 2002 C')'~ ,~ ,- j Steve Gaunt, Planner" Planning and Development Department City of Pickering' One the Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt: 1615 DUNDAS ST, E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING Re' P.O. BOX 623 . WHITBY, ON L 1 N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 FAX: (905) ,436-6612 www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning Region's Review of an Application to Amend the Pickering Official Plan -OPA- 02:001/P Applicant: City Initiated Location: Rouge Park Neighbourhood Municipality: City of Pickering,' , The Regiorfhas reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respect to compliance with the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated provincial plan review responsibilities. ' The purposeof this application is to revise the boundaries of the residential and open space designations on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, to revise the boundaries of wetlands and the Rouge-Duffins . Wildlife Corridor on Schedule 111- Resource Management, to revise the Rouge - Duffins Wildlife Corridor policies and to 'revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study~ ' The lands within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study Area are designated "Major Open Space" with an indication of environmental sensitivity, "Living Area" and "Open Space Linkages" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. ' Lands within the Major Open Space designation are,to be used'for conserVation, recreation, reforestation and agriculture and farm-related uses. Lands designated Living Area are to be used predominantly for housing purposes, but may also include certain home occupations, conv,?nience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services. Open Space Linkages are to consist of natural areas and features to provide for the migration of flora and fauna and the movementof pedestrians, where appropriate. Uses within the Linkages shall preserve and maintain "SERVICE.EXCELLENCE fòYgfir COMw,UNITY" , $ 100% Post Consumer' 034 ATlt¡CHr,/;un #_~~fLJ REPORT # PO ..s ¡;¿, . - () 2.. Page 2 . environmental features and functions. The location" features and policies of Linkages are to be detailed in area municipal official plélns in . consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the respective conserv.ation authority. . , , MuniciparWater Supply and Sani~arv Sewer Service, The Regional Works Department has concerns with respect to revisions proposed to Section 11.16 of the Ròuge Park Neighbourhood Plan. Municipal sanitary sewers can be extended to service the Rouge Park' Neighbourhood. However, capacity limit,ations exist in the downstream receiving sewer syste.m., The maximum allo~able population, which can be serviced to the existing sanitary sewer system, is approximately 2000 persons. The Woodview Avenue sewer can service approximately 550 persons and the Altona Road sewer can service roughly 1 :450 persons. ' Although sub~section (V) of Section 11.160f the proposed Neighbourhood Plan provides flexibility for revising population targets for this neighbourhood, it is crucial that all agencies be made aware ofthe. ' constraint in advance to avoid potential misconéeptions in future planning , and development application:s. ' Municipal watermains are available to service the area. Extensions of the watermains will be required to future deve.lopments in the neighbourhood., Transportation The draft Transportation Master Plan recommended the 're-designation of Finch Avenue from a Type-B arterial road to aType- C arterial road, between AltonaRoadand Pickering Tòwnline Road.' With the exception of townhouse units, this fe-designation does ~ot placerestrictibns on the spacing of private accesses (driveways) along arterial roads. This is ' consistent with the existing and amended Rouge Park Neighbourhood Plan, and a recent development application in the area fronting Finch, Avenue (S-P-2002-02). , Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in 'accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. There are several key natural features within the Rouge park Nèighbourhood, including a wildlife' corridor, Class3 wetlands and stream corridors. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority should be satisfied that the ecological integrity of ' , the area is protepted through the policies adopted by the amendment '" ,(p . ¡~ f)!:,f\JHI Ii PÚ' - .tf"j¿~"ô). "J ~ ,.. (..~ Page 3 procass. The Rouge ParkNeighbourhood is also an area ofhigh archaeological potential. Any proposed, development in this area will' , require an archaeological assessment of the site prior to development approyal. No further provincial interests appearto be affected. This application IS not exempt under Section 1.3,5 of the Procedures for Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments., Please advise of any dec!sion on this application by Oshawa Council. If Council adopts an Amendment, please forward a record to this Department, within 15 days of the date ofadQption. The record must include the following: ' . Adopted Amendment (1 certified copy, 4 duplicates & 5 working copies) " . Region's submis~ion form (1 copy) , '. Letter requesting the Region's approval . Adopting,by-Iaw (2 certified copies) . Minutes of all public nïeetings ' . All written 'submissions ,and comments (Òriginalsor copies), showing the dates rE?ceived ' , , . . AU planning reports considered by Council , . Affidavit(s) of municipal employee(s) certifying that, Notice of Public Meeting was given, a public meeting was held, and Notiée of Adoption was given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act . Mailing list of persons who spoke at the public meeting(s) If you have any questions, please call Hay Davies at (905) 728-7731, extension 3223. Yours truly, ~~ Jim Blair, Director Plan implementation Current Operations Branch , , , cc.: Greg Gummer, Hegional Works Department , Chris Leitch, Regional Planning Department R:ITrainingIRcNopalopaO2-0Q1-P O:~6 Gaunt, Steve ATTACHti'HH #_1 _TO ~\~"uRT It PD 5;;;. - 0 ?. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Agnes R. [flaxdi@hotmail.com] Monday, July 01 , 2002 10: 19 PM Gaunt, Steve pruzsa@hotmail.com Comments re: Rouge Park Neighbourhood, Official Plan Amendments Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-001/P City Initiated: Rouge Park Neighbourhood, City of Pickering Dear Mr. Gaunt; We attended the Public Information Meeting on Wed. Jun. 19th/2002 re: the above agenda and we have read all the relevant written material. We, the 5 neighbours on Woodview Ave. (listed below) have the following concerns and comments for your action. 1. Schedule III shows about 1(2 (half) of our properties as "Shorelines and Stream Corridors". This should be totally removed from our properties, in keeping with deletion of the Wetland designation and redesignation to Urban Residential (on Schedule I). Also, please refer to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Minutes of Settlement (Approval Authority File #: LOPA-P-97-001, OMB Case File #: PL971296, OMB File #: 9970221, and Town of Pickering File #: L939707) where it clearly states in a letter Exhibit D2 dated Oct.09/98, as a result of site visits held Jul.28/98, that these 5 properties are developable to the west edge of property lines (ie. 600 feet), subject to a development buffer/setback, which renders the Shorelines designation as irrelevant and contradictory, and we believe it was left on the map in error. It has been understood all along by all parties that all "natural/green" designations will be removed from over our private properties. Please ensure that this error is corrected and that the "Shorelines and Stream Corridors" designation is removed from our 5 properties as well, so that the OMB mediation agreements may be upheld and it is clearly shown on ALL maps that our properties do not have any further development ~estrictions over them, once and for all. 2. Appendix I - #3, Revising section 10.17 (v)... states "permit a neighbourhood population that exceeds targets established in Table 1.. .". Perhaps a new target population should be established and specified. Also, since only about 17% of the neighbourhood will be developable in total, and of that most will be low density, we hope that population growth in the other areas (eg. at Finch and Altona) will not be allowed to the extreme. 3. We are in agreement with all the other proposed amendments to the Official Plan. Thank You! AGNES and PETER RUZSA 465 Rougemount Drive Pickering, Ontario L1W 2B8 Home Tel: (905) 509-0458 Bus. Tel: (905) 509-8073 E-mail: flaxdi@hotmail.com On behalf of the following 5 neighbours: ---------------------------------------- 1. Carstens, 1942 Woodview, 2. Ruzsa, 1950 Woodview, 3. Snowdon, 1952 Woodview, 1 4. Buchan, 1956-1958 Woodview, 5. Stock, 1960-1962 Woodview. ATTACHMENT #_"7-. TO ¡:'PORT # PO S;¡). -() ~ 037 Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com 2 O:~8 562 Cattail Court Pickering, Ontario LlV 6A3 June 20, 2002 :;::~~E;ri # ~,)r2 -~°d- fõ)~~~O\\ff~rm If)J JUN 2 4 2002 lW Pickering Civic Complex Planning & Development Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 CITY OF P.ICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Re: Official Plan Amendment OP A 02-00 lIP, Rouge Park Neighbourhood Dear Sir or Madam, The following are my comments regarding the proposed official plan amendment OP A 02-00 lIP. 1. Section 11.16 (a) - (v). I am strongly opposed to pennitting a neighborhood population that exceeds targets established in Table 1. The cumulative impact of a population increase will adversely affect the more sensitive wildlife and vegetation in the Rouge-Duffins wildlife corridor and adjacent natural areas. In particular, greater use of the corridor and adjacent natural areas for various activities (walking, bike riding, exercising the dog, etc) may stress certain species to the point where they will abandon these habitats altogether. A larger human population will result in more traffic on the roads traversing the wildlife corridor resulting in more death or injury to wildlife attempting to cross these roads. An increase in the human population will cause a an increase in the pet population. Unfortunately, dogs and cats disturb, harass and kill a lot of wildlife. Pets have a tremendous advantage over local wildlife in that they are generally well-fed, well-cared for, are vaccinated against many diseases, provided with good shelter, etc. Life will become a lot more difficult for many of the species in the Rouge Park neighbourhood as a result of the increase in the cat and dog population. Any barriers installed to prevent access to the corridor and natural areas that proved to be an effective obstacle to cats and dogs would probably have an adverse impact on the movement of wildlife, thus defeating the purpose of a wildlife corridor. The February 4, 2000 letter from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to the City of Pickering regarding the Phase II report emphasized the above danger: "The impacts of human presence should include the fact that people and their pets are continually in an area and will affect the adjacent habitat by making it uninviting or unsuitable for some sensitive species. Some of the other impacts that should be noted include bright lights and noise (eg. lawn mowers)". Page 6-1 of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study also acknowledged the problem: "The presence of humans and their pets also may affect the quality of adjacent natural areas. Human activities that may result are encroachment of yards into natural areas, dumping of brush and lawn clippings, vandalism of trees, development ofinfonnal trail systems, noise (lawn care equipment), and Page 1 of2 ATTACHMENT # - L TO REPGRT # PO Sc;. - 0 J- O:~9 disturbance of wildlife. Pets may also have deleterious effects, primarily due to predation on wildlife species". In consideration of the above, I recommend that section 11.16 (a)-( v) of proposed amendment OP A 02-00 lIP be deleted. 