HomeMy WebLinkAboutBYL 02-19Cfy �t DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: BYL 02-19 Date: December 2, 2019 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law - File: L-2330-001-19 Recommendation: 1. That Report BYL 02-19 regarding the attached Vehicle for Hire By-law be received; 2. That Council enact the Vehicle for Hire By-law attached to this Report (Attachment No. 1); and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this Report. Executive Summary: Council Resolution # 342/17 authorized staff to conduct public consultations regarding regulating the ride -sharing industry and develop by-law provisions to license the vehicle for hire industry based on the feedback received. The public consultation process indicated overwhelming public support to permit ride -sharing services with the most common feedback concerning ensuring public safety. Taxicab industry stakeholders expressed concerns regarding creating a level playing field of regulations for both the ride -sharing and taxicab industries. In addition to the above considerations, staff determined that developing strategies to improve and support accessible taxicab services must also be a priority of this regulatory review. The Taxicab Advisory Committee has also been involved in the entire process, receiving updates on public feedback, regular presentations on the proposed regulations, updates on the public consultation process for the proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law, a final meeting to present the by- law and an overview of how the regulations impact the Taxicab industry. The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law (Attachment No. 1 to this Report) is the result of extensive research into by-laws and fees in place in other jurisdictions, as well as a focus on the primary purpose of regulating the vehicle for hire industry, being public safety and consumer protection. The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law provides a balanced approach to regulating both ride sharing services (Personal Transportation Companies as defined in the by-law) and the taxicab industry. It also creates an Accessible Service Supplement Fee applicable to all Vehicles for Hire that do not provide accessible services. BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 2 It is anticipated that an additional Municipal Law Enforcement Officer will be required to handle the administrative and investigative work necessary to implement and enforce the new by-law. Financial Implications: The introduction of licensing fees for Personal Transportation Companies will generate fees of approximately $80,000.00 per year. The proposed Accessible Service Supplement will result in approximately $28,000.00 in funding annually to provide incentives to improve accessible vehicle for hire services. During 2020 Budget deliberations, City staff will seek Council approval to add a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to the City's staff complement to administer and enforce the provisions of the Vehicle for Hire By-law at an estimated cost of $98,660.00 annually, inclusive of salary and benefits. Discussion: Ride Sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft have changed the public's expectations regarding the options they want available to meet their transportation needs. As per Council's direction, City staff have undertaken various methods to engage the public in providing feedback in relation to ride -sharing services. The on-line survey conducted by the City in 2017 had 524 respondents, 97% of whom indicated they were in favour of ride sharing services. Two public consultations were held on November 22, 2017, with only 2 people attending the information sessions. The City has provided information on the attached proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law on the City's website, through a media release, including articles in the local paper and on local radio, digital signs, and social media, as well as e -mailing those who provided comments on the initial survey in 2017. Only 22 comments were received on the draft by-law, 12 of which explicitly supported ride -sharing, and 4 seeking equal requirements for taxicabs and ride - sharing. These comments were provided to the Taxicab Advisory Committee and were discussed as part of the final review of the draft Vehicle for Hire By-law. The Taxicab Advisory Committee has been included throughout the process of drafting the proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law. Five separate presentations have been done to provide an outline of staff's intentions for the proposed by-law, a review of the initial survey results, a summary of specific by-law changes and fee comparisons, the final version of the draft by-law being distributed for public comment and the actual comments received regarding the proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law. At the final meeting to review comments regarding the draft Vehicle for Hire By-law, members of the Committee submitted their own comments, which are outlined below with staff responses. Comments from Committee Members Staff Responses Permissable age of a taxicab should be extended from 10 to 12 years depending on the condition of the car. Adopted in draft By-law Section 144. Inclusion of more wheelchair accessible cars on the road — (a) Are there not enough accessible vans already on the road? No, there are insufficient accessible taxicabs to provide on -demand service, and needs will continue to grow. BYL 02-19 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law December 2, 2019 Page 3 Inclusion of more wheelchair accessible cars on the road — (b) Some of the accessible vans are already doing pick ups of fares instead of regular taxi cabs. They are required to provide accessible service as a priority and are otherwise permitted to provide regular taxi service. No other municipality has these conditions. Many municipalities including Toronto, are moving towards increasing accessible taxicab service, as per the AODA. It looks mainly to put small companies out of business. Existing plate owners will continue to be permitted to operate non -accessible vehicles. It is only new plates issued in the future that must be affixed to an accessible vehicle, and brokerages have the option to meet the requirements for accessible vehicles or pay the supplement. Also you haven't mentioned any changes being brought to private for hire taxis as Uber Lyft, etc. Part X of the By-law regulates Personal Transportation Companies and imposes Vehicle Requirements. A discussion occurred at the final Taxicab Advisory Committee meeting concerning the age of vehicles permitted as taxicabs. Staff had already incorporated the committee's previous suggestion to increase the maximum vehicle age from 10 years to 12 years. Committee members then discussed increasing the vehicle age to 15 years. Staff did not support this recommendation and the By-law has not been adjusted to authorize this age limit. Comments received from Uber and Lyft: Both Uber and Lyft responded to the City's request for feedback on the proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law. Their submissions are attached. (Attachment Nos. 2 and 3) Uber expressed the concern that driver training requirements should be able to be addressed through its driver education program. Questions were also raised regarding the insurance information requested indicating it is not public information. However, as part of the application process, PTC's will be required to provide proof of their corporate liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000.00. Uber also requested the elimination of the requirement for a vehicle identifier, and requested 30 days to provide information requested by the City. However, staff do not support either request. Finally, Uber questioned the licensing fees and the per driver fee of $15.00/every driver that has had a trip originate in Pickering in the previous quarter. In the interest of keeping driver requirements similar as between taxicabs and ride sharing, a fee of $15/quarter/driver is approximately equivalent to the fee a taxicab driver pays for a 2 year licence. Licensing fees are recommended based on the amount of administrative and enforcement work that will be required to regulate PTC's. With Pickering Casino Resort opening in 2020, transportation services in Pickering will expand considerably. Therefore, staff do not view these fees as unreasonable. BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 4 Lyft's comments indicated the by-law was consistent with other GTA municipalities and they did not have any concerns at this time. Also attached are comments received from the public regarding the proposed new By-law (Attachment No. 4 to this Report). The Municipal Act, 2001 provides municipalities with the ability to license businesses in order to ensure public safety, consumer protection and security. During the process to develop regulations applicable to ride sharing companies, City staff have also reviewed the regulations governing the taxicab industry to identify areas where current licensing by—law regulations might be amended or removed to lessen the regulatory burden and establish a "more level playing field" for all vehicle for hire businesses. The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law includes regulations for both Taxicabs and Personal Transportation Companies regarding the following: • Licence application requirements • Disqualification for a licence — both Taxicab and PTC Driver • Testing and Training — both Taxicab and PTC Driver • Taxicab and PTC Driver duties and restrictions • Taxicab Plate Licences — Plate Licensee duties, Plate Licensee restrictions • Limits to Number of Taxicab Plates, issuance of new City Plates and terms • Accessible Taxicabs and issuance of additional Accessible Taxicab Plates • Brokerages — duties and restrictions • Personal Transportation Companies — restrictions and duties • Vehicle Requirements and Unsafe vehicles • Enforcement Provisions, Appeals, Fees • Changes to the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee (previously the Taxicab Advisory Committee) — powers, final and binding authority on appeals • Introduction of Accessible Service Supplement to be paid by all vehicles for hire that do not provide accessible service Personal Transportation Company Regulations: All PTC Licence applications shall include: • A PTC Identifier for approval by the City • Adequate demonstration that the platform has security measures in place to protect personal data • Documentation demonstrating the platform: 1. Provides the passenger with the PTC driver name and photo, the make, model and licence plate of the vehicle, the surcharge if any, the total cost and the current location of the PTC Vehicle. 2. Provides a link to rate or comment on the PTC Driver or Vehicle 3. Provides a process to allow the passenger to refuse the service prior to commencing 4. Provides a secure payment mechanism with an electronic receipt BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 5 5. Includes a GPS which records all transportation services • A list of every affiliated PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle, including the full name and address of every PTC Driver and the make, model and licence plate • Proof of insurance • An outline of the training program provided to PTC Drivers prior to accessing the platform Every PTC shall make available to the public on its platform, the following information: • the insurance coverage required to be maintained by the PTC and its PTC Drivers • the Transportation Services offered by PTC Drivers • the applicable screening process for PTC Drivers and PTC Vehicles • a link to rate or comment on the PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle • that PTC Drivers can only provide transportation services that are prearranged using the PTC platform and cannot accept street hails or pick up fares at taxi stands, and • that PTC Drivers cannot accept cash payments PTC Drivers: • Must be authorized by a PTC to act as a PTC Driver through the annual submission and review of a Criminal Information Report and Driver Abstract, must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid G license or higher, have completed the PTC Driver training program and consented to the release of their personal information to the City for the purposes of administering and enforcing this by-law • Must have a valid identification card issued by the PTC, maybe in an electronic format • Must provide service to an individual with a service animal • Must not carry more passengers than there are seatbelts for • Must not smoke or allow the smoking of any equipment, product, cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, vaping product, whether lit by flame or battery powered • Must submit a valid Safety Standards Certificate annually, and their vehicle for inspection at the request of an officer Taxicab Regulations: The following Taxicab Driver regulations have been eliminated: • Requirement to keep a taxicab examination log • Requirements to be civil, courteous, punctually keep all appointments, take care of property entrusted to them, check taxi after each trip and return items left behind to police station • Requirement to keep a street guide in the taxi • Requirement to turn off radio, music, etc. • Requirement for driver to be neat, clean, well-groomed, no sweatpants/shorts • Requirement for driver to prohibit passengers from standing • All requirements relating to emergency lights, activation • Requirement to post the Passenger Rights and Responsibilities BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 6 The following Taxicab Driver regulations remain: • Licence applications require Criminal Information Report, Driver Abstract, and Class G licence • Testing and training as approved by the City • Requirement to keep trip sheets and retain for at least 3 months • Requirements to securely fasten all physically disabled persons, wheelchairs, and other passenger aids • Requirement to report any criminal conviction within 5 days • Prohibition of greater number of passengers than seatbelts • Prohibition to smoke or allow or permit smoking of any equipment or product including but not limited to cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any vaping product, whether lit by flame or battery powered The following Taxicab Plate Licence regulations were removed: • Minimum hours of operation weekly requirements • Requirement to notify the City if the vehicle is out of service for 5 days • Requirement to keep a maintenance log The following Taxicab Plate Licence Regulations remain: • Submit a valid Safety Standard Certificate annually and upon request of an officer • Provide the City with a list of all drivers who are permitted to operate the taxicab • Display the tariff card Vehicle Standards: Applicable to both Taxicabs and PTC Vehicles and require that every vehicle: • be no more than 10 years old (unless extension application, 2 extra years) • meet the standards for the issuance of a Safety Standards Certificate • be clean, in good repair as to both interior and exterior • have a heater & air conditioner in working order Additional Taxicab Requirements — Meter, Roof light, fender numbers. Additional PTC Vehicle Requirements — Vehicle Identifier. Future Taxicab Plate Issuance: The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law adjusts the ratio of taxicab plates to population from 1:1500 to 1:2500. It continues with the policy adopted in the existing Taxicab Licensing By-law to have the City retain ownership of any future plates issued, and prohibit the leasing or transfer of City plates. The Plate Eligibility List will continue to be the method utilized to issue new City