HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 17-1964 ,0/ DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: FIN 17-19 Date: October 21, 2019 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Proposed Environmental Schools Grant for 2020 Budget Recommendation: 1. That Council support and direct City staff to work with the respective school boards to implement an Environmental Schools Grant initiative; 2. That Council provide 2020 pre -budget approval in the amount of $8,750 (account 2195.2712.0000) in the General Government section of the Current Budget for an Environmental Schools Grant initiative; 3. That City staff annually report to Council, the results achieved through the Environmental Schools Grant; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering administers a Community Grant program that is available to local non-profit community groups. The City provides on average, funding to 37 Pickering based community groups. The Community Grant Policy does not apply to schools or school related extracurricular activities. Currently with 24 individual schools in Pickering, it would be difficult to financially administer and would negatively impact the ability of non-profit community groups to access funds if schools and related extracurricular were eligible for community grant funding. This challenge presented an opportunity for the City to establish a new environmental grant specifically for schools. The intent is to provide an opportunity for thousands of Pickering students to implement activities that contribute to a healthy environment. Funded activities, programs or initiatives must provide an environmental benefit to the Pickering community and its residents, have clear, measurable benefits and results, and directly support the City's goal to continuously improve environmental sustainability. The attached Environmental Schools Grant Application Guidelines outline the purpose, eligibility, availability and administration of funds, reporting and allocation, assessment criteria, and project ideas. The grant addresses the requests and aspirations of this important stakeholder group and future environmental leaders to implement projects that enhance the Pickering community, while not impacting other non-profit community groups. FIN 17-19 October 21, 2019 Subject: Proposed Environmental Schools Grant for 2020 Budget Page 2 The grant does not replace funds or work that school boards are mandated to provide to schools. The types of projects outlined in the Guidelines, are typically undertaken only when dollars are raised and available through parent committees, School Community Council and external grants applied to by teachers. The City's grant will provide equitable access, essentially enabling all students, especially those who attend schools in less affluent areas, to undertake initiatives they otherwise could not. In addition, as staff reframe some existing programs, this is an opportunity to create new partnerships and encourage the community to champion even more 'on the ground' sustainable initiatives. As outlined in the Guidelines, it's suggested that Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board each have access up to $4,000 for their respective schools. The Ontario French Public School Board can apply for up at $750; to reflect the fact that there is only one school in Pickering. Staff have met with all three school boards and they are excited about this opportunity. Financial Implications: Recommendation three is asking for 2020 pre -budget approval in the amount of $8,750 be allocated in the Community Grants section of the Current Budget. Pre- budget approval is required to align the program to match the school year of September to June. It Council approves the funding, staff will contact the respective school boards so that they can begin to work on their various initiatives with a target completion date of June 2020. Discussion: Research was conducted to review ten other municipally administered environmental grant programs. Pickering's Environmental Schools Grant reflects best practices, however, is unique in many ways including, its approach to reduce the City's administrative time. Individual schools will submit Project Details (specifics outlined in Guidelines) to their respective school board. School boards will review Project Details to ensure alignment with the Assessment Criteria. They will then prepare one application that outlines the complete list of projects they recommend to be funded — ensuring not to exceed the allowable amount, and submit to City staff for final review. At the end of the school year, each board is responsible for submitting a report outlining how the funds were used and how the City was recognized. The grant will provide thousands of Pickering students the means to implement activities that contribute to a healthy environment, therefore, allowing them to enhance and promote environmental awareness in Pickering. An interesting and positive result of the grant will be the increased awareness of the parents as it relates to the environment. A study conducted at the North Carolina University found that children can increase their parents' level of concern about the environment because unlike adults, their views on the issue do not generally reflect any entrenched political ideology. The study's results suggest that conversations between generations may be an effective starting point in increasing environmental awareness. FIN 17-19 October 21, 2019 Subject: Proposed Environmental Schools Grant for 2020 Budget Page 3 Attachments: 1. Environmental Schools Grant Application Guidelines Prepared By: Chantal Whitaker Supervisor, Sustainability Approved/Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer al. 15, scvci DICKERING Attachment 1 to Report FIN 17-19 Environmental Schools Grant Application Guidelines pickering.ca Purpose of the Grant The Environmental Schools Grant offers financial support to school boards to help enable schools in Pickering to implement activities that contribute to a healthy environment. Funded activities, programs or initiatives must provide an environmental benefit to the Pickering community and its residents. Who is Eligible • Durham District Public School Board • Durham Catholic District School Board • Ontario French Public School Board Available Funds The number of schools and Pickering students served by each school board varies. In order to be fair and equitable, the Durham District Public School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board can each apply to receive up to $4,000.00 per year. The Ontario French Public School Board can apply to receive up to $750.00 per year. Funds can be combined with other grants to support the project(s). Administration of Funds The City of Pickering will issue the Environmental Schools Grant to the school boards. School boards are to request their respective Pickering schools to, if interested, submit project ideas. Schools must provide the following Project Details in a PDF format: • school name • key contact person • description of project idea and how it addresses an environmental matter • description of anticipated environmental benefits and measurable results • who is undertaking the project and who will be engaged • long-term maintenance plan (if applicable) • in-kind or funding partners (if applicable) • timeframe to complete the project • total project cost and what the funds will be used for School boards will do a review of the project details to ensure alignment with the Grant Application Guidelines. The school boards will complete the City of Pickering's Grant Application, outlining the list of environmental projects, from both elementary and secondary schools, they recommend to be funded - ensuring not to exceed the allowable amount. The school boards may submit one or several projects. Application Deadline Each school board is requested to complete the online Grant Application, outlining the proposed environmental project(s) on or before December 20, 2019. Project Details need to be attached. Reporting and Allocation of Funds Prior to the end of the school year, each school board is responsible for submitting a brief two -three page report outlining how the funds were used, including photographs (where feasible) and how the City was recognized. Upon receipt and review of the final report, the City will issue the full grant payment to the school board. What Will the City Not Fund? • Activities, programs or initiatives that take place outside of Pickering's municipal boundary or provided by other levels of government • Reimbursement (for initiatives that have already been completed) • Administrative school expenses such as salaries, rent, utilities, insurance, etc. • Travel, accommodation or attendance fees for a conference/seminar/workshop • Donations made by the school to another organization Assessment Criteria Activities, programs and initiatives must meet the following criteria: • Be undertaken by a school located in Pickering • Positively impact the Pickering community and residents • Directly support the City's goal to continuously improve environmental sustainability • Have clear, measurable benefits and results, and preferably be long-lasting • Complete Project Details (see above) provided • Funds must be used by the end of the school year Consideration will be given to the distribution of funds across all of Pickering and whether a school has received the Sustainable Schools Grant in the previous year. The City reserves the right to reject a project if it does not meet the Assessment Criteria. What are examples of fundable projects? There are lots of fun, exciting ways to help make our lives, our City and our schools more sustainable. Pickering schools have lead many remarkable environmental projects. Drawing from what others have done, below are examples of project ideas: Reducing Waste Eliminating single use plastics Education campaigns on proper waste diversion practices and waste audits Encouraging Active Transportation Bike rack installation Incentives for a bike/walk event at school Promoting Anti -Idling in Kiss 'n Ride Areas Distributing fake tickets for idling or rewards for those who turn off their engines Education and awareness campaigns Helping Birds, Butterflies, and other Species Providing pollinator habitat Raising and releasing butterflies, fish and/or water invertebrates Reducing Energy Consumption Equipping classrooms with energy monitors and auditing their use Holding awareness, or `power down' events throughout the school year Greening School Grounds Native and drought -resistant plant gardens Tree planting Growing Green Thumbs for Local Food Indoor food growing projects Outdoor veggie boxes or vegetable garden beds Questions about the Environmental Schools Grant can be directed to the Supervisor, Sustainability at 905.420.4660 ext. 2170 or cwhitaker @,,pickerinq.ca Alternate formats of the Environmental Schools Grant Application Guidelines are available upon request at 905.683.7575.