HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 03-20DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 03-20 Date: March 2, 2020 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review File: D-7300 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 03-20 of the Director, City Development & CBO, on the release of the 2nd Annual Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review, be received for information. Executive Summary: The 2nd Annual Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review provides a high level, reader -friendly summary that highlights City achievements, events, programs and projects. The document promotes the efforts of the City of Pickering and our community partners and serves to inspire others to connect with us and get involved. The Year -in -Review will be posted online and be promoted through social media. Financial Implications: Not applicable to this report. Discussion The City of Pickering's award winning sustainability efforts span many areas of interest from energy efficiency, pollinators, waste diversion, local food supply, sustainable development, community engagement, and more. In an era when our community members are busier than ever, it is important to utilize a variety of outreach opportunities. City staff have developed a comprehensive set of tools to communicate these efforts, including the website, social media, eNewsletters, events, Measuring Sustainability Report, Pickering 101, and presentations to external groups. The Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review provides a reader -friendly synopsis of activities and quantitative metrics where applicable. Attachment 1. 2019 Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review PLN 03-20 March 2, 2020 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review Page 2 Prepared By: cA&DLLLA Chantal Whitaker, BESc (Hons), CSR -P Supervisor, Sustainability CW:Id ApprovedlEndorsed By: /(/ Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer j , ,Z1 2oZO 2019 Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 03-20 /fop -11111.1111111 Sustainable PICKERING pickering.ca/sustainable 64, PICKERING Table of Contents A Message from our CAO 1 Enhancing the natural environment 2 Helping our pollinators 4 Engaging our community 5 Reducing waste 8 Becoming more energy efficient 9 Staff in action 10 Looking towards the future 11 A Message from our CAO Page 1 1 This report highlights some of the City's key sustainability achievements from the past year. I am particularly proud of what we accomplished in 2019, which was a pivotal year in ensuring the long term social, environmental, economic, and cultural health of the City as it continues to experience unprecedented growth. The City reinforced its commitment to building a connected, inclusive, and sustainable City through a diverse mix of engagement opportunities with residents, schools, businesses and the development community. This collaborative approach helped drive new and innovative ideas like the Environmental Schools Grant and Sustainable Seaton: Building for the Future workshop, which will have a lasting positive impact. Additionally, 2019 saw the endorsement of our 2019 - 2024 Corporate Energy Management Plan, which building on the previous plan, refocuses the City's energy priorities in the current context of technology, policy, growth, and City development. There are many inspiring ways to advance our environmental sustainability, and I invite you to learn more about the City's impacts over the past year. Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Enhancing the natural environment Page 12 Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Release The City of Pickering, in partnership with the Pickering Public Library, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, supported a salmon hatchery at the Central Library. Library patrons and 50 students from Bayview Heights Public School observed and learned about the Atlantic salmon and the importance of biodiversity. The hatchery resulted in the release of 90 Atlantic salmon into Duffins Creek. Student releasing Atlantic salmon in Duffins Creek Students learning about the Atlantic Salmon life cycle Winville Road Trailhead Project The Winville Road project helped to enhance the Duffin Heights neighbourhood. The initiative included a passive area with trees, shrubs, wildflowers, stones, and benches. Permeable pavement was installed on site to help with water infiltration and to demonstrate the technology. Completed Winville Road Trailhead Project Take Pride in Pickering Days The City of Pickering, in partnership with Ontario Power Generation, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and Environmental Stewardship Pickering hosted tree -planting events in both Duffin Heights and along the Waterfront Trail. Over 200 attendees came together to plant 750 trees and shrubs, as well as pick up litter. The events focused on the importance of conservation, biodiversity and keeping the community clean. Volunteers planting trees in Duffin Heights during Take Pride in Pickering Enhancing the natural environment Page 13 Urfe Creek Stream Restoration This stream restoration