Plates. BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 7 All new City Plate licences issued under this by-law will be required to be affixed to an accessible taxicab vehicle. The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law also provides that the City can issue additional Accessible Taxicab Plates to meet accessible service demands regardless of the plate to population ratio. Additional Accessible Taxicab plates will remain the property of the City, be issued through the Plate Eligibility List, require new taxicabs to be accessible vehicles, and must be operated a minimum of 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year. Accessible Service Supplement: The attached draft Vehicle for Hire By-law introduces an Accessible Service Supplement which must be paid by all Vehicles for Hire that do not provide accessible service. This fee will be charged on a per plate basis to Taxicab Plate Licensees. Taxicab Brokerages will be required to pay the fee if they do not meet a minimum of 10% of their fleet as accessible service vehicles. Personal Transportation Companies will pay a $0.30 cent per trip fee. The proposed accessible service supplement may be used by the City to provide incentives to increase the number of vehicles for hire providing accessible services. Options for its use include providing a supplement for the purchase of accessible service vehicles, providing an annual supplement to accessible taxicab drivers in recognition of the additional time spent providing accessible service, developing training programs to increase accessible service standards, or other recommendations from the Accessibility Advisory Committee or the industry. City staff have been following the program introduced in Calgary, which offers annual supplements to all accessible taxicab plate owners and drivers, with additional incentives based on meeting service criteria. Upon the enactment of the draft Vehicle for Hire By-law, staff will work with the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee to implement an incentive program to improve accessible service commencing in 2021. Fees proposed in draft Vehicle for Hire By-law: Taxicab Licence Fees Taxicab Plate owner licence (one year) Brokerage licence (one year) Taxicab driver's licence (two years) Plate owner licence — clean air cab (one year) City plate licence (one year) Accessible Taxicab Plate (private) Accessible Taxicab Plate (1 year City owned) Personal Transportation Company Fees 1 — 25 Drivers (one year) 25 - 99 Drivers (one year) Greater than 100 Drivers (one year) $250.00 150.00 100.00 125.00 1,000.00 125.00 1,000.00 $3,000.00 $9,500.00 $20,000.00 No Change No Change No Change No Change (Reduced $1,000.00) (Reduced $125.00) New BYL 02-19 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law December 2, 2019 Page 8 PTC Drivers (based on # of drivers with pick ups originating in Pickering within previous 3 months - to be paid quarterly) Accessible Service Supplement: Taxicab Plate Licence (annually) Brokerage (annually) PTC (to be paid quarterly) Taxicab Licensing Fee Comparison: $15.00/driver $75.00 $2,500.00 $ 0.30 per trip Municipality Taxicab Driver's Licence Taxicab Plate Licence Brokerage Licence PTC Licence Pickering $100/2 years $250/year $125/year Clean Air & Accessible $150/year Recommended 100+ $20,000/year + $15/driver +300/trip Ajax $100/year $200/year n/a n/a Whitby $125/2 years $120/year (not owned) $100/year $25,000/year Oshawa $150/2 years $250/year $250/year n/a Scugog $100/year $200/year $250/year n/a Clarington $60/year $60/year $300/year n/a Markham $98/year $651.00 $520/year n/a Vaughan $172/year $332/year $260/year 500 + $10,300+11 c/trip 100-499 $2575 +11 0/trip Brampton $94/year $430/year $475/year $20,000. + 300/trip Ottawa $96/year $545/year $807/year 100+ cabs same as PTC 100+ $7253/year + 110/trip The Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee: The existing Taxicab Advisory Committee will become the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee. In keeping with best practises adopted in other municipalities in relation to licensing appeal tribunals, the proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law assigns the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 9 final and binding authority over Vehicle for Hire licensing appeal hearings. The committee will also continue to make recommendations to Council on the Vehicle for Hire industry. Staffing Requirements: Enforcement of the current Taxicab Licensing By-law is undertaken by one of the existing Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in addition to all of the other enforcement and administrative functions associated with the position. Regulating Personal Transportation Companies will create a significant increase in administrative reporting, payment remittance, auditing and enforcement requirements. Staff recommend that another Municipal Law Enforcement Officer be added to the staff complement to ensure adequate staffing resources are in place to administer and enforce the new By-law. The projected cost for an additional MLEO is approximately $74,076.75 annually. Staff recommend an ongoing review of the changes implemented in the draft Vehicle for Hire By- law, including reporting on safety issues, customer concerns, and PTC compliance. The Vehicle for Hire industry provides important services to both residents and visitors to Pickering. As the Pickering Casino Resort is set to begin operations in early 2020, ensuring regulations are in place to establish minimum acceptable standards for vehicle for hire services is more important than ever. Pickering will see an entirely new wave of visitors that will expect to have safe, clean, reliable transportation options available. The proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law establishes regulations to require vehicles for hire to provide acceptable service levels, and introduces a program to encourage the continued growth of accessible services as needs continue to expand. Attachments: 1. Draft Vehicle for Hire By-law 2. Comments Received from Uber 3. Comments received from Lyft 4. Comments received from the public Prepared By: Ap vedlEndorsed By: Kimberly Thompson, CMM 111, CPSO Paul B Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services Direct KT:kt rn, r, Corpo ate Services & City Solicitor BYL 02-19 December 2, 2019 Subject: Vehicle for Hire By-law Page 10 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 4.,ie Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer cJ . iito9 Attachment #1 to Report BYL 02-19 Cty o1 DICKERING Vehicle for Hire Licensing By-law Being a by-law to license, regulate and govern taxicabs and personal transportation companies within the City of Pickering WHEREAS section 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a local municipality may license, regulate and govern any business wholly or partly carried on within the municipality; AND WHEREAS section 156 of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides further authority for the licensing regulating and governing of the owners and drivers of taxicabs, AND WHEREAS the City of Pickering wishes to license, regulate and govern vehicle for hire businesses within the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacts as follows: PART I — INTERPRETATION Definitions 1 In this by-law, "accessible service" means a vehicle for hire that is used for the provision of either taxicab or transportation services to persons with disabilities; "accessible service supplement" means a surcharge to be paid by all vehicle for hire license holders that do not provide accessible services. "accessible taxicab" has the same meaning as in section 1 of R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 629; "accessible taxicab driver" means a taxicab driver who operates an accessible taxicab that is primarily used to provide accessible service; "accessible taxicab plate licence" means a licence issued by the City to permit the operation of a specific vehicle as an accessible taxicab; "accessible taxicab plate licensee" means a person to whom an accessible taxicab plate licence has been issued; "affiliated" means a person registered with a PTC or under contract to a brokerage and "affiliation" has a corresponding meaning; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 2 "applicant" means a person applying for a licence or a renewal of a licence and "application" has a corresponding meaning; "authorized vehicle inspection station" means a place designated by the City to conduct vehicle safety inspections; "auxiliary service" means a pre -arranged service calculated at an hourly rate that, in addition to transportation, provides additional support and assistance to the customer such as door-to-door accompaniment, attending appointments, assisting with purchases or other special needs services; "auxiliary service vehicle" means a vehicle involved in providing auxiliary service as defined by this by-law. "broker" means any person who carries on the business of accepting orders for, or dispatching in any manner to, two or more licensed taxicabs and "brokerage" has a corresponding meaning; "brokerage licence" means a licence issued by the City to permit the operation of a brokerage; "CIR" means a Criminal Information Report containing the results of a search of the Canadian Police Information Centre that includes a list of all criminal convictions for which a pardon has not been received; "City" means the geographical area of The City of Pickering or the Corporation of the City of Pickering, as the context requires; "City plate licence" means a licence issued by the City to permit the operation of an approved vehicle as a taxicab; "City plate licensee" means a person to whom a City plate licence has been issued; "clean air cab" means a taxicab that is a hybrid vehicle, or a vehicle that is powered by propane, natural gas, bio -fuel, or electricity; "Council" means the Council of the City; "Designated Driver Service" means the transportation of a vehicle owner and that person's passengers, if any, in the vehicle owner's vehicle from any place in the City to any other place for payment of a fee; "Disabled person" has the same meaning as in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act S.O. 2001 C.32 section 2(1). "dispatch" means to communicate orders or other information in any manner between a broker and a driver; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 3 "dispatcher" means a person who is in the employ of, or working under a contract with, a broker and whose duties include accepting orders and/or dispatching those orders to taxicab drivers; "driver's abstract" means a Driver Record Search issued by the Ministry of Transportation; "fare" means the total amount charged to a person for a trip in accordance with Schedule 2; "facilitate" includes, but is not limited to, advertising, offering, operating, receiving, relaying, authorizing, enabling, communicating or providing; "fender numbers" means permanent lettering representing the taxicab plate number of at least 15 cm in height, in a contrasting colour to the vehicle and affixed on both front fenders in a location approved by the City; "good condition" means all equipment is functional, there is no damage to the interior or exterior, there is a well-maintained paint finish, the vehicle is clean both inside and out, there are no warning lights on indicating service issues that need to be addressed, and the vehicle has four matching rims or hub cabs; "identification card" means information in written or accessible electronic form providing the following: (1) the first name and photograph of the PTC Driver; (2 the make, model and licence plate number of the PTC Vehicle(s) used by the PTC Driver (3) the name and contact information of the PTC; and (4) the Insurance policy coverage for the PTC Vehicle. "industry participants" means personal transportation companies, PTC Drivers, taxicab plate owners, taxicab drivers, dispatchers, taxicab plate licensees, lessees and taxicab brokers; "issued" means issued or renewed by the City under this by-law and "issuance" has a corresponding meaning; "lease" means an agreement between a taxicab plate owner and a taxicab driver under which the plate owner authorizes the taxicab driver to use a taxicab plate for a fee; "lessee" means a taxicab driver who has entered into a lease; "licence" means any licence of any kind issued pursuant to this by-law; "licensed" means licensed under this by-law; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 4 "licensing officer" means a City employee who has been delegated the task of issuing licenses in relation to the requirements of this by-law; "limousine" means a vehicle that is kept or used for hire for the conveyance of persons solely on an hourly, daily or weekly basis, with a minimum fee or charge of not less than fifty dollars for a single conveyance, that does not contain a taxicab meter, roof light or two—way radio (or similar device); "mechanical defect" means damage to, or failure of a part, component or feature of, a vehicle; "model year" means the year of the vehicle noted on the Ontario Motor Vehicle Registration for the vehicle; "officer" means a municipal law enforcement officer employed by the City, or a police officer pursuant to subsection 42(1)(h) of the Police Services Act. "operate", when used in reference to a vehicle for hire, includes driving a taxicab or PTC Vehicle and making it available to the public in service as a taxicab or for transportation service in relation to a PTC Vehicle and includes when the PTC Driver is logged into or otherwise accessing the PTC platform, and "operation" has a corresponding meaning; "order", except where the term is used in Parts XII and XIV, means a request for taxicab service received by a broker or a driver or a PTC Vehicle through the PTC platform; "passenger" means any person other than the driver seated in a taxicab or PTC Vehicle or any person engaging or attempting to engage the services of a PTC Vehicle or taxicab; "person" means an individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, organization, trustee, or agent, and includes the heirs, executors or legal representatives of the person; "Personal Transportation Company" and "PTC" each means a Person that, in any manner, facilitates transportation services using a Platform to connect a Passenger with a PTC Driver or a PTC Vehicle; "Personal Transportation Company Driver" means a Person registered or affiliated with a PTC that transports a Passenger using a PTC Platform and may also be referred to as a "PTC Driver"; "Personal Transportation Company Identifier" means a sign, including a decal, displaying the logo or name of the PTC, in a form approved by the City and may also be referred to as a "PTC Identifier"; "Personal Transportation Company Licence" means a Licence issued under this By-law to a PTC and may also be referred to as a "PTC Licence"; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 5 "Personal Transportation Company Vehicle" means a Motor Vehicle used by a PTC Driver to provide transportation services to a Passenger using the PTC Platform and may also be referred to as a "PTC Vehicle"; "platform" means any software, technology, or service, including a smartphone application which permits passengers to obtain and pay for transportation; "registered owner" means the owner of a vehicle according to the records maintained by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles for the Province of Ontario; "roof light" means an electronically illuminated roof sign that is securely attached to the top of the taxicab in a manner approved by the City that works in conjunction with the taxicab meter so that it is not illuminated when the meter is engaged and is illuminated when the head lights