HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 28-19Cfy �t DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: PLN 28-19 Date: November 25, 2019 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Assessing and Enhancing Corporate Waste Diversion Practices Sole Source of Waste Diversion Receptacles File: D-7001 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the sole source for the purchase of waste units from CleanRiver Recycling Solutions, in the amount of $126,792.63 (HST excluded); 2. That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the total cost from contingency account 2900.0000.0000; and 3. That appropriate staff be authorized to take the necessary steps to implement this action to improve corporate waste diversion. Executive Summary: On April 23, 2019 Council passed a Notice of Motion (Resolution #77/19) regarding corporate waste. Staff were directed to undertake the following and report back to Council: 1. Identify the steps for the City to: reduce waste and contamination rates in recyclables; and increase diversion rates in recyclables; 2. Assess the City's corporate waste disposal and diversion practices; and 3. Research best practices of other municipalities. There are five elements for successful corporate waste diversion: staff education and awareness, training of maintenance staff, integration of waste diversion requirements into event/meeting guidelines, standardization of collection services, and installation of the correct waste receptacles in the right location. After researching best practices utilized in other municipalities, staff assessed the City's current corporate waste disposal and diversion practices. In part, the assessment included a review of current garbage, compost and recycling collection services; discussion with events and facilities staff, and an audit of current practices and an inventory of current waste diversion receptacles in nine facilities. PLN 28-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Assessing and Enhancing Corporate Waste Diversion Practices Page 2 Staff is recommending the installation of new bins to establish a standardized approach to waste diversion in nine existing municipal facilities and new municipal buildings. The new units will address the errors and confusion that are currently negatively affecting corporate waste diversion. Signage will be revised to include pictures and words to help eliminate confusion over where to dispose of the waste, reduce contamination rates from improper disposal and provide universal graphics or images that are accessible to all users of the receptacles. The units will also help alleviate the health and safety concerns staff expressed about servicing some of the current systems. The frontloading design allow staff to pull, rather than lift -up bins to retrieve materials. The design will also address servicing issues that staff encounter while maintaining the existing units. A total of 161 units are required to complete the transition and address waste diversion requirements in these facilities. City Development staff investigated styles and pricing for waste receptacles and determined that CleanRiver Recycling Solutions offers the most cost-efficient option that met the City's functional and health and safety requirements. The CleanRiver Recycling Solutions units are also standard in other municipalities including Ajax, Whitby, Toronto, Oakville, Aurora, Mississauga, Burlington and Barrie. The health and safety of staff was a key factor in selecting this product. The bag retention system makes it easier for staff to remove and replace bags inside the containers and reduces back strain. This system prevents bags from slipping off the liner and creating a mess. A drip edge sits under the stream opening to prevent the waste from sliding down between the liner and the door. The future -proof design allows waste/recycling collection to be altered without replacing the entire unit. The unique durable and professional -looking design will enable maintenance staff to easily service the units. Financial Implications: Funding is available in the 2019 contingency account 2900.0000.0000 to offset this cost. CleanRiver Recycling Solutions can provide delivery by the end of 2019 and therefore, the waste diversion program can start on January 1St in contrast to waiting until after the 2020 Budget is approved in February. Discussion: The Province of Ontario's `Made -in -Ontario Environment Plan' outlines a commitment to protect and conserve the air, land and water by reducing and diverting waste, reducing plastic waste, litter and improving opportunities for waste reduction. Many of our residents and businesses are recognizing the importance of stewardship and taking action to address the challenges with waste. The City strives to lead by example and is on a continuous journey to become a more sustainable city. As such, Council approved a Notice of Motion (Resolution #77/19) to assess corporate waste disposal and diversion practices, research best practices and report back with recommendations to reduce waste, increase diversion, and reduce contamination rates. To inform this mandate, a waste assessment was conducted. The inventory identified the type and quantity of existing units, diversion options, and if there was appropriate signage. The facilities included in the assessment were Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex & Arena, Don Beer Arena, East Shore Community Centre, George Ashe Community Centre & Library, Pickering Central Library, Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre, West Shore Community Centre, Pickering Museum Village and Pickering Civic Complex. The information was mapped and opportunities for improvement were identified. Successes and challenges with overall current waste systems were examined and recommendations for improvement were developed collaboratively between Sustainability and Facilities staff. PLN 28-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Assessing and Enhancing Corporate Waste Diversion Practices Page 3 Based on this analysis, staff developed the following recommendations that address the five elements of successful corporate waste diversion: staff education and awareness, maintenance staff training, integration into event/meeting guidelines, standardization of collection services, and having the correct waste receptacle in the right location. 1. Develop an extensive staff education and awareness campaign that focuses on a three -pronged strategy: increase knowledge, reward positive behavior and ongoing development of consistent messaging. A variety of channels will be used including: integration of requirements into new staff training, email tips, lunch 'n learns, posters, staff survey, eco -friendly prizes, mandatory `bin -side' Q&A training sessions and the creation of waste ambassadors for each facility. Education and awareness will extend to facility patrons through social media, signage and promotion of personal waste challenges. 2. Develop a standard operating procedure for the proper servicing of waste receptacle units and handling of materials once removed. Maintenance staff play a critical role in corporate waste practices, therefore, training will also be conducted to ensure clarity and secure support. 3. Revise the current Sustainable Meetings Resource Tool as well as integrate waste diversion practices into the City's Community Festival and Events Manual to help users examine meetings/events through a sustainability lens. For example, at the upcoming Christmas Market, reusable cups have been purchased to replace disposable. Vendors at the 2020 Farmers' Market will be asked to eliminate the use of plastic bags in favour of paper, takeaway containers will be compostable, and plastic straws will be replaced with paper. 4. Initiate changes to standardize the level of collection across all facilities as opportunities for service improvements have been identified. 5. Install new multi -stream receptacles throughout most facilities. The 4 -tier, 3 -tier and 2 -tier units will be standardized to make it easier for staff, residents, and visitors to properly divert their waste. The 4 -tier units collect organics, paper, mixed containers, and garbage; 3 -tier units collect the same excluding organics; 2 -tier units collect mixed containers and garbage and/or paper towel and garbage depending on placement. The staff selection of units considered issues with existing bins, details about the type and quantity of waste produced at the location and how to effectively divert based on the visitor demographic, usage and available space. The proper installation and use of improved receptacles represents a critical part of the five key elements that will influence the success of Pickering's corporate waste disposal. Staff recommend that Council approve the sole source purchase of waste receptacles from CleanRiver Recycling Solutions, authorizing the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total cost from the contingency funds and recommend that Council direct staff to take the necessary steps to implement this action to improve corporate waste diversion. Staff will monitor progress after all elements of the waste reduction program are fully implemented. Staff will also include a formal waste audit in the 2020 Budget for Council's consideration in order to provide the necessary metrics to establish waste diversion targets, refine future workplans and address emerging goals and/or applicable legislation. PLN 28-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Assessing and Enhancing Corporate Waste Diversion Practices Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Chantal Whitaker, BESc (Hans), CSR -P Kyle Bentley, P, ng. Supervisor, Sustainability Director, City Development & CBO Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Director, Finance & Treasurer CW:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, •P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer