HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 06-20Cly 4 DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: FIN 06-20 Date: May 25, 2020 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund — Statement of the Treasurer for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Recommendation: That Report FIN 06-20 of the Director, Finance & Treasurer regarding the Development Charges Reserve Fund be received for information. Executive Summary: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 (the "Act") requires that the Treasurer provides Council with a financial statement relating to the development charges by-law and reserve fund established for each service as established under Section 33 of the Act. On December 3, 2015, the Province passed Bill 73 which amended the Act to add additional reporting requirements. The Treasurer's Statement (Statement) attached to this report has been expanded to comply with the new reporting requirements. Attachment 1 provides details of the activity of the Development Charges Reserve Fund for the year ended December 31, 2019 in the manner prescribed by section 43(2)(a) of the Act. Attachment 2 provides details on information related to assets funded by the development charges by-law as stipulated by section 43(2) (b) of the amended Act. The amended Act introduced a new section: 43(2.1), which now requires Council to ensure that the Statement is made available to the public. The Statement will be posted on the City's website to facilitate compliance with the amendment. Financial Implications: During the three-year period from 2017 to 2019, development charges collected were approximately $5.3 million in 2017, $13 million in 2018, and $7.73 million in 2019. There was a decrease of 45 percent in the 2019 development charges collected compared to the 2018 collections, however, the 2019 collections are still higher than those collected in 2017. The ongoing development in the Duffin Heights neighbourhood, and the new development in the Seaton lands were the main contributors to the development charges collected in 2019. The spike in the 2018 collections was an exception; largely due to a number of medium density multiple residential developments in the urban area of Pickering, and the non-residential development related to Durham Live. FIN 06-20 May 25, 2020 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund — Statement of the Page 2 Treasurer for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 The reserve fund remains at a healthy balance of approximately $62.5 million pending future use of funds for qualified projects. The funds are well managed with investment returns consistently exceeding market indicators. Investment income is added to the balance of each fund as such income is earned. Attachment 1 provides a breakdown of the various DC service categories. Two of the service categories are in a negative position due to planned budget activity: DC funding for a new operations centre and a new financial system. Negative balances will be addressed through DC fees collected from current growth related activity and through the next DC Study. For the next DC study, credit balances are treated as a cost that will be recovered through higher DC rates. Discussion: Funds are not transferred out of the Development Charges Reserve Fund for projects until the funds are actually needed, as required by applicable accounting rules. This ensures that the reserve fund continues to earn interest income on the unspent monies until such time as actual expenses are incurred. The total reserve fund balance of $62.5 million represented in Attachment 1 represents the unspent monies as at December 31, 2019. Please note that there are approximately $27.1 million of committed capital projects and financial obligation that have been approved in prior years, but have not proceeded or are still ongoing as at December 31, 2019. Taking into account these commitments, the net fund balance available for future expenditures is approximately $35 million. The financial obligation refers the development charges debenture financing undertaken for the construction of the new Operations Centre, at $12.1 million, which includes principle and interest payments. This amount is outstanding for the remaining period of 2020-2037. This amount represents approximately 