are on and the meter is in a vacant status; "service animal" means an animal trained by a recognized school for service as a guide dog for the blind or visually impaired, a guide dog for the deaf or hearing impaired, or a special skills dog for other persons with a disability and includes an animal used in therapy, registered with a recognized organization for that purpose; "solicit" means to appeal for a passenger by sound, words, signs or gestures directed at any person, but does not include communication over a PTC platform; "street hail" means to appeal for a ride by a person using sounds, words, signs or gestures directed at a taxicab or PTC Driver, but does not include communication over a PTC platform; "tariff card" means a card issued by the City that shows the current fares as set out in Schedule 2; "taxicab" means any vehicle used for hire in the conveyance of persons from a place within the City to any point inside or outside of the City, but does not include a bus operated by Durham Region Transit or under license under the Public Vehicles Act, a PTC vehicle, an auxiliary service vehicle, a vehicle used by a Designated Driver Service, an ambulance, a funeral hearse, a limousine or a vehicle described in subsection 156(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001; "taxicab driver" means a person licensed to operate a taxicab; "taxicab driver's licence" means a licence issued by the City to permit an individual to operate a taxicab; "taxicab meter" means a measuring device approved by the City and used in a taxicab to calculate a fare; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 6 "taxicab plate" means a metal plate bearing the taxicab plate number assigned by the City; "taxicab plate licence" means a taxicab plate owner licence, City plate licence, and/or, accessible taxicab plate licence as the context requires; "taxicab plate licensee" means a person to whom a taxicab plate licence has been issued; "taxicab plate eligibility list" means the list of applicants for a City plate licence maintained by the City; "taxicab plate owner" means a person who is the owner of a taxicab plate according to City records; "taxicab plate owner licence" means a licence issued by the City to a taxicab plate owner to permit the operation of a specific vehicle as a taxicab; "taxicab plate owner licensee" means a person to whom a taxicab plate owner licence has been issued; "transportation service" means a trip arranged through a platform commencing when a passenger enters the PTC Vehicle, continuing for the period that the PTC Vehicle is continuously occupied, and ending when all passengers exit the PTC vehicle; "trip" means the distance and time traveled or the distance and time to be traveled, measured from the time and point at which the passenger first enters the taxicab or when the taxicab meter is first engaged, to the time and point at which the passenger finally leaves the taxicab or the taxicab meter is disengaged; "trip sheet" means a record of the details of all trips made by a taxicab during each period of continuous operation (each shift) containing, (a) the name of the driver, the date and the taxicab plate number; (b) the time, location and destination of every trip made; and (c) the amount of the fare collected for each trip "vehicle" includes an automobile or any other device for the transportation of persons or goods propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self propelled implement of husbandry or road building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 7 "vehicle for hire" means a motor vehicle that is conveying or available for conveying one or more persons in exchange for a fee or other consideration and includes without limitation a taxicab and a PTC Vehicle. "Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee" or "VHAC" means the advisory committee delegated to hear appeals under this by-law and make recommendations to Council regarding the regulation of the vehicle for hire industry; 2 The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this by-law: Schedule 1 - FEES Schedule 2 - TARIFFS/RATES 3 Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to Parts, sections, subsections, clauses and Schedules are references to Parts, sections, subsections, clauses and Schedules in this by-law. 4 If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section, or any part of any section, of this by-law to be invalid, or to be of no force or effect, it is the intention of the City that every other provision of this by-law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law. 5 References in this by-law to any statute or statutory provision include references to that statute or statutory provision as it may from time to time be amended, extended or re-enacted. 6 This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context requires. PART II - PURPOSES 7 The City considers it necessary to license, regulate and govern industry participants for the following health and safety purposes: (a) to enhance and encourage safe maintenance and operational practices; (b) to ensure that only experienced, qualified and trustworthy industry participants are providing services; and (c) to promote accountability of industry participants for health and safety issues. 8 The City considers it necessary to license, regulate and govern industry participants for the following consumer protection purposes: (a) to enhance and encourage equal, fair and courteous treatment amongst industry participants and users of vehicle for hire services; (b) to ensure consistency in the application of fares; and Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 8 (c) to promote accountability of industry participants for consumer protection. PART III — APPLICATIONS Submission of Applications — All Applicants 9 Applications shall be completed and submitted on forms provided by the City. 10 When submitting an application, every applicant shall provide all information requested by the City including supporting documentation satisfactory to the City. 11 Every application shall be submitted with the applicable licence fee specified in Schedule 1. 12 Receipt of an application and a licence fee by the City shall not represent approval of the application nor shall it obligate the City to issue a licence. 13 If an applicant is a partnership, the applicant shall file with the application a statutory declaration signed by all members of the partnership stating, (a) the full name of every partner and their address of ordinary residence; (b) the name or names under which the partnership carries on or intends to carry on business; (c) that the persons named are the only partners of the partnership; and (d) the mailing address for the partnership. 14 Every corporation applying for a licence shall file with the application a copy of the corporation's articles of incorporation or other incorporating documents and a statutory declaration stating, (a) the full name of every shareholder and their address of ordinary residence (unless the applicant is a publicly traded corporation); (b) the full name of every director and their address of ordinary residence; (c) the name or names under which the corporation carries on or intends to carry on business; and (d) the mailing address for the corporation. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 9 Issuance of Licenses 15 A licensing officer may issue a licence to an applicant only where all of the information and documents that the applicant is required to provide under this by- law have been provided and verified, and the licence fee has been paid. Disqualifications 16 A licensing officer shall refuse to issue a licence if, (a) the applicant has been convicted within the past ten years of an offence, for which a pardon has not been granted, under Part III (Firearms and Weapons), Part V (Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct), Part VIII (Offences Against the Person and Reputation) or Part IX (Offences Against Rights of Property) of the Criminal Code of Canada or for the offence of Careless Driving or Stunt Driving under the Highway Traffic Act; (b) the applicant has submitted false information in support of the application; (c) the issuance of the licence would contravene any of the provisions of this by-law; (d) the application is for a City plate licence which, if issued, would exceed the maximum number of City plate licenses permitted under this by-law; (e) the applicant fails to successfully complete any testing, training, educational or awareness program required by the City; or (f) the licensing officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant will not operate in accordance with the law or with honesty and integrity. 17 A licensing officer may refuse to issue a licence if the applicant has failed to pay fines imposed for previous convictions relating to contraventions of any municipal by-laws. 18 The licensing officer may include in consideration of subsection 16 (f), whether the applicant has permitted a PTC driver to access the PTC platform where a criminal reference check discloses an outstanding criminal conviction, or any record of offence that is less than ten (10) years and relevant to the nature of the services of a PTC Driver, or any record of offence that directly affects the PTC Driver's ability to competently and responsibly carry on the services of a PTC Driver, including but not limited to: an offence under the Criminal Code, the Narcotics Control Act, the Cannabis Act or the Food and Drug Act. 19 The licensing officer may refuse to issue a licence where the applicant has been convicted of a criminal offence other than those set out in clause 16(a) or an offence under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada). Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 10 PART IV — TAXICAB DRIVER'S LICENSES Obtaining a Licence 20 In addition to the requirements of Part III, every applicant for a taxicab driver's licence shall submit to the City, (a) a current valid Class 'G' (minimum) driver's licence issued by the Province of Ontario which is in good standing according to the records of the Ministry of Transportation, (b) a driver's abstract dated within 30 days of the date of application, and (c) an original CIR dated within 30 days of the date of application. 21 Every applicant for a taxicab driver's licence shall pose for an identification photograph as part of the taxicab driver's licence issued by the City. Testing and Training 22 Every applicant for a taxicab driver's licence shall successfully complete a taxicab driver training and testing program approved by the City, at the driver's expense, within a timeframe specified by the City. 23 The City may waive the requirement of section 22 for renewing applicants, provided they have previously completed a taxicab driver training and testing program approved by the City 24 Where the City has concerns regarding a driver's conduct or performance as a result of a complaint or otherwise, the City may require such driver to appear before the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee and/or attend a testing and training program at the driver's expense. Term of Taxicab Driver's Licence 25 Every taxicab driver's licence shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance. Taxicab Driver Duties 26 Every taxicab driver shall, (a) give a passenger a receipt in a form approved by the City showing the driver's name, the taxicab plate number, the date and time of the trip, place of pick up, place of discharge and the fare charged when requested and whenever there is a dispute over the fare; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 11 (b) subject to section 27, and except when there is a previous order or engagement, serve the first person requiring the service of the taxicab at any place within the City, at any time of day or night, unless the person, (i) refuses to give their destination; (ii) is in the possession of an animal other than a service animal; (iii) has not paid a previous fare; (iv) is, in the opinion of the driver, unable or unwilling to pay the fare and has been unable or unwilling to satisfy the driver that he has the funds to pay the fare; (v) is an individual covered in an amount of dirt or other material so excessive that if such individual is transported the interior of the taxicab would be left in an unclean state; (vi) is intoxicated or disorderly; (vii) is eating or drinking any food or beverage; (viii)is a person under the age of 12 years who is not accompanied by an adult, or has not had the trip arranged by an adult; (ix) refuses to wear a seat belt; or (x) is intending to smoke or vape in the vehicle. (c) take the most direct available route to the passenger's desired destination unless the passenger requests otherwise; (d) prepare trip sheets; (e) retain all trip sheets for at least three (3) months and make them available for inspection at the request of the City; (f) subject to paragraph (g), engage the taxicab meter only when the passenger enters the taxicab and keep it engaged throughout the trip; (g) be allowed to engage the taxicab meter before the passenger enters the taxicab only after the driver has notified the passenger of the arrival and has waited a reasonable time after the due time of the order; (h) securely fasten all physically disabled persons, wheelchairs and any other passenger aids, including batteries, so that they are prevented from moving while the taxicab is in motion; and Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 12 (i) carry on his person a valid Ontario Driver's License, a certificate of insurance and a copy of the vehicle ownership and provide to an officer upon request. 27 When operating an accessible taxicab, every driver shall provide priority service to physically disabled persons at all times, regardless of prior requests for service from persons who are not physically disabled persons. 28 Every driver who has been convicted of an offence described in clause 16(a) shall, within five (5) calendar days of being so convicted, report that fact to the City. 29 The City may at any time, require a driver to provide a CIR or a driver's abstract. Taxicab Driver Restrictions 30 a) No person shall operate a taxicab unless he has been issued a taxicab driver's licence. b) No person shall permit a vehicle to be operated as a taxicab by anyone other than a taxicab driver. 31 No person shall charge a fare or fee to carry passengers or offer to carry passengers for a fare or fee unless the vehicle used or to be used has a valid City Plate Licence, Taxicab Plate Licence, or Accessible Taxicab Plate Licence affixed to it. 32 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab without a taxicab plate affixed to the rear of the vehicle and a taxicab plate licence for the vehicle. 33 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab unless it complies with all of the vehicle requirements set out in Part XI. 34 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab with mechanical defects. 35 No taxicab driver shall display any sign, emblem, decal, ornament or advertisement on or in a taxicab except as approved by the City. 36 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab unless the current tariff card is affixed to the rear of the front seat or otherwise located so that it is plainly visible to passengers in the back seat. 37 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab with a greater number of passengers than seatbelts are available for. 38 No taxicab driver shall operate a taxicab for more than twelve (12) hours in any period of twenty-four (24) hours, or for any period which is more than five (5) consecutive hours at any time without a break of not less than twenty (20) consecutive minutes. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 13 39 (1) In this section, "written contract" means written contract for taxicab services between a taxicab plate licensee and another person for a period of six months or more, at an agreed rate or charge. (2) No taxicab driver shall recover or receive any rate or charge from any passenger or persons who made use of his services which is greater than the fare set out in Schedule 2, other than a tip, gratuity or credit card service charge or pursuant to a written contract. 40 No taxicab driver shall, (c) (d) take or consume any intoxicants or take, consume or have in their possession any alcohol, or drugs prohibited by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada) while they are operating a taxicab; smoke or allow or permit the smoking of any equipment or product including but not limited to cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah or any other lit smoking product or vaping product, whether lit by flame or battery powered; use any tariff card other than that obtained from the City; or speak in an obscene, foul, boisterous, racist, loud, threatening or abusive manner to any person, including a dispatcher, while operating a taxicab. 41 When a taxicab driver uses a taxicab for transportation of passengers for no gain or reward or the taxicab is being tested or inspected, the taxicab driver shall remove the roof light from the taxicab and place the taxicab meter in a non - recording position. 42 If the taxicab driver and the passenger agree before the start of the trip to a flat rate, the taxicab meter must, in any event, be in a recording position for the duration of the trip. PART V - TAXICAB PLATE LICENSES Obtaining a Licence 43 In addition to the requirements of Part III, every applicant for a taxicab plate licence shall, (a) submit a copy of the current Ontario Ministry of Transportation Motor Vehicle permit for the vehicle to which the taxicab plate will be attached in good standing with the plate portion endorsed with a plate owner's or a lessee's name; (b) submit a copy of the current Ontario Standard Automobile Insurance policy for the vehicle to which the taxicab plate will be attached, which provides that the City shall be given at least fifteen (15) days' notice in Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 14 writing, prior to cancellation, expiration or change in the amount of the policy and shall provide insurance in respect of any one accident a third party liability limit of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000.00); (c) submit a current Safety Standard Certificate issued by an authorized vehicle inspection station for the vehicle to which the taxicab plate will be attached; (d) pay all fines, penalties, judgments and any other amounts, including awards of legal costs and disbursements, owing to the City; and (e) submit the vehicle to which the taxicab plate is to be attached for inspection and registration by the City. Term of Taxicab Plate Licence 44 Every taxicab plate licence shall be valid up to and including December 31St in the year for which it was issued. Taxicab Plate Licensee Duties 45 Every taxicab plate licensee shall file with the City at least five (5) working days prior to the expiry date of any current insurance policy all insurance renewal policies or certificates of insurance evidencing continued compliance with the requirements of clause 43(b). 46 Every taxicab plate licensee shall, (a) at all times keep copies of the following in the taxicab: (i) the current Ontario Ministry of Transportation passenger motor vehicle permit issued for that taxicab; (ii) the current taxicab plate licence; (iii) the certificate of liability insurance for the taxicab; (b) employ or use only the services of licensed taxicab drivers; (c) provide the City and, where applicable, any broker with whom they are affiliated, with the names of all taxicab drivers who are permitted to operate the taxicab; (d) repair any mechanical defects in the taxicab reported to them by a taxicab driver or the City; (e) upon receipt of a notice of inspection from the City, obtain a current Safety Standard Certificate issued by an authorized vehicle inspection station and make the taxicab available for inspection at the appointed time and place specified in the notice; and Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 15 (f) ensure a current tariff card is affixed to the rear of the front seat or otherwise located so that it is plainly visible to passengers in the back seat. 47 Every taxicab plate licensee shall provide accessible taxicab service, or pay an accessible service supplement as outlined in Schedule 1. 48 (1) Every taxicab plate licensee shall maintain the taxicab in good condition at all times. (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), every taxicab plate licensee shall maintain all drive train components (including the engine, transmission, suspension and braking system) in accordance with the standards of Ontario Regulation 611 and maintain all factory and after- market parts free of defects or damage. Taxicab Plate Licensee Restrictions 49 No person shall permit a vehicle to be operated as a taxicab without a taxicab plate affixed to the rear of the vehicle and a taxicab plate licence for the vehicle. 50 No person shall publish or cause to be published any representation that he is licensed or hold himself out as being licensed if he is not licensed. 51 No taxicab plate licensee shall permit a taxicab to be operated unless it complies with all of the vehicle requirements set out in Part XI. 52 No taxicab plate licensee shall permit a taxicab to be operated with mechanical defects. 53 No taxicab plate licensee shall permit a taxicab to be operated with any sign, emblem, decal, ornament or advertisement displayed on or in a taxicab except as approved by the City. 54 No taxicab plate licensee shall permit a taxicab to be operated unless the current tariff card is affixed to the rear of the front seat or is otherwise located so that it is plainly visible to passengers in the back seat. 55 No taxicab plate licensee shall permit a taxicab to be operated in affiliation with a broker who is not licensed. Vehicle Registration 56 Prior to using any vehicle as a taxicab, every taxicab plate licensee shall submit the vehicle to the City for inspection and registration. 57 No vehicle shall be registered as a taxicab unless it meets all of the requirements of Part XI. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 16 58 Where a taxicab plate licensee wishes to change the vehicle to which the taxicab plate is affixed, he shall submit the new vehicle for inspection and, upon registration of the new vehicle, shall pay the fee set out in Schedule 1. Limitation on Number of Licenses 59 The City recognizes a total of seventy-eight (78) taxicab plate licences as having been issued under By-law No. 6702/06, three (3) of which are accessible taxicab plates. 60 (1) The total number of taxicab plate licenses issued at any given time shall not exceed 78 or the number established by the ratio of one licence for each 2,500 residents of the City, whichever is greater. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the number of residents of the City shall be as determined by the latest revised population figures available from Statistics Canada. (3) The City may issue new City plate licenses within three months of receipt of the population statistics from Statistics Canada if warranted under subsection (1). PART VI — PLATE OWNERS Transfer of Plate Ownership 61 No taxicab plate owner shall transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of a taxicab plate without the approval of the City. 62 The City shall not approve the transfer or sale of a taxicab plate unless the taxicab plate owner, (a) attends in person accompanied by the purchaser to complete and file with the City a plate ownership transfer form and declaration; (b) provides a fully executed contract of sale for the taxicab plate; (c) returns to the City the taxicab plate that is being transferred; and (d) pays the fee set out in Schedule 1. 63 The transfer of at least 51 percent of the voting shares of a corporation that is a Taxicab Plate Owner constitutes a transfer for the purposes of sections 61 and 62. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 17 Operation/Transfer of a Plate by an Estate 64 Within ninety (90) days following the death of a natural person who is a taxicab plate owner, the executor or administrator of the estate shall file with the City proof of death of the natural person and proof of the executor's or administrator's capacity. 65 The executor or administrator may continue to hold the deceased's plate(s) for a period of up to one (1) year following the date of death and may operate a taxicab or permit a taxicab to be operated with the deceased's plate(s) attached provided all of the requirements of this by-law are complied with during such time. 66 (1) Where the executor or administrator cannot transfer the deceased's plate(s) within one (1) year following the date of death, the executor or administrator may apply to the VHAC to permit the executor or administrator to continue to operate the taxicab or permit the taxicab to be operated with the deceased's plate(s) attached for such further period of time as the VHAC deems appropriate. (2) If the executor or administrator does not or cannot transfer the deceased's plate(s) within one (1) year following the date of death, or within such further period of time as prescribed by the VHAC pursuant to subsection (1), whichever is later, the deceased's plate(s) shall be deemed to be cancelled and shall be returned to the City. Leases of Taxicab Plates 67 (1) No taxicab plate owner shall permit its taxicab plate to be used for a taxicab that the taxicab plate owner does not own except under the authority of a lease that meets the requirements of this section. (2) Copies of all leases shall be filed with the City. (3) Leases shall be for a period of not less than one (1) year and not more than three (3) years. 68 No lessee shall operate a taxicab except under the authority of a lease that meets the requirements of section 67. 69 No lessee may sublease a taxicab plate. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 18 PART VII — CITY PLATES Obtaining a Licence 70 In addition to the requirements of Part III and Part V, every applicant for a City plate licence shall meet the requirements of this Part. 71 All taxicab plates issued to City plate licensees shall remain the property of the City. 72 All City Plates must be operated as accessible taxicabs and affixed to an accessible taxicab vehicle. 73 Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, City plate licenses shall not be transferred, leased or otherwise disposed of by the City plate licensee. 74 City plate licenses may only be used by City plate licensees and one alternate taxicab driver whose name has been provided to the City in advance of any such use. Plate Eligibility List 75 The City shall maintain a plate eligibility list that contains the names of applicants for a City plate licence in the order of the receipt of their application. 76 No person, by virtue of the submission of an application for a City plate licence or by virtue of the placing of his name on the plate eligibility list, shall obtain a vested right to a City plate licence, or to remain on the plate eligibility list. 77 The City shall issue City plate licenses as they become available to persons in the order in which their names appear on the plate eligibility list. 78 (1) No applicant for a City plate licence shall have his name placed or maintained on the plate eligibility list unless the applicant has, (a) a taxicab driver's licence or a similar licence by another municipality; or (b) a taxicab plate licence or a similar licence by another municipality. (2) When a person whose name appears on the plate eligibility list changes his name, address or contact information, he shall notify the City in writing within five (5) days of the change. (3) All persons whose names appeared on the plate eligibility list maintained under By-law 6702/06 shall have their names maintained on the plate eligibility list if they meet the requirements of subsection (1). Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 19 (4) The City shall review the plate eligibility list annually to determine whether those persons listed on it continue to comply with the requirements of subsection (1). (5) (a) Every person whose name appears on the plate eligibility list shall be required to renew their application annually, within the timeframe and in the form specified by the City, and pay the applicable fee as set out in Schedule (1). (b) Persons who fail to comply with clause (a) shall have their names removed from the plate eligibility list. (6) Any person whose name is on the plate eligibility list and who no longer complies with subsection (1) shall have his name removed from the plate eligibility list. (7) The City shall give notice to any person whose name is removed from the plate eligibility list. 79 No person shall hold more than one position on the plate eligibility list at any one time. Registration 80 When a City plate licence is approved, the applicant shall, within 30 days of the date of notification of such approval, register an accessible taxicab to that taxicab plate and affix the taxicab plate to that accessible taxicab, failing which, the applicant shall not be issued the City plate licence, the applicant's name shall be removed from the plate eligibility list, and the City may proceed to issue the City plate licence to another eligible applicant. Death of City Plate Licensee 81 In the event of the death of a City Plate Licensee, the City Plate shall be returned to the City for distribution to the next person on the Taxicab Plate Eligibility List. PART VIII — ADDITIONAL ACCESSIBLE TAXICABS Obtaining a Licence 82 In addition to the requirements of Part III and Part V, applicants for additional accessible taxicab plate licenses shall meet the requirements of this Part. 83 (a) Notwithstanding sections 59 and 60, Council may issue additional accessible taxicab plate licenses as may be required to meet accessible service demands. (b) All Accessible Taxicab Plates must be operated as accessible taxicabs and affixed to an accessible taxicab vehicle. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 20 84 All plates issued to accessible taxicab plate licensees under this by-law shall remain the property of the City. Accessible taxicab plates issued under By-law 6702/06 shall remain the property of the taxicab plate licensee, provided such licensee complies with the provisions of this by-law. 85 (a) Accessible taxicab plates are held by accessible taxicab plate licensees at the pleasure of Council and may be revoked by the City, should the requirements for accessible taxicab service or vehicle standards not be complied with. Upon revocation, the accessible taxicab plate shall revert to the City without compensation to the accessible taxicab plate licensee. (b) Accessible taxicab plates are held by accessible taxicab plate licensees at the pleasure of Council and may be revoked by the City, without cause, following a period of five (5) years from the date of issuance, and upon revocation, shall revert to the City without compensation to the accessible taxicab plate licensee. 86 Accessible taxicab plate licenses may only be used by Accessible taxicab plate licensees and two alternate taxicab drivers whose names have been provided to the City in advance of any such use. 87 In addition to the requirements of Part Wand Part V, prior to the issuance of an accessible taxicab plate licence, the applicant shall provide the City with a current Safety Standard Certificate issued by an authorized vehicle inspection station showing that the vehicle to which the accessible taxicab plate will be attached meets the requirements for an accessible taxicab as set out in Ontario Regulation 629. 