2. Section 11.16 (a)-(vi), (c) and (d). I am strongly opposed to any changes in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood road system unless ironclad guarantees are provided and realistic solutions are implemented to provide safe passageways for wildlife. The Rouge Park Neighborhood Study does not provide credible solutions to the problem of wildlife death and injury on the neighborhood roads. The issue is not dealt with in the Durham Transportation Master Plan. In consideration of the above, I recommend that section 11.16 (a )-( vi), (c) and (d) of proposed amendment OP A 02-00 lIP be deleted. 3. I received no written response to my verbal presentation to Pickering council on April 10, 2000 and followup letter (as requested by Mayor Wayne Arthurs) of April 12, 2000 regarding problems and flaws in the Rouge Park Neighborhood Study, I received no written response to the concerns raised in my letter of September 24,2001 to Durham Region regarding the Durham Transportation Master Plan. In consideration of the above, I recommend that no further progress be pennitted on the development of the Rouge Park Neighborhood until my concerns have been adequately addressed. Sincerely, 4ð, vu<. h~.sl~~ Doug McLaughlin cc. - Mr. A. Georgieff, Region of Durham Planning Department - Ontario Municipal Board -~ ..-.. VV'VU ... IUL.'\lHIL.!l1\1!\UUr rH^ NU, qlD q~O ððcU r. UI 040 A T.T.ACH~¡.ErJT # -- h-- TO REPUR1 # PO d -0 ~, , !EH~C """~\'¡~~'M In" .~: I, 11::" I C1TY OF P¡CIŒ,m"¡G ! '. PLM';N't", AND ~"'p'~V!;~:.r~L,:'EP,:::::;;'\:::NT VIA FACSIMILE June 17,2002 Steve Gaunt Planning & Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 Dear Mr. Gaunt; Further to our meeting on June 14 2002, regarding the proposed city initiated official pJal1 amendment; I a111 asking you to cotlsidcr the negative effects, which adversely affects my property at 1979 Woodvicw Avenl!e, As we discussed, it appears there was an obvious oversight, thc proposed Hne for development cuts though the south side of my property and carries along to the middle of west portion. Proposing to designate the south side as open space. The land maintains the same characteristics across the entire frontage, and approximately 150-200 feet to the e¡:¡st o[woodview. Tl is mostly level, sodded with a gravel drive and with a few random 110n- signifIcant trees. I see no significant reason why this restrictive designation should be placed 011 the south sectiollup to 150 feet cast as this is where I plan to build a new home, Last year, under the current policies I Sllbmitted an applíeation to build a custom home at the southwest comer oCthe property. I obtained Regional, Health, Planning and Engineering approval to move forward. The building permit application was S11bmitled and was ready to be issued subject to demolishing or the existing home, Due to the fact thalthe neighbor to the north east of my properly and the Town of Pickering has pem1itted TELUS MOB IUTY to erect a 160 foot tower and trailer with barb wire fencing around it just 2 feel from my north east property Hne. Construction ofthc new home was delayed so I could asses the size and investment of the home, 10catio11 and layout of windows looking towards the tower. I ful1y intend on building a new home at the southwest corner in the near future. 1 am asking for a minor adjustment to development line to represent the property appropriately allowing for my future plans at a minimum, as they exist today, (Attached) Thank you for your consideratioll, llook forward to supporting the town initíaled or ^ under these circumstances. You~J Gary Daniell 1979 Woodview Avenue, Pickering. U ua 11 u(.. lIUI1 Uv',JU J 11 Inc 1\01 IL!J~ 111\.UUr roil I~U, 'tIU 'to;) DOCU , Ul; ATTACHMENTI~-----TO REPORT # PO Sd.- -0 ';;2. 041 -1 ¿ ;::¡.V' ~ "ø" . "", """ ~~ "." í OONCl:5SION 1 t"-'" ...-"'" 1- \, , '&R ~ N,,?/'n... .~ ,~... . ' """ fLOT '^ ,":1- '1~' -t.. .,," '6 .,,-" "",t' . "", ""."" ."." ,."" ""' . ~ ."," .,," ~"". ~..." ,"" . .,,' g .."" ...." .",0' l': § R ~ 1,.,.. LOT .,"',""" .",.", :£! ",.ot ".." .""" ..,," >""j> ,.." <f' ..." ~ ..# >.?" .,"" .",~ "." "-'~ ."" . .1"- § WOOD VIEW A VENUE NORTH bS,.G!J:!.!1: 12:>-45 ()II$TlNG ELEVATIoN. CATV P(MSTAl 'J3,4~ rnOPoSëo O:L<\IATION UGiIT POI.E - DRAINAGE n.OW .. EXTERIOR DOOR CJ CATCH aA51N :; :~~:t¡,D:~oWS -9- Ii'I'DRANT Fr FlNI""!:D FlOOR 0 VALVE WI'! TOI' ,OUNDATION WAll I!I TI1AN:W""MER as BAS(N(NT SCAD ¡¡¡¡ BELL rEDEgTAL USF UNO£J¡SIDE FooTING CLIENT: PROJ¡¡CT NA~~: 1HE: KAlll.IN CROUP LTD. WOOD\lfEIV AVENUE. CONSULTANT: C. M. SEnNAS &: ASSOCIATES LTD. SIGNED:,......¿"..........., DATE:..,..2:'.~~~, 'IF '"I. - :,,' "- "" ro. '0""'" G. M. SERN l]OS W";lby, r - S LOT GRADI NOTES: 1>1( OO/'lmAc,oR IS To "I:"'f'Y 'Ll DlMENSI()N$ AND REPORT ANY OI~EPmClES TO ,HE ENGINEI:R PRIOR To CONon¡UCTIDN- SIn: I,",POR"'I\TlON: LOT AREA ,......u...!'!;?:!.~,l¡¡u.... sq.rn, lOT CO\>1i:RACE ,,1.7.p'-,p.;\,. oq,rn. . P.:R~, I: CONSULTANTS DECLARATION: TIllS PROPOSAL CONPOR",. \\1m TI'E Al'rICG\lED SU8DI,",SIC'N ~OT <:RADIN" .,AN. TIlE PROÞOSED HCU,!: TYPE 1£ CDM~ATlBL£ "'1>1 'IH! GRADING, ~JE:O~"6~~~~G~¡:::AM"::~J'~~,;,. SEALE or ANY ¡)(I STING oN .,REET SERI'JC(S PROJECT 880855 G..M. Bernas ':I.;¡~::,r,~\;: 8I!'SOCJates . ... .u. I-I ",-,,-. ...... "" "" "'-"" ~htlr.9"'U- .- ..... "'~ OIlY OF PICKERING 1 : 500 lOT NO. 18 042 ATTACHMENT #_¿~TO REPOR1 # PO 5..;l - 0 -2.., TO TIlE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. CITY OF PICKERING A TTN: MR. STEVE GAUNT Pickering, June 21, 2002 From: OTTO & ERNA STOCK 1960 WOODVIEW A VB. PICKERING, ONT. L1V1L6 RE: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPL. OPA 02-00I/P ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD ( Hand delivered) RECEIVED Dear Mr. Gaunt JUN 2 4 200? CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT We and other owners of the west side of Woodview Ave. have the following concerns: 1) Your Information Report No.21-02 Schedule lIT shows the back part of our property, and the four properties to the south of us , in green stripes ( restricted ). It is our understanding that as part of the 0 M B Settlement these restrictions should have been removed. ~ &ø, ø{{;1 1> 2 (Oct; <~ 11i~ 2) The addition of the front part of the property to the north of us ( 1968 Woodview Ave. ) to the Wildlife corridor etc. as marked on Schedule III could create extra restrictions on the part of our property fronting on Woodview Ave. The front part of 1968 Woodview Ave. is residential property with a twostory dwelling and occupied by a family of four. The names and properties involved are: , Stock 1960 Woodview Ave. Buchan 1958 Woodview Ave. Snowdon 1952 Woodview Ave. Rusza 1950 Woodview Ave. Carstens 1942 Woodview Ave. See map included. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Yours truly. fÅk Jö-nb ¡-¡IF v TRuNI< .' L'NE "\ LANDS SUBJECT f OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT @ Þ ~ @ @5 @ Þ City of Pickering l' ~ ~~-- " / ,>/ -- ':;;;'.::ìiüm..k' - r, '-- .--' 1-- . " - F-- r ð 0: \ ¿~. ~ - -=---'- I I .....- ~ ::::::.II I ~ SCALE 1:1lliJQO APPLICANT CITY OF PICKERING: ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD APPLICATION No. CPA 02-001/P I DATE MAY 28.2002 :""'. ~ . - c-- » :;..;¡ C") -I::¡: .....~ m "2 I::' - 'Ib k. 1 I~ Cd 'r-J c ;~ ~) 04Ll RECEIVED Ii II\! 2 7 'ìno? v,"," . l !-OJ '- ATTÞ,CHMENT #_.lLro REPJRl # PO 5.;) - t) ~ CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPAí=!TMENT Pathmaster's House, 450 Finch Avenue, Pickering LIV IH8 Mr. Steve Gaunt, Pickering Planning C i t Y C e n t.r e . by hand Department, July 261, 2002 Dear Sir, Comments re Official Plan Amendment 02-oo1jP Rouge Park Neighbourhood Revising Schedule I I;-this-S~hëdüïë-üp to date? I know the boundaries are the issue here but should not other information on the Schedule be accurate? I think there are three commercial sites in the neighbourhood now. There is the Robin Hood Inn, which is designated commercial; there is the Patterson site, north Finch west of Altona Road; and there is the site - is it a landscaping tusiness - where the telephone tower is. ~~~i~i£~_~£g~~~l~_lll Could I suggest that AI, which has now been settled be removed? It would be helpful if the neighbourhood could see the map with all the deletions and additions shown. I would like to query the addition of RDWC to the small property just north of Otto Stock's property; . Mr. Stock is the northernmost property in the Woodview block. On the site visits in July '98 we visited that property; it is small, it belongs to ORC. It consists of a house and a large raised septic bed; there may have been 20 feet of lawn west of the septic bed. This property is completely man-made. It has no feature for the RDWC and it has no function for the RDWC. but the property south of it will have to buffer it, Similarly with the southernmost property in the Woodview block. Could I query the developable area on the 6-acre, property opposite Amos Ponds? That property was always Open Space. It was sold with an Open Space designation on it. The Open Space designation reduced the value of the property: it sold for $320,000 for two houses, large barn, 6 acres and two ponds; within a year it was back on the market with an asking price of, I think, $585, OOv. Does this property now have a developable area? How did it acquire this? I would like to suggest that, except for the three "connecting corridors" - north Finch woodlot, Petticoat Creek and Amos Ponds (these are shown in Figure 3.4 Developable Limits page 3-22 of Phase 2 Report) there sould be no designation of RDWC on residential street road fronaages. This settlement between the two utility corridors has been here long before any imaginary Wildlife Corridor; it should be accorded some priority. ATTACHMENT #_1 L-ro F.PURT p po <;'::J - O,::!,-- 045 2. Revising 10.17 (e) Ï-ctõ-not-think-the City of Pickering can limit the uses permitted on the OH transmission corridor. I cannot recall any discussion of this issue. Could I point out that the Tertiary Plan shows a TRAIL ACCESS to the OH corridor. Revising 10.17 (f) Thi;-paragraph-reads Council shall "encourage the Ministry of Natural ~ Resources, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro and interested others to prepare a 'Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan', and establish funding for on- going maintenance and restoration of the Corridor." This reads that Council shall encourage..... .and establish funding.... I do not think Council intends to establish funding. This should read "Council shall encourage.. .both to prepare.. .and to establish funding" and eliminate the comma after Plan. ~~E.l~£.i:~lLll~l§' i~l_.i:! This section refers to the use of density transfers and bonuses. and suggests using a policy in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. The policy in that document differs from some connected policies in the Official Plan. This neighbourhood is part of Pickering. The policies in the OP should apply to this neighbourhood. 