45 percent of the commitments of $27.1 million. In order to meet the new requirement under section 43(2.1) of the amended Act, it is recommended that the Statement be placed on the City's website upon approval by Council. Attachments: 1. Pre -audit 2019 Statement of the Treasurer — Development Charges Reserve Fund 2. Amount Transferred to Assets — Capital & Current Funds Transactions (Pre -Audit) FIN 06-20 May 25, 2020 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund — Statement of the Page 3 Treasurer for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Prepared By: Caryn Kong, CPA, CGA Senior Financial Analyst Debt Management Capital & Approved/Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Qouncii (.) 4*6e ZIPZD Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report #FIN 06-20 City of Pickering Pre -Audit 2019 Statement of the Treasurer - Development Charges (DC) Reserve Fund for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 DC Act S 43 (2)(a) Notes: ' See Attachment 2 for details 2 Budget commitments include capital projects previously approved, but have not proceeded or still ongoing. 2019 & Prior Commitments 3New Operations Ctr outstanding debt charges from 2020-2037. Total amount owing $12,184,847, allocated in the ratio of 61 % "Other Services Related to a Highway" and 39% "Parks & Recreation" 4. New Operations Ctr DC debt charges- 2019 payment of $676,048, allocated 61% to "Other Services Related to a Highway" $412,389 and 39% $263,659 to "Parks & Recreations" 5' Adjustment to 2018 debt charges, on which 100% was allocated to "Other Services related to Highway". Per 2018 DC Study: 61% to "Other Services Related to a Highway" and 39% to "Parks & Recreation" The Municipality is compliant with s.s.59.1(1) of the Development Charges Act, whereby charges are not directly or indirectly imposed on development nor has a requirement to construct a service related to development been imposed, except as permitted by the Development Charges Act or another Act. Services to which the Development Charges Relates 100% Recovery (Non -Discounted) 10% Statutory Deduction (Discounted) Account 7605 7610 7615 7611 7601 7622 7630 Protective Other Services Storm Water Parks & Library: Description Services Transportation Related to a Highway Mgmt Studies Recreation Facilities & Materials Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Opening Balance, January 1, 2019 2,225,617 27,702,614 82,198 3,154,525 (184,512) 21,805,122 4,003,852 58,789,415 Plus: Development Charges Collections 743,641 2,108,082 363,688 236,843 231,723 3,031,479 671,088 7,386,544 Interest Income -Internal Investment 1,859 23,138 69 2,635 0 18,213 3,344 49,257 Interest Income -External Investment 48,321 601,455 1,785 68,488 0 473,414 86,928 1,280,391 Less Admin Fee (2,315) (28,813) (85) (3,281) 0 (22,679) (4,164) (61,338) Sub -Total 791,505 2,703,863 365,456 304,685 231,723 3,500,426 757,196 8,654,854 Less: 2019 Transfer to Capital Funds' (866,883) (964,083) (667,843) (810,306) (350,865) (217,449) (3,877,428) 2019 Transfer to Current Funds' 0 0 (412,389) 4 0 (292,539) (263,659)4 0 (968,586) Sub -Total 2019 (866,883) (964,083) (1,080,232) o 0 (1,102,844) (614,524) (217,449) (4,846,014) Opr Ctr Debt Chrgs-Adjustment to 2018 Transfer to Current Funds, allocate 39% from "Other Services Related to a Highway" to "Parks & Recreation" 262,043 5 (262,043) 5 0 Sub -Total (866,883) (964,083) (818,189) 0 (1,102,844) (876,567) (217,449) (4,846,014) Closing Balance, December 31, 2019 before Budget Commitments 2,150,240 29,442,394 (370,535) 3,459,209 (1,055,633) 24,428,981 4,543,599 62,598,255 Less Budget Commitments 2 (2,208,950) (4,868,847) 0 (3,632,977) (1,568,231) (2,410,659) (270,443) (14,960,108) Less New Operations Ctr Debt Charges Commitment 2020-2037 0 0 (7,457,052) 3 0 0 (4,727,795) 3 0 (12,184,847) Sub -Total (2,208,950) (4,868,847) (7,457,052) (3,632,977) (1,568,231) (7,138,455) (270,443) (27,144,954) Closing Balance, December 31, 2019 after Budget Commitments -(Deficit) (58,711) 24,573,547 (7,827,587) 1,250,259 (2,623,864) 17,290,527 4,273,156 35,453,301 Notes: ' See Attachment 2 for details 2 Budget commitments include capital projects previously approved, but have not proceeded or still ongoing. 