HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 4593/95 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 4593/95 Being a by-law to amend By-law 1562/82 temporarily closing roads for construction purposes (Sheppard Avenue, Fairport Road, Notion Road and Hillcrest Road). WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the predecessor of section 208.43 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 1562/82, providing for the temporary closing of roads under the jurisdiction of the Town for construction purposes, and it is necessary to amend that By-law in certain respects; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-law 1562/82 is hereby amended by adding thereto the Items set out in Schedule I to this by-law. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of March, 1995. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor./-/. Bruce Taylor, Clerk TOWN OF' PICKERING APPROVED AS TO FORM LEGAL DEPT. Attachment For By-Law #1562/82 Temporary Road Closure for Construction -Sheplmrd Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AVENUE EDGEWOOD SPRUCE LOCATION MAP TF, MI~()I(ARY ROAI) ( I,()SIJRI,: Shcppard Aveime - fi'om Fairport Road to Whiles Road Road closed flora March 21, 1995 Io June 30,1995 CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Inslallalion of Sanilary Sewers · On Sheppard Aveoue, betweeo Fairport Road and Spruce I lill Road to provide servicing to existing homes. Road hnprovements (asphalt resurhciug m~d curb/gutter) · Oo Sheppatd Avcnue, belween Fairport Road and Spruce I lill Road to racet with thc prcvious road iulproveulcnls. hlslallalion of Sidewalk · behvccn FaiipoH Road and Spruce lliII Road · to be located on the ninth and south bou[cvmd Coml~lcte ]~eslm'aliou ({hix'cx~ay, g~ading and sodding xq~crc icqui~cd ) · lo all areas all,'clod The Town of Picketing ~s ~r~ Closings for Cons~ct~on ~s LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT File m303 Tcntporary Road Closure for Construction - Fairport Road PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Fairport Road - from Sheppard Aveque to GIenanna Road Road closed from March 21, 1995 Lo October 31,1995 CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: InsLallafion o£SLorm Sewers · On Fairport Road, between Shcppard Avcnuc and Glen:ama Road Io fi~cillalc road draiaagc, Io provide servicing lo existing holnCS and servicing fur I'uha'e Iol~. Installation o£SaaiLary Sewers · On Fairport Road, between Shcppard Avenue aad Glenanna Road Io provide servicing to cxisfing homes and serviciag for [uLure lots. Watermain Replacement · On Fairport Road, between Sheppard Avenue and Glenanna Road Lo replace older watermains and to relocale to a slandard location. ComplcLe Road Reconslrucfion & Widening(excavation, graaular base, asphalt, and curb/gutter) · On Fairport Road, between Shcppard Avenue and Glenamm Road to urbanize the street · On FairporL Road, between Glenanna Road and Finch Avenue carb and gullet will be placed on lhc wcst side to compleLe Ihe urbanization. I~,cplnccmcnl of Box Ct~lvcrl · On Fai~port Road south of Boaita Avenue. Inslallalioa of Sidewalk · On Fairport Road, between Shcppard Avenue and Glcnamm Road Io be IocaLed on thc cnst boulevmd Comldctc I>,csloralion (drivcx~ays.grading and sodding whole lequilcd ) · lo ~fll areas affected The Town of Pickering [ Roads Temporary Closings for Construction Purposes LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTI File w2303 Attachment For By-Law # 1562/82 Temporary Road Closure for Construction - Notion Road PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Notion Road - from Pickering Parkway to Kingston Road Road closed £rom April 3, 1995 to Augost 31,1995 CONSTRUCTION INCI.UDES: Inshdlation of Slorm Sewers · On Notion Road between Picketing Parkway and approximately 250 tach'cs north of Orchard Road to facilitate road drainage. Walcrmain Improvements · On Notion Road between Picketing Parkway and approximately 250 metres north of Orchard Road Complete Road Reconstruction & Widening (excavalion, granular base, asphalt, and curb/gutter) · On Notion Road, between Picketing Parkway and approximalely 250 metres nm'ih of Orchard Road Io urbanize the street. Inslallalion of Sidewalk j · between Picketing Parkway and approximately 250 tach'cs north of Orchard Road · lo be Iocalcd on thc casl and west boulevard Complete Restoration (driveways. grading and sodding where rcquiled ) · lo all areas af[bclcd The Town of Picketing T~m~orary Closings for Construction Purposes LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT File W2303 Attachment For By-Law # 1562/82 Temporary Road Closure roi' Construction- Hillcrest Road PUBLIC WORKS DEI~ARTMENI' LOCATION MAP I'EMI'ORARY ROAD CLOSURE: l lillcrest Road - between Wesl Shore Boulevard aad 90 metres north of Oklahoma Drive R. oad closed fi'om May 1,1995 to September 30, 1995 CONSTRUCTION INCI,UI)F,S: Storm Scwcr hnjn'ovcmcnls · On I lillcrest Road, between West Shore Boulevard and 90 metres north of Oklahoma Drive lo upgrade Ihe existiug system Complete Road Reconstruction & Wide,ting (excavation, granular base, asphalt, and curb/gutter) · On Hillcrest Road, between West Shore Boulevard and 90 metres north of Oklahoma Drive. Complele Restoration (driveway, grading and sodding where required ) · to all areas affected The Town of Pickering re, ads Temporary Closings for Construction Purposes LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT File ~2303 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING ~-LAW NO. 1562/82 Being a by-law for closing temporarily to all traffic for construction purposes portions of highways under the Town's jurisdict ion. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 208.43 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 302, by4aws may be passed by the council of a municipality for closing temporarily any highway or portion of a highway under the jurisdiction of the municipality for any period during the construction, repairing or improvement of such highway or portion thereof or of any works under, over, along, across or upon such highway or portion thereof; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those highways or portions of highways set out in Column I of Schedule A attached hereto shall be temporarily closed to traffic between those limits set out in Column II therein, during those hours set out in Column Ill therein, on those days set out in Column IV therein, for the period of time set out in Cohirm~ V therein. 2. While a highway or portion thereof is closed to traffic pursuant to section I, above, there shall be erected at each end of such highway or portion thereof, and where an alternative route deviates therefrom, a barricade upon which an adequate wan~ing device shall be exposed and in good working order continuously from sunset until sumise and at such points there shall be erected a detour sign indicating the alternative route and containing a notice that the highway is closed to traffic. 3. Every person who uses a highway or portion of a highway while it is closed to traffic pursuant to this by-law does so at his own risk and the Town is not liable for any damages sustained by a person using the highway or portion thereof so closed to traffic. 4. Every person who without lawful authority uses a highway or portion thereof closed to traffic pursuant to this by-law and while it is protected in accordance with this by-law, or who removes or defaces any b~ricade, device, detour sign or notice placed thereon by lawful authority, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a penalty of not more than $50.00 and is also liable to the Town for any damage or injury occasioned by such wrongful use, removal or defacement. 5. This by-law shall not operate to close te,npor~ily for a specified period of time in excess of seventy-two hours, any highway or portion thereof that enters upon or intersects the King's Highway without the consent of the Minister of Transportation and Communications, pursuant to section 24 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 421, and the registration of the by-law in the Land Registry Office. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of October, 1982. ",lohn E. AndersoN" Mayor (Signed) 'B ~_c~_T&v!or" Clerk (Signed)