11.16 (a)(vi)require a road connection running from the north side £i_I.i:~£~_~!~~~~_!£_!~~-~~~!_~.i:~~_£i_~£~~£~£~_~£~d; I object to this policy on the following grounds: 1. The Tertiary Plan shows several pr~posed roads. There is an access to finch that extends south of the Bopa property; this extension is wholly on Provincial property. The, Woodview and Map Realty roads are confined to those two developable areas. The East Altona road is wholly on Provincial land. The north Finch road though affects both private and Provincial properties. The north Finch road gives Finch access to the 10-acre Rosebank Road property although throughout the development of Finch no property has ever been given access to Finch if it did not have access to Finch prior to development. This connection to the Rosebank :'~ Road property severely limits the economic developability of my property and all the other north Finch properties; the north Finch properties are small. The north Finch road involves both private properties and Provincial properties; Council has in ResolutionS? 12000 recommended that the 16~developable publicly- owned properties reain undeveloped. Though this resolution may not affect the Rosebank Road property it certainly affects my property which has a Provincial property on east and west. The traffic from the Rosebank property should be dealt with on Rosebank Road not directed to an unregulated access on Finch. It does not make traffic sense and it degrades the value of the lots that are available to the North Finch properties. The general rule has always been No Access to Finch if not previously owned. To break that rule is very detrimental to the other properties. I object to my property being the universal access for all the 046 P'T !~'~¡:'~[rn #__../L__, TO L: ,;,n t> P[, .._..Sd.: O..J.:. 3 other properties. In the Tertiary Plan 40% of my property is roads; in some configurations I have four roads on my property and most of the lots have two road exposures, including two lots with three road exposures. The Rosebank traf~ic should be confined to Rosebank Road where it will use a four-way intersection with Finch, and that will probably be signalised. I thoroughly object to a road connecting Rosebank and Finch: IT MAKES NO TRAFFIC SENSE AND IT DENIGRATES THE VALUE OF THE NORTH FINCH PROPERTIES. , Policy 11.16 (b) Thi;-p~ïiëy-i;-in direct contradiction to the Resolution of Council. The resolutions proposed by Councillor Doug Dickerson at the Rouge Alliance are in favour of retaining all Provincial properties as publicly-owned; Councillor Dickerson was speaking as Pickering's official representative at the Rouge Allianc@. Similarly Resolution 57/2000 states "Whereas the Rouge Park Alliance and a number of residents have requested that additional provincially owned lands be protected, in public ownership, to further enhance wildlife habitat and the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor." That is additional to the 84% deemed "environmentally sensitive". The City of Pickering was a signatory to the Minutes of Settlement. The Minutes of Settlement included a map which showed the 16% of Provincial lands deemed developable by the representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering. I maintain that Coun. Dickerson was behaving illegally in proposing those motions at the Rouge Alliance. How can this policy be included in an Official Plan amendment? I have one query on another point not related to the OPA but mentioned in the Background Information. Council has adopted the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Master Servicing Plan. This Plan changes the watersh~d of several properties in the neighbourhood; the engineering firm resp~ible says these cross-watershed flows «ere requested by the City. An Addendum Report repeated these errors. If the Plan has ueen adopted by Council, do these cross-watershed flows. remain or not. I would like to know which watershed is my propevty 1$ in this wee~ ~ Yours truly, ~ \5~~ Jocelyn Barber ðñs êrvaNUo n for The Living City October 31,2002 RE 04, ,"" , ATTACHMENT,-1~TO REPORT # PD .15:l - () :2.. Mr. Steve Gaunt Planning Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 i ! ~ ß - C,r-'-'I",i!3 " '"""TY Or:: PI "I'.¡::'i'~ H '-',. .' PLANNING AND "NT DEVELOP~:~ [] Œl¡ñJ a d~lI {;rry ,PUJKERIl\' PIGKEI~ING\ (,)Nl~AAIO ~G r, ',</OO,1y t¡ iL ,......." !r\ . ¡ II ¡ <..l j ¡ -.." II It ,Au'", 1.