2019 & Prior Commitments 3New Operations Ctr outstanding debt charges from 2020-2037. Total amount owing $12,184,847, allocated in the ratio of 61 % "Other Services Related to a Highway" and 39% "Parks & Recreation" 4. New Operations Ctr DC debt charges- 2019 payment of $676,048, allocated 61% to "Other Services Related to a Highway" $412,389 and 39% $263,659 to "Parks & Recreations" 5' Adjustment to 2018 debt charges, on which 100% was allocated to "Other Services related to Highway". Per 2018 DC Study: 61% to "Other Services Related to a Highway" and 39% to "Parks & Recreation" The Municipality is compliant with s.s.59.1(1) of the Development Charges Act, whereby charges are not directly or indirectly imposed on development nor has a requirement to construct a service related to development been imposed, except as permitted by the Development Charges Act or another Act. RFs 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7601 7605 7605 7605 7605 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7610 7611 City of Pickering Amount Transferred to Assets - Capital & Current Fund Transactions (Pre -Audit) for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Attachment #2 to Report #FIN 06-20 DC Act S 43 (2)(b) 1 of 2 DC Recoverable Cost Share Non - DC Recoverable Cost Share Project Description Code Gross Capital Costs DC RF: Funded in prior year DC RF: Funded in 2019 DC RF: Future Funding 1 Other Type of Funds Reserves/R (R=Reserve, eserve RF=Reserve Property Funds Fund) Taxes Other Sources Type Total Funding Development Related Studies Phase 2 South Pickering Intensificatior 2611.2392 222,704 86,488 76,086 0 60,130 222,704 Integrated Transportation Master Plan 2290.2392 376,892 171,359 110,785 59,856 34,892 376,892 Beachfront Park Rehab & Needs Assessment 2290.2392 56,355 0 7,233 30,807 18,315 56,355 Age Friendly Community Plan 2711.2392 50,849 15,318 4,513 0 31,018 50,849 New Financial System 5203.1801. 5,000,000 7,321 810,306 1,138,873 1,743,500 R -Rate Stabilization 1,300,000 R -Financial Syst 5,000,000 Infill & Replacement Housing in Establi 2611.2392 132,970 7,677 26,494 25,666 73,133 132,970 Wayfinding Study for POC, PRC, & Cis. 2711.2392. 45,497 0 13,914 3,830 27,753 45,497 Community Engagm on Economic imp( 2611.2392 134,753 38,150 14,205 0 0.00 82,399 134,753 DC Background Study Amendments 2127.2392 31,411 0 28,270 0 3,141 31,411 City Centre SWM Strategy 2613.2392 249,156 0 11,039 213,201 24,915.60 R -City's Share 0 249,156 Sub -total Studies 6,300,587 326,313 1,102,844 1,472,232 1,768,416 - 330,782 1,300,000 0 6,300,587 Protective Services 0 New Fire Hall to service Seaton - Site 15340.1601 430,000 76,781 342,469 10,750 R -DC City's Share 430,000 New - Pumper Rescue - Seaton Fire SI 5340.1707. 891,922 147,174 700,152 0 44,596 RF -3rd Party Contribution OPG 891,922 Bunker Gear & Breathing Apparatus E( 5340.1901. 126,209 60,491 65,718 126,209 #3)Re-design - Design and other consulting fees for new fire station 5340.1907. 445,000 0 106,240 327,635 11,125 R -City's Share 445,000 Sub -total Fire Services 1,893,131 223,955 866,883 735,822 66,471 1,893,131 Transportation DH-3Tillings Road - Valley Farm Road 5321.1001. 255,065 134,570 94,989 0 25,506 R -city's Share 0 0 0 255,065 BR -1 Third Concession Road - Brock F 5321.1101. 1,576,525 117,844 0 276,931 374,750 RF-FGT 1,000 806,000 Debt 15 -Yr 1,576,525 DH -12 - Old Taunton Road (William Ja 5321.1104. 357,336 262,390 59,213 35,734 R -City's Share 357,336 BR -4 Brock Rd. East Side (50/50) Dell 5321.1203. 239,314 71,000 2,149 46,508 119,657 R -City's Share 239,314 DH -11 Duffin Heights - North Collector 5321.1201. 125,600 29,460 83,580 12,560 R -City's Share 125,600 Park Crescent (Sandcastle Court to Cli 5321.1303. 1,000,900 396,758 103,692 0 500,450 R -City's Share 1,000,900 W-2 Cliffview Rd. (50/50%) - Park Cre 5321.1304. 306,250 125,135 27,991 0 153,125 R -city's Share 306,250 Park Crescent - Road Reconstruction - 5321.1601. 613,912 243,545 63,411 0 306,956 R -City's Share 613,912 RU -13 Salem Road - Road Reconstruc 5321.1608. 1,409,959 329,586 297,576 77,818 0 4,979 700,000 Debt 10 -Yr 1,409,959 B-29 Sandy Beach Road - EA, Design 5321.1609. 675,000 104,506 44,267 188,727 37,500 R-AIP 300,000 Loan 10- Yr 675,000 Walnut Lane Extension Study & EA an 5321.1703. 461,226 103,528 61,036 181,355 115,307 R -City's Share 461,226 WO -3 Kingston Road Sidewalks & Strt 5321.1805. 