HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 41-02 f,).~ !)' . .l \ Ûú¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CL 41-02 Date: November 25, 2002 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Nomination to 407 Community Advisory Committee Recommendation: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 41-02 regarding an appointment to the 407 Community Advisory Committee be received. 2. That be nominated to represent the City of Pickering on the 407 Community Advisory Committee. Executive Summary: To nominate a resident of the City of Pickering to sit on the 407 Community Advisory Committee which will assist the Project Team in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference and a Route Location/Concept Design Individual EA for the extension of Highway 407 from Brock Road to Highway 35/115. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: Please find attached to this Report a letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki who is assisting the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario SuperBuild Corporation in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference and a Route Location/Concept Design Individual EA for the extension of Highway 407 from Brock Road to Highway 35/115. Report CL 41-02 Date: November 25, 2002 0 1 t Subject: 407 Community Advisory Committee Page 2 The Ministry of Transportation wishes to form a Community Advisory Committee to meet regularly throughout the EA process to provide input to the Project Team, The Project Team will make appointments to the Community Advisory Committee; however, the municipalities are being requested to nominate one member of the public to serve on this Committee, As noted in the letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki, Paul Kelland was nominated by Council and subsequently appointed in 2000 to the Community Advisory Committee for the Region of Durham Transportation Master Plan. The experience he gained on this Committee would make him a valuable appointee to represent the City of Pickering on the 407 Community Advisory Committee. Paul Kelland has indicated that he is willing to be nominated for appointment to the 407 Community Advisory Committee. Attachments: 1. Letter dated November 8, 2002 from Totten, Sims, Hubicki Prepared B : ,/" ~ d 7 Bruce Taylor City Clerk ~ Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Counc ¿ NOV-25-2002 MaN 02:21 PM TSH FAX NO. 9056680221 P, 02 . .....r 11 ACHMENT #...L TO REPORT # C L L/ I - 0 ¿.... III n TottM Sims Hubicki Associates -.. .. 300 W<!ler Str-t en 9 I!", ee rs Whitby, Ontario, Cëlnad/l1.1N 9,J2 architects (905.668..9363 Fax: /905) 668-0221 P I ann e r S E-mail: Ish@lsh.ca www,tsh,CEI 4() Years -. .. 012 November 8, 2002 Mr. Bruce Tay]or Clerk City of Pickerín~ .l The Esplande Pickering, ON Ll V 6K7 Dear Mr. Tiylor: RE: Highway 407 East Completion - Brock Road to IJjlhwa~' 35/115 Environmental Assessment (EA) Terms of Reference and Individual EA for Route Location/Concept Design TSH Project No. 42-80227 As slatç( in previous corrcspondenc~ from the Ministry of Transportation in June of ::!OO2 regarding the forl'nation of the Municipal Technical Advisory Group. Totten Sims Hubicki (TSH) is assisting the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario SuperBuild Corporation in preparation of Mil EA Terms of Refetence and a Route Location/Concept Design Individual EA for the extension of Highway 407 from its existin~ terminus ,n Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/J 15. including two freeway links connecting to Highway 401 in Whitby and Clarington- As pan of the consultation plan, the Ministry of Transponation wishes to form a Community Advisory Conunittee (CAC) to meet regularly throughout the process to provide input to the Project Team. The CAC will be composed of approximately 15 individuals with a balanced membership representing municipal. business. mobility. and environmental interests and will meet approxi~tely 10 times throughout the study over a two year perìod, Through the study. the CAC will be informed ofthe various transponation and environmental issues suITOundin¡ the Highway 407 Study. and provide input to the Study team as the study progresses. The compositjon of the CAG í& intended to be sufficiently diverse to represent the range of different geographic and issue-based perspèclìves within the Region of Durham. We are looking for a member of the public to serve on this committee. As you are aware. starr of your municipality are already panicipating on the Municipal Technical Advisory Group (MT AG). We are requesting that each municipality provide a representative on the CAe. As you may recall. your municipality previously identified Paul Kelland 10 serve on the CAC for the Region of PUfoam Transponarion Master Plan. We are hoping thltt (he CAC' for the Durham work will form the basis for the 407 C AC. NOV-25-2002 MON 02:21 PM TSH FAX NO. 9056680221 ATTACH M ENT #...L. TO REPORT # é L t.¡ I - 0 2- - P, 03 () 1 :i In considering your nomination. please beàr in mind the renewing requirements; . Express an interest ~nd commitmtnt to the project~ . Interest or experience in transportation planning or the environment: and . Willin¡ to attend 8. J 0 meetings over the next twO years. The first meeting of the Community Advisory Committee has been scheduled as follows: Date: Time: Location: Tuesday, November 26. 2001 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. TSH (300 Water Street, Whitby) Please respond by November J 8. 2002 with confirmation of the appointed member of the CAC to: Ms. Colleen O'Toole Environmental and Transponation Planner Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 300 Water Street Whitby, ON UN 9J2 Tel; (90S) 668-9363 Û42 Fax: (90S) 668,,0221. Email: cotOole@tsh.ca ,.,..' if you have any questions regarding this project you may contact either: Mr. John Siohodzian MTO Project ("o-ordinator Provincîul and Environmental Planning Office Ontario Ministry of Transponation 30 i St. Paul Street St. Cathannes. ON L2R 7R4 Phone: 905-704-2204 Fax: 905-704-2007 E-mail: ]ohn,Slobodzían@mto,gov.on,ca Mr. Doug Allinghal11. r.Bng. Consultant Project Mùl~ager TSH engineers a.rchitects planners 300 Water Street Whitby, ON UN 912 Phone: 905..665-3474 or 1.866-840.5529 toU-free Pax: 905-668-0221 E-mail: dallin¡ham@tsh,ca We loolc forward to working with you as we complete the environmental assessment process for this important transponation initiative. Y ol4rs truly. TS~ j /:-;::/ "" .~' I L' " .. J ' /./ ,~,-. ,C- .c..... L <.--,.,. Doug Allingham, P.Eng. (: \.. Consultant Project Manager \ T CC. John Slohodzian, Project Co-ordinator. MTO VH