88 Every accessible taxicab driver shall submit proof of training satisfactory to the City, to confirm their ability to securely fasten all physically disabled persons, wheelchairs and any other passenger aids, including batteries, so that they are prevented from moving while the taxicab is in motion. Accessible Taxicab Plate Licensee Duty 89 Every accessible taxicab plate licensee shall ensure that the taxicab is in compliance with Ontario Regulation 629 at all times during operation of that taxicab. 90 Every accessible taxicab plate licensee shall provide a minimum accessible taxicab service of forty (40) hours per week, fifty (50) weeks per year. 91 Every accessible taxicab plate licensee shall ensure that the accessible taxicab driver has submitted proof of training satisfactory to the City, to confirm their ability to securely fasten all physically disabled persons, wheelchairs and any other passenger aids, including batteries, so that they are prevented from moving while the taxicab is in motion. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 21 Accessible Taxicab Restrictions 92 a) No person shall operate, or permit to be operated, a vehicle as an accessible taxicab without a taxicab plate affixed to the rear of the vehicle and a taxicab plate licence for the vehicle. b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, accessible taxicab plate licenses shall not be transferred, leased or otherwise disposed of by the accessible taxicab plate licensee. Accessible Taxicab Incentive Program 93 a) The City will establish and implement an Accessible Taxicab Incentive Program funded through the Accessible Service Supplement to ensure that adequate accessible taxicab services are available. b) The Accessible Taxicab Incentive Program may include, but is not limited to: i) requirements for grant or incentive eligibility; ii) criteria for receiving any incentive or grant; iii) the amount and frequency of the disbursement of any incentive or grant, including pro -rated or discretionary amounts; iv) sanctions, including reductions in the amount of any incentive or grant for non-compliance with the conditions of the program; and v) reporting or auditing requirements for brokerages, PTCs, and Taxicab Plate Licensees PART IX - BROKERAGE LICENSES Obtaining a Licence 94 In addition to the requirements of Part III, every applicant for a brokerage licence shall submit to the City evidence of an affiliation with at least two taxicab plate licensees and/or lessees. Term of Licence 95 Every brokerage licence shall be valid up to and including December 31st in the year for which it was issued. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 22 Broker Duties 96 Every broker shall, (a) provide the City with a list, showing in numerical order by taxicab plate number, the name of every driver operating any taxicab with which he has entered into an arrangement for the provision of taxicab brokerage services; (b) notify the City within ten (10) days of any additions to or deletions from the list provided under subsection (a); (c) prepare and retain for a period of at least one year a record of the time and date of each dispatch, the driver to whom the order was dispatched, the taxicab plate number, the pickup location and the destination; (d) carry on the brokerage twenty-four (24) hours a day; (e) ensure all taxicabs dispatched by a brokerage bear either a roof light or decals approved by the City identifying the taxicab's affiliation with the brokerage; (f) upon request, inform any person requesting taxicab service of the anticipated length of time required for a taxicab to arrive at the pickup location; (g) when volume of business is such that service will be delayed to any person requesting taxicab service, inform the person of the approximate time of the delay before accepting the order; (11) dispatch a taxicab to any person requesting service within the City unless the person requesting service has not paid for a previous trip; (i) carry on business only in the name in which the broker is licensed; (j) provide accessible taxicab services, with a ratio of at least 10% of the affiliated taxicabs in their fleet, (any fleet of less than 10 taxicabs must provide 1 accessible taxicab) or pay an accessible service supplement; (k) where the broker provides accessible taxicab service, provide proof of driver training on proper methods to securely fasten all wheelchairs, scooters, and any other passenger aids, including batteries, so that they are prevented from moving while the taxicab is in motion; (1) where the broker dispatches to accessible taxicabs, provide accessible taxicab service 24 hours per day; (m) where the broker dispatches to accessible taxicabs, and service is requested by a disabled person, provide priority service for such person; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 23 (n) promptly investigate any complaint brought to the broker's attention by an officer against any taxicab driver or taxicab plate licensee and report the findings to the officer and any action taken; at the request of an officer, not dispatch calls to any taxicab until further notification; within 48 hours of a request from an officer, provide a record showing the number of taxicabs available for service on any particular day, the time(s) when each taxicab was available for service, and the calls dispatched to each taxicab; employ or use only the services of a taxicab plate licensee or a taxicab driver; and (r) maintain an affiliation with at least two taxicab plate licensees and/or lessees. Broker Restrictions 97 No broker shall, (a) dispatch to an unlicensed taxicab or an unlicensed driver; (b) dispatch to a vehicle that does not comply with the requirements of Part XI; (c) dispatch to a taxicab which is not on the list provided under clause 96(a), and; (d) dispatch to a taxicab that has been ordered removed from service, until authorized by the City. 98 No person shall carry on business as a broker in the City unless he has been issued a brokerage licence. Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements 99 In addition to the requirements of Part III, an application for a new PTC Licence or a renewal of a PTC Licence shall be accompanied by: (1) if the Applicant is a corporation, proof that it is legally entitled to operate in Ontario, including but not limited to: (a) a copy of the incorporating documents; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Paae 24 (b) a copy of the last initial notice/notice of change which has been filed with the appropriate government department; and (c) a Certificate of Status issued by the applicable provincial or federal government authority. (2) the address and contact information of the PTC's registered business address in the Province of Ontario, which is not a post office box, to which the City may send during business hours any notice or documentation or communication that may be required under this By-law and at which the Applicant or the Applicant's agent will accept receipt of such notice, documentation or communication together with the name, telephone, and email contact information for the person authorized to receive and respond on behalf of the PTC to any and all communications from the City relating to the PTC's licence or the PTC's conduct of its business; (3) a PTC Identifier for approval by the City; (4) evidence satisfactory to the City that there are data security measures in place to protect the personal data collected by the PTC relating to passengers and PTC Drivers; (5) documentation demonstrating that the platform used: (a) provides to the passenger requesting the transportation service, at the time the transportation service is arranged: (i) the PTC name and contact information; (ii) the first name and a photograph of the PTC Driver; (iii) the make, model and licence plate of the PTC vehicle; (iv) the surcharge, if any; (v) the total cost; and (vi) the current location of the PTC Vehicle; (b) provides a link to rate or comment on the PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle. (c) provides a process allowing the passenger to accept or refuse the transportation service prior to it commencing and keeps a record of such acceptance or refusal; (d) provides a secure payment mechanism; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 25 (e) provides a printed or electronic receipt to the passenger at the end of the transportation service that includes the following information: (i) the fee and any surcharges; (ii) total amount paid; (iii) date and time of pickup; (iv) locations of pick up and drop off; and (v) the first name of the PTC Driver; (f) incorporates a global positioning system (GPS) in which all Transportation Services are recorded; and (g) is accessible for persons with disabilities. (6) a list of every affiliated PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle that has operated in the City in the previous 3 months, in a readily accessible format that includes: (i) the full name and address of every PTC Driver; and (ii) the make, model and licence plate of every PTC Vehicle; (7) proof of the insurance required under this Part to the satisfaction of the City; (8) payment of the appropriate Licence Fee as set out in Schedule 1 of the By -Law; (9) an outline of the training program provided to PTC Drivers prior to accessing the platform, and (10) any other information required by the City. 100 Every PTC shall make available to the public on its Platform, and by any other means of its choice, the following information: (1) the insurance coverage required to be maintained by the PTC and by the PTC Drivers; (2) the Transportation Services offered by PTC Drivers; (3) the applicable screening process for PTC Drivers and PTC Vehicles; (4) a link to rate or comment on the PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 26 (5) that PTC Drivers can only provide transportation services that are prearranged using the platform of the PTC and not accept street hails or pick up fares at taxi stands; and (6) that PTC Drivers cannot accept cash payment for transportation services. Insurance For purposes of this Part, the following insurance requirements shall apply: 101 (1) Every PTC shall provide proof of commercial general liability insurance against all claims for personal injury including bodily injury resulting in death, and property damage with an inclusive limit of not less than five million ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence insuring him or her against liability imposed by law for any loss or damage resulting from the carrying on of the business to which the licence relates. (2) The commercial general Liability policy in subsection 101(1) shall be in the name of the PTC and the City of Pickering shall be included as an additional insured. (3) Every PTC shall obtain and maintain on behalf of every PTC Driver, at all times during the provision of transportation services, Automobile Liability Insurance for owned, non -owned, or leased PTC Vehicles, with limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) exclusive of costs and interest, per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and loss or damage to property occurring while in the post -acceptance period. The Automobile Liability Insurance shall include the IPCF 6TN Permission to Carry Paying Passengers for a Transportation Network endorsement or an equivalent endorsement acceptable to the City. (4) The insurance coverage required under subsection 101(1) and (3) shall include a provision that requires the Insurer to provide the City with no less than 10 days prior written notice of any cancellation or variation to the policy. 102 The certificate of insurance issued in respect of the policy in Section 101(1) and (3) shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of the licence in the form of proof acceptable to the City. 103 Every PTC shall keep such records of the PTC Driver's insurance coverage for a period of 3 years after the PTC Driver ceases to be affiliated with the PTC. 104 Every PTC shall produce proof of any PTC Driver's insurance coverage to the City upon demand. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 27 105 The City may suspend the PTC licence if the PTC fails to comply with this Part until such time as the PTC provides proof of insurance coverage to the satisfaction of the City. 106 The PTC shall provide the City with such information as the City shall require, from time to time upon demand, to demonstrate that this Part is being complied with. PTC Restrictions In addition to any other provisions of this By -Law, for purposes of this Part: 107 No person shall facilitate transportation services unless authorized to do so by a licence issued pursuant to this By-law. 108 No person shall permit, accept, or condone street hails for a ride with a PTC Driver or in a PTC Vehicle, whether on the street or at a taxi stand or in any other manner at any other location. 109 No person shall solicit or condone the solicitation of a passenger by a PTC Driver or PTC Vehicle, whether on the street or at a taxi stand or in any other manner at any other location. 110 No person shall facilitate a transportation service that does not comply with this by-law. 111 No person shall obstruct the City's use of a platform to ensure compliance with this By-law, including, but not limited to the creation and use of accounts as either a passenger or PTC Driver. 112 No person shall permit a PTC Driver or a PTC Vehicle to provide transportation services if the PTC Driver does not have the insurance required under this by- law. 113 No person shall permit payment by cash for a transportation service. 114 No person shall smoke or allow or permit the smoking of any equipment or product including but not limited to cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah or any other lit smoking product or vaping product, whether lit by flame or battery powered, in a PTC Vehicle while it is providing transportation services. PTC Driver Duties 115 No person shall hold himself or herself out as a PTC Driver unless he or she has been authorized by a PTC to act as a PTC Driver. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 28 116 No PTC Driver shall refuse a request for transportation service by an individual accompanied by a service animal. 117 No PTC Driver or PTC Vehicle shall provide transportation services unless they hold a valid identification card issued by a PTC as required under section 134 of this by-law. 118 No PTC Driver shall permit any PTC Vehicle to carry more passengers than there are seatbelts available for. 119 Every PTC and PTC Driver shall ensure that a valid identification card required under section 134 of this by-law is: (1) in the PTC Vehicle at all times when transportation services affiliated with the PTC are offered or provided; and (2) is produced immediately upon demand of an Officer. 120 Every PTC Driver shall produce on demand of an Officer, the following documents: (1) the PTC Driver's identification card; (2) proof of valid insurance that meets the requirements of this By-law; and (3) any other information pertaining to the PTC Driver or the operation of the PTC Vehicle as requested by the Officer. 121 Upon demand by an officer, every PTC Driver shall submit the PTC Vehicle for inspection at a time and place as specified by the officer, with no fees or charges applied to the City. 122 Every PTC Driver shall ensure that a PTC Vehicle meets the following requirements at all times when providing a transportation service: (1) the PTC Vehicle has a valid Ontario Ministry of Transportation Motor Vehicle permit, prior to commencement of use as a PTC Vehicle, and annually thereafter; (2) the PTC Vehicle has a valid and current Ontario Ministry of Transportation Safety Standards Certificate, prior to commencement of use as a PTC Vehicle, and then annually thereafter; and (3) the PTC Vehicle complies with all of the vehicle requirements set out in Part XI. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 29 PTC Duties 123 Every PTC shall ensure that the City's use of the platform as either a passenger or PTC Driver will not be obstructed and will not be subject to fees. 124 Every PTC shall keep an up-to-date list of every registered or affiliated PTC Driver and PTC Vehicle authorized to provide service in the City in a readily accessible format that includes, but is not limited to: (1) the full name and address of every PTC Driver; and (2) the make, model and licence plate of every PTC Vehicle. 125 Every PTC shall ensure that, prior to commencing as a PTC Driver and at all times when providing transportation services, a registered PTC Driver: (1) is at least 18 years of age; (2) has a valid G licence or higher; (3) has completed the associated PTC driver training program; and (4) has been advised and consents in writing to their personal information being provided to the City for the purposes of administering and enforcing this by-law. 126 (1) Every PTC shall require a CIR and driving record abstract to be submitted by the PTC Driver prior to providing transportation services and annually thereafter, for as long as the PTC Driver is registered or affiliated with the PTC. (2) Every PTC shall obtain a CIR and a driving record abstract for each PTC Driver as follows: (3) (a) the driving record abstract should be no older than 30 days from the date the PTC Driver applied for affiliation with the PTC. (b) the CIR should be no older than 30 days from the date the driver applied for affiliation with the PTC. Every PTC shall ensure that no PTC Driver shall be provided access to the platform if the CIR exceeds the thresholds found in Section 16 — Disqualifications for a licence under this By-law. 127 For the purposes of complying with sections 125 and 126, a PTC holding a valid licence may, on behalf of a PTC Driver using its platform, submit and maintain the required documents. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 30 128 No PTC shall impose any mandatory arbitration clause on PTC Drivers or Passengers whose transportation services are facilitated by the PTC. 129 Every PTC shall ensure there is a dispute resolution process for dealing with any complaints regarding fees, customer service, or any other issues arising from the provision of transportation services. 130 No PTC shall require that the law of any jurisdiction other than Ontario be applied in relation to the use of the relevant PTC platform in the City by PTC Drivers or passengers. 131 No PTC shall permit a PTC Driver's access to the platform immediately upon being notified by the City that a PTC Driver has acted in a manner that is adverse to the public interest, public safety or upon discovering that a PTC Driver is not insured under section 101 (3) for so long as required by the City. 132 (1) Every PTC shall provide the City with such information as required to demonstrate that section 125 and 126 is being complied with. (2) Every PTC shall ensure that all affiliated PTC Drivers have an ongoing duty to disclose: (a) any charges listed in section 16, (b) any suspension of their Ontario Driver's license, (c) any change in insurance, and (d) any accidents while operating as a PTC vehicle. 133 Every PTC shall ensure that a PTC Vehicle meets the following requirements at all times when providing a transportation service: (1) the PTC Vehicle has a valid Ontario Ministry of Transportation Motor Vehicle permit, prior to commencement of use as a PTC Vehicle, and annually thereafter; (2) the PTC Vehicle, has a valid and current Ontario Ministry of Transportation Safety Standards Certificate, prior to commencement of use as a PTC Vehicle, and then annually thereafter; (3) the PTC Vehicle complies with all vehicle requirements set out in Part XI; 134 Every PTC shall issue to every affiliated PTC Driver an identification card in written or accessible electronic form providing the following information: (1) the first name and photograph of the PTC Driver; (2) the make, model and licence plate number of the PTC Vehicle(s) used by the PTC Driver Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 31 (3) the name and contact information of the PTC; and (4) the Insurance policy coverage for the PTC Vehicle. 135 Every PTC shall keep copies of the documents and information required under this Part for 3 years. 136 Every PTC shall make available to the City the records or information required in this Part within forty-eight (48) hours following a written demand by the City. 137 The City may refuse to grant or renew and may revoke or suspend a PTC Licence if the PTC fails to comply with any provision of this By -Law. 138 (1) Every PTC shall submit to the City supporting documentation, in a format acceptable to the City, and applicable fees quarterly in compliance with the fees listed in Schedulel, in relation to per transportation service and per driver fees. (2) Every PTC that does not provide accessible transportation services will pay an accessible service supplement as outlined in Schedule 1. 139 Every PTC shall, where the transportation service requested requires an accessible vehicle, and the PTC is not able to provide such transportation service, direct the person to an accessible taxicab service. PART XI - VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Vehicle Standards 140 Every taxicab and PTC vehicle shall: (a) be no more than ten (10) years old according to its model year; (b) meet the standards for the issuance of a Safety Standard Certificate of mechanical fitness; (c) be clean, and in good repair as to its interior and exterior, and, (d) have a heater and air conditioning system in proper working condition. 141 In addition to section 140, every taxicab shall be equipped with: (a) fender numbers, and properly functioning roof light; (b) a taxicab meter that, (i) has been calibrated to reflect the current fares; (ii) is in proper working order; and Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 32 (iii) has been tested and approved by an officer and mounted in a position so that it is clearly visible to passengers in the front and back seats of the taxicab. 142 In addition to section 140, every PTC vehicle shall have the PTC Identifier displayed in the location approved by the City. 143 All taxicab equipment shall be of a type approved by the City and shall be installed in locations approved by an officer. 144 Notwithstanding section 140 (a), a taxicab plate licensee or taxicab plate owner may apply for an extension of up to 2 years on the vehicle model year for a taxicab that is currently operating, provided the appropriate fee outlined in Schedule 1 is paid, the taxicab meets the remaining vehicle standards required in sections 140, 141, and 143, and the vehicle is inspected and approved by an officer. PART XII — INSPECTIONS and ORDERS Rights of Inspection 145 The City shall inspect all taxicabs annually. 146 An officer may, at any time when a taxicab or PTC Vehicle is not engaged in the transportation of passengers, enter and inspect the vehicle. 147 Every taxicab plate licensee, lessee or driver or PTC Driver shall submit or cause his vehicle to be submitted for inspection when required to do so by an officer. 148 An officer may require that a taxicab plate licensee, lessee or driver or PTC Driver submit his vehicle for inspection at an appointed time and place provided notice of the required inspection is given. 149 (1) An officer may require from any person the production of any licence, permit, trip sheet or any other document or electronic record in order to ensure compliance with this by-law. (2) An officer may remove any of the documents referred to in subsection (1) for the purpose of photocopying provided a receipt is given and the documents are returned within forty-eight (48) hours of removal. 150 No person shall prevent, hinder or interfere or attempt to prevent, hinder or interfere with an inspection of a vehicle for hire by an officer or the collection of information by an officer. 151 Any person operating a taxicab or providing transportation services with a PTC Vehicle shall provide identification in the form of an Ontario Driver's License to an officer upon request. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 33 Orders 152 Where an officer finds that a taxicab or PTC Vehicle does not comply with any of the vehicle requirements set out in Part XI, he may order the taxicab plate licensee, driver and/or lessee of the taxicab, or the PTC Driver to remedy the non-compliance. 153 All orders shall provide, (a) the taxicab plate number of the taxicab, or the license plate number of the PTC vehicle; (b) reasonable particulars of the non-compliance; (c) the date by which the non-compliance must be remedied; and (d) the final date for appealing the order. 154 All orders shall be served in the manner set out in section 198. 155 (1) If an order is not complied with by the date specified, the taxicab plate licence in respect of that taxicab shall be suspended and shall only be reinstated if the City receives satisfactory evidence of compliance. (2) If an order is not complied with by the date specified, the PTC shall be directed to prohibit the PTC Driver's access to the platform and shall only reinstate if the City receives satisfactory evidence of compliance. 156 No person shall fail to comply with an order. Unsafe Vehicles 157 (1) Where a taxicab is in a condition that poses a danger to the health or safety of the public, including but not limited to, body damage with sharp edges, holes in the floorboards, unserviceable tires, doors not closing properly, wire protruding from the seat or any other mechanical defect that would render the motor vehicle unsafe, an officer may take custody of the taxicab plate affixed to the taxicab and order that the taxicab be immediately removed from service. (2) If an order has been issued pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall operate or permit the operation of that taxicab until the danger has been removed, and the taxicab has been inspected by an officer. 158 Where a PTC Vehicle is deemed to be mechanically unsafe, including but not limited to body damage with sharp edges, holes in the floorboards, unserviceable tires, doors not closing properly, wire protruding from the seat or any other mechanical defect that would render the motor vehicle unsafe, the PTC shall be directed to prohibit the PTC Driver's access to the platform and shall only Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 34 reinstate once the danger has been removed and the PTC Vehicle has been inspected by an officer confirming compliance. PART XIII — SUSPENSIONS, CANCELLATIONS and REVOCATIONS Taxicab Driver's Licenses 159 An officer may suspend a taxicab driver's licence if the driver fails to comply with any provision of this by-law and require the driver to appear before the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee to review re -instatement of the license. 160 (1) When a taxicab driver has had his Ontario Driver's Licence suspended, cancelled or revoked, the taxicab driver shall immediately report that fact to the City and the taxicab driver's licence shall be deemed to be suspended as of the date of such suspension, cancellation or revocation. (2) A taxicab driver's licence that has been suspended under subsection (1) shall not be reinstated unless the City receives written confirmation that the Ontario Driver's Licence has been reinstated. (3) If the City does not receive written confirmation that the Ontario Driver's Licence has been reinstated within sixty (60) days from the date of the suspension, the taxicab driver's licence shall be revoked. Taxicab Plate Licenses 161 An officer may suspend or revoke a taxicab plate licence if the taxicab plate licensee fails to comply with any provision of this by-law and such non- compliance is not remedied within seven (7) days following notice from the City specifying the particulars of the non-compliance. 162 (1) When a taxicab plate licensee ceases to have a current valid Ontario Standard Automobile Insurance Policy in good standing, his taxicab plate licence shall be suspended as of the date on which such policy ceased to be in effect. (2) A taxicab plate licence that has been suspended under subsection (1) shall not be reinstated unless the City receives written confirmation that the insurance required by clause 43(b) is in place. (3) If the City does not receive written confirmation that the necessary insurance is in place within sixty (60) days from the date of the suspension, the taxicab plate licence shall be revoked. 163 (1) An officer may demand that a taxicab plate licensee or lessee file a current Safety Standard Certificate issued by an authorized vehicle inspection station for any taxicab registered to him, dated not prior to the Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 35 date of demand and may suspend a taxicab plate licence until the certificate has been filed. (2) Where the officer demands a Safety Standard Certificate pursuant to subsection (1), the taxicab plate licensee or lessee shall provide it within (3) three days. (3) Where a taxicab plate licence has been suspended under subsection (1), and where no certificate is filed with the City within sixty (60) days from the date of the suspension, the taxicab plate licence shall be revoked. Brokers 164 An officer may suspend or revoke a brokerage licence if the broker fails to comply with any provision of this by-law and such non-compliance is not remedied within seven (7) days following notice from the City specifying the particulars of the non-compliance. General 165 (1) When a taxicab driver's licence, taxicab plate licence or brokerage licence has been suspended, cancelled or revoked, the holder of the licence shall return it and, if applicable, the taxicab plate to the City within forty-eight (48) hours of the suspension, cancellation or revocation. (2) An officer may enter upon any business premises or into the taxicab of any licensee whose licence has been suspended, cancelled or revoked for the purpose of removing the licence and, if applicable, the taxicab plate. 166 No person shall refuse to deliver or in any way obstruct or prevent an officer from obtaining a licence that has been suspended, cancelled or revoked. 167 No person shall operate a taxicab or permit the operation of a taxicab by a driver whose taxicab driver's licence has been suspended, cancelled or revoked. 168 No person shall operate a taxicab or permit the operation of a taxicab in respect of which the taxicab plate licence has been suspended, cancelled or revoked. 169 No person shall operate a brokerage in respect of which the brokerage licence has been suspended, cancelled or revoked. 170 No person shall provide transportation services where the PTC has been required under this by-law to remove access to the platform for that PTC Driver. PART XIV — APPEALS Appeal Rights 171 Any Applicant may appeal the City's refusal to issue a licence. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 36 172 A person whose name has been removed from the plate eligibility list pursuant to section 78(5)(b) may appeal that decision. 173 A taxicab driver whose taxicab driver's licence has been suspended or revoked pursuant to section 159 may appeal that decision. 174 A taxicab plate licensee whose taxicab plate licence has been suspended or revoked pursuant to section 161 may appeal that decision. Filing of Appeal 175 All appeals must be submitted to the City within fourteen (14) days of the date of the decision or order being appealed. 