250,671 0 125,335 0 125,335 R -City's Share 250,671 Salem Rd. - Final Lift of Asphalt - Sala 5321.1907. 200,174 0 84,425 15,662 100,087 R -City's Share 200,174 City Dev Projects-DCRF only committe 5321.0000. 8,954,283 0 8,954,283 0 8,954,283 Sub -total Transportation 16,426,216 1,918,323 964,083 9,824,864 1,906,967 5,979 1,806,000 16,426,216 Stormwater Management B-20 D Krosno Creek SWM Facility Design 5321.1802. 965,400 0 463,392 502,008 R-Citys Share 965,400 Sub -total Stormwater Management 965,400 0 0 463,392 502,008 965,400 1 of 2 RFs 7615 7615 7615 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7622 7630 City of Pickering Amount Transferred to Assets - Capital & Current Fund Transactions (Pre -Audit) for the Year Ended December 31, 2019 DC Act S 43 (2)(b) 1 Projects ongoing. Future funding for incomplete component. DC RF will be drawn when expenses are incurred. 2 New Operations Ctr 20 -year DC debt -principal & interest of $13,532,799. Allocation: 61% for 7615 -"Other Services Related to a Highway' & 39% for 7622- "Parks & Recreation". Total amount owing from 2020- 2037 $12,184,847 3 The Pickering Heritage & Community Centre is treated as one capital project. In order to show the two DCs service categories, the components related to the Community Centre and Library are presented separately. 2 of 2 DC Recoverable Cost Share Non - DC Recoverable Cost Share Project Description Code Gross Capital Costs DC RF: Funded in prior year DC RF: Funded in 2019 DC RF: Future Funding 1 Other Type of Funds Reserves/R (R=Reserve, eserve RF=Reserve Property Funds Fund) Taxes Other Sources Type Total Funding Other Services Related to a Highway 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow - N 5319.1805 248,188 0 248,188 0 0 248,188 Additional Street Sweeper (Seaton) - h 5319.1809 288,403 0 288,403 0 0 288,403 Garbage Packer - New 5780.1813 145,835 131,251 0 14,583 R -City's Share 145,835 New operations centre-uebt charges 61% of total debt charges 1920.7600.: 8,279,302 409,861 412,389 7,457,052 2 0 8,279,302 Sub -total 8,961,728 409,861 1,080,232 7,457,052 14,583 8,961,728 Parks & Recreation Services Village Green - Mattamy (Seaton) Dev. 5780.1723. 246,514 174,821 40,879 0 30,814.28 RF -Seaton Infrastructure 246,514 D.H. Village Green Park (East) - New - 5780.1708. 190,000 0 166,725 23,275.00 190,000 Indoor Soccer Facility and Land - Desi 5719.1401. 7,296,605 3,369,586 114,543 78,375 R-DCs City's Sh 101 3,734,000 Debt 15 -Yr 2 7,296,605 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Park Cc 5780.1808. 600,000 18,350 508,150 73,500 R-DCs City's Share 600,000 Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Pt 5780.1822. 2,091,761 839,890 2,644 35,758 1,073,469 R-DCs City's Share 140,000 Other Agency -S\ 2,091,762 Brock Ridge Village Green Constructio 5780.1810. 262,433 0 230,941 0 6,767 R-DCs City's Share 24,725 Landowner 262,433 Seaton (P103) Village Green Construc 5780.1816 210,000 0 0 184,275 25,725 RF -FIA 210,000 Seaton (P104) Village Green Construc 5780.1817 285,000 250,087 34,913 RF -FIA 285,000 Seaton (P-102) Neighbourhood Park C 5780.1819 950,000 833,625 116,375 RF -FIA 950,000 Pickering Heritage & Community Ctr (Design) -Community Ctr component 5719.1806. 891,814 22,191 76,401 100,192 3 693,030 R -Rate Stabilization 891,814 New Operations Centre - DC Debt Charges. 39% Construction of a new 1920.7600. 5,253,497 262,043 263,659 4,727,795 2 - 5,253,497 Sub -total 18,277,624 4,686,882 614,524 6,921,150 2,156,243 101 3,898,725 18,277,624 Library Facilites & Materials Pickering Heritage & Community Ctr (Design) -Archive Facility component 5719.1806. 611,965 63,160 217,449 270,443 3 60,914 R-DCs City's Share 611,965 Sub -total 611,965 63,160 217,449 270,443 60,914 611,965 Grand Total 53,436,652 7,628,494 4,846,014 27,144,955 6,475,602 336,862 7,004,725 53,436,652 1 Projects ongoing. Future funding for incomplete component. DC RF will be drawn when expenses are incurred. 2 New Operations Ctr 20 -year DC debt -principal & interest of $13,532,799. Allocation: 61% for 7615 -"Other Services Related to a Highway' & 39% for 7622- "Parks & Recreation". Total amount owing from 2020- 2037 $12,184,847 3 The Pickering Heritage & Community Centre is treated as one capital project. In order to show the two DCs service categories, the components related to the Community Centre and Library are presented separately. 2 of 2