project in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Ministry of Natural Resources, and Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters was done to help control water levels and enable fish passage through instream improvements. The effort will enhance habitat and help re-establish the Redside Dace population. Undertaking improvements in Urfe Creek Habitat enhancement at Urfe Creek 20 -Minute Makeover Over 45 groups registered for the 20 -Minute Pickering Makeover to help beautify the community. The City recognizes the many community groups, schools, businesses, and residents that picked up litter from community streets and parks. Volunteer picking up litter during 20 -Minute Makeover Duncannon Ravine The Duncannon Ravine had many gaps in the tree canopy because of damage done by the Emerald Ash Borer beetle. To help restore the area and stabilize the ground, the City worked with the TRCA to plant 2,000 plant cuttings and a mix of 85 deciduous and coniferous trees. Planting trees at Duncannon Ravine Helping our pollinators Mayors' Monarch Pledge Pollinators such as butterflies, birds, bats, and bees play a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment and sustainable food system. As part of the Mayors' Monarch Pledge, the City provided 6 garden training workshops to teach volunteers how to maintain healthy pollinator gardens. The City also worked with the Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre committee to install a pollinator garden. This site is Pickering's 10th garden to be designated as a Monarch Waystation through the International Monarch Waystation Registry. Garden training at Valley Plentiful Community Garden Garden training at Whitevale Garden Page 1 4 Pollinator Garden Map The City has undertaken many initiatives to address the declining pollinator population, including the design and installation of pollinator gardens across Pickering. An online pollinator garden map was created for the City's Open Data Portal to help residents explore 12 local pollinator gardens and the native plants, signs, and art within them. Local Partnership to Expand Pollinator Habitat The City of Pickering partnered with Canada Bread Company Ltd. to help pollinators by expanding upon a naturalization project the company started the previous year. Members of Council, Canada Bread, and City Pay it Forward staff volunteers planted 300 pollinator -friendly plants. Canada Bread Company Ltd. pollinator project Native Wildflower Seed Giveaway General Mills provided the City with bee -friendly wildflower seeds to share with the community as part of their Bring Back the Bees campaign. Over 2,000 seed packages were distributed at City facilities for residents to pick-up and plant in their yards. Engaging our community Sustainable Pickering Day The 14th annual Sustainable Pickering Day, in partnership with the Pickering Town Centre, brought the community together to raise awareness about local food, the natural environment, and gardening. Over 300 visitors shopped the indoor Farmers' Market and spoke with experts on gardening, trees, and energy. Guests had the opportunity to recycle unwanted garments and electronic waste. Indoor Farmers' Market at Sustainable Pickering Day Mayor, Members of Council and Pickering Town Centre staff at Sustainable Pickering Day Environmental Schools Grant In 2019, the City of Pickering made a available to our school boards. The grant supports Pickering school-based activities and programs that benefit the community and contribute to a healthy environment. Twelve schools applied to fund projects such as indoor vegetable growing towers, compost bins, pollinator plants, butterfly kits, teaching gardens, bicycle rack installations, and tree planting. Page 1 5 Earth Month In celebration of Earth Month, free educational and interactive workshops were held for over 350 residents. The month was filled with fun events for all ages including sold -out workshops such as Butterflies & Beyond, Bugs in Your Backyard, Vegetable Garden, Plot to Plate, and more. Attendees learned from expert guest speakers, and participated in hands-on activities. Bugs in Your Backyard workshop activity Presentation at the Vegetable Garden workshop Engaging our community Civic Awards Program Civic Awards is a recognition program to acknowledge members of the Pickering community that have made a significant contribution to the city. In 2019, Icon Homes was awarded the Sustainability Award for building a housing project 15% more energy efficient than the Ontario Building Code. PickWaste was awarded the Environment Award for their tireless efforts to raise awareness to youth about reducing waste in the community. Icon Home receives Sustainability Award PickWaste receives Environment Award Page 1 6 Adopt -a -Park The Adopt -a -Park program encourages families, businesses, and community groups to become actively involved in their local parks. In 2019, the program was revamped and 16 groups adopted parks throughout Pickering by making a commitment to do litter cleanups, discourage litter, and promote a positive image in their neighbourhood park. Agape Asteroids Adventurer Club picking up litter at Forestbrook