176 All appeals shall be in writing and shall include, (a) the reason(s) for the appeal; (b) an identification of the appellant and any other party; (c) the name of any agent, representative or lawyer representing the applicant; (d) the municipal addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses for each person identified in clauses (b) and (c); and (e) the appeal fee set out in Schedule 1. Hearing 177 The Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee shall hear all appeals under this by-law. 178 Upon receipt of an appeal, the City shall, as soon as is practicable, notify the appellant and all other parties of the date, time and location of the hearing. 179 All hearings before the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee shall be conducted in accordance with Terms of Reference approved by Council. 180 If an appellant fails to appear at a hearing, the decision or order appealed shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if no appeal had been filed. Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee Powers 181 On an appeal, the VHAC may make any decision that the officer could have made and may make its decision subject to such conditions as it considers advisable. 182 When making its decision on an appeal, the VHAC shall have regard to the following matters (where applicable): (a) the purposes of this by-law as set out in Part II; Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 37 (b) the matters set out in section 16; (c) the appellant's record of complying or not complying with any of the provisions of this by-law or any condition imposed on a licence; (d) the results of any testing, training, educational or awareness program completed or not completed by the appellant; and (e) any other thing or matter relevant to the appellant's ability to hold a licence. 183 The decision of the VHAC on an appeal shall be final and binding. 184 Notice of the decision of the VHAC shall be given to the appellant and any other person present at the hearing. 185 The VHAC's decision shall take effect on the day that it is made. PART XV - OFFENCES / PENALTIES 186 (1) Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law, and every director or officer of a corporation who concurs in such contravention by the corporation, is guilty of an offence and, subject to subsection (2), upon conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding $25,000. (2) Where a corporation is convicted of an offence under subsection (1), the maximum penalty that may be imposed on the corporation is $100,000. 187 No person shall make a false or intentionally misleading statement of fact, statutory declaration, application or other document required by this by-law. 188 No person shall prevent, hinder or obstruct or attempt to prevent, hinder or obstruct an officer in the enforcement of this By-law. 189 Where an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has been committed by a person, the officer may require the name, address, and proof of identity of that person, and no person shall fail to provide the requested information. PART XVI - GENERAL Plate Replacement 190 When a taxicab plate is defaced, destroyed or lost, the taxicab plate licensee shall apply to the City for a replacement and shall pay the appropriate fee under Schedule 1 within 14 calendar days of the damage, loss or destruction. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 38 191 Where the taxicab plate is lost or destroyed, the taxicab plate licensee shall file a police report detailing the circumstances of the loss or destruction and the City shall issue a replacement plate. Compliance with Other Laws 192 In addition to every other requirement imposed by this by-law, every licence is issued subject to the condition that all federal, provincial and municipal laws, by- laws, rules, regulations, orders, approvals, permits, standards, and all other governmental requirements applicable to the operation of the business so licensed must be complied with. Changes 193 When a licensee changes his name or address or any information relating to his licence, he shall notify the City within forty-eight (48) hours of the change. 194 Where there is to be a change in the composition of a licensed partnership, the proposed change must be registered with the City. 195 Where there is to be a change in the composition or the controlling interest of a licensed corporation, the proposed change must be registered with the City. Fees 196 Persons receiving a service listed in Schedule 1 shall pay the fee set out in Schedule 1 for that service. Fare Adjustments 197 The fares set out in Schedule 2 shall be reviewed as needed by the Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee to determine whether to recommend a change to Council. Notice 198 Any notice required to be given under this by-law or any order served under Part XII shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given or served if delivered in person or sent by registered mail to the last address on file with the City. 199 Each notice given or order served shall be deemed to have been received on the day it was delivered or on the third business day after it was mailed, as the case may be, whether or not it is actually received. Repeal 200 By-law No. 6702/06 is repealed. Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 39 Short Title 201 This by-law may be cited as the Vehicle for Hire Licensing By-law. Effective Date 202 This by-law shall come into effect on January 1, 2020. BY-LAW enacted this day of December, 2019. (original signed by) David Ryan, Mayor (original signed by) Susan Cassel, City Clerk Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 40 SCHEDULE 1 FEES Taxicab Licence Fees Taxicab Plate owner licence (one year) Brokerage licence (one year) Taxicab driver's licence (two years) Plate owner licence — clean air cab (one year) City plate licence (one year) Accessible Taxicab Plate (private) Accessible Taxicab Plate (one year City owned) Personal Transportation Company Fees 1 — 25 Drivers (one year) 25-99 Drivers (one year) Greater than 100 Drivers (one year) $ 250.00 150.00 100.00 125.00 1,000.00 $125.00 1,000.00 $3,000.00 $9,500.00 $20,000/year PTC Drivers (based on the number of drivers with pick ups $15.00/driver originating in Pickering within previous 3 months - to be paid quarterly) Other Fees Transfer of taxicab plate ownership Filing an appeal Replacement of taxicab driver's licence Replacement of each tariff card Change of registered vehicle Re -inspection without taxicab meter Re -inspection with taxicab meter Lease filing Late Cancellation/No Show for Inspection Plate eligibility list application (every year) Extension of Vehicle Model Year Accessible Service Supplement: Taxicab Plate Licence (annually) Brokerage (annually) PTC (payable quarterly) $ 500.00 250.00 20.00 10.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 125.00 75.00 2,500.00 30 Cents/Trip Vehicle for Hire By-law xxxx/19 Page 41 SCHEDULE 2 TARIFFS/FARES 1. For the first one-eighth kilometer or part thereof $3.15 (incl. HST) 2. For each additional one-eighth kilometer or part thereof $0.25 (incl. HST) 3. For waiting time while under engagement, per minute $0.40 (incl. HST) Attachment #2 to Report BYL 02-19 Uber September 18, 2019 City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V 6K7 RE: Vehicle for Hire Licensing By-law/Taxicab Licensing By-law 6702/06 Dear Kimberly Thompson, We are pleased to see the inclusion of the ridesharing industry in Pickering's Vehicle -For -Hire By-law review. In light of the upcoming review, I provide the following submission directly to you with respect to proposed new By-law that you may wish to consider as part of your deliberations. In summary (in no particular order): 1. Clarification from Uber under PTC Duties, Section 119 and 134 2. Clarification to Uber under PART I — INTERPRETATION, Definitions, "Operate" 3. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 99, (5 e (i) and 5 g) and clarification from Uber under Section 99 (9) 4. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 99, 9 5. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 100 6. Amendment to Section 122 (7), PTC Driver Duties 7. Amendment to Section 125 (3), under PTC Duties 8. Amendment to Section 126 (2, a) and (2, b) 9. Amendment to Section 133 (1), under PTC Duties 10. Amendment to Section 136, under PTC Duties 11. Amendment to Section 139, under PTC Duties 12. Recommendations regarding PTC fees Uber 1. Clarification under PTC Duties, Section 119 and 134 Clarifying that this information is provided in the Uber Driver App in electronic form. No amendments required, but we would like to provide clarification for your records that this information sits within the App flow, and not in a physical or electronic "Card" format. 2. Clarification to Uber under PART I — INTERPRETATION, Definitions, "Operate" Uber only provides trip data, not when driver -partners are online and not on trip. We would also like clarification from staff on what is being referred to by "or otherwise accessing the PTC platform". 3. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 99 (5 e (i) and clarification under Section 99 (5 g) Recommended amendment to Section 99 (5 e (i): the farc ratc and/or surcharges. This wording is not relevant given upfront pricing in the Uber app. In reference to Section 99 (5 g), information on the accessibility of the Uber app is here: https://help.uber.com/riders/article/how-to-request-a-ride-with-voiceover?nodeld=fffObbd5-4930- 4fff-8783-66d4558d3b47 Additionally, below are Uber's policies and products as it relates to accessibility: • Uber's Community Guidelines: We want Uber to be enjoyable and safe for everyone. Our community guidelines lay out our policies as it relates to safety and accessibility. These ground rules are designed to ensure that riders and driver -partners are safe and respectful. Drivers and riders could lose access to the Uber platform if they violate these policies. See here: https://www.uber.com/ca/en/safety/uber-community-guidelines/ • Uber's Service Animal Policy: Uber has a Service Animal policy to reduce and hopefully eliminate instances of denial of service to a rider with a service animal and to ensure Uber driver -partners are fully aware of their obligations and consequences for failing to provide service to an individual with a service animal. See here for the policy: https://www. uber. com/en-CA/legal/policies/service-animal-policy/en-ca/ o It is both against Canadian laws and Uber's Non -Discrimination policy to deny an individual a ride in an Uber because they are traveling with a service animal. Under this policy, a confirmed denial of service will lead to an Uber driver -partner losing service to Uber's platform. Uber o We also have a blocking feature to our App, which will require Uber driver -partners to click to confirm acknowledgement and understanding of this animal service policy. All Uber driver -partners receive the in -app prompt in their first few days on the Uber platform. We also release ongoing education via email each quarter. • Blind and Low -Vision: With VoiceOver and wireless braille display compatibility, the Uber App provides a safe and reliable transportation option for the blind and visually impaired community. • Deaf & Hard -of -hearing: Uber designed product innovations to further economic opportunity for our deaf and hard of hearing driver -partners. Visible and vibrating alerts aid deaf and hard of hearing riders, and in -app features such as the ability to enter destination ensure effective communication from the rider to the driver -partner. 4. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 99, 9 Recommended amendment: an outline of the trarnmg program information provided to PTC Drivers prior to accessing the platform. 5. Amendment to Part X - Personal Transportation Companies Licence Application Requirements, Section 100 (1) Uber makes available to the public the insurance required hereunder that we maintain on behalf of driver-partners(101(3)). We do not make available our own CGL insurance (101(1)). We recommend removing this requirement. 6. Amendment to Section 122 (7), PTC Driver Duties We recommend against the use of identifiers for safety reasons as there is potential for fraud. As an example, the City of Mississauga recently decided to move away from identifiers (see the staff report here) stating that identifiers provide a "false sense of security and runs counter to the public safety goals of the [Mississauga] Pilot Project', and "only 8% of rideshare users checked the TNC Identifier before entering a vehicle (91% verified their trip via car description, licence plate, driver rating system, driver name/photo and vehicle condition). Additionally, Uber encourages passengers to check the license plate before getting into the vehicle. There is a "Check Your Ride" function in -app where passengers are notified of the license plate and make and model of the vehicle via push notification. See images below: USER E 1' Your driver is arriving David is arriving soon in a GMC Acadia (CCDM69Q). After arriving, they'll wait 2 minutes before charges begin or 1... 'tar workers and... HOW Meet at the pickup point for Hare Fionn MacCool's 9 Start 0 e1Qo5 5tE Meet Driver ) ( Now Textur uc 5 Rogers David has arrived 4.97* CCDM69n OMC Acadia Any pickup notes? 0 Uber 1 min away Arrive by 2 07 PM David has arrived CCDM690 GMC Acadia Any pickup notes? Always check the license plate, car details,am, and match the driver's photo. 7. Amendment to Section 125 (3), under PTC Duties We recommend this requirement be removed. Uber does not have a mandatory training program in place for Uber driver -partners. Instead, Uber provides information and education to driver -partners that they are required to receive before accessing the Uber platform (i.e. as it relates to accessibility, customer service etc.) Uber provided this information to the City of Pickering in a previous conversation. Uber has a global Incident Response Team (IRT), which manages cases as it relates to safety on the Uber platform. IRT works closely with local law enforcement to investigate and adjudicate on serious incidents to make a determination on access to the Uber platform. See attachment 1 and 2 for more information on reporting a safety incident and Uber's work with law enforcement. See also attachment 3 and 4 for more information on safety features in the Uber app. We would be happy to explore this more fully in conversation/meeting with you. Uber 8. Amendment to Section 126 (2, a) and (2, b) To increase flexibility of the platform, individuals who are interested in becoming driver -partners with Uber are able to complete different parts of the sign-up process at their convenience. This means that they may express interest in becoming a partner, i.e. sign up for an account, but not upload any or all of the required documents (e.g. driver's licence, vehicle registration) until months later. Only when all required documents are provided to and adjudicated by Uber are these individuals provided access to the platform. As such, driving record abstracts and criminal record searches may not be provided to Uber within 30 days of signing up, but they will be completed and provided to Uber prior to their first trip. We recommend removing the 30 -day requirement. The databases accessed by a criminal record search are available to police services nationwide. As such, it is not necessary to require that the criminal record search be conducted by a police service within the province of Ontario. We recommend removing this requirement. 