$ u! t U ~i Dear Mr. Gaunt: He: Official Plan Amendment Application CPA 02-001/P City Initiated Rouge Park Neighbourhood City of Pickering Further to our discussions and after review of the proposed Official Plan Amendment for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, please be advised of the following comments. The OPA is supported by a City initiated Master Environmental Servicing Plan prepared by XCG Consultants Limited. We acknowledge receipt of a response document prepared by XCG as provided on October 28th, 2002. TRCA staff are now reviewing this document and will provide comments shortly. In addition, we note that Pickering staff were directed to request the MNR and others to prepare a Rouge Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan. We note that this is reflected as policy in the OPA. Please advise of the status of this plan as the TRCA staff has no formal request for involvement in this process. We note that we are prepared to participate in this process, once advised. The lands encompass properties which are currently in public ownership including those owned by the Ontario Realty Corporation, We note that there is a council resolution which seeks to have these lands remain in public ownership. This resolution is also echoed by the Rouge Park Alliance. TRCA staff are supportive of this direction and would promote that this objective be realized in the finalization of the Official Plan Amendment. In this regard we note that Rouge Park Policy(b) on page 3 may contradict these previous resolutions. Notwithstanding the above, we note that in previous discussions and site meetings TRCA staff have defined areas which are suitable for protection. These area are reflected in the revised schedules being the proposed amendment with the exception of the following: As you are aware, the Nicou property, formally the Beare property, was the subject of an OMB hearing which defined the limits of development which should be applied on the property. The OMB decision references a minimum 50 metre buffer from the adjacent wetland. This does not appear to be reflected on the revised Schedule I and III. Does the deletion of wetland on the Nicou property suggest that these lands are now part of a future development block? Also, we note that Policy (c)on page 4 should reflect this OMB decision. Please clarify. cont'd/... 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca a ; '+q;I \ . .._,' 048 ATTACHMENT ,-iii-TO RE?ORT # PO - 5"' ~ ' t.J '2 Mr. Steve Gaunt - 2- October 31,2002 The urban boundary proposed on the west side of Woodview south of Finch is reflective of the . site reconnaissance and MESP discussions conducted with the TRCA and MNR. However we advise that studies including an EIS will be required to ensure that the appropriate buffers are achieved in accordance with the Rouge Park objectives and the TRCA policy requirements. We suggest that a policy could be added to reflect the need for these future studies. We trust that this is satisfactory. YOF~ t:J White Senior Planner Development Services Section Ext. 5306 RW/dli c.c. Brian Denney, TRCA F: \P RS\ co rres p \P I CKE RI N\2002\Beare. wpd 049 ATTACHMENT #13 REPORT NUMBER PD 52-02 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF COMMENTS RECEIVED AND STAFF RESPONSES ON PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 11 (ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD) Page 1 TABLE 1 ATTACHMENTI~ ~ TO REPORT fI PO -I:')".:;¡ - () 2.. .- '- e,..'1 Q Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering, City of Pickering (Attachment #4) Sernas Associates Nicou Inc.) (Attachment #5) Re: Policy 11.16 (d) . Safety gates have already been installed on the C.P. Rail Line at Altona Road. (furl Re: Policy 11.16 (a)(i): Concerned that policy to discouraqe reverse frontages, berms and significant noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Finch Avenue may be interpreted as a Qrohibition for the proposed subdivision. Amend Policy 11.16 (d) to remove the requirement for safety gates at Altona Road. The intent of the policy is not to prohibit, but to discouraqe the itemized development elements. The applicant (Nicou Inc.) has been so advised. Due to the configuration of the developable lands for the proposed subdivision and the need to reduce the number of driveways onto Finch Avenue, a limited number of reverse frontage lots with noise attenuation are considered acceptable at this location. Amend Policy 11.16 (a)(i) to specify that reverse frontage lots, berms and significant noise attenuation fencing may be justified due to unique site configuration, road access or proximity considerations for a limited proportion of the street frontage of any proposed development if mitigated by special design and/or landscaping features. Page 2 ATTACHMENT' 13 TO REPORT I PO 5:2 - O~ Region of Durham Planning Department (Attachment #6) Agnes and Peter Rusza, eta!. (Attachment #7) Doug McLaughlin (Attachment #8) Mr. McLaughlin (Other comments) (Attachment #8) Populations Targets: Concern was expressed that Policy 11.16 (a)(v), which permits a population exceeding existing targets (1600 people by the year 2016) provided servicing and school facilities are satisfactory would establish an open-ended target The Region suggested that agencies be made aware that sanitary sewers can service a maximum of 2000 people in the RPN - 550 by the Woodview Avenue sewer and 1450 by the Altona Road sewer. A new population target is suggested that is better defined. In addition, extreme population growth should not be allowed at Finch and Altona. Opposed to a population exceeding targets in Table 1 because it threatens wildlife. Suggests deletion of Policy 11.16 (a)(v). Other Comments: Mr. McLaughlin expressed concern that policies for specific road improvements (road connection from Finch to Rosebank, elimination of the jog at Rosebank and Finch, and support for safety gates at C.P. rail crossings of various roads) will impact negatively on wildlife. Staff agreed that the proposed open-ended target may cause confusion. In addition, based on current development approvals and proposals, there is now less interest in higher densities. It is recommended that Policy 11.16 (a)(v) be deleted. Guidance should be provided to landowners and others of updated sanitary sewer capacity for the RPN. It is recommended that the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, Policy N1.8 