Park Pickering 101 This well-received initiative educated residents over the course of an 8 -week program on how municipal government works and gave them an opportunity to build relationships with City staff. Since 2016, 120 residents have graduated from the program. Pickering 101 provides an opportunity to present the City's sustainability efforts to participants, highlight ways to get involved, and help build a culture of community engagement. Engaging our community Pickering Farmers' Market For the fourth consecutive year, the Pickering Farmers' Market provided an opportunity for residents to purchase fresh produce, baked goods, meats, and handcrafted jewelry from local farmers and businesses. The 18 -week market helped support the local community, while encouraging healthy and environmentally friendly foods and goods. Every week, over 300 residents enjoyed live entertainment and themed event days. The Pickering Farmers' Market was showcased on various media outlets including CTV and Global News. In 2019, the market won 1st Place in the Farmers' Market category for the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 2019 Readers' Choice Awards. Residents buying fresh produce at the Farmers' Market Summer Reading Launch Party at the Farmers' Market Page 1 7 Your City The 'Your City' event is an educational opportunity for the City to highlight programs, services, and special projects to residents. Over 200 attendees engaged in conversations about Sustainable Pickering programs, events and fun ways they could take action on sustainability. r— Visitor riding smoothie bike at the Your City event Sustainable Neighbourhoods program The Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods Program is about connecting with members of the community to spark a positive change — environmentally, socially, or economically. In 2019, PickWaste won the $10,000 community enhancement prize and chose to revitalize St. Mary Park with outdoor gym equipment and an interpretive sign. Installation will occur in spring 2020. PickWaste receives Sustainable Neighbourhoods Award Reducing waste Dog Waste Diversion Program As of 2019, the Dog Waste Diversion Program was available in 16 parks across Pickering. A total of 7 tonnes of dog waste was collected this year and delivered to a facility that converted it into electricity, heat, and nutrient dense fertilizer. Llsc biodegradable bags provided. Dog Waste Station at Esplanade Park Corporate Waste After assessing the City's current corporate waste disposal and diversion operations, and researching best practices, a Strategy was developed for implementation in 2020. The Strategy identified the necessary steps to reduce waste, increase diversion, and reduce contamination rates in recyclables throughout all City facilities. Page 1 8 Battery Recycling Program This program allows residents to drop off their batteries at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex, Pickering Central Library, George Ashe, and East Shore Community Centres. In 2019, over 361 kilograms of batteries were collected and recycled responsibly. Batteries collected at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex Compost Giveaway In partnership with the Region of Durham, Pickering hosted its annual compost giveaway. At this popular event, 1,000 residents picked up free compost made from the organics collected through Durham's curbside green bin and yard waste programs. Free compost from Annual Compost Giveaway Becoming more energy efficient Page 19 Lighting Retrofit As part of Pickering's commitment to energy efficiency, Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting retrofits were completed at Fire Stations #2 and #6, as well as George Ashe Community Centre and Library. The goal of these retrofits is to achieve a 60-70% reduction in energy use and reduce maintenance costs. LED lighting retrofit at Fire Station #6 LED lighting retrofit at George Ashe Library Encouraging Residential Participation The City's energy conservation initiatives have resulted in financial savings, as well as a reduction in corporate greenhouse gas emissions. To increase residential participation in the local utilities' energy and money saving programs, the City partnered to develop and implement a comprehensive promotional strategy. The strategy aimed to increase awareness about energy programs to a targeted 10,300 households and to the community in general. New Electric Vehicles & Charging Stations The City added two electric vehicles (EV) and two EV charging stations to its fleet. The City fleet now has five EVs and six charging stations. Benefits of electric vehicles include: improved air quality, cost savings, lower maintenance, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Cost savings are reviewed annually through a fleet analytics monitoring system. City of Pickering electric vehicles at charging stations Staff in action Lunch 'n Learns The Lunch 'n Learn program engages staff from all departments in a fun, learning environment. The workshops give staff the opportunity to learn helpful tips on an array of topics including: health and well-being, energy savings, local food, climate change, and more. O