9. Amendment to Section 133 (1) under PTC duties There is no way for Uber to know this information as it is managed by the Ministry of Transportation. To add, this is already a provincial requirement imposed on all drivers on the road. We recommend removing this requirement. 10. Amendment to Section 136 under PTC duties Recommended amendment: With respect to any PTC information or records requested by Municipal Law Enforcement Services for investigative or audit purposes, a PTC shall provide the requested records, or any reports based on the information requested in a format approved by the Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services within 30 days of the receipt of the request, unless the Manager requires the records or reports within 48 hours. 11. Amendment to Section 139, under PTC Duties Uber cannot provide information about specific taxicab service in the Uber app. We recommend removing this requirement. 12. Recommendations regarding PTC fees: Uber supports governments recouping the costs of regulatory compliance. However, municipal fees should be based on cost recovery. The proposed fees exceeds that of most comparable jurisdictions across Canada. No municipality or province in Canada that does not individually Uber license drivers have a per driver fee. We recommend fees similar to the City of Vaughan (i.e. one-time licensing fee of $10,000 + $0.11 per trip fee). See a few examples below for reference: Municipality Licensing Fee Per Driver Fee Per Trip Fee Accessibility Fee City of Toronto $20,000 $15/driver $0.30 None City of Ottawa $7,253 None $0.11 $0.07 City of Mississauga $20,000 None $0.30 None City of Guelph $7,253 None $0.11 $0.07 City of Brampton $20,000 None $0.11 None Town of Whitby $25,000 None None None City of Vaughan $10,300 None $0.11 None Province of Alberta $20,000 None $0.30 None Province of Quebec $20,000 None $0.30 None Attachment #3 to Report BYL 02-19 From: Jeff Brandt Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 3:21 PM To: Litoborski, Jason Cc: Thompson, Kim D. ; Funsho Owolabi ; Melanie Goggins Subject: Re: Vehicle for Hire Licensing Jason, We've reviewed the proposed bylaw. Given that it is largely consistent with communities around the GTA, we do not have any comments at this time. I am heading on leave, but have copied my colleague Melanie Goggins, in case you have follow up questions. Jeff On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 5:22 PM Jeff Brandt <jbrandt@lyft.com> wrote: Hi Jason, Thank you. You can consider myself and my colleague Funsho (from Lyft's Public Policy team) as points of contact. We will take a look at the draft and provide comments as soon as we can. Thank you for reaching out. Best, Jeff On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 5:39 AM Litoborski, Jason <jlitoborski@pickering.ca> wrote: Jeff, Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The previous contact I was given was Dan Moulton, I never heard back from him and understand he is no longer with Lyft. I also had tried emailing the enforcement team but also never received any response. The City would appreciated Lyft's comments and input, as we only recently received your contact information from a neighboring municipality the timeline for comments is reduced. They City undertook a public consultation which has now closed but if we could get Lyft's comments in the next 2 weeks that would be appreciated. Take care, Jason Litoborski c.P.s.o. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer II 1 Corporate Services Division 905.420.4660 ext. 2045 1 1.866.683.2760 jlitoborskipickerinq.ca 1 From: Jeff Brandt <jbrandt@lyft.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 7:13 PM To: Litoborski, Jason <jlitoborski@pickering.ca> Cc: Thompson, Kim D. <kthompson@pickering.ca>; Funsho Owolabi <funsho@lyft.com> Subject: Re: Vehicle for Hire Licensing Hi Jason, Who have you previously reached out to at Lyft regarding this matter --I want to be sure that no action has previously been taken. Otherwise, we can review the draft bylaw. What is the timeline for providing input on the draft? Thanks, Jeff On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 11:06 AM Litoborski, Jason <jlitoborski@pickering.ca> wrote: The City of Pickering has been trying to contact Lyft with regards to licensing and regulation of the ride sharing industry in the City of Pickering. I have been provided your name as a contact for Lyft with regards to municipal licensing, the City of Pickering has prepared a draft bylaw and has conducted a public consolation regarding the draft Vehicle for Hire By-law. The City would like to have Lyft review the draft by-law and provide comments as soon as possible, the shortcut to the webpage is : www.pickering.ca/VFH. I have also attached a copy of the draft by-law with this email. We look forward to your input and comments. Jason Litoborski c.P.s.o. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer II 1 Corporate Services Division 905.420.4660 ext. 2045 1 1.866.683.2760 jlitoborski@pickering.ca 2 Attachment #4 to Report BYL 02-19 Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Ajax, Ontario L1S 1R4 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? Yes Date Submitted: 8/24/2019 Comments: My stand allways the same please bring law equal for all system democratic system allow equal opportunity me being the stake holder it is a matter of time as a company when it will be impossible to sustain every one comes in kicks us weather it is the city or the consumer and now the insurance company it is hard to keep affording the high prices of insurance i understand you have studied the industries and see what the surrounding city has done please whatever u do keep those things in mind Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1W 3H6 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 8/13/2019 Comments: I'm in favour of Personal Transportation Companies such as UBER, Lyft etc operating in Pickering under the proposed bylaw. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1V 3B9 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 8/13/2019 Comments: Hello I find the services like Uber to be far superior to regular taxis, price wise and safer. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1V6N4 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 8/13/2019 Comments: I believe that in the suburbs, it's so important to have a competitive market in the options for transit around the city. With Pickering's (and durham region's) transit system being less than reliable, having the ride share option for those quick trips to the store or mall or to the GO station is so important. While taxi's may be a decent option for some, in 2019, we need companies who utilize cashless and touchless payment options that are quick and easy to use, such as Lyft and Uber. While not perfect services, they have been extremely helpful to get around the city when my car has been out of service or if I planned on going out for dinner (while having a drink or two) where I would absolutely not drive. We definitely need these services so please do not make it harder for them to operate. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 PICKERING, ON L1V5K9 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 7/25/2019 Comments: I one day will drive for uber or Lyft & I think their services will be needed esp. when we get the casino & airport up and running. Taxi's alone will not suffice the needs for the City of Pickering. Make it happen! We are growing in the right direction! Thx Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1w1h4 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 7/19/2019 Comments: Uber and Lyft are the best things since sliced bread. I don't drive and now I am able to get around. Taxi cabs are not not convenient or affordable and is way more expensive in Pickering than in Toronto. Things are fine the way they are so there is no need to over regulate and mess up a good thing. Also good job to Durham Region Transit for offering summer fares for students and free rides for children. That also helps me to get around. These are good moves. Adding further regulation to Uber is not. Please leave it alone. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1v2y3 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 7/18/2019 Comments: We need a level field where taxi and personal transportation can compete effectively Maintenance and licensing requirements should be equal. Rates for personal transportation should not be allowed to be tripled when increased usage is needed (such as go train stoppage or snow storms).back ground checks should be the same for all to ensure public safety. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1 W 1 G3 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 7/18/2019 Comments: I haven't been able to find the draft by-law anywhere. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1V5C9 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 7/18/2019 Comments: I think if you are going to provide a taxi or taxi like service, all must abide by the same rules vis a vis insurance, training, etc. It is unfair to expect cab drivers and companies to pay extra fees and insurance costs and then still be able to compete with a the likes of Uber and other rideshare apps who chronically underpay their drivers while having none of the costs associated with essentially being a taxi. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 PICKERING, Ontario L1W2Z3 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/29/2019 Comments: This is an important initiative. Right now, Lift and Uber drivers have an unfair advantage over taxi drivers, since they are not subject to the rigorous regulations that taxi drivers are required to adhere to. Also, this is important to ensure the safety and protect of our community. I can't see any reasonable arguments to oppose this idea. This makes sense and I hope the council follows through on it. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1V 7G7 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/26/2019 Comments: i use Uber on a regular basis and have never had a bad experience. I bring my 4 year old daughter in the car and bring her car seat too and no one has ever given me any problems. As someone who does not have a car and takes public transit everyday, I need Uber as a back up in case I need to leave work in Pickering and pick up my daughter from school in Ajax immediately if she is sick or injured. Also I use Uber on the weekends when buses do not run frequently enough or when it is nighttime. I feel safer in an Uber than I do on public transit. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1X)b6 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/24/2019 Comments: Requiring drivers to obtain licenses to drive in a for -hire situation is contradictory to the way online services such as Uber and Lyft operate. These companies have safety measure in place to help prevent crime and issues during a ride. They are the future of for -hire rides. Taxis are dying. By requiring drivers to obtain a local license, you are discouraging those (who even know about this bylaw) to drive, which increases prices for riders. These are the exact people you are serving. Overall, City revenues will fall due to fewer licenses and riders will be forced to pay higher prices given there will be fewer drivers. This is a lose -lose proposal. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1W2V4 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/22/2019 Comments: There should be a mandatory course for the foreign taxi drivers & their business owners on MANNERS & RESPECT towards customers. I worked for a local taxi company and they treated their drivers like crap & did not care about fixing the cabs. They disrespected the customers. Each & every driver should care immensely about customers especially with Uber & Lyfte now. The Uber & Lyfte drivers should have to be checked for a police check! every few months & a drivers abstract. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Greenwood, Ontario LOH 1H0 Email: Phone Number Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/20/2019 Comments: There are too many rules. Enough laws, just put this into educating the public. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1V 1E8 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/15/2019 Comments: Allow Uber, Lyft and other PTC providers to operate in the city of Pickering with minimal restrictions. It really makes sense for us commuters since the public transportation system in Pickering is extremely limited. I request that the City of Pickering should not bow down to the pressure tactics of Taxi companies Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6S9 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/13/2019 Comments: I agree with the proposed vehicle for hire by-law. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ont LoB1A0 Email: Phone Number Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/13/2019 Comments: My comments here may not be what you're referring to but for over 1/4 century , CLASSIQUE Van Service has provided our family with airport rides of excellence. I'm distressed to hear that they are suffering in part from inferior, cheaper competition . Please try to come to their aid. Their vans, drivers and administration are the icing on every trip as they provide clean, safe, efficient , worry -free care at either end of every adventure. . Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 PICKERING, ON Email Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/13/2019 Comments: Kim: the issues of car sharing for example Zipcar and scooter sharing for example Bird are impacting Public Works and the road allowances that they may be parked on or left in place. Is there any thought to include in this by-law or introduce another one to address this burgeoning issues. Thanks= Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, Ontario L1W2W4 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/11/2019 Comments: I support Uber's business model and operation in Pickering. My family has used it continuously for many year without incident. If the City feels its needs to have some sort of bylaw in place then it should do so with limited interference to Uber's existing model. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, ON L1V3A5 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/11/2019 Comments: I use ride -sharing services (Lyft, primarily) at least once a week.The convenience offered by the services (and the prices) are secondary to the fact that these services have eliminated all of the problems I used to have with legacy cab companies. In the past, I'd had drivers reject rides because they were too short, have broken debit machines and insist that I pay cash, had horrible drivers who didn't know their way around - or worse, aggressive dangerous drivers. It's time for the industry to adapt to the on -demand economy that has been created. It's more than just transportation - disruption is happening in food services, home services and more. I strongly support the introduction of new services and technology and would support anything the city or region can do to make ride -sharing services like Lyft or Uber more affordable, easier to operate, and more accessible to the public. Proposed Vehicle for Hire By-law Public comments received through online form June, July, August 2019 Pickering, On L1 W 1 G9 Email: Phone Number: Industry Member? No Date Submitted: 6/11/2019 Comments: Please, please, please do not do away with our ability to use ride -sharing companies OR taxis. As a consumer, I should have the ability to choose my provider, so long as they are safe. Competition is a good thing. Please be forward thinking. I work in the insurance industry, and if we are able to support this industry, I think government should be able to as well. Thank you