be amended to reflect updated sanitary sewer capacity. The proposed policies for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood balance the need for road improvements with the need for ecological protection. TRCA is supportive of the amendment c CJl ;'-°. Mr. McLaughlin (continued) Gary Daniell (Attachment #9) Agnes and Peter Ruzsa eta!. & Otto Stock eta!. (Attachments #7 & #10) Page 3 Mr. McLaughlin expressed concern that he has not received responses to his previous comments on this matter and similar concerns on the Draft Durham Transportation Master Plan. Mr. Daniell is concerned that the proposed re-designation from "Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas" to "Open Space System - Natural Areas" on the south-west part of his property removes his right to obtain a building permit for a new house. Requested that existing "Shorelines and Stream Corridors" designations (on Schedule III - Resource Management) be removed from five properties on the west side of Woodview Avenue. \3 52 - 0:).. c:. (:11 N Staff recommend no change to proposed policies 11.16 (a)(vi), 11.16 (c) and 11.16 (d). No copy of Mr. McLaughlin's earlier letter is contained in Planning & Development files on this matter. This letter has been forwarded to Durham Region officials for their response respecting the DTMP. The re-designation does not prevent the issuance of a building permit for a new house on the property under the existing "A - Agricultural" Zoning. Staff recommend no change to the proposed designations shown on Schedules I - Land Use Structure and III - Resource Management. Staff concur and TRCA agrees. Staff recommends removal of "Shorelines and Stream Corridors" designation from five properties on west side of Woodview Avenue. Page 4 .' " { F3..___.. TO . 5.;l:- ...0:6 Otto Stock eta!. & Jocelyn Barber (Attachments #10 & #11 ) Otto Stock & Jocelyn Barber (continued) Jocelyn Barber (Attachment #11 ) The proposed addition of a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor" designation for the property north of Mr. Stock's property could create extra development restrictions on Mr. Stock's property. Re: Schedule I - Land Use Structure Does the Schedule accurately reflect the uses on three commercial sites in the neighbourhood (the Robin Hood Inn at the south-east corner of Altona and Finch, which is designated commercial, and two other commercial uses). The requirement for an Environmental Report already exists because of the existing designation. Re-designation of the front 30 metres to Open Space - Natural Systems will not add additional restrictions and is in accordance with the Environmental Master Servicing Plan, the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and the Minutes of Settlement of the OMB appeals. Staff recommend no change to the designation of the property as "Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor" on Schedule III - Resource Management. The south-east corner of Altona and Finch is designated "Mixed Use Areas - Local Nodes" to attract a broad range of commercial and residential uses to this key intersection. The other two properties are designated "Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas" which permits residential uses and the introduction of limited retailing of goods and services, subject to zoning. <: r.ft <'..A-) Jocelyn Barber (continued) Page 5 Why is the "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor" designation proposed to be added to the southernmost property in the Woodview block? Except for the three "connecting corridors" shown in Figure 3.4 - Developable Limits of the Environmental Master Servicing Plan, no other lands with residential street frontages should be designated "Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor". Re: Proposed Policy 10.17 (e) Ms. Barber does not believe Pickering can limit permitted uses on the Ontario Hydro transmission corridor, does not recall previous discussion of this issue, and indicates that the Tertiary Plan (in the Council-adopted Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines) shows a trail access to the OH corridor. £Ti!GI':~~r:.fn #,~.tQ,~,",TO ,', f. 1'[1 52=-_Qa,~. c f:.Jl i+~ The property is designated "Open Space - Natural Areas" and the Minutes of Settlement of the OMB appeal states that any lands designated "Open Space - Natural Areas" on Schedule I should be designated "Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor on Schedule III. Staff recommend no change to the proposed designation. This issue was dealt with at OMB appeals 1 and 2 to the 1997 Official Plan in the resulting Minutes of Settlement and the OMB decision. Staff recommend no change to the Rouge- Duffins Wildlife Corridor designation on Schedule III. The City can designate non-utility uses on lands owned by Ontario Power Generation and Ontario One Network. This matter was discussed in the Clerk's circulation notice prior to the Statutory Information Meeting, Information Report No. 21-02 and in Planning & Development Report 07-00 on this matter. Trail access uses are permitted on the designation. Page 6 \3 iU cJ;- 5~--:o.?