HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 42-19Cf� ei? DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: CS 42-19 Date: November 25, 2019 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Emergency Repairs at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex - Notice to Council - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council is notified of the invoice submitted by Bry Ron Contracting Limited in the amount of $62,067.64 (HST excluded) in accordance with Section 12.01 Emergency Purchase of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010); 2. That the total gross project cost of $70,136.43 (HST included) and the total net project cost of $63,161.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the net project cost of $63,161.00 from the capital contingency funds, account 2900; 4. That the Region of Durham be requested to contribute to the cost for the associated parking lot asphalt repairs; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: On September 14, 2019, there was a break in the fire service water main providing water to the fire hydrants on the northwestern side of Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC). The City could not initiate the necessary repairs until the Region of Durham shut off the water valves. Unfortunately, the shut off values were inoperable and the Region of Durham required four days to complete the valve replacements. Once complete, Bry Ron Contracting Limited repaired the water main and catch basins on CHDRC property as directed by City staff. However, a second water main break occurred to the same water main line (further east on the CHDRC property) which required additional repairs to be completed on CHDRC property by Bry Ron Contracting Limited, as directed by City staff. Bry Ron Contracting Limited submitted an invoice for $70,136.43 (inclusive of HST) with a total net project cost of $63,161.00, to cover all associated costs incurred with this emergency repair to the water main, catch basins, and replacement of parking lot asphalt. As per Section 12.01 of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010), the Community Services Department is notifying Council of the work that was completed by way of this report. CS 42-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Emergency Repairs at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex Page 2 Financial Implications: 1. Invoice Amount Invoice from Bry Ron Contracting Limited HST (13%) Total Gross Quotation Cost $62,067.64 8,068.79 $70,136.43 2. Project Costing Summary Invoice from Bry Ron Contracting Limited Sub Total HST (13%) Gross Project Costs HST Rebate (11.24%) Total Net Project Costs $62,067.64 $62,067.64 8,068.79 $70,136.43 (6,976.00) $63,161.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Description Account Code Emergency Repairs 2900.0000.0000 at CHDRC Total Funds Source of Funds Capital Contingency Budget $0.00 $0.00 Required $63,161.00 $63,161.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by ($63,161.00) The City has asked the Region to contribute to the cost for the parking lot asphalt repairs since they were unable to turn the water off in a timely manner. Should the Region agree to pay, whether fully or partially, the draw from Capital contingency will be reduced accordingly. Section 12.01 of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010) permits staff to obtain such goods and services as are necessary to respond to an emergency. If the purchase amount exceeds $50,000.00, the Director must notify the Treasurer and CAO and the Director shall submit a report of the incident to the appropriate Committee and Council at the earliest possible time. The water main, catch basin, and parking lot asphalt repairs required immediate action to ensure that the fire safety services were operational and that the health and safety of both staff and patrons accessing CHDRC through the north access driveway could be maintained at appropriate levels. CS 42-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Emergency Repairs at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex Page 3 The purpose of this report is to notify Council of this emergency repair with a purchase amount exceeding $50,000.00 in accordance with Section 12.01 of the Purchasing Policy (PUR 010). Discussion: On September 14, 2019 at approximately 8:00 pm, there was a break in the fire service water main. This water main provides water to fire hydrants on the northwestern side of CHDRC. City staff contacted the Region of Durham immediately to shut off the water service and Bry Ron Contracting Limited to repair the water main break. However, upon inspection of the water shut off valves, Region staff found that the valves were inoperable and would require replacement in order to shut off the water. In response, an alternate shut off valve in another location was turned off while the inoperable values were replaced approximately 40 hours later. During that time, the water continued to flow from the fire service water main onto the asphalt parking lot at CHDRC. On September 18, 2019, Region staff had completed the replacement of the inoperable shut off valves and Bry Ron Contracting Limited repaired the water main and catch basins on CHDRC property, as directed by City staff. On September 19, 2019, once the water main was turned back on and at full pressure, a second water main break occurred further east on the same water main line. This second break was immediately located, contained, and repaired by Bry Ron Contracting Limited, as directed by City staff. The inability of Region staff to close the required water shut off valves in a timely manner allowed water to flow at high volume through the ground and ultimately through the asphalt surface of the parking lot for over 40 hours. This constant flow of water created extensive damage to the base gravel layer of the parking lot, many extensive cracks in the asphalt, damage to two catch basins, and ultimately caused an approximately 12 foot by 12 foot sink hole in the north driveway of CHDRC at the location of the water main break. Due to the extensive damaged caused by water flowing through the parking lot asphalt, approximately 10,000 square feet of asphalt was required to be replaced. During the repair process of the two separate water main break locations, it was found that there is deterioration of the metal pipe that serves as the water main, as shown in Appendix 2. It is very likely that the pipe could suffer similar failures due to its age and amount of deterioration in the future. The existing fire service water main that provides water to fire hydrants within the northwestern side of CHDRC parking lot was installed as part of the original construction project in 1981. Therefore, it would be advisable that the entire water main be looked at for replacement and that costing be investigated to provide back up for a potential future capital replacement project. The planned replacement of the fire service water main on the west side of CHDRC would ensure that future inconveniences and disruptions to facility users and fire safety systems would be kept to a minimum and that the health and safety of facility patrons and staff can continue to be a priority. CS 42-19 November 25, 2019 Subject: Emergency Repairs at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex Page 4 Attachments: 1. Two Photographs of Metal Pipe Deterioration Prepared By: VKevin Hayes Supervisor, Facilities Operations MC:kh Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa 'no, MA Director ommunity Services Ray Rodrigues, CPPB Manager, 'Supply & Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P_Eng. Chief Administrative Officer nlmr. 4, 2019 Attachment No. 1 to CS 42-19 -C44 DICKERING Photographs of Metal Pipe Deterioration