Energy Conservation Lunch n' Learn workshop Smart Commute The City has been a proud Smart Commute Workplace since 2008. The Region of Durham's Smart Commute program has helped staff explore sustainable travel options such as walking, cycling, transit, and carpooling, as well as fun events including Bike to Work Day. Council and staff supporting Bike to Work Day Page 1 10 Milk Bag Recycling Program Pickering's staff -driven Milk Bag program collected over 400 clean milk bags from staff, for delivery to local community groups that collect, weave, and send completed bed mats to poverty-stricken areas throughout the world. ■r_ Milk bag collection at Pickering City Hall Litter Cleanups Throughout the year staff volunteers engage in various litter cleanups to help keep the Pickering community clean. This includes taking part in community events such as the 20 -Minute Makeover and Pitch in Parties. Looking towards the future Sustainable Development Applications In 2019, the City's Sustainable Development Guidelines were used to assess 37 development applications. The assessments identify mandatory and optional sustainable elements that can be included in draft plans for new neighbourhoods, site plans, rezoning and building permits. 2019 - 2024 Corporate Energy Management Plan The 2019 - 2024 Corporate Energy Management Plan (CEMP) serves as a basis for making future corporate energy management recommendations and budget submissions. The CEMP builds on the success of the previous plan and identifies the City's energy management priorities related to technology, policy, growth, and development. The City's goals include reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 15%, and aspiring to construct new buildings 15% more efficient than the Ontario Building Code. 2019-2024 Corporate Energy Management Plan A Culture of Conservation and Continuous Improvement CEMP Report Page 1 11 Smart Community of the Year Pickering was named a Smart2l Community for a third consecutive year by the Intelligent Community Forum. These awards recognized Pickering's commitment to creating a more connected, engaged, inclusive, and sustainable City using technology. Pickering City Hall Integrated Transportation Management Plan The City of Pickering has initiated an Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP) study. The ITMP is designed to define the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements required to address existing and future transportation needs. This includes City-wide cycling networks, a complete streets strategy, and transportation demand management to ensure transportation modes are available to all users (i.e. pedestrians, cyclists, motor vehicles, etc.). The ITMP was led by the Engineering Services Department with support from staff across the Corporation and is expected to be complete in June 2020. Looking towards the future Sustainable Seaton: Community -Building Series `Building for the Future' Workshop In partnership with Seaton Landowners, for the third year, almost 100 builders, design consultants, municipal building officials and other industry professionals, attended the Community -Building Series workshop. The workshop focus was on creative solutions to address the impact of climate change on the construction industry. The workshop explored tall timber construction, addressed energy and water conservation, and shared practical insights from builders that are participating in Enbridge's Savings by Design program. Climate Change presentation at `Building for the Future' workshop Page 1 12 Climate Emergency Declaration The City worked with students and staff from St. Mary Catholic Secondary School to declare a Climate Emergency. The declaration aligns with actions being implemented by the City including the Corporate Energy Management Plan, Durham Community Climate Adaption Plan, 7 -year Electric Vehicle Strategy, habitat protection and naturalization, Amendment 23 to the Pickering Official Plan, and other key programs, plans and policies. Student and Chaplin from St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Sustainable Housing Foundation Panel City of Pickering staff participated in a panel discussion at a Sustainable Housing Foundation event. The panel discussion gave attendees the opportunity to hear from experts in the field, on a variety of topics and issues related to sustainable housing and the actions that are needed to ensure more innovative and sustainable housing across the Greater Toronto Area. The City has been actively collaborating with builders to discuss sustainable housing designs. In 2020, the City of Pickering will continue its longstanding commitment to create a more sustainable community. Join us on the journey to become one of the most sustainable cities in Canada. There are many fun and inspiring ways to make Pickering a better place socially, environmentally, and economically. To learn how you can get involved, visit: pickering.ca/sustainable We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions. Please contact the City's Sustainability staff at sustainability@pickering.ca. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575 or customercare(a�pickerinq.ca.