-", Jocelyn Barber (continued) Re: Proposed Policy 10.17 (f) Ms. Barber suggests the policy should have I Staff agree and revisions are reflected in wording and punctuation changes to more policy 10.17 (f). accurately reflect Council's intent. Re: Proposed Policy 10.16 (a)(iv) Ms. Barber commented that general Official Plan policies on density transfers and bonuses should apply in this Neighbourhood, not the different policy that is proposed. Re: Proposed Policy 11.16 (a)(vi) Ms. Barber objects to the requirement for a road connection from the north side of Finch Avenue to Rosebank Road that crosses her property. Among other reasons, Ms. Barber considers that the connecting road makes no traffic sense and will degrade the value of her property. The proposed policy refers the reader to the fact that additional guidance is included in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines. Staff recommend that proposed policy 10.16 (a)(iv) be amended to clarify that it applies in accordance with the general Official Plan policies on density transfers and bonuses. Since access to Finch Avenue, a Regional Type 'B' arterial road should be restricted, coordinated subdivision design of abutting private properties is essential. Connecting "through-roads" provide better access to the community for residents both in vehicles and as pedestrians, and for service providers and emergency services vehicles than do multiple cul-de-sac roads. C f'J'l <.n Page 7 A.'T.TAC.HMENT#~:Z; TO r.~?(¡RT Ii PO F)j.~ C (fl ÇJJ Jocelyn Barber (continued) Jocelyn Barber (continued) Re: Proposed Policy 11.16 (b) Ms. Barber considers that the proposed policy (which encourages retention of environmentally sensitive Provincially- owned lands within public ownership and disposition of Provincially-owned lands not environmentally sensitive) contradicts Council's Resolution to request the Ontario Realty Corporation to discuss conveying its developable lands to TRCA for conservation purposes. Provision of more access options to a community gives drivers more choice in entering or exiting the community and more direct connections to different destinations in the larger community. The policy is worded such that the exact location of the road and connections to the major roads will be determined when specific development proposals are made. Staff recommend no change to Policy 11.16 (a)(vi). Since Council requested, as a free-standing resolution, that ORC consider conveying its developable lands for conservation purposes and ORC responded by declining to do so at this time, it is appropriate to proceed to implement the balanced policy proposed for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood at this time. Staff recommend no change to Policy 11.16 (b) and the proposed designations contained in Schedules I and III. Page 8 t..n ACHMHJT # _J2- TO T.H'URI Ii PO .~=-D~ Toronto and Region ConseNation Authority (Attachment # 12) TRCA (continued) Re: Proposed Policy 11.17 (f) Requests a status update and formal request to participate in implementation of this policy that encourages MNR, TRCA, the Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro and interested others to prepare a Rouge- puffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan and establish funding for its maintenance and restoration. Re: Proposed Policy 11.16 (b) TRCA supports public ownership of Provincially-owned environmentally sensitive and developable lands for conservation purposes as an objective in the Official Plan Amendment. This is echoed by the Rouge Park Alliance. Notwithstanding the foregoing position, TRCA supports designation of lands as set out in the proposed amendment to the Official Plan, with the exception of the lands addressed in the following comment. The policy, once adopted, would encourage the identified agencies to prepare and fund the Management Plan. To our knowledge, no agency has commenced preparation of a Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan to date. As noted in response to a similar comment from Ms. Barber, the Ontario Realty Corporation has declined to convey Provincially owned developable lands to TRCA for conservation purposes at this time. Since the proposed strategy for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood balances ecological protection with development rights, it is now appropriate for Council to implement this proposed amendment to the Official Plan. Staff recommend no change to Proposed Policy 11.16 (b) or the proposed designations on Schedules I and III of the Official Plan Amendment. <: (;}1 --:: Page 9 t-TT l\CHMENT # \ -:> TO F.;E?;JRT # PO "?)~ 0 rJl 00 Re: Schedule I - Land Use Structure & Schedule 111- Resource Management The OMB decision respecting the Nicou Inc. property (formerly the Map Realty or Beare property) suggested a minimum 50 metre buffer between any proposed development and the adjacent wetland, which does not appear to be reflected on the revised Schedules I and III. TRCA (continued) TRCA (continued) Does deletion of wetland (Schedule III) on the south-west portion of the Nicou property suggest these lands are part of a future development block? TRCA (continued) Agrees with the designations proposed for the five properties on the west side of Woodview Avenue and will require an Environmental Impact Study to ensure suitable buffers are achieved. The text of the OMB written decision suggested the 50 metre buffer, but the OMB order approving the Official Plan amendment for the property did not include the 50 metre buffer. Staff will have regard to the OMB text in reviewing site specific development applications and Environmental Reports for this site. Protection of the wetland may be achieved through other methods than just distance. Staff recommends no change to the proposed designations shown on Schedules I and III of the Official Plan Amendment. The boundary change reflects wetland mapping provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Exact development limits will be determined through review of the proposed draft plan of subdivision for the Nicou Inc. lands. Since an Environmental Report is required through